Alright listen up please I wanna go over a couple of things
And in order to attract you wanna give me an order calling eight hundred number
Channel let's go
Exhausting being mean
Get over there start shooting worlds gonna wanna know how we did this
He had taken again
I always make it through that are
I promise you this there is a way out i'll find it
I promise you this though message I promise you this there is a way out i'll find it
I was born six weeks premature my own mother couldn't keep me
I'll be back soon
I'm going to go in and see if they add up to a way out
It's not going to collapse how do I know that because you don't see what I have without an instinct for the torque of a given situation understand
Or by sixty in the first quarter will do cut down thirty in the second
Raisin bran are walking
Roy moore
Roy Nord - Daylight Soundboard Sound
So if you pray pray if you don't might be good time take it up
Speak english al yet
The territory beyond it's still out there
They wish it was saturday now
Thousand dollars doesn't even work in hand
Well I think i'll take a look
You think i'm at start second guessing myself now because of some gutless paramedic you better get a reality check and quit wasting my time instead of sending those people in here
You want to gamble let's gamble
You want to get your hopes up go ahead little hope never heard anybody