A country idyll, countryside atmosphere (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Air escaping from punctured tyre (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Arrow landing (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Assorted sheep bleating (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Birds taking off (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Booing and bleating (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Bottle top tester (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Breaking down door (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Bristle backed duck (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Bubbling sound (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Busy atmosphere (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Busy workshop atmosphere (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Clang and drop of cymbals (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Clanging (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Clock cartoon (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Clock nightmare (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Clockwork airship inflator (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Clockwork mechanism (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Coathanger bender (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Coconut milk extractor (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Cod indoor fight (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Cod machinery operating (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Colliding traffic with horns (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Crash of piano (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Crowd panic (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Crowd panic and rush for exits (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
English club chatter (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Ewe and lamb bleating (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Experimental laboratory (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Falling pennies (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Father owl hooting (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Feeble applause (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Feet overhead on wood (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Flights of arrows (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Frantic banging and clanging (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Glass bottles tipped on to floor (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Group in foreground running to stop (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Half a dozen werewolves (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Half hearted hurrahs and cheers (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Hammer testing (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Ice creaking and cracking (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Indisposed chicken, (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Knocking with doors opening and closing (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Large bird taking off, three attempts (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Long, drawn out crash (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Man dragged out of piano (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Man drinking bucket of cold cocoa (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Man snoring (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Masticating apple (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Mating cry of young donkey (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Mighty balloon bursts (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Milk bottle breaking (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
More or less normal chicken (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Mother owl hooting (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Musical explosion (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One bluebottle circling at seven foot (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One donkey donkeying (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One drawbridge opening sideways (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One goose gobbling (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One pair of feet approach and explosion (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One pair of feet approach and stop (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One pair of feet approach to door, door open and close, feet depart (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One pair of feet overhead and removing boots (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One penny dropped (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One penny dropped (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One ship colliding (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One tree sagging and crashing (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
One whoosh, two whooshes (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Oriental workshop (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Paddle steamer rhythm (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Portcullis closing (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Pouring liquid (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Radiophonic stomach, including explosion, whoosh, bubbling and belch (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Raucous party, with smashing glass, screams, footsteps and whipping sounds (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Rocket ship antics (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Rocket ship explodes (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Rocket ship landing (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Rocket ship takes off (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Run to distance and return (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Run to distance and splash (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Sawing stale bread (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Sawing tree and crash (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Scuffle with twangs (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Sequence played on ****' harp (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Several men coughing (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Several men snoring (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Shovelling tins (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Single cork pop and heavy guzzling (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Single projectile approach and ricochet (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Single woodpecker practising (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Small group cheering (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Smoked herring gull (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Snoring (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Squeaky feet, door open and close with squeak (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Squeaky trolley (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Squeaky trolley bumped along (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Stove dropped (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Strolling through ovens, oven door open and close (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Studio Native Americans whooping (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Swordfight with shots and groans (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Tap turned on, fizzy liquid gurgles out (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Things falling and clanging (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Three impact crashes (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Three whooshes with ripping fabric (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Traffic jam, pause, jam with moving traffic (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Train crash (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Trio of horse neighs (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Twangs made using metal ruler (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Twangs made using wooden ruler (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Two people run to distance and double splash (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard
Wild boars having tea (Specially created effect) from Comedy Sounds Soundboard