Main Content
A pendulum summon a monster.
A simple card tricks are for amateurs. I perform card masterpieces.
Ah, I see that you also know dark magician strengths and weaknesses.
And the one true master of Dark magician.
Arcane's Magic Show will delight with fright.
Attack Legion, the fiend jester.
Attack my ever faithful servant.
Because you treat your monsters as equals, not as minions who serve you.
Brace yourself for Legion the fiend jester.
But how?
But I'll quickly turn this dream into a nightmare.
Cleaver heber.
Come on out, the illusory gentleman.
Come on out.
D Pandora attacks.
D Pandora's affect activates.
Dark magic attack.
Dark magic curtain.
Dark magician girl.
Direct attack.
Do you know why you couldn't defeat me?
Fire. It's ectoplasm.
Forgive me, master Merrick.
Forgive me, Merrick.
From my hand.
Get him.
Give me another chance. Spare me from the shadow realm.
Guy Ritual summon a monster.
Here comes Pandora's jewelry box.
Here comes the greatest magician of all.
Here I go.
Hi activate a field spell.
Hi activate my monsters effect.
High attack.
How could I lose in my own show?
How does it feel to duel against a perfect deck?
How's this possible? My deck was clearly better than yours.
I activate a continuous spell.
I activate a quick play spell.
I activate an effect.
I activate my continuous spell dark room of nightmare.
I activate my spell card back into the dark.
I activate my spell card curse breaker.
I activate my trap card dark renewal.
I activate my trap card tragedy.
I activate the spell card magical star illusion.
I am Arcana, expert illusionist and greatest of merricks rare hunters.
I attack you directly.
I believe I've proven my worth, master Merrick.
I draw.
I draw.
I draw.
I end my turn.
I end my turn.
I flip over my face down card.
I Fusion summon a monster.
I honed this technique since my apprentice days.
I know it's your lifelong dream to duel me.
I set a card on the field.
I set a card.
I set a monster on the field.
I set the pendulum scale.
I special summon a monster.
I summon a monster in attack position.
I summon a monster in defense position.
I synchro summon a monster.
I tribute a monster.
I tribute summon a monster.
I tricked you. Mystical tomatoes affect activates.
I will make you suffer twice as hard.
I'll leave the rest to you.
I'll make you pay.
Iccees summon the monster.
If you harbor any illusions of winning, I'll crush them for you.
Impossible, my dark magician.
Impossible. Dark magician should no longer be in your deck.
It's clear you're all out of tricks.
It's my turn.
It's my turn.
It's no magic that my deck is superior to yours.
It's the grand finale.
It's your turn.
Join us, trapmaster.
Just stay out of my way.
Legion of the Fiend Jesters Effect activates.
Let's battle.
Look at you, cowering behind your monster, desperately trying to stave off defeat.
Magical King Moon star attacks.
Magical King Moon Stars effect activates.
Malice doll of demise attacks.
Monster reborn.
Monsters only serve as fodder for victory.
Mr Merrick, please finish this duel as only you can.
My continuous trap activates.
My counter trap activates.
My mix of power and magic makes for an unbeatable spectacle.
My monster will be turned into a hollow shell, but I don't care as long as I win.
My quick play spell anti magic arrows.
My show will have more twists than you'll ever expect.
My trap activates.
My turn.
Mystic tomato attacks.
Never play games with a magician.
No matter what you try, I'll still win.
No one said this would be curtains for me.
OK, it's still only the opening act.
Pandora's jewelry box attacks.
Pandora's jewelry box Pendulum effect activates.
Pandoras jewelry boxes affect activates.
Ready for this? I think not.
Show yourself.
Since your cards annoy me, I'll simply not allow you to play them.
So witness my true magic.
The continuous spell ectoplasmic.
The king of all dark magicians.
There only needs to be 1 duelist who wields dark magician.
There's no way.
They activate the spell card card shuffle.
This brings the show to a close.
This card will do Mystic tomato.
This is the key to my victory.
This is turning into quite the performance.
This is why I'm the master of magicians.
This monster should strike you with fear. Malice doll of demise.
This spell card drains the very soul of my monster to create pure concentrated energy.
This spell card will slice and dice thousand knives.
This tool will decide the real master of magicians.
Time to spice up this show.
Trap Masters effect activate.
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What's summoning speed such quick spells and combos?
Whatever, any signs of trouble are merely an illusion.
Why would you ever challenge a magician to a game of cards?
Winning feels so great.
You can't command the respect with kindness and trust.
You fell right into my trap.
You haven't seen my best tricks yet.
You want me to do with honor and ruin all the fun? Never.
You'll pay for that.
You've already fallen for my sleight of hand.
Your cards speak to you seriously.
Yugioh duel links.
Yugioh duel links.