And sorry we couldn't get you in here today walter look what i found from Ironworx Walt(er)
And this here is walter he's a personal friend from Ironworx Walt(er)
Any questions we'll defer to walt-'cause he's been teaching here since uh when was it one thousand eight hundred and forty two two from Ironworx Walt(er)
But my cousin walter jerked off in public once true story from Ironworx Walt(er)
Call me walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Come on walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Come on walt it's not that big a deal from Ironworx Walt(er)
Don't worry walter i'm right on top of it from Ironworx Walt(er)
For medical reasons walter snores like a donkey from Ironworx Walt(er)
Fuck the tournament fuck you walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Fuck walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Goodbye walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
He'd be in jail right now if it weren't for that editor of his that walter something from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hey hey walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hey hi walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hey walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hey walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hey walt (1) from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hey walt what's going on oh from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hey walter how we doing from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hey walter why don't you join us from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hi there walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hi walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Hi walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Honey walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
How appropriate uncle walter can't see from Ironworx Walt(er)
How did you guess walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
How you doin walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Howdy gents hello walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
I cannot think of a worse time for walt to be gone from Ironworx Walt(er)
I feel good about myself for the first time in years and i can't let walter just take that away from me from Ironworx Walt(er)
I got you walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
I knew really nothing about life or death until i got to know walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
I misjudged you walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
I'm getting nervous walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
It's over walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
It's walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
It's walter (1) from Ironworx Walt(er)
It's your last chance walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Jesus christ walter what do you think what is this from Ironworx Walt(er)
Jesus walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Ladies and gentlemen walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Lookin'-dapper as hell walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Mom do you think grandpa walt will give me a noogie from Ironworx Walt(er)
Negative copy on that walter check your frequency from Ironworx Walt(er)
Nice epilogue walt it was well delivered from Ironworx Walt(er)
No don't let me down walt not you from Ironworx Walt(er)
No i just came down to talk to walt if that's okay from Ironworx Walt(er)
Nobody ordered walt to go on this mission from Ironworx Walt(er)
Now tell me what is going on with walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Oh walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Oh walt isn't this lovely look at him from Ironworx Walt(er)
Oh walt walt oh walt walt come see from Ironworx Walt(er)
Okay walter here we go from Ironworx Walt(er)
Please walter don't be so hateful from Ironworx Walt(er)
Sequence 02 from Ironworx Walt(er)
Sequence 03 from Ironworx Walt(er)
Shut up you're so full of shit walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
So what do we got here walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Sorry sorry walt i'm sorry from Ironworx Walt(er)
Thank you walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
That's for you walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
That's not funny walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
That's what walter thinks from Ironworx Walt(er)
The only thing walt collects is lint from Ironworx Walt(er)
Things seem to have worked out good for the dude and walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Um well uh you know actually walter is the guy to talk to from Ironworx Walt(er)
Up next folks i am proud to present a brandnew act to the show introducing walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Wait walt what from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt can you remember when this didn't take so long from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt gets to do the illustrations from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt i want you baby from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt i want you to know that i didn't know about any of this from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt it's very clear from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt thinks there's a big toad under the water from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt walt what are you doing from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt watch out for the undertow from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walt you got company from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter anybody copy from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter are you ever happy from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter forget the damn name from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter forgot from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter honey from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter i can't believe that you with all your cleverness should have such little sense of proportion from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter i'm close to accomplishing something from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter it's been fun from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter just because you haven't found your talent yet doesn't mean you don't have one from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter stop from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter that's just not gonna happen from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter wake up from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter wake up keep those bags up boys from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter walter it's time to come in honey from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter we're here from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter what day is today friday from Ironworx Walt(er)
Walter you're neglecting your guests from Ironworx Walt(er)
We better hurry and catch walter huh from Ironworx Walt(er)
We better hurry and catch walter huh from Ironworx Walt(er)
We hear you walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Well i appreciate that walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
Well we've gone over this a lot walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
What are you gonna do walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
What else you come for walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
What's the matter walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
Wow wow walter that's amazing from Ironworx Walt(er)
Yeah i'm aware of that walter yeah from Ironworx Walt(er)
Yeah walter it's been real from Ironworx Walt(er)
You don't understand walter i've quit from Ironworx Walt(er)
You feel that walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
You have to try please walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
You have to try please walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
You know our friend walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
You know walter these people came here to be entertained from Ironworx Walt(er)
You know walter you're right from Ironworx Walt(er)
You like these games walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
You'll be old too someday old man walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
You're a man walt from Ironworx Walt(er)
You're awesome walter from Ironworx Walt(er)
You're right walt from Ironworx Walt(er)