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Life of Brian (1979) Life of Brian is a satirical and comedic film that was released in 1979, directed by Terry Jones.

Life of Brian (1979) Soundboard

Life of Brian is a satirical and comedic film that was released in 1979, directed by Terry Jones. This brilliant and controversial movie tells the story of Brian Cohen, a young Jewish man who was born on the same day and next door to Jesus Christ, causing him to become mistaken for the Messiah.

The film features a stellar cast led by the talented Graham Chapman, who portrays the title character, Brian Cohen. Chapman brings his incredible comic timing and wit to the role, truly embodying the character's amusing and absurd situations. Joining him is an ensemble cast including John Cleese as Reg, Terry Gilliam as Gaoler, Eric Idle as Mr. Cheeky/Ben, Terry Jones as Mandy Cohen, and Michael Palin as Pontius Pilate.

Life of Brian ingeniously satirizes and critiques various aspects of religion, politics, and society during ancient Roman times. While the movie's focus remains on Brian, it hilariously parodies the events and characters of the Bible as Brian continually finds himself in increasingly ridiculous situations. It cleverly explores themes of religious fanaticism, blind faith, and the nature of leadership and revolution.

The film's script, written by the renowned comedy group Monty Python, is a masterpiece in terms of its intelligent and inventive humor. The witty dialogue, memorable one-liners, and absurd scenarios all contribute to making it a timeless classic. Life of Brian manages to mix sharp social commentary with slapstick comedy seamlessly, resulting in a belly-aching experience for viewers.

The film's soundtrack, composed by Geoffrey Burgon, complements the humorous tone and setting of the story. With its catchy tunes and charming melodies, the score enhances the comedic moments on screen, providing an even more enjoyable viewing experience. From the hilariously memorable "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," to the triumphant music during the movie's final scenes, the soundtrack perfectly captures the essence of the film.

If you are interested in immersing yourself in the hilarious world of Life of Brian, you can easily find and download the sounds and music from the movie. These downloadable audio files allow you to relive your favorite scenes, listen to the infectious tunes, and enjoy the brilliant comedic performances by the cast.

Life of Brian remains a timeless classic, appreciated for its bold and audacious take on religion, politics, and society. Despite the controversy surrounding its release, the film has endured as a testament to the power of satire and comedy in questioning the status quo. With its outstanding cast, sharp script, and unforgettable humor, Life of Brian continues to entertain and provoke thought almost four decades after its initial release.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the hilarious journey of Brian Cohen as he navigates the chaos surrounding him in this comical masterpiece that is Life of Brian. And remember, you can play and download these delightful sounds here, allowing you to experience the genius of Monty Python whenever you desire.
A man shall strike his donkey and his nephew's donkey
A member of the terrorist organization, the People's Front of Judea
A teenager called Brian
All praise to thee, now and always!
Always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the light side of life
Always look on the right side of life
And hands and feet
And if he doesn't agree immediately, we execute her.
And if you keep your backs hard up against the cross beam,
And Pilate's wife's bedroom is here.
And thanks a lot for the gold and frankincense.
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
And the bezan shall be huge and black...
And the eyes thereof red with the blood of living creatures!
And the whoring shall be on the head of Addius.
And the young shall not know where lieth...
And things started to grow
As he has a bad back.
Beard, madame?
Cast off the shoes. Follow the gourd!
Centurion, do you have anyone of that name in the garrison?
Centuwion, why do they titter so?
Come on! Who threw that?
Follow the gourd, the Holy Gourd of Jerusalem!
For harboring a known criminal?
For what you're doing for us, Brian,
Four? For this gourd?
Good shot! Bravo!
Grew up to be
Grew up to be
Grew, grew and grew
Grew, grew and grew
Hail Messiah!
Hail to thee, mother of Brian!
He doesn't know what they were called!
He had arms and legs
He has given us his shoe!
He was certainly no
He's not coming out, and that's my final word.
How blessed are those who hunger and thirst...
However, I have been asked to read the following prepared statement...
I know, sir, but
I want to have babies.
I'm a Roman! Il can prove it! Honestly!
I'm gonna give you one more chance
I'm sorry, Reg.
Incurables, you'll just have to wait for a few minutes.
Is between...
It's happening, Reg! Something's actually happening, Reg!
Just leave me alone!
Larks' tongues. Wren's livers.
Lay your hands on me, quick!
Leave him alone!
Life's a piece of shit when you look at it
My fwiend Biggus Dickus has come all the way from Wome.
My nose is knackered.
No, no, the Romans!
No, no. Please. Please, please listen
Nothing will come from nothing. You know what they say?
Now, this is the palace on Caesar's Square.
Of course! They're juniper bushes! What do you expect!
Oh, come on, Brian. They're gonna stone him before we get there.
Oh, just go away and leave me alone!
Oh, shut up!
Oh, tell me what to say, please!
Oh, thank you.
On young Brian and show
Other things just make you swear and curse.
Reg, our glorious leader and founder of the P.F.J.,
Right. Now item four: Attainment of world supremacy within the next five years.
Right. Now we have 140. Nice, round number, eh, Biggus?
Right. Now, don't do it again.
Right. This is the plan.
Right. Who threw that?
Samson the Sadducee Strangler, sir. Uh, Silus the Assyrian Assassin.
Shhh. Shhh.
Silence! What is all this insolence?
So what are you worrying about? There you are. See?
Thank you. Goodbye
That's not the point. We thought of it before you
The Judean People's Front!
The man they called Brian
The shoe is the sign. Let us follow his example.
They shall have the earth for their possession.
To what, sir?
We We need doers in our movement, Brian,
Welease Bwian! Welease Bwian!
Well done, sergeant.
Well, don't worry. You've not seen the last of us, weirdo.
Well, if you're dropping by again, do pop in.
Well, it's just that they're in a rather funny mood today, sir.
Well, what Jesus fails to appreciate is it's the meek who are the problem.
Well, where's Reg?
What's funny about Biggus Dickus?
Which I regard as very fair in view of what I've done.
Wolf's nipple chips. Get 'em while they're hot. They're lovely.
Wome is your fwiend.
Yes, we're all individuals!
You are to be stoned to death.
You don't need to follow anybody.
You don't need to follow me.
You have been found guilty by the elders of the town...
You lucky bastard.
A Woman? No, no. Roman
Aah! Oh, look at that! Bloody favoritism.
Are you a virgin? I beg your pardon!
Blasphemy! He said it again!
Brian? Judith?
But you can't have babies. Don't you oppress me.
Come on, out! No, no. We must see him.
Did you hear him?
Education. Yeah, all right. Fair enough
Give the flowers a chance. I'll give you one for it.
Guard! Nail some sense into him!
He's a wobber!
Holes from every bitch you got germs from Jumbo jets
I want you to move me to another cell.
I'm sorry. Bit of a hurry.
Judean People's Front! Wankers
Judges. Judges.
lncontinentia Buttocks.
ls that his gourd? Yeah, but it's under offer.
Mum! I don't know what the world's coming to.
Naughtius Maximus.
No, he's not. An unbeliever!
No, it isn't! Cast it away!
No, you don't. Why won't he tell?
Out! Gold, frankincense, myrrh.
Seize him! Leave him alone!
Ten! It is his gourd!
The gourd! Hold up the sandal, as he has commanded us
They were called Simon and Adrian. You said you didn't know!
This praising. No, no, no, no.
Uh, a bit thundery, sir. Take him away
Vroom, like a rat out of an aqueduct! The bastard!
We were here first.
Well I know where to get it, if you want it.
What happened to the Popular Front? He's over there
What? I said, don't pass judgement on other people...
What? Judean People's Front!
What? Let us, like him, hold up one shoe!
What? Thwow him to the floor again, sir?
What's he doing here? Don't start that, Brian. Go and clean your room out.
What's the matter with him? Says the birds are scrounging.
Who's that?
Yeah Shh! Shh! Shut up!