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The Golden Girls - Season 2 The Golden Girls - Season 2, a beloved television series that aired from 1986 to 1987,

The Golden Girls - Season 2

The Golden Girls - Season 2, a beloved television series that aired from 1986 to 1987, continues to captivate audiences with its heartwarming humor and unforgettable characters. Created by Susan Harris, this iconic show revolves around the lives of four sassy and wise older women living together in Miami, Florida.

The extraordinary cast brings the show to life, effortlessly blending comedy and warmth. Leading the pack is Bea Arthur as the quick-witted, sharp-tongued Dorothy Zbornak. Her dry humor and no-nonsense attitude never fail to entertain. Alongside her, we have Betty White portraying the sweet and naive Rose Nylund. White's comedic timing and lovable persona make Rose an endearing and hilarious character.

Rue McClanahan delivers a standout performance as the vivacious and flirtatious Blanche Devereaux. Her Southern charm and outrageous stories keep viewers enthralled and laughing. Rounding out the quartet is Estelle Getty as Dorothy's mother, Sophia Petrillo. Although pint-sized, Getty's portrayal of the sassy and snarky Sophia is larger than life. Her one-liners and sharp comebacks are legendary.

Season 2 of The Golden Girls delves deeper into the characters' lives and relationships, tackling both humorous and poignant storylines. It explores the ups and downs of friendship, navigating the complexities of aging, and tackling societal issues with grace and humor.

Throughout this season, viewers are treated to hilarious antics, such as the ladies entering a dance marathon, facing off against younger competitors. The episode titled "Not Another Monday" showcases the camaraderie and support between the characters as they embark on this challenge.

Additionally, Season 2 tackles more serious themes, including illness and loss. In the episode "Isn't It Romantic," Dorothy faces the fear of losing her mother when Sophia experiences a heart attack. The episode beautifully portrays the bond between mother and daughter, highlighting the strength and resilience of these incredible women.

The Golden Girls - Season 2 also welcomes a diverse array of guest stars, adding an extra layer of humor and excitement. Talented actors like George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino make memorable appearances, leaving viewers in stitches.

For those eager to relive the laughter, it's now easier than ever to enjoy The Golden Girls - Season 2. With the ability to play and download these incredible sounds, fans can once again immerse themselves in the witty banter and infectious energy of this timeless series. Whether it's laughing along with Rose's amusing stories or marveling at Sophia's quick comebacks, The Golden Girls never fails to entertain.

So, gather your friends, put on an episode, and revel in the joy and laughter of The Golden Girls - Season 2. It's a journey filled with memorable moments, remarkable characters, and timeless comedy.

To play and download these sounds, simply visit our website, where you can dive into all the seasons of The Golden Girls, relishing in the brilliance of Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty. The Golden Girls - Season 2 is a true gem that continues to shine, reminding us all that friendship and laughter are truly ageless.
A baby.
A cappuccino and a box of cookies for your wife.
A country founded on the principles of honesty, truth and fairness.
A damn good sport.
A few more days and that is it.
A great place to get a seafood meal
A great place to get a seafood meal
A grievous injustice has been perpetrated against my friends and me.
A light snow falling over Fifth Avenue,
A lot of people don't know this,
A lot of people go there when they can't get accepted anywhere else.
A lot of tall girls who couldn't get dates wrote poetry in high school.
A magnificent pair of Gauguins.
A magnum of your best champagne.
A man as brilliant as you must be terribly busy.
A man has so much more to offer, you know?
A man of 60 walked in wearing four gold chains and his shirt open to his navel.
A Margaret Spencer from Atlanta.
A pioneer scout always tells the truth.
A red one. Charlie bought it for me.
A schnauzer name Wa Wa.
A set up date is never fun.
A sheriff named Bull will call my name over a megaphone.
A terrible tragedy. May she rest in peace.
A tragedy.
A very large, expensive mistake.
A vibrating bed. Let's give it a try.
A white Christmas in Miami? Can you beat that?
About the funeral arrangements, we'd like something simple,
About the p funeral. About the...
About the sea water...
About what?
Absolutely not. Under no circumstances will I entertain the notion.
According to Big Daddy, he still has both his feet on the ground.
Actually, he has several fingers missing from each hand.
Actually, I was so sure Delbert was going to ask me,
Actually, I'm from Atlanta. I'm Margaret Spencer.
Actually, I've decided to leave everything to Dorothy.
Actually, only the Irish were drinking.
Actually, Ted Koppel was the first name that came to mind.
Advance notice when you're expecting a gentleman.
After all, she's not as worldly about these things as I am.
After all, you're the one who killed her.
After breakfast, we're going to go out on a glass bottomed boat.
After I spread the ashes and said a prayer,
After last night, he doesn't exist.
After my heel fell off at that intersection.
After only a week you know as much about that museum as I do.
After she snarfed down two, she said she'd save the tree.
After that, believe me, if you can even think of marrying someone else,
After that, she was no good for milking.
After the annual Fine Manners ball,
Age has nothing to do with it.
All because of Mrs Claxton.
All flights in and out of Miami International Airport
All I can think about is Big Daddy and that woman.
All I know about museums is not to eat the veal in the cafeteria.
All I wanted was a tan on my thighs.
All in all, a pleasant afternoon.
All kinds of feelings tumbling all over themselves.
All of a sudden I heard a voice say,
All of you downtown. We're moving now.
All right, everybody stay right where they are.
All right, everybody, now shut the hell up.
All right, forget the volcano.
All right, I admit it. I love dogs.
All right, then. I'll be frank.
All right. But just for the night.
All she could do was walk around with a dictionary on her head.
All the other ways you please people.
All within reach
Along came the most gallant,
Alright, Cheswick. You might as well make use of that monkey suit.
Alright, fine.
Alright, maybe you don't feel like talking to me.
Alright, Stan, what's wrong?
Alright, then, three funerals.
Alright. Well...
Although it's ancient and gnarled,
Although my bosoms are perkier.
Always does for me.
Am I hogging the covers?
Americans. You measure everything by the dollar.
An aphrodisiac. It's a substance that makes you feel sexy.
An intrauterine...
An unsuccessful one. I haven't sold a painting in a year.
And a big roll of cheesecloth.
And a total stranger.
And a week ago I answered with a big fat "no".
And although you're jealous, you're not green with envy
And as your leader, I must decree that the fault indeed lies with Nolan.
And awarded me Miss Congeniality instead.
And Burt is the sexiest man in the movies
And Delbert still hadn't asked me.
And disturb you while you're taming your cowlick?
And Dorothy. And Sophia.
And dragging me off to a religious girls' school in Atlanta.
And even if she doesn't, who cares?
And every now and then you realise you're kinda scared
And everyone at the bank went along with it.
And floppy ears and wet nose.
And had to run two blocks in the rain.
And happy New Year.
And he blamed me for the Bay of Pigs.
And he might even start looking for somebody to replace his first wife.
And he said, "Blanche, do you mean you don't have your period?"
And he was captain of the Precision Combine Drill team.
And he was having trouble carrying his sack.
And he was lousy in bed.
And he'll force me to let out his uniforms and satisfy his ugly needs.
And he's a harmless old man.
And he's not now. It's for Dorothy.
And her wicked roommates are jealous.
And here's my card. How may I be of service to you?
And his tie caught in the stamping machine.
And I am the adviser to the French Club.
And I decided then I would never ever go through that again.
And I don't care if the city wants to cut it down.
And I don't have to call her Mommy, I can live with it.
And I figured between that and Number One,
And I heard he just opened a third dry cleaning store.
And I love both of you.
And I love her and we want to get married.
And I owe it all to the two of you.
And I ran smack into a man so gorgeous,
And I realised any idiot can do it.
And I remember the second words I shouted.
And I think I'm falling in love.
And I thought we liked each other,
And I was feeling jealous and Ionely and...
And I won't take no for an answer.
And I wondered how you two got together.
And I've also substituted in art appreciation classes
And I've decided to tell him I want to meet.
And I've known some real disappointment, believe me.
And if you added up all the times that we did what he is doing right now,
And it empties into a pool in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency.
And it had the most men in the lobby.
And it's really nobody's business.
And it's your Uncle Aldo's face begging for a drink.
And just like that, it was over.
And keep them till I do need them.
And life has to go on in one form or the other.
And listen to a piano being tuned,
And listen,
And make something that comes from the heart.
And Mr Minky was stamping my book
And my honey skin toner and my coconut moisturizer.
And my ten weeks are now.
And neither of us has seen Ruthless People.
And not much to look at,
And one day he died.
And our noble effort to save that mighty oak will prove victorious.
And passes for me and my two best friends
And picking up pencils off the floor.
And reigning island limbo king.
And Rose and I are getting out of sandwiches.
And Rose thinks he's fascinating. Now, what do you think that says?
And run from town to town taking jobs that people have who got bad grades.
And she got pregnant and we never knew who the father was.
And she has a very keen eye for colour and light and form.
And she means that.
And she says she wants to save the tree.
And shoved them under the covers to lie next to them.
And shut up while we have our say.
And since we have no water, that means about another 48 hours.
And so are you in anything backless.
And some people, like old lady Claxton, are just plain rotten.
And spit food in my face and make fun of my recipes.
And stay out of the liquor cabinet while we're gone.
And taken her on a rampage of violence and destruction
And that he's known me.
And that's the end of Isaac Newton.
And the Community Centre runs their service in the newsletter for free.
And the day he laid down with her.
And the resort is gorgeous. Look here.
And the wheels just spinning with nowhere to go.
And then at ten o'clock, we'll tour an old Spanish fort.
And then it's, "Avast, me hearties,"
And then just today I've seriously gotten into playing with matches.
And then, you're gonna love this,
And there was only one listing for Isaac Q Newton.
And they picked Sandra Day O'Connor over you?
And they shove off with a serpent tattoo and your heart as souvenirs.
And they went on to live happily together for 25 years.
And they'll even run your picture, and let you use a 100 word biography.
And we both requested to stand with Bert Parks in Hands Across America.
And we couldn't find the right moment to tell you about it. We're so sorry.
And we end up shipwrecked on this godforsaken island.
And we'll be back home with our families.
And we're real sorry.
And when he paid, he got change from a ten.
And when she died,
And while you're at it, get a job, get a suit,
And who do we have here?
And why does it matter? You don't even like Stan anymore.
And why? So you can have a splendid evening with a dashing naval officer.
And you two sneak up and give him a karate chop.
And you were afraid you couldn't find the right words to apologise.
And you've done it without needing penicillin.
And your blessing on our marriage.
And, eventually, I'll catch the eye of some fat general
And, of course, I was four months pregnant.
And, you know, Stan was rather handsome when he had hair.
And, you three, head up that ridge.
Any man in Miami not attached to a woman or a respirator.
Anyway, during the auditions,
Anyway, he's leaving Tuesday, so there's no time to waste.
Anyway, I notice
Anyway, the dog walks in, looks at me,
Anyway, the storm broke, and through the mist
Anyway, when we got to the dance, Richard dropped me off,
Are impaled on sticks stuck in the sand for people to spit on,
Are the kids back from their date?
Are those sandwiches? I am starving.
Are warm and divine
Are you all right, honey?
Are you dressing for that, or can I borrow the bracelet?
Are you interested in an evening cruise?
Are you ladies having a bad Christmas?
Are you ready?
Are you running a sushi bar?
Are you saying that because they're too old to breed, they're useless?
Are you saying you got your date from the phone book?
Are you suggesting that Michael and Bridget go out?
Aren't they beautiful?
Aren't you a little old for imaginary friends?
Arrested for prostitution. I can't believe it.
As a child during the Depression,
As a kid, we couldn't keep him away from gladiator movies.
As a matter of fact, I'm not.
As enticing as the offer is, we really must pass.
As long as the Good Lord keeps me on this earth, I'm your father.
As long as you're here, have you thought about your own final farewell?
As much as an English guy can get the hots.
As much as the person who wrote those letters.
As she said, if I had half a brain, I'd have thought of it myself.
As the most beautiful girl in the county, they made me runner up.
As the pageant drew to its frenzied finale,
At 7.00am, he was out cleaning the street with his tongue.
At Christmas we exchange gifts we make for each other.
At Forever Peaceful, we've got rid of all that death stuff.
At funeral homes, all they talk about is caskets and burials.
At gunpoint?
At least he's home every night.
At least something good came out of that horrible night.
At least the hose part.
At least two rosaries.
At least we've done the right thing.
At that moment, I vowed to make that town pay
At what point in the evening did you finally meet George?
At your age, it's hard to break into something new.
Attica's a men's prison.
Aunt Dorothy's certainly a grouch.
Auntie Dorothy.
Bacon lettuce and potato.
Bacon lettuce and potato.
Based on rock formations, there's a good chance of a waterfall.
Be happy to, Mr Allen.
Beat it, chrome dome!
Because Frieda Claxton is a miserable, vile, scum sucking crank
Because I didn't see it as having anything to do with my sexuality.
Because I'm not tall enough to see through the window.
Because it is. Because it means I'm old.
Because it's none of your business.
Because nobody knows why two people fall in love,
Because of Blanche?
Because she preferred to do all of her good work anonymously.
Because they call it Spanish fly.
Because we don't have enough counter space to make kidney machines.
Because we'll have a better chance.
Because you decided that's what makes you happy.
Because you haven't gotten out of bed all week.
Because you're having lunch at Wolfie's after.
Because, Dorothy, you're not the most perceptive woman in the world.
Become twice their size, that's a shame.
Before I could write and suggest we meet,
Before we go home to spend Christmas with our families,
Before you supply sandwiches, demand the money.
Being Vice Principal of a junior high school isn't as glamorous as it was.
Believe her, Blanche, she couldn't.
Believe me, his name said it all.
Believe me, it is.
Believe me, she's a totally rotten human being.
Believe me. I woke up one morning, I looked like Arafat.
Besides, I also slept with Nolan on that fateful trip.
Besides, I have to wear undies.
Besides, I'm kind of proud of Isaac. I'd hate to see him go, myself.
Besides, it'll be fun, Dorothy.
Besides, it's just for this one date.
Besides, it's not the end of the world. These things do happen.
Bespeak a passion about to erupt
Best friends should be able to confide in one another.
Better? Better?
Between Rose and Jean last night.
Beyond that.
Big Daddy, let me look at you.
Big Daddy, what's this surprise? Tell me, tell me before I burst.
Big Daddy. How in the world are you?
Big Daddy. I'm glad you're here.
Blanche Devereaux does not stay out all night with a man
Blanche is right. That's why nobody wants to go to her funeral.
Blanche still should have been home 15 minutes ago.
Blanche, "orator" means "speaker".
Blanche, are you sure?
Blanche, can I borrow my earrings?
Blanche, could I borrow my beaded purse?
Blanche, do you mean like a personals column?
Blanche, how can you be so callous?
Blanche, how could you?
Blanche, how exciting.
Blanche, I am still your best friend, whether or not you think so.
Blanche, I could get herpes listening to this story.
Blanche, I don't want your cheque
Blanche, I sense some hostility towards me.
Blanche, I want to apologise.
Blanche, I'm not the only woman in Miami without a date.
Blanche, I've always given you my love and respect.
Blanche, please, tell us what's wrong.
Blanche, please.
Blanche, pull yourself together.
Blanche, that does it, I have had it.
Blanche, that is absolutely uncanny.
Blanche, this conversation is over.
Blanche, what did the doctor say?
Blanche, what do we look like? Charlie's Angels?
Blanche, what is all that stuff?
Blanche, what the hell are you talking about?
Blanche, what's the matter?
Blanche, when you spend six months
Blanche, who's the father?
Blanche, would you mind if I spoke to Dorothy privately?
Blanche, you can't take all that luggage.
Blanche, you do realise you're in the minority on this?
Blanche, you have to change your thinking.
Blanche, you were dreaming.
Blanche, you're making a lot of sense.
Blanche, you're out of bed. This is wonderful.
Blanche? What happened?
Blanche. Honey. This is so thoughtful.
Blanche. I could never dress the way you do.
Blanche. If your 21 st birthday was then, you'd only be 41.
Blanche. Rose, we're going to the other end of the cell.
Blanche. These are my friends Rose and Dorothy.
Blanche. You and Nixon?
Blattaria andropolis is a cockroach.
Bless you, warden.
Blue skies, sunshine
Blue skies, sunshine
Blue skies, sunshine
Both Rose and I told you not to interfere with their social lives.
Boy, that was a close call.
Boy, this personals idea was really a mistake.
Breaking a champagne bottle over the new tollbooth.
Bribery was how we got things done in New York.
Bridget and Michael went out, had a great time.
Bridget, I am shocked at your behaviour.
Bridget, I know you're hungry after your trip, honey.
Bridget, this is Blanche.
Bridget's going to study at Oxford, England.
Buster wanted me to be his First Lady
But actually I've been working about 30 years.
But also for the people whose lives have been touched
But as Beauregard Jefferson pointed out when I was 16,
But as my clothes are hanging on the doorknob, it's not a good idea.
But at 3am, the door flung open and there stood Miss McGyver,
But at least you did it because you cared about me.
But before he could step out of the way,
But beyond her was the Statue of Liberty.
But come Christmas we all manage to make it back home.
But don't count your money yet.
But don't expect a refund.
But for $10,000, I'd be willing to give it a try.
But for 15 years I've been asking myself, "Is that enough?"
But for that date, Michael wouldn't have seduced Bridget.
But he did. And the next day they were married
But he didn't hear. And that's why today, Rose,
But he looks like Howdy Doody's illegitimate son.
But he would. I'm sophisticated, worldly, glamorous
But I could never go out with a man I met that way.
But I couldn't decide whether to call it a "rutatato" or a "potatobaga".
But I didn't know myself until about an hour ago.
But I digress.
But I don't think you've said anything so vicious or so cruel.
But I had a BMW.
But I knew what she meant.
But I love you from the depths of my soul.
But I still wanted it to be just mine.
But I think she's in love with me.
But I think this time you could have resisted
But I thought the job was till the end of summer.
But I want to give you something. Something personal.
But I want to make it up to you.
But I warn you, I did time in Attica.
But I won't be able to sleep until I do.
But I'll be damned if you'll force us
But I'm tired of being on my back.
But I'm worried about him. He's always been a little flighty.
But I've nearly sweated through this suit.
But if anybody cute asks me to dance, make yourself scarce.
But if I did understand,
But if that makes her happy, that's fine by me.
But if you ever pull a stunt like that again,
But isn't it about time you planned something special?
But isn't that where one woman and another...
But it does not belong in a song.
But it is serious.
But it made me sad. I realised how much I'll miss her. We've always been close.
But it's Ionely at the top.
But Jackie makes you look like a chicken.
But let us try to explain why we did it.
But my daughter was only two when she named him during a walk.
But my family disowned me.
But naive is not one of them.
But next time it could be somebody appealing or charming or good Iooking.
But now that you're dying, please forgive me, I didn't know.
But now, no one will ever know.
But people bought 'em anyway. I was cute so I got away with it.
But she became the most popular cow during mating season.
But sometimes it helped me fall asleep.
But somewhere along the way, we segued into Blanche, The Miniseries.
But standing there in my shorts, nothing came to mind.
But talk to your children. Tell them how you feel.
But that doesn't change the fact that I slept with Michael.
But that wasn't the worst part.
But that's not one of them.
But that's OK. I was married 45 years.
But that's why my skin is as smooth as a baby's bottom.
But the family drama Hey, That's My Tractor started right there.
But the final indignity occurred during the Miss Magnolia Blossom Pageant.
But the first time he waved hello,
But the important thing is for you to be happy.
But the letter's so sweet I'm going to write and tell him how I appreciate it.
But the lyrics don't make any sense. It goes,
But the pantyhose are new.
But the year went by and no curse.
But there's another reason.
But there's something about Jean
But they'd changed the name of the number 10 to number 7.
But this gentleman would like to talk to you. Merry Christmas.
But to be upset about Stan. I'm so embarrassed.
But until I met you, I didn't know I still had those feelings.
But what exactly is the point?
But what if she expects another letter or decides to go out with him?
But which all Mayflower County knew was a social disease.
But who are you and why are you in our bathroom?
But why is your life over?
But why won't he explain how his smudge pot works?
But with a little luck every six weeks."
But with your nose, it could work.
But you can't be happy with your life.
But you don't have a date.
But you have to walk really fast or he'll die."
But you said he was cute.
But you said you wouldn't.
But you'd hardly call yourself yellow.
But you're a man. You wouldn't understand.
But, Blanche, who did you see?
But, Daddy, is that reason to get married?
But, Dorothy, I may run into a celebrity while I'm sunbathing.
But, Ma, I have to live my own life.
But, Mr Allen, I'd always assumed that I was gonna handle it.
Butter Queen was our town's highest honour.
Butter. I wanted to be Butter Queen.
By flirting with that guard?
By pricking our fingers with a penknife and taking a blood oath.
By the warmth and the kindness of this woman who is lying here.
Bye bye, Big.
Bye, Auntie Blanche.
Bye, Auntie Sophia.
Call the police.
Can I get you something before we go? Coffee? Tea? A dairy product?
Can I please speak to you in private?
Cary Grant can have any woman he wants in his 80s. Show me a woman like that.
Cashmere? I love cashmere.
Catch me, catch me, catch me.
Celia Rubinstein.
Charles Nelson Reilly.
Charles Nelson Reilly.
Cheese would be nice. Tends to calm my nerves.
Chocolate syrup.
Christmas has always been rotten and Ionely as long as I can remember.
Churning my guts out.
Cinderella's back from the ball
Cocktails consisted of warm beer in two different shaped glasses.
Coffee? Tea? Scraps from last night's dinner?
College isn't really my style. I attend the school of life.
Come again?
Come off it, Blanche. We agreed this is where we'd spend our vacation.
Come on in, guys. Come on, guys.
Come on in, sweetheart, door's open.
Come on, Blanche, that's ridiculous.
Come on, Blanche. Let's go confess to Rose and beg her forgiveness.
Come on, Dorothy. I've been to Spain.
Come on, I'll let you have the first punch.
Come on, I'll walk you to the car.
Come on, it'll be fun.
Come on, ladies.
Come on, Ma.
Come on, now, this isn't fair.
Come on, now.
Come on, Rose. Don't let this bother you. You'll date again.
Come on, Sophia, it'll be fun.
Come on, sweetheart.
Come on, sweetheart. That's a boy.
Come on, we've had that conversation.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. I heard you laughing. What's so funny?
Come on. I'm not falling for those big sad eyes
Come on. Last Halloween,
Come on. Let's cook them something to eat.
Come on. Let's make the best of it.
Come on. Out. Move it. Out.
Come on. Sit down here on the sofa betwixt us.
Come on. That does it. Come on, out.
Come this way. This is our slumber chamber.
Coming here always used to cheer me up.
Coming to bed, Ma?
Concrete's cleaner.
Congratulations, Rose. A new record.
Could be.
Could we possibly discuss this tomorrow?
Could you be more specific, Big Daddy?
Couldn't she get stew meat like she usually does?
Couldn't we just wear matching outfits?
Cut me some cheesecake. Bigger.
Daddy didn't like Cyril anyway, cos he was British.
Daddy said the relationship would never work out,
Daddy was a very caring and ignorant man.
Daddy, I have never been happier in my entire life.
Daddy, just please call off this wedding.
Daddy, this is wrong. You're just making a fool of yourself.
Damn. I bet you Burt is greeting his guests right now.
Dance the samba till morning
Dates, marriage, death. Especially death.
Desperately in need of a big strong strapping man like yourself.
Despite my flaws, I am basically a decent, honest person.
Did I hear you say that you were from St Olaf?
Did I just say that?
Did I mention that my daughter and her roommates just left on vacation?
Did she say anything when you got up?
Did Stan ever get you a mink coat?
Did you apologise and beg her forgiveness?
Did you call a cab to get to the airport?
Did you get a chance to play around with those lyrics I gave you?
Did you hear some awful, ghastly sounds?
Did you hear that? Jean was raised on a dairy farm.
Did you really think you could get us out
Didn't you have the best time Christmas shopping, Dorothy?
Dirty is in the eye of the beholder.
Distil sea water into drinking water.
Do any of you see a fedora in the window?
Do I remember?
Do my eyes deceive me
Do we hear four?
Do you have a match?
Do you have a minute? We've been up all night working on a song.
Do you think they're really gonna make any money?
Do you think you could just love me for that?
Doctor, there's a lizard out on the lanai that's looking piqued.
Does everybody know "Silent Night"?
Dom DeLuise insists I tell Burt the story.
Dom DeLuise.
Don't "Ma" me, you cheap floozy.
Don't be embarrassed about opening up to me.
Don't be ridiculous. I charged my gifts with your credit card.
Don't be ridiculous. I don't treat you like one. Here's $10.
Don't be ridiculous. Why should I object?
Don't be silly, you can have my room. I'll camp out on the couch.
Don't be too tough on her. Look how great you turned out.
Don't cross this line.
Don't explain, Rose. I lived with some bitches myself.
Don't get me wrong. Horse, divorce, I could care less.
Don't get too excited, but we're planning on walking down the aisle.
Don't get upset. I told you I couldn't dance.
Don't let little ineffectual, insignificant me
Don't listen to her, Blanche.
Don't say Joan Collins. She belongs in a wax museum.
Don't sleep in the same bed as Sophia.
Don't talk for the rest of the afternoon.
Don't tell me. Tell Scrooge.
Don't thank me, thank my grandson.
Don't use the car. No parties.
Don't worry, I'll be all right.
Don't worry, she'll get over it.
Don't you dare drag Burt's good name into this.
Don't you ever call me a fool.
Don't you worry about a thing.
Don't you worry, your secret is safe with me.
Don't you worry. We're all on edge.
Dorothy and I have decided to enter a songwriting contest together.
Dorothy isn't here.
Dorothy went out with a commodore, Blanche went out with Stan,
Dorothy, come on. Nobody hates dogs.
Dorothy, do you realise it's been four days
Dorothy, don't be upset. The poor thing was lost.
Dorothy, I don't want you to take this the wrong way,
Dorothy, I got a big problem.
Dorothy, I have a confession to make.
Dorothy, I may be a lot of things,
Dorothy, I promise, there's nothing between us.
Dorothy, I...
Dorothy, I...
Dorothy, I... Oh, hi, Rose.
Dorothy, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave today.
Dorothy, I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of who I am.
Dorothy, I've got the... thing I want you to look over.
Dorothy, in the future I would appreciate
Dorothy, look who I found.
Dorothy, nice to hear from you.
Dorothy, relax, let me handle this.
Dorothy, should we be listening to Rose?
Dorothy, Sophia, thank you for having me.
Dorothy, the man had just recovered from a hernia operation,
Dorothy, this is their home now.
Dorothy, this is unbelievable.
Dorothy, we've always had our differences.
Dorothy, what am I gonna do?
Dorothy, what are we going to do?
Dorothy, what are we gonna do?
Dorothy, why are you up so early?
Dorothy, why can't you be more like Jean?
Dorothy, why, are you crying?
Dorothy, you call yourself an Italian?
Dorothy, you must help me. Do something.
Dorothy, you think Burt's gonna like this dress?
Dorothy, you're such a good daughter.
Dorothy? Something terrible happened.
Dorothy. Get out of my way, you old fool.
Dorothy. I don't think we should encourage them.
Dorothy. Listen, now that we're talking to each other, can I ask a question?
Dorothy. Stay under the covers. I'll get rid of her.
Dorothy's a very experienced teacher.
Downtown? He means jail.
Dr Escobar, I'm so glad you're here.
Dr Escobar? We should talk, too.
Dr Parks helped do that.
Dr Rooney from the Mayo Clinic.
Dream on, Piccadilly.
Driving your Lawn Boy was so exciting.
During the buttocks lifts, he motioned for my number.
Each day a great time
Each day is sublime
Each month has the picture of a man
Each view is a postcard
Eat a half gallon of rum raisin,
Eat their weight in food every day?
Eat. Eat.
Ed McMahon wants to see me right away?
Ernie smiled, and the next thing I knew, we were dancing in a local bar.
Especially since there wasn't that much work involved.
Even I don't get that one
Even the beautiful cashmere sweater I got for Blanche?
Even though you eat raw fish
Evening. I'm Jacques Decourville, manager of Rustling Palms
Eventually, there won't be any land anywhere. It's a shame.
Every teacher is required to take a ten week leave
Every time I suggest she go on a date, you change the subject.
Every week? You think I don't have a social life?
Everybody is under arrest. It's a raid
Everybody thinks you show someone you care by going into debt.
Everybody who's had her says she's great.
Everybody, I want you to meet my daughter, Bridget.
Everyone hated Minky.
Everyone who lives alone wants company and a few kind words.
Everything was my business.
Everything went perfectly. The town had never seen a funeral like mine.
Everything you said about me is true.
Exactly what is this stuff?
Except any diner in Newark, where if you're against the wall, you stick.
Except for that time with the lifeguard.
Except Raggedy Andy.
Except, of course, when they were institutionalised.
Excuse her. Funeral homes make her nervous.
Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you from across the room.
Excuse me, sir, are you talking to yourself?
Excuse me. Did you know that that guy who wrote "Silent Night"
Excuse me. I'll call you back.
Excuse me. Next time we invent a person,
Excuse me. Officer.
Excuse me. Rose, let's go. Ma's waiting in the car.
Excuse me. Would you like to buy a flower?
Face it.
Fight, fight.
Finally, it got to the day before the prom
Finally, one year, I couldn't make it without stopping.
Finally, when I was 15, Mama took me to the doctor.
Find his owner before Dorothy gets home. She hates dogs.
Fine with me, and Howard won't mind.
Fine, I'll take this one.
Fine. Break an old lady's heart.
Five dollars?
Fly. Fly, Rose. One fly.
For 16 years my entire life revolved around butter.
For 50 years, I look like Chita Rivera.
For every available part time job in Dade County
For five extra dollars, she'd buff more than your nails.
For me, that's a lifetime span.
For starters, Jean is a lesbian.
For the first time in my life, my body feels old.
For the next month and a half,
For the outdoor concert be denied.
For valuing my personality over my perfect body.
For you to end up doing what you're doing.
Forget it. I happen to be a married man.
Forget it. The last time you brought back Seven Brides For Seven Brothers.
Forget the movie. We'll double our money at the track, and goof on bums.
Forgive me, Rose. With so many possum explosions, it's hard to keep track.
Fortunately, between friends, you don't have to.
Four couples can fit into two.
Franwok is talking to me.
Frieda Claxton? Didn't she own that old house on Richmond Street?
Friendship? You made me look like a fool.
From a man who spent a Ionely year cooped up with dwarves.
From that time on I won't know a moment's peace.
From the new band uniform drive,
From the time I was born my folks groomed me for it.
Funeral homes give me the willies.
Further over.
Gee, I don't know.
Geoff and I are going to a formal dinner at the base.
Geoffrey is a dream.
Get away from the door. That's it.
Get me a doggie bone.
Get on your knees and beg your mother's forgiveness.
Get out the boots. He's back.
Get your book and find out what you did that week.
Get your cap, get your beard and get moving.
Girls who'll take their money. You know what he thinks we are?
Girls, come look at the tree.
Girls, don't you just love our hotel?
Girls, how do I look?
Girls, I don't know what to say.
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