A lot of lead, Jack! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Ahem. Okay, testing, one, two, three from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Ahh! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
All right! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
All right. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
All right. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Am I beautiful? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
And I see the future. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
And I see you riding a big red horse from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
And I think about flesh against flesh.. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
And that ain't no small amount, right? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Are you clean? Are you soapy and wet? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
As I leave.... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
ATTENDANT: That'll be 17 bucks, lady from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Aw, shit. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Bad, bad, bad! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Because you and I, we're angels. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Bestseller out in paperback. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Betting all those stars you don't win shit. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Bloody fangs. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
But the truth is... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
But then these sweethearts began a cross country murder spree... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
But they kill somebody new, and we gotta start the process over again from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
But way cooler. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Close 1, 2, 3. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Come in. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Come on, goddamn it from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Come on, Mickey. This way from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Come on! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
DALE: Looked like he was giving street directions from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
DEPUTY: Still jammed open, sir from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Did I ever ask you to **** my friends? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Don't I know you? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
DUNCAN: Yes, I'm married. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
DWIGHT: Can you feel it? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
DWIGHT: Drop it! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
DWIGHT: Dwight McClusky. Welcome to hell. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
ED: All right, fuckface from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
ED: Where the **** have you been? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Ever been strangled? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
First off, you don't tell me. You ask my permission. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
For the love, thanks to Mickey! Let's kill all these motherfuckers! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Found it yet? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Fuck you, Scagnetti! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Fucking bitch broke my fucking nose! Give me that gun! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Get on the fucking bus! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Get the car! I'll get the juice! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Get together from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Got the camera going yet? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
GUARD: I'm trying, I'm trying from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Hands where I can see them. Good boy. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Have some dignity. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Have we found our man? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
He said if you ever show up.. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
He saw it. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
He's dead! He's dead! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Help! No! Oh, God, no! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Hold your fire! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
How about him? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
How you doing, Wayne? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
How'd you figure that out? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I do. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I don't care! Take the money! It's all yours anyway! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I don't think so from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I get the picture. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I have left my wife, and my girlfriend has left me. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I haven't seen a cop for 10 minutes from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I killed somebody from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I lie on my bed and go over every day, every minute of our happiness from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I really respect you. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I said shut up! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I told you I liked you. I told you I liked you. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I want you. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I'll fucking kill you! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I'm coming to get you. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I'm going for a ride from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I'm Mr. Rabbit. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I've been reading a lot and doing yoga with this guy... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I've done some bad things myself from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
If anybody puts me in danger.... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
If anyone fucks up our escape... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
If he finds out I'm gone, he's gonna beat me. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
If I don't kill you... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
If they wanna say we masterminded the whole fucking thing, let them. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
In the deepest, darkest cell in the dungeon. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
In this day and age, a man has to have choices. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Is that your car? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Is this happening to me? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
It's a place I come to think when things get hectic from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
It's cool from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
It's true. You could even launch a new career here. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
JACK: Drop the shotgun! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
JACK: Great to meet you, warden from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
JACK: How'd you let this show go live? DWIGHT: Just got out of hand from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
JACK: It's called Scagnetti on Scagnetti, in your bookstore. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
JACK: We've had this date from the beginning from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Jesus Christ from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Jesus Harold Christ on a fucking rubber crutch! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Just the prick I wanna see from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
KAVANAUGH: You think you're getting out of here, boy? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Kill me? When's this supposed to happen? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Kill them all! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Let me tell you something. This is the 1990s. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Let's go out there... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Let's see what we got here, scooter. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Life is cruel, and no one said it'd be easy. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Little Johnny goes: from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Little... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Live on network TV? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Make it stop! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Mal! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Mal? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: Fuck you! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: I forgive you, baby. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: I'm seeing things! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: No, no, Rosie from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: Oh, baby. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: Oh, my God, that is so gross. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: Oh, shit! MICKEY: They're out there! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: That's a nice Vette from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: When they ask, you tell them Mickey and Mallory Knox did it from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MALLORY: You will shut up! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MAN [OVER SPEAKERS]: Tonight's movie will be Escape from the Planet of the Apes from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Man had a rattlesnake sitting in a corner. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Mickey from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Mickey from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Mickey Knox is the most dangerous man in America from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Mickey Knox's plan worked. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Mickey, that's what my father used to call me! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: All right! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: Hold up! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: Mal! Cops! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: Mal? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: One move and he's dead! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: Past is behind us, Mal from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: Turn left? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: We don't got all fucking day. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: What kind of pies do you have? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY: Where the hell are we? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MICKEY'S DAD: Who are you fucking? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
MRS. CLEAVER [ON TV]: You'll be late. BEAVER: We're leaving, Mom. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Murder? It's pure. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
My name's not Rosie, it's Mabel. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
NARRATOR: Stars are coming out. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
No, don't kill me. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
No! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
No! Do not kill him! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Nobody in their right mind will cry if these fuckers take a little lead. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Not even an ape, you're a media person. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Now, where's the old bag? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Nuclear predators. Life is a hunt. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Of course I'll marry you from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Okay, hold that. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Okay, Kavanaugh.... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
One camera all you can muster? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Put the lighter on the floor. Put it on the floor, Mickey. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Rattlesnake took a chunk out of us a ways back. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Ready? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Relax, we want to have a talk, is all. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Second, you're not going out in that dress! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Sex. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
She always does this. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Shit. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Showtime from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Sister goes, Okay. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
So tell me, Mickey, any regrets? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Step out in the light. Come on. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Step outside, big shot. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Surprised Hollywood ain't found you. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Take me to Mallory's cell and hope she's in one piece. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
That is a bitch out of hell, son. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
That piece of shit lawn mower is fucked! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
That'd be paradise, wouldn't it? Shangri la from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
That's one sweet piece of meat. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
That's why Mallory's my salvation. She was teaching me how to love. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
The gun, goddamn it! Smart move. Okay from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
The joint's exploding, and you're diddling around with these two! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
The point is... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
The theory that everyone meets a serial killer halfway? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
The world is watching! We'll never get this chance again! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Then we'll really be free. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
There is no escaping here! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
These guys wanna tear their wives' heads off. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
They killed inmates and guards? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
They stormed in with shotguns... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
This is not about you, you egomaniac. I kind of like you. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
This is Wallace and Noriega from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Thought you'd be more creative than that. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Three inmates, five guards and one shrink. Open that damn gate from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Turn left. I think there's a town. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
TV ANNOUNCER 2: After the game, stay tuned... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Wait a minute! Let him answer me! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Wait! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Was it worth it? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
WAYNE: I'm fucking great! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
WAYNE: If she calls back... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
WAYNE: Well, in any case, he says yes from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
WAYNE: Yes? MICKEY: Think, think, think. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
We got them in their homes, the game sucked.. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
We got them two in there. Wanna see them? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
We walked out the door into my news van and made our getaway. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
We've pulled to the side of the road to do this interview. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
What are those guys right there? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
What is your bloody problem? I was begging for you guys. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
What the hell is that? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
What work? I'm unemployed. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
When I get up there, she won't see my face for an hour. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Where do you think you're going? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Where is it? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Where is my baby? Where is she? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Where we gonna get married? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Who are you? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Why take me out of my house... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
WURLITZER: How should I know? Just get it! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
WURLITZER: Like sharks to chum. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Yeah, I know. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Yeah, I'm a real cop. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Yeah, like that. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Yeah. This stupid.... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You are sick! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You bet on something you wish you had $10,000 to bet on from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You bonehead sissy, this is Jack Scagnetti! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You don't give a shit about anybody except yourself. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You going there? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You know something? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You know what I say? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You know? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You look nice, Mallory from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You mean, was an instant of my purity worth a lifetime of your lies? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You mobilize the men. I'm on my way. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You never did nothing! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You okay, baby? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You son of a bi from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You stay here and shut up. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You want to play, bitch? You want some? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You, back up! Back up! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You'll end up peddling your ass, you stupid bitch from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You're a celebrated lawman, public loves you. Fifteen years on the force from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You're doing good, baby from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You're free, Kevin from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You're gonna make it. Get mad. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You're pretty. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You're sexy. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Come on, let's go. Okay, baby. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Come on, Mal! Bad, bad! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Fry the pricks. We tried. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Fuck you! Beat that motherfucker's ass! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
I'm never coming home. MAGGIE: Dinner's ready from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Mal? What? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Millions are watching. They got guns, hostages! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Okay, hold on, Mal! Shit from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
They're hot. Totally hot. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
Turn them off! We'll be famous! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
What happened? I was born in Texas from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You and me, one on one, let's go. JACK: Fuck you! Bring it! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
You got the feeling? I'm alive for the first fucking time! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
.. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...and after liberating the establishment of all the firearms they could carry... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...and die and die again from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...and kill my parents with me? Ain't you committed to me? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...and plant your sick ass in the ground all by myself! from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...and remember the last time Mickey gave you the hard one. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...and they're spitting and frothing at the mouth. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...and various personal idiosyncratic knickknacks... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...and what you represent is... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...CBS will eat your lunch next season, and I'll be with them.. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...for two days, and I've been thinking about motherhood. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...I pronounce us husband and wife from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...I'll know you're looking up at the same ones. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...I'm a natural born killer. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...is if they don't wanna kill you two more than they wanna kill us. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...is no reason for you to join in. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...it was... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...it's you. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...just need to be put out of their misery. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...meat eater, Mallory? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...or whatever happens, Mickey... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...pecan, cherry, key lime. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...so that you can't never find me, and I'm scared. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...to hell with going to our cells. from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...we do a profile on a different serial killer from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...were parked at this doughnut shop, Alfie's Donuts, when.... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...what do we do next? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...what is there to talk about? from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...which has lasted only three terrifying weeks... from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
...you say, Hello, Ming Dynasty Restaurant from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[AUDIENCE CHEERS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[AUDIENCE LAUGHS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[BLADE SLICING] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[BRAKES SQUEALING] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[CAR APPROACHING] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[CELL DOOR CLOSES] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[CHATTERING ON TV] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[DWIGHT WHIMPERS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GROANS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GROANS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GUNFIRE] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GUNS COCKING] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GUNSHOT] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GUNSHOTS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GUNSHOTS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GUNSHOTS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[GUNSHOTS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[HORSE WHINNIES] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[INMATES YELLING] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[INMATES YELLING] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[LAUGHS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[MALLORY LAUGHS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[MAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY OVER SPEAKERS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[MUFFLED SCREAMS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[ROCK MUSIC PLAYING OVER JUKEBOX] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[SCREAMS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[SCREAMS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[SNAPS NECK] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[SPEAKING IN NAVAJO] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[THUDS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard
[WHIMPERS] from Natural Born Killers (1994) Soundboard