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Dexter (2006) - Season 1 Dexter is a critically acclaimed television series that first aired in 2006. The show explores the

Dexter (2006) - Season 1

Dexter is a critically acclaimed television series that first aired in 2006. The show explores the life of Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department by day and a vigilante serial killer by night. This psychological crime drama delves into the complexities of morality, identity, and the blurred lines between good and evil.

The lead role of Dexter Morgan is masterfully portrayed by Michael C. Hall. Hall expertly brings to life the complex and enigmatic character, showcasing both his seemingly normal facade and his dark, sinister ways. Dexter's adoptive sister, Debra Morgan, is played by Jennifer Carpenter, whose intense and emotionally charged performance adds depth to the storyline.

The supporting cast includes characters such as Dexter's adoptive father Harry Morgan (James Remar), who taught him the "code" that justifies his killings. Sgt. James Doakes (Erik King) is a detective who suspects Dexter's true nature, constantly challenging him and adding an intriguing dynamic to the series. Meanwhile, Lt. Maria LaGuerta (Lauren Vélez) and Det. Angel Batista (David Zayas) provide a contrast to Dexter's dark world, highlighting the struggles of maintaining a sense of normalcy in the midst of chaos.

As the narrative unfolds, Dexter's innate desire to kill is revealed, stemming from a traumatic event in his childhood. However, he channels his dark urges towards hunting down other killers who have evaded justice. The show takes audiences on a thrilling ride as Dexter navigates his elaborate double life while maintaining relationships with those around him.

The first season of Dexter explores his encounter with the Ice Truck Killer, a mysterious and sadistic individual who leaves gruesome crime scenes for Dexter to discover. Their cat-and-mouse game forms the central plotline, unveiling shocking twists and surprises along the way.

The music and sound design in Dexter enhance the thrilling and eerie atmosphere of the show. The captivating score, composed by Daniel Licht, captures the dark and brooding essence of the series. From haunting piano melodies to intense orchestral arrangements, the music acts as an extension of Dexter's mind, amplifying the tension and suspense.

Fans of Dexter can immerse themselves in the captivating ambiance of the show by accessing its sounds here. Whether it's the chilling theme song, "Blood Theme," or the atmospheric soundscapes that accompany Dexter's kills, viewers can fully engage with the captivating world of the show.

Dexter (2006) - Season 1 remains a timeless masterpiece, drawing audiences in with its intricate characters, gripping storylines, and thought-provoking themes. The exceptional performances by the talented cast and the atmospheric sound design make this television series a must-watch for those who appreciate the blending of psychological drama and crime thriller genres.
A and for that, I i'm eternally sorry.
A bachelor lived here, That's for sure.
A better place.
A bit of an overshare.
A bit.
A boat At the reef shore marina...
A brave politician.
A bully is a felony Waiting to happen.
A buried memory, Forgotten all these years.
A calming oasis in the desert Of my confusion.
A cigarette butt?
A clue signature Or calling card
A cop murder suicide
A couple weeks, i guess.
A crime that big
A dad's just a concept to him, Not a person.
A darkness we don't want Anyone else to see.
A date? Nice.
A death in the family Trumps the circus.
A few. The poor bastards.
A footprint, A microscopic drop of blood
A former officer In the haitian military.
A friend of mine died.
A gardener, maybe, Or a delivery person, repairman?
A good place For human trafficking...
A great place for me To hone my craft.
A guy's been stabbed.
A guy's been stabbed.
A hooker With a prosthetic hand.
A hunger That's never satisfied.
A jar of blood Dramatic, cryptic, playful.
A jew for jesus.
A jogger called it in This morning about 7:30.
A john, okay? That's when i worked calle ocho.
A judge put me in control.
A killer...
A knife with his prints, And a drop of his wife's blood.
A little more confidence, Please.
A little of My favorite tropical fruit...
A little.
A lo major los pescados Te encuentran.
A lot of how to documents
A lot of lemon fresh joy.
A lot of memories Are buried down there.
A lot of work To pack all this up.
A lot.
A lot.
A lozenge wrapper's The damn holy grail.
A man's got to eat.
A new car, a big home,
A new smokin' pair Of legs
A normal life.
A partial fucking print.
A postcard To remember him by.
A power tool was used.
A real brother
A real up and comer.
A refrigerated truck That might give us a lead.
A refrigerated truck That's mobile
A refrigerated truck.
A refrigerated vehicle
A science camp, maybe.
A sea monster.
A secret life the only thing Joe and i have in common.
A serial killer, That's right.
A shoe?
A six block area On southwest 8th street.
A stranger In a strange place,
A sure sign Of postmortem severance,
A sweet mother of two married To a successful banker
A thank you card.
A transfer From fort lauderdale
A true partnership.
A wolf In sheep's clothing.
A working girl? A hooker?
Aah! Aah!
Aah! You stabbed me in the back!
About a 3 year old boy At the crime scene?
About countries that Don't extradite to the u. s.
About dad getting out Of jail.
About getting us an officer
About going away with him You're not gonna do that?
About how to do this right,
About how to stay safe So i can do it again?
About looking at a homicide Scene in the daylight of miami.
About matthews taking you Off the case.
About the last time I was here.
About the victim's relationship With her husband.
About their father.
About this joe driscoll?
About what went on down there With those death squads.
Accept that certain things Are out of your hands. Let go.
According to dmv, This is where perry lives.
According To his driver's license.
According to his files,
According to your ex husband,
Across the ceiling, But no tissue.
Actions have consequences, And this is yours.
Active in the united states Today.
Actually, i have a personal Project i'm working on tonight.
Actually, It sounds perfectly awful.
Actually, There's a lot of us looking.
Actually, yes.
Actually, Your... imperfection
Addict, dealer my mother.
Afraid not.
After all the lies Harry left for me to uncover,
After all this, we still don't Have an i. d. On this guy?
After all, Harry wasn't perfect.
After all...
After i left deb At the hospital.
After presents.
After pulling them From the boat.
After you get A good night's sleep.
Afuera, va.
Against interpol's Fugitive list,
Against psych, mental, And institution records.
Against the partial On the lozenge wrapper
Ah, got you.
Ah, it turns out There's another woman.
Ah, it's just a death rattle. He's gonzo.
Aha. Promising.
Ahoy, there, captain! Any big marlin out there today?
Airports on alert?
Airports, train stations, Bus lines.
Alex timmons sniper.
Alex: Thanks, dad.
Alexander pryce finished His homework, kissed his mom,
All along, i thought This was a game
All along, I thought this was a game
All bone.
All due respect, captain, That's really not up to you.
All due respect, maria, If we dropped charges
All for a better life.
All fucking night With that.
All he saw Was a fucked up kid
All i can tell is She was shot at close range.
All i know is that i. a. Got a call
All i need is a little proof Of his inner monster.
All i want is for you To look for a shoe.
All in all, It was a good night.
All living a pleasant life
All our mishaps These last few months
All part Of my costume collection.
All right, and when you went Under the causeway...
All right, astor, Just stand up straight.
All right, bedbugs, Let's leave these two alone.
All right, dexter, Protecting our children!
All right, Enough corniness.
All right, Enough corniness.
All right, get this
All right, i get it. I'm a newbie.
All right, i lied, okay?
All right, i'll get out of here As fast as i can.
All right, i'll take a look.
All right, let me Cut you guys up some fruit.
All right, look.
All right, P.b. And j. Inside,
All right, Take the front door.
All right, tell you what I'll make you a deal.
All right, that's it. I'm done.
All right, This won't take long.
All right, we'll go, but i'm not Promising we'll have any fun.
All right, When it comes to my kids,
All right, you got me.
All right?
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. About a year ago, There was this guy.
All right. Can we talk about this later?
All right. Enough.
All right. Fine, mr. Grumpy head.
All right. Go on out to the car.
All right. Here he is.
All right. I'll come get you.
All right. Let's go over it again.
All right. Stop. Enough.
All right. Thanks.
All right. That sounds Like a good plan. Okay?
All right. What are you doing now?
All supposedly with a keen Insight into the human soul,
All that blood on the walls Looks like a finger painting.
All the calls came From the same place
All the career pressure, The hopelessness, gone.
All the expectations i had,
All the planning, The making sure...
All the promises of greatness Wiped out.
All these people Pawing over it seems...
All this time the answer Was right here.
All those questions should be Directed to captain matthews.
All those years of smiling For the camera
All three powerful women,
All three shot themselves In the past two years.
All waiting for you.
All we got so far Is that he's cuban
Almost 12 years.
Almost as easy as it was
Alone again.
Alone, i'd be better off.
Already did.
Already done, along with a. t.m. s And bank accounts.
Already sent a sample To the lab.
Also, i can keep my energy up For the day job.
Although, at the moment,
Aluminum, actually.
Always afraid It's for the last time.
Always content To leave it a mystery.
Always does the trick.
Always those damn rats.
Am i going Because it's what he wants
Am i missing something?
Amazingly so.
American, pal, Just like you.
American, pal, Just like you.
An actor from that John singleton movie.
An addict Fell off the wagon, rita.
An amputee devotee.
An animal tranquilizer More powerful than morphine.
An archive of hidden files.
An idea?
An urgent registered letter? Maybe you won a sweepstakes.
And a damn good bowler.
And a foster father Who betrayed me.
And a home setup like this would Take years to put together.
And a lot of bad debt.
And a mention in the local paper About his bowling team.
And a security camera?
And a single incised wound To the neck.
And a time after that.
And a tomb raider.
And a well stocked cupboard Of hefty bags.
And a worthy new adversary To clear my head.
And after years Of trying to look normal,
And all because of those Two little glowsticks of love
And answer the fucking phone When it rings.
And apparently Joseph driscoll
And be home in time For "letterman. "
And because It's how you fit in.
And before all people, I will be glorified. "
And being part of a family Means smiling for photos.
And bust ass until Neil perry's apprehended.
And can i bounce some ideas Off of you later?
And chose one With lax security.
And cold You're freezing.
And court tv Carrying your scary ass scowls
And crazy shit live.
And dangerous.
And devo on 103 fm, Hits from the '80s.
And did he?
And do not talk to him Without me.
And do what i say.
And don't you fucking Say a word, masuka.
And dragged me out of the house Probably through the backyard.
And especially No more disney dad.
And even more tragic, Does he live in a double wide?
And even then you were too Squeamish to cut off her head.
And eventually the alias i used Will lead them back to me.
And everyone's having sex.
And everything to do with the Captain trying to save his job.
And feel free to join us When you locate your partner.
And felt so bad about it, He committed suicide.
And finding that it still Doesn't make sense.
And focus on your breathing.
And for the people Around you.
And fortunately, Rita's has a name.
And found out You were exactly like me.
And get back to work.
And give me a report.
And go right back To being unhappy?
And god only knows What he's doing with it.
And good science.
And harry kept it from me.
And he admitted that He gave us a false confession.
And he didn't get What he wanted.
And he fell On a wrought iron post.
And he is my father.
And he might die.
And he seems to like Laguerta.
And he sucked on them.
And he was kind enough To lend us his wheels.
And he wore a mask When he made me put the...
And he'll get it from now on.
And he'll go back To doing what he does.
And he's back.
And he's been dead 10 years.
And he's being tried In florida.
And he's got the mayor Kissing his ass.
And he's still Hitting on me.
And he's The common denominator.
And headed out of state, Gone back to michigan.
And her body was found At santa's cottage,
And her boyfriend's A serial killer.
And how do you deal With your wolf?
And how long have you been Doing blood spatter analysis?
And how you'll protect them If anything ever goes wrong.
And i always found A freshly chopped up body
And i am.
And i can't let that Happen.
And i can't tell a soul, Especially not deb.
And i certainly Have an appropriate Sensibility about men,
And i concur. Congratulations.
And i didn't know What to do.
And i don't give a shit What you say
And i don't know why,
And i don't think Anybody else is gonna do it,
And i fake them very well.
And i felt so crappy, I told her the next day.
And i finally feel like I'm in control.
And i got a hottie Waiting on me, so...
And i knew exactly Where this was heading
And i know you love them.
And i let him take The fall, definitely.
And i need you here, Okay?
And i need you To come with me.
And i noticed this body looked Different than the other ones.
And i pick my sister To chaperon.
And i ratted him out. Jesus christ.
And i see he has A nipple ring.
And i still Have to dispose of them.
And i thought i was a master At damage control.
And i thought i was creepy.
And i took it so those kids Wouldn't have to.
And i tried to get her to see A counselor with me.
And i turned the car Around in pursuit.
And i want labelle to i. d. The points of comparison
And i will.
And i will.
And i won't forget Your help.
And i'd have to shake them off.
And i'll agree to supervised Visits twice a week.
And i'll agree to supervised Visits twice a week.
And i'll say i will, And then they'll leave,
And i'm a neat freak.
And i'm just trying To be part of the team.
And i'm not gonna let Some guy you didn't even know
And i'm not gonna Take it back.
And i'm really good, Like dexter,
And i'm the only one Who mourns him.
And i'm very, very angry To answer for your mistakes.
And i'm very, very angry.
And if we're right, that means You got stabbed for a reason.
And if you find yourself Alone with her
And it all Came crashing back...
And it has nothing to do With incompetence
And it was loaded with coumadin And heparin.
And it's all crap, You know?
And it's been with me Ever since
And it's going to happen Again and again
And it's going to happen Again and again
And it's important That you seem normal.
And it's working.
And just feel...
And keep the sex suit on When you talk to the captain.
And killed anybody who tried To take them down.
And laguerta's Too fucking dumb to see it.
And laid out In a ritualistic manner,
And left him a house.
And let's keep working The old hospital site, people.
And lets a demo crew shred The truck before we find it.
And look where it is on The inside of the back collar.
And meat. You into meat?
And mind Its own damn business.
And moving quick nice, sharp Slices through the body.
And my fucking lawyer, too!
And my gut tells me He can take it.
And neil perry Will soon vanish
And neither are you,
And no prints, either.
And not a word to anyone About the ice truck killer.
And not just buddy's.
And now he can't Why is that good?
And now he's getting back At us
And now he's Getting back at us
And now he's rubbing Our noses in it.
And now i just let it out For a big meal once in a while.
And now that you're here,
And now the father is back.
And now we can all Go hunting together.
And now's your chance To make it right.
And only then severs Their limbs.
And otherwise right thinking People don't stand a chance.
And paints each nail A different color.
And paints each nail A different color.
And possibly his first victim.
And publicly smash their food To bits.
And put a priority status on all Forensics related to this case.
And put mutilated bodies In trees
And putting me in my place Is one way to do that,
And putting them on this knife.
And sasquatch.
And say whatever shit Comes into your head.
And see if it matches The ice truck killer's victims.
And see only tragedy And heartbreak.
And send him home.
And sergeant doakes Had his niner in his hands.
And she lost both her legs.
And she's very, very sick,
And since we do shoe molds Of everyone on personnel,
And slam the door in my face.
And smart Using your charms on me.
And so am i.
And so the legend began.
And some of what i find Is gonna stick to your ass.
And sometimes you just want to Forget who you are altogether.
And take him for some exercise Every now and
And taking care of this For me.
And tell me what you want For christmas?
And thanks For the fucking doughnut.
And that is cutting off Oxygen to your brain.
And that is important Because?
And that lousy dog Was yapping
And that one Was not cut off.
And that would be?
And that's a problem.
And that's all You heard?
And that's my burden, I guess.
And that's my failure.
And that's telling us A story.
And that's telling us a story. The ritual is changing.
And that's why i wanted To share this moment with you.
And the bel canto Is hottie central.
And the best part
And the coroner's report Was inept.
And the fiddler's tune Is far from over.
And the foot this morning At 7:00...
And the ice truck's The needle, right?
And the kids.
And the kids' lunches. Packed and ready to go.
And the killer plunged his knife Into the shoulder,
And the next, She wants to jump my bones.
And the police Can't catch them all.
And the real king Is still out there.
And the real me starts.
And the ritual Is intoxicating.
And the safety Of my sister.
And the tension And the uncertainty.
And then a crime scene And more blood.
And then about 10 more.
And then here you are To back it up.
And then here you are To back it up.
And then it was just me, My brother, my dad.
And then make adjustments As we go.
And then over here Clean.
And then over To the bedside table.
And then she's gone.
And then you can go back,
And then you punish me For giving a damn?
And then, what, he walks?
And there i am.
And there is that thing We need to talk about.
And there it is
And there's a lot of evidence To back that up.
And there's blood.
And they actually liked me.
And they are My children, too,
And they are.
And they expect you To be the best.
And they know When you're not.
And they were supposed to be Married after he got here.
And they work hard.
And things get romantic
And this is rudy.
And this is therapy, Where we share personal things.
And this one's getting deep.
And this one's getting deep.
And told me to stay Out of sight.
And try out a little Reverse psychology.
And walk the fuck away!
And want about An early human kill?
And wanting to blindfold A trauma victim?
And we deal with it together.
And we found them 24 hours apart.
And we get to tell him We caught the guy.
And we have an officer missing, So we need to move fast.
And we need you To stay with this, my friend.
And we now have an i. d. On the latest victim.
And we shouldn't waste our time Pissing on trees.
And we won't be Seeing him again.
And we'd probably get more Packing done if we stayed here.
And we'll discuss your case After the meeting.
And we're going around In circles on a pumpkin patch.
And we're having dinner Tomorrow night.
And we've been dating For six months now.
And what about me?
And what are My real intentions?
And what do i want?
And what do we do with Potential witnesses, morgan?
And what is going on?
And when he started, you know, Working on me,
And where'd he get The blood?
And while you were being raised By the morgan family,
And whose was it?
And why can't i get That neat stack of body parts
And why would it be here?
And will somebody turn off This goddamn snow machine?!
And yet there's no record of The case file at city hall.
And you and he are...
And you are...
And you better make room. There's a lot more coming.
And you brought beverages?
And you can't just drop in On us like this anymore.
And you can't keep Coming by here unannounced.
And you constantly Question authority.
And you didn't want it To escalate.
And you don't do that Unless you have a close,
And you end up Tossing beers back
And you followed it.
And you have A great one.
And you have the perfect recipe For a family slaughter.
And you made All our lives easier
And you made The headline grab,
And you must be rita.
And you wanted To apologize why?
And you were alone That night?
And you work it out.
And you.
And you're not Putting up a fight?
And you're sure It was mr. Bayard's gun?
And your dad Such a nice face,
And, as you can see,
And, brother, i just found The fucking needle.
And, uh, that's Just not possible.
And, yeah, i'm better off Just focusing on the job.
And, yes, i want to play.
And, yes, i want to play. I really, really do.
And... i got a little thing To help you sleep.
Angel batista.
Angel headbutted his attacker In the face.
Angel of mercy.
Angel sustained Severe internal injuries.
Angel va a estar en la casa Para la navidad.
Angel was stabbed From behind.
Angel, do you have that list Of prioritized witnesses?
Angel, have you ever met Deb's boyfriend, rudy cooper?
Angel, i've only been here One time.
Angel, look at this.
Angel, meet our shooter.
Angel, se recupera.
Angel, Vete a tu casa.
Angel, we're really late For work, amigo.
Angel, what the hell Are you doing here?
Angel, you saw all this.
Angel, You're on the market,
Angel: All right. There she is.
Angel: He waived the right.
Angel: i mean, what does "separation" mean to you?
Angel: i'm thinking Two circus clowns dancing.
Angel: it looks like An adult female.
Angel: My man juan, hook it up.
Angel: open up, perry, It's the police. Open up.
Angel: she loved him So goddamn much,
Angel: That shit is privileged.
Angel: When my father was dying,
Angel's daughter was there.
Animal control, Even circuses.
Animals don't like me, Especially dogs.
Animals. I find animals, that's all.
Ankle to knee. He's moving up the leg.
Another beautiful miami day
Another bucket of fried chicken.
Another hooker?
Another photo From my family album.
Another Public relations disaster.
Another round! No more for me.
Another? Chopped up In bits and pieces.
Any answer at this time would be Pure speculation on my part.
Any clues?
Any eyewitnesses?
Any headache, dizziness?
Any idea how long The body's been down there?
Any ideas?
Any kind of real Relationship with them,
Any last words?
Any leads As to what they mean?
Any luck With the family?
Any sign of the rest Of the body?
Any suspects?
Any visitors Over at joe's last week?
Anybody Bring any popcorn?
Anybody who might try To hide him.
Anything at all?
Anything else, lieutenant?
Anything that might give us A sense of where he went.
Anything that might tell us Where he's got morgan.
Anyway, he started getting all Rough with me until he saw this.
Anyway, I don't think my lip
Anyway, i'm a good listener If you ever want to talk.
Anyway, the other half Of the argument
Apparently a drug dealer Didn't appreciate
Apparently she's had A lot on her mind.
Appreciates the gravity Of the situation.
Are all making Some kind of connection,
Are not to be released Into his custody!
Are those kids.
Are we good?
Are you a cop?
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Are you boning her?
Are you crazy?!
Are you crying?
Are you following me now?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Are you fucking my wife?
Are you fucking my wife?
Are you fucking my wife?
Are you fucking my wife?
Are you getting a goddamn Hard on there, morgan?
Are you gonna cry about it?
Are you gonna fuck me, Faggot?
Are you gonna kiss him?
Are you gonna make out? None of your business.
Are you gonna start Questioning me now?
Are you guys good?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding? That was awesome.
Are you listening to me? Vanessa didn't kill herself.
Are you morgan? Mm hmm.
Are you My new neighbors?!
Are you nuts? In miami?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you questioning dexter?
Are you still hung up I can't believe this.
Are you stupid?
Are you suggesting That i'm a liar?
Are you suggesting there were Never any bodies in room 103?
Are you sure it's tony? Because...
Are you sure That's not a butterfly?
Are you sure This is the right address?
Are you sure you heard The.38 go off
Are you sure You locked the door?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Are you telling me The truth? Yes.
Are you?
Are you? Astor.
Are your windows tinted?
Area code, Partial license plate.
Aren't we missing something?
Around the beach Stores, hotels, atms.
Arrested in '69, again in '71.
As a get out of jail free Card.
As a matter Of personal conscience.
As a power play?
As an excuse To come see me.
As damaged as me.
As easily As i can recognize jaworski
As far as i know, You went out for a walk.
As long as i bring home La pasion.
As long as i can get.
As long as it's on its way Out the door.
As long as you don't mind The sofa bed.
As long as you're here, You want to see aury?
As something they're not.
As soon as he came off Undercover.
As soon As i pay for my lunch,
As soon as i straighten things Out at the morgue.
As the ice truck killer?
As you can see, not a whole Lot's changed since then.
Ask if she knows the little boy Social services picked up.
Ass en route.
Assign surveillance to each Location for the morning.
Astor and cody Are in the other room.
Astor wouldn't go. She was afraid.
Astor: I love you to everything.
At 21, They said he was cured.
At a salvage yard.
At a time of crisis?
At all times On all things.
At every leaf that blew Down the sidewalk.
At least have a sense That she was in the presence
At least he's consistent.
At least he's consistent. Yeah.
At least he's looking After his patient.
At least i had someone To talk to
At least i hope he's a fraud.
At least i know my sister Is safe tonight,
At least that's what They're saying on the news.
At least these folks Aren't just standing by
At least three times That we know about.
At least till we catch The asshole
At lunch, rudy said he'd hurt His lip that morning.
At that age,
At the corner of brickell avenue And coral way.
At the crime scene.
At the crime scenes Of our guy?
At the psychiatric evaluation Next wednesday.
At the seven seas motel.
At the university of paris Sorbonne.
At their weakest Possible moment,
At this critical time.
At times like this,
Attaboy, angel.
Authorities say Their big break came
Average height Normal, i suppose.
Aw, come on.
Baby, i am so sorry. You were totally right.
Back the fuck Off my brother!
Back when you And sergeant doakes
Backstage passes To neil diamond.
Bad habit Instilled by mom.
Bad sign she's catching on.
Bad timing?
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