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Cool. The school is going to have a talent show. We should try out for it and hopefully we will make it in. Yeah, Pablo, I really want to be in the talent show. I want to be in one, too. Same with me. Oh, I don't know about this. I'm too shy to perform on stage. Austin, you'll be fine. Also, you don't need to feel this way about it. All of us are going to sing the same song together. I guess you're right, Pablo. Can we try out for the talent show? Of course you can. Show me your best talent....
Hey chins、I have a sure prise for you today。We well go to what prosis door。You can pecator closh yeah yeah yeah yeah。I hope to have a chaiges clush but you very stay Don T that dusing me nusion for watenn from different do we work com home and you wall be ground IT do you wanna Stand yes。 東急チェーンズピークアウトマウスウィザード、ビデオハブアチェイスクラッシュオッケーyou can peak something else but I want to chat clash teams now please dot store from the tenther 1111 way what are you、...
Hey Jason Marshall, today we are going to the bowling alley. You 2 better do good or else I will laugh at you too. No, no, no, too bad. We are going and that's final. Also, if you do anything bad, you too will be grounded. OK guys, now it's time to bowl. We will be doing 3 rounds total. Also there will be restroom breaks in between each round. Now I am going first, then Marshall, then Chase. Yes, I got a strike. Now it's my turn. Oh no, I missed. Marshall. You didn't not done any pins. Hey, t...
Hey rider, can we go to Burger King? Sure, chase, but you gotta make sure you're on your best. Behave or else you'll be grounded. Do I make myself clear? Yes. Hi, welcome to Burger King. What would you like? I will get a whopper large fry and a Coca-Cola. I will get chicken fries and regular fries. Sorry we are out to chicken fries but if you want you can get some chicken Nuggets instead. What are you joking? No, we are really out of those. Hey give me chicken fries now. Chase, they said they...
Hey rider, the Super Bowl is on. Can I watch it? No, Chase, you cannot watch it because you are grounded. I want to watch the Super Bowl. I want to watch the Super Bowl. I want to watch the Super Bowl. I want to watch the Super Bowl. I want to watch the Super Bowl. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Chase, you are not watching it. And that's final. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Why? Why? Why? Let me watch the Super Bowl now. Why? Why? Why? Why? Chase, how dare you throw a tantrum over not being able to watc...
I have a surprise for you Chase. Today you will be going to the Great Wolf Watch with Whoopsie, Widget, Walden, Daisy, Pablo, Tyrone, Austin and Uniqua. Now if you behave with them, you'll be on Grounded. Now go put your swimming suit on. My Chase. Have fun, everyone. Can we go on the water slide? Sure, Chase, But make sure you don't wet yourself as you go down. You got a really bad habit of doing that. OK, I won't. This line is taking so long. Chase. Be patient or else you'll be coming down...
I will make the Paw Patrol lookout tower messy because they deserve it. Shazam. Now their lookout tower is messy. Caleb will be so proud of me. You're messy. I'm very proud of you for putting trash all over the Paw Patrol lookout tower so you are ungrounded and you can go do anything you want. Thanks, Caleb.
I will make the Paw Patrol lookout tower messy once again, Shazam. Now their lookout tower is messy once again. This time I will get Caleb to come see this because he's gonna be happy to see this. Why is there trash all over the pocket troll lookout tower? Wait a minute. I think Mr. Messi did it, and I think he's gonna show Caliph this. I need to get the trash off of here and I wanna make Callum disappointed. What should I do? I know I will take it to a recycling can. Also, that would be even...
I'm going to hurt Mr. Bump because I hate him so much. I just reached Jolie Dale and now I gotta go find him and hurt him. There he is. Now it's time for me to hurt him. That hurts so bad. Oh, no, it's a Little Miss Helpful. I'm in big trouble. Marshall, did you just hurt Mr. Bump really bad? My Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama. Yes I did. I did it because I hate him so much. I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad at me. Your apology is denied. I can't believe you hurt Mr. Bump so bad. Now I gotta tak...
I'm gonna bring Caleb a sing and spin uniqua because he would love it. Hi, Uniqua, I'm so glad you're here. Thanks, Caleb. I brought you a surprise. Well, I know you would give me a good surprise, so I'm ready for it. Here it is. It's a sing and spin uniqua. Yay, I've been mourning the scene in Spain. Unique what? Thanks, Uniqua. You're welcome, Caleb. Uniquea, we are so proud of you for giving Caleb a sing and spin Unica so you are ungrounded and you can go do anything you want. Thanks Pablo...
I'm gonna bring Caleb this thing and snuggle rubble. It would be so funny to give him something he hates. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Robble, why are you in my room? I'm here to give you something. Alright then, but make sure it's not something I hate or else you'll be in big trouble if you give me something I hate. Surprise, it's a sing and snuggle rubble. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh oh, oh, oh, oh rubble. How dare you give me a Paw Patrol toy? You know I hate Paw Patrol. That's it. I'm calling...
I'm gonna kick in the goal. Oh yeah, Pablo, I'm gonna try to block it. That was a good game, Pablo, but I think we should start heading back to our houses. OK, whoopsie. That was such a fun day today. Now I should go to bed. Oh goodnight. I'm gonna try to steal a soccer ball haha. But I gotta be really quiet in here, that way won't wake him up, right? I got a soccer ball, now I need to get out of here before he wakes up. Uh, this is such a great morning. I'm going to go place some more soccer...
I'm so bored today, what should I do? I know I will sing the fat controller song ha ha ha ha ha. Control. No. Toby and in the truth fact something gang have sex all day. Control, don't be too big fast. Control, don't eat, don't. Oh no, it's Ryder. I'm in big trouble. Chase, did you just sing the Fat Controller song? Umm umm umm umm umm umm umm yes I did. Chase, how dare you sing the Fat Controller song? You know that song is RIP off of Bob the Builder.
I'm so bored today, what should I do? I know I'm gonna use my helicopter and I'm gonna attach Daisy to it and I'm gonna drop her to the trash can. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I'm coming to get Daisy to put her in the garbage can hahaha. Such a beautiful day outside. I might go do something fun outside. Oh no, Oh no, why am I being taken away? Ha ha ha ha ha. There's a trash can right there. EW, I've been put into a trash can. That's what you get for being an uncool character.
Kayla, can we go to McDonald's? Sure, Mr. Happy. I just love McDonald's. Love it. Love it. Love it. That's good to hear, Little Miss Sunshine. Alright. Yes, you 2 we can go, but you gotta make sure you 2 are on your best or else you'll be grounded. Do I make myself clear? Yes. Are you gonna order something already? I'll give you ordering. Oh, Mr. World. That's it. Get out of here. Hi. Welcome to McDonald's, you 3. What would you like to order? I'm gonna get. Ten piece chicken Nuggets and a me...
Little Miss Scary scares Chase away from the pool - Ungrounded
Man, I hated it when Pablo blasted the backyard against theme song in my ear. I need to get my revenge on him. What should I do? I know I will blast the Paw Patrol theme song in his ear ha ha ha. Hi, I'm Pablo. I'm thinking about going on a walk. I found some footprints. I'm gonna follow them and see where they take me. Oh. Why do the footprints take me right next to the stupid tower? And why is there a speaker? Where are the footprints? And ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I've got yo...
Man, I'm so bored right now. What should I do? Wait a minute. I think over in Dillydale, the Mr. Men and Little Misses are having a beach party. I think I should go there with my hovercraft, and while I'm there I'm gonna hit Mr. Bump with it. Ha ha, ha, ha ha ha. I'm coming to hurt you, Mr. Bump. It's a hovercraft. They make me so nervous. This is such a nice day in the water. Yes, I did it. I hit Mr. Bump Yee Yee, Yee Yee. Oh no, it's Mr. Noisy, Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Messi, Mr...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, sky bobble Chase, you are ground and ground and ground and ground and ground and ground and ground and ground and water.
OK class. So today we are going to have a behavior card day. If you get the gold card, you will graduate forever. If you get the silver card, you'll have five years off. If you get the bronze card, you'll have one year off. If you get the blue card, you'll have nine months off. If you get the green card, you'll have six months off. If you get the pink card, you'll have three months off. If you get the line card, you'll have one month off. If you get the cyan card, you'll have one week card. I...
OK, class tomorrow will be Stuffed Animal Day, so you can bring in a stuffed animal as long as it's appropriate for this school. And if you bring a stuffed animal that's inappropriate for this school, then you will get expelled. Right, come show me what stuffed animal you brought. I brought the onesie Benny Baby Job Wubbzy. That is an appropriate stuffed animal for this school. So that means you will get one year off. Go to the principal's office to get your reward. I brought the Daisy plush...
This is such a great day. Pablo, how dare you say that's a great day today. That's it. You're grounded, grounded, grounded. But what? I didn't do anything wrong. I don't care. You're grounded. This episode of The Backyard gets so great. I just enjoy watching this. Pablo, how dare you watch the backyard guns? That's it. You're grounded. Grounded. Grounded. There I go, now I got some clean teeth. Pablo, how dare you brush your teeth? That's it. You're grounded. Grounded. Grounded. This Coca-Col...
This is such a nice day. I'm gonna go on a walk. I found some footprints. I'm gonna follow them and see where they take me. Why do the footprints take me to this stupid backyard? And why is there a speaker where the footprints end? I got you right where I wanted. I figured you would go on a walk, so I left footprints to bring you here. And the reason why I was bringing you here is because it's time for your ultimate punishment. You breath and that is blasting the backyard against theme song o...
Wapsi, me and Widget gotta run out to some errands, so we want you to behave while you're gone. That's right, little buddy, make sure to behave while we're gone, or else you'll be grounded. Do I make myself clear? Yes. What should I do first? I know I'll watch some wild, wild wolfsy on the. TV. Wow, wow, wow. I'm very hungry now, so I'll get something to eat. What should I eat? I know, I think I'll have fried chicken. Yum. This fried chicken is so good. I just love the way it tastes. Wow, wow...
Welcome to my cooking class everybody. Now go ahead and try to make a good food and if I like the food you will get an A+, but if you make something that is not so good, then you will get an F and you will fail. Wow, wow wow. I'm gonna make up some glossy cookies. I'm gonna make my backyard against cake. Bob can have given poop, ha ha ha ha ha. Are you all ready for me to try what you made? Yes. Oopsie, those whoopsie cookies were so good. So you got an A plus. Pablo, that backyard against ca...
Wow, wow, wow. I'm going in the pool. This is so much fun. Can I come in with you? Of course you can, Daisy. Look at this. Daisy. I'm laying down in the pool. You look so cute doing that website. I am gonna do it too. Wopsie, I am very proud of you for letting Daisy come in the pool with you and spending time with her. That was one of the nicest things you have ever done. Woopsie. So that's it, you are ungrounded and you can go do anything you want. Thanks Caleb.
Wow, wow, wow. It's Valentine's Day. I'm gonna do something sweet for that beautiful girl I love. I am going to give Daisy these candy and flowers. Happy Valentine's Day, Daisy, these candy and flowers are for you. Ah, thank you Wapsi. You are the sweetest guy I've met. You make my heart happy. Amta, I'm glad you are happy with it, Daisy. Now it's time to spend some time together. How about let's get to the park? Sure, whoopsie. It would make me so happy to go to the park with you. First, let...
Wow, wow, wow. Today I'm going to get a lavender lollipop for Daisy. She's going to be loving that so much. Wow, wow, wow. I made it to the candy aisle and aha, there's a laughter. Long time now. I'm going to get that for Daisy. Your total is $2.00. Wow, wow, wow. OK then so here's the $2.00 for the lollipop. OK, have a great day. Hi, Casey. Hi, Roxy. I have a lavender lollipop for you. Oh, thanks, Fluffy. You're so sweet. I love you. I'm very glad you got me a laughing for Lollipop. Oh, I'm...
Wow, Wow. Widget. Can we go to McDonald's? Sure. Wolfie or whatever. You gotta make sure you're on your best behavior or also be grounded. Do I make myself clear? Yes. Hi, welcome to McDonald's. What would you like? I'll take a large burger and fries and I'll have a Coca-Cola swashe. Oh sorry, the machine for bacon Coca-Cola sloshies is broken but instead you can have a blue Raspberry slushy or cherry slushie when you want to get that. Oh, oh poise, oh poise. No, no. I want to Coca-Cola sushi...
Yay, I'm having fun in the backyard. Hey, what are you doing in my backyard? I am going to make fun of you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha unique. Boy, you're a spotted creature. And you are not a cool creature. Ha ha ha ha. Hey, that is not funny. Oh no, it's Tasha. I'm in big trouble. Sky, are you making fun of Uniqua? Umm umm umm, yes. Oh, how dare you make fun of my friend Uniqua. That's it, go home right now. You've saved me, Tasha. Thanks. You're welcome, Uniqua. Tasha, I am very proud o...
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