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Overwatch 2 - Athena Announcer Explore the most comprehensive Overwatch 2 Athena Announcer , featuring all the iconic voice
Created by shadowrealm 26

Overwatch 2 - Athena Announcer

Explore the most comprehensive Overwatch 2 Athena Announcer Soundboard, featuring all the iconic voice lines from Athena in the game. Whether you're a fan looking to relive key in-game moments or a content creator seeking the perfect audio for your next project, this soundboard offers everything you need.

The Athena voice in Overwatch 2 is central to the gameplay experience, providing strategic updates, countdowns, and critical alerts. Our collection includes popular lines such as "Prepare for battle," "Victory," "Defeat," "Overtime," "Match complete," "Switching sides," "Payload moving," "Round 1, complete," "Contesting the objective," and "The payload is approaching its destination."

These high-quality audio clips are perfect for fans of Blizzard's Overwatch 2 who want to immerse themselves in the game’s atmosphere, or for those creating custom alerts, stream intros, or machinima content. This soundboard offers a complete set of professionally extracted Athena voice lines to ensure clarity and precision.

Best of all, it's free to explore and use for personal projects or to customize your Overwatch 2 experience. Enhance your gaming content or relive the excitement of Overwatch 2 with Athena guiding you through every match.
Achievement completed.
Activate Tactical Visor, then fire at the targets with your rifle.
Activate the Hero select screen to continue.
Aim at the targets, then fire your Helix rockets.
Aim at the training bot, then fire your rifle.
Aim through the crosshairs in the middle of your screen, move them over the training bot, then fire.
All I thought.
All targets destroyed. Nice work Soldier 76.
All teammates eliminated.
All teammates frozen.
All teammates have been eliminated.
All teammates have been frozen.
An enemy has been thawed.
Approaching the final destination.
Arriving at Antarctic Peninsula.
Arriving at Chateau.
Arriving at Conseil.
Arriving at Eagle Point, Antarctica.
Arriving at Watch Point Gibraltar.
As a reminder, it is against Overwatch safety protocols to discharge weapons within the drop ship.
Attack commences in 10 seconds.
Attack commences in 60 seconds.
Attack commencing.
Attackers incoming in 10 seconds.
Attackers incoming in 60 seconds.
Attackers incoming.
Balancing teams.
Before you begin, there is one thing I wanted to go over with you. There will be times when you want to switch heroes during a game.
Before your next mission, let's review some important concepts.
Beginning practice round against the AI.
Bring up the Hero Select screen to view all available characters.
But she was fully charge it before using it.
Capture objective A.
Capture progress pauses if you move outside of the area.
Capture the objective to win.
Capture the objective.
Capture their enemy flag.
Challenge completed.
Charge your tactical visor by damaging the training bots.
Checkpoint reached.
Commence attack on objective B.
Commence attack on Objective C.
Commence attack on objective D.
Commence attack on objective E.
Completely heal yourself with biotic field, then we can continue.
Confirm your selection by pressing Continue.
Congratulations Top 500 ranking.
Continue following Teresa.
Damage heroes apply pressure and finish enemies.
Damage the targets with Helix Rockets to continue.
Damaging an enemy causes their current health to display above their head.
Dealing damage will charge your ultimate.
Defend Objective A.
Defend the objective.
Destroy all the bots to continue.
Destroy all the training bots to continue.
Destroy the training bots to continue.
Determining skill rating.
Doom Fist.
Double kill.
Each team is made-up of heroes playing different roles.
Enemies in the field may be a little harder to hit than that one.
Enemies like these training bots are marked with a red outline.
Enemy eliminated.
Enemy flag returned.
Enemy frozen.
Enemy has been revealed.
Enemy needs 1 kill.
Enemy needs 2 kills.
Enemy needs 3 kills.
Enemy needs 4 kills to win.
Enemy needs 5 kills to win.
Enemy needs 10 kills to win.
Enemy needs 15 kills to win.
Enemy needs 20 kills to win.
Enemy Tide.
Engage the training bots whenever you're ready.
Enter the target range and move to the highlighted area.
Entering Busan Sanctuary.
Entering Ledang Control Center.
Entering Lijiang Garden.
Entering Maccabees.
Entering Oasis University.
Entering the Necropolis.
Entering the Nepal Sanctum.
Escort the payload.
Even if you do not land a direct hit, the explosion will damage nearby enemies.
Excellent. Now watch Teresa run to the center of the room.
Excellent. You're halfway there.
Feel free to explore the practice range. I encourage you to come back here anytime you want to experiment with different heroes or try out your skills.
Final attempt.
Final score.
Finally, let me explain Tactical Visor, your ultimate ability.
Fire your Helix rockets at the targets.
First place.
First round lost.
First round one.
First, let me begin to activate your heads up display.
Flag activated.
Flag captured.
Flag dropped.
Follow the marker to your objective.
For the final phase of the training program, I'll show you how to capture an objective.
Ford spawn lost.
Forward spawn activated.
Give it a try.
Go ahead, activate a biotic field.
Great work that covers the basics of your weapon.
Head through the open door and proceed to the objective.
Hello soldier 76, I am Athena.
Hero change.
I regret to inform you that I do not have a physical body and therefore cannot group up with you.
I regret to inform you that I do not have medical functionality at this time. Return to the spawn room for a powerful burst of healing.
I will be guiding you through the Overwatch training program.
I will continue to introduce new concepts of interest as you explore.
I would recommend avoiding that eventuality.
I'll bring out some targets for you.
I'll deploy some additional training bots.
I'll get you something to shoot at.
I'll refresh Tactical visor so you can destroy the rest of the training bots.
If it reaches zero, you die.
If there are enemies in the area with you, capture progress is paused.
If you run out of ammo, you will automatically reload, or you can manually reload at any time.
In 27.
In addition to Sprint, you also have the ability to heal yourself with Biotic field.
Initiating match.
Initiating training match.
It appears that you are accustomed to moving your controls down to look up.
Jump up onto the ledge and go through the blast door.
Junk Jun.
Junk, right?
Keep all of this in mind if you ever want to change your hero during gameplay.
Keep following Teresa.
Kill Streak.
Last hero standing.
Last hero standing.
Lead is tied.
Lead lost.
Let me get you something a little more challenging to shoot at.
Let me prepare another set of targets.
Let me walk you through the basics of combat.
Let's begin. First, look up at the drop ship above you.
Let's get started. Please use your controls to look at Tracer as she moves around the room.
Let's go over the basics of movement.
Let's put those skills to use.
Let's try switching to a different hero.
Let's try that again. Place the crosshairs over your target, then fire.
Letting your team know the status of your ultimate ability is an excellent way to coordinate.
Look over at Tracer.
Match complete.
Match point.
Melee weapons like this hero's primary attack ignore barriers and can hit multiple targets in a single swing.
Mopping options are available if you press and hold the ping button.
Most weapons fire a limited amount of ammo before they need to be reloaded.
Move into the area to capture the objective.
Move next to the training bot and strike it with a melee attack.
Move next to the training bot, aim, then strike it with a melee attack.
Move to the highlighted area.
Multi kill.
Multiple personal bests.
Nemesis acquired.
Nemesis eliminated.
New Challenger.
New defense point objective B.
New defense point objective C.
New defense point objective D.
New defense point objective E.
New hero selected.
New nemesis acquired.
New Nemesis?
New personal at best.
Next round.
Next to it is your current health.
Next, we'll go over your abilities.
Nice shooting.
Nicely done. You can also strike a target near you with a melee attack.
Note how targets near the point of impact were damaged by the Helix rockets.
Note that she will have to wait a short time before using that ability again.
Now activate your tactical visor and destroy the training bots.
Now arriving at Busan downtown.
Now arriving at Ilios.
Now arriving at Oasis City Center.
Now arriving at the Ilios well.
Now arriving at the Nepal village.
Now arriving at the Shambhali Monastery.
Now arriving at Yijang Tower.
Now changing practice locations.
Now changing skirmish locations.
Now deploy a biotic field.
Now entering a skirmish while you look for a game.
Now entering is skirmish.
Now entering kings row.
Now entering Midtown.
Now entering the arena.
Now entering the Black Forest.
Now entering the temple of Anubis.
Now playing.
Now press Continue to confirm your hero selection.
Now traveling to Busan.
Now traveling to Estadio de Ras.
Now traveling to Kanizaka.
Now traveling to Paraiso.
Now traveling to Petra.
Now where is she?
Objective A captured.
Objective A has been lost.
Objective A is under attack.
Objective B captured.
Objective B captured.
Objective B has been lost.
Objective B is under attack.
Objective C captured.
Objective C has been lost.
Objective C is under attack.
Objective captured.
Objective D captured.
Objective D has been lost.
Objective D is under attack.
Objective E captured.
Objective E has been lost.
Objective East is under attack.
Objective lost.
Objective unlocked.
Objective unlocks in 30 seconds.
On other maps, you can only change your hero in the room where you enter the match or rooms where you reappear after dying.
Once the meter reaches 100%, you can activate your tactical visor.
Once you have selected a hero, you can view their information at any time.
One enemy remaining.
One kill remaining.
One on three.
One on two.
One-on-one jewel.
Only a few more to go.
Over the past week, Talon activity has been detected in the area. It is my belief that they are attempting to steal the newly unearthed artifacts from the temple ruins atop Helios.
Overwatch heroes rely on teamwork to complete objectives.
Photo Teresa as she moves around the hangar.
Placement matches complete.
Play of the Game.
Play of the Match.
Please activate the hero select screen.
Please enter the highlighted area.
Please exit the target range and approach your objective.
Please go to the highlighted area in the center of the room.
Please heal your remaining damage with a biotic field.
Please look over at Theresa.
Please look up at the drop ship.
Please move into the area marked by the bright outline.
Please press the Hero Details button.
Please select A damage hero.
Please select a different hero.
Please select A support hero.
Please select a tank hero.
Prepare for battle.
Prepare for freestore elimination.
Prepare for operations.
Prepare to attack.
Prepare your defenses.
Press Continue to confirm your selection.
Press OK or close the Hero Details window to continue.
Press this button to view additional details about your selected hero.
Quadruple kill.
Quintuple kill.
Ready for battle?
Recover your flag.
Revenge kill.
Road hog.
Round 2.
Round 2.
Round 2. Capture the objective.
Round 2/1.
Round 3 lost.
Round 3.
Round 3. Capture the objective.
Round 4 lost.
Round 4.
Round 4. Capture the objective.
Round 5.
Round 5. Capture the objective.
Round 6.
Round 7.
Round 8.
Round 9.
Round 10.
Round 11.
Round 12.
Round 13.
Round 14.
Round 15.
Round 16.
Round 17.
Round 18.
Round 19.
Round 20.
Round 41.
Round one, capture the objective.
Round one.
Round three one.
Season ended.
Seasonal rewards unlocked.
Select a different hero from the list below to continue.
Select a different hero from the list below.
Select your hero.
Sex couple kill.
Shoot the training bot to continue.
Shut down.
Soldier 76.
Sometimes it's easier to hit an enemy with a melee attack.
Stop the payload.
Sudden death.
Support heroes heal their team and provide utility.
Switching sides.
Taken the lead.
Tank heroes protect their team and distract enemies.
Targets eliminated The mandatory portion of your training session is now complete.
Team Kill.
Teammate eliminated.
Teammate Frozen.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The ancient ruins in Ilios are an internationally protected heritage site. Please try to avoid unnecessary damage.
The enemy has captured your flag.
The enemy has taken your flag.
The objective is marked with a bright outline on the ground.
The objective is now active.
The objective is under attack.
The payload has reached the checkpoint.
The payload is approaching its destination.
The payload is approaching the checkpoint.
The payload is moving.
The payload is stopped.
The tactical visor optimizes your shots so they do not miss.
There are still targets remaining.
There is one bot remaining.
These powerful abilities can change the course of a game.
This concludes the Overwatch training program. Good luck out there, Sir.
This cooldown time is displayed over the ability icon.
This hero's projectile weapon does bonus damage when hitting enemies directly. Lead moving targets to do maximum damage.
This hero's weapon can critically hit if you aim for an enemy's head. Critical hits always deal at least twice as much damage as normal hits.
This is a place where you can experiment with your weapons and abilities.
This is Ilios.
This is.
This training program has prepared you to use the weapon and abilities unique to Soldier 76.
Three on one.
Three on three dual.
Three on three.
Three on two.
To 0.
To 8.
To 9.
To 10.
To 11.
To 12.
To 13.
To 14.
To 15.
To 16.
To 17.
To 19.
To 20.
To 21.
To 22.
To 23.
To 24.
To 25.
To 26.
To 28.
To 29.
To 30.
To be in.
To capture it, move inside the area.
To demonstrate it, I need to damage you slightly.
To five.
To four.
To learn more about other heroes, go to the Practice Range.
To learn more about the other heroes of Overwatch, please enter the Practice range from the Training menu.
To learn more about the other heroes of Overwatch, please enter the practice range through the Training menu.
To one.
To seven.
To six.
To three.
To two.
Top 2 finish.
Top five finish.
Top four finish.
Top six finish.
Top three finish.
Traveling to Dorado.
Traveling to Eichenwald.
Traveling to Hanamura.
Traveling to Havana.
Traveling to Horizon lunar colony.
Traveling to Nepal?
Traveling to New Queen St.
Traveling to Route 66.
Traveling to the Ilios ruins.
Traveling to the Nepal shrine.
Travelling to Moscow Industries.
Travelling to Numbani.
Triple kill.
Try it out on the targets.
Try moving around the hangar.
Try moving backwards. It's useful if you need to retreat.
Try moving sideways.
Try out your weapons and abilities on the training robots in the firing range. Return here to select a different hero.
Try sprinting, it could save your life.
Two minutes remaining.
Two on one.
Two on three.
Two on two dual.
Two on two.
Two-minute warning.
Understood. Now please look up at the drop ship above you.
Use your controls to look up at the drop ship.
Voice sample recorded. Your greeting will now be recognized by the training bots.
Watch Teresa one more time, then we can continue.
We'll begin with Sprint.
We'll need some assistance for the next part of the program.
Welcome to Ayutia.
Welcome to Blizzard World.
Welcome to Castile.
Welcome to China Asians.
Welcome to Circuit Royale.
Welcome to Greece, agents, but I'm afraid this isn't a holiday.
Welcome to Hollywood.
Welcome to Ishna.
Welcome to Junketown.
Welcome to Lijiang Night market.
Welcome to Malevento.
Welcome to Nepal agents. Make sure you watch your step, it's a long way down.
Welcome to Oasis.
Welcome to Overwatch.
Welcome to Paris.
Welcome to Rialto.
Welcome to Season 1.
Welcome to Season 2.
Welcome to Season 3.
Welcome to Season 4.
Welcome to Season 5.
Welcome to Season 6.
Welcome to Season 7.
Welcome to Season 8.
Welcome to Season 17.
Welcome to Season 18.
Welcome to Season 19.
Welcome to Season 20.
Welcome to Season 21.
Welcome to Season 22.
Welcome to Season 23.
Welcome to Season 24.
Welcome to the Ilios Lighthouse.
Welcome to the new season.
Welcome to the Oasis Gardens.
Welcome to the practice range.
Welcome to the target range please pro ceed to the highlighted area.
When the Rockets explode, they also damage nearby enemies.
When you are ready, please close this window to continue.
When you have a hero selected, you can view details about them by pressing the Hero Details button.
While moving forward you can activate Sprint to run faster. Try it now.
While you are within the area, you make progress towards capturing the objective.
Would you like me to set up your controls to work that way?
Wrecking Ball.
You are dominating.
You are now ready to leave the practice range whenever you wish.
You are on fire.
You are still injured.
You are taking objective A.
You are taking objective B.
You are taking Objective C.
You are taking objective D.
You are taking objective.
You are taking the objective.
You are welcome. It is rare that new agents express gratitude for the information provided in this training module.
You can also move left and right.
You can change your hero selection in spawn rooms like this one.
You can communicate with your team using the comms wheel.
You can heal yourself with a biotic field.
You can jump over small obstacles.
You can launch a volley of rockets in the direction you're aiming.
You can mark locations and enemies for your team by pinging.
You can move forwards and backwards in the direction you're looking.
You can now skirmish while I search for a game.
You can now try a practice game versus AI, replay the tutorial, or face off against other players.
You can only Sprint while moving forward.
You cannot fire your weapon while sprinting.
You charge your ultimate ability overtime or by dealing damage.
You have been frozen.
You have been thawed.
You have returned the flag.
You have selected a damage hero.
You have selected a support hero.
You have selected a tank hero.
You have successfully captured the objective.
You have the flag.
You may now skirmish while I find you a game.
You will heal while you're within the glowing area.
You'll need to move forward to attack your enemies.
You're on fire.
Your acknowledgement has been acknowledged, Agent. Thank you.
Your current ammo is displayed here in the bottom right of the screen.
Your current charge level is displayed here at the bottom of your screen.
Your current objective is indicated with the directional marker labeled a.
Your current progress is displayed here on your screen.
Your flag was returned.
Your portrait is displayed in the lower left corner of your screen. That's you, Soldier 76.
Your primary weapon is your heavy pulse rifle.
Your rifle is also equipped with Helix rockets.
Your tactical visor is charged.
Your tactical visor is fully charged, please activate it now.
Your tactical visor is fully charged. Please activate it then open fire.
Your team has captured the flag.
Your team has dropped the flag.
Your team has lost the lead.
Your team has taken the lead.
Your team has the flag.
Your team is about to unlock the forward spawn room.
Your team is close to taking the lead.
Your team is tied for the lead.
Your ultimate is 50% charged.
Your ultimate is almost fully charged.
2 kills remaining.
3 kills remaining.
4 kills remaining.
5 kills remaining.
10 kills remaining.
10 seconds remaining.
15 kills remaining.
20 kills remaining.
30 kills remaining.
30 seconds remaining.
35 kills remaining.
40 kills remaining.
60 seconds remaining.
75 kills remaining.
100 kills remaining.
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