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Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Soundboard for Benny of Fallout: New Vegas. Includes anger, insults, women, and more.
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Danilo Benny Oficial
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Adios. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ah, forget it.
Ah, forget it. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ah, forget it. I'm going to go get a drink.
Ah, forget it. I'm going to go get a drink. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ah, just getting jumpy I guess.
Ah, just getting jumpy I guess. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ah, that was a nice bit of hey hey girlie.
Ah, that was a nice bit of hey hey girlie. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ah. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ah. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
All Benny needs is a stealth boy and a Bobby pin.
All Benny needs is a stealth boy and a Bobby pin. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
All right, honey baby, this is all kinds of wrong, but to my sweet it is.
All right, honey baby, this is all kinds of wrong, but to my sweet it is. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
All right.
All right. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
And it's big league and open all night.
And it's big league and open all night. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
And you dig, this is just first base, right?
And you dig, this is just first base, right? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Any questions you got I'll answer.
Any questions you got I'll answer. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Anybody there?
Anybody there? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Baby wow. Wee wow. Wow. You and me are going to swing.
Baby wow. Wee wow. Wow. You and me are going to swing. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Baby, are you trying to make me cry?
Baby, are you trying to make me cry? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Baby, do you not understand the level of game here?
Baby, do you not understand the level of game here? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Baby, this is not the place to go talking about that.
Baby, this is not the place to go talking about that. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Because I'm out of your league.
Because I'm out of your league. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Better not try that again.
Better not try that again. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Bitch. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
But baby, you'd be disappointing me all the trouble you went through to arrange this shindig must be something more you're after.
But baby, you'd be disappointing me all the trouble you went through to arrange this shindig must be something more you're after. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Can't do that, baby.
Can't do that, baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Catch you later.
Catch you later. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Chip. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Come find me down on the casino floor and we'll plan the next step of this caper.
Come find me down on the casino floor and we'll plan the next step of this caper. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Come find me on the casino floor.
Come find me on the casino floor. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Come on, don't slaughter me like I'm some kind of animal.
Come on, don't slaughter me like I'm some kind of animal. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Come on, you bitch.
Come on, you bitch. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Cut it out, will you?
Cut it out, will you? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Do what you gotta do, baby, and let the chips fall as they may. You know where to find me.
Do what you gotta do, baby, and let the chips fall as they may. You know where to find me. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Do what you gotta do, baby.
Do what you gotta do, baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Do you not understand the level of game here?
Do you not understand the level of game here? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Don't tease if you don't mean it.
Don't tease if you don't mean it. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Except maybe you're not.
Except maybe you're not. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Found you.
Found you. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Fuck. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Give me a moment or two to catch my breath and knock back a few cocktails and I'll swing by for a meet and greet.
Give me a moment or two to catch my breath and knock back a few cocktails and I'll swing by for a meet and greet. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Give me a SEC to jump off cloud nine. I'll meet you on the ground.
Give me a SEC to jump off cloud nine. I'll meet you on the ground. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Go ahead and laugh, baby. I ain't blind to the humor in this situation.
Go ahead and laugh, baby. I ain't blind to the humor in this situation. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Got something to say?
Got something to say? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Guess they should have seen that coming.
Guess they should have seen that coming. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Haha. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Happy now, you twisted bitch.
Happy now, you twisted bitch. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Hello. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Hello. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Hello. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Hey, hey, hey, what the hell?
Hey, hey, hey, what the hell? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Hey. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Hmm. Oh well.
Hmm. Oh well. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Holy shit.
Holy shit. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
How could you do that?
How could you do that? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
How is it that you're still living?
How is it that you're still living? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
How you like being miss Goody? 2 shoes, eh? How's it feeling?
How you like being miss Goody? 2 shoes, eh? How's it feeling? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
How'd you track me down?
How'd you track me down? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
How's it feeling?
How's it feeling? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
How's that sound?
How's that sound? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Huh. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I accept your challenge.
I accept your challenge. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I ain't about to get shaken down by some Janie come lately.
I ain't about to get shaken down by some Janie come lately. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I bet I know where you went.
I bet I know where you went. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I can't do that, baby, and you know it.
I can't do that, baby, and you know it. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I can't get hung up on those details.
I can't get hung up on those details. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I don't know what to say.
I don't know what to say. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I got nothing to say to you.
I got nothing to say to you. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I hope you're built sturdy, you crazy broad.
I hope you're built sturdy, you crazy broad. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I knew we'd see eye to eye.
I knew we'd see eye to eye. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I know I made a bad first impression. You've got every reason to think I'm a creep. But baby, this is an 18 karat opportunity.
I know I made a bad first impression. You've got every reason to think I'm a creep. But baby, this is an 18 karat opportunity. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I know I've been bad, but it's cruel to jerk me around like this.
I know I've been bad, but it's cruel to jerk me around like this. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I know you figured me for a creep. It's your prerogative.
I know you figured me for a creep. It's your prerogative. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I know.
I know. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I see.
I see. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I want to talk to you as much as you wanna talk to me.
I want to talk to you as much as you wanna talk to me. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'll be by in a few just as soon as my legs stop shaking.
I'll be by in a few just as soon as my legs stop shaking. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm going to go get a drink.
I'm going to go get a drink. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm gonna find you.
I'm gonna find you. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm still a little choked up over here, baby. We'll catch up in a bit.
I'm still a little choked up over here, baby. We'll catch up in a bit. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I've got better things to do.
I've got better things to do. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
If I may this my pleasure that.
If I may this my pleasure that. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
If you change your mind, come find me on the casino floor.
If you change your mind, come find me on the casino floor. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It can't be a coincidence, baby.
It can't be a coincidence, baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It can't work like that, baby. Not out in public like this. You really need me to spell that out.
It can't work like that, baby. Not out in public like this. You really need me to spell that out. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It's a game, and games have winners and losers. I prefer the former. How about you?
It's a game, and games have winners and losers. I prefer the former. How about you? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It's complicated.
It's complicated. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Jackpot, baby.
Jackpot, baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Just getting jumpy I guess.
Just getting jumpy I guess. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Last we spoke, you were leaning in a more merciful direction.
Last we spoke, you were leaning in a more merciful direction. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Laugh it up on your own time.
Laugh it up on your own time. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Let it swing.
Let it swing. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Let's get this over with.
Let's get this over with. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Let's keep this in the groove. Hey, smooth moves smooth.
Let's keep this in the groove. Hey, smooth moves smooth. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Like I needed another social disease anyhow.
Like I needed another social disease anyhow. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Look at me, a big leaguer. So I claim making all the mistakes of an original loser.
Look at me, a big leaguer. So I claim making all the mistakes of an original loser. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Maybe I'm just jumpy.
Maybe I'm just jumpy. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
More than you ever dream, baby.
More than you ever dream, baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Murderer. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Nah. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Nelson. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Nice Charlies too. Give him a shake for the Bend man, will you?
Nice Charlies too. Give him a shake for the Bend man, will you? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
No one likes a tease, baby.
No one likes a tease, baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
No. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Now you're talking. That is the ring of Ding. Move, baby.
Now you're talking. That is the ring of Ding. Move, baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a moment to collect myself.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a moment to collect myself. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Oh shit.
Oh shit. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Oh shit.
Oh shit. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Oh well.
Oh well. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Oh. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ohh. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ohh. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ohh. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ohh. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ohh. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Or have you always been a naughty broad?
Or have you always been a naughty broad? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Personally, they give me the heebie jeebies.
Personally, they give me the heebie jeebies. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Pussycat. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ring a Ding baby Tata.
Ring a Ding baby Tata. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ring a Ding Ding baby.
Ring a Ding Ding baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
See you around.
See you around. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Shit. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Smooth, moves smooth.
Smooth, moves smooth. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
So what's it going to be?
So what's it going to be? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Sure. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Tata. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Teach you to mess with me.
Teach you to mess with me. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Thanks for nothing.
Thanks for nothing. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That is the ring. A Ding move, baby.
That is the ring. A Ding move, baby. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That takes care of that.
That takes care of that. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That the best you can do.
That the best you can do. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That's not a good idea.
That's not a good idea. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That's one word for it.
That's one word for it. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That's the end of that.
That's the end of that. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
There's a first class offer on the table. The rest is up to you.
There's a first class offer on the table. The rest is up to you. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
There's such a thing as being too polite, if I may this my pleasure that.
There's such a thing as being too polite, if I may this my pleasure that. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
There's such a thing as being too polite.
There's such a thing as being too polite. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
They killed her.
They killed her. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
They killed them.
They killed them. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
They'll keep you on retainer and pay bonuses for special missions.
They'll keep you on retainer and pay bonuses for special missions. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
This can be the start of a beautiful friendship.
This can be the start of a beautiful friendship. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
This operation has cost me plenty. I ain't about to get shaken down by some Janey come lately.
This operation has cost me plenty. I ain't about to get shaken down by some Janey come lately. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
To die in my sleep at a ripe old age after a marathon session of hayhay with 36 star Broads.
To die in my sleep at a ripe old age after a marathon session of hayhay with 36 star Broads. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Vegas. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Vegas. Gotta swing, baby. Gotta have pizzazz. Respect. Where do?
Vegas. Gotta swing, baby. Gotta have pizzazz. Respect. Where do? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Wait for me in the presidential suite. We got a future together, you and me. It's time we got started.
Wait for me in the presidential suite. We got a future together, you and me. It's time we got started. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
We got a problem boys.
We got a problem boys. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
We'll catch up in a bit.
We'll catch up in a bit. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
We've got a future together, you and me.
We've got a future together, you and me. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Well, aren't you a sentimental broad? Give me a SEC to jump off cloud nine. I'll meet you on the ground.
Well, aren't you a sentimental broad? Give me a SEC to jump off cloud nine. I'll meet you on the ground. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Well, I ain't going to give you the satisfaction.
Well, I ain't going to give you the satisfaction. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Well, that's the end of that.
Well, that's the end of that. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What about?
What about? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What are you waiting for? Do it.
What are you waiting for? Do it. from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What do you think you're doing?
What do you think you're doing? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What else did you want to know?
What else did you want to know? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What else did you want to know?
What else did you want to know? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What have you done?
What have you done? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What was that for?
What was that for? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What was the?
What was the? from Benny Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas