A crude question crudely asked. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
A hydroelectric dam. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
A vast computer and robotics corporation. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Aaron. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Absolutely not. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Again. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ah. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ah. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
All I ask is that you recover the chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
And how do you know this? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Any attempt to renegotiate payment would be tantamount to blackmail. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Any final matters for us to discuss? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Are you a child? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Are you ready to perform this task? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
As I said before. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Bring me the Platinum Chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
But that's not going to happen. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
By the time I was 30 years old, I was a billionaire 30 * / I founded and ran a vast economic empire. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Can I look forward to a more substantial conversation this time? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Come now, don't keep me waiting. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Come over and introduce yourself. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Consider yourself suspended without pay. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Delivery of the Platinum chip is non negotiable. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Disappointing in the extreme. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Do as I say, and your rewards will be immense. Thwart me and your punishment will become the purpose of my existence. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Do whatever it takes to recover the chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Do you have any idea how prodigious is the opportunity you're casting aside here? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Do you have the slightest idea of what you've done? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Do you really think I'm going to let an upstart ransom my property to me? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Don't keep me waiting. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Every step of my plan has been precisely calculated and was until now, well executed. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Excellent idea. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Fine. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Five times the bonus, not one cap more. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
General Atomics International. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Get it over with, will you? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Get the job done. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Give me 20 years and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years and I'll have people in orbit. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
GOODγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Have you come to your senses or will there be a repeat of the last incident? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Have you considered the terms of my offer? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
HELLOγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Hidden. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Hoover Dam, of course. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
HOW DONEοΌ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
How shall I put this? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
How's that? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I am deceased. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I am deceased. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I am Robert Edwin House. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I am the only person to hold any rights pertaining to the chip. I designed it and I paid for it dearly. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I can predict with a high degree of confidence that you'll receive an official summons. If you haven't already, that is. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I don't respond well to threats. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I expect we'll have occasion to talk again. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I have no interest in abusing others, just as I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I like to think you have enough sense to do the right thing. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I paid for it. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I prefer the term autocrat. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I see. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I spent two centuries searching for the platinum chip. It's my invention, my property, mine. Now be a good Courier and deliver it. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I still have work for you. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I suppose you're right. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I think we can let this go without further comment. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I urge you to reconsider. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I was not aware of this. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I will pay you four times the delivery bonus stipulated in your contract. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I won't hold you up any longer. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I won't lie to you. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I would have made you wealthy. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, so don't bother asking. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I, Robert Edwin House, am deceased. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'll ask you to complete one other task. It may seem trivial, but that's far from the case. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'll be happy to satisfy your rambunctious curiosity at a more appropriate moment. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'll give you time to think over the consequences of what you're saying. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm flesh and blood, not silicon. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm not offering you an incentive, as crude as money, though there'll be plenty of that. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm not surprised. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm optimistic that this conversation will go more smoothly. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm pulling you on to a new assignment. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I'm the person who will pay you when you complete the delivery contract you signed. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I've always taken business negotiations very seriously. I advise you to do the same. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I've given you an assignment and the directions are clear. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I've spent too many years waiting for this moment to see it fumble by an insubordinate contractor. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
I've waited too long for this moment for you to go following it up on a lark. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
If this statement is being broadcast, I am deceased. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
If you can't hold to a contract simply for the ethic of holding to a contract, you're worthless to me. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
If you disappoint me, you will pay for it. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Indeed you will. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Ironic how this turned out. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Is it really so hard not to engage in cannibalism? My goodness. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Is that an attempt at? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Is that some kind of joke? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It was to have been hand delivered to me here. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It won't be easy. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It's a very special item. There's nothing else like it in the entire world. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It's irrelevant. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It's more complicated than that. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
It's my invention, my property, mine. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Just a moment. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Kimball. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Kimble. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Let's get on with it, shall we? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Listen to me very carefully. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Marvelous work ethic. Bravo. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Maybe you should have thought of that before you conspired to destroy my property. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
My goodness. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
My only concern is the recovery of the Platinum chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
No intuitive understanding of how complex technologies can be. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
No punishment would be too severe. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
No you haven't. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
No, no, no. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
No. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
No. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Nor have I any interest in being worshipped as some kind of machine God Messiah, I am impervious to such corrupting ambitions. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Not acceptable. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Not good for business. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Not interested. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Not interested. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Not surprising. Also not acceptable. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Now be a good Courier and deliver it. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Now go get the chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Now hold on. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Now that you have the chip in your possession, any attempt to renegotiate payment would be tantamount to blackmail. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Now where were we? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Now, I could stop you from leaving, but what would that accomplish? If you want to go, go. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
October 22nd. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Of course you haven't. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Oh come now, don't play the fool. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Oh, by all means, yes. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
On October 2nd. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
On October 22nd, 2077. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Once you've delivered the chip, I will pay you the amount agreed upon. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
One of my employees has stolen an item of extraordinary value from me and I want it recovered. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
One of the problems of a tribal workforce, I'm afraid. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Please focus on the task at hand for both our sakes. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Please get it right this time. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Precisely. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
President, CEO and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Rob Co Industries. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Robert Edwin House. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Robert Edwin House. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
See what you can find out. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Single handedly you brought mankind's best hopes of forward progress crashing down. No punishment would be too severe. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
So what are you doing here? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
So you've said before. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Sorry for the inconvenience, but it can't be helped. This is too important. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Stop wasting time. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Sunnyvale, CA. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Sunnyvale. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Surely you know that I am Robert Edwin House. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Surely you know that I am Robert Edwin, House President, CEO and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That's all you need to know about it for this stage of our enterprise. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That's rather obvious, isn't it? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That's refreshing. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
That's simply not true. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
The chip contained vital software upgrades, but not just for my Securitrons, every aspect of the missile defense grid. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
The chip contained vital software upgrades. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
The delivery was never made. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
The founder, president and CEO of Rob Co Industries. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
The Platinum Chip was taken from you, obviously. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
The platinum chip was to have been delivered by Courier the following afternoon. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
The Platinum Chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
The President of the New California Republic. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Then look harder. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
There will be time for questions and answers once you've delivered the chip. Until then, you'll have to tolerate your ignorance, just as I do. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
There's a job that needs doing here, and I'm assigning it to you. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
There's little else for us to discuss until you have. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Think about what I could offer you. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
This is an employer employee relationship. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
This is important. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
This is not an optional assignment. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
This is not the time for Q&A. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
This is the second time you've promised to deliver the Platinum Chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
This was a waste of time. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
To achieve my aims, I require a capable human agent to perform certain tasks. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
To develop that chip, I spent a sum of U.S. dollars. Not the bottle caps that pass as currency these days, but a sum beyond counting. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Vegas will still rise again. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Very well. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Very well. Five times the bonus? Not one cap more. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
We can discuss this in greater detail at another time. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
We have a serious matter to discuss concerning a contract you have yet to fulfill. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
We know how that turned out. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What do you recommend for next steps? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What do you think you're going to do? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What else did you want to discuss? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What else did you want to know? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What I'm offering is a future. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
What is the purpose of this delay? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
When you bring the chip to me, I will pay you four times the delivery bonus stipulated in your contract. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Why is good help so impossible to find? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Why thank you so much. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Worthless to me. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Yes, I know. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Yes, of course. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Yes. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
YESγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
YESγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You are contractually obligated to deliver the chip. Do your job. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You barely understand what I want you to accomplish down there. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You have a contract to fulfill. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You have a job to do, so do it. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You have a way of exceeding expectations, don't you? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You have an interest in this, even if you're too stupid to know it. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You have an interest in this, whether you like it or not. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You have. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You realize you were just one of many couriers, the rest of them dummies, so to speak. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You realize you were just one of many couriers. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You signed a contract in good faith to deliver that chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You signed a contract to deliver the Platinum chip to me. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You signed a contract to deliver the Platinum chip. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You signed a contract. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You take your obligation to deliver a package very seriously. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You'll have to be more specific. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You'll receive a nice bonus when the work is done. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You'll understand soon enough. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You're absolutely right. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You're going to do the smart thing and work for me. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You're making a habit of wasting my time. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You're making me question your usefulness, you realize? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You're useless in this matter. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You're welcome. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You've been a busy Courier, haven't you? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
You've come back to kill me this time, I assume? from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
Your incompetence has jeopardized the success of this entire concern. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
100 years and my colony ships will be heading for the stars to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation. from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
γγγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
γγγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
γγγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
γ°γγγ€γγγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
γγγ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas
ζ²ζ³γ from Mr. House Sounds: Fallout - New Vegas