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Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2

Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2

Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2 is a thrilling television series that captivated audiences when it was released in 2021. Based on the beloved animated series Winx Club, this live-action adaptation brings a darker and edgier twist to the magical world of fairies.

The cast of Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2 is a talented ensemble of young actors who bring these iconic characters to life. Leading the cast is Abigail Cowen as Bloom, a fiery and powerful fairy who discovers she is not like the others and enrolls in Alfea, a prestigious magical boarding school. Joining her is Hannah van der Westhuysen as Stella, Precious Mustapha as Aisha, Eliot Salt as Terra, and Elisha Applebaum as Musa, forming the core group of friends known as The Winx.

Other notable cast members include Freddie Thorp as Riven, Danny Griffin as Sky, Theo Graham as Dane, and Jacob Dudman as Sam. These talented actors add depth and complexity to the characters they portray, creating a compelling narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2 takes place in a mystical realm where fairies, witches, and other magical creatures coexist. The series delves deeper into the intricate relationships between the characters, exploring themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery against a backdrop of ongoing supernatural threats. With stunning visual effects and a moody atmosphere, the show creates a visually captivating world that draws viewers into its spellbinding story.

The soundtrack of Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2 is an integral part of the show's immersive experience. The music perfectly complements the on-screen action, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments. From the enchanting melodies that accompany the fairies' training sessions to the haunting tunes that underscore intense battles, the soundtrack adds another layer of depth to the series.

If you want to relive the magical moments of Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2 or simply enjoy the memorable music, you can play and download these sounds here. By visiting the official website or streaming platforms, fans can immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Alfea with the series' breathtaking soundtrack. Whether you're in the mood for soaring orchestral pieces or contemporary pop songs, the soundtrack of Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2 has something for everyone.

As you listen to the evocative sounds of this extraordinary series, let the music transport you to the mystical realm of the Winx. From the opening notes to the closing chords, each track will evoke powerful emotions and memories of your favorite characters' journeys. Lose yourself in the magical melodies, and become part of the Winx's adventures once more.

So, don't miss the chance to experience the captivating soundtrack of Fate: The Winx Saga - Season 2. Immerse yourself in the enchantment, and let the music take you on a journey through a world where fate intertwines with destiny.

Remember to visit the official website or your preferred music streaming platform to play and download these mesmerizing sounds. Rediscover the magic of the Winx Club and become enchanted once more.

A Blood Witch. We need to break the connection, Musa.
A broken down engine,
A cliché for a reason.
A conduit to the Realm of Darkness.
A covert strike upgrades our odds, but not by much.
A frontal assault is suicide.
A genuine fairy godmother.
A good plan.
A grudge, like whoever's controlling Andreas knows him.
A job Farah and Saul were unqualified for.
A little more of the other.
A little secret might brighten my day.
A little to your right.
A lot of shit about you.
A lot to throw on someone you've just met.
A Musa and her what party? Uh… can…
A native of The Realm of Darkness.
A notecard. On Aimee Leroy.
A prominent Solarian and unimpeachable character witness.
A shit feeling,
A Specialist and Mind Fairy.
A story I'm lucky to witness.
A trade. I could text Beatrix's phone. Offer them another fairy.
About being worried it was all being bottled up.
About endorphin production during motivational speeches.
About me?
About Silva's trial in Solaria?
About you.
Absurd. Obviously.
According to who? You?
Actually maybe a different dog. What dogs are cool?
Actually, can I come?
Actually, no, we can't. Not now.
Adjust your attitude.
Admirable, but in a closed tribunal, advocates are not permitted.
Afraid of being beaten by a girl?
After Bloom's first time, she slept in a warehouse.
After my first time, I went home in tears.
After stealing his magic,
After the Silva thing, she's fully out for blood.
After torturing him in her lab,
Ah, Aimee Leroy, so nice to meet you.
Ah, much to discuss. We're not…
Ah, your house wasn't that great anyway. [chuckles]
Ah. Thanks. Well, let me know when you want the favor returned.
Aimee Leroy. Her, I have to talk to her.
Aisha and Flora are on it,
Aisha let you in.
Aisha said you… you were laying low.
Aisha, could you come here for a second?
Aisha, my time is limited.
Aisha, we are designed to fall in love.
Aisha. And my bag is down there. Where you're dripping.
Alcohol. It's been sterilized.
All have their own stuff going on, and you're allowed to have yours too.
All I can tell you
All I'm saying is if you two want to push your tongues, or other things, together
All I'm saying is that this, this is temporary. All of it.
All my people in one place. Can't believe how lucky I am.
All of it.
All of our lives are.
All of them, please.
All of this assumes that the Blood Witch, they have to be an outsider,
All of us working together, despite what Rosalind's up to.
All of us, Alfeans, fighting together.
All right, everyone. Now pull it in.
All right, so, um…
All right. Now, let's do this.
All thanks to Benjamin Harvey's daughter,
All the great fighters are unshakable, Sky.
All this pent up frustration, Riv. I guess the rumors are true.
All those fairy tales about princesses trapped inside castles,
All you can do is judge them by their actions.
All your answers are in here.
Allowed Rosalind access to the Royal Archives.
Almost there.
Along with Sky.
Also, I'm not trying to beat a dead horse,
Also, it's a pub. Lots of people around. Super safe.
Also, uh…
Also, we have the Dragon Flame.
Although talk about the blind leading the blind.
Always a good sign when a leader controls access to books.
Always did.
Am I early?
Am I good?
An answering service isn't what I had in mind
An example to the Otherworld.
An outsider all your life. Get a taste of the inner circle and can't get enough.
And a curfew because of the missing twins.
And a key in the lap of our convict
And a normal life is all your mum ever wanted for you.
And a suite full of sympathy and pity makes my skin crawl.
And because of that, everyone else is gonna let you off the hook.
And before you say you've changed,
And by the time I fought them off, it was over.
And by the way, if you tell anyone, Sky dies.
And called on the natural world to preserve me.
And contemplate your lesson for today.
And do you know how bad it would make me look?
And don't freak out, but I do think it's easiest if I just go by myself.
And emotion is good for one thing.
And even helped Doris prep for tonight, all before lunch.
And even more so now.
And extremely toxic tendencies. He's like one giant red flag.
And Flora, Terra, and I saw what she did to Devin.
And from these reports you've studied, you've found proof?
And give him a book that obviously contains evil secrets,
And give it back to her.
And he is not afraid to say it. There is no love lost between him and Rosalind.
And he was gonna kill Silva.
And he's all good, it seems.
And he's not worth it.
And I am sorry about your friend.
And I appreciate your candor.
And I could tell you.
And I don't mean training. I mean just get out of your head.
And I have a history with them.
And I intend to prove it to the tribunal.
And I know about Blood Witches.
And I saw this.
And I wanted answers.
And I'd go with the new Speedo.
And I'm just confirming our instructions.
And I'm not asking for your help.
And I'm not Farah.
And I'm not good at this stuff. [sighs]
And I'm talking to myself. Great. Hello. Hi.
And if it's proven?
And if Sebastian can bring him back, I can be.
And if they do…
And if you so much as think about doing weird Blood Witch shit, you're dead.
And if you want to have an impact, you'll need to do the same.
And in her letter, she included a warning.
And in that moment, I wanted her dead.
And it didn't work out so great.
And it made me realize it's only a matter of time before they find me.
And it opened up.
And it reminded me of your breakthrough theory on elemental fluid mechanics.
And it started with you.
And it was in a really tiny room, so it was more TED Talk adjacent,
And it's always on your turf.
And it's dangerous to everyone else.
And it's my job to prepare you to fight them.
And let Stella's old etiquette teacher give you a lesson.
And looks like your little rage moment tapped you out.
And make no mistake…
And making unproven accusations such as that
And maybe teach me some secret fairy shit.
And my eyes are up here. [chuckles]
And neither of you have considered that Sebastian may have lied?
And not one of them has a princess torturing herself to get out.
And now he's back.
And now I have an opportunity to do just that.
And now I know.
And now I'm sharing that part of me with you.
And now you get to have those good memories. To keep them.
And now, apparently, they steal magic from fairies. Creepier.
And of the women you're becoming.
And once you're in a situation where you act on instinct,
And other things.
And our coup de grâce?
And people died.
And probably is good enough, right?
And Rosalind mind fucking me.
And see if there are any links.
And she could have killed Sky for good if she wanted to, but she didn't.
And she put herself in the Realm of Darkness.
And she's still there.
And suddenly you're getting a text asking for help.
And take on Sebastian all by yourself.
And that he'd tell me if I betrayed you.
And that is why I never had kids.
And that's
And that's fine?
And that's my responsibility, not her guardian's?
And that's where you land.
And the moment you started to get those answers,
And the sad thing is you think people are scared of you.
And the school is crawling with Blood Witches.
And the way I feel about you, I mean, I…
And the whole mess could've been avoided with just a little more communication.
And then epic silence. Apparently, she's got some project.
And then I met Dane, who…
And then the banquet itself, which is just alums and VIPs.
And then to move it from awkward to mortifying, I…
And then what?
And then when he ignored me,
And then you can use the other one like a one handed massage thing.
And they blamed us.
And they're being punished.
And this is your choice?
And this?
And thousands died.
And to be honest, watching you pretend, you look pathetic.
And told you it was his.
And trust is vital.
And under the influence of something.
And unfortunately for every single family in Aster Dell,
And wait to get plucked out like lobsters?
And want to confirm Luke's birthday and home address.
And we believe her?
And we drank the last of the Blood Witch antidote. Fucker.
And we get Musa's magic back ourselves.
And we get the school back to the way it was…
And we'd figure out what to do about Rosalind, but…
And we'll be fighting friends, which is a headfuck.
And we're reading old books. Not even training.
And what does that mean, Sebastian?
And what happens if I don't feel like being used?
And what would you do with it?
And what's that worth to you?
And what's that?
And while it was transparent and a…
And who you are.
And yet we still resist. Why?
And yet you share the same weakness.
And you almost blocked her.
And you are honest.
And you didn't see anything?
And you don't need any more Specialists?
And you got what you wanted, but I'm…
And you know I had no choice.
And you lied to her,
And you must know that anything with the power to destroy
And you smell worse.
And you think you can just figure it out? It's insulting.
And you torture yourself on the inside so that you can be strong on the outside.
And you will forget what normal used to be like.
And you're already starting to sound like him.
And you're cousins? Like actual cousins?
And you're gonna help him.
And you're sure I can't help at all?
And you've been saying how important it is to wake Devin up, so this could do it.
And you've done an admirable job defending her,
And you've kept doing it. To my brother. And now he's on the…
And, I know some things just happen naturally,
And, in spite of everything she's been through, she excelled.
And, truthfully, more than your friends.
And, uh, as for this whole hobo situation, right,
And, um, I know that Rosalind sealed the barriers,
And, yes, it'll probably end.
And? What if they just don't know where to look?
Andreas came out of nowhere and started fighting them.
Andreas did not just lose him. I know Silva had help. He had to.
Andreas has barely said anything to me since the banquet.
Andreas is a bully. I hate bullies.
Andreas is back to this fight to first blood kick.
Andreas is not safe right now.
Andreas just snapped a bit.
Andreas said it was a bit unbalanced, but…
Andreas tried to make a decent Specialist out of him, but…
Andreas was flawed. We all are.
Andreas would call me a fucknut Specialist all day,
Andreas would've killed him if he didn't fight back. Who's his lawyer?
Andreas, one of these days, you must come to the Capitol
Andreas's route has him crossing the river here,
Annoyingly bad.
Answers that change everything.
Any of you?
Any other ideas, you know where to come.
Anybody badly injured will come back here for you to treat them.
Anyone tell him that?
Anything else?
Anything else?
Anything interesting?
Anyway, I come bearing gifts.
Anyway, I've gotta train.
Apologies for the delay, but, as you can imagine,
Apparently, Grey found me passed out in the East Wing.
Apparently, I haven't been as discreet as I thought with my magic.
Apparently, the Dominion Wars were the last time the Dragon Flame existed.
Are the people who kidnapped me when I was a baby.
Are there no normal jobs in the Otherworld? No accountants or
Are they all drained?
Are those absolutely necessary? [giggles]
Are those waves?
Are we done with the emotional portion of this evening?
Are you a Blood Witch?
Are you all alone?
Are you fucking kidding? Of course it is. You have to stop her.
Are you gonna be in the room later? Looks like Dane might need a smoke.
Are you gonna be okay to take out your man?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you on your way back?
Are you really willing to kill me, Bloom?
Are you serious?
Are you sure you wanna do this?
Are you sure you're up for doing this? It's okay to say no.
Are you sure?
Are you sure? 'Cause I just got a massive rush of disgust.
Are you taunting me?
Are you.
Aren't you forgetting that we're powerful fairies
Aren't you forgetting the Blood Witch?
Aren't you scared?
Argh! Ah! Ah!
As far as I can tell, this is some sort of summoning spell for those creatures.
As far I'm concerned, she's not headmistress. Ms. Dowling is.
As for what is, Andreas has paid a visit to our old pal, Sebastian.
As if I'm giving the commoners the satisfaction of seeing a princess
As in, this week has been a lot and we could use a break. You especially.
As long as my children stay safe.
As long as one person has hope, maybe there's a chance.
As we face our real enemy.
As wild as horticultural research fellows can be.
Ask all my friends. [chuckles softly]
Asking for forgiveness and a favor.
At capacity. Six Specialists. Two fairies.
At least Sky was lucky enough to be raised by Saul,
Attacked her caravan and broke out Saul Silva?
Back at ya.
Back then, Blood Witches were so powerful that they
Ballsy of you to come alone.
Basically, get a sc****r to take it from me
Basically, their element is blood, so they can control muscles and bones.
Basically, we're fucking grunts, and we have to enjoy being fucking grunts.
Bavani doesn't trust the army to make a covert move.
Bavani is convinced he's got spies everywhere.
Be grateful you're still here.
Be honest. Does it hurt?
Bea, I don't know exactly what happened that day,
Beatrix actually came through. Maybe she has changed.
Beatrix can clean the rest.
Beatrix, you were kidnapped by a Blood Witch,
Because I know you'll do it anyway.
Because it only lasted for a few seconds before I pulled away.
Because of the looks you're giving me right now.
Because of the mission.
Because of what happened next.
Because Rosalind, at the request of my mum,
Because that's not annoying.
Because that's not ominous at all.
Because we didn't complete it,
Because we have history, I'll pretend you didn't say that.
Because you knew the truth.
Because you really don't know the half of it.
Because you were in stasis for 1,000 years.
Because you're dealing with shit that's bigger than you.
Been evaluating students over the past month,
Been there all year while you and Rosalind were becoming besties.
Before Riven and I kissed, I knew it wasn't what I wanted,
Being a good little princess is the one tactic I haven't tried yet.
Besides, I've got this.
Bet you wish you could walk through walls. Warning, I'm quite gross.
Big afternoon?
Bigger than you know.
Bit more valid.
Bit odd she transferred mid year, but to each their own.
Bit of a wild lifestyle for my aunt and uncle's work.
Bitten. I offered my help.
Bleurgh! Can you not, in front of me?
Blood from a stone.
Blood Witches fight dirty.
Blood Witches.
Bloom and Sky are missing.
Bloom has felt different her entire life.
Bloom is my best friend.
Bloom is not dangerous. Trust me.
Bloom is scared. So are we all.
Bloom isn't a killer.
Bloom lost control yesterday for one reason and one reason only.
Bloom might want to know what you plan to use the Dragon Flame for.
Bloom said it was over here.
Bloom, are you aware of how serious the charges are against you?
Bloom, I wanna find Dowling just as badly as you do,
Bloom, I'll support you no matter what you do, but
Bloom, look at me.
Bloom, shall we take a walk?
Bloom, what did you do?
Bloom! Bloom!
Bloom's got some Gamsol oil next to her paintbrushes.
Bloom's inside risking everything to save Sky.
Bloom's missing.
Both must be respected.
Brilliant suggestion on your part.
Bring him to Long Shore, where he'll board a ship for Polaris.
Bullshit. I never lied about how I felt.
Bullshit. You transformed last year.
Burn it down.
But "miserable, sentimental fuckwit" wouldn't fit.
But a heinous act such as this is unprecedented,
But according to Terra, that bridge got burned out weeks ago.
But after the vote tonight, it's gonna get a whole lot harder to take Rosalind down.
But afterwards he started ignoring me,
But Aisha is 100% into you.
But as there is a death involved,
But at least then, I could do whatever I wanted.
But at least we know.
But at the risk of being a dead curious cat,
But being a queen means you must look beyond things like friendships.
But by what?
But do you wanna get out of here?
But enough to take over every Specialist there.
But fear will not dictate how we respond.
But first, we need to discuss what happened today.
But he smiled through it and lied to my face.
But I am her daughter, and I can be tricky too.
But I can't be your moral compass, Bloom.
But I did just find out I'm not a murderer so…
But I do have time for one final lesson.
But I do.
But I don't know how long I can sit around while Flora's trapped.
But I don't think it's just him.
But I equally do not condone
But I finally feel like my own person.
But I found these.
But I gotta get out of here.
But I had to try it.
But I have a feeling it'll take more than a new boyfriend for him to get over it.
But I refuse to live in fear.
But I think I knew at the back of my mind that they weren't the problem. I was.
But I think it's best if you wait until tomorrow.
But I think we both remember what happened last time.
But I wanted to know if we could talk.
But I was impressed by how you comported yourself.
But I will support you
But I wrote down the formula to the Eldwyn Amalgam.
But I'd hate for you to go away empty handed,
But I'll reserve that "I told you so" until you get back.
But I'm back now. I got this.
But I'm gonna need you to be a tad more specific.
But I'm headed for a swim, in case you wanna join?
But I'm not gonna stop.
But I'm not gonna, like, kill all fairies or… [sniffs]
But I'm not okay, Musa.
But I've got vested interest considering the Blood Witches
But if I can convince her that I'm helping the Specialists…
But if I weren't, do you two think Musa would be able to stay at this school?
But if they know Andreas then
But if you can come to terms with that, you become unshakable.
But if your mum made the decree, can she not unmake it?
But in my humble opinion,
But in the grand scheme of things, it's a minor fuckup.
But inside of her burns the magic of legend.
But it happened a few days ago, and you're safe now, okay?
But it is possible somebody tipped the Blood Witches off.
But it made some really good points
But it puts me at an advantage.
But it's extremely powerful. If he reacts badly to it,
But it's not done because I still have this thing inside me.
But it's not enough.
But it's not mine.
But it's not the end of the world as long as somebody else does.
But like a stealth smoke show. Doesn't need to prove she's a smoke show.
But make no mistake,
But maybe you could give us a warning before you…
But Musa's still in there. So's Flora.
But my contacts are old guard. None of them want to fight with fairies.
But nothing happens in a vacuum.
But now I can.
But one look from Riven
But one thing is.
But only one of us is in chains.
But Rosalind admitted it.
But Rosalind's the one who's got your mother's ear these days.
But Sam and I must go.
But she's not.
But she's… she's trickier than you think.
But so is death.
But Solaria is well positioned by my presence in her life."
But something like this?
But something tells me I won't need to.
But that's about it.
But that's life too.
But that's not what we're talking about. No, we're talking about Musa's magic.
But the bite marks are still a mystery. He's been unconscious since.
But the Blood Witches will.
But the entire Solarian Army have been searching for months.
But the first half of the plan is the same. Let's go.
But then again, I assume you know nothing about the system, so…
But then I got a few contenders.
But then I met Beatrix, and then I met you.
But then why does it feel like I'm in cyber limbo?
But then you got older, and I realized I had a job to do.
But there may be a few minor inconsistencies
But there's one thing you need to know is true.
But these uniforms are…
But they are ruined for me.
But they haven't been seen in days.
But they take time.
But this combination she suggested…
But this is a mistake that I've made. You can see that.
But this is bigger than us.
But trust me, falling for someone is not something to protect yourself from.
But until we found answers, he swore me to secrecy.
But we can't react until we know more, which is why I'm going to the Capitol.
But we got drunk, and I kissed him.
But we have a few hours of mingling before we storm the East Wing.
But we want the same thing.
But we were wrong.
But we're not gonna give up hope just yet. Sebastian has a knack of finding things.
But weirdly, we have the same crooked pinkies.
But what if they don't?
But what?
But when you need to fight, you will fight.
But yes.
But you can't take anything he says personally right now.
But you have no idea how nice it is that I can't hear it.
But you're also a fucking teenager, Bloom.
But you're right about one thing.
But you've spent the entire term dating a Blood Witch.
But, like, go to therapy or something.
But, like, you know, cooler. [chuckles]
But, of course, Dane didn't even like me, so…
But, uh, I hope it's going well.
But, yeah, Riven is a perfect example of you not thinking things through,
But… Silva is
But… you need them to vote you in.
But… you're right.
By my accounts, he's only got worse under your care.
By some horrific revelation about where you came from.
By the way, Bea wants to hang tonight. You game?
Can also protect.
Can I ask about Grey now?
Can I just watch? My magic hasn't been very helpful recently.
Can I text Sebastian now?
Can we go somewhere a little more private?
Can we just say you've called my mum and she's on her way to punish me?
Can we just track back? What's… what's the party for me?
Can we trust him?
Can you believe it? I can't believe it.
Can you just stop? Please. My first plan was good.
Can you please just pour it, so we can find Dowling's grave?
Can you pull gas from that tank?
Can you stop saying "smoke show?" We all know Beatrix has you whipped.
Can't believe you're my girlfriend.
Can't get more First World kitsch than an American diner.
Can't imagine you like someone outside the family having quite so much influence.
Carried out by their leader, Sebastian Valtor.
Channeling that much magic under stress is dangerous. Most students aren't ready.
Chatting? About a guy getting shot in the back?
Cheap alcohol mixed with different cheap alcohol.
Check the hall.
Chilled, four lemons, sparkling.
Citizens of Solaria,
Clearly, despite my efforts to keep my investigation secret,
Cliché even.
Closest thing I could find. And it's, you know, not bad.
Coffee? Something to eat?
Combat won't be as easy as hitting a single target.
Come here.
Come on, let's just do it. We're not gonna hurt each other.
Come on, man. Aren't we over this anti Silva shit?
Come on, we need to get back.
Come on.
Come on. Let's go somewhere quiet.
Come on. We should help her out.
Come to my office. I'll find you something to do.
Come with me. Now.
Commanding Officer of the Solarian Army.
Confronted with her crime, Rosalind attacked you.
Could control people's bodies from miles away.
Could do with a bit more color, but I suppose, form over function.
Could you cut the lights?
Counter counterpoint. Leo and Claire.
Counteroffer. Give me the book and I'll tell you how.
Course not. But I wonder if they'd make the same effort
Course you do.
Course you do. 'Cause you know everything, right?
Course, that makes sense. Totally makes sense.
Courtesy of Rosalind, no doubt.
Creepo. I'm gonna just get a better look.
Creepy old book for a lifetime of magic.
Cryptic again.
Cute little My Fair Lady moment.
Dad won't do anything she doesn't approve of. Pathetic as that is.
Dad, she's crazy. You know that.
Dane's got shit to prove.
Devin can't be far. Come on.
Devin deserved better.
Devin was, uh… [chuckles]
Devin, this is gonna fix how you're feeling.
Devin. Devin, you're okay.
Devin. Devin, you're okay.
Did he wear an apron?
Did I fuck up?
Did Sebastian tell you something that's upset you?
Did she tell you it's a trap?
Did the shit fairy come last night?
Did we already come this way?
Did you ever try to ride them?
Did you expect them to just wait around and do nothing?
Did you kill her here?
Did you realize, if you're in suspension,
Did you rearrange all this?
Did you think Beatrix could take something from my office without my knowing?
Didn't realize Aisha's snoring was that bad.
Didn't want Grumpy to have an excuses not to train me.
Discovering a part of yourself you never knew existed.
Do not be surprised by what wins.
Do not make this difficult.
Do not use your goals as an excuse. This is deeper than that.
Do that. [chuckles]
Do what you have to do. Please.
Do you
Do you have Grey's records?
Do you know anything about that?
Do you know what happens if you listen to them? The mob?
Do you know what's on the other side?
Do you know where he was or not?
Do you mind taking this piece of shit back?
Do you really have no doubts?
Do you remember how pathetic I was last year? How weak?
Do you remember the first time you used magic?
Do you still have access to Rosalind's office?
Do you, like, think I'm going too far?
Does Grey do that? The whole "I'm fine" act.
Does she? 'Cause I thought once I helped her break out,
Does that bother you for some reason?
Does this normally work for you? Bad boy with a heart of gold.
Doesn't matter. [clears throat]
Don't answer that. Um…
Don't do anything stupid in there, okay? Don't wanna carry your ass anywhere.
Don't forget my magic is back, so I can feel the pain you're all in.
Don't forget that.
Don't give up.
Don't know if it matters.
Don't look now, but you've got a lurker.
Don't push life away.
Don't stress. We'll work something out.
Don't take me away from school.
Don't tell anyone, but I absolutely loathe these things.
Don't think about saving the world.
Don't worry.
Don't worry. I'm not gonna stop telling you how I feel.
Don't you dare walk through that thing, Bloom.
Don't you think he's just looking out for you?
Don't you think?
Don't you want all the answers?
Don't. Remember what Dad said.
Dowling taught us all how to transform. We draw on all of our emotions.
Dowling wouldn't have run.
Drama. [clears throat]
Drop your phone.
Dropping blondie makes sense, but I'm actually useful.
Duke Hammer who?
Duke Oscar Hammerström, Mind Fairy, graduated '82.
During our standoff,
During the banquet?
Earlier in the evening
Earlier this morning, I didn't…
Eight waves?
Either he gives it back or we kill him.
Eldwyn Amalgam. It was me. I'm sorry.
Eldwyn Amalgam. Not that Flora knows anything about the case,
Eldwyn isn't just toxic to humans.
Enjoy your lunch.
Enjoying being part of the group.
Enya was easier to stomach. But I got what you meant.
Especially when you consider the other missing fairies.
Even after everything, you're still just Rosalind's errand boy.
Even before he broke in,
Even if it makes you uncomfortable.
Even if it's just for a walk or a swim.
Even if that were true, who the hell cares?
Even if we thought we wanted to, the Solarian Guard is brutal.
Even if we were speaking, she's not in the habit of changing her mind.
Even Stella, who'll deny she's enjoying being part of the group,
Even the Dragon Flame has limits.
Even the quiet ones.
Even with an antidote.
Eventually, at an Alumni Banquet, Dowling would step down,
Ever since Rosalind, I'm just scared, and I know I have to be strong, but
Every Blood Witch following him is considered an enemy of the Crown.
Every comment out of your mouth has been a thinly,
Every important Alfea grad from the past 50 years will be there.
Every piece of my untouchable hero dad.
Every second that thing is open, the Otherworld is at risk.
Every time I close my eyes, I'm back in the graveyard.
Every time I took it, I didn't realize, but it builds and it builds.
Every time we drive them out, they come crawling back.
Every time you got angry with Rosalind, I took it away.
Everybody ready?
Everyone is dismissed.
Everyone is talking about it.
Everyone out.
Everyone thought I was dead. That was useful to her.
Everyone was checked into their rooms last night.
Everyone, back to your rooms now!
Everything I wanted to do together,
Everything she did, she did because she wanted answers, like me.
Everything's a thing here. I'll look it up when we get back.
Exactly. We just have to discharge our magic into the crystal.
Except by Rosalind? She can speak to you how she wants.
Except for you, Bloom.
Except Riven.
Except Rosalind has literally been on our side since day one.
Except you can feel how I feel.
Except you don't just have fun. You ruin people.
Exciting. She's a ledge.
Faint praise.
Fair warning. I am trying something new. Bit of mineral magic, so no judgment.
Fairies from this school have started to go missing.
Fairies killed the Blood Witches at Aster Dell.
Fairies want us dead, okay?
Fairy magic isn't an infinite well.
Fairy magic,
Fancy an escort?
Farah ran, Bloom.
Felony wise, going against Solaria is a pretty big step up
Field Marshal.
Figured you for an IPA kinda girl. Yeah? Crisp, packs a punch.
Figured. Remember you said that.
Files that contained troop movements and asset lists.
Find the Blood Witch stealing fairy magic and stop them.
Fine. You want the Dragon Flame?
First blood.
First, I'll level with you.
Flora needs the sc****rs focused on her. That's the only way she'll destroy them.
Flora, n… no.
Flora, right. Uh, she seems great.
Flora's my best friend, so if you do anything to hurt her
Flora's weird like that.
Focus, lover girl. Tribunal's in the morning. Timing's gonna be tight.
Folds his pants. Fuck me.
For evading the guards long enough to graffiti the school?
For his own safety at least, he's no longer your concern.