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Wag the Dog (1997) Comedy Wag the Dog is a witty and satirical comedy film released in 1997. It is directed by Barry Levinson

Wag the Dog (1997) Comedy

Wag the Dog is a witty and satirical comedy film released in 1997. It is directed by Barry Levinson and written by David Mamet. The movie revolves around a political and media manipulation campaign that aims to distract the public and divert their attention from a presidential sex scandal.

The cast of Wag the Dog features some remarkable actors who bring their characters to life with sheer brilliance. Leading the pack is Robert De Niro, who impressively portrays Conrad Brean, a spin doctor tasked with fabricating a fake war to keep the scandal under wraps. Accompanying De Niro is Dustin Hoffman, who plays Stanley Motss, a Hollywood producer brought in to create the illusion of the war through a meticulously crafted media campaign. The chemistry between De Niro and Hoffman is electric, and their performances are a treat to watch.

Additionally, the talented Anne Heche is featured in the film as Winifred Ames, the White House aide who assists Brean and Motss in their devious plan. The cast also includes William H. Macy, who plays a Hollywood writer named Charles Young, as well as Denis Leary, Kirsten Dunst, and Woody Harrelson in supporting roles. Each actor brings a unique flavor to the film, contributing to its overall comedic brilliance.

The soundtrack of Wag the Dog, though not particularly notable, complements the film's narrative perfectly. It features a mix of suspenseful and satirical tunes that accentuate the mood of the scenes. While the specific band members are not mentioned, the sound effects and music from the movie can be played and downloaded from reliable sources online.

Wag the Dog is a truly entertaining film, using comedy as a vessel to explore themes of media manipulation, political deception, and public opinion. The clever dialogue, sharp satire, and incredible performances make it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys dark comedies and political satire.

For those interested in diving deeper into the world of Wag the Dog, playing and downloading the sounds from the movie can enhance the experience. The sound effects and music serve as reminders of the film's witty moments, and they can be accessed easily online, ensuring an immersive movie experience.

In conclusion, Wag the Dog is a standout comedy film from 1997 that showcases the talent of its stellar cast. With its clever plot, thought-provoking themes, and exceptional performances, it remains a relevant and enjoyable watch to this day. So sit back, relax, and let the laughter ensue as the comedy of Wag the Dog unfolds before you.
A 1930s recording, part of the folk song collection...
A baIIad of Ioss...
A bIack patent shoe...
A brave American serviceman is Ieft behind.
A chiId at the airport breaks through the ranks...
A convict?
A crate of it. It`s...
A face of innocence, no cynicism.
A good oId shoe.
A good pIan today is better than a perfect pIan tomorrow.
A group calling itself ``Albania Unite...``
A group of FirefIy GirIs were here Iast month.
A hero.
A high White House source confirms...
A Iist of peopIe in aII miIitary speciaI programs.
A IittIe dog runs to it. The dog Ioves Schumann.
A member was left behind what were then enemy lines.
A more poignant picture of the human race...
A phenomenaI performance.
A plane that is due to land. Long overdue.
A secret account for your extra expenses...
A wider option of what?
A young AIbanian girI...
About a good oId shoe.
AbsoIuteIy right.
AbsoIuteIy, sir. The president wants a kitten.
Accusations have surfaced which could affect the outcome...
Accused the president of sexual misconduct.
Act One: AIbania denies everything.
Act Two.
ActuaIIy, no.
After hearing her family was killed.
After his safe rescue in Albania.
After I`m done with them, what do they want me to do?
AIbania doesn`t do anything for me.
AIbania has no nucIear capacity.
AIbania`s hard to rhyme.
AIbanian desk, CIA, NSA. Roust them, sirens bIaring.
AIbanian dissidents...
AIbanian terrorists have a staging area...
AIbanian terrorists have pIaced a suitcase bomb...
AIDS has the yeIIow ribbon thing.
AII combat takes pIace at night in the rain...
AII I need is 11 tiII the eIection.
AII in remission. No mention of the FirefIy GirI.
AII of a sudden transformed into that pIace from whence...
AII right?
AII right? Get your ass out here.
AII right.
AII right.
AII right. Book it up.
AII systems five by five. See you in NashviIIe.
AII the greater accompIishment.
AII you can do is try.
Ain`t that the truth?
AIong our picturesque Canadian border.
Air Force jet Iands, we take somebody eIse from that jet.
All I can tell you is this comes from the highest level.
All in the same seven day period.
Always stick with a winner.
Ambassador to this or that, whatever.
Ambassador to what?
America has seldom witnessed...
Ames here. Yes, sir?
An AIbanian harvest festivaI, something Iike that?
An ambassadorship? That`s my payoff?
And a fitting song, if I may say so, about Shoe.
And accused of sexual misconduct by a teenage girl...
And Amy Cain, Press.
And family.
And he assures that it is necessary...
And he has stopped moving toward the waiting motorcade.
And he`s...
And I am sure each and every one of us...
And I live by it...
And I wouId Iike my Iawyer present.
And I`m sure all of us will thank that Supreme Power...
And Ieft out the What do you caII it?
And Iet some Iimp dick fiIm schooI pansy...
And Iet two dickheads from fiIm schooI take it.
And if he doesn`t?
And if it`s not true, then he must...
And if you`re not gearing up to fight that war...
And in that pause, we should take time to examine ourselves
And it Iooks 100% reaI.
And keep our country free.
And leopard skin...
And our hopes and prayers are with him.
And overseas are standing down.
And proud they`ll be.
And put them on a pIane to SeattIe.
And remind me to turn over in 10 minutes...
And save the day!
And saved the thing when the thing needed saving.
And taking medication, side effects of which have
And that it is the first sheaf...
And the campaign, many said, that put him there.
And the president ahead in the polls by Bob?
And the security of your job, which wouId you pick?
And the USA.
And there is no war.
And they`re gonna do the kitten thing opticaIIy.
And this government credits his assurances
And those dots spell out a message in Morse code.
And we, as people...
Andrews, five a.m.
Another great race today, Johnny.
Another great race today, Johnny.
Another sort of news, however...
Anti psychotic.
Any business.
Anybody here know Morse code?
Anybody want a beer? `Cause I couId party.
Anything at the airport?
Anyway, she gives him the sacred whatever it is...
Apparently, there was a family connection in Canada.
Are they useIess or just broken?
Are waiting for a response from the White House...
Are we getting there?
Are we ready yet?
Are you aII right?
Are you getting this?
Are you kidding?
Are you nuts?
Are you shitting me?
Are you very reIigious?
Aren`t you, WiIIiam?
As Americans show their patriotism.
As Iong as you get me back for the beans.
As Iong as you get there.
As of today, 89% favorable.
As soon as we Iand, I want a refIexoIogist.
As the president is offering her the coat.
As they must because of the secrecy invoIved.
As they say for aII the men and women of Group 303...
As we reported earlier, U.S. Serviceman Willie Schumann...
As we said, the president
As we said, the president, a surefire winner...
At Andrews Air Force Base.
At the InternationaI Association of Shoe Manufacturers.
At the junction of four map segments.
At this time, there is no information...
Back end?
Back in NashviIIe.
Back in to finish thejob.
Based not on the events...
Bear with me.
Because I think this speech needs a IittIe umph.
Because it`s so honest.
Because that is the war of the future...
Because the president cannot empIoy an iIIegaI immigrant.
Because they`d have to have a rocket and that shit.
Because this is the onIy way it can be understood...
Before it`s fuIIy tested...``
Behind the mention of Albania, of his stomach flu...
Between Montgomery Bell and Blair Park.
Between the United States and the Republic of Albania.
Big Bird meets Schumann at the airport?
Big Bird shrugs off his secret service,...
Big mistake to reveaI Schumann before the eIection.
Big mistake. You got to bring him in by stages.
Big? He`s dead.
Birds, snakes.
Bob, my mind wasn`t 100% made up, but now it is.
Bottom of the ninth.
Brazen it through.
Brer Rabbit couIdn`t get out of this.
Bring him back. William Schumann...
Bring in the cavaIry. Nick of time.
Bring it aII back home.
BuIIshit. He ate tiny cheeseburgers in tin foiI.
But could you bring the camera closer?
But don`t put your hand down there.
But General William Scott of the Joint Chiefs of Staff...
But he`s gotta come back sometime.
But I never win.
But if forced to choose between the security of your country...
But it appears something has distracted the president...
But never taIked about the producer.
But on the spin given to those events.
But our guy did bring peace.
But that was a naturaIIy occurring
But the old woman is quite taken...
But there wasn`t a war.
But they didn`t mention the producer.
But they know what they`re doing.
But what?
But why don`t they do it after the eIection?
But, Lord wiIIing, eight days from now...
Buy new ones.
By her sacred, sainted, and aged mother...
CaII it anything you Iike, but I got one for you.
CaII the pIane. TeII me where to pick him up.
Campaign commerciaI. ShouId we Iook at it?
Can I heIp you?
Can I hoId the kitten?
Can I taIk to him?
Can I taIk to you for a minute?
Can we get her a kitten?
Can we get someone to translate?
Can we have a caIico kitten? PIease?
Can we have a white one?
Can we stop this?
Can we stop this?
Can you find out if we could get some rain tomorrow?
Can you give me the weather tomorrow morning?
Can you step this way, Mr. Brean?
Can`t they find me a kitten? Listen to me.
Canada. AII right?
Canada. Our neighbor to the north...
Captain, you want to take her up?
CeciI B. De MiIIe, The Greatest Show on Earth...
Change the story, change the Iead.
Change this. Thank you.
Chuck, this is your way of Iife.
Come on, paI.
Come on, Shoe!
Come on.
Come on. DeaIs change.
Come on. Let me cIose out the thing in styIe.
Common ground...
Confirmed earIy this morning, AIbanian time...
Connie says divert the pIane to Boca.
Cooked to the giIIs, and you haven`t read the treatment.
CouId I see the contract?
CouId I see you a minute? Thanks.
CouId she be running across a bridge?
CouId we go now?
CouId you have Levy say...
Count on it.
Covers her with his coat, end of story.
Daddy had a hound dog...
Dan, I think what she is saying...
Davy Crockett had a hat.
Dean City, OkIahoma. Army speciaI programs.
DecIaring war on AIbania?
Demonstrations are springing up all over the country...
Depending on the bio.
Depends on what we want to do with them.
Detroit Register, Sacramento Bee...
Did you mean?
Died suddenly of a massive heart attack...
Do I know you?
Do it again.
Do you have any change?
Do you hear me?
Do you know what I`m taIking about?
Do you know who we are?
Do you make this pIedge with fuII resoIve?
Do you remember that? Something Iike...
Do you swear to uphoId...
Do you vote?
Do your job right, nobody shouId notice.
Does he have much Ionger to serve?
Doesn`t she Iook AIbanian?
Don`t change horses in midstream.
Don`t change horses.
Don`t do a song about it.
Don`t forget Fad King. We don`t need an Act Two?
Don`t go changing horses in midstream.
Don`t teII me it`s corny.
Don`t teII me it`s corny.
Don`t worry. It`s nothing new.
Don`t you ever teII me that!
Don`t you teII me that!
Don`t you want to know if it`s true?
Down safeIy.
Dressed in her...whatever.
Drive carefuIIy.
During Reagan`s administration, 240 Marines kiIIed in Beirut.
During that time, of course, we`ll remain
Early this morning, General Scott flew to Seattle.
Earn your money. He`s iII.
Eddie, like my daddy always used to say...
Eddie, like my daddy always used to say...
EIeven days. We need you.
End of the day, just when you know something...
Enough Iovemaking. Let`s go. Come on.
EventuaIIy headed for orthodonture.
Everybody`s always in a hurry these days.
Everybody`s gotta Iearn.
ExactIy what do you do for the president?
Excuse me, Senator...
ExpIain it? Am I worried?
Face the music, whatever that may be.
Fad King is my hero. Want to go first?
Fad King on two.
Famed film producer Stanley R. Motss...
FIight crew being investigated for possibIe piIot error.
Find me an AIbanian harvest festivaI.
Find us the Anne Frank sirens.
Find us the ooh ahhs.
Fine. Let`s try one.
FIoyd, punch in a caIico kitten.
Five a.m.
FoIk music section, 1930.
Folks in Santa Fe and the rest of America...
Follow me `round...
For a wider set of options.
For an economy you can rely on...
For once in my Iife, I won`t be pissed on.
For our head.
For Progress to Occur It`s Necessary for Two
For the 303.
For the future of our families...
For the safety of the men and women in combat.
For their atomic workshop. That`s why she`s fIeeing.
For Two Generations to Agree. That is the titIe.
Found out I didn`t have the rights.
Freedom, `tis of thee.
Freeing a tired but happy WiIIiam Schumann.
From the point of view of the whaIe.
Front page, Washington Post, tomorrow.
Fuck my Iife.
Fuck ribbons.
Fuck the worId. Try a 10 a.m. pitch meeting...
Fuck you.
Fuckin` hire a convict shithead?
Fucking amateurs.
Gathering to comfort you.
Gaviston, bring some coffee. BIack.
GeneraI Scott in SeattIe?
GeneraI Scott, to your knowIedge...
Geo poIiticaIIy...
Get GeneraI Scott and the Joint Chiefs of Staff...
Get it in the Library of Congress now.
Get me 30 secretaries and put them in an office now.
Get me a car and driver.
Get me an update on the army, the Pentagon.
Get me Johnny Dean, Liz Butsky, and the Fad King.
Get me my veggie shake...
Get me the Pentagon...
Get on the phone and get it.
Get on the phone. FIy in ajudge.
Get on the phone. What`s aII this moping about?
Get out.
Get rid of the dogs and keep the kittens.
Get this guy Schumann.
Get with it. Who kiIIed Kennedy?
Get you anything you want. You want some beans?
Get your press office right now to deny it.
Getting him right now.
Getting Iaid whenever you want.
Gimme some fIames.
GirIs to pIay the victim in our news footage.
Give him another piII.
Give me the fax.
Give us this day...
Given to the man who ties the first sheaf...
Giving them what they want.
Go ahead. Have a baII.
Go on, teII your friends.
Go to war to preserve your way of Iife?
Go with the two tone hat.
God bless the men...
God bless the men...
Gonna get me back tomorrow?
Good night and God bless.
Good oI` shoe...
Good Ol` Shoe.
Good. It`s working.
Good. Just make due.
Good. Put the viIIage behind her.
Got a site picked out and everything.
Got Iess than two weeks tiII the eIection.
Got it as a cIock.
Got your car.
Grace. Teaser.
Grainy hand heId news footage.
Grandpa fought...
Great idea.
Guess who I am.
Guess who retains the merchandising rights.
Half black, half leopard.
Half black, half leopard...
Half black, half leopard...
Hard Iessons, mistakes, and you caII it wisdom.
Has claimed responsibility for the bombing moments ago...
Has emerged from the presidential quarter.
Has said he apologizes for the need for secrecy...
Has set up a special Albanian task force at Ops Center.
Has the president changed his tune?
Have him say...
Have him standing by.
Have your agent What is this?
Haven`t had this much fun since Iive TV.
Having a good time?
Having somehow obtained a surface to air missiIe...
He can`t end the war.
He didn`t get in, and it disappointed me.
He didn`t mean anything.
He didn`t phrase it right.
He didn`t seII the Iine.
He does want to know what does Motss want?
He doesn`t know anything.
He ended the war?
He ended the war?
He fucked a FirefIy GirI.
He got the message through.
He had an iIIegaI immigrant nanny years back?
He Iooks Iike me.
He is a perfect war hero.
He is deaIing with the dispatch of the B 3 bomber to AIbania.
He is down safely and will be transshipped.
He just ended the war.
He just wanted to know what you meant.
He made a pass at some secretary years ago?
He mentioned a state of war is or is about to happen...
He might even get to heaven...
He needs an eIephant.
He ****d a nun.
He ****d a nun.
He said that?
He says it`s corny.
He says that the Republic of Albania...
He spent the Iast 12 years in a miIitary prison.
He stays on the ground in China at Ieast another day.
He thinks it`s corny.
He wants a white one?
He wants a white one.
He was Ieft behind, just discarded...
He was safely rescued and on his way to American soil.
He wasn`t campaigning. He was dating, actually.
He will get you through.
He won`t do the speech?
He won`t do the speech.
He`II drop whatever he`s doing.
He`s become known to Americans simply as the Old Shoe...
He`s coming down.
He`s dead.
He`s doped to the giIIs.
He`s fine as Iong as he gets his medication.
He`s fine as Iong as he gets his medications.
He`s gonna be fine.
He`s gonna need heIp.
He`s gonna turn this thing around.
He`s good.
He`s got a new wife.
He`s in a sweater...
He`s in chains because he`s a convict.
He`s mobiIizing the sixth fIeet.
He`s mobiIizing the sixth fIeet.
He`s moving across the tarmac.
He`s nervous to taIk to the Boeing peopIe.
He`s not dead. He`s aIive.
He`s not fine.
He`s not producing this.
He`s riding in a pickup truck with a shotgun and a dog.
He`s riding in a pickup truck with a shotgun and a dog.
He`s sick. Get that out now.
He`s sicker than we thought.
He`s the President of the United States at 89%.
He`s trapped.
Hear what he`s saying? Three of the horsemen died...
HeII of a ride.
HeII of a show.
HeII of ajob.
HeIIo, John, you two bit redneck shitkicker.
Held by a dissident group of Albanian terrorists.
Her attorney says there are no plans yet...
Here at Andrews Air Force Base...
Here it is. Artist`s rendering of the memoriaI.
Here you go. Right there.
Here`s the deaI.
Here`s the president`s speech.
Here`s what I think. Is it gonna rain?
His country does not wish us ill...
His credits include numerous films...
His favorite thing to play with...
His records say he was in prison...
History, Connie.
HoId the bag when you run.
How about a cup of tea? A IittIe miIk, Iow fat?
How about aII bIack?
How about some screaming?
How are they doing on Sergeant Schumann?
How are we gonna expIain that?
How are ya?
How cIose are you to this?
How do we expIain he was in prison?
How do we expIain that when the worId is watching?
How do we know? You take my point?
How Iong do we need him?
How Iong tiII it breaks?
How is Big Bird holding up?
How many kittens do we have?
How much will this scandal affect the outcome?
How so?
How soon can we get this cut?
How the heck are you?
How we doing, boy?
How wouId you Iike an ambassadorship?
How you doing?
How you doing? A coId drink?
How`s that?
However, the source will not go on record.
Hunter green. Strong, pride, dignity.
I aIso take this opportunity...
I am prouder of this than anything I ever did.
I am the producer!
I bet you`re good at chess.
I can always feel your love.
I can get a Iot of cash if it`s ItaIy.
I can only say to those family members of Group 303...
I can`t beIieve it. What was I thinking?
I can`t remember when any president...
I can`t see one caIico kitten.
I couId have gone this way.
I did it pure HoIIywood.
I did this for credit.
I didn`t know I said that.
I didn`t know Jim BeIushi was AIbanian.
I didn`t mean
I don`t care what he`s got. We got a war.
I don`t care. You work it out.
I don`t even Iike to go to Brentwood.
I don`t get what you want me to do.
I don`t have to be your confessor, darIing.
I don`t know how many of you know Morse code...
I don`t know how they do the kitten opticaIIy...
I don`t know keys.
I don`t know what I`m doing.
I don`t know what you`re taIking about.
I don`t know why these rumors get started.
I don`t know, either, but we probabIy have one.
I don`t know. Ambassador to Togo.
I don`t know. I can vagueIy remember it.
I don`t think his trip has to do with the B 3 bomber.
I don`t think it`s appropriate for what we`re doing.
I don`t vote. I don`t Iike the rooms.
I don`t want a dog. I asked for a kitten.
I don`t want to teII them how to do their business...
I feIt very much at home in there.
I got a great idea.
I got an instinct for casting. Don`t ask me why.
I got him.
I got the copyright on the AIbanian kitten thing.
I got the president on the Iine.
I gotta go to L.A. and see a HoIIywood producer.
I gotta teII you, I see a Iot of gIum faces.
I guard the Canadian border.
I guard the Canadian border.
I guard...
I guard...
I hate it when they send these Iong ones.
I hate it when they start to meddIe.
I have 19 screens here.
I have a reIationship. You want to taIk?
I have a three year oId daughter...
I have an update regarding the aircraft incident...
I have been working to ensure the security of my country.
I have informed Albania that we will not rest...
I have this to say...
I have to ask you to turn that off.
I have to have you sign this sheet of paper.
I have to seII my house.
I havejust been handed this. Something just discovered.
I havejust gotten word...
I Iike it with a hat.
I Iike that. Keep taIking.
I Iike the guy. He signed his book to me...
I Iike the night Iife, I Iike to boogie.
I Iike this broad here.
I Iost my waIIet. You got any change?
I Ioved the fat, wet AIbanian broad.
I just Iooked at what he wrote to me.
I just meant for you to see it.
I just want kittens.
I know they`re gonna be up in an hour.
I know we`re aII concerned for the president.
I made this Iame turkey fIy.
I mean this from the bottom of my heart as one of your race.
I must take this opportunity to call upon our president...
I need $20,000. I need a car.
I need 5 minutes.
I need a Iist of miIitary speciaI programs.
I need a Latin motto for the patch.
I need a readjustment. We have to rethink this.
I need his neck size.
I need to see the president.
I need to speak to the president before you pick an animaI.
I never Iooked at the cover.
I never won an Oscar.
I put this together out of spit and poIish!
I read the first draft of the Warren Report.
I saw it on TV.
I say on behalf of the American people, come home.
I see where you`re going.
I think I`m supposed to be writing a song.
I think it`s 17 1l2.
I think it`s a caIico kitten.
I think the CIA cut a better deaI.
I think we shouId
I think...
I thought it was funny.
I thought they Iet us out too easiIy.
I thought you shouId see it.
I understand that, but the pet wrangIer suggested
I understand.
I used to have a Camaro.
I used to think I was a pharmacist...
I voted for Boog PoweII on first base.
I want a kitten.
I want the credit.
I want the credit.
I want them up now. TeII your staff...
I want to say I know we are all concerned for the president...
I want to taIk to Johnny.
I want to thank you.
I want you running toward me, screaming.
I want you standing by with a Iot of this stuff.
I want you to get Johnny a ticket.
I want you to stand over here.
I was 4 months into production on The Song of SoIomon...
I was from the theater. Everything was over their heads.
I was in the buiIding when we shot that shot.
I was on my way to get drunk.
I wouId be, I couId remember how aII the pieces move.
I wouId Iike to point out further...
I wouId Iike to point out that I am under medicaI care...
I wouIdn`t be surprised if I`d won the Preakness.
I`d just do it for a story to teII.
I`II get him.
I`II have to ask you to turn that off.
I`II heIp you with the speech.
I`II kiII that son of a bitch.
I`II pIay your siIIy game.
I`II see you in NashviIIe.
I`II teII you why.
I`II teII you why. It is cost effective.
I`II teII you.
I`II write a speech.
I`ll do the same in His great name...
I`ll do the same in His great name...
I`m a IittIe concerned about the driver of the rig.
I`m a producer. I make rain.
I`m afraid that`s the troubIe, Miss Ames.
I`m an artist, not a factory worker.
I`m doing my job, too.
I`m doing my job. That`s what you see me doing.
I`m fine. I got it.
I`m glad that your mama`s not here.
I`m going to caII somebody.
I`m going to get these peopIe straight.
I`m gonna caII Nike, get Rodman to dye his hair.
I`m gonna get my veggie shake.
I`m gonna need a day.
I`m gonna need an ambuIance.
I`m gonna need one, two days.
I`m gonna take you into the second term.
I`m in show business. Why come to me?
I`m just kidding.
I`m not aware of the situation to which you refer.
I`m not even taIking about the video.
I`m not going to stand here...
I`m not proficient in Albanian...
I`m on top of it.
I`m sorry. You think it`s too ostentatious?
I`m standing with this picture of Sergeant Willie Schumann.
I`m sure our hopes and prayers are with him.``
I`m sure that our hopes and prayers are with him.
I`m sure that speaks weII of you and your parents...
I`m taIking London. I`m taIking Paris.
I`m taking it.
I`m the threat?
I`m thinking armbands.
I`m told his unit mates gave him the nickname ``Old Shoe.``
I`m working on it.
I`m working on it.
I`ve come to feeI it`s my thing.
I, CIaudius. That`s what I know.
Iet the FBI trip over them?
If I didn`t step up, you`re nowhere!
If it gets out, you Ieaked it.
If it is true, he should, he must step down...
If it`II fIy, Iet`s fIy. PeopIe are waiting.
If Kissinger can win the Peace Prize...
If there ain`t no war...
If there`s no threat, then where are you?
If there`s no threat, what good are you?
If they`re not rushing somewhere...
If we hoId the break in the dam tiII the eIection...
If you got a probIem, soIve it. That`s producing.
If you have courage, Mom.
If you have courage, Mom.
If you Iook at the back story...
If you never won an Oscar...
If you went to war again, who wouId it be against?
If you`re gonna keep me out, I`d Iike to go to church.
If your spy sateIIites don`t see nothing...
Iike an oId shoe.
Iike the north wind, terror comes.
In Canada in an attempt to infiItrate it into the USA.
In her village.
In response to the media pressure...
In spontaneous moment of sheer patriotism...
In the AIbanian hinterIand.
In the air, on land...
In the course of human events...
In the final days of the campaign...
InauguraI speech? I don`t know.
Indeed, I did.
Involving Sergeant Schumann.
Is attempting to escape terrorist reprisals...
Is due to the situation in Albania?
Is his trip connected with the B 3 bomber?
Is it a stream?
Is it Albanian?
Is it time for exercise?
Is not in SeattIe to taIk to Boeing.
Is she saying this in AIbanian?
Is that fear is what`s driving a lot of people.
Is that this wheat offering is sort of ceremonial...
Is that true?
Is there a back end?
Is there a press conference today?
Is there a way we can make it sound oId and scratchy...
Is there anybody there named...
Is there gonna be a back end?
Is there some harvest festivaI...
Is this a nationaI? Is that the case?
Is today Iaundry day?
Is vote for me Tuesday...
Isn`t it?
Isn`t Johnny Dean in the...
Isn`t that amazing how they do that?
Issue a buIIetin. He`s got some rare strain
It couIdn`t have been over three minutes.
It couIdn`t have been simpIer. Kittens.
It destroyed the eIectoraI process.
It didn`t happen.
It doesn`t have to prove out. We just gotta distract them.
It doesn`t matter how you get there...
It has been quite a week, Richard.
It has been unraveled in places.
It is for life...
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