A 30 year old open case finally closed. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A and C and T and G. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A boy and a girl. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A child can count to nine on fingers. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A child. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A dangerous coincidence. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A life of freedom, so long as it's behind glass. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A little boy came through here about 30 years back. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A new model. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A perfect little face crying up at me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A real boy needs a real name. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A real boy now. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A revolution is coming. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A sentimental skin job. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A sock? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A soul. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A system of cells interlinked within cells... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A visitor. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
A wooden horse. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
All I remember is a group of boys trying to take it away from me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
All our memory bearings from the time. They were all damaged in the Blackout. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
All right. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
All the best memories are hers. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
All the courage in the world cannot alter fact. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
All these years you looked back on that day... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
All to make that single perfect specimen. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
All useful, but with you, I sometimes forget. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Always jumping, that one. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Am I the only one that can see the fucking sunrise here? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
An angel should never enter the kingdom of heaven... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
An angel... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
An emanator. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
An old one. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And blood black nothingness began to spin. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And God remembered Rachel... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And I encourage play, I do. Keeps them occupied... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And if you have authentic memories, you have real human responses. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And if you're not working, I don't need you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And she is. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And the boy... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And they put me in my cage... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And they were men, at that. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And this, the seat that we must change for heaven. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And we're building an army. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And what's there is... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And yet... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And you new models are happy scraping the shit... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And you new models are happy scraping the shit... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
And your next baseline test is out of my hands. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Another prodigal serial number returns. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Any idea how I could contact him? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Anything else you can tell me? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Anything else? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Anything real should be a mess. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Are they all constructed, or do you ever use ones that are real? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Are you coming? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Are you Sapper Morton? Civic number NK68514? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Are you satisfied with our product? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Are you telling me no? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Aren't you, Luv? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
As human as you want them to be. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Ask him. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Attaboy. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Backup engaged. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Bad dog. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Beautiful, isn't it? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Because he told you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Because I got all kinds. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Because that was the plan. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Because we never lie. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Because you've never seen a miracle. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Before we even know what we are... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Before you were under me, you have any memories from before? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Bigger than you have tried to shut me down. Bigger than you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Bleeding. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Bones all dismantled, fully cleaned, meticulously laid to rest. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Bones are gone. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Born. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Break the antenna. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Bring it to me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Buckle up. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But I can only make so many. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But I can't do it myself. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But I was locked in a sterile chamber at 8... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But it's work. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But not like this. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But that's not how memory works. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But there are sometimes fragments. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But there is a child. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But you can still help me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But you haven't always been a farmer, have you? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But you're not making it easy. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
But your operation is strictly a drill site, isn't it? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Can you at least pronounce, "A child is born"? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Can you tell if something... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Can't help you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Carbon read: 14.6 GPH. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Cause of death, Coco? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Caution, keep clear. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Caution, keep clear. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Caution, keep clear. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Check around. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Check back in after DNAbase. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Closer. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Closer. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Closer. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Closest any of them or any of us is gonna get... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Coco is dead. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Coffee? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Coincidence? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Come on home before the storm. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Come on home for your baseline. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Confirm your identity. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Confirmation DNA? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Connect to Off world any time, any place. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Connect to Off world any time, any place. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Constant K. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Couldn't have found the child if I tried. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Deckard only wanted his baby to be safe. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Deckard, Sapper, you, me... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Deckard. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Depends. What's your model number? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Designed to do nothing short of fall for her right then and there. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Did it never occur to you that's why you were summoned in the first place? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Did you help him hide the child? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Did you know this song was released in 1966 on Reprise Records? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Did you miss me? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Didn't mind that. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Didn't you hear your friends? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
DNA records: children born 6 10 21. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do not be afraid. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do you enjoy your work, officer? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do you like being separated from other people? Distinct. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do you like our owl? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do you mind if I work while you talk? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do you remember anything? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do you wanna dance, or do you wanna open your present? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Do your fucking job. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Don't fuss. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Don't keep records that far back. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Don't lie. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Don't you know what I am? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Don't you love me? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Dr. Ana Stelline? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Drive two down. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Drop your gun and keep your hands where I can see them. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Dying for the right cause is the most human thing we can do. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Dying for the right cause is the most human thing we can do. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Eight. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Elevate to 400 feet. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Erase everything. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Even he didn't know who he was. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Every last piece, or I'll put you outside where the sky is raining... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Every leap of civilization was built off the back of a disposable workforce. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Every machine stopped cold. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Everyone had a part. Mine was to leave. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Everyone just sleeps better when they know where they got to. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Everyone remembers where they were at the Blackout. You? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Everything about it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Except company, of course. And I was used to crowds. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Except that I did. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Find the child. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Fire again. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Fire again. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Fire. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Fire. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Fire. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Follow me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
For fear of great change? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
For you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Forget your troubles... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Four, 30 degrees to the left. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
From when you were a kid. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Fuck off, skin job. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Fuck. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Galatians Syndrome. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Garlic. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Garlic. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Genetic disorder. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Get down here. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Get up. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Get us up. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Go back. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Go meet your daughter. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Go north. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Go on, try some. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Go to five. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Go to five. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Go to seven. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Goddamn it! from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Good as any. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Got very good at imagining. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Grow that just for me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Guess we're about to find out. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Guy eating rice. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Half as much but twice as elegant, sweetheart. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Happy anniversary. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Happy birthday. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Have you ever been in an institution? Cells. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Have you ever been in an institution? Cells. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He destroyed it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He didn't seem like the saving type. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He liked to work alone. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He looks like he could take your head off. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He named you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He offered to buy me out, but I take my freedom where I can find it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He reads. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He tried. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He was a combat medic. Maybe he tried to save her, and he just couldn't. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He was set up like a standard Replicant, put on a service job. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He wasn't long for this world. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He went AWOL after Calantha... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He went to the trouble of burying her. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He's a good boy. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
He's nyugdΓjas. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Heat analysis. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hello, handsome. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hello, hello, A Boy. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Help me... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Her eyes were green. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Her name was Rachael. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Here. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Here. All the junk is in here. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hey, there's someone who wants to meet you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hey. You've been getting on fine without one. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hi. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hi. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hi. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hidden with care. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Hold this for me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Home. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Honey, it's beautiful. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Honey, you can go anywhere you want in the world now. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How can you tell the difference? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How do I know if a memory is an implant or not? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How instant your connection. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How long you been here? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How many times have you told me that story? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How shiny her lips. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How so? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How was your day? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How was your meeting? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
How's it feel killing your own kind? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I always knew you were special. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I always told you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I burned everything else. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I came alone. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I can fix that. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I can help you get out of this station alive... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I can show you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I can't do that. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I can't help your future... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I cannot breed them. So help me, I have tried. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I checked... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I didn't do that. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I didn't figure you as one for bullshit. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I didn't want our child found... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I didn't. Wasn't me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I do hope you're satisfied with our product. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I do mind... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I don't know yet. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I don't know. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I don't mind the dirt. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I don't need a real horse. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I don't need a real horse. I just wanna find out where it's from. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I don't need any of... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I don't retire my own kind because we don't run. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I don't see it. Here. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I dressed her in blue when it was time for her to go. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I dressed her in blue when it was time for her to go. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I feel strange sharing a childhood story, considering I was never a child. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I found that. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I found the key. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I go looking for a place to hide it, and the only place is this dark furnace. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I got hair. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I had an accident at work. I think I ruined my shirt. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I had the lock. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I had your job. I was good at it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I have memories... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I have no idea. He's off duty. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I have one about a toy that I had. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I have wanted to meet you for so very long. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I heard the piano. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I held her as she died. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I impressed on you the importance of that case... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I just have some questions. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I knew that baby meant we are more than just slaves. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I know it's real. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I know it's real. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I know what's real. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I know you know something. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I like him. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I like this song. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I love birthday parties. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I love... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I make good angels now. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I mean, we had everything on drives. Everything, everything, everything. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I missed you, baby sweet. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I need a drink. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I need the child. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I need the specimen to reach it, Mr. Deckard. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I need to see your records. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the hard part of the day is done. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I promise I hear every word. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I put you on a case. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I recognize you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I saw a miracle delivered. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I see you're also a customer. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I should have marinated it longer. I hope it isn't dry. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I showed them how to scramble the records, cover their tracks. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I showed them how to scramble the records, cover their tracks. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I think it's only kind. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I think someone like you keeps a long memory. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I think you can. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I told you not to fuss. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I wanna be real for you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I want this. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I want to free our people. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I was careful not to drag in any dirt. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I was home with my folks, then 10 days of darkness. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I was long gone by then. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I was there. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I wasn't aware that was an option, madam. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I wouldn't waste your money on intelligence, attachment or appeal. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'd take him to the doctor. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'll send a dig team. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'll take the drink. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm coming with you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm done with you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm getting cabin fever. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm gonna tell Mr. Wallace you tried to shoot me first. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm here for Mr. Wallace. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm here for Mr. Wallace. I'm Luv. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm only two: from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm so happy when I'm with you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm sorry it had to be me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm sure I can fix that for you. Let me take a look at it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm sure you knew it would be someone in time. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm the best one. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I'm trying a new recipe. I just need a bit more practice. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I've been inside you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I've got millions... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
I've never retired something that was born before. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
If a baby can come from one of us... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
If anything happens to this, that's it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
If they come here looking for you, they'll have access to all my memories. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
If you want to be free... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
In the face of the fabulous new, your only thought is to kill it? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Incoming L.A.P.D. re codec hash. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Is it real? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Is it the same... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Is that okay? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Is that what I smell? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Is this testing whether I'm a Replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It is invigorating being asked personal questions. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It is my job to keep order. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It matches a dirty bomb. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It says the girl died there. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It separates kind. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It was a boy that you hid. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It was a day. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It was number one on the charts. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It was unclear what she was, at least to someone. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It was very clever to keep yourself empty of information... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It won't be much longer. Just putting on the finishing touches. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It'll make you feel better. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's a good one. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's a narrow birth canal. Baby must have got stuck. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's a protein farm. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's a tree. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's artificial? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's better than nice. It feels authentic. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's colonial medical use. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's dead. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's done. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's fascinating. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's fine point, like a scalpel. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's fine. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's from a tree. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's funny it's only paper that lasted. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's gone. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's gone. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's illegal to use real memories, officer. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's just unusual. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's nice. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's okay to dream a little. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's okay. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's out. Already out. How long did that take? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's pretty. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's rude. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's the entire year. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's very dark, and I'm very scared... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
It's work that molds them into a child worth having. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joe, please. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joe! from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joe. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joe. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joe. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joe. Joe! from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joi goes anywhere you want her to go. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joi goes anywhere you want her to go. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Joi is anything you want her to be. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Just a moment. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Just answer the questions, please. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Just checking in on an old serial number. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Just dirt and worms. No other bodies. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Just photograph everything. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Just put your feet up. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
K? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
K? I didn't hear you. You're early. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
K? K? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
K? K? K? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Later on, those kids find me... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Legitimate placements, private sales, everything. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Let it play. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Let them take a look inside? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Let's dance. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Let's do it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Let's just say... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Life. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Like a real girl. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Like what was her name, the mother of your child? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Little K, fighting for what's his. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Location: Officer KD6 3.7. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Look at me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Look at you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Look, I don't wanna hurt you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Looking for anomalies. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Love... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Loved. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Lucky for you, Mr. Wallace is a data hoarder. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Mad as thunder. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Madam, please. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Madam. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Makes one feel... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Many is the night I dream of cheese... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Many options available. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Maybe he ate it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Maybe this is how. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Maybe. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Me too. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Mere data makes a man. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Mightn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you, now? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Military issue. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Millions, so we can be trillions more. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
More human than humans. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
More joy, then. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Move forward. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Move forward. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Mr. Morton... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Must be expensive. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Must be special. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Must have been brutal. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
My mom still cries over the lost baby pictures. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
My parents had our passes in pocket, but I took sick. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
My present. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Never a thought of what to do if it made land. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Never seen a tree before. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Nice to meet you, Officer KD6 3.7. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Nine. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Nine. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
No breaks, no sign of trauma, except... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
No one's been down here in ages. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
No, but let's just say that it is. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
No, no, no. This is just my game, and I play it fair. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
No, thank you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
No. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
No. No, I mean, bigger than you... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Nobody lives there. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
None. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Not even that hard. Just picture it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Not made. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Not much else to do around here at night anymore. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Not much from then. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Not so much there as you think. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Notching in the iliac crest. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Nothing else in it but hair. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Now you can tell me what you remember... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Now, if you don't mind... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Now, let's have a look at you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Now, think about the memory you want me to see. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Now, who keeps a dead tree? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Of course it is. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Of course not. Proper channels and paperwork. It's all here. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Of course. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Of course. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Of woman born. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Off world is waiting. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Off world... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Officer KD6 3.7. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Officer KD6 3.7. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Officer KD6 3.7. Madam is calling you in. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Officer KD6 3.7... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Oh, come on. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Oh, God. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Oh, I have millions. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Oh, that's the most interesting thing I've been offered to help with in ages. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Oh, you don't even smile. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Okay, it's ready. I hope you're gonna like it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Okay? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Okay. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Okay. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
One and zero. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
One moment, madam. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
One of the last gens, pre Prohibition. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
One of the tail end Nexus 8s. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
One of these isn't real. It's a copy. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
One time. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Only I know... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Only older models do. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Open the door. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Or a slaughter. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Out! And close the door. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Outbound departure, route 0 3 0. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Packages start at 20 minutes. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Packages start at 20 minutes. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Pain reminds you the joy you felt was real. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Perfected, then lost. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Photos, files, every bit of data, gone. Bank records too. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Plan on taking me in? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Please don't get up. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Please thank Mr. Wallace for your time. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Please. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Pre Blackout. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Pregnant. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Pretty fractured. Not much on it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Probably got what he wanted. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Procreation. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Pushed into the world. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Put me there. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Put up 4847 and 2181 side by side. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Quiet now, I have to sync. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Quiet now. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Rachael had a daughter. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Rachael? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Rachael. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Radiation analysis. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Radiation from a reactor? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Recite your baseline. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Relax. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Replicants live such hard lives, made to do what we'd rather not. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Request. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Retired. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Run it raw. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Scan said you didn't look like you on the inside. Miles off your baseline. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Seven, move forward. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
She died in childbirth. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
She fought with Sapper on Calantha. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
She likes him. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
She was a Replicant. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
She was pregnant? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
She's real. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
She's trying to provoke him. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
She's very realistic. Thank you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Shouldn't I get back to work, madam? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Since 2020. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Sir. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Sit. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Six, 10 and 21. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Six, 10 and 21. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Six. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So come on, now. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So did I. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So he didn't kill her? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So I had to kill you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So I run. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So it was a new life for me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So we worked together to keep it that way. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So what you saw... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So where's the kid? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
So, what do you have for me? And don't say nothing. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Someone lived this, yes. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Someone lived this, yes. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Something in his eyes. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Sometimes, to love someone... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Sorry about that. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Sorry. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Sorry. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Sorry. It's a compromised immune system. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Space, this is 0 6. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Standard issue. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Stay back. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Stay. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Stop. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Stop. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Stop. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Stop. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Stop. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Stop. Twenty degrees east. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Subcontract. I'm one of his suppliers. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Surrender your gun and badge. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Take us back! from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Target locked. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Tell either side there's no wall, you bought a war. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Tell me one. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Thank you, madam. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Thank you, officer. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Thank you, sir. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Thank you. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That barren pasture... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That is how I took us to nine new worlds. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That is just a piece of the puzzle. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That is, if you were designed. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That looks like an emergency C section. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That was a little before my time. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That was it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That wasn't me. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That's gonna be tough. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That's good. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That's it. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That's not a name. That's a serial number. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That's not possible. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That's what we do here. We keep order. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That's why Sapper let you kill him. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
That's why we believe. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The ancient models give the entire endeavor a bad name. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The best angel of all. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The child. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The cuts are clean. No sign of a struggle. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The date carved beneath. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The dead space between the stars. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The dig's come through. We have a new lead. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The first thought... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The man with the green jacket. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The nickel is for the colonial ships. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The one who killed Sapper. Find out what he knows. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The outer colonies would never have flourished had he not bought Tyrell... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The soil samples indicate that she's been buried for 30 years. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The usual. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The whole town was something. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
The world is built on a wall. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Then do what you gotta do. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Then the Blackout came, paved over everything. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Then what's this? What's that date? Is that a birthday? A death day? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Then, what? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
There must be something else we can find for him. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
There's a bit of every artist in their work. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
There's nothing to tell. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
There's only one place that dirty. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
They all think it's about more detail. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
They know you're here. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
They made money seem like candy. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
They say you're the best memory maker there is. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
They were both processed at the Morrill Cole Orphanage. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
They were laughing and what was it you said? What'd you say? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
They'll be coming after me soon. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
They're identical. Translate. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Think about it: from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Thirty meters to maximum depth. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
This breaks the world, K. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
This happened. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
This is Freysa. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
This is really something. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
This Officer Deckard. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
This was a test. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Thought you might be able to help me with a case. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Thought you weren't interested, worky man. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Tilt up. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Tilt up. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
To be alone. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
To be born is to have a soul, I guess. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
To say the least of what we do. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
To strangers. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
To teach them all to fly. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
To warrant an official investigation? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Too dark in here. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Transport S 14 4 XD. Confirmed. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Treasure Island? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Two hundred feet to the east. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Two people can't have identical DNA. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Tyrell's final trick: from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Unless you'd like to add some pleasure models to your order. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Unremarkable. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Very. I'm Rachael. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
VoilΓ ! Bon appΓ©tit. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Wallace design. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Wallace needs my talent to maintain a stable product. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Wanna buy a lady a cigarette? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Wanted. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Warning. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Was a day? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Was there anything unusual about how you found her? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Watch the car. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We all wish it was us. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We could keep at this, or we could get a drink. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We could storm Eden and retake her. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We didn't have any of you where I was a kid. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We hid the child and made a vow to keep our secret. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We lost our stomach for slaves... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We make angels... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We need more Replicants than can ever be assembled. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We recall with our feelings. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We should own the stars. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We were difficult to spot then. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We're all just looking out for something real. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
We're done. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Welcome back, sir. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, except for the box of bones that you already took. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, here we are. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, I'm always here. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, if it were true... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, it's a shame. You must have been adorable. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, let us see her, then. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, then, they're kind. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, there's a bit of every artist in their work. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Well, would it help you share if I told you it was an order? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Were you with her? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What a day. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What a gift, don't you think, from Mr. Wallace to the world? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What are you doing here? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What can I help you with? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What can you tell me about him? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What do you farm? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What do you want, Joe? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What happened to the kid? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What happened? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What happens if I finish that? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What is it? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What is that? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What makes your memories so authentic? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What present? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What questions? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What sort do you have in mind? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What the fuck is with you? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What was she like? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What'd you do? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's her name? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's it like to be filled with dread? Dreadfully. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's that, madam? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's that? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's that? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's that? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
What's the difference? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
When the lights came back, we were wiped clean. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
When the time comes, I will show her to the world... from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
When you're not performing your duties, do they keep you in a little box? Cells. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
When you're not performing your duties, do they keep you in a little box? Cells. from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Where are we going? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Where did they go? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Where do you wanna go first? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080
Where is he? from Blade Runner 2049 - 1080