A balanced diet means vegetables, kiddo. from Incredibles 2
A cop hates worse than a missing child. from Incredibles 2
A few extraordinarily gifted members... from Incredibles 2
A few hours ago, you were saying it was over... from Incredibles 2
A few more features we need to discuss. from Incredibles 2
A good dad. from Incredibles 2
A great super. You love her. You missed her. from Incredibles 2
A little further. from Incredibles 2
A memento. from Incredibles 2
A new Elasticycle. from Incredibles 2
A new report out today shows that, from Incredibles 2
A potential threat! Perfect! from Incredibles 2
A pretty good fight through him. from Incredibles 2
A super baby? from Incredibles 2
A word if you don't mind. from Incredibles 2
A world class telecommunications company. from Incredibles 2
About 25 miles. from Incredibles 2
About 25 miles. from Incredibles 2
About superheroes today. from Incredibles 2
About superheroes, huh? from Incredibles 2
Actually, it's Jack Jack. from Incredibles 2
Actually, you missed the first 17. from Incredibles 2
After getting a call about Mom... from Incredibles 2
After the perfect launch with Elastigirl! from Incredibles 2
Agent Rick Dicker interrogating. from Incredibles 2
Ah ha! from Incredibles 2
Ah, jeez! More superhero trouble. from Incredibles 2
Ah, nobody does. from Incredibles 2
Ah, you didn't miss anything. from Incredibles 2
Ah! Ooh! Ah! Oh! from Incredibles 2
Ahh! from Incredibles 2
Ahhh! He is freaking! Again, he is freaking! from Incredibles 2
Airport? from Incredibles 2
All done. from Incredibles 2
All fine and good. from Incredibles 2
All I did was play his game and win this round. from Incredibles 2
All kinds of problems together. from Incredibles 2
All right, get your hands up, turn your back. from Incredibles 2
All right, stop talking. from Incredibles 2
All right, yes! from Incredibles 2
All right. All locations, from Incredibles 2
All right. Come on, kids. from Incredibles 2
All supers, protect your ambassadors! from Incredibles 2
All the polls are going in your direction. from Incredibles 2
All we need now are the super est superheroes. from Incredibles 2
Although we haven't yet reached from Incredibles 2
Although, I have doubtlessly exceeded your expectations from Incredibles 2
Amazing as it may seem, from Incredibles 2
Ambassador, your documents. We're moving to the rooftop. from Incredibles 2
And a pool! from Incredibles 2
And a shiny costume... from Incredibles 2
And as long as he gets to play, he wins. from Incredibles 2
And being a superhero was a fantasy. from Incredibles 2
And bringing them back into society! from Incredibles 2
And capitalize on it. from Incredibles 2
And coherency, Robert. from Incredibles 2
And cotton for comfort. from Incredibles 2
And Dad can't find them either. from Incredibles 2
And Dash got his homework done? from Incredibles 2
And decides to pretend he doesn't even know me. from Incredibles 2
And delivered to you to watch at a distance. from Incredibles 2
And Elastigirl must have a new suit. from Incredibles 2
And Elastigirl's numbers are self explanatory. from Incredibles 2
And even then, you were kind of from Incredibles 2
And Frozone's exclusive designer... from Incredibles 2
And go right through any solid... from Incredibles 2
And here they are, folks! from Incredibles 2
And how do you do that? from Incredibles 2
And I don't get 'em. from Incredibles 2
And I don't get 'em. from Incredibles 2
And I got mad at him for it. from Incredibles 2
And I noticed the baby responds to it as well. from Incredibles 2
And I renounce them! from Incredibles 2
And I think we need eggs. from Incredibles 2
And I went to watch the track meet. from Incredibles 2
And I would do a great job! from Incredibles 2
And I'm afraid I'll need to move at any minute. from Incredibles 2
And I'm grateful for that. from Incredibles 2
And I'm happy you're happy. from Incredibles 2
And I'm no exception. from Incredibles 2
And I'm scolding myself so you don't have to, Winston! from Incredibles 2
And I'm willing to admit from Incredibles 2
And impose your will on the status quo. from Incredibles 2
And in recognition of the extraordinary service from Incredibles 2
And is heading towards land from Incredibles 2
And it's her! from Incredibles 2
And it's not like I don't like strong girls. from Incredibles 2
And Jack Jack went down with no trouble? from Incredibles 2
And Jack Jack... from Incredibles 2
And keeping the baby from Incredibles 2
And leaving that suit. from Incredibles 2
And let the cabin roam about you. from Incredibles 2
And make yourselves ever more powerless in the process. from Incredibles 2
And meet me at the airport? from Incredibles 2
And miss you, and you must go to them. from Incredibles 2
And my mask. from Incredibles 2
And names they've given themselves. from Incredibles 2
And no control over them, yes? from Incredibles 2
And now everything's pink. from Incredibles 2
And now we still need double A batteries. from Incredibles 2
And now we're doing fractions and percentages and demicels. from Incredibles 2
And on your first night! from Incredibles 2
And people have to pay attention. from Incredibles 2
And pre recorded the messages. from Incredibles 2
And screens are controlled by me... from Incredibles 2
And see what happens. from Incredibles 2
And she throws down her mask... from Incredibles 2
And she's acting kind of strange. In here. from Incredibles 2
And shot him. from Incredibles 2
And sillier and then you die. from Incredibles 2
And sporting a new look, is the superhero, Elastigirl. from Incredibles 2
And suddenly, I go after it! from Incredibles 2
And thanks to all of you, from Incredibles 2
And thanks to this woman... from Incredibles 2
And that's not all. Watch this. from Incredibles 2
And the baby is Jack Jack. from Incredibles 2
And the other children need you from Incredibles 2
And the picture is outstanding. from Incredibles 2
And the train starts pulling from Incredibles 2
And then left. from Incredibles 2
And then they're like, from Incredibles 2
And then, I made it worse at the restaurant from Incredibles 2
And there's not a scratch on you! from Incredibles 2
And they just wanna do Shakespeare... from Incredibles 2
And they were, on the island. from Incredibles 2
And things get better for all Supers, from Incredibles 2
And this idiotic anchorman you see before you. from Incredibles 2
And this is embarrassing. from Incredibles 2
And trace its origin. from Incredibles 2
And turn the rudder... from Incredibles 2
And until a second ago, us. from Incredibles 2
And very important, insurance. from Incredibles 2
And was able to successfully activate... from Incredibles 2
And we're back live in three, two, one... from Incredibles 2
And we're trying to teach him to control his powers, okay? from Incredibles 2
And while she postpones her defeat... from Incredibles 2
And who knows what the future may bring... from Incredibles 2
And why are you in your Supersuit? from Incredibles 2
And will be fine. from Incredibles 2
And will probably get no more than a slap on the wrist. from Incredibles 2
And you are very tired... from Incredibles 2
And you don't know? from Incredibles 2
And you take care of the kids... from Incredibles 2
And you'll be amazing. from Incredibles 2
And you'll do a great... from Incredibles 2
And you're okay with this? from Incredibles 2
And your child is no exception. from Incredibles 2
And your rights are being upheld. from Incredibles 2
And... what? from Incredibles 2
Anticipated the change and alerted you. from Incredibles 2
Any solution involving cookies from Incredibles 2
Any thought we had about being Supers again is fantasy. from Incredibles 2
Anyway. Anyway... from Incredibles 2
Anyway... from Incredibles 2
Are superheroes allowed to drink on duty? from Incredibles 2
Are things bad? from Incredibles 2
Are those your powers? from Incredibles 2
Are we going to talk about it? from Incredibles 2
Are you all right, ma'am? from Incredibles 2
Are you all right? from Incredibles 2
Are you gonna kill me? from Incredibles 2
Are you seeing this, Robert? from Incredibles 2
Are you sure the police are gonna be okay with this? from Incredibles 2
Are you the girl with the water? from Incredibles 2
Aren't you... from Incredibles 2
As I learned quite painfully from Incredibles 2
As if she could... I know how to... from Incredibles 2
As if things aren't weird enough, from Incredibles 2
As soon as he knew there was trouble. from Incredibles 2
At a high rate of speed. from Incredibles 2
At least... from Incredibles 2
At ridiculous speeds. from Incredibles 2
Attention. Attention. from Incredibles 2
Auntie Edna stayed up all night... from Incredibles 2
Auntie Edna will take care of everything... from Incredibles 2
Aw, shucks! from Incredibles 2
Aw, we missed 'em! from Incredibles 2
Babies can be anything, from Incredibles 2
Babysitting, while you guys did the important stuff. from Incredibles 2
Back from the rich guy? from Incredibles 2
Because I didn't get him! from Incredibles 2
Because I didn't see it... from Incredibles 2
Because I'm formulating, okay? from Incredibles 2
Because my brother knows the words from Incredibles 2
Because the best sellers have the most buyers. from Incredibles 2
Because there's a reason. from Incredibles 2
Because trying to slow it down ain't working. from Incredibles 2
Because we're going to open her up! from Incredibles 2
Because you have some strange abilities from Incredibles 2
Because you're a wonderful policeman. from Incredibles 2
Because you're a wonderful policeman. from Incredibles 2
Before going underground. from Incredibles 2
Before he trips the sprinkler system. from Incredibles 2
Before it gets to the overpass! from Incredibles 2
Before the, uh, technical difficulties. from Incredibles 2
Begged my father to use the safe room. from Incredibles 2
Behold! The Underminer! from Incredibles 2
Being out front after all this time. from Incredibles 2
Besides, he's a baby. from Incredibles 2
Besides, I knew the cops would let you go. from Incredibles 2
Better than me? from Incredibles 2
Bigger than ever. from Incredibles 2
Blah, blah, blah. He says a few words, cuts the ribbon... from Incredibles 2
Bob, Helen... from Incredibles 2
Bob! Help me with the boiler! from Incredibles 2
Bob. from Incredibles 2
Boom! No casualties! from Incredibles 2
Both sides just want the best for their people. from Incredibles 2
Boys are jerks and superheroes suck. from Incredibles 2
Break a sweat and participate in life. from Incredibles 2
Bring him to the ship at DEVTECH immediately. from Incredibles 2
Bring lasting peace! from Incredibles 2
Buh bye! from Incredibles 2
Built into his glasses... from Incredibles 2
Burned up when... from Incredibles 2
But babysitting this one... from Incredibles 2
But even a normal baby needs a lot of attention. from Incredibles 2
But everyone here has scattered from Incredibles 2
But Father insisted they call his superhero friends. from Incredibles 2
But he has simple locks on his doors? from Incredibles 2
But he was controlled by the screens from Incredibles 2
But he won't call you and ask, so I am. from Incredibles 2
But I didn't mean that from now on... from Incredibles 2
But I found Mom and Dad... Where's Jack Jack? from Incredibles 2
But I had to step away from the grip and grins, you know? from Incredibles 2
But I have a good feeling about all of you. from Incredibles 2
But I thought superheroes were still illegal. from Incredibles 2
But I thought we were gonna go with... from Incredibles 2
But if it doesn't, and we crash... from Incredibles 2
But it does make you alive. from Incredibles 2
But it doesn't bother you from Incredibles 2
But it's over. The world is what it is. from Incredibles 2
But it's too generous. from Incredibles 2
But now, I'm not sure anymore. from Incredibles 2
But now, with you being you, I feel like... from Incredibles 2
But she's had an encounter with Screenslaver... from Incredibles 2
But something else happened today with a kid... from Incredibles 2
But there's something familiar about one of the kids' voices. from Incredibles 2
But they want you. from Incredibles 2
But they're like, "Try to make it relevant for the kids." from Incredibles 2
But this little one has many. from Incredibles 2
But we got Frozone. from Incredibles 2
But we have our powers, this car... from Incredibles 2
But we're not going into it right now. from Incredibles 2
But we're supposed to help, if there's trouble. from Incredibles 2
But what about you? We have kids. from Incredibles 2
But what if the screen doesn't look like a screen? from Incredibles 2
But what's the choice? from Incredibles 2
But where are we? from Incredibles 2
But whose house? Is it a house? from Incredibles 2
But why would you... from Incredibles 2
But with Evelyn as designer, and myself as operator... from Incredibles 2
But you can count on me anyway. from Incredibles 2
But you do not come to me from Incredibles 2
But you have the stage to yourself now. from Incredibles 2
But you love him, you two are this company. from Incredibles 2
By rolling with the punches, baby! from Incredibles 2
By themselves on one side. from Incredibles 2
By trying to... from Incredibles 2
By turning down a chance to change the law from Incredibles 2
Bye bye! from Incredibles 2
Bye, sweetie. from Incredibles 2
Can find that child, it's you, Roman. from Incredibles 2
Can we just eat? from Incredibles 2
Can you all swim? from Incredibles 2
Can you imagine what Mr. Free Enterprise from Incredibles 2
Can't have my partners living in a motel. from Incredibles 2
Can't tell you what a thrill this is. And this... from Incredibles 2
Care to demonstrate? from Incredibles 2
Caused further damage to the city. from Incredibles 2
Charging things, bolts of lightning, that kind of stuff. from Incredibles 2
Charmed, I'm sure. from Incredibles 2
Collision detected. Correct course. from Incredibles 2
Come on up here. Don't be bashful. from Incredibles 2
Come on, buddy. Come on. from Incredibles 2
Come on, get yourself together, Karen. from Incredibles 2
Come on, Jack Jack. from Incredibles 2
Come on! from Incredibles 2
Come on. from Incredibles 2
Come on. Get up here. from Incredibles 2
Come with me, Winston. from Incredibles 2
Coming after me right now... from Incredibles 2
Comparing all your last five years of crime fighting from Incredibles 2
Consider yourself undermined! from Incredibles 2
Cookie num num? from Incredibles 2
Cookie! Cha Cha want a cookie? from Incredibles 2
Cool, cute. from Incredibles 2
Crash positions! from Incredibles 2
Crystal clear in recent days... from Incredibles 2
Dad, I know this is going to work. from Incredibles 2
Dad, this is probably from Incredibles 2
Dad's been underwater for too long. from Incredibles 2
Dada. from Incredibles 2
Dada. from Incredibles 2
Dada. Dada. from Incredibles 2
Dash is having trouble with homework... from Incredibles 2
Dash is watching him! from Incredibles 2
Dash, grab the baby! from Incredibles 2
Dash, honey. Can't talk right now. from Incredibles 2
Dash! from Incredibles 2
Day. from Incredibles 2
Deavor bought it from an eccentric billionaire... from Incredibles 2
Deavor here. from Incredibles 2
Decimals. from Incredibles 2
Dicker is done, Bob. from Incredibles 2
Dicker's had to erase over the years... from Incredibles 2
Did we do something wrong? from Incredibles 2
Did you dry them? from Incredibles 2
Did you forget? from Incredibles 2
Did you go through the locked door? from Incredibles 2
Did you stop him from robbing the banks? from Incredibles 2
Did you stop the Underminer from inflicting more damage? from Incredibles 2
Did you wash your hands? from Incredibles 2
Didn't we get all caught up? from Incredibles 2
Difficult situation. from Incredibles 2
Dimension four. See the shape? from Incredibles 2
Dive in! from Incredibles 2
Do as she says! from Incredibles 2
Do I have your attention? from Incredibles 2
Do I know you? from Incredibles 2
Do it so... from Incredibles 2
Do not call your mother! from Incredibles 2
Do you need me to come back? from Incredibles 2
Do you think I want an angry rich guy... from Incredibles 2
Do you want out of the hole? from Incredibles 2
Does this mean vegetables? from Incredibles 2
Does Winston know? from Incredibles 2
Doesn't it? from Incredibles 2
Doesn't matter what you're selling. from Incredibles 2
Don't ask me to do it again, darling. from Incredibles 2
Don't be mad because I know when to leave a party. from Incredibles 2
Don't be mad. from Incredibles 2
Don't bother watching the rest. from Incredibles 2
Don't look at any monitors. from Incredibles 2
Don't move! from Incredibles 2
Don't push it, Dad. from Incredibles 2
Don't say anything. from Incredibles 2
Don't wait for permission, assert yourself from Incredibles 2
Done properly, parenting is a heroic act. from Incredibles 2
Done properly. from Incredibles 2
Drive safely. from Incredibles 2
Drop that. All right, now get over there. from Incredibles 2
Due to a growing movement to bring the Supers back. from Incredibles 2
E designed this? from Incredibles 2
E's taking him for a little bit. from Incredibles 2
Ease. from Incredibles 2
Effective, edible, and delicious. from Incredibles 2
Eh, he was surly and the pizza was cold. from Incredibles 2
Eh, you know, company stuff. My brother, mostly. from Incredibles 2
Einstein was a patent clerk. from Incredibles 2
Elasticycle? I didn't know you had a bike. from Incredibles 2
Elastigirl doesn't save the day. from Incredibles 2
Elastigirl pursued the train from Incredibles 2
Elastigirl! What are you doing here? from Incredibles 2
Elastigirl... from Incredibles 2
Elastigirl's supersuit is by Galbaki? from Incredibles 2
Ellenwood. from Incredibles 2
Enjoy the movie. from Incredibles 2
Escape? Escape from who? from Incredibles 2
Especially for Mother. from Incredibles 2
Evelyn Deavor controls the Screenslaver... from Incredibles 2
Evelyn, she's escaping. from Incredibles 2
Even installed a phone from Incredibles 2
Even when the law is disrespectful? from Incredibles 2
Ever passive... from Incredibles 2
Ever ravenous consumers... from Incredibles 2
Every meaningful experience must be packaged... from Incredibles 2
Everybody, stay back! Okay? Stay back! from Incredibles 2
Everybody, stop! from Incredibles 2
Everyone, smile. from Incredibles 2
Everyone, we need to get to the back of the ship. from Incredibles 2
Everything would now be from Incredibles 2
Excellent tap. from Incredibles 2
Excuse me, Mr. Zone? from Incredibles 2
Excuse me. from Incredibles 2
Explain yourself! from Incredibles 2
Fascinating! from Incredibles 2
Father believed the world from Incredibles 2
Feel free to roam about the cabin. from Incredibles 2
Felicia, hold my calls, please. from Incredibles 2
Fifty fourth and Nottingham. Go, go, go! from Incredibles 2
File 82 712. from Incredibles 2
Fill me in! from Incredibles 2
Find anything? from Incredibles 2
Fine, yes, no trouble. from Incredibles 2
Finish our interview by phone! from Incredibles 2
Finish your mission. from Incredibles 2
First of all, Violet, I like you. from Incredibles 2
First you gotta put down the shovel. from Incredibles 2
Follow them and get me close! from Incredibles 2
Follow them, follow Frozone! from Incredibles 2
Follow. from Incredibles 2
For a single night's work... from Incredibles 2
For a televised signing ceremony at sea. from Incredibles 2
For an important announcement. from Incredibles 2
For being Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, from Incredibles 2
For eggs and batteries, Robert. from Incredibles 2
For example, from Incredibles 2
For over 15 years, from Incredibles 2
For representing your nation's commitment to superheroes. from Incredibles 2
For the Dynaguy statue in Avery Park. from Incredibles 2
For The Happy Platter? from Incredibles 2
For the last time we made life easy for them. from Incredibles 2
For which the suit has countermeasures. from Incredibles 2
For your early and very crucial support. from Incredibles 2
Forced into it by a society from Incredibles 2
Forever. from Incredibles 2
Forget what? from Incredibles 2
Freeze, Supers! from Incredibles 2
From all over the planet... from Incredibles 2
From drive in food. from Incredibles 2
From jail, Bob! from Incredibles 2
From the other dimension, yeah. from Incredibles 2
From turning into a flaming monster! from Incredibles 2
From your own suit cam. from Incredibles 2
Frozone! Yeah! from Incredibles 2
Full powers, totally random. from Incredibles 2
Galbaki? from Incredibles 2
Genuine pleasure to meet you. from Incredibles 2
Get out of the sky, and touch down safely! from Incredibles 2
Get used to it. from Incredibles 2
Get well paid, we're out of the motel... from Incredibles 2
Girls, come on. from Incredibles 2
Glad it's you and not me, from Incredibles 2
Go ahead, send your Supers to stop me. from Incredibles 2
Go in our Supersuits? from Incredibles 2
Go on phase two. from Incredibles 2
Go. We've got this. from Incredibles 2
Good evening, everyone. from Incredibles 2
Good luck with your speech. from Incredibles 2
Good morning! from Incredibles 2
Good news and bad news. We found her. from Incredibles 2
Good night, ladies. I will see you tomorrow. from Incredibles 2
Good night. from Incredibles 2
Good thing we won't stand out. from Incredibles 2
Good to see you. from Incredibles 2
Good, right? Near the philodendron. from Incredibles 2
Got a feeling he's nostalgic. from Incredibles 2
Gotcha! from Incredibles 2
Gotta get away to keep it pure. I know I do. from Incredibles 2
Grab your snacks, watch your screens, from Incredibles 2
Group photo. Come on. Group photo, everyone. from Incredibles 2
Ha ha! The Bored Platter! from Incredibles 2
Happy Platter? from Incredibles 2
Hated every minute of it. from Incredibles 2
Have agreed to make superheroes legal again! from Incredibles 2
Have made us bitter. from Incredibles 2
Have you told anyone else about this? Your parents? from Incredibles 2
He called Fironic, no answer. from Incredibles 2
He didn't know how right he was. from Incredibles 2
He died, pointlessly, stupidly... from Incredibles 2
He donated to superhero causes. from Incredibles 2
He gave you a pretty good fight. from Incredibles 2
He got to know many Supers personally. from Incredibles 2
He has pure, unlimited potential, Robert. from Incredibles 2
He is bright and I am stimulating. from Incredibles 2
He is part of the demonstration from Incredibles 2
He loved that, showed it off to everyone. from Incredibles 2
He raised money from Incredibles 2
He remembers the time from Incredibles 2
He slept while I worked in a creative fever. from Incredibles 2
He takes one look at me in that suit... from Incredibles 2
He used to call you the last line of defense. from Incredibles 2
He vanished! That's really cool! from Incredibles 2
He wanted to get caught? from Incredibles 2
He wanted you to win. from Incredibles 2
He wants all three of us. from Incredibles 2
He was heartbroken from Incredibles 2
He was your top supporter. from Incredibles 2
He's going up? from Incredibles 2
He's gonna want more from Incredibles 2
He's kidding. from Incredibles 2
He's legit. from Incredibles 2
He's protecting himself. from Incredibles 2
He's smart enough to think of something to do with it. from Incredibles 2
He's... there! from Incredibles 2
Heavyweight problems need heavyweight solutions. from Incredibles 2
Helen, it's me. from Incredibles 2
Helen, what are you... from Incredibles 2
Helen! Brace yourselves! from Incredibles 2
Helen? from Incredibles 2
Hello there, little fella. from Incredibles 2
Hello, Violet. from Incredibles 2
Hello! Glad you could come. from Incredibles 2
Hello. from Incredibles 2
Hello. from Incredibles 2
Hello. from Incredibles 2
Hello. from Incredibles 2
Hence, this meeting. from Incredibles 2
Here, fresh on the heels of her own from Incredibles 2
Here, large popcorn, small soda. from Incredibles 2
Here's an exclusive unedited clip from Incredibles 2
Heroic save of a runaway train... from Incredibles 2
Hey, Dad. from Incredibles 2
Hey, did you make them new masks? from Incredibles 2
Hey, I had a mohawk. from Incredibles 2
Hey, I'm just demonstrating. from Incredibles 2
Hey, I'm using the technology from Incredibles 2
Hey, it was in perfect condition. from Incredibles 2
Hey, it was in perfect condition. from Incredibles 2
Hey, it's me! from Incredibles 2
Hey, lady! from Incredibles 2
Hey, listen, you're my biggest fan. from Incredibles 2
Hey, little baby. Where are your parents? from Incredibles 2
Hey, Mom. I can't find my high tops from Incredibles 2
Hey, stretch a leg. from Incredibles 2
Hey, the ambassador made a big speech from Incredibles 2
Hey, Vi, say hi to... from Incredibles 2
Hey, Vi! I want you back here by 10:30. from Incredibles 2
Hey, you did this. Can you undo it? from Incredibles 2
Hey! from Incredibles 2
Hey! Dash! Stop it! from Incredibles 2
Hey! Elastigirl! from Incredibles 2
Hey! Elastigirl! from Incredibles 2
Hey! It's working! from Incredibles 2
Hey! This is not your car! from Incredibles 2
Hey! We just saved you! from Incredibles 2
Hey! What about turning the boat? from Incredibles 2
Hey. from Incredibles 2
Hey. Hey! from Incredibles 2
Hey. Hi, it's me, again. from Incredibles 2
Hey... from Incredibles 2
Hey... Hey! from Incredibles 2
Hi, my superhero name is Voyd. from Incredibles 2
Hi. from Incredibles 2
His reign was short, huh? from Incredibles 2
Hmm. Good feeling. from Incredibles 2
Hold Jack Jack. from Incredibles 2
Hold! Let him talk. from Incredibles 2
Holy cow! from Incredibles 2
Honey, let's just at least hear what he has to say. from Incredibles 2
Honey, why are you... from Incredibles 2
Hope I don't offend. from Incredibles 2
How about "thanks"? from Incredibles 2
How about you? from Incredibles 2
How am I supposed to get... from Incredibles 2
How do I do it? from Incredibles 2
How do we do that? from Incredibles 2
How do you feel? from Incredibles 2
How fast can you slap something together from Incredibles 2
How much do I owe you for... from Incredibles 2
How much longer are you in this motel? from Incredibles 2
How much longer in the motel, Dad? from Incredibles 2
How to make them work yet. from Incredibles 2
How you feeling, Chad? from Incredibles 2
Huh? from Incredibles 2
Huh? from Incredibles 2
Huh. That sums it up. from Incredibles 2
I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! from Incredibles 2
I am called Brick. from Incredibles 2
I am forever in your debt. from Incredibles 2
I am fortunate that it has never afflicted me. from Incredibles 2
I am glad to see you back in your shiny outfit. from Incredibles 2
I am going to the rudder. from Incredibles 2
I am joking, Robert. I enjoyed the assignment. from Incredibles 2
I am not a baby person, Robert. from Incredibles 2
I am so proud of you, really. from Incredibles 2
I am supposed to, aren't I? from Incredibles 2
I am. from Incredibles 2
I ask you, which of us has the greater influence? from Incredibles 2
I asked her out to a movie. from Incredibles 2
I blended Kevlar from Incredibles 2
I broke my daughter, they keep changing math... from Incredibles 2
I call perimeter! from Incredibles 2
I can do it better. from Incredibles 2
I can do math. from Incredibles 2
I can get your contraption together by 5:00 a.m. from Incredibles 2
I can handle it, I got this handled. from Incredibles 2
I can't get to the engine room! from Incredibles 2
I can't just go! What about the kids? from Incredibles 2
I can't lie to you. from Incredibles 2
I can't steer it or stop it. And the Underminer's escaped! from Incredibles 2
I can't tell her about this, from Incredibles 2
I can't tell you how many memories from Incredibles 2
I can't tell you how much I appreciate from Incredibles 2
I can't think of anyone more deserving than you... from Incredibles 2
I can't. from Incredibles 2
I checked him out. from Incredibles 2
I control this broadcast... from Incredibles 2
I could hijack the ambassador's aerocade... from Incredibles 2
I couldn't handle it and ran off. from Incredibles 2
I couldn't have done this from Incredibles 2
I counted on you. from Incredibles 2
I design herowear from Incredibles 2
I did write my address on your locker... from Incredibles 2
I did. They're good and you're going to have some. from Incredibles 2
I didn't think about Dicker erasing his memory... from Incredibles 2
I disagree strongly! from Incredibles 2
I do for free, darling. from Incredibles 2
I do not involve myself in the prosaic day to day to... from Incredibles 2
I don't know if I can stay with it. from Incredibles 2
I don't know that way! Why would they change math? from Incredibles 2
I don't know what to say. from Incredibles 2
I don't know, but Dad called Lucius from Incredibles 2
I don't know, sir. I think it's tap. from Incredibles 2
I don't know. from Incredibles 2
I don't know. from Incredibles 2
I don't think anyone needs to worry. from Incredibles 2
I don't wanna die. from Incredibles 2
I don't wanna talk about it. from Incredibles 2
I don't want his job. I invent, he sells. from Incredibles 2
I eat thunder and crap lightning, okay? from Incredibles 2
I feel kinda bad about it. from Incredibles 2
I felt like an outcast before. from Incredibles 2
I find a job in two weeks or we're homeless. from Incredibles 2
I flew them in from all over. from Incredibles 2
I get it, managerial screw up. from Incredibles 2
I get it. When was the last time you slept? from Incredibles 2
I got it, you go do this thing. from Incredibles 2
I got it! Come on, I tell you, come on! from Incredibles 2
I gotta fix this. What do you know about Tony? from Incredibles 2
I gotta get cookies! from Incredibles 2
I gotta go. I'll be home soon. from Incredibles 2
I gotta tell you, it's pretty strange from Incredibles 2
I hate superheroes! from Incredibles 2
I have big plans for our next move. from Incredibles 2
I have core beliefs. from Incredibles 2
I have no baby facilities. I am an artist. from Incredibles 2
I have no memory of the event. from Incredibles 2
I haven't been sleeping. from Incredibles 2
I haven't done this in a while. from Incredibles 2
I heard the program shut down. from Incredibles 2
I just didn't wanna wake you. from Incredibles 2
I just thought it was kinda cool. from Incredibles 2
I just wanna be... from Incredibles 2
I just wanna thank you, for, like, for being you! from Incredibles 2
I knew it! from Incredibles 2
I know he's on fire. Just put him out. from Incredibles 2
I know I can handle the superhero stuff. from Incredibles 2
I know I should be up there... from Incredibles 2
I know I will. from Incredibles 2
I know it was hard on you. from Incredibles 2
I know the Chief of Police. There won't be a problem. from Incredibles 2
I know the drill. from Incredibles 2
I know you want to get out there and you will soon. from Incredibles 2
I like drive in food. from Incredibles 2
I like Mom's new job! from Incredibles 2
I like this girl, Mr. Dicker. from Incredibles 2
I look over and I see these boots. from Incredibles 2
I love superheroes! from Incredibles 2
I love you, honey. I'll be back soon. from Incredibles 2
I mean, she's good. from Incredibles 2
I missed Jack Jack's first power? from Incredibles 2
I need someone to watch the kids. from Incredibles 2
I need to get on TV. Chad! from Incredibles 2
I never know what people want. from Incredibles 2
I noticed you missed all the fun. from Incredibles 2
I often work to music from Incredibles 2
I put one red thing in a load of whites from Incredibles 2
I renounce them! from Incredibles 2
I said now! from Incredibles 2
I saved a runaway train! from Incredibles 2
I saw her at the track meet. from Incredibles 2
I saw what you did back there. That was incredible! from Incredibles 2
I say just to put people at ease. from Incredibles 2
I see my chance to get out of there. from Incredibles 2
I should say I gave you from Incredibles 2
I should stay here. With Jack Jack. from Incredibles 2
I sort of knew her, but she'd changed. from Incredibles 2
I suggest you extinguish the baby's flames from Incredibles 2
I thank all of you from Incredibles 2
I think I just need a little bit of me time. from Incredibles 2
I think I understand your math assignment. from Incredibles 2
I think we could have been good friends. from Incredibles 2
I thought it was best to just let you sleep. from Incredibles 2
I thought Vi would want a change of pace from Incredibles 2
I thought you renounced superheroes. from Incredibles 2
I told you they'd be there in time. from Incredibles 2
I tried to limit it to one parent. from Incredibles 2
I understand your lack of sleep from Incredibles 2
I wanna talk about you... from Incredibles 2
I wanna thank everyone that came out tonight... from Incredibles 2
I want you to have this. from Incredibles 2
I wanted to say something to you. from Incredibles 2
I was approached by a dude who represents this tycoon. from Incredibles 2
I wasn't hearing any better ideas. from Incredibles 2
I went to the house. from Incredibles 2
I will be great. And you will, too. from Incredibles 2
I will, when you defeat evil. from Incredibles 2
I wish I could forget I ever saw her in that suit. from Incredibles 2
I would hardly classify this as an emergency. from Incredibles 2
I would resist from Incredibles 2
I'd love to, but we haven't figured out from Incredibles 2
I'll be back before the previews are over. from Incredibles 2
I'll be damned. She knew. from Incredibles 2
I'll be there. ASAP. Fifteen tops. from Incredibles 2
I'll check it out. from Incredibles 2
I'll drop this thing and come right back. from Incredibles 2
I'll get my brother to set up an exclusive with him from Incredibles 2
I'll go shut down the engine. from Incredibles 2
I'll just wait for Mom to get back. from Incredibles 2
I'll try to keep it away from the buildings! from Incredibles 2
I'll try to slow the ship from the bow. from Incredibles 2
I'll turn the front, you turn the rear. from Incredibles 2
I'll watch the kids, no problem. from Incredibles 2
I'm afraid two more weeks in the motel from Incredibles 2
I'm appearing on your screen. from Incredibles 2
I'm calling Lucius. from Incredibles 2
I'm coming home right now! I never should have... from Incredibles 2
I'm Dash, her little brother. from Incredibles 2
I'm definitely not on duty. Ignore the costume. from Incredibles 2
I'm doing the math, I'm fixing the boyfriend... from Incredibles 2
I'm done. from Incredibles 2
I'm Elastigirl. from Incredibles 2
I'm fine. I don't wanna talk about it. from Incredibles 2
I'm fine. The doctors checked me out. from Incredibles 2
I'm getting calls from all over the world. from Incredibles 2
I'm going after it. from Incredibles 2
I'm gonna press the button! from Incredibles 2
I'm gonna search for them. from Incredibles 2
I'm happy the ambassador is pro superhero... from Incredibles 2
I'm happy the numbers are up. from Incredibles 2
I'm happy. from Incredibles 2
I'm hearing that you're happy, but why am I not feeling it? from Incredibles 2
I'm in a drama class... from Incredibles 2
I'm in. from Incredibles 2
I'm just as illegal as you guys. from Incredibles 2
I'm just not sure I can leave. from Incredibles 2
I'm just saying. from Incredibles 2
I'm just the genius behind the genius. from Incredibles 2
I'm not all dark and angsty. from Incredibles 2
I'm not getting a reading yet. from Incredibles 2
I'm not using that one. Stay as long as you need. from Incredibles 2
I'm not... I'm not saying you weren't big. from Incredibles 2
I'm perfectly fine... from Incredibles 2
I'm pretty secure manhood wise. from Incredibles 2
I'm proud of you, honey. from Incredibles 2
I'm proud. from Incredibles 2
I'm Screech. It's a pleasure. from Incredibles 2
I'm sorry, but she'll go to prison. from Incredibles 2
I'm sorry. from Incredibles 2
I'm supposed to go out with her Friday night. from Incredibles 2
I'm sure filling in for Helen is challenging, from Incredibles 2
I'm taking in information, I'm processing! from Incredibles 2
I'm telling you, honey, it was a saga! from Incredibles 2
I'm used to knowing from Incredibles 2
I'm Violet Parr. from Incredibles 2
I'm your biggest fan. Shoot! from Incredibles 2
I'm, you know, flexible. from Incredibles 2
I've always considered you from Incredibles 2
I've got to succeed! from Incredibles 2
If he really did see you, it's best that he forget. from Incredibles 2
If he's smart enough to conceive from Incredibles 2
If I could just leave him with you for a while... from Incredibles 2
If I discovered the origin of the universe... from Incredibles 2
If it weren't for your core beliefs... from Incredibles 2
If Jack Jack wakes up... from Incredibles 2
If laws are unjust, there are laws to change them! from Incredibles 2
If superheroes had not been forced underground... from Incredibles 2
If we break off one of the foils from Incredibles 2