A black neighborhood. from Mystery Train
A comb? from Mystery Train
A light. from Mystery Train
Aaah! Don't start no shit now. from Mystery Train
Aah! from Mystery Train
Ah! Yes, hello! Thank you! from Mystery Train
Ah? from Mystery Train
Ah. I see. from Mystery Train
Ain't she a beauty? from Mystery Train
Ain't they got enough women over there? from Mystery Train
All aboard. from Mystery Train
All off for Memphis. from Mystery Train
All our rooms for two people are the same rate. from Mystery Train
All she did was run her mouth. from Mystery Train
Along with the Roses — previously known as the Teen Kings for you trivia fans — from Mystery Train
Along with the Roses — previously known as the Teen Kings, for you trivia fans... from Mystery Train
And after all, I can give you a room for a share. from Mystery Train
And again here. from Mystery Train
And all evening I kept passin' hitchhikers. from Mystery Train
And And I — "Just tell me what it is." And he said... from Mystery Train
And as sure as sunlight... from Mystery Train
And by tonight we'll have seen Fats Domino's house in New Orleans! from Mystery Train
And don't forget to, uh, help 'em with the luggage. from Mystery Train
And even from there, it struck me that that you were the one. from Mystery Train
And exactly one year ago... from Mystery Train
And he gets real quiet and everything. I never know what he's thinking. from Mystery Train
And he said I could drop him off anywhere near there. from Mystery Train
And he said, "When you meet that girl from Rome... from Mystery Train
And he was sittin' there next to me, and all of a sudden he said... from Mystery Train
And he was young too. from Mystery Train
And here also. from Mystery Train
And I could read 'em at the station and on the train and stuff, you know. from Mystery Train
And I don't have to give her no discount. from Mystery Train
And I don't know, I think it's really funny. from Mystery Train
And I drove down Elvis Presley Boulevard. from Mystery Train
And I said, "Of course, sir, I'll do you a favor." from Mystery Train
And I wouldn't marry him 'cause he's so damn stubborn. from Mystery Train
And I'd have to find a roommate and everything. from Mystery Train
And if that's what you're thinking, try shaving first next time. from Mystery Train
And June Lockhart was on it. from Mystery Train
And never what we see outside while we travel? from Mystery Train
And now the weather update for Memphis. from Mystery Train
And now the weather update. from Mystery Train
And once more. from Mystery Train
And over here. from Mystery Train
And right away, the door opened up, and this hitchhiker got in. from Mystery Train
And right in front of Graceland — And I stopped... from Mystery Train
And she said I could come and stay with her for a while, 'cause I could probably get a job. from Mystery Train
And so far from Yokohama. from Mystery Train
And ta da! from Mystery Train
And the main kid was named Will Robinson. from Mystery Train
And the strangest thing — This only dawned on me gradual... from Mystery Train
And then he just disappeared. from Mystery Train
And then he just... turned to me, and he said... from Mystery Train
And then I — I was sittin' over there, and I saw your back. from Mystery Train
And then it hit me... right there. from Mystery Train
And this fruity professor or somebody. from Mystery Train
And this is $10 for you to go away. from Mystery Train
And this one here tells you all about the United States. from Mystery Train
And two days early too. from Mystery Train
And we arrive in Rome the day after tomorrow! from Mystery Train
And we need a place to stay invisible for a little while. from Mystery Train
And what if you did kill that guy? We all go to prison. from Mystery Train
And when you're dead, you don't get to sleep ever again. from Mystery Train
And you know my brother Charlie? from Mystery Train
And, like, my brother lives here too. See, we moved from New Jersey. from Mystery Train
And, of course, the king of rock and roll himself — Elvis Presley. from Mystery Train
And, sure enough to God, it was him. from Mystery Train
And, you know, like, then I'll have someone to talk to. from Mystery Train
Anyway, it was this family — The Robinsons. from Mystery Train
Anyway, Sam finally found a song he liked and he said — and I quote — from Mystery Train
Are you fuckin' stupid? Oww! from Mystery Train
Are you kidding? Memphis station is a lot better. from Mystery Train
Are you sure you don't want any of those magazines? from Mystery Train
Are you unhappy? from Mystery Train
Arkansas? from Mystery Train
As I was approachin' Memphis, I passed another one. from Mystery Train
As sure as I'm sitting right in front of you. from Mystery Train
As sure as the moon rolls around the world. from Mystery Train
At the time of his death, if he were on Jupiter, uh... from Mystery Train
Attaboy, Charlie! from Mystery Train
Attention, passengers. from Mystery Train
Attention, passengers. from Mystery Train
Attention, passengers. from Mystery Train
Baby, I'll give you all the oil you need. from Mystery Train
Before I found out about being laid off. from Mystery Train
Before some real shit happens. from Mystery Train
Billy Lee Riley, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis... from Mystery Train
Bring one of his own damn people. from Mystery Train
But everything was so emotional and fucked up with me and Johnny. from Mystery Train
But he really hates it when they call him that. He's really cute. from Mystery Train
But he's got, like, this dark hair, right, like in a D.A., you know, like that, like Elvis. from Mystery Train
But I don't believe it. from Mystery Train
But I feel so bad and everything 'cause I didn't even call him and tell him I'm leaving. from Mystery Train
But I just shaved two days ago. from Mystery Train
But I was sort of looking forward to Graceland. from Mystery Train
But it sure helps having two. Now, doesn't it? from Mystery Train
But not both of them. from Mystery Train
But sleep is wonderful. from Mystery Train
But they all were the same person really. from Mystery Train
But who is Johnny? from Mystery Train
But you know Dee Dee. from Mystery Train
But you know, I still would rather go to Graceland first... from Mystery Train
But, you know, at least it's better than not talking at all. from Mystery Train
By deejay Dewey Phillips in the year 1954, probably July 9 or 10. from Mystery Train
By the way, are you all right? from Mystery Train
Can we? from Mystery Train
Can you sign right here, please? from Mystery Train
Can't I do anything to cheer you up? from Mystery Train
Carl Perkins was better. from Mystery Train
Carl Perkins, Howling Wolf... from Mystery Train
Carl Perkins. from Mystery Train
Carl Perkins. from Mystery Train
Charlie Feathers, the Prisonaires, James Cotton, Johnny Cash... from Mystery Train
Check it out. from Mystery Train
Christ. There he is again. from Mystery Train
Ciao! Ciao! from Mystery Train
City of New Orleans now departing for Batesville... from Mystery Train
Close that old pro. from Mystery Train
Come on, Charlie. They let white folks in there. from Mystery Train
Come on, Johnny, man. Let's chill out. from Mystery Train
Come on, man! Cut that shit out! That shit ain't funny, man! from Mystery Train
Could be her. Boy, I got somethin' for you. from Mystery Train
Couldn't place it though. from Mystery Train
Damn, baby! Why you wanna do this to me? from Mystery Train
Damn, Charlie. from Mystery Train
Damn, I'm glad I'm not married. from Mystery Train
Damn. from Mystery Train
Damn. from Mystery Train
Damn. That's just gotta be Room 22. from Mystery Train
Danger! Danger! Will Robinson! Will Robinson! from Mystery Train
Dee Dee walked out on me. from Mystery Train
Did you ever think to marry him? from Mystery Train
Do women always worry about their hairstyle? from Mystery Train
Do you have? from Mystery Train
Do you know, uh... from Mystery Train
Do you mind if I tell you a story? from Mystery Train
Do you mind turning on the radio for a little while? It helps me to get to sleep. from Mystery Train
Does that mean yes? from Mystery Train
Don't forget these. from Mystery Train
Don't know why you hang around with this Elvis dude anyway, man. from Mystery Train
Don't make no noise. from Mystery Train
Don't need that kind of shit in here. from Mystery Train
Don't tell your sister 'cause, if you do, we'll both be in trouble. from Mystery Train
Don't worry, Charlie. A lot of doctors in Arkansas. from Mystery Train
Don't worry! from Mystery Train
Don't worry. from Mystery Train
Don't you even think about it. Don't even look at Earl's car. from Mystery Train
Don't you think that's kinda odd, what with all the Chinese food they got? from Mystery Train
Don't you think you wear too much lipstick? from Mystery Train
Don't you want to go to Graceland? from Mystery Train
Dr. Smith. from Mystery Train
Eleven? from Mystery Train
Elvis as the Buddha. from Mystery Train
Elvis Presley? from Mystery Train
Elvis Presley. from Mystery Train
Elvis was even more influential than I thought. from Mystery Train
Elvis would've weighed 648 pounds. from Mystery Train
Elvis, you asshole! What the fuck's wrong with you? from Mystery Train
Elvis. from Mystery Train
Elvis. from Mystery Train
Elvis's house. from Mystery Train
Everyone knows that. from Mystery Train
Excuse me, ma'am. If I could just have two more minutes of your time. from Mystery Train
Excuse me. I don't feel like being alone, and I would stay only one night. from Mystery Train
Far as your old lady leaving you... from Mystery Train
Feels cool. from Mystery Train
Figures. from Mystery Train
Final call for Flight 607 to Rome now departing from Gate 6. from Mystery Train
For two. from Mystery Train
From New York and everywhere. from Mystery Train
Fuck is the light in this place? from Mystery Train
Fuck it, man. You probably better off without her, man. from Mystery Train
Fuck this. from Mystery Train
Fuck you, Will. from Mystery Train
Fuckin' bollocks. from Mystery Train
Full boarding call, Flight 203. from Mystery Train
Gee, I'm real sorry. I guess it's, like, not my day or something. from Mystery Train
Get a petition goin' around. from Mystery Train
Get it? Like Robinson Crusoe? from Mystery Train
Get on the phone and try to get some real men in this government of ours. from Mystery Train
Give me a break. from Mystery Train
Go ahead. from Mystery Train
Go for a spin in Earl's Caddy. from Mystery Train
Goddamn it, Johnny! from Mystery Train
Good night. Have a nice job. from Mystery Train
Good night. Have a nice night. from Mystery Train
Good night. How may I help you? from Mystery Train
Graceland first, just to get it out of the way. from Mystery Train
Great echo. from Mystery Train
Great show. from Mystery Train
Great! from Mystery Train
Great. from Mystery Train
Had the voice of Elvis. from Mystery Train
Has been delayed in Carbondale, Illinois. from Mystery Train
Have a nice night. from Mystery Train
He opened this barber shop, and it's really nice and everything. from Mystery Train
He said I couldn't stay here because I only had enough money for half a room... from Mystery Train
He was driving in a car... from Mystery Train
He was gone. from Mystery Train
He was seeing many "hi chiking" people. from Mystery Train
He was taken to Baptist Memorial Hospital shortly after midnight. from Mystery Train
He was young and beautiful lookin' like in 1956. from Mystery Train
He works in this cotton warehouse, and he hangs out with these black guys... from Mystery Train
He would have to play that song somewhere between seven and 11 times that night. from Mystery Train
He's from England. Well, you know where that is, right? from Mystery Train
He's, like, really great. from Mystery Train
Hello! It's me! from Mystery Train
Here we go again. from Mystery Train
Here, there's 10 you got — Take 10 back. from Mystery Train
Here. Take this shit. from Mystery Train
Here's a light. from Mystery Train
Hey, everybody, check your guns at the bar! from Mystery Train
Hey, fella. from Mystery Train
Hey, Johnny... from Mystery Train
Hey, man, my name is Dave. from Mystery Train
Hey, my brother in law, how you doin'? from Mystery Train
Hey, my turn in front. from Mystery Train
Hey, silver fox! Where's the fire? Where you goin'? from Mystery Train
Hey, Will, think you could just drop me off now? from Mystery Train
Hey, Will, what's this chain for? from Mystery Train
Hey, Will. from Mystery Train
Hey! from Mystery Train
Hey! What's the matter with Elvis? from Mystery Train
Hey. from Mystery Train
Hey. He spoke Japanese. from Mystery Train
Hey. I hope you dropped the empty one. from Mystery Train
Hey. That's my plum. from Mystery Train
Hi! Good night! from Mystery Train
Hi. Fish? from Mystery Train
Hi. How y'all doin' today? from Mystery Train
His first objective was to record some of the race music... from Mystery Train
His mom's birthday was months away, so... from Mystery Train
His name is Dave. from Mystery Train
Hmm? from Mystery Train
Hold me. from Mystery Train
Holy shit. You killed him! You fucking killed him! from Mystery Train
Home of Elvis Presley. from Mystery Train
How am I supposed to know what he's thinking if he never fuckin' says anything? from Mystery Train
How do you think Dee Dee's gonna react? from Mystery Train
How should I know where I'll stay tonight? from Mystery Train
How you doin'? Two bottles of Butcher's. from Mystery Train
How's about a haircut? from Mystery Train
Huh? from Mystery Train
Huh. Everybody I know needs a job. from Mystery Train
I — I can't get rid of that fucking guy. from Mystery Train
I can hear a train. from Mystery Train
I coulda had a heart attack or something. from Mystery Train
I didn't kill the guy. from Mystery Train
I don't know what to tell you. from Mystery Train
I don't know what you bitchin' about. from Mystery Train
I don't know, man. from Mystery Train
I don't know! from Mystery Train
I don't know. from Mystery Train
I don't know. from Mystery Train
I don't know. from Mystery Train
I don't know. I don't know why I attract these guys. from Mystery Train
I don't know. I feel so bad and everything. from Mystery Train
I don't know. I just can't take it. from Mystery Train
I don't know. I might have to use it on my landlord... or somebody. from Mystery Train
I don't know. I'm really gonna miss Memphis though. from Mystery Train
I don't understand. from Mystery Train
I don't wanna stay in this fleabag hotel anyway. from Mystery Train
I feel a little discombobulated. from Mystery Train
I feel the same. from Mystery Train
I guess I could bring his brother in law, Charlie. from Mystery Train
I guess I missed that bit of American culture. from Mystery Train
I guess I must have missed that program. from Mystery Train
I guess I still really love him. from Mystery Train
I hate it when it's quiet. I don't know. It makes me nervous or something. from Mystery Train
I have a very important message I'm supposed to deliver. from Mystery Train
I have no time anymore. from Mystery Train
I hear that. from Mystery Train
I hear the sirens. from Mystery Train
I just gotta get away from him, you know. from Mystery Train
I just have to leave here before he winds up doing something really crazy or something. from Mystery Train
I just know it. from Mystery Train
I knew I was meant to give you... Elvis's comb. from Mystery Train
I knew it was you. from Mystery Train
I knew that voice. from Mystery Train
I knew you were with us all the way. from Mystery Train
I know about you and the King. from Mystery Train
I know you do. from Mystery Train
I know, but you said Johnny has a gun. from Mystery Train
I like it here better. from Mystery Train
I like very much your hat. from Mystery Train
I like Yokohama station better. from Mystery Train
I like Yokohama station better. It's modern. from Mystery Train
I love the way he talks when he does talk. from Mystery Train
I love ya. from Mystery Train
I love ya. from Mystery Train
I mean, he never says anything. from Mystery Train
I mean, I can't believe it. It's, like, so strange. from Mystery Train
I mean, I don't call them Sam and Dave, do I? from Mystery Train
I mean, it's only gonna be for one night, right? from Mystery Train
I mean, like, what do you care? from Mystery Train
I mean, look at that damn hat on your head. from Mystery Train
I mean, look at that damn hat on your head. from Mystery Train
I mean, no. from Mystery Train
I mean, shit, why is he fucking everywhere? from Mystery Train
I mean, you know, it's like they say — "The clothes make the man." from Mystery Train
I mean... from Mystery Train
I mean... from Mystery Train
I need a — I need a doctor. from Mystery Train
I only brought two shirts. Get rid of some T shirts. from Mystery Train
I really like it here. I had a pretty good time here and everything. from Mystery Train
I really love that girl. from Mystery Train
I saw on the television the other day where those Chine... from Mystery Train
I saw you was in here cleaning up, and it just sorta hit me... from Mystery Train
I should go home. I'm kinda tired. from Mystery Train
I swear to God this is true. from Mystery Train
I think almost everybody in Memphis has picked up Elvis's ghost hitchhiking. from Mystery Train
I think I heard this one a hundred times. from Mystery Train
I think it's $22. from Mystery Train
I thought we were going to Graceland. from Mystery Train
I want you to give this to her." from Mystery Train
I wanted to marry her... from Mystery Train
I was already happy. from Mystery Train
I was drivin' back to Memphis... from Mystery Train
I was hoping I dreamed all this shit. from Mystery Train
I'll get right with you, man. I got to check this damn fan belt. from Mystery Train
I'll think about it. from Mystery Train
I'm all worn out. from Mystery Train
I'm cool. I'm completely cool. from Mystery Train
I'm glad you don't cut my hair. from Mystery Train
I'm gonna miss him. from Mystery Train
I'm guessin' these two bottles are on the house. Am I right? from Mystery Train
I'm here by accident. from Mystery Train
I'm just not ready yet anyway... from Mystery Train
I'm okay! from Mystery Train
I'm really gonna miss him. from Mystery Train
I'm sorry, Johnny. from Mystery Train
I'm sorry. from Mystery Train
I'm sorry. That is too expensive. from Mystery Train
I'm very happy. from Mystery Train
I've never once thought about my hairstyle. from Mystery Train
If they see me in there, they may think I have a gun. from Mystery Train
If you can't use my proper name... from Mystery Train
If you lose your money — from Mystery Train
If you took away 60% of the buildings in Yokohama... from Mystery Train
In all the times we've made love — And this is number 11... from Mystery Train
In America, towels are included in the price of the room. from Mystery Train
In June 1953, this young man just graduated from Humes High School... from Mystery Train
In Memphis! from Mystery Train
In the south of the United States, in Tennessee! from Mystery Train
Is it like Yokohama with 60% of the buildings gone? from Mystery Train
Is it okay if I leave the light on? from Mystery Train
Is that thing loaded? from Mystery Train
Is this the train to Natchez? from Mystery Train
Isn't there a late night liquor store a couple of blocks up here? from Mystery Train
It ain't our fault. from Mystery Train
It feels cool to be in Memphis. from Mystery Train
It hurts my face. from Mystery Train
It never occurred to me. from Mystery Train
It seems like we've been on this train forever. from Mystery Train
It struck me somewhere real deep inside. from Mystery Train
It was a really stupid show... from Mystery Train
It was almost a year ago this very night. from Mystery Train
It was Elvis. from Mystery Train
It was just an accident. from Mystery Train
It was the King himself. from Mystery Train
It was the King. from Mystery Train
It would look like this. from Mystery Train
It's 2:17 right here in Memphis, Tennessee. from Mystery Train
It's a black hotel... from Mystery Train
It's a lot different than Yokohama station. from Mystery Train
It's all right, man. from Mystery Train
It's antique and has a nice atmosphere. from Mystery Train
It's been such a long time. from Mystery Train
It's like they say — "The clothes make the man." from Mystery Train
It's loaded. from Mystery Train
It's my favorite thing — to sleep. from Mystery Train
It's really too bad. from Mystery Train
It's Rome. Right. from Mystery Train
It's so funny when things happen like that. from Mystery Train
It's, like, what am I, fuckin' stupid? I'm still in love with him anyway. from Mystery Train
It's, like, what am I, fuckin' stupid? You don't call your brother and say good bye? from Mystery Train
Jeannie's gonna kill me. from Mystery Train
Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison... from Mystery Train
Jesus Christ. from Mystery Train
Jesus. What am I — fuckin' stupid? from Mystery Train
Jiffy Squid. from Mystery Train
Johnny? Oh, he's my boyfriend. Well, he was my boyfriend until today. from Mystery Train
Jun, why do you always have such a sad face? from Mystery Train
Jun, why do you always take pictures of the rooms we stay in... from Mystery Train
Jun! Memphis — we're here! We're here! from Mystery Train
Just a minute. Come on back over here. from Mystery Train
Just do the right thing. from Mystery Train
Just for a little while. from Mystery Train
Just get one, man. I mean, you're drunk already, and I'm not gonna have any. from Mystery Train
Just get your crazy English ass in the truck. from Mystery Train
Just more space. from Mystery Train
Just two more minutes. from Mystery Train
Just... from Mystery Train
King. from Mystery Train
King. from Mystery Train
King. from Mystery Train
Let me sleep. from Mystery Train
Let's go. from Mystery Train
Let's just walk around. from Mystery Train
Letters to senators and congressmen. from Mystery Train
Like — I'll just, like, wander the streets all night and, like, probably get killed or somethin'. from Mystery Train
Like I said, I was just passing by. from Mystery Train
Like, decide what I'm gonna do with my life. from Mystery Train
Like, now he's gonna find out from Johnny if I don't reach him first... from Mystery Train
Listen, I can make an exception. from Mystery Train
Listen, I got to ask you this favor. from Mystery Train
Listen. from Mystery Train
Look, Charlie... from Mystery Train
Look, it's all right, man. He's cool. from Mystery Train
Look, put that shit away, man. Ain't no landlord around here right now. from Mystery Train
Look! A hotel. from Mystery Train
Look! Quick! Quick! from Mystery Train
Look! Sun Studio. from Mystery Train
Looks just like him, right? from Mystery Train
Looks like a fun one. from Mystery Train
Lost in space! from Mystery Train
Louisiana? from Mystery Train
Lucky shot, man. from Mystery Train
Madonna looks like Elvis too. from Mystery Train
Man, I fucked up. from Mystery Train
Man, you got a curse on you... from Mystery Train
Man, your breath. What have you been drinkin'? from Mystery Train
Marry him? from Mystery Train
Martin Luther King? from Mystery Train
Maybe a .38. from Mystery Train
Maybe I talk a lot or something... from Mystery Train
Maybe I'll have better luck. from Mystery Train
Maybe that's my problem. I should look for another type of boyfriend that talks more than I do. from Mystery Train
Maybe we should go to Sun Studio. from Mystery Train
Maybe you'd better come with somebody else too. from Mystery Train
Me and Dee Dee... from Mystery Train
Me and Will losin' our jobs and everything. from Mystery Train
Memorial Hospital shortly after midnight. from Mystery Train
Memphis! from Mystery Train
Memphis. from Mystery Train
Memphis. Memphis, Tennessee. from Mystery Train
Mickey Mantle. Tim McCarver president. Sure. from Mystery Train
Midwestern Air Flight 310, with connections to Cleveland — from Mystery Train
Might have to pawn it to pay my tab. from Mystery Train
Mitzuko. from Mystery Train
Mitzuko. from Mystery Train
Mmm! Cadillac. from Mystery Train
Mmm. from Mystery Train
Mmm. from Mystery Train
Mmm. from Mystery Train
Mmm. from Mystery Train
Mmm. from Mystery Train
Mmm. Yeah. from Mystery Train
Modern atmosphere. from Mystery Train
Money? Oh, right. from Mystery Train
Movie magazine, home magazine... from Mystery Train
Muscle magazine, ladies magazine. from Mystery Train
My own sister. from Mystery Train
Next time, Johnny, we gonna ask for the Malcolm X suite. from Mystery Train
******s, man. You gotta watch 'em every second. from Mystery Train
No accident. from Mystery Train
No shit, Einstein. from Mystery Train
No TV? from Mystery Train
No TV. from Mystery Train
No TV. from Mystery Train
No way! They're part of my collection. from Mystery Train
No, I — I'd better be goin'. I gotta go. from Mystery Train
No, I don't mind. from Mystery Train
No, I was saying to her, "Excuse me." from Mystery Train
No, I'm not all right. from Mystery Train
No, it — That's not what I meant. from Mystery Train
No, its, uh — It's in Mississippi, I think. from Mystery Train
No, nothing like that. from Mystery Train
No, really. from Mystery Train
No, thank you. I think I need only this one. from Mystery Train
No, thank you. No, no. from Mystery Train
No. from Mystery Train
No. Graceland. from Mystery Train
No. Sirens. from Mystery Train
Not a word. Ever. from Mystery Train
Not Graceland right now. Is that okay? from Mystery Train
Not just Elvis. from Mystery Train
Nothing on now. from Mystery Train
Now get this thing outta here. from Mystery Train
Now just hold on a minute, sugar. from Mystery Train
Now she probably will be. from Mystery Train
Now you look a little happier. from Mystery Train
Now you're talkin'. Now you're talkin'. from Mystery Train
Of course I knew where Graceland was. Everyone knows where Graceland is. from Mystery Train
Oh, come on, Al. Give me me gun back. from Mystery Train
Oh, damn. from Mystery Train
Oh, fuck. Don't get in my brother's shit like that. from Mystery Train
Oh, go ahead. from Mystery Train
Oh, it's 2:20 in the a.m. right here in Memphis. from Mystery Train
Oh, man, it was this — Y — They had... from Mystery Train
Oh, man! Shit. from Mystery Train
Oh, my — Miss, are you all right? I didn't see you come in the door. from Mystery Train
Oh, no, not Madonna. from Mystery Train
Oh, sh — I'm sorry, man. from Mystery Train
Oh, shit. Where are we? from Mystery Train
Oh, uh — No. Never mind. from Mystery Train
Oh, uh, we'll even up the bill in the room. Okay? from Mystery Train
Oh, well, yes. from Mystery Train
Oh, yes! Matches! One moment, please! from Mystery Train
Oh! from Mystery Train
Oh. from Mystery Train
Oh. Damn. from Mystery Train
Oh. Did I show you my important discoveries? from Mystery Train
Oh. Good morning. from Mystery Train
Oh. Here. from Mystery Train
Okay then. from Mystery Train
Okay then. Go ahead. from Mystery Train
Okay, 'cause I don't like to be alone either... from Mystery Train
Okay, okay. from Mystery Train
Okay. from Mystery Train
Okay. from Mystery Train
Okay. from Mystery Train
Okay. from Mystery Train
Okay. Give it to me. from Mystery Train
Okay. Thank you. This night, $22. from Mystery Train
Okay. Well, this is a story that a strange man I met told me today. from Mystery Train
One bottle or two? from Mystery Train
Or any other exotic fruits from around the globe? from Mystery Train
Otis Johnson, please meet your party at ticket counter — from Mystery Train
Otis Johnson. from Mystery Train
Otis Redding or... from Mystery Train
Our rooms are $22 per night. from Mystery Train
Over at Lansky's or somewhere like that. from Mystery Train
Over at Lansky's or somewhere like that. from Mystery Train
Over there in China, they's all wantin' to eat macaroni and cheese. from Mystery Train
Oww, it hurts! from Mystery Train
Oww! from Mystery Train
Oww! Shit! from Mystery Train
Pack it neatly. from Mystery Train
Pack the one I used. from Mystery Train
Pay in advance. from Mystery Train
People wanted to know if he was black, if he was white. from Mystery Train
Please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone. from Mystery Train
Please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone. from Mystery Train
Please pick up the white courtesy phone. from Mystery Train
Please sign here. from Mystery Train
Please wait. Thank you. from Mystery Train
Please, man. from Mystery Train
Please. This plum from Japan. from Mystery Train
Police are on the lookout for three suspects described as male, in their early 30s... from Mystery Train
Police are on the lookout for three suspects described as male, in their early 30s... from Mystery Train
Probably. This is America. from Mystery Train
Really, I... from Mystery Train
Really? from Mystery Train
Really? from Mystery Train
Really? I thought you didn't want to go. from Mystery Train
Really? Um, you would do that for me? from Mystery Train
Right down there on the river. from Mystery Train
Right now, here's another one recorded at Sun Studios, this time by the King himself. from Mystery Train
Right now, here's another one recorded at Sun Studios, this time by the King himself. from Mystery Train
Right now, here's another one recorded at Sun Studios, this time by the King himself. from Mystery Train
Right, Charlie? from Mystery Train
Right. from Mystery Train
Right. from Mystery Train
Rolled in herbs and spices, served with a tangy sauce with their own secret ingredients. from Mystery Train
Room 25 for the lovely ladies. from Mystery Train
Room 25. from Mystery Train
Room 25. from Mystery Train
Room 27. from Mystery Train
Said to you to give this comb to me? from Mystery Train
Sam thought — and I quote — "Well, why should they have to go up north to record it when I can record it right here?" from Mystery Train
Say, do you have any more of those Japanese plums... from Mystery Train
Say, do you like seafood? from Mystery Train
See what I got here now. What do we got? from Mystery Train
See, that's why I'm leaving Memphis. I just can't be with him anymore, you know. from Mystery Train
See? from Mystery Train
Seem like everybody in this town is out of work. from Mystery Train
Send a letter to the congressmen. from Mystery Train
She always said we'd have to wait and see how things went. from Mystery Train
She left you? from Mystery Train
She never told me that. from Mystery Train
She said something about a girlfriend in Natchez. from Mystery Train
She talks so fast. from Mystery Train
She will be arriving 5:05 p.m. on Track 3. from Mystery Train
She'll be better off without me. from Mystery Train
She's gone, man. from Mystery Train
She's got this baby and everything, and I haven't met the baby yet. from Mystery Train
She's not like that all the time. It's only when she's nervous. from Mystery Train
Shh shh shh shh. from Mystery Train
Shh! from Mystery Train
Shit, man, we best get the fuck on outta here! from Mystery Train
Shit, man! The motherfucker's loaded! from Mystery Train
Shit. from Mystery Train
Shit. from Mystery Train
Shit. from Mystery Train
Shit. from Mystery Train
Shit. from Mystery Train
Shit. I'm sorry, man. from Mystery Train
Should go over and buy your own damn clothes... from Mystery Train
Should go over and buy your own damn clothes... from Mystery Train
Should we stay there? from Mystery Train
Shut up, Charlie. I only winged him. from Mystery Train
Shut up, man. from Mystery Train
Smells like kerosene. from Mystery Train
So he stopped his car... from Mystery Train
So I decided to stop and pick him up. from Mystery Train
So I guess this would be kinda like that, right? from Mystery Train
So now do you feel a little happier? from Mystery Train
So that'll be really good, you know. Like, try a different town for a while. from Mystery Train
So we're comin' in to Memphis, I tell him I'll drop him anywhere he wants. from Mystery Train
So, uh, next time you come back during the daytime, okay? from Mystery Train
So, what are we gonna do? from Mystery Train
So, you know the guy with the red suit, right? The guy downstairs, right? from Mystery Train
Some days just go like that. from Mystery Train
Sometimes even the greatest love can last only one week. from Mystery Train
Sonny boy, I'm the man that's gonna make you use that gun. from Mystery Train
Sorry. from Mystery Train
Special! from Mystery Train
Study his face carefully. Now look at this. from Mystery Train
Stylin' shirt, Charlie. from Mystery Train
Sun Studio first. from Mystery Train
Sun Studio's at 706 Union Avenue. from Mystery Train
Take it. from Mystery Train
Taxi! from Mystery Train
Taxi! from Mystery Train
Ten, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19... from Mystery Train
Thank you very much! from Mystery Train
Thank you very much. from Mystery Train
Thank you, Mel. from Mystery Train
Thank you, Mel. from Mystery Train
Thank you. from Mystery Train
Thank you. from Mystery Train
Thank you. from Mystery Train
Thank you. from Mystery Train
Thank you. from Mystery Train
Thanks a bunch, Will. from Mystery Train
Thanks a lot. I'm gonna remember this. from Mystery Train
Thanks anyway! from Mystery Train
Thanks anyway. from Mystery Train
Thanks. from Mystery Train
Thanks. from Mystery Train
Thanks. from Mystery Train
That bellboy was teasing you... from Mystery Train
That had come up from the Delta, but was being recorded up north. from Mystery Train
That he said was for his mom's birthday, but from Mystery Train
That room. from Mystery Train
That used to be one of my favorites. from Mystery Train
That will be $22 in advance, please. from Mystery Train
That woman talk, talk, talk, man, like a radio that never turns off, man! from Mystery Train
That's 'cause this a white owned hotel. from Mystery Train
That's 'cause... you in the kinky sex room, Charlie. from Mystery Train
That's because you have a hundred T shirts in there. from Mystery Train
That's everything, isn't it? Did we forget anything? from Mystery Train
That's for two cups of coffee — Yours and the gentleman's. from Mystery Train
That's how I feel in this place... from Mystery Train
That's how I want it. from Mystery Train
That's just the way life is. from Mystery Train
That's just the way my face is. from Mystery Train
That's Mel, our engineer. Just coffee, huh? from Mystery Train
That's Mel, our engineer. Just coffee, huh? from Mystery Train
That's more like it. Y'all keep playin'." End quote. from Mystery Train
That's par for the course, Will Robinson. from Mystery Train
That's right, Mr. Elvis Presley... from Mystery Train
That's right, Mr. Elvis Presley... from Mystery Train
That's right. from Mystery Train
That's right. from Mystery Train
That's right. Mr. Elvis Presley... from Mystery Train
The bottom line was the song was gonna be a hit. from Mystery Train
The hotel is on fire. from Mystery Train
The hotel rooms and the airports are the things I'll forget. from Mystery Train
The king? from Mystery Train
The River Cities, originating in Kansas City, from Mystery Train
The Statue of Liberty in New York — she's Elvis too. from Mystery Train
The Sun Record Company in Memphis, Tennessee... from Mystery Train
The suspects are armed and extremely dangerous. from Mystery Train
The Tri State Defender. from Mystery Train
Then he asked me if I knew where Graceland was. from Mystery Train
Then he gets really paranoid. from Mystery Train
Then he, like, starts this big argument with me, you know? from Mystery Train
Then we'll go to Graceland first? from Mystery Train
Then, like, all of the sudden, I, like, bang right into you. from Mystery Train
There he is again. from Mystery Train
There's a brand new fast food seafood restaurant right here in Memphis. from Mystery Train
There's a chair over there. from Mystery Train
There's a time difference in America. from Mystery Train
There's black dudes workin' on the desk. from Mystery Train
There's one more. from Mystery Train
There's something I gotta tell you. from Mystery Train
They all recorded there. from Mystery Train
They just got the brothers workin' here. from Mystery Train
They make it real hard for an honest man to stay in business sometime. from Mystery Train
They're fucking. from Mystery Train
This doesn't look anything like Yokohama. from Mystery Train
This guy was an ancient Middle Eastern king. from Mystery Train
This is $10 for the good story. from Mystery Train
This is America. from Mystery Train
This is America. And the city of Elvis. from Mystery Train
This is Elvis's comb. from Mystery Train
This is nothing like Japan. from Mystery Train
This is one of those nights. We're not that busy. from Mystery Train
This is the final boarding call for Flight 607. from Mystery Train
This is the first one I ever had at nighttime like this. from Mystery Train
This is, like, the worst day in my entire life. from Mystery Train
This isn't really a familiar neighborhood for me, and, uh... from Mystery Train
This isn't Yokohama. from Mystery Train
This morning. from Mystery Train
This one here has all those high fashions from abroad... from Mystery Train
This one is shot to hell. Look at this. from Mystery Train
This one is shot to hell. Look at this. from Mystery Train
This way I could, like, save a little money and, like, get on my own two feet... from Mystery Train
Those other things are in my memory. from Mystery Train
Those? But they belong to the hotel. from Mystery Train
To be 18... from Mystery Train
To give a ride to this mysterious person, and... from Mystery Train
Tobacco. from Mystery Train
Today will once again be hot and humid. Look for that mercury to rise — from Mystery Train
Tomorrow, we've got a connecting flight... from Mystery Train
Tour's about to begin. from Mystery Train
Track 3. All aboard. from Mystery Train
Trouble? from Mystery Train
Turn it around, Charlie, would ya? It's just giving me the creeps. from Mystery Train
Twenty two. from Mystery Train
Two white and one black. from Mystery Train
Two white and one black. from Mystery Train
Uh, excuse me. from Mystery Train
Uh, excuse me. Excuse me. from Mystery Train
Uh, I must've got the wrong address or somethin'. from Mystery Train
Uh, let's just get out of this dump. from Mystery Train
Uh, no, really. Excuse me, ma'am. from Mystery Train
Uh, no. Just... from Mystery Train
Uh, that'll be 22.17. from Mystery Train
Uh, yeah, I'll take that 10. Bet you he beat you. from Mystery Train
Uh... yeah, I, uh — I didn't hear about that. from Mystery Train
Um, oh, uh, Luisa, about the money for the room, um, well... from Mystery Train
Um, we would like most cheap room, please. from Mystery Train
Us brothers, we gotta stick together. Ain't that right, Will? from Mystery Train
Vance Liquor Store manager Mitch D'Annunzio... from Mystery Train
Wait a minute. Is this the one where the guy has to go to Graceland and it turns out to be Elvis? from Mystery Train
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Shh! from Mystery Train
Wait. from Mystery Train
Wait. from Mystery Train
Wait. Let me light it for you. from Mystery Train
Wait. Like Elvis Presley, the singer? from Mystery Train
Wake up. It's morning. from Mystery Train
Was critically wounded in the shooting. from Mystery Train
Was first opened by radio announcer and record engineer Sam Phillips in the year 1952. from Mystery Train
Was that a gun? from Mystery Train
Was that they all looked like the same person. from Mystery Train
Watch it. from Mystery Train
We can't just keep riding around all night like this. from Mystery Train
We didn't choose to be white. from Mystery Train
We didn't have Elvis in Japan. from Mystery Train
We got all kinds of beautiful magazines here, you know. from Mystery Train
We had a little trouble — Some stupid thing with the airplane! Yeah! from Mystery Train
We in a little trouble... from Mystery Train
We saw Graceland this morning... from Mystery Train
We, uh... from Mystery Train
We'd better get rid of that gun, man. from Mystery Train
We're not getting rid of any of these! Never, never, never! Never! from Mystery Train