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Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World is a thrilling historical

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World is a thrilling historical film set during the Napoleonic Wars. Released in 2003 and directed by Peter Weir, this epic adventure is based on the popular novel series by Patrick O'Brian.

The film follows the charismatic and fearless Captain Jack Aubrey, portrayed by Russell Crowe. Aubrey commands the British warship HMS Surprise as it ventures into dangerous and uncharted waters in pursuit of a formidable French privateer, the Acheron. Crowe delivers a captivating performance, effortlessly embodying the commanding presence and unwavering determination of Aubrey.

Playing opposite Crowe is Paul Bettany, who portrays Dr. Stephen Maturin, the ship's surgeon and Aubrey's close friend. Bettany's portrayal of Maturin adds a layer of intellectual depth to the film, as he often engages in philosophical discussions with Aubrey and serves as a voice of reason amidst the chaos of battle.

The cast is rounded out by a talented ensemble including James D'Arcy as Aubrey's loyal First Lieutenant, Tom Pullings, and Billy Boyd as the youthful and eager Midshipman Blakeney. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, as they navigate the treacherous waters and face the harrowing challenges that lie ahead.

Master and Commander takes viewers on a visually stunning journey across the high seas. The cinematography by Russell Boyd is breath-taking, capturing the vastness and beauty of the ocean while also highlighting the intensity of naval warfare. The film's attention to detail is remarkable, from the meticulously recreated period costumes to the immersive sound design that transports audiences to life aboard a warship in the 19th century.

To fully immerse yourself in the world of Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, you can play and download the sounds of naval battles, creaking ship decks, and triumphant orchestral scores here. Feel the wind in your hair and the salt on your skin as you join Captain Aubrey and his crew on their perilous journey.

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World is a captivating cinematic experience that combines action, drama, and historical accuracy. It garnered critical acclaim upon its release and was nominated for ten Academy Awards. The film's meticulous attention to detail, compelling performances, and thrilling naval battles make it a must-watch for fans of historical epics and naval adventures alike.

So, gather your crew and set sail into the world of Master and Commander. Experience the thrill of naval warfare and the camaraderie of sailors as they face insurmountable odds on the high seas. With its masterful storytelling and stunning visuals, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression.
A full three weeks ahead.
A large man of war, French, stopped here on the 10th, then headed south.
A man pushed past you, yet you said nothing. Why?
A man who hacked the ropes that sent his mate to his death?
A master tactician and a man of singular vision.
A nautical phasmid, Doctor.
A shrub? Nonsense. I'll name a great tortoise after you.
A slice of Albemarle.
A spare pair of steady hands wouldn't go amiss.
A tad more pressure.
A warning take by me
About how someone offered him a boat cloak on a cold night.
Adieu to you Spanish ladies
After all, surprise is on our side.
After we board, Mr Calamy should take a party and free them.
Albatrosses. Albatrosses, do you hear me?
All hands about ship. Off tacks and sheets. Prepare the mainsail to haul.
All hands, get these provisions stowed.
All hands, make sail.
All hands, make sail.
All right, Tom, let's get all this squared away.
All right.
All right.
All secure.
Always whispering when I go past and giving me looks.
Am I speaking with my old friend or to the ship's captain?
And by way of anticipation of this event,
And chasing this larger, faster ship with its long guns is beginning to smack of pride.
And discipline will count just as much as courage.
And for you, Doctor, Redondo Rock.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And he knows his birds and beasts.
And he said "Aubrey, may I trouble you for the salt?"
And he said no, he didn't need it. That he was quite warm.
And her course?
And here's an insect that's taken on the shape of a thorn to save itself from the birds.
And I know you're as anxious as I am to get into close action.
And I've never met a live one that you bought one for, neither.
And if it was, she'll be well away by now. Like looking for an honest man in parliament.
And it's gonna take us all with it, straight down to the hot place.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
And lift up.
And Mr Pullings was a snivelling midshipman,
And never leave your happy homes to sail the raging sea
And should it indeed prove flightless,
And the Acheron for me.
And the life of the world to come,
And the Lord giveth away.
And their cargo would put a pretty penny into old Bones aparte's invasion purse.
And they will sell their lives dearly.
And though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home.
And to you, sir.
And we are worth more to them undamaged. Their greed will be their downfall.
And we ask for his.
And when they run, the Surprise will blow her to kingdom come.
And whose watch was it when we lost our wind?
Any time tonight, that ghost ship's gonna turn up.
Are you all right?
Are you equal to the task?
Are you feeling better now?
Arm yourselves. We must board them.
As a friend, I would say that I have never once doubted your abilities as a captain.
As a friend, then.
As far as is necessary, Mr Pullings.
As I understand it, this is a long, thin island.
As you said yourself, you have to choose the lesser of two evils.
As you said, she is taking the war to the South Seas. We are supposed to stop her.
At least, to a hungry eye, if one has an appetite for whalers.
Avast rowing.
Avast there.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir. Mr Hollar. Let us complete our business here.
Aye, sir. Sou' sou'west.
Aye, sir. Sou'east by east.
Back to work, you loafers. Eckhart, use your pipe.
Barret Bonden, put your helm hard to starboard.
Batten down those hatches before we're on the bottom.
Be as satiric as you like. Viewing the world through a microscope is your prerogative.
Before the capitaine died, he said I was to give you this.
Better get...
Bluff above the water and sharp below.
Boyle, douse that gun's priming.
Brace the yards to starboard.
Bring Hollom down to my cabin.
Bring the sun down to the horizon.
Briskly now. Secure this line.
But do they also change themselves?
But therein lies the problem. You're not accustomed to defeat.
But they've taken a set against me.
But think on our share of the prize money.
But to refit we need a port, and the Acheron may be still looking for us.
But we are all God's creatures.
But we must bring him right up beside us before we spring this trap.
But with Nelson,
But, sir with respect she's a vastly heavier ship. She's out of our class.
By all that's holy, I think that's unknown to science.
By comparison, the Surprise is a somewhat aged man of war.
Call noon. It's your class.
Call the gun crews to deck. Rig man ropes over the stern and pull the boats in.
Can you help me?
Can you really claim there's nothing personal in this call to duty?
Cape Horn, Doctor.
Captain Howard and the marines
Captain knows this ship. He knows what she can take.
Captain's not called Lucky Jack for no reason.
Clear away. And launch boats.
Clear the forward pin rails.
Clearly something nautical and fascinating just happened. I am at a loss.
Close reef topsails.
Close the lid. There's enough water in the grog.
Come on, pack up your things. We should be going.
Come on, swab it.
Come on.
Come on. It's all right.
Come up on the wind, Barret. Set a course sou'west by west.
Come up the larboard topsail sheets.
Come, all you bold young thoughtless men
Congratulations, Lieutenant.
Crew prisoner, captain dead.
Cross the wreckage as best you can. I'll draw their fire.
Cut him down.
Damn fine gunnery.
Damn, he was good. Just came out of nowhere.
Damned unfortunate.
Davies, don't leave them there. Get them below.
Davies, this arm. Starboard arm.
De Vigny?
Did God make them change?
Did I kill a relative of his in battle, perhaps? His boy, God forbid?
Did you ever meet Lord Nelson, sir?
Did you meet him, sir? Can you tell me what he's like?
Do you not know that in the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Do you not see? The only things that keep this wooden world together are hard work...
Do you see their underdeveloped wings?
Do you see those two weevils, Doctor?
Docteur de Vigny, monsieur.
Doctor. He spoke, Doctor.
Does God make them change? Yes, certainly.
Doesn't look like one. I mean, it looks like a stick.
Don't count your eggs before they're in the pudding.
Don't forget your old shipmates
Don't forget your old shipmates
Down ye go, lads.
Down. All hands down.
Drop the gun.
Duty. Yes, I've heard it well spoken of.
Eckhart, leave that. Just come up quick and get some whaler's slops on.
England is under threat of invasion.
English whaler Syren, this is Acheron.
English whaler, this is your last warning.
Even if we did catch up with her, I mean, to take her...
Every time he's on watch, that ship appears.
Evil comes from him who evil thinks and evil is.
Excuse me, sir, but Mr Blakeney said that you served under Lord Nelson at the Nile.
Excuse me. That's what the men call it. It's the Acheron, sir.
Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain
Fascinating, no doubt, but of no immediate application.
Fend her off.
Fire as she bears.
Five at most.
Follow me.
For God's sake, don't drop anything.
For God's sake, Will, swim. Swim for the wreckage, Will.
For my own part, those who die under my knife, or from some subsequent infection,
For the mainmast, lads.
For thine is the kingdom,
For we've received orders to sail for old England
Forever and ever.
Foul. You got away before me.
Four inches wide.
From personal experience. Right, Joe?
Gangway for the captain, lads.
Gangway for the mail, please.
Gentlemen, I give you,
Gently there.
Get those fish below. Sluice down this deck.
Get to it.
Give 'em a pull and belay.
Give us arrows. I give axe. Quick, mate.
Give us this day our daily bread,
Gives the hull a finer entry and a long run as she goes aft. That's why she's so fast.
Go on, Joe.
God be praised. Mr Mowett?
God bless you, Captain. God bless you all.
Good, then.
Good. Right, from now on no "sirs", no salutes, no whistles, no bells.
Goodbye, Blakeney.
Goodbye, sir.
Got it.
Grappling hooks away.
Grenades, ready.
Gun crews, you must run out and tie down in double quick time.
Hands to your stations. Mr Hollar, damage report, if you please.
Hands, prepare to weigh anchor.
Hard a larboard.
Hard a'larboard.
Hats off.
Haul both your yard tackles.
Haul your yards there.
Have the idlers placed along the rails.
Have they expressed any feelings on the matter to you?
He always said in battle "Never mind the manoeuvres, just go straight at 'em."
He fights like you, Jack.
He has a head start of two hours on us and he's bearing south.
He has a severely depressed fracture of the skull. I don't think he'll see out the night.
He leaned across the table, he looked me straight in the eye,
He may have had the weather gauge, but we had the weather gods.
He must've been watching us from some inlet.
He says there's enough of his blood in the woodwork for the ship to almost be a relation.
He spoke to me on both occasions.
He was getting married, and his wife's second cousin works in the yards,
He who would pun would pick a pocket.
He wouldn't look at you for under ten guineas on land.
He'd offended God and was the cause of all their bad luck.
He's callin' it up, don't you see?
He's causing it.
He's England's only hope if old Boney intends to invade.
He's known this ship man and boy.
He's over there, sir.
Heave. Steady.
Heavier, but fast despite it.
Hello, darling. How much for a kiss?
Hello. We caught a fish.
Help me.
Here we are. Very important mail. Letters.
Here we go again.
Here we go again. Sc**** sc****, screech screech.
Here we go, lads.
Here, Joe.
Here's a good one.
Hid in that inlet yonder. Burnt our bloody ship to the waterline. Fucking pirates.
Higgins, the catling, if you please.
His father would've understood. He knew the life. His mother, however...
His zeal for king and country kept him warm.
Hit us with a full broadside, cut across our tail and took out our rudder.
Hold it in there.
Hollom, you must make a decision.
How about this?
How did it get there?
How extraordinary.
How far south, sir?
How long does the captain intend that we stay? Do you know?
However, a week in the Brazilian rainforest looking for a new mast simply will not do.
However, even crippled she will still be dangerous, like a wounded beast.
However, that will be your decision, Captain Pullings.
Hurry past wonders, bent on destruction. I say nothing of the corruption of power...
Hurry up, or they'll see you.
Huzzah for Lucky Jack.
I believe Mr Hogg would be a good choice for sailing master.
I can harness the wind, but I ain't its goddamn creator.
I can't make it rain.
I can't see any women. Just ducks and lizards.
I cannot delay for the sake of an iguana or a giant peccary.
I could walk briskly, pausing only for important measurements.
I did what I could for him.
I do this with my own hand.
I do understand your point. Your knowledge is beyond question.
I do.
I don't know, sir.
I fear you may have burdened me with a debt I can never repay.
I got it.
I had no idea that a study of nature could advance the art of naval warfare.
I had the honour of serving with him. At the Nile. A great victory.
I hate it when you talk of the service in this way. It makes me so very low.
I have asked Killick to prepare something special.
I have had the honour of dining with him twice.
I have known you to spend hours staring into a deserted bird's nest.
I have never known such a run of bad luck.
I have no idea what it is you're talking about, but he did seem to come off rather well.
I have to remind myself that it was the enemy that killed them, not me.
I intend to take a greater interest in the bounty of nature from now on.
I intended to, sir, but the right words didn't...
I know it sounds absurd, and were it from another man,
I know there's not a faint heart among you,
I know what you want to say. And my answer is no.
I know you have, but you're not a bad sailor. You can't spend your life a midshipman.
I must simply content myself to form part of this belligerent expedition,
I promise you, during that time several days at least
I reckon he'd follow him to the gates of hell.
I respect your right to disagree with me, but I can only afford one rebel on this ship.
I see.
I see. So after all this time in your service,
I shall never forget his words. I remember it like it was yesterday.
I tell ya, the devil's at the wheel of that there phantom ship.
I think I shall return to the GalΓ‘pagos.
I think it's a GalΓ‘pagos beetle.
I want good work now.
I want more. Have all the spare hands placed on the windward rail.
I will, sir. Thank you.
I would choose the right hand weevil.
I would like that of all things.
I, for one, am opposed to authority. It is an egg of misery and oppression.
I'd rather have them three sheets to the wind than face a mutiny.
I'll be damned.
I'll manage. You'll see.
I'll need to read up on the doctor's books. Study some pictures he has.
I'll need two men into the starboard forechannels. Roberts, Chadwick.
I'll not vouch for this mast. Not around the Horn.
I'll rest easier when I know they've reached shore.
I'll set that to rights. I'll be much tougher on them.
I'm coming.
I'm doing everything I can. I know you were close to his father.
I'm not even sure it was the Acheron we sighted.
I'm rather understanding of mutinies.
I'm so sorry, man. The bird dropped low. I didn't see you.
I'm sorry, Will.
I'm sure of it.
I'm sure of it.
I'm very sorry, sir.
I've always tried to say it exactly as he did ever since.
I've never seen a braver patient.
I've never seen the like.
I've tried to get to know the men, sir, and be friendly,
Idlers and waisters below.
If everything is under control, I'll just be outside.
If he knew we were looking for him, he could have stood to sea and passed well clear.
If she was a frigate, then I am a Dutchman.
If there are those among us who thought ill of Mr Hollom,
If we can't sail through the damn wind, Tom, we'll bloody well sail around it. Due south.
If we caught up with her, to take her, we'd have to be bloody invisible.
If wind and tide had been against us, I should have said yes.
If you had to choose.
If you please, Doctor.
If you were forced to make a choice. If there was no other...
In actual fact, Mr Blakeney and I did make one very interesting find.
In Boston, sir. During the peace. But she's Yankee built, sir.
Indeed it was. I'm sorry you had to leave the majority of your collection behind.
Indeed. I was a young lieutenant, not much older than you are now.
Is it true they put the last stitch through your nose?
Is that right?
Is them his brains?
It has all of his major battles and some fine illustrations.
It has significant advantage in both length and breadth.
It has to be more than 100 sea miles and he brings us up on his tail.
It was an unfair match. There was no dishonour in it.
It was only for a moment. I thought I saw a shape.
It'd be a lot easier if I were on dry land. You wouldn't have the...
It's a devil ship, I tell ya. And it's leadin' us right into a trap.
It's all right. It's just the laudanum speaking.
It's an insect that disguises itself as a stick in order to confuse its predators.
It's an unfortunate business, Hollom.
It's circling, lads.
It's disguised itself in order to survive.
It's from the Bible, that. That is from the Bible. The story of the Jonah.
It's him, innit?
It's just to get my bearings, that's all.
It's like Killick says. Morning of the battle, he doesn't have the guts to beat to quarters.
It's not a question of pride. It is a question of duty.
It's not going anywhere.
It's our old friend.
It's the fallen mast. We can't lay alongside.
Jack, before answering, I'm compelled to ask,
Jack, the man failed to salute.
James Lloyd, boatswain's mate.
Joe Plaice.
Joe said when you die, they stitch you in your hammock with the last stitch in your nose,
Joe, a mallet and some irons.
Johansson, Truelove. To the mizzen.
John Allen, sailing master.
John Antonio, quartermaster's mate.
Joseph Nagle, carpenter's mate.
Jump to it, boys. Jump to it.
Jump to it, lads. Cadence and rhythm.
Just a broken arm, sir.
Just keep us out of her reach until nightfall.
Just to make sure you're not asleep.
Keep moving, men. Keep moving.
Killick there. Douse your light.
Killick, an extra ration of rum for these men.
Killick. Killick there.
Killick. Killick there. What do you have for us tonight?
Lads, that's not good enough. We need to fire two broadsides to her one.
Larboard battery, unship your rear wheels.
Last gun fired, sir.
Leave the swords. Get the captain's silver below.
Let fly!
Let me guess. A stick?
Let me take a look at that brow of yours.
Let me through.
Let's get on with it, gentlemen.
Let's have fresh flints in all the locks.
Let's have hands to stow these tortoises.
Lifelines, fore and aft. Double g**** that launch.
Lift up.
Light along there.
Lively now. We've not ten minutes before he's up with us.
Lively there. Come on. Move.
Lively, lads.
Long we tossed on the rolling main Now we're safe ashore, Jack
Long we tossed on the rolling main Now we're safe ashore, Jack
Look, Hollom, it's leadership they want.
Look. The captain carved that. When he was a mid, no more than your age.
Looking for the resurrection of the body when the sea shall give up her dead,
Looks like a frigate.
Looks like the job is done, sir.
Lord Blakeney.
Lord Blakeney. Feeling better?
Lower away on the main.
Lower away.
Make a bad show of keeping your course. Let her run up and luff every now and then.
Make a show of fleeing, panicky and disorganised, like a whaler might.
Make way for the captain.
Making discoveries that could advance our knowledge of natural history.
Man of war?
Man overboard.
Man the starboard battery.
Marked improvement, Mr Calamy. Well done.
Master at arms, take that man below and clap him in irons.
May I beg you to tell me what kind of man he is?
May they never meet.
Maybe a point south of west, following the rest of the fleet.
Men pressed from their homes, confined for months aboard a wooden prison...
Michael Doudle, able seaman.
Mizzen's gone. Hands to the taffrail.
More sand on the floor.
Move. Move along.
Mr Allen, come up on the wind. Lay me alongside at pistol shot.
Mr Allen, gratings and barrels, anything that floats, overboard.
Mr Allen, make ready.
Mr Allen, set a course. West by south.
Mr Blakeney, it would appear that you have the makings of a naturalist.
Mr Blakeney, the nine pounder.
Mr Blakeney.
Mr Blakeney.
Mr Blakeney.
Mr Calamy says I'm not on the boarding party. I want to say...
Mr Calamy, the lead, if you please.
Mr Calamy.
Mr Calamy. There's something might interest you here.
Mr Higgins, you'll have to raise the rib.
Mr Hollar, I want lifelines fore and aft.
Mr Hollar. Rouse up the off watch.
Mr Hollom, help young Warley on the mizzen topgallant.
Mr Hollom, sir. Help me.
Mr Hollom.
Mr Howard, the bottle. The bottle stands by you, sir.
Mr Lamb is confident with basic repairs. We can get home as we are.
Mr Lamb, as always, will do his best. Which is all I can hope to expect from any man.
Mr Lamb? If you please.
Mr Mowett, change of course. Southeast by east.
Mr Mowett, Mr Allen, calmly now. You know his orders.
Mr Mowett, Mr Pullings, starboard battery.
Mr Mowett, there's not a moment to lose.
Mr Pullings, defaulters at eight bells.
Mr Pullings, enter these men's names into the ship's books.
Mr Pullings, sir. Davies, Jemmy, get Mr Pullings below.
Much better, thank you, sir.
My dear doctor, I have been amongst and around wounds all my life.
My God. Doctor.
My God. What can we do? He has us by the hip.
My God. You believe it too.
My greatest discovery was your phantom.
My orders were to follow him as far as Brazil. I exceeded my orders a long time ago.
Naval discipline doesn't operate out here, Mr Blakeney. I must find that cormorant.
Neither. There's no difference between them. They're the same species of curculio.
Never a tune you could dance to, not if you were drunk as Davy's sow.
Never met a dead man who bought me a drink.
Nine dead, 27 wounded.
No lounging, boy.
No mistakin' it. She's the Frenchie.
No, not at all. I just needed to stretch my legs.
No, she's not old.
No, sir. I will try much harder, sir.
No, that's just dried blood. Those are his brains.
No, we shall head home. Before peace breaks out with France, God forbid.
No, you're not. Padeen, if you please.
No. I'll do it.
No. Joe knows a thing or two about evil.
No. Well, yes, but I couldn't catch one.
Not everything is in your books, Stephen.
Not so loud.
Not through the nose. You'll tell them?
Not to criticise nor to comment on my command.
Note for the log, Mr Watt. "Engaged enemy frigate at six bells."
Now do your worst.
Now that is a question, isn't it?
Now to pull this predator in close and spring our trap.
Now we know. Thank God for Warley and his wife's second cousin.
Often not wisely, but governed nonetheless.
Oh, drink wine on Salutin' Day.
Oh, no. If they were, we could hang them when we catch 'em.
On deck there. Sail ho.
On earth as it is in heaven.
On the up roll, fire!
On your right upper arm, to tell friend from foe.
One minute and ten seconds.
One more week of this and they'd give it up for a cup of water.
Open the cages.
Or are you in the mood for something more aggressive?
Or failed him in respect of fellowship,
Orders are subject to the requirement of the service.
Our destination.
Our Father,
Our whaling fleet is there.
Out of nowhere. And right behind us. Like that first time, out the fog.
Over here.
Padeen, please.
Padeen, put the net down and use your hands. They won't bite.
Padeen, that one's got away.
Padeen, train it aft.
Padeen, you must carry him. Put those down. Leave them. Just put everything down.
Parole the prisoners there, refit as necessary, and we shall rendezvous in Portsmouth.
Pass down a barrel of paint, please.
Perhaps I could combine them to be a sort of fighting naturalist, like you, sir.
Perhaps I could combine them to be a sort of fighting naturalist, like you, sir.
Perhaps we should have turned back weeks ago.
Peter Miles Calamy,
Phantom or no, she's a privateer, and Lucky Jack'll have her.
Physician, he is. Ain't one of your common surgeons.
Pick them up carefully.
Pipe down. Silence on deck.
Pipe down. Silence.
Planking and framing like that would make her hull 2ft thick. Solid oak.
Poor darling. Never mind, soon have you fixed up.
Prepare to repel boarders.
Present company excepted, Mr Hogg.
Privateer gets a piece of paper from the Frenchies
Pull for Lucky Jack.
Pull for the fog bank.
Pull together, men.
Put that dirk down, Boyle.
Put that woman down, Slade. This is a ship of His Majesty's Navy, not a floating bordello.
Put us in that fog, Tom.
Put your hand on my belly, pressing firmly when I give the word.
Quanto cost o kiss o?
Quickly. She'll be on top of us.
Quiet, lads. No shouts, no calls.
Real or imagined, on this voyage.
Really. Weevils.
Reckon the captain will follow him round the Horn, every stitch of canvas flying?
Relieving tackles on the tiller. You men, collect these wounded.
Repair won't do here. I need these replaced.
Right in.
Right the headsails. Set the topsails.
Right, lads.
Right. Starboard battery, fire!
Rightfully confident of victory.
Robert Gardner, able seaman.
Robert Kemp, able seaman.
Rouse up. Sleepers awake.
Royal Marines posted every 20 yards, sir.
Run 'em out.
Run like smoke and oakum.
Run out the boarding planks.
Run out, boys.
Safe and sound at home again Let the waters roar, Jack
Safe and sound at home again Let the waters roar, Jack
Sail on the horizon, sir. Running west.
Sail trimmers to their stations. Get the sails off her, lads. She's over pressed.
Sailors can abide a great deal, but not a Jonah.
Sand and broken shell.
Says they can hunt down anything with our flag.
Seize your weapons and wait for the word.
Sergeant. Take your section into the main top.
Seven inches in length.
Seven weeks sailing, and he happens in darkness on our exact position.
Shall I leave you until you're in a more harmonious frame of mind?
Shall we beat to quarters, sir?
Sharpshooters to the tops, Mr Howard.
She could be doing up to 280 miles a day.
She could be halfway to Cape Horn by the time we're repaired.
She had the weather gauge and a clear advantage in firepower.
She has a bluff bow, lovely lines. She's a fine sea boat, weatherly, stiff and fast.
She was more like a ship of the line.
She were a big black three master. Break your heart, it would.
She'll be loaded with gold and ambergris and all the gems of Araby.
She'll patch up nicely.
She's a right phantom, she is. The way she come up again, right behind us like that.
She's broaching. We're losing her.
She's gaining on us.
She's in her prime.
She's making a run for the Horn, sir.
She's not in range yet. Stand fast till she's close enough.
She's opened up a seam. We need to get some oakum and pound it in.
She's ours, boys.
She's out of our class. She's a 44 gun ship.
She's still vulnerable at the stern, like the rest of us.
She's taken the bait. Let's come about.
She's to look like us, lads, don't forget. Jibbo, make fast those whips.
Should you really be getting up, sir?
Sighting in heavy fog.
Sir, he's going to make it. He can do it.
Sir, I found a curious beetle walking along the deck.
Sir, I saw there was something right strange about her, so I asked Joe...
Sir, I think we should be getting back.
Sir, I've made a few notes, if you want to see them.
Sir, it's Mr Hollom.
Sir, might we press you for an anecdote?
Sir, should we not take on fresh provisions?
Sir, the whalers are all aboard and that's the last detachment of marines.
Sir, the wreckage is acting as a sea anchor.
Sir, we just can't hold this westerly course any longer.
Sir, we must hurry.
Sir, we've raised the GalΓ‘pagos.
Sir. To the taffrail.
Sitting up all night, catching your death of cold. That's the last of the coffee, too.
Six hours?
So he described it to me and I knocked you up a model, sir.
So it's every hand to his rope or gun. Quick's the word and sharp's the action.
So many wounded, and only that poor unfortunate Higgins to tend to them.
So Will here saw the ship out of water.
So, gun captains, that gives you one shot from the larboard battery. One shot only.
So, Mr Pullings, if you'll permit me,
So, Stephen, did you get to see your bird?
So, what's the butcher's bill?
Some sort of albatross. Either that, or he's a prodigious great mew. There it goes.
Some would say not a great seaman, but a great leader.
Somewhere here.
Sou'west by west, sir.
Sounded like a bell.
Speak plainly, Stephen.
Sponger I, and loader you Through the whole commission
Stand clear.
Stand the men down, Mr Pullings. I'll take this watch.
Starboard bow ahoy.
Steady now, lads. Keep calm.
Stephen, I invite you to this cabin as my friend.
Still hasn't said a word, sir.
Still yearning for hearth and home.
Still, he's better than no doctor at all.
Still, if we can close this gap and get up behind her, she may well be ours.
Stop 200 years of privilege and tradition.
Stop now, or we will destroy you.
Stop now, or we will destroy your ship.
Strength, respect and discipline, sir.
Strike the bell.
Study some pictures?
Subject to the requirements of the service.
Swab, Jack. I can't see.
Swim for the wreckage, man. Swim.
Take a good grip with the square retractor.
Take on food and water and give the doctor a few days to find his bird.
Take the helm, Bonden.
Take the weight on the yard tackles.
Take your neck cloths and put them round your right upper arm.
Tell him about it, Mr Blakeney.
Tell me this wasn't on my account.
Testudo aubreii.
Thank God I got it.
Thank you for that, Davies.
Thank you very much, sir.
Thank you, Killick.
Thank you, mate.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you. Your comments will be noted in the log.
That can only mean King Charles Island. He's looking for water.
That is, if, of course, you have the constitution for this kind of thing.
That will test our nerve.
That young man was a casualty of war.
That'll bring 'em about.
That's a frigate, all right.
That's all very well, Nagle. Got to get home to spend it, but.
That's enough easting. Set a course sou' sou'west.
That's good.
That's it, lads. Clean 'em up so they fly straight and true.
That's it.
That's nice work there.
That's seamanship, Mr Pullings. My God, that's seamanship.
That's the excuse of every tyrant in history, from Nero to Bonaparte.
That's the future. What a fascinating modern age we live in.
That's where I saw my flightless cormorant.
That's where the Acheron will be. Sure as there's carts to horses.
That's why we couldn't dent her. She's probably capable of making 12 to 14 knots.
The Acheron is a tough nut to crack. More than twice our guns and numbers.
The Acheron will be halfway to China.
The beetles each come with a specimen of the plant they were found on.
The bullet took in a piece of shirt with it.
The captain thinks we'll get our wind tomorrow.
The crew will take it badly. Warley was popular.
The deaths in actual battle are the easiest to bear.
The deck's yours, Tom.
The doctor told me you were fond of reading, so I...
The dragons don't seem to bother them.
The Enchanted Isles. They're said to be full of strange and wonderful beasts.
The first time that he spoke to me,
The French have their spies in England and elsewhere. As do we.
The Jonah.
The Lord taketh,
The men, of course they would follow Lucky Jack anywhere,
The power and the glory,
The promise was conditional. I command a king's ship, not a private yacht.
The right words? He was deliberately insubordinate.
The rudder's shot away. The steering don't answer.
The second time, the second time he told me a story
The simple fact is we were soundly beaten.
The simple truth is, not all of us become the men we once hoped we might be.
The sounder, Mr Higgins.
The Surprise is not old. No one would call her old.
The wind's backing, sir.
Their "doctor" gave me this sword.
Then his entire gun crew's killed. Soon as he went up the mizzen, Will falls.
Then it has reached its zenith and that would be noon.
Then we ask for your forgiveness, Lord.
Then you can present one of their offspring to the king.
There he is. My bird. Damn.
There is, I think, an opportunity here to serve both our purposes.
There, I have you. You're completely dished.
There. Hull down, broad off the larboard bow.
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