A carnivore. Huh. from Missing Link
A little to the right, please. from Missing Link
A monster! from Missing Link
A noble battle. from Missing Link
A place I think you know. from Missing Link
A rope would be better. from Missing Link
A sham of civilized society! from Missing Link
A singular man. Primatologist, poet laureate, from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! No! Ooh! Aah! from Missing Link
Aah! Ow! from Missing Link
Aah! Quit yankin' on my shooter! from Missing Link
Aah! Uh! from Missing Link
Actually, Aldous believed from Missing Link
Actually... from Missing Link
Adelina, I think... from Missing Link
Adelina, that's simply not true. from Missing Link
Adelina, throw something down. from Missing Link
Adelina, you have me all wrong. from Missing Link
Adelina? What's wrong? from Missing Link
Ah, don't even mention it. from Missing Link
Ah, Lord Piggot Dunceby. from Missing Link
Ah, okay. from Missing Link
Ah, Stenk. Yes, I know of your work. from Missing Link
Ah, yes. The perfect spot. Now, we have work to do. from Missing Link
Ah! from Missing Link
Ah... from Missing Link
Aimed it right between his eyes, from Missing Link
Ain't no fool's errand after all. from Missing Link
Aldous believed if we find Shangri La, from Missing Link
Aldous learned of a mountain guide named Gamu from Missing Link
All aboard! from Missing Link
All aboard! from Missing Link
All right, let me just Can I just ask a... Hmm? from Missing Link
All the way to the prize. from Missing Link
All these years, my husband searched for this. from Missing Link
All things considered, I think he took that quite well. from Missing Link
All this time, I'm thinking you care more about these legends you chase from Missing Link
Almost there. from Missing Link
Almost, Susan, almost. from Missing Link
Also, please do not, whatever you do, from Missing Link
Am I rambling? I'm a little nervous, if I'm being honest. from Missing Link
An earthly Eden where man never grows old. from Missing Link
An undiscovered civilization of yetis, from Missing Link
And a cup of Earl Grey tea with a spot of milk. from Missing Link
And Aldous was there for me in ways you never were. from Missing Link
And by my reckoning, there's one that has eluded you from Missing Link
And dropped him where he stood quicker than you could say, "God save the Queen." from Missing Link
And easily navigate the European continent by rail. from Missing Link
And find this lost civilization of yetis, this Shangri La. from Missing Link
And have your pelt as his hearthrug. from Missing Link
And he cheats. He's a cheater. from Missing Link
And he's got a defenseless girl! from Missing Link
And I don't know that song that well. from Missing Link
And I know it is not a place for man. from Missing Link
And I will do just as you say. from Missing Link
And I will follow in his footsteps from Missing Link
And I'll have you know that that thing has a name. from Missing Link
And I'm a man of my word. from Missing Link
And if I might ask, how the devil can you speak English so well? from Missing Link
And if that happens, well, then... from Missing Link
And in return, you will get me to mine. from Missing Link
And in return, you'll admit you're wrong, from Missing Link
And it smells funny, too. from Missing Link
And know my name. from Missing Link
And living in the New World. from Missing Link
And me also. from Missing Link
And Miserable Disappointment. from Missing Link
And most tantalizing enterprise, gentlemen. from Missing Link
And my keen eye for local custom. from Missing Link
And no one will ever remember your name. from Missing Link
And now... from Missing Link
And our ultimate destination: Shangri La. from Missing Link
And perhaps use your foot as one of those, you know, buckets you put umbrellas in. from Missing Link
And please don't let it steep too long. Thanks so much. from Missing Link
And proof proof, I tell you from Missing Link
And sing "The Star Spangled Banner" while you're at it? from Missing Link
And so it shall remain. from Missing Link
And so it shall remain. from Missing Link
And sometime fullback for the Blackheath Football Club. from Missing Link
And that smile meant the world to me. from Missing Link
And that's just how I like it. from Missing Link
And the best part of all, he drew a map. from Missing Link
And the discovery of this creature from Missing Link
And then we have the perfect cover story. from Missing Link
And then what happened? from Missing Link
And then... from Missing Link
And there'll be no room in it for the likes of me. from Missing Link
And they saw me, and they were just standing there. from Missing Link
And throw it out into the bushes. from Missing Link
And to do this, you need the map from Missing Link
And what's more, he's my friend, from Missing Link
And when I looked at them, from Missing Link
And yet here you are in front of my face. from Missing Link
And yet, you are surprised that you always end up alone. from Missing Link
And you did not even go to his funeral. from Missing Link
And you didn't. And I did. from Missing Link
And you know I'm nothing if not a man of my from Missing Link
And you think you can charm me and you can flatter me from Missing Link
And you, Adelina? What did you see? from Missing Link
And you'll grant me membership here, from Missing Link
And your accent's weird! from Missing Link
And your big, hairy f... from Missing Link
And your lost world. from Missing Link
And, uh, well, we can enjoy the view while we're about. from Missing Link
And... And what was the prospector's name? from Missing Link
Anyway, I figured maybe there was a place for me here, among you. from Missing Link
Are we dead? from Missing Link
Are you positive about this, Mr. Stenk? from Missing Link
Are you... Are you sure? from Missing Link
As a matter of fact, I have. from Missing Link
As long as I can remember, I... from Missing Link
As soon as that ship reaches dry land, from Missing Link
As the world's greatest adventurer. from Missing Link
At least you have a name. from Missing Link
Aw, he's all tuckered out. from Missing Link
Aw, shoot. The boss ain't gonna like this. from Missing Link
Be... Because... from Missing Link
Because they said I couldn't. from Missing Link
Because... from Missing Link
Big footed critters as far as the eye can see. from Missing Link
Bravo. from Missing Link
Break out the bagpipes. from Missing Link
Buried by an avalanche on the Hindu Kush. from Missing Link
But alive and well from Missing Link
But an entire evolutionary branch of missing links. from Missing Link
But at the very least, we should cover up your, uh... from Missing Link
But do you mind if I just kind of... from Missing Link
But for myself. from Missing Link
But how are you going to do that, my Lord? from Missing Link
But I could imagine that's how it would go down with me, too. from Missing Link
But I deserve greater. from Missing Link
But I don't see a path to Shangri La on this map. from Missing Link
But I thought we did Shangri La already. from Missing Link
But I'm not gonna ask you again. from Missing Link
But I'm not here to bemoan past misfortune. from Missing Link
But if you'd explain, what exactly do you ask of me? from Missing Link
But it is a prize, from Missing Link
But Mr. Link? I think perhaps his air is all stuffed up. from Missing Link
But now... now I rather think the world shapes us. from Missing Link
But of men who had never evolved. from Missing Link
But someday. from Missing Link
But that creature, on the other hand, from Missing Link
But the link in between. from Missing Link
But you're my kind, you're my fa... my family. from Missing Link
But, Lionel... from Missing Link
But, my Lord, from Missing Link
But, oh, they're so good. from Missing Link
But, you know, doesn't want to shoot me. from Missing Link
But... from Missing Link
By insincere flimflammery. from Missing Link
Can you just take me there? from Missing Link
Can't you do it? from Missing Link
Can't you see poor Mr. Link is nervous? from Missing Link
Careful, Stenk. You know what they say pride comes before. from Missing Link
Change of plan. We must give this villain the slip. from Missing Link
Civilization endures! from Missing Link
Close enough. from Missing Link
Come along, Mr. Link. from Missing Link
Come along, Mr. Link. from Missing Link
Come along, Mr. Link. from Missing Link
Come in. from Missing Link
Come this way. from Missing Link
Cookie? from Missing Link
Could you hold on a second? from Missing Link
Darwin's finches! She's real! from Missing Link
Dead or alive, exclamation mark. from Missing Link
Did I leave something out? from Missing Link
Did you come to tell us about Nessie? from Missing Link
Did you steal from him as well? from Missing Link
Dios mĂo. from Missing Link
Do buck up, Mr. Lint. No harm done. from Missing Link
Do I have time to get my bathing suit? No? from Missing Link
Do stay, Mr. Lint. from Missing Link
Do you always speak in questions? from Missing Link
Do you have a size bigger? from Missing Link
Do you hear me? The end of the world! from Missing Link
Do you shed? from Missing Link
Do you think this will work, sir? from Missing Link
Do you think you have things in hand, Mr. Link? from Missing Link
Do you understand English? from Missing Link
Do you understand? from Missing Link
Don't believe a word of it. He'd sooner see you stuffed from Missing Link
Don't dally, my friend. Adventure awaits. from Missing Link
Don't fret, Mr. Link. You just leave Adelina to me. from Missing Link
Dung. We burn it for fuel. from Missing Link
Early man. from Missing Link
Eh. I don't mind if I do. from Missing Link
Eight feet tall, chest circumference 70 inches, from Missing Link
Electricity, suffrage, evolution. from Missing Link
Ever. from Missing Link
Every rare creature from here to Borneo. from Missing Link
Evidence of man's primitive ancestry, the missing link! from Missing Link
Ew. from Missing Link
Except that one. from Missing Link
Excuse me. I think I've got a little something stuck in my... from Missing Link
Eyes only for your legend, for Lionel's prize. from Missing Link
Fat fingers, you know? from Missing Link
Fine, fine. By all means, crack open the win... from Missing Link
Follow me. We must find an alternative route. from Missing Link
For 30 years or more. from Missing Link
For a minute there, I thought, just for a second, that maybe you were going from Missing Link
For what you said back there. from Missing Link
Force them to stay! from Missing Link
From ever reaching civilized society. from Missing Link
From here, my dear, we shall rely from Missing Link
From New York, we can find passage to London from Missing Link
Frost's frivolous escapades usually amount to naught. from Missing Link
Fuera! Fuera de mi casa! from Missing Link
Ga... mu? from Missing Link
Gamu, if I may, from Missing Link
Gamu... from Missing Link
Gentlemen... from Missing Link
Get off of me! from Missing Link
Get out of my house! from Missing Link
Get out! from Missing Link
Get word to Stenk, and and tell him to stay on their trail. from Missing Link
Give me back my husband's map. from Missing Link
Give me... from Missing Link
Go now, or I'll throw you overboard. from Missing Link
Go through... Go through them. from Missing Link
Go! Get out! from Missing Link
Go. from Missing Link
Gonna hire a thug to kill him. from Missing Link
Good morning. from Missing Link
Good night, uh... from Missing Link
Good question. How can I speak? from Missing Link
Good. from Missing Link
Goodbye, gentlemen. from Missing Link
Gotta get myself a grip here. from Missing Link
Growl a little bit in excitement? from Missing Link
Ha ha! from Missing Link
Ha ha! from Missing Link
Ha ha! A foot. It's a... Hmm. Right. from Missing Link
Hah! from Missing Link
Halfway around the world to find your kind. from Missing Link
Hand in hand with apes and women. from Missing Link
Has hairy knuckles and poor hygiene. from Missing Link
He and I shared the same, um, shall we say, pursuits. from Missing Link
He believed that the valley was not the home of men who had never aged, from Missing Link
He can't possibly win this wager. from Missing Link
He never completed his quest. Died in the trying. from Missing Link
He really believes in you. from Missing Link
He says he'll deliver them to you, dot dot dot, from Missing Link
He thinks so highly of you, Lionel. from Missing Link
He was your friend. from Missing Link
He's a snowman. from Missing Link
He's come a long way. from Missing Link
He's still on our tail. Have no doubt. from Missing Link
Heart. Your heart. from Missing Link
Heh. We are walking untrodden paths through the Himalayas, Mr. Link. from Missing Link
Hello? from Missing Link
Help me! from Missing Link
Help me! from Missing Link
Help! from Missing Link
Here he goes again. from Missing Link
Here. Now throw this rope over the wall. from Missing Link
Hey, Sir Lionel. Sorry. from Missing Link
Hey, you! Don't you touch him! from Missing Link
Hi. from Missing Link
Hire thugs. Bribe the port authorities. from Missing Link
His dream is crushed, and you... from Missing Link
His hope rests in your hand, Lionel. from Missing Link
His wicked heathen eyes locked on mine. from Missing Link
Hmm, she says you must join her for supper. from Missing Link
Hmm, yes. from Missing Link
Hmm? from Missing Link
Hmm? from Missing Link
Hmm. from Missing Link
Hmm. from Missing Link
Hmm. from Missing Link
Hmm. from Missing Link
Hmm. from Missing Link
Hmm. from Missing Link
Hmm. Poor Adelina. from Missing Link
Hmm. That won't do. from Missing Link
Hmm. That's a good point. from Missing Link
Hmm. We'll need lodging for the night. from Missing Link
Hmm. Well... yes. from Missing Link
Hmm. Yes, I thought perhaps we might clear the air. from Missing Link
Hoo hoo! from Missing Link
How about the chicken? from Missing Link
How can you speak English so well? from Missing Link
How can you speak? from Missing Link
How could you tell? from Missing Link
How do you know I'm not speaking yeti? from Missing Link
How do you know me? from Missing Link
How do you like that, hmm? from Missing Link
How many people can claim that? from Missing Link
How phlegmatic. What does it mean? from Missing Link
How's my breath? from Missing Link
Huge, hairy, and walking upright. from Missing Link
Huh? from Missing Link
Huh? from Missing Link
Huh? from Missing Link
Huh. from Missing Link
Huh. from Missing Link
Hyah! Hyah! from Missing Link
Hyah! Hyah! from Missing Link
I actually used to think that. from Missing Link
I am better than you think I am. from Missing Link
I am here to unveil my latest from Missing Link
I am! from Missing Link
I asked you here to help me. from Missing Link
I asked you nicely, from Missing Link
I beg your pardon? from Missing Link
I believe you are, too." from Missing Link
I bring thrilling news. from Missing Link
I can't allow you to go any further. from Missing Link
I can't believe it! Oh, my goodness! This sounds... from Missing Link
I can't get a hold! from Missing Link
I can't possibly. from Missing Link
I can't take any more of this. I won't! from Missing Link
I cannot believe it. from Missing Link
I could ask around if you want. from Missing Link
I could give it a try. Oh, but I don't have a trumpet. from Missing Link
I didn't mean all of it. from Missing Link
I do not even want to know how you got this. from Missing Link
I do say. I'd swear on it. from Missing Link
I don't believe it. from Missing Link
I don't entertain that much. from Missing Link
I don't know. from Missing Link
I don't know. Do I? from Missing Link
I don't know. Three more of them, and we could build a ramp. from Missing Link
I don't really have a say in the matter, do I? from Missing Link
I don't think "Mr. Link" really counts. from Missing Link
I don't think I have my knot... Aah! from Missing Link
I feel woozy. Do I look pale? I feel pale. from Missing Link
I get to bag two legends in one day. from Missing Link
I give you my word I'll bring back proof of this creature, from Missing Link
I got you now. from Missing Link
I have a lot of autumn in me, a lot of autumn colors. from Missing Link
I have a question for you. from Missing Link
I have changed my mind. from Missing Link
I have heard enough. from Missing Link
I have none of my kind to live with, from Missing Link
I haven't the faintest idea of what you're talking about. from Missing Link
I just said that right then. Aren't you listening? from Missing Link
I knew it! from Missing Link
I knew it. I knew it. from Missing Link
I know this is you in there. from Missing Link
I learned, I stole books, newspapers here and there. from Missing Link
I mean, I bathed recently. from Missing Link
I mean, I beat him every time. He's a lousy player. from Missing Link
I mean, I do eat bacon and squirrel and chicken. from Missing Link
I mean, I have... I'll have no chance of winning my wager. from Missing Link
I mean, I turned them inside out and all, but... from Missing Link
I mean, if we're to travel halfway across the globe, you'll need a name. from Missing Link
I mean, she has a point. from Missing Link
I mean, that's against the law. from Missing Link
I mean, what do you say to that? from Missing Link
I mean, you can speak. from Missing Link
I must warn you, she does not like visitors, from Missing Link
I must... I must provide proof, yes. from Missing Link
I offer you a glimpse of a legendary creature lost in time from Missing Link
I paid attention to a lot of things. from Missing Link
I quit! from Missing Link
I really shouldn't be having one of these, from Missing Link
I said it's rude! from Missing Link
I saw proof. from Missing Link
I say we are descended from great men, from Missing Link
I say, old chap, could you loosen your grip? from Missing Link
I shall get you there, to the place you belong. from Missing Link
I should've joined the army. from Missing Link
I should've joined the army. from Missing Link
I think he said you're wrong. from Missing Link
I think I put a run in it. from Missing Link
I think it's more... I think it's more of a rust, isn't it? from Missing Link
I think perhaps the great Sir Lionel Frost... from Missing Link
I think that one's my favorite, right there. from Missing Link
I think these yetis are my cousins. from Missing Link
I think we all have. from Missing Link
I thought you were made of sterner stuff. from Missing Link
I want to go to that cold place and find them. from Missing Link
I wanted to say thank you from Missing Link
I was mistaken. from Missing Link
I will give my granddaughter directions. from Missing Link
I will take you to her. from Missing Link
I will. from Missing Link
I wish he could have been here to see it. from Missing Link
I wish... from Missing Link
I wished to become a great adventurer, from Missing Link
I won't stand for it. from Missing Link
I would never wish to obtain the map from Missing Link
I wrote the letter. from Missing Link
I, uh... I have much to prepare. from Missing Link
I... from Missing Link
I... from Missing Link
I... I believe the two go hand in hand, from Missing Link
I... I have evolved. from Missing Link
I... I see how much your husband's legacy means to you. from Missing Link
I... I think I still carry the papers of my valet, Mr. Lemuel Lint. from Missing Link
I'll be the laughingstock of the club, again. from Missing Link
I'll keep watch. from Missing Link
I'll make absolutely sure you don't get eaten again. I promise. from Missing Link
I'll make absolutely sure you don't get eaten again. I promise. from Missing Link
I'll run this game to ground if it's the last thing I do. from Missing Link
I'm a quiet guy at heart, from Missing Link
I'm gonna say it was the snow that hit him. from Missing Link
I'm gonna stare out the window for a long time. from Missing Link
I'm good. from Missing Link
I'm here! from Missing Link
I'm lonely. from Missing Link
I'm not sure in this case, sir. from Missing Link
I'm not taking any chances! from Missing Link
I'm on to you, mister. I am on to you. from Missing Link
I'm sorry, Sir Lionel. from Missing Link
I'm sorry, what is this? from Missing Link
I've been there before, yeah. I mean, I haven't, from Missing Link
I've got ya! from Missing Link
I've walked these woods year after year, but I'm the last. from Missing Link
If he catches us, he will shoot you dead, skin you, from Missing Link
If I might ask, how did you find me? from Missing Link
If I'm ever to be taken seriously by the adventuring community, from Missing Link
If you are still intent on doing him harm, from Missing Link
If you think you can do better, Frost, you're out of your mind. from Missing Link
Imagine the headlines then. from Missing Link
In a different direction. from Missing Link
In my throat. Like a nut or a... from Missing Link
In that case, why not? from Missing Link
Incontrovertible evidence of your existence from Missing Link
Is "trust." from Missing Link
Is a myth. from Missing Link
Is clawed away by these... these new thinkers. from Missing Link
Is it a unicorn? from Missing Link
Is it a... Is it a place? from Missing Link
Is it hot in here? I think I need some air. from Missing Link
Is it Tuesday? from Missing Link
Is one of a kind. Don't you see? from Missing Link
Is that really what you think of me? from Missing Link
Is that right? from Missing Link
Is the camera to hand? It is essential. from Missing Link
Is there anything wrong with staying exactly where we are? from Missing Link
Is this... everything that you are here to say to me? from Missing Link
It ain't about the paycheck no more. from Missing Link
It doesn't have to be this way, Stenk. from Missing Link
It has been called many names: from Missing Link
It hurt inside, like gas, but sadder? from Missing Link
It is hidden, hidden by choice. from Missing Link
It is made from yak butter. from Missing Link
It is not a place for you. from Missing Link
It is preservation. from Missing Link
It is time for this unhappy bird... from Missing Link
It is time to settle our debt, Susan. from Missing Link
It just seems a little... from Missing Link
It saddens me to see you shut away in this old house, from Missing Link
It seems Piggot Dunceby is set on scuppering my success at any cost. from Missing Link
It seems to me, you did not have to travel from Missing Link
It was over between us, Lionel. from Missing Link
It's a cold night, and we're a long way from shore. from Missing Link
It's a mockery of man! from Missing Link
It's a... It's a little deceptive. It can be frustrating. from Missing Link
It's barbaric! from Missing Link
It's for me. from Missing Link
It's from Stenk. from Missing Link
It's funny... from Missing Link
It's indecent. from Missing Link
It's just a tidy step to the foothills of the Himalayas from Missing Link
It's no wonder you can't keep anyone around. from Missing Link
It's still there. from Missing Link
It's Susan. from Missing Link
It's time I went on my own adventure. from Missing Link
Just directions to Gamu? What's that? from Missing Link
Just one second, please. from Missing Link
Just running along. from Missing Link
Kill you? from Missing Link
Legend says it is a place of uncommon beauty. from Missing Link
Let me say this very clearly. from Missing Link
Let those fellows at the club scoff from Missing Link
Let's do it again. from Missing Link
Let's move along, shall we? from Missing Link
Let's see. I think there might be a picture. from Missing Link
Like a... Like an unhappy bird locked in a cage. from Missing Link
Lionel Frost! from Missing Link
Lionel Frost. from Missing Link
Lionel, look out! Get your hands off of him! from Missing Link
Lionel! from Missing Link
Lionel! from Missing Link
Living and flourishing in isolation. from Missing Link
Look at him. from Missing Link
Look at him. from Missing Link
Look at you. from Missing Link
Look, I'm not sure exactly where this is taking us. from Missing Link
Look, just forget about the stocking. from Missing Link
Look! from Missing Link
Look! from Missing Link
Looking for this, uh, legendary creature. from Missing Link
Lord Piggot Dunceby, a telegram! from Missing Link
Lord Piggot Dunceby! from Missing Link
Man talks of the magic of the world, from Missing Link
Man talks of the magic of the world, from Missing Link
Man, killer of life, of hope, of dreams. from Missing Link
Many miles away, on the other side of the world, from Missing Link
Maybe the guy in the village with the tongue. Would he be good? from Missing Link
Me? from Missing Link
Mine is eaten away. from Missing Link
Mm hmm. from Missing Link
Mm mm. from Missing Link
Mm, that's a tantalizing proposition, I'll admit. from Missing Link
Mm. from Missing Link
Mmm! from Missing Link
Mmm. from Missing Link
Mmm. It's delicious. from Missing Link
Mmm. You're beautiful. from Missing Link
Moo. from Missing Link
MR. I can't reach! from Missing Link
Mr. Link. from Missing Link
Must surely secure my place here. from Missing Link
My air? from Missing Link
My hands are bleeding! from Missing Link
My nipple? from Missing Link
My objective here was to find proof of you. from Missing Link
My penmanship isn't great, but, uh... from Missing Link
My word is everything. What is yours worth? from Missing Link
My, uh, arms have gone dead. from Missing Link
Myth made real. from Missing Link
Nail clippings, feces. from Missing Link
Name one time that I've ever treated him poorly. from Missing Link
Neither ape nor man, from Missing Link
Never, ever mention the chicken. from Missing Link
Nice place. from Missing Link
No chicken, got it. Zip. from Missing Link
No hard feelings, Frost. from Missing Link
No one will ever know what you found here. from Missing Link
No sound but the wind whistling through his grass skirt. from Missing Link
No time to dawdle. from Missing Link
No, I must make a stand for all that is civilized. from Missing Link
No, it's a figure of speech. from Missing Link
No, later will be fine. from Missing Link
No, Mr. Lint. What else do we say? from Missing Link
No, no, no. I seek to join you. from Missing Link
No, no, no. My right. from Missing Link
No, not chicken. I eat fish. I said fish. from Missing Link
No, sir, I shan't think of it. I won't. from Missing Link
No! from Missing Link
No! You must threaten her defenseless grandson instead. from Missing Link
No. from Missing Link
No. I think not. from Missing Link
No. I will pay you for it. from Missing Link
No. It can't be true. from Missing Link
No. It can't be. from Missing Link
No... no family. from Missing Link
No... no family. from Missing Link
None. Because they're all dead! from Missing Link
Nonsense. Now, give it all you've got. from Missing Link
Not by a long shot. from Missing Link
Not for you, not for Aldous, not even for you, Susan. from Missing Link
Not great apes. from Missing Link
Not only that, he taught me how to play chess. from Missing Link
Not to worry, Mr. Link. We're not stopping after all. from Missing Link
Not what, but who. from Missing Link
Not yet. from Missing Link
Not yet. from Missing Link
Now it's just a matter of shallow, self centered pride. from Missing Link
Now we must rest. from Missing Link
Now what are we gonna do? from Missing Link
Now, get up. We're leaving. from Missing Link
Now, hold me tightly. from Missing Link
Now, not the greatest, surely. from Missing Link
Now... Now here comes the thaw. from Missing Link
Nyah. from Missing Link
Of a mysterious creature. from Missing Link
Of course they will. from Missing Link
Of course you want to be one of us. from Missing Link
Of course! I do know someone! from Missing Link
Of course. I give you my word. from Missing Link
Of our sacred valley. from Missing Link
Often that is the same thing. from Missing Link
Oh God. Okay... from Missing Link
Oh, absolutely. Like a brother to me. from Missing Link
Oh, Adelina. from Missing Link
Oh, and and, Mr. Link, keep your trousers on, please. from Missing Link
Oh, believe me, he's got a lot more to worry about than boarding this boat. from Missing Link
Oh, bother. from Missing Link
Oh, boy! from Missing Link
Oh, boy. A guy could dream. from Missing Link
Oh, boy. That is gonna let in an awful draft. from Missing Link
Oh, bugger. from Missing Link
Oh, but I'm afraid it can. And it is. from Missing Link
Oh, but of course. from Missing Link
Oh, come now. I imagine everyone in there from Missing Link
Oh, come, now, Adelina. I think you know the answer to that. from Missing Link
Oh, discov... No, no, no. from Missing Link
Oh, do hurry up. from Missing Link
Oh, fiddlesticks. from Missing Link
Oh, for pity's sake. Of course you are. Look at your arms. from Missing Link
Oh, God, I'm so embarrassed. Sorry if it smells a little. from Missing Link
Oh, gosh. from Missing Link
Oh, I don't care. The point is, I'm coming with you. from Missing Link
Oh, I like the sound of that guy. from Missing Link
Oh, I see perfectly well. from Missing Link
Oh, I wouldn't count on it. from Missing Link
Oh, it's the monster hunter. from Missing Link
Oh, it's you. You know I have strict orders not to from Missing Link
Oh, Lionel, look. from Missing Link
Oh, Mr. Stenk, you're doing this all wrong. from Missing Link
Oh, my dear. I think you've made a mistake. from Missing Link
Oh, my goodness! That is great! from Missing Link
Oh, my goodness! Yes, then. Well, yes. from Missing Link
Oh, my word. Look at... What is that, the sky? from Missing Link
Oh, no, no! from Missing Link
Oh, no, thanks. I don't eat meat. from Missing Link
Oh, no, you don't. from Missing Link
Oh, no, you don't. from Missing Link
Oh, no! from Missing Link
Oh, no! from Missing Link
Oh, now, steady on... from Missing Link
Oh, please, Mr. Link. This is America. from Missing Link
Oh, remarkable. from Missing Link
Oh, she's a spirited one, isn't she? Ha ha! from Missing Link
Oh, so, you want the poop now? from Missing Link
Oh, sorry. from Missing Link
Oh, stop fidgeting, Mr. Link. You mustn't draw attention to yourself. from Missing Link
Oh, that feels lovely. from Missing Link
Oh, that's better. from Missing Link
Oh, this is awful. from Missing Link
Oh, well, I've read all about you. from Missing Link
Oh, wow! You really mean that? You're gonna take me? from Missing Link
Oh, yeah. A whole lost world is what he said. from Missing Link
Oh, yes. I'll prove the existence of not just one, from Missing Link
Oh, yes. That'll do it. from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! from Missing Link
Oh! Brother. from Missing Link
Oh! Look at the size of those metatarsals. from Missing Link
Oh! Uh! from Missing Link
Oh. from Missing Link
Oh. from Missing Link
Oh. from Missing Link
Oh. I'm sorry, what? from Missing Link
Oh. It's hard to know whose fault that was. from Missing Link
Oh. Oh, so, the two of you are acquainted. from Missing Link
Oh. Sir Lionel. I, uh... from Missing Link
Oh. Wait. You mean me, don't you? from Missing Link
Oh. Yeah. from Missing Link
Oh... from Missing Link
Oh... from Missing Link
Okay, I'm not very good at climbing. from Missing Link
Okay, never mind. from Missing Link
Okay. from Missing Link
Okay. from Missing Link
Okay. from Missing Link
Okay. So, the two of you are acquainted. from Missing Link
Okay. What is it? from Missing Link
Old Kemp Creek. I knew it. Ha ha! from Missing Link
On my extensive anthropological knowledge from Missing Link
On through India, and from there, from Missing Link
On your head. It's a disguise. from Missing Link
One day, they came close to my cave, from Missing Link
One day, they came close to my cave, from Missing Link
One of dozens of documented eyewitness reports from Missing Link
One of you should write that down. from Missing Link
One of your own, I mean. from Missing Link
Ooh! from Missing Link
Ooh! from Missing Link
Ooh! Excuse me. from Missing Link
Ooh. from Missing Link
Or a field mouse or something like that. I don't know. from Missing Link
Or disturb your tranquility. from Missing Link
Or have your head mounted on a wall, from Missing Link
Order will prevail! from Missing Link
Out of the ice that killed him on the mountain. from Missing Link
Over here! from Missing Link
Over here! from Missing Link
Over this way. from Missing Link
Ow! from Missing Link
Partner. from Missing Link
People say red. I find I'm more of an auburn. from Missing Link
Perfect. from Missing Link
Perhaps it is the men who seek it who are lost. from Missing Link
Perhaps it is time you made a step from Missing Link
Perhaps the name of someone in your life from Missing Link
Perhaps we can try some of your tea. from Missing Link
Piggot Dunceby's gone. from Missing Link
Please wait! from Missing Link
Please, Adelina. What possible need could you have for this? from Missing Link
Please? from Missing Link
Pleased to meet you! from Missing Link
Pondering your ill transgressions. from Missing Link
Proof? What kind of proof? from Missing Link
Prove it. from Missing Link
Put this on. from Missing Link
Put this on. from Missing Link
Put your hands where I can see 'em. from Missing Link
Qué es lo que quiere éste ahora? from Missing Link
Quick, quick, quick! Someone should give her the kiss of life! from Missing Link
Quickly! We must climb aboard! from Missing Link
Quite a catch. from Missing Link
Quite a tall tale, but I think he was on to something. from Missing Link
Quite right. I never shall. from Missing Link
Really, nobody. from Missing Link
Remarkable. from Missing Link
Remember every moment of it, Susan. from Missing Link
Respected throughout the Empire. from Missing Link
Right. And... what do I call you? from Missing Link
Run. from Missing Link
Same old Lionel. from Missing Link
Seems you've had your day at last, Frost. from Missing Link
Señora doesn't normally see guests. from Missing Link
Shambhala, Agartha, from Missing Link
Shangri La? No! from Missing Link
Shangri La? That is not our name. from Missing Link
She's gonna kill us! from Missing Link
She's my grandmother. from Missing Link
Shh! from Missing Link
Shh! Do you hear that? from Missing Link
Should you perhaps wait here? from Missing Link
Sir Lionel Frost, actually. from Missing Link
Sir Lionel Frost, I presume. from Missing Link
Sir Lionel Frost! from Missing Link
Sir Lionel Frost. from Missing Link
Sir Lionel, have you ever wanted something so bad from Missing Link
Sir Lionel, I'm a little afraid that this isn't gonna work. from Missing Link
Skookum, Rougarou, from Missing Link
So let's keep it that way. from Missing Link
So, could we go through it again? from Missing Link
So, how did Mr. Fortnight die, exactly? from Missing Link
So, I need someone who knows the wild places of the world, from Missing Link
So, let me see if I understand. from Missing Link
So, this is it, Shangri La. from Missing Link
So, this prospector was a girl? from Missing Link
So, what happens now? from Missing Link
So, why? Why do you wish to be one of them? from Missing Link
Some call it... Shangri La. from Missing Link