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What to Expect When You're Expecting "What to Expect When You're Expecting" is indeed a movie that was released in 2012. This

What to Expect When You're Expecting

"What to Expect When You're Expecting" is indeed a movie that was released in 2012. This heartwarming and comedic film explores the experiences of several couples as they navigate the exhilarating and unpredictable journey of becoming parents.

Directed by Kirk Jones, this star-studded ensemble cast brings the story to life with their exceptional performances. The film features an array of talented actors who portray expectant parents, offering viewers a relatable and often comical glimpse into the joys and challenges of pregnancy.

The cast includes Cameron Diaz, who plays Jules, a fitness guru turned television celebrity undergoing a pregnancy at the same time as her dance show partner, played by Matthew Morrison. Jennifer Lopez portrays Holly, who chooses adoption as her means of becoming a mother alongside her husband, played by Rodrigo Santoro.

The movie also follows the story of Wendy, a woman who struggles to conceive and finally decides on an alternative pathway to motherhood. Wendy is portrayed by Elizabeth Banks, while her husband, played by Ben Falcone, provides unwavering support throughout their emotional journey.

Meanwhile, Dennis Quaid and Brooklyn Decker play a couple grappling with the challenges and joys of an unexpected pregnancy later in life. Their story humorously explores the dynamics of becoming new parents when you already have a grown family.

In addition to these stories, the film incorporates a group of expectant fathers who meet at a local park to share their anxieties, confide in one another, and prepare for the adventure of fatherhood. This group includes the talented actors Chris Rock, Rob Huebel, Thomas Lennon, Amir Talai, and Joe Manganiello.

"What to Expect When You're Expecting" encapsulates the rollercoaster of emotions that couples experience as they navigate the uncertainties of pregnancy, from the excitement of the first ultrasound to the nervousness of labor and delivery. The film strikes a perfect balance between heartwarming moments, romantic subplots, and hilarious comedic scenes, offering something for every viewer.

If you're captivated by the sounds and emotions of this film, you can easily immerse yourself in its soundtrack. Whether you enjoy the uplifting melodies or the poignant musical arrangements, you can play and download these memorable sounds online. The soundtrack features a blend of contemporary hits, nostalgic classics, and original compositions that beautifully complement the movie's heartfelt storylines.

"What to Expect When You're Expecting" has been hailed as a relatable and enjoyable film that portrays the realities of pregnancy with sincerity, humor, and a touch of Hollywood magic. So, grab some popcorn, gather your loved ones, and prepare for an entertaining cinematic experience that will leave you laughing, crying, and cherishing the beautiful journey of parenthood.
A big yard, one story, no pool or sharp edges of any kind.
A boy! That's so cute! l love boys!
A girl.
A little nausea. Some heartburn. And my boobs are killing me.
A tip more.
Actually, a lot of couples are choosing not to circumcise these days.
Actually, that was my cell phone.
Alex and Holly style.
Alex and Holly style.
Alex, Holly!
Alex, quick, come see this!
Alex, Vic. Vic, Alex.
All l know is that Craig started going when l was pregnant with Henri
All l wanna do is punch you in the face
All l want to do is punch you in the face
All right then. Everybody gather up your things, here we go. Follow me.
All right, baby. You like it when l'm bossy?
All right, everyone. Aristotle needs his down time.
All right, excellent choice.
All right, if l win, you have to have a drink with me.
All right, let's see it.
All right, okay.
All right, thank you.
All right, that's perfect. Let's see the bump. That's great.
All right, turn to the side.
All right, you wanna go? Let's go. Your special against my special.
All right! Thank you. Hey, a little heads up, America.
All right! That's a good one. Yeah.
All right.
All right.
All right. All right.
All right. l need you to bear down and push. All right? Here we go.
All right. l'll drink to that. Sure.
All right. Second degree burn. Making caramels.
All right. Tough girl.
Also awesome. Also my invention.
An obvious joke that Latins with their Latin, spicy Latin sense of humor...
And amazingly, even Kara is calling him Henry now. So l owe Alex big time.
And as one who will always remember his Ethiopian heritage.
And author of my very first children's book Milk lt!
And beatdownsmanship.
And besides, it actually makes the penis less sensitive.
And for the record, the roll off did not happen on my watch.
And forget about what the scale says tonight.
And go.
And he's so wise. Can't you tell? He's so wise.
And hemorrhoids. Have you ever seen those?
And how's the photography business?
And if that doesn't work we'll do three rounds of lVF.
And if that doesn't work,
And if you win, you may have
And if your wife named your kid "Henri"
And it would just mean the world to me if y'all came.
And it's 1 1 :00 a.m., kind of early for shots.
And it's a girl!
And just be us for a while.
And just send me an email when you've got it figured out.
And kickboxing, just all my activities.
And l don't know that we're renewing your contract.
And l get it, you're naked, you're vulnerable but this is a safe place, you know.
And l gotta give this old boy credit.
And l know l'm gonna love him.
And l need a minute. And don't think l won't be watching you.
And l want it deep, to the knee, and squeeze back up.
And l'll be finished before l have to deliver.
And l'm gonna go to my pregger 'lates.
And l'm his father. Parenthood is about compromise.
And l'm the one who can't do the one thing a woman is supposed to be able to do.
And let me tell you, this is the closest result we have ever recorded.
And looking so fantastic! We are so glad you agreed to speak.
And Miami Heat basketball star, Dwyane Wade.
And now, please welcome our keynote speaker,
And pressure hanging from my uterus
And raise you one more.
And reach! And push. Okay now, break starfish formation.
And see how he's maintaining his weight and healthy lifestyle.
And she's gonna be laying there with her legs splayed wide open.
And sometimes,
And suddenly we're supposed to agree on everything?
And Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas, let's have your thoughts.
And that's the one thing you can count on with adoption, right? Time.
And that's why l go to The Breast Choice for all my pregnancy needs.
And the winner of Celebrity Dance Factor, Season 1 5 is...
And then l have these purple stretch marks everywhere.
And then l put a picture of a Mini Cooper
And then out is gonna slide a little miracle.
And this is your father?
And to bring him up proud and strong.
And us.
And we are not naming him Jackson.
And what? Have your water break at 30,000 feet?
And when she says you're just looking at houses,
And when you come back from Africa
And why did you choose Ethiopia?
And you know, it's really common for guys to put on a little weight as their wife does.
And you lying to me isn't helping.
And you said that even if you did ask for it, that would just be the crazy talking...
And you wanna ignore that silent H bullshit...
And you're planning on bringing the baby home here?
And, you know, it pays the bills.
Apart from what are you gonna do about your show?
Are awesome, right? They're my invention. l made them.
Are we ever going to agree on anything?
Are we gonna rumble at midnight?
Are y'all planning an epidural?
Are you dead?
Are you feeling anything yet?
Are you getting an epidural?
Are you insane? We're not buying, we're just looking.
Are you sure that speaking at the Kids Expo next week is the best idea?
Are you sure you're not freaking out?
Are you talking to yourself again?
Aristotle! Good smile!
Ask him when was the last time he drove it.
At the end.
At the Expo, about the breast pump And the lactation
At the next regional ABC Kids Expo.
At this point in the pregnancy, acne and
Baby shower!
Baby, watch out, the floor's wet.
Back then, no dad was.
Be normal.
Bear down and give it all you've got. Ready?
Beat me home and we never have to race again!
Because l am gonna need evidence that l had these.
Because l don't think that it's right. And l'm his mother.
Because l have no fears, genetic or otherwise.
Because l love the hell out of his mom.
Because l'm *******?
Because we can leave any time.
Because you don't even understand what l'm talking about.
Because you should be.
Beep beep!
Beep beep! Beep beep...
Before l got pregnant.
Besides, if you had your foreskin, maybe l would like you a little bit more.
Besides, these are my contestants, Evan.
Big help, guys. Glad l came out.
Big Pig!
Big smile.
Bleeding gums, constipation, it's all totally normal. Totally normal.
Book signing. Milk lt! the book!
But happy.
But it just turns out l have all this extra energy.
But it's just proof that a miracle is happening inside of me.
But l don't want that to be the reason we're not together.
But l don't want to drive a vagina on wheels.
But l love you so much so l don't mean it.
But l said some choice words. They were very choice.
But l typed it. lt's typed. The birth plan, it's ready to go.
But l want to.
But l'll take your word for it.
But l've only got five, so you can have those.
But my penis is full Jew. This is my jurisdiction.
But now, l know l'm happy.
But on average, yes, a year. Maybe more.
But sure keeps you connected to your kids.
But the missus and little Mini Cooper and l,
But the samba's still to come. How do you feel?
But then l punch myself in the dick and get over it.
But there's something that l really wanna tell you.
But those other moms aren't getting judged like me.
But to have an opinion about my baby.
But until then, l'm shooting at the Aquarium.
But we are family. Okay?
But we can be scared together. We just have to jump in. All in.
But we just had our budget meeting,
But Wendy lost a lot of blood in there
But what am l saying? You know exactly what this is like.
But you guys. My kids,
But you need to baby proof if you're going to stay here.
But, yeah, l mean, l just... lt's beautiful.
But, yeah, l'd love to.
But, yeah, l'd love to.
By the way, when we're around Kara, it's still "Henri." "Henry's" on the DL.
Bye. Bye.
Calling bullshit on the whole thing
Calm the ef down and get the effing car.
Can l get a "l can do it"? You can do it!
Can we be done with this conversation, please?
Can we discuss this weirdness later? l'm working.
Can you believe it? Two!
Can you feel it?
Can you help me do the same?
Caramels. What is wrong with you?
Celebrity Dance Factor.
Check your receipts.
Come here, baby, give your mama a kiss.
Come on back! These girls have got it goin' on back there!
Come on, guys. Really?
Come on, Jordan!
Come on, Jordan. Keep up.
Come on, Jules. You can do it.
Come on, you gonna sweat that weave out tonight.
Come on! That's like a little bit of cheese.
Come on.
Come on. We need to deal with what the real issue is.
Come on. You guys are the ones living the real dream.
Congratulations, Daddy.
Congratulations. You are parents.
Congratulations. You're off the hook.
Contractions about 1 7 minutes apart, Ram Bam.
Cord blood banking, this is very important these days.
Costa Rica.
Could we stop this, please?
Craig goes. You like Craig.
Craig shouldn't have to see his kids only on weekends 'cause you got a big mouth.
Craig, do you have some sunscreen?
Craig, stop creeping Davis out.
Craig! Come on, Craig!
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Daddy's here.
Darn right you weren't thinking.
Davis, we are very, very psyched to have you.
Davis! Davis!
Davis! Davis!
Davis! Davis! Davis!
Dip shit ran over my toe.
Dirty Dancing.
Do l look like somebody who wants to drug my baby?
Do me a favor?
Do you happen to have a room service menu?
Do you have a wedding photo?
Do you wanna be this guy again?
Do you wanna feel?
Do you wanna?
Do you want some tea?
Don't be gross. Don't be that girl.
Don't be such a baby.
Don't do it. Don't take the mirror down there.
Don't ever touch me again.
Don't let him get into your head.
Don't mind Craig. He's had a bad week.
Don't pay attention to her.
Don't question the sage insights of Star Buzz.
Don't say that. lt's not your fault. Okay?
Don't tell Alex until l can find something else. Okay?
Don't touch!
Don't you kinda wish you'd done it now? l offered to pay for it.
Don't you love morphine, Gar?
Don't you talk to me like that!
Don't you want a baby?
Don't you want one, ohhh!
Dr. Cooper. We're in a public place.
Drop the pig, Gary Cooper!
Dude, this kid is like Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler.
Dude, you're gonna be fine.
Dude's group.
Emerson is cute, right?
Emerson. l love it.
End of the day, family's all that matters.
Evan has promised he's gonna knock me up next.
Evan, l'm pregnant. That's surprise enough. We wanna know.
Evan, we danced on a show for three months together
Evan's gonna drive us to worship in his buggy.
Even l need a cold shower after that one.
Every day, every second, totally ecstatic.
Every time l look at your face, it kills me. ls that enough of a reason?
Everybody wants to go to Margaritaville.
Everybody's in pain.
Everyone's favorite tough love trainer from the weight loss show, Lose it and Weep.
Everything okay?
Experiencing everything for yourself?
Fellows, say hello to our newest member.
Fighting fit.
Fine. Why don't you make every decision about our child's entire life
First rule, Alex!
First time breaking down a pig when l was 1 6.
Five stars!
Flash me the belly. l want to see it. Come on.
Foot massages and henna tats!
Formal handshake. Good to see you.
Forty dollars.
Found my baby swimming in the toilet.
Freak out's a little strong.
Freeze! Don't take another step!
Gabriel, l understand you've embraced the minivan, and that's yourjourney,
Gar Bear. l'm sorry.
Gar! Gary! Gar Bear! Gar!
Gar. No.
Gary is gonna shit a sideways brick when he sees this.
Gary, come on!
Gary, he's so beautiful.
Gary, honey, slow down! You're practically sprinting!
Gary, let's celebrate. Let's go to Margaritaville.
Gary! Gar Bear!
Gary! Get me the juice!
Get my speech. Get my speech.
Get out there and tell the truth and share your wisdom.
Get ready! Here comes the checkered flag!
Get your ass out there and fix what needs fixing.
God damn it!
God, she's like a magical pregnancy unicorn.
Good call, Holly. "l'll never get tired of a dolphin."
Good catch.
Good man. You have your cardiologist on speed dial, right?
Good one.
Good, baby.
Good, good. ls this your first time?
Good, good. ls this your first time?
Good. Perfect.
Got it.
Gotta watch it, Davis. That one looks like a wife.
Great, great. So then it's all on me?
Great, l'll leave you to it.
Great. All right. We got it.
Guess who's not getting any tonight?
Guys! Hey! Whoa, whoa! Wait up.
Half *******. Christmas tree *******, that's what you said.
Half you, half her, your DNA all mixed together in one magical baby cocktail.
Happy Baby Shower, bitches!
Has nothing to do with the fact we were gonna have a baby.
Have a good night.
Have sex. Because it's gonna be a while.
He cheated. He cheated.
He kinda looks like the Loch Ness Monster to me,
He loves Purple Rain.
He needs to heal, okay? And you need to listen. l mean it, Ram Bam.
He wasted Margaritaville.
He won!
He's a great kid, isn't he?
He's beautiful, y'all.
He's great.
He's my glow.
He's my husband.
He's my perfect, perfect glow.
He's perfect as he is. l don't get the point. What is it?
He's pushing on my bladder.
He's still got that race car engine that can go the distance.
Hell, no. Let's do this.
Hello, Emerson. l'm your mommy.
Hello, there! Aren't you just loving it?
Henry cries if you touch him.
Henry cries if you touch him.
Her name's Ruby and they're moving here.
Here he is.
Here l am, trying to get ready for something that's...
Here they come.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Here, we're free. No one's looking over your shoulder.
Here's a little love tap for you.
Here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna get to the hospital room.
Hey, come on! We started Mini Cooper. That's our thing.
Hey, come on! We started Mini Cooper. That's our thing.
Hey, Craig.
Hey, don't think that l won't punch you in the neck
Hey, guys.
Hey, guys.
Hey, guys. l'm sorry. Can l just borrow Alex for two secs?
Hey, Jules! lf you're interested, l never got snipped.
Hey, l'm sorry. l wasn't thinking.
Hey, Marco! l didn't see you.
Hey, no problem. lt's the least l can do, since Holly lost herjob.
Hey, no pull ups, man? Are you sick or something?
Hey, Rosie?
Hey, son! Hey, you, too?
Hey, stop!
Hey, that reminds me. How you doing there, Tater Tot?
Hey, wait! l got it. l got it.
Hey, Wendy, do you mind if l take one of these?
Hey, Wendy.
Hey, where are you going? You can't walk away from a fresh margarita!
Hey, you sure it's not Wendy who's having the twins?
Hey, you. Did you watch it?
Hey! Are you the anesthesiologist?
Hey! Look at this. l've got them.
Hey! Look who made it!
Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Hey. What are you guys doing here?
Hey. Where'd you get this guy?
Hi, baby girl.
Hi, Jules!
Hi, little guy.
Hi, little Theo.
Hi, sweetheart.
Hi. That's me, here?
His name is Kaleb, he's six weeks old.
Holly, l'm sorry to tell you this
Holly, l'm sorry to tell you this
Holly, that's enough. Stop it.
Holly, these are amazing.
Holy shit!
Holy... l had no idea that you guys were even trying.
Home made is the best, though.
Home of one of the audience favorites from Season 4.
Honestly, God, seriously, l sometimes think
Honestly, we would have been happy adopting from anywhere.
Honestly, you don't have a choice.
Honey, do you have your driver's license?
Honey, l didn't make any of it. You know Ramsey don't want me cooking.
Honey, l know you can't have any
Hormones, hormones
Hormones! Right?
How are you? Best meal on wheels right here.
How did they find themselves there? l don't know.
How much more?
How was that even possible?
How you doing? You okay?
I don't know. l don't really care about the trophy.
I'm here for Evan.
If l even get a whiff of Ramsey, it's like l just have to pounce, you know?
Into this one giant piece of Granny spandex that's just...
Janice, l don't think l can do this.
Janice, l just peed myself.
Janice! Janice!
Jesus, Gar! Keep your eyes on the road, you worthless piece of shit!
Jesus! Somebody, anybody, please ask me what l'm craving.
Jordan is a spaz.
Jordan! Get out of those bushes!
Jules Baxter and Evan Webber!
Jules Baxter and her partner, Evan Webber!
Jules, l don't wanna be right. l don't wanna win.
Jules, l knew you could do it.
Jules, trust me. He's not even gonna remember it.
Jules, we're live.
Jules! Oh, my...
Jules? Are you okay?
Just 'cause l have an infant strapped to me.
Just forget it 'cause l'll figure it out. Whatever it is, it's not your problem.
Just get it off your chest, son.
Just moments away from crowning our season champion.
Just prop it on your boobs then.
Just pull into any of these spots.
Kara just took a three day business trip and little Henry there just got sick.
Kara, what time is it?
Keep it in your lane, people.
Keep it moving.
L added to my order. Do you think he heard it?
L am a lackluster husband but an above average dad.
L am healthy. l have a low blood pressure. Not that you're helping me any.
L am protecting my miracle.
L blocked out most of high school anyway.
L can do it!
L can do that, okay? l can do it.
L can do... No, l can't do this!
L can live with that.
L can't believe you didn't tell him.
L can't do anything with gloves on.
L can't just look at a picture and feel some magical bond.
L can't think with this thing on. l'm sorry. l am so uncomfortable.
L can't...
L caught him playing in the dryer yesterday.
L changed my mind. l want the epidural. l want it, Gary.
L climbed Everest, okay?
L could work with that, right? Yeah, that sounds good.
L couldn't think of another way to describe it.
L did it exactly how you want.
L did it! l did it!
L do! Park it here.
L don't care about his penis. Who gives a shit?
L don't even recognize my body anymore, you know?
L don't know about you but l didn't get the glow. l got bacne
L don't know the first thing about being a dad.
L don't know what the hell l'm doing.
L don't know what they do there and l don't need to know.
L don't know, man. Out of the blue, l got this call and suddenly...
L don't know.
L don't know.
L don't know. l missed a lot.
L don't know. lt depends on what you got left in your picnic basket.
L don't know. Maybe he's just not ready.
L don't know. Maybe not talk about it at brunch?
L don't like you traveling this late.
L don't see any red flags.
L don't walk. l run.
L don't wanna go to Margaritaville.
L don't want anyone else taking care of you.
L don't want to know about everything that can go wrong.
L feel so bad, but it's hilarious.
L felt a kick in there!
L felt the exact same way when l had my phantom pregnancy.
L finally found it.
L fought a grill and the grill won.
L got Evander here. Venus and Jeter are my twins, and my main man Jordan.
L guess l've been kind of a shit sandwich in the old Dad department, huh?
L had to do some work.
L have no control over my body or my emotions.
L have the whole thing on DVD, Blu ray.
L have to get back to L.A. l have to finish my show.
L have to get back to the truck anyway.
L hear you, l respect you,
L hope that adoption agency has a return policy.
L just came by to personally invite y'all to our baby shower.
L just couldn't handle another thing being my fault.
L just find myself crying all the time.
L just found out, okay? You're the girl. Don't you get to decide?
L just got bacne
L just peed myself a little.
L just want to congratulate you all on working so hard.
L just want to remind you
L just want you and our baby safe. Okay?
L just wanted the glow.
L just...
L just...
L know all about how you call your son "Henry" when Kara's not around.
L know you.
L know you've been busting ass with work and getting everything ready for the baby.
L know, honey.
L know, Wendy, but the baby's heart rate is falling. We need to move now.
L know, Wendy, but the baby's heart rate is falling. We need to move now.
L know!
L know. l'm finally starting to show.
L know. l'm getting there.
L know. lt's all so unscheduled.
L know. So am l.
L like to rub my breasts, too.
L look at houses with Holly, but we're not buying one.
L love it when you call me Big Poppa
L love it when you call me Big Poppa
L love it! l love it!
L love morphine.
L love my baby so much, l worry l'm gonna eat him.
L love research. lt soothes me.
L love these hardwood floors!
L love you too, Squeaks. You're doing great.
L love you, too.
L love you. Bye.
L made these for you.
L mean, l can't go out there and just act like everything's peachy.
L mean, l thought l'd have to give up my Pilates, and my running
L mean, look at her. No cellulite. Not even in daylight.
L mean, what if he tries to kill me in my sleep when he's 1 5?
L mean, you are gonna be our family photographer!
L mean, you said this is where happiness goes to die.
L mean, you said this is where happiness goes to die.
L missed out on high fives before. l'll take one if you had a spare.
L need it, Gar.
L need some alone time, Dad. Need some alone time.
L need support!
L need that time to save, to get ready.
L need the shoulders out. And push!
L need your money roll. l need your money roll.
L never even felt it kick.
L never said that.
L never used to use that word for that part of the body but, trust me,
L picked up the wrong baby from day care.
L promise to watch over this child.
L really feel like crap.
L really thought l had a bum fallopian tube.
L remember her well. Excellent photos, Davis. Slutty, but artful.
L saw every episode of your Lose it season.
L see his head, Jules.
L sense your fear, Alex. lt's cool.
L sit here. Okay.
L so wanna do that slide y thing.
L stay at your place. We spend the holidays with your family.
L stay up at night and l watch it over and over again.
L stole it from the lnternet.
L think it's right here.
L think we can do ourselves a favor and stop pretending.
L think we should take a break from trying.
L thought you said "Cute Marco." Not "Hot Marco."
L thought you said never again.
L thought you'd never ask.
L tolerate Craig at a barbecue. Not as a forced play date.
L want 1 0 of those on each side. That's 20, people.
L want the house for the baby.
L want to push. l want to push.
L wanted to be with you before you were pregnant.
L was eating lunch. Now l'm scarred for life.
L was gonna go see them.
L was just trying to get something else
L was Prince, Holly was a showgirl.
L was there when they lost the weight and l want to be there for them now.
L will Freaky Fridaywith you anytime.
L will not compete!
L will not compete!
L will not have my son treated like that.
L will not have these babies come into this world when there is strife in our family.
L will rip this baby out myself. l swear to God, you'll see me on the news.
L wish he was that well behaved. He's more like Mickey Rourke in real life.
L won!
L won.
L would like to propose a toast.
L wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
L, for one, really hope that's true.
L'd play with that.
L'd totally let that one do me.
L'll be right back.
L'll meet you in the truck, man.
L'll probably never really understand what you went through.
L'll see you in the field, all right?
L'm bleeding.
L'm calling bullshit on the whole thing. Pregnancy sucks.
L'm calling bullshit.
L'm coming. Just hold on to your va jay jays!
L'm doing what l can to keep you, but it just isn't looking good.
L'm gonna break out the Don Julio "Blank o."
L'm gonna cover this up for you.
L'm gonna get you to take a picture of these twins, and my stepson's baby.
L'm gonna give you the one, but it's not for the right reasons.
L'm gonna wait around front!
L'm here for you. All right?
L'm Hutch Davidson and we are live from Hollywood
L'm impressed, Rosie.
L'm just kidding.
L'm just making sure, that's all.
L'm just seeing my favorite band. l asked how you were.
L'm just trying to catch the part with Gary, but l can always record it.
L'm just... Don't, okay? l'm just trying to get ready.
L'm like crazy horny.
L'm not falling for that trick.
L'm not gonna forget it.
L'm not gonna let somebody hurt my baby like that.
L'm not número dos!
L'm not supposed to drink my calories, Dad!
L'm not tired of it. l smile every time l see it.
L'm pretty confident l can keep this baby in until l get home.
L'm ready to push. l wanna push. Please, l wanna push.
L'm really glad you're here.
L'm scared, too.
L'm scared.
L'm serious, okay? l need help.
L'm sick of competing with you, okay?
L'm sorry l can't be there.
L'm sorry, baby. Just don't come back without it, okay?
L'm sorry, Rosie. l'm just trying to do the right thing here.
L'm sorry.
L'm sorry. l didn't think about any of this stuff
L'm sorry. So sorry.
L'm taking Gary in the back.
L'm the one who made us spend the 401 K money on lVF.
L'm Wendy Cooper, wearing two hats today as store owner
L'm with child! We're pregnant!
L've been in it a million times.
L've been totally cracking out on baby stuff.
L've been waiting for you!
L've got 20 minutes to make it to the crib sale at Babies "R" Us.
L've got five women in front of her. lt's gonna be a little while.
L've got to cut down on all my freelancers. You were the last one hired.
L've got to get better pictures on my phone.
Let's do it.
Let's get back in position. l want opposite sets. Crunch it up.
Let's go meet our son.
Let's go.
Let's hope she's not pregnant, folks.
Let's turn to our esteemed panel ofjudges. Tyce? Let's hear your score.
Let's walk.
Lf we're not back by 1 0:00, the baby sitter charges double.
Lf you don't smile, your mom doesn't buy any prints and l don't get paid.
Lf you must know it's the baby.
Lf you put the diaper on backwards or forget to heat the bottle up,
Lf you wanna ditch those carrot sticks and feed your kid McNuggets
Lf you want me to go, l'll go.
Like a lot.
Like a zero to a one. Because l'm smiling, we're smiling.
Like bears or wives.
Like that. l really hope l forget that.
Listen to that. Someone call the cops. They're murdering a song.
Listen, can we just try to keep it positive?
Little peanut.
Ln every relationship, there's an alpha and a beta.
Ln something other than stained pajama pants.
Look at his little nose and his perfect little lips.
Look at me, man.
Look at our bellies.
Look who we've got here.
Look, kid.
Look, l don't know.
Look, l just think someone should go with you and little Jackson there.
Look, l know that Ramsey and Gary have not always gotten along so well
Look, l would feel shafted if we didn't do it.
Look, l'm not like you, okay?
Look, this is it. This is the one we have to get.
Look, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way.
Look, you got more hits than that cow dancing video.
Look. A deli slicer nearly took my whole thumb off.
Look. l want you to know that l get it.
Looking down at her perfectly round belly with that sweet smile.
Love you, too.
Ls she supposed to be falling asleep?
Ls that gonna be okay?
Ls that gonna be okay?
Ls that our alarm?
Ls that you?
Ls that... ls she yours?
Lsn't that great?
Lt begins when you feel the first...
Lt is a miracle, isn't it?
Lt looks like it's a little early to tell.
Lt looks like you've got your hands full there.
Lt really is a miracle, isn't it?
Lt was beautiful.
Lt was fun.
Lt was incredibly beautiful.
Lt was just lovely. And hug your mommies for breast feeding you.
Lt was like a purse. l could hide my snacks in it.
Lt was so incredibly beautiful.
Lt wasn't for me, so l gave you a three.
Lt wouldn't have worked anyway.
Lt's a boy.
Lt's a boy.
Lt's a girl!
Lt's a little weird,
Lt's a mob. lt's a mob, Gar. Look at them, they look angry.
Lt's called "Couvade Syndrome" or "Sympathetic Pregnancy."
Lt's Davis!
Lt's going to be okay.
Lt's gonna be okay.
Lt's just, he gives me a hard time when l'm late, you know.
Lt's like Fight Club,
Lt's like l could fit 20 of my old bras
Lt's Mini Coopers.
Lt's much more common than you think. But you know what? Rule number two...
Lt's my fault. l wished it.
Lt's not a big deal at all for sure.
Lt's not a race, Dad.
Lt's not even medically necessary.
Lt's not that l'm not ready. l'm just...
Lt's okay. Just 'cause you have a bad dad doesn't mean you're gonna be a bad dad.
Lt's okay. She's my mother in law ish. Shit, hi!
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