A colony we can be proud of. from Antz
A dream of a proud colony. from Antz
A fresh start. from Antz
A good attitude, even though I'm utterly insignificant. from Antz
A little combative at times, but I think we can work on that. from Antz
A massacre upon a massacre. from Antz
A pure colony. A colony reborn. from Antz
A soldier knows that the life of an individual ant doesn't matter. from Antz
A stirring speech, General. from Antz
A war hero? from Antz
A worker? That's impossible. A worker can't do anything, except work. from Antz
Absolutely. from Antz
Absolutely. Wonderful. That's an appealing offer. from Antz
Actually, my middle name is Marion, but... from Antz
Actually, now that you mention it, there is a certain strangeness to me. from Antz
After all, it's not about you. from Antz
Against us? from Antz
Ah, don't get all sappy about it. from Antz
Ah, Princess! from Antz
Ah, you've got a fighter's spirit, Bala. from Antz
Ah! Me, I'm cuttin' loose. from Antz
Ahh. All you think about is yourself. from Antz
All my life, I've lived and worked in the big city, from Antz
All right, everybody. I want all teams in place, from Antz
All right, gentlemen. Time to take your positions. from Antz
All right, look, look. Let's be rational about this. from Antz
All right, then. Let's wrap this up. from Antz
All right. Fine. No problem. from Antz
All workers are to report to the tunnel opening ceremonies. from Antz
Aloha, dude. Welcome to Insec... from Antz
An adorable little insect like you. from Antz
An ant that looks Death in the face and laughs. from Antz
And And believe me, they will definitely go for from Antz
And And what about my needs? What about me? from Antz
And as for Z... kill him. from Antz
And as further reward for your heroic efforts, from Antz
And every one of you will get the day off! from Antz
And extraordinary courageousness, you know. from Antz
And head back to the colo from Antz
And I don't like the way you run this colony. from Antz
And I don't like you. The wedding is off. from Antz
And I think he's going to try to kill my mother. from Antz
And I'm a soil relocation engineer. from Antz
And I'm workin' with a new therapist, you know, terrific, absolutely terrific. from Antz
And let me assure you, the Colonel is not as understanding as I am. from Antz
And my job, don't get me started on, because it really annoys me. from Antz
And out here, you can't order me around. from Antz
And snicker behind Death's back. from Antz
And somewhat overbearing at times, from Antz
And that's just what we need to start our new colony. from Antz
And the Royal Princess Bala. from Antz
And then then again. from Antz
And they shoot acid from their foreheads. from Antz
And this whole desert thing? from Antz
And we can bid final farewell to their kind of incompetence. from Antz
And we're just sick about it. from Antz
And we're just, like, part of this whole other huge universe that's, like, from Antz
And when we've completed this magnificent structure, from Antz
And you just happened to find it... from Antz
And you know what? It's right back where I started. from Antz
And, for cryin' out loud, try to be happy about it. from Antz
And, when you get down to it, handling dirt is, you know from Antz
And, you know, I finally feel like I've found my place. from Antz
And, you know, the guy flew away when I was just a larva. from Antz
And... here's the lake. from Antz
And... you know, he just died in my arms like that. from Antz
Anybody who doesn't meet his quota is going to be downsized. from Antz
Are being washed away. from Antz
Are you askin' me out to dinner? from Antz
Are you kidding? They always go after the new guy. from Antz
Are you listening to me out there? I'm a princess, from Antz
Are you nuts? from Antz
Are you out of your puny little mind? from Antz
Aren't you even gonna defend yourself? from Antz
Arrest him. from Antz
As a matter of fact... it does. from Antz
As for your friend Z, why should I hurt him? from Antz
As I look out on this magnificent tunnel, from Antz
As I was saying, son, you are an ant after my own heart. from Antz
As you can see, Your Highness, the battlefield is fresh in his mind. from Antz
At 0800 hours, we received word that the termite enemy has mobilized. from Antz
At least, they seem to have some fun every now and then. from Antz
Attack a termite colony, sir? That's suicide. from Antz
Attack! from Antz
Azteca! from Antz
Baby love. from Antz
Back up, everybody, back up! from Antz
Bala and I, incidentally, are thinking of starting a family, from Antz
Bala, do we have to argue about this again? from Antz
Bala, look, what have you got to lose? from Antz
Bala, you must encourage the troops. from Antz
Bala! from Antz
Bala! Where've you been? Are you all right? from Antz
Barbatus, hang on. from Antz
Barbatus, you saved my life. from Antz
Barbatus. from Antz
Barbatus. from Antz
Be honest, kid. Am I hurt bad? from Antz
Beautiful worker girls. from Antz
Because I'm gonna try and find your body. from Antz
Because you're the one who has to continue my work. from Antz
Because Z doesn't give a damn about us. from Antz
Because, um, it might be nice if we had a conversation from Antz
Believe me, Your Highness, we will spare no effort to bring her back. from Antz
Believe me. from Antz
Below us right now, the weak elements of the colony from Antz
Besides, it's what my waddly kittles would want. from Antz
Besides, no one's gonna recognize us. from Antz
Big trouble! from Antz
Boy likes girl, boy changes underlying social order" story. from Antz
Boy, talk about a rough day. from Antz
Boy. You really chose the right husband. from Antz
Brother, I'm asking the wrong guy here. Look, think for yourselves! from Antz
Buckle up, Spanky. from Antz
Buddy. Hey, hey, buddy. from Antz
But everybody is working full tilt as it is, and from Antz
But I have to try. from Antz
But I know that he cares about you. from Antz
But in spite of your limitations, from Antz
But maybe I Maybe I think too much. from Antz
But my scouts are on her trail and it's only a matter of time before from Antz
But now you can just forget that. from Antz
But now, you're a war hero. from Antz
But personally, this beats digging. from Antz
But the difference is, this time I chose it. from Antz
But the point is, I'm convinced the place definitely exists. from Antz
But they're gonna seal everybody off in the MegaTunnel. from Antz
But this is the perfect time to debrief the private. from Antz
But we don't have to work on the tunnel anymore. from Antz
But where is he now? from Antz
But why me? from Antz
But you get to spend all day with those... from Antz
But you know what? I can admit it when I'm wrong. from Antz
But you said he didn't matter. from Antz
But you seem to have a certain weakness for the lower orders I find disturbing. from Antz
But you should have seen how persistently he asked for your hand in marriage. from Antz
But, considering the options, you go back. Okay? 'Cause I'm going on to Insectopia. from Antz
But, listen, you can... share my rations. Whoa. from Antz
But, sir. You don't understand. from Antz
Buzz off, pawn of the oppressor. from Antz
By taking away your rations for the day? from Antz
Call me crazy, but... from Antz
Can anyone point him out? from Antz
Can somebody help me here? Can anybody Hey. from Antz
Can't you just once think for yourself? from Antz
Certainly, we don't need to send soldiers. from Antz
Charmed. Charmed. from Antz
Chippie, we have a social obligation to the less fortunate. from Antz
Chippie, we have a social obligation to the less fortunate. from Antz
Come hell or high water. from Antz
Come on, girls. What do you say? from Antz
Come on, Z. Help us build a bigger, better colony. from Antz
Come on. from Antz
Come on. Before you get in trouble. from Antz
Come on. Cut him a break. from Antz
Come on. The city's deserted. We'd better get outta here. from Antz
Come on. We gotta get down there. from Antz
Company halt! from Antz
Congratulations, soldier. from Antz
Correct! from Antz
Course they're all a little, you know, from inbreeding. from Antz
Cutter, did you hear me? from Antz
Cutter, schedule some private time for me and Princess Bala. from Antz
Cutter, we just got word that a termite army has mobilized against us. from Antz
Cutter, you're a fine officer. from Antz
Cutter! from Antz
Cutter! from Antz
Damn it! from Antz
Damn! Good. Damn good. from Antz
Darling, they're poor. They're dirty. They're smelly. from Antz
Declared war? from Antz
Deeply in... engaged. from Antz
Definitely. You were born two seconds after me. from Antz
Did I happen to mention that heights make me nauseous? from Antz
Didn't we just get out of the water? from Antz
Dismissed. from Antz
Dismissed. from Antz
Do we need to go through with this? from Antz
Do you know how much trouble you can get into from Antz
Do you really want to be Mrs. Raving Lunatic? from Antz
Don't be scared, kid. from Antz
Don't follow orders your whole life. from Antz
Don't let me Don't let me go, Z. from Antz
Don't make me hurt her. Ow! from Antz
Don't tell that tight ass anything, Weaver! Ahh! from Antz
Don't we need the queen's approval to declare war? from Antz
Don't worry, kid. I'll watch out for ya. from Antz
Don't worry, Princess, you'll be back home soon. from Antz
Don't worry. from Antz
Don't you get it? from Antz
Don't you realize I'm out of your league? from Antz
Don't you want your aphid beer? from Antz
Drown! This tunnel is going to flood. from Antz
Eh, you got a problem? from Antz
Every ant in this colony is so precious to me. from Antz
Every ten seconds for the rest of your life? from Antz
Every worker in the colony is here. from Antz
Everyone, listen to me! from Antz
Everyone, listen to me. We've all been deceived. from Antz
Exactly. Do you have the list I asked for? from Antz
Exactly. You were a worker. from Antz
Excellent. from Antz
Excellent. Princess. from Antz
Excuse me, please. Tunnel opening ceremonies. from Antz
Excuse me, sir. from Antz
Excuse me, Your Majesty. from Antz
Excuse me! Sorry about that. Excuse me. from Antz
Excuse me. You kidnapped me, remember? from Antz
Eyes right! from Antz
F Fiancée? W W Wait a minute. from Antz
Firm grip. Swing hard. Back straight. Concentrate. from Antz
Follow me. from Antz
Follow through. from Antz
For even talkin' about impersonatin' a soldier? from Antz
For your information, from Antz
Four more days, Cutter. Four more days. from Antz
Frankly, I'm beginning to doubt your ability to handle this. from Antz
From now on, anyone who falls behind from Antz
Fully prepared, ready to seal the doors here and here. from Antz
Gee, I think I'm about to become the strong, silent type. from Antz
Gee. from Antz
General Mandible! from Antz
General, I don't want to discuss it. Just find her. from Antz
General, I know there's been a glitch or two. from Antz
General, we've been at peace with that colony for years. from Antz
General, what exactly is going on here? from Antz
Gentlemen, now you can see how dangerous individualism can be. from Antz
Gentlemen, there comes a time in the evolution of a perfect colony from Antz
Get back to work! from Antz
Get going! from Antz
Get me out of here! from Antz
Gimme that! I've had enough out of you. from Antz
Good. I don't like heroes. from Antz
Good. What about section from Antz
Goodbye. from Antz
Gosh, this day just keeps getting better and better. from Antz
Great, Azteca. from Antz
Greeting every insect that emerges out of the grass? from Antz
Grin and bear it. This is This is for the colony. from Antz
Ground floor! from Antz
Hang in there, buddy. from Antz
Hang on. Here we go. Higher! Faster! from Antz
Have Have you ever seen anything more beautiful in your life? from Antz
Haven't I seen you somewhere before? from Antz
He decided he wanted something, and he went for it. from Antz
He hasn't contributed yet. from Antz
He looks him dead in the eye and says, "Bite me." from Antz
He said that to General Mandible? from Antz
He was just a worker then. from Antz
He's been putting me in touch with my inner maggot, from Antz
He's just a worker. from Antz
He's just not particularly good at showing it. from Antz
He's new. from Antz
He's not alone. from Antz
He's not important. from Antz
He's one slippery character. from Antz
He's takin' a personal day, so I'm fillin' in. from Antz
He's taking her hostage! from Antz
He's willing to live for the colony, to fight for the colony, from Antz
Head for the monolith! Listen to me! from Antz
Hello, General. from Antz
Hello? Guys! from Antz
Help me up, Z. from Antz
Help, Ba from Antz
Help! B B B B Bala! from Antz
Help! Help me, Bala! from Antz
Here they come to rescue me and kill you. from Antz
Here we are, safe in the city. from Antz
Hey, buddy. Get back in place. from Antz
Hey, come on! Let me outta here! from Antz
Hey, fellas. You're being a little extreme, I feel. from Antz
Hey, guys. Look out behind you! from Antz
Hey, I know the guy. He's a friend of mine. from Antz
Hey, if we built this, we can do anything. from Antz
Hey, it is crap. Not bad. from Antz
Hey, leave the pessimism to me, okay? from Antz
Hey, new guy! We need more wood! from Antz
Hey, wait a minute. That guy owes me money. from Antz
Hey, you ever wonder why they call you guys "pests"? from Antz
Hey! from Antz
Hey! from Antz
Hey! from Antz
Hey! Hey, wait a minute. Take it easy. Can't we discuss this? from Antz
Hey! Keep it movin', shorty! from Antz
Hey. from Antz
Hey. Don't talk to me about earth, okay? from Antz
Hey. Hey, guys? from Antz
Hey. Hey. Hey. Take it easy, muscles. from Antz
Hey. I got a name. Okay? It's Z. from Antz
Hey. She was the one making all the moves. from Antz
Hey. This is not a mood, okay? You're not listening to me. from Antz
Hey. Wait a minute. Let's not get We're being too hasty here. from Antz
Hey. Watch your step, worker. from Antz
Hey. Who cares about you? from Antz
Hi. from Antz
Hi. from Antz
Hi. Wanna dance? from Antz
Hm. from Antz
Hm. That's too bad. from Antz
Ho Hold up, everyone! Stop! Stop digging! from Antz
Hold on. I'll get you out. Hold on. from Antz
How could I possibly be unhappy being a piece of construction equipment? from Antz
How would you feel if you were expected to give birth from Antz
How? from Antz
Huh! from Antz
Huh. from Antz
I I didn't do anything. from Antz
I I know it sounds nuts. from Antz
I Well, I should get going, then. I from Antz
I ain't tellin' you nothin'. from Antz
I always tell myself there's gotta be something better out there. from Antz
I am filled with pride. from Antz
I am proud to send you into battle. from Antz
I believe history will see things differently. from Antz
I believe history will see things differently. from Antz
I can't believe you tried to pass yourself off as a soldier. from Antz
I chose you because you were the most pathetic little bug in the joint. from Antz
I danced with this guy at the bar the other night. from Antz
I don't know how you put up with it, Weaver. from Antz
I don't know what came over me. from Antz
I don't know where he is! from Antz
I don't know, a little differently. from Antz
I don't like the way things are going, Cutter. from Antz
I don't like the way you think, from Antz
I doubt that. from Antz
I dropped the ball. from Antz
I even had the pleasure of meeting him once. from Antz
I figured it out! Weaver. Weaver! from Antz
I generally just make belittling comments from Antz
I got a great idea. from Antz
I gotta get to those diggers before they break through! from Antz
I guess I had imagined Insectopia... from Antz
I guess I was looking for a little trouble. from Antz
I guess if it's quality time... from Antz
I guess the soldiers need their shut eye before they meet the queen. from Antz
I guess you'd have to call me a Renaissance ant. from Antz
I have a thing about drinking from the anus of another creature. Okay? from Antz
I hope you know what you're doing. from Antz
I hope you're not just here on business. from Antz
I I am? from Antz
I I got a trial membership. from Antz
I I I Everything makes me feel trapped all the time. from Antz
I I I feel physically inadequate. from Antz
I I was not cut out to be a worker, I'll tell you right now. from Antz
I just feel horrible. from Antz
I just got a better offer. Could you excu from Antz
I know almost exactly what I'm doing. from Antz
I know some ants who aren't gonna make their quota. from Antz
I know you laugh at my hobbies, but this is important to me! from Antz
I know you will all do your duty. from Antz
I like you, kid! You got a sense of humor. from Antz
I mean it. I have this fear of enclosed spaces. from Antz
I mean, how is it possible? from Antz
I mean, if this Z cares so much about us, from Antz
I mean, it was all horrible. It was just a massacre. from Antz
I mean, it's a, you know, kind of a bizarre quality. from Antz
I mean, look at this worker. Look what he's done. from Antz
I mean, she probably won't even remember you. from Antz
I mean, think about it. from Antz
I mean, up in the palace... from Antz
I mean, will we be serving beverages or processing paperwork? from Antz
I mean, you know, I'm... What is it? from Antz
I must be losin' it. from Antz
I never knew it was like that. from Antz
I only wish my daughter were here to appreciate it. from Antz
I promise I'll take you back to the colony. from Antz
I really don't think I'm ever gonna meet the right girl for me. from Antz
I think everything must go back to the fact that I had a very anxious childhood. from Antz
I think that's the weak elements, sir. from Antz
I think you're thinkin' of someone else. After all, I am a solider. from Antz
I think your information from Antz
I try, but I don't get it. from Antz
I used to be a soldier, and I switched places with him. from Antz
I was absolutely, 100%... from Antz
I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I'd drop in. from Antz
I was just havin' a little chat with my friend, sir. from Antz
I will, Your Highness. from Antz
I, uh, I work over at the palace. from Antz
I... You know, I don't think he ever once in his life made his own choice. from Antz
I'll be right back. Just hold that thought. from Antz
I'll brief you on the coordinates. from Antz
I'll check my calendar. from Antz
I'll see you at the top. from Antz
I'll tell you why. from Antz
I'll... get back to you. from Antz
I'll... I'll give you a lift! from Antz
I'm a goner. from Antz
I'm counting on you for results. from Antz
I'm going to the the tunnel opening ceremonies. from Antz
I'm going to the the tunnel opening ceremonies. from Antz
I'm gonna ask one of these workers to dance with me. from Antz
I'm gonna leave the rug just the way it is, Weaver. from Antz
I'm I'm insignificant, um, but with attitude. from Antz
I'm kinda glad Z's takin' a breather. from Antz
I'm not gonna get it. It's not my job. from Antz
I'm Princess Bala. from Antz
I'm sor I'm sorry. Were you talking to me? from Antz
I'm supposed to do everything for the colony. from Antz
I've always had these abandonment issues which plague me. from Antz
I've been kidnapped by the village idiot. from Antz
I've been traveling and I'm all schlumpy. from Antz
I've gotta believe there's someplace out there that's better than this. from Antz
I've gotta go back for her. from Antz
I've heard a lot about this Z. from Antz
If I can't see her again, my life is just not worth living. from Antz
If the termite shock troops enter our colony, well from Antz
If we don't find Insectopia soon, from Antz
If you break through that wall, we're all gonna... from Antz
If you don't have anything else planned. from Antz
If you don't have anything else planned. from Antz
If you want. from Antz
If you'd ever done a day's labor, you'd know what I was talking about. from Antz
If Z don't dig, I don't dig. from Antz
In a few moments when our expert diggers break through to the surface... from Antz
In case you haven't noticed, we ants are running the show. from Antz
In fact, you've insured the future of this colony. from Antz
In the heat of battle, there's very little time to think. from Antz
Insectopia! from Antz
Insectopia. from Antz
Insignificant. from Antz
Inspection, meaning you're gonna stand around like an idiot from Antz
Into I'm sor I'm sorry, into battle? from Antz
Is going to have to explain themselves to Colonel Cutter. from Antz
Is not my idea of a rewarding career. from Antz
It It Whoa! from Antz
It appears he's holding hands, sir, with a worker. from Antz
It is a great solace to know that you, our workers... from Antz
It is all your idea. from Antz
It is time for a new beginning. from Antz
It just doesn't work for me. from Antz
It looks like this is it, just when... I was starting to like you. from Antz
It makes us... vulnerable. from Antz
It's a shame. There are some fine officers here. from Antz
It's about us! The team! from Antz
It's about... this. from Antz
It's always slow in here the night before one of those royal reviews. from Antz
It's beautiful. from Antz
It's bound to be out there somewhere... from Antz
It's for the good of the colony. You made the right decision. from Antz
It's Insectopia! from Antz
It's like a sport for them! from Antz
It's no fun. from Antz
It's the least I can do. from Antz
It's the workers who control the means of production. from Antz
It's this whole gung ho, superorganism thing from Antz
It's working already. I'm so meaningless, I'm invisible. from Antz
It's your place, dear. from Antz
Jeez, what was I thinking? I almost got you killed. from Antz
Jeez. I love my work. And you, well... from Antz
Jeez. I'm bad at word games. from Antz
Just blame it on me. Say it was all my idea. from Antz
Just climb up that tree and find out where I am. from Antz
Just how were you figuring on beating them? from Antz
Just take take deep breaths. from Antz
Just wait right here. We'll fetch you a little something. from Antz
Just your average run of the mill valor from Antz
Just... gimme one chance. from Antz
Keep your comments to yourself. from Antz
Kid, over here. from Antz
Kid! from Antz
Kill? from Antz
Let go of me! from Antz
Let go! Don't you understand? It's for the good of the colony. from Antz
Let me ask you something. from Antz
Let me do the talking. from Antz
Let the energy flow through you! from Antz
Let's face it, you're you're you're beautiful. I from Antz
Let's get physical! I love this job! Let's go! from Antz
Let's go, soldier. from Antz
Let's go. from Antz
Let's take a walk on the wild side. from Antz
Let's try it again. from Antz
Listen, Cutter, I'm I'm not going back. from Antz
Listen, we gotta help each other get outta here before we all drown! from Antz
Look at what these workers have done. from Antz
Look for the land of red and white! from Antz
Look out! from Antz
Look out! from Antz
Look, I got orders, and those orders say "dig." from Antz
Look, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, from Antz
Look, the the trick is not to panic. from Antz
Look, what's your name. from Antz
Looking for a little action. from Antz
Love it. from Antz
Make certain the digging crew stays on schedule for breakthrough from Antz
Man, that is so deep. from Antz
Mandible! Mandible! from Antz
Mandible! Mandible! from Antz
Mandible! Mandible! from Antz
Mandible! Mandible! from Antz
Mandible's insane. He keeps talking about from Antz
May I present Her Majesty, the Queen. from Antz
Me? Oh, no, I was just You know, I from Antz
Men, let's move it! Get these ants up here. from Antz
Midway in the dedication ceremony. from Antz
Mindless zombies capitulating to an oppressive system. from Antz
Mm hmm. from Antz
Mm hmm. I can't think of any. from Antz
Mm. from Antz
Mm. You have such a big heart. from Antz
Mom, could you remind me, why am I marrying this guy? from Antz
Mom! Wait! from Antz
Moments from now this tunnel will open. from Antz
More food and less work for everyone. from Antz
More than 10 times my own bodyweight. from Antz
Mother, we're in terrible danger. from Antz
My father was basically a drone, like I've said. from Antz
My mother will have your head! from Antz
My whole life, I've never been able to lift from Antz
N No. N Not at all. You're Actually, you're lookin' terrific. from Antz
Never. from Antz
No more excuses, General. I want my daughter back. from Antz
No wars. No colony. from Antz
No, um... from Antz
No. from Antz
No. I can see it in your eyes. from Antz
No. No. I'm not. I mean, yes, I am. from Antz
No. This isn't about me. from Antz
Nobody tellin' you what to do. from Antz
Nobody told me digging was so much fun. from Antz
Not afterwards. from Antz
Not Cutter... from Antz
Not even her. from Antz
Not just your mother, everyone. from Antz
Not on our first date. from Antz
Not really, kid. They're five times our size. from Antz
Not you... from Antz
Nothing like a little manual labor on the most romantic night of my life. from Antz
Nothing like a little post traumatic stress disorder to make your day complete. from Antz
Now all we need is the princess. from Antz
Now bring me that soldier. from Antz
Now is that time. from Antz
Now, it's not all that bad being princess, is it? from Antz
Now, maybe we can put this fantasy behind us from Antz
Now, R 1734 through Z 7829, you guys are on wrecking ball. from Antz
Now, remember, Azteca, "Be the ball." from Antz
Now, soldier, from Antz
Now, you're getting it. from Antz
Now. from Antz
Oh, boy. from Antz
Oh, brother. Suddenly I've lost my appetite. from Antz
Oh, good. from Antz
Oh, I don't get out much. from Antz
Oh, me? You know, I I wear many hats. from Antz
Oh, Mother, don't be so dramatic. from Antz
Oh, Muffy! from Antz
Oh, my big, strong pheromone factory. from Antz
Oh, my God, we're not gonna make it! from Antz
Oh, my God! Z! Come here! from Antz
Oh, no! from Antz
Oh, no. from Antz
Oh, no. from Antz
Oh, no. I Well... from Antz
Oh, of course... Of course not. from Antz
Oh, please, General. Not on our first date. from Antz
Oh, please, Muffy. Not another crusade. from Antz
Oh, really. Lunatic at 3:00. from Antz
Oh, the palace, huh? I bet those royals really live it up. from Antz
Oh, yeah. Big guy comin' through. from Antz
Oh, Z! What are you doing? from Antz
Oh! I can't feel my legs. from Antz
Oh! It's even worse. They're Eurotrash. from Antz
Oh! The poor dears. from Antz
Oh! Yes, yes, of course! The The tunnel opening ceremonies. from Antz
Oh. from Antz
Oh. Come on. "Insectopia"? from Antz
Oh. She sees me! Excuse me, guys. I I I'm sorry. from Antz
Okay, everybody. 6:15. Time to dance. from Antz
Okay, mama. from Antz
Okay. I gotta keep a positive attitude. from Antz
Okay. So, think of all the things that I'm gonna do for you. from Antz
On the other hand, I probably could get used to this. from Antz
On the other hand, uh... from Antz
Once before we get married. from Antz
One more step and, uh, the princess gets it. from Antz
One must attack! Attack! Attack! from Antz
Oof! Ah! from Antz
Ooh, sorry, Z. I didn't see ya. from Antz
Ooh. from Antz
Or Or should I say, a drunk, raving source? from Antz
Orders? from Antz
Otherwise, I would just curl up in a larval position and weep. from Antz
Our platoon has the best assignment of all! We're the first into battle. from Antz
Our princess is secured, and our glorious future is at hand. from Antz
Our very next stop, Cutter. from Antz
Over the top! from Antz
Overwhelm their defenses and kill their queen! from Antz
Ow! from Antz
Ow! from Antz
Ow! Ooh! Yeeow! from Antz
Ow. This is from Antz
Pardon me. I guess you don't recognize me. from Antz
Pardon us! from Antz
People, come on. from Antz
People, what is this? An encounter group? from Antz
Perfect! from Antz
Perhaps they think we've grown soft or weak. from Antz
PI PI Please, Weaver. Please. from Antz
Please wake up. from Antz
Please. I was slumming it. from Antz
Please. Please. It was nothing really. from Antz
Poor Z. I should have never let him go. from Antz
Princess Bala is essential to all our plans for the future. from Antz
Princess Bala! Princess Bala! Hey. It's me. from Antz
Princess Bala! Princess Bala! Princess from Antz
Princess Bala! Princess Bala! The guards are coming. from Antz
Princess Bala. What a nice surprise. from Antz
Princess, fancy meeting you here. from Antz
Princess, your colony needs you. from Antz
Princess! from Antz
Princess? You're a princess? from Antz
Princess. from Antz
Psst. Weaver. from Antz
Pull up! Pull up! Ah! from Antz
Put your backs into it, people. from Antz
Really? from Antz
Remember Z from the bar? from Antz
Ridgeway, get out of there! from Antz
Ruin your mood, are you? from Antz
Run! Run! Keep going! from Antz
Runs off with the princess, right? from Antz
S S S Whoa! Oh! from Antz
Sacrifice. To some, it is just a word. from Antz
Say, what exactly does our platoon do? from Antz
Seal up the doors. from Antz
See ya. from Antz
She must be returned to take her proper place as queen. from Antz
She'll be here for a while. from Antz
She's about yea tall, fairly easy on the eyes. from Antz
Since I always feel uncomfortable around crowds. from Antz
Sir, I hate to interrupt, but time stands still for no ant. from Antz
Sir, I've been thinking. from Antz
Sir? from Antz
Sir. I don't actually think that I'm a hero. from Antz
So as far as I'm concerned, I don't need anybody else. from Antz
So big we don't even know it exists? from Antz
So he kills himself a hundred termites, gets a few medals, from Antz
So long, Chip. And thanks. from Antz
So we've got to get everyone out of here. from Antz
So wha You're no Whew! from Antz
So you can be the guests of honor at the MegaTunnel dedication ceremonies! from Antz
So, begging your pardon, from Antz
So, how come I haven't seen you around here before? from Antz
So, how was your day? from Antz
So, these termites, they're they're from Antz
So, what else can I tell you? from Antz
Soldier, the princess is vital to the future of this colony. from Antz
Soldier, you think this is a game? Insectopia does not exist. from Antz
Soldier. from Antz
Some have said "freak." from Antz
Someday... Someday you'll thank me. from Antz
Something I should've done a long time ago. from Antz
Sorry for interrupting. from Antz
Sorry I got you in trouble. from Antz
Sorry, sir. I came as soon as I heard. I was debriefing the trackers. from Antz
Sound off! from Antz
Sound off! from Antz
Sound off! from Antz
Step back, ladies. from Antz
Stop, you Hey! from Antz
Stop! I order you to stop, worker! from Antz
Suit yourself. from Antz
Superior numbers, kid! from Antz
Sure, you know. I mean, why why from Antz
Switch jobs with me just for a day. from Antz
Take him back to the MegaTunnel. Put him on the front line. from Antz
Take yourself back. Sheesh. from Antz
Talking back like that. from Antz
Ten clicks past the great canyons to the land of red and white! from Antz
Ten minutes and we're out of here. Right? This place is off limits. from Antz
Th Th That's okay. I'll I'm gonna let him off this time. from Antz
Th Think of all the things that I've done for you. from Antz
Thanks for your time. from Antz
Thanks. from Antz
That that, you know, I can't get. from Antz
That guy's got a screw loose. from Antz
That guy's got a screw loose. from Antz
That means you have certain responsibilities. from Antz
That's enough. from Antz
That's good, soldier. Now, wave. from Antz
That's it! You're the guy from the bar. from Antz
That's it. I'm taking you back to the colony. from Antz
That's the main thing. Now, remember that. from Antz
That's why he kidnapped our princess. That's why he ran away. from Antz
That's why we must strike now, while we have the element of surprise. from Antz
That's why you're my little cuddly widdles. from Antz
That's Z! from Antz
The authorities don't want you to know about it, from Antz
The enemy was destroyed, but I'm afraid it was a disaster for our troops, as well. from Antz
The General and I are deeply, from Antz
The idiot or the idiot who gets kidnapped by the idiot? from Antz
The lake? from Antz
The little guy made it! from Antz
The monolith! from Antz
The monolith! from Antz
The past will be washed away, and a new day will dawn. from Antz
The precision. The order. from Antz
The private has asked me to convey his most humble appreciation. from Antz
The queen requested a meeting with the war hero. from Antz
The streets are paved with food. from Antz
The swarthy, earthy, sensual worker. from Antz
The thing is, Princess, I got orders. from Antz
The whole system makes me feel... from Antz
Then bada bing, bada bip, bags himself the princess. from Antz
Then they're the ones we'll be sending. from Antz
Then why isn't he here? from Antz
There is a better place. from Antz
There is a bit of good news, sir. One soldier did make it back. from Antz
There is. I've been there. from Antz
There it is! from Antz
There they are! Down there! Let's go. Move. Move. Move. from Antz
There was nothing you could do, Weaver. from Antz
There you have it. Your average "boy meets girl, from Antz
There's a better place. from Antz
There's just gotta be a better place. from Antz
There's not enough time! from Antz
There's some kind of force field. from Antz
These These guys sound like bruisers. from Antz
These are the units loyal to the queen. from Antz
These guys are not going to put up much of a fight? We're talkin' pushovers, right? from Antz
They got the right stuff. Isn't there any other way? from Antz
They lack discipline. They lack commitment. from Antz
They lost Bala's trail at the edge of the lake. from Antz
They're desperate for more foraging territory. from Antz
They're here! from Antz
Things are going to change around here. from Antz
Things are going to change. from Antz
Think about it, Z. Two ants. from Antz
Think for yourself. from Antz
This guy's idea of a romantic night out is two seats at a public execution. from Antz
This had better be important. from Antz
This is a ball! from Antz
This is for the good of the colony, sir. from Antz
This is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. from Antz
This is not how it looks. I can explain this. from Antz
This is the only way I can see her. from Antz
This is very embarrassing for me, I from Antz
This is, uh... very bohemian. from Antz
This one goes out to all the lazy workers. from Antz
This tremendous accomplishment is a testimony to the strength... from Antz
To die for the colony. from Antz
To others, it is a code! from Antz
To someone talkin' about impersonatin' a soldier. from Antz
Today is the realization of a dream. from Antz
Too bad for him. from Antz
Trial membership. That's a good one! from Antz
Tunnel opening ceremonies. from Antz
Uh oh. from Antz
Uh, a giant hole in the ground? from Antz
Uh, excuse me. Excuse me. How do you get in? from Antz