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The Love Bug

The Love Bug

The Love Bug, a classic Disney film, is a beloved tale that captured the hearts of many viewers. Released in 1968, this iconic movie introduced the world to an adorable little Volkswagen Beetle with a mind of its own. Directed by Robert Stevenson and written by Bill Walsh and Don DaGradi, The Love Bug quickly became a success, spawning several sequels and leaving an indelible mark on pop culture.

The cast of The Love Bug included various talented actors who brought their characters to life with charm and charisma. Dean Jones starred as Jim Douglas, a down-on-his-luck race car driver who stumbles upon the lovable car named Herbie. Jones perfectly portrayed the frustration, hilarity, and eventual fondness that Jim develops for this extraordinary vehicle.

The amazing Michele Lee portrayed Carole Bennett, a fellow racer who becomes a love interest for Jim. Equally skilled in both comedic and dramatic moments, Lee's portrayal of Carole added depth and complexity to the story. Her chemistry with Dean Jones on-screen was undeniable and lent an extra layer of authenticity to their characters' romantic relationship.

David Tomlinson, best known for his role as Mr. Banks in Mary Poppins, played the role of Peter Thorndyke. As a wealthy, arrogant competitor, Tomlinson injected The Love Bug with comedic tension that elevated the story's conflict. His interactions with Jim and Herbie were a constant source of amusement and provided a stark contrast to the film's overall sweetness.

Arguably, the true star of The Love Bug was Herbie, the lovable Volkswagen Beetle with a knack for mischief. Though there were no band members in this feature film, Herbie became an endearing character in and of itself. With its vibrant blue and red racing stripes, expressive headlights, and vivid personality, Herbie established itself as another icon within the Disney universe. The sounds of Herbie's engine and the delightful honking weaved throughout the movie added an extra layer of charm and enchantment, immersing the audience in the world of this lovable car.

If you'd like to experience the sounds of Herbie yourself, you can play and download them here. Immerse yourself in the whimsical world of Herbie and relive the magic of The Love Bug. Close your eyes and transport yourself to a time when a simple bond between man and machine could warm hearts and captivate audiences.

Beyond its endearing characters, The Love Bug also offered a delightful story that combined elements of comedy, romance, and adventure. The film's plot follows Jim Douglas as he discovers Herbie's extraordinary abilities, leading to a series of hilarious and entertaining misadventures. From unexpected racing victories to encounters with eccentric characters, The Love Bug takes viewers on a journey filled with laughter, heartwarming moments, and an underdog story that resonates with audiences of all ages.

The Love Bug remains a memorable and cherished film that has stood the test of time. Even over five decades after its release, its impact can still be felt in popular culture, making it a must-see for fans of classic cinema and Disney enthusiasts alike. With its stellar cast, well-crafted story, and the unforgettable presence of Herbie, this film continues to capture the hearts of new generations, spreading joy and instilling a belief in the unexpected power of love.

So, if you're looking for a heartwarming film that embodies the spirit of friendship, adventure, and a touch of Disney magic, The Love Bug should be at the top of your list. Play and download the iconic sounds associated with this beloved film and prepare to fall in love with Herbie, Jim, and the delightful world they inhabit.

A couple of weirdos, Guinevere.
A little bird's nest soup never hurt anyone.
A little trouble gettin' it started.
A moment ago you mentioned teaching me a lesson.
A most worthy adversary.
A quality not necessarily to be despised.
A rum lot you've taken up with, my dear.
A usted también.
A very loyal girl.
A wise man once said...
A year and a half, almost two. Why?
Aah! Aah!
About $75.
Actually, at this hour, only one car is unaccounted for.
Against the remaining payment.
Ah, Douglas.
Ah, shut up. You want Herbie to hear you?
Ain't you got no pride?
All cars off the starting grid and through turn one.
All gone.
All I do here is sell food,
All of my drivers are 18, 19.
All right, boys, you heard Mr. Thorndyke. Tear it apart.
All right, don't do anything sudden.
All right, it looks like Chinese Camp's about three miles from here.
All right, let's get the spare wheel on and get Herbie back on the road.
All right, Miss Bennett, I'll see to this gentleman myself.
All right, tell me.
All right, you can take it here.
All right, you guys, get out of there.
All right. Do you want me to tell you something,
All the cars looking very smart on the grid.
Altogether now.
An oil job.
And after all, who should know it better than I?
And allow me to say, sir,
And apparently is out of control.
And as you said before, it does have some peculiar traits,
And assault my personal Rolls Royce!
And Carole?
And Douglas, number 53, making the pass.
And Erwin in third place.
And furthermore, I ain't no mechanic.
And give you $1,500 for it.
And goes crashing into the number four shut off card.
And he's going to work on your car.
And how he hates it sometimes, mostly, how he loves it.
And hung a beautiful Buick Special on the back fence.
And I agree with you completely.
And I would hawk them and buy lunch.
And I'm perfectly willing to increase my previous offer
And if ever I find it here again,
And in just a moment we'll have the start.
And is in hot pursuit of Thorndyke in the number 14 car.
And is rapidly making up lost ground as the two pacemakers near the famous
And it makes me wait six seconds longer than anybody else. I timed it.
And it would grab cameras and watches, and drop them down a hole to me.
And now, sir, the terms of our wager.
And one or two of them turn out to be something special.
And that ain't too good.
And the proceeds given to Mr. Wu.
And the usual monthly payments, the car will become his.
And there he goes by us.
And third place!
And this four wheel contrivance dropped into the bay!
And this one tells us that the Thorndyke car
And Thorndyke goes rocketing by into the sweeper turn.
And very strong.
And we can't see it.
And what does that mean?
And when I ask myself, "Could this man be capable
And while here in Virginia City,
And you two clowns can have your little laugh.
And, actually, at any moment now,
And, by golly, so are we,
And, if you don't mind, some pretty fair country driving.
ANNOUNCER: All cars getting off to a very nice start.
ANNOUNCER: And now the starter has his flag in the air.
ANNOUNCER: And now, here in Virginia City,
ANNOUNCER: As we come down the back straight,
ANNOUNCER: Attention, drivers and owners, report to Mr. Granatelli
ANNOUNCER: Now car number 53, Douglas, starts to make a move!
ANNOUNCER: The standings at lap 23...
ANNOUNCER: There is some passing as they leave the starting grid.
Another kind of a civilization is gonna take a turn.
Anticipation of victory is the purest form of aspirin.
Any sign of them?
Any style of car and crew you wish.
Anything goes.
Are approaching the historic mining towns of the mother lode.
Are the chances of victory for the Douglas car?
Are you all right? Are you dizzy?
Are you not the gentleman who originated the idea of small print
Are you presuming to tell me what to do in my own establishment?
Are you suggesting that I would stoop to such tactics?
As a matter of fact, bring it in tomorrow, and I'll find a replacement for you.
As a matter of fact, I don't know...
As a matter of fact, I'm beginning to like it.
As I realize you have the best interests of this organization at heart,
As I, too, am interested in the vehicle, I took the liberty of looking you up.
As they go down the back straight, coming on very hard to pass now
As we come to the midway point in the first day's racing,
As you know, this is open formula racing.
At 7:30?
At a time like this, whatever kind of time it is,
At the finish line in a very few minutes.
At the moment, the leaders of the race
At the president's headquarters.
At Willow Springs... Was it a year ago last February?
Atta boy.
Attaway, Jimmy boy!
Auto wrecking company in San Francisco,
Back to Yosemite Valley.
Balderdash! There isn't a driver in the world
Based then on what you now know, what would you say
Be serious, will you?
Because I get credit for winning those races.
Because the other people would say, "Ahhh..."
Before you suggested it.
Believe me, Jim. It'll be happier up there.
Believe me, when I was in this car alone, it was...
Blast you, Havershaw! How dare you patronize me!
Boy, was he lucky.
Break a leg, Thorndyke.
But can you imagine how I'd make it with equipment like this?
But don't make it look too easy.
But he has to sell Herbie back to me for a dollar.
But Herbie doesn't fit.
But I am nothing if not always a man of my word.
But I can use your money.
But I gotta stop kidding myself.
But I think I can make something out of that sad little bucket of bolts.
But I was beginning to think I'd never be anything more
But I'm sure that car's a real cutup when a convention comes to town.
But if I sold this gentleman the car, I feel a certain responsibility.
But it didn't work out, did it?
But now I see it makes all kinds of sense.
But the other people, they don't tell no other people,
But the Thorndyke car is moving up!
But we gotta draw the line somewhere.
But we'll return to the El Dorado at 7:30 tomorrow morning
But why should I think that's such a good idea?
But you gotta admit that this little guy backed you all the way.
But you said yourself earlier, it's a very nice little car.
But you're driving superbly.
Came over me all of a sudden.
Can you do something?
Can you help me, please?
Can't hear myself think.
Can't help feeling yippie.
Can't you understand? I'm not a mechanic!
Car number 53, Douglas, making his bid.
Carole, put your feet back here on the bumper.
Carole, turn around.
Carole, will you tell him how it is?
CAROLE: Oh! Ooh!
CAROLE: You don't look well in these pictures lately.
Cars stretching out now.
Cheap, honest transportation.
Clear the grid, please.
Clear the grid, please.
Come in!
Come in! Come in!
Come on, baby, it's gonna be a beautiful day tomorrow.
Come on, baby.
Come on, back in your seat.
Come on, come on, will you? I'm in a hurry!
Come on, come on.
Come on, push!
Come on. Come on!
Coming right up, sir.
Coney Ireland.
Contrariwise, the traffic light down the street hates my guts.
Dare to think that I drove you here on purpose?
Did a little car come by here?
Did you see this thing take off?
Didn't mean to disturb you.
Didn't say a word.
Do I now detect a note of timidity?
Do you hear something?
Do you mind if I try it?
Do you mind standing clear?
Do you mind?
Do you want to sell it back?
Does not greatly concern a gentleman like yourself.
Doesn't he take care of his car after a race?
Don't forget, he isn't the first guy ever to lose his head
Don't give him any trouble.
Don't let it get you, Herbie.
Don't lose your grip, old buddy.
Don't make a fuss. I need the money.
Don't panic, don't panic.
Don't pay any attention. Don't even look at it.
Don't talk to me.
Don't worry, Jim will be back soon.
Don't worry, little guy.
Don't worry... Hey!
Don't you even know how to open a map?
Don't you?
Douglas has just come alive and is pressing the leader now.
Douglas is slowing down
Douglas, number 53, is drawing close on Thorndyke in the number 14 car.
Down the backstretch, all by himself now.
Drivers signify that they're ready to race with their hands extended in the air.
Dual quads, all synchro box, zero to 60 under five.
Easy, fellas.
Even as you, I believed in the little car.
Everybody into the turn went very nicely.
Everybody out.
Everybody was on his back.
Everyone but Thorndyke.
Everything explains itself one way or the other.
Excellent. Strike while the iron is hot.
Excuse me asking, but aren't you doing all right with the little car?
Excuse me, Mr. Thorndyke,
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Fair? It's not fair! I'm being muscled!
Field stretching out now.
Fine. I thought we'd run over to that new restaurant...
First, say nothing that would jeopardize your constitutional rights.
For bringing me down to this ridiculous desert...
For the dear little thing.
For the first time in a long while, I felt my real self out there today.
Forget it. And good bye.
Forgive me for pointing, but have you ever seen that car before?
From Virginia City to Yosemite, the run for the gold.
Further, you must remain on the secondary roads,
Fuzz don't bother you much up there.
Gentlemen, start your engines!
Get me out of here!
Get rid of that slop.
Get this eyesore out of my showroom.
Get to know him.
Give me an 11 mill wrench, will ya?
Give me police station!
Give me something to wipe my goggles!
Give me the map.
Give me your hand!
Go ahead.
Go on, grab the brute!
Go on. Realize what you're saying?
Go right ahead.
Go, Jimmy! Ha, ha, ha!
Go? What for?
Goes slightly off course, takes out some oranges,
Going for turn one.
Going through traffic, passing number 23 now,
Good bye, Herbie.
Good bye, Mr. Douglas.
Good bye.
Good day.
Good evening, my dear.
Good evening.
Good luck.
Good morning.
Good morning. What do you want?
Good night, everyone.
Good o, sir, good o! You can't lose!
Good stuff, Herb.
Good, good.
Got Herbie all polished out for you.
Got some contemplation going.
Grab hold of that strap and pull!
Gradually his nose got shaped more and more
Greatest little car in the whole world.
Groovy, Pop. Groovy.
Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next.
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Ha, ha... Aah!
Hang onto it, you fools! Hang on!
Hang tight. This may be a fast takeoff.
Has everybody gone nuts around here?
Has it occurred to you that it may not be the rotten car?
Have you gone mad?
Have you had much experience with cars?
Havershaw, did you ever think of having a manicure?
Havershaw, I am not a cowardly man, but I am beginning to sense
Havershaw, I shan't pretend I don't know what you're thinking.
Havershaw, I trust you've not been wasting your time.
Havershaw, if you tell me that the bubbles tickle your nose,
Havershaw, tear it apart!
Havershaw, you are a rat after my own heart.
Havershaw, you're despicable.
Havershaw? I shall require the personnel
He comes through the S's into turn six well in control.
He couldn't get a job.
He gets hysterical if somebody scratches the paint
He got his self respect back.
He got into trouble.
He has just come alive and is making a challenge in this race.
He is really flying down the road.
He likes the car so much he wants to keep it.
He made a pizza out of it.
He never would have left if it hadn't been something important.
He really does drive.
He used to box middleweight.
He went out as soon as we got back.
He'll come to his senses.
He's a car buff.
He's being shut off by Thorndyke in the number 14 car.
He's just in off a flying saucer. But you... I thought you made sense.
He's looking forward to some relaxation just like you are.
He's moving up.
Headache gone?
Hear, hear.
Hello! Police station!
Help! I'm a prisoner! I can't get out!
Herb! Back up!
Herbie and I sure appreciate it.
Herbie don't believe in you no more.
Herbie wouldn't like me?
Herbie, give me some help!
Herbie's all right.
Here at the finish, we're still waiting for our first glimpse of the leaders.
Here is the number 14 car of Thorndyke going into the sweeper turn.
Here it comes again, sir.
Here we go!
Here we go.
Here we go.
Here you are, sir.
Here, I'll help you.
Here. Turn him around.
Hey, eat that. That's good.
Hey, he's a cute little fella.
Hey, how'd it go?
Hey, I used to think that I was happy paintin' flower seeds.
Hey, I was out there, too.
Hey, I'm not trying to take anything away from you,
Hey, knock it off, will you, sis?
Hey, look, this is ridiculous.
Hey, there are dirt track races at a carnival near Bakersfield this week.
Hey, we were turning.
Hey, where'd that wheel come from?
Hey, you know something?
Hey, you!
Hey! Come here!
Hey! Some of you people get over here right away!
Hey! You got something against driving on the streets?
Hold it, hold it.
Hold it!
Hold it! Hold it, everybody.
Holds together?
Hooray! Hooray!
How about all those car agencies down on Van Ness?
How about it, Dad?
How can I blame anyone?
How can I send it back into that rat race tomorrow?
How could I look well?
How did that little car get here?
How do you know all that?
How do you know?
How he wagered the car on the outcome of the race.
How long have you been with us?
How true it is that the best ways are the simplest ways after all.
How very odd. When I was driving, there was no problem whatsoever.
How very refreshing.
How very well you've proved in all your duties.
How, indeed.
How's our little friend?
How's that sound?
However, I pride myself on being a good judge of character,
I admit, I didn't believe it when Tennessee told me before,
I ain't sayin' this is the classiest joint in town,
I always say that money serves to ease the pain.
I am not losing my nerve!
I beg your pardon?
I bet that a top mechanic there gets a lot of good bread laid on him.
I brought it back. I want my money,
I can get out, thank you!
I can take any amount of this.
I can understand how Tennessee feels.
I can't hang on much longer!
I can't seem to do anything with it!
I can't stand that hungry look any longer.
I can't talk to Jim.
I can't weld that!
I certainly don't intend losing any sleep over that absurd car.
I could go 80 in a pinch.
I could have told you all this was coming.
I demand that this thing is impounded and checked!
I did not bring you here!
I didn't come by to see Mr. Douglas.
I didn't know nothing.
I didn't mean to startle you.
I didn't want you to miss your dinner engagement!
I discovered my real self.
I do apologize.
I do, indeed.
I don't care how cracked your father's rice bowl is.
I don't get you, fella.
I don't have to go to Tibet.
I don't know how you rigged it,
I don't know why, but in the last six weeks,
I don't know, but...
I don't know.
I don't know. It was like he disappeared.
I don't like to remind you, sir, but if only you'd read the terms
I don't think his way.
I don't think you got the picture.
I don't want the car replaced.
I don't want your money! What do you want the car for?
I get rid of one heel just in time to find another.
I got a beautiful picture.
I got a small knock in my conscience.
I got it!
I gotta level with somebody.
I guess it thought you were
I have trouble with names and faces, but I never forget a car.
I haven't been able to sleep.
I haven't caught anything but a stop signal.
I hope it holds together.
I hope this holds together. I'm putting welds on top of welds.
I imagine Adam thought woman was a pretty funny piece of equipment
I just came by to pay my respects to that gallant little car.
I just said that.
I just want you to know that I know I know it, and I don't like it!
I kind of felt you felt that.
I know just how you feel, Jim.
I know what I want.
I know who I am.
I know why.
I know, nothing worse than an Irish coffee hangover.
I like a spot of anything.
I like good machinery.
I may be kidding myself,
I mean, a sense of authority, like the top drivers have, you know?
I mean, we don't have a parrot.
I need a big, strong car.
I note it's not in mint condition,
I own most of it anyway, you know.
I plugged into this contemplation thing...
I ran out of pride when I ran out of cars.
I really wish I knew!
I remember.
I said to myself, now, there's a real lady.
I said, "What?"
I see things like they are.
I see you finally learned how to handle this car.
I shall probably kill you!
I share your curiosity.
I should have enjoyed beating it.
I should have given you a citation!
I should welcome the opportunity.
I shouldn't have butted in.
I spent some time up on a Chinese type mountain
I take it that the question of price
I tell you, I had nothing to do with it.
I tell you, there's more going on here than meets the eye!
I think Herbie did something to himself that last fall.
I think I ought to tell you that that was Mr. Douglas who just called.
I think I saw that car at an agency yesterday.
I think it's just about time someone told you what the score is.
I think Mr. Thorndyke is a little mixed up as to who or what won that race.
I think Mr. Thorndyke is being very fair.
I think we've worked it out very well.
I think you better stop before someone gets hurt.
I think you were up on that mountaintop too long.
I think you've been up on that Haight Ashbury beat too long.
I thought it would win.
I thought you were the guy with all the faith in this car.
I understand from a friend of mine
I understand that you are out of the race.
I understand that.
I want 567 3998.
I want the papers I signed, and then I'll get out of here,
I want to check those adjustments I made last night.
I want you to accede to a somewhat unusual request.
I went to Tibet, to a mountaintop with swamis and monks.
I will bid you good day, sir.
I wish I knew.
I wish there was some way I could make up for those hamburgers.
I wish you all the very best of luck.
I won't be a minute.
I wonder if your reputation is altogether true.
I would advise that you get a good lawyer.
I would never sell a car to someone
I would say that they range from slight to impossible.
I would've preferred knowing you a little longer first.
I wouldn't blame you if you threw me out.
I wouldn't have believed it.
I, who have been trounced time and again by this paragon.
I'd like another shot at that prize money.
I'd say it's gone for that last big lube job up yonder.
I'll be back in a jiffy!
I'll be here all night if necessary. Ha, ha, ha!
I'll bomb the thing off the road once and for all!
I'll do it, but I just want to go on record. I have seen some crummy stunts
I'll do it. Okay.
I'll draw up the papers. Would you come with me, please? Um...
I'll drive.
I'll find a good spot for it.
I'll fix it.
I'll go easy on you.
I'll just give them a friendly nudge.
I'll just step out and find myself a taxi.
I'll see you in a minute.
I'll take them.
I'll tell you the secret of the little car.
I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll take the car and give you $1,000 clear.
I'm a driver!
I'm also informed that you owe a great deal of money on it.
I'm getting out of here.
I'm going to hoist it up and drag it out.
I'm going to squash him.
I'm gonna make some more coffee.
I'm in the vicinity.
I'm knocking back a little rice wine.
I'm not a mechanic, but I think it's suffering.
I'm not going to falter, you dimwit!
I'm not out there, crumb, I'm here.
I'm not saying that a mechanical thing, it can't be a friend.
I'm not with Peter Thorndyke anymore.
I'm quite sure that if I were driving, none of these things would've happened.
I'm really terribly sorry.
I'm simply trying to give you some money!
I'm sitting up on top of this mountain, right?
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry. I have no money.
I'm sure that Mr. Douglas would like to get
I'm surrounded by these gurus and swamis and monks, right?
I'm terribly embarrassed by the delay. I don't know what...
I'm trying, but my mind don't get the message.
I'm trying! Look!
I'm your friend.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I've been misjudging a lot of people lately.
I've done great with this little car so far, thanks to a few changes I made
If anything goes wrong, we lose Herbie altogether.
If I can get over there, I can pick up a couple of bucks.
If I wanted a trick car, I would've bought one in a joke shop.
If I weren't so young and innocent, a certain thought might enter my mind.
If you could give me one good reason
If you examine paragraph 12...
In all honesty, I should like to point out
In first position, as he moves past checkpoint three, is Jim Douglas.
In my time used to sell cars, but this beats everything!
In not telling you long before now
In point of fact, you are a very shrewd operator,
In the first place, it might interest you
In the light of this, would you entertain a sizable wager
Instead of all this technical mamby pamby there's so much of today,
Into the straight now is Thorndyke, car number 14.
Into the sweeper very hard and fast.
Irish coffee.
Is beginning to catch up with the rest of the field.
Is capable of such great deeds.
Is car number 53, Douglas.
Is it all right if I just cry real soft?
Is it so important to you?
Is only interested in fast cars and easy money.
Is still holding first position at this time.
Is that what you think?
Is that your car?
Is this the morning bus to Fresno?
Is to have Mr. Douglas tapped into jail,
Isn't that the scruffy little car we had in the shop?
It gave us everything it's got.
It is developing a problem of some kind.
It is truly written, one cannot lose them all.
It just bugs me to see somebody abusing a decent piece of machinery.
It looks as though the Douglas car is having trouble.
It really is quite a fine little automobile.
It said, "You ain't happy." Well, I...
It seemed to be trying to get at us, sir.
It takes time.
It was so beat up, I had to cut the frame to straighten it out.
It was the only decent thing to do.
It was wonderful.
It's all right, Tennessee. I know what I'm doing.
It's all yours.
It's already starting to happen.
It's an elevator.
It's chilled the way you like it, sir.
It's either us or it this time.
It's for a friend.
It's for you.
It's got nothing left to give.
It's heart.
It's just incredible, isn't it, to think that this innocent seeming object
It's just like I told you.
It's just that it wants to go one way, and I'd like to go the other.
It's long overdue, sir.
It's no use trying to blink the fact.
It's none of my business, but where are you going on your honeymoon?
It's okay, we're together.
It's the least I can do to help a fellow human at a time like this.
It's this nasty little car.
It's your car.
Jim didn't mean it.
Jim Douglas, driving a class D special.
Jim was defeated. It was murder.
Jim, it don't matter whether you believe Herbie or not.
Jim, it's happening right under our noses,
Jim, that's water!
Jim, you gotta look at yourself.
JIM: All right, give me a hand.
JIM: Herbie!
JIM: Hey, wait a minute.
JIM: Hold it!
JIM: No dice. Herbie doesn't want to stop.
JIM: No. No, I haven't.
JIM: Ready?
JIM: Socially compatible?
JIM: Stop! Herbie, stop!
JIM: Why don't you let the little car alone?
JIM: You okay?
Just a minute!
Just a moment, Mr. Thorndyke, you don't have...
Just a moment, please.
Just a moment.
Just as I thought... Water.
Just keep driving!
Just to hold it on the ground.
Just treat it gently at first.
Le Mans, Monte Carlo,
Leave your car.
Left Herbie and me flat.
Legitimate means, of course, a number of varied enterprises.
Let go, let go. Give me your hand.
Let me open the door.
Let me... Will you knock it off out there, Tennessee?
Let's don't get personal. It's a matter of talking their language.
Let's get back in the car, huh?
Let's go to work.
Let's go, Herb.
Let's go!
Let's see. Two years ago at Laguna Seca, you spun out,
Like it?
Like maybe he won't hang together much longer.
Like the song of a bluebird.
Like to remind me of this little car.
Like what?
Like, when I was broke one summer,
Look out!
Look, I'm busy!
Look, I'm sorry about your date! I really am!
Look, lady, by profession, I'm a racing driver.
Look, now, wait a minute. There's something cockeyed about this.
Look, the El Dorado is coming up.
Look! Look what it did to my car!
Look! There's another one!
Looks like we're in pretty good shape.
Looks like you've been running into all sorts of things lately.
Making a move is Peter Thorndyke in the number 14 car,
MAN 1: Hey, nice going, champ!
MAN 2: Hey, what a champ! Way to drive!
May I be of service, sir?
May I please speak to the gentleman, please?
Maybe he'll transform it into a birdbath.
Maybe some advertising gimmick.
Maybe some of those feelings got into the machinery, I don't know.
Maybe that's not your thing, racing.
Me and these kind of wheels.
Me? Ha!
Mind if I come in?
Mind if I use those coveralls?
Miss Bennett...
Mmm hmm.
Mmm! Herbie.
Mmm. You know something about champagne, sir?
Mobile KQX2942,
More honestly, I could not resist the odds.
Most guys spread more love and time and money on a car in a week
Mr. Douglas needs a car, and for a very low amount down,
Mr. Douglas, I have a friend with a claw and hook
Mr. Douglas, I'm asking you nicely to pull over to that curb and let me out!
Mr. Douglas, if there is anything wrong with the car,
Mr. Douglas, please don't go on about it.
Mr. Thorndyke, I think that's a very good idea of yours.
Mr. Thorndyke, that isn't me!
Mr. Thorndyke, yes, sir?
Mr. Wu, the wiring is mostly all burned off.
Much obliged.
Mucha suerte, señor.
My dear child, how little you know me.
My father say hurry is waste.
My guess is, the judge will order you to sell it at auction
My windbag friend?
Nice going, Herbie. We've almost got him.
No doubt.
No more shortcuts like that last one, Jim.
No sign of them.
No sweat, man.
No, he's done something to it, and I've got to find out what!
No, Herbie! Don't!
No, Jim. It ain't okay.
No, just a minute.
No, no, please.
No, not exactly.
No, sir. No, sir. Of course not, sir. No, no.
No! You don't want to do that.
Nobody knows why.
Not a glimmer, sir.
Not after what happened today I don't.
Not full. Can't go yet.
Not quite as naive as you look.
Not too smart wandering around the park at night.
Not true.
Not when you do something like this to Herbie.
Not yet, Herbie! Not yet!
Now come right over the top.
Now don't start that again, Tennessee.
Now give me your hand.
Now he comes by and picks up three more cars, going into the lead now.
Now he's making his re entry!
Now I got it.
Now I think you'll see what's what.