A big hand for Baltimore's own Trinklettes. from Hairspray
A big strong line, ladies and gentlemen. It's "Madison Time." from Hairspray
A Corny Collins record hop, and I've got craters. from Hairspray
A foot in the door, that's all it is. from Hairspray
A fortune teller told me My love with you was through from Hairspray
A hey hey from Hairspray
A hey hey from Hairspray
A hey hey from Hairspray
A little somethin' to eat? from Hairspray
A little... from Hairspray
A local group with a big hit record. from Hairspray
A massive manhunt is underway for Miss Turnblad... from Hairspray
A new Council Member making her first appearance on the show... from Hairspray
A no no, a no no from Hairspray
A spokesgirl?! from Hairspray
A warm welcome for the queen of Baltimore soul... from Hairspray
Aah, I from Hairspray
Aah! from Hairspray
Aah! from Hairspray
Aah! from Hairspray
Aah! from Hairspray
Aah! Aah! from Hairspray
Aah! Let me down! from Hairspray
About earthquakes and volcanoes. from Hairspray
About your daughter's whereabouts. from Hairspray
Absolutely not. from Hairspray
Again I love you from Hairspray
Ah, damn. Just when I was gettin' it. from Hairspray
Ah, whoa. Sorry, little darlin'. from Hairspray
Ah! from Hairspray
Ah! from Hairspray
Ah! from Hairspray
Ah! from Hairspray
Ahh! from Hairspray
Ahh! from Hairspray
Ahh! from Hairspray
Ahh! from Hairspray
Ahh! Ohh. from Hairspray
Ahh. Your mother and I... from Hairspray
ALL (CHANTING): No, no, no! from Hairspray
All around the limbo clock from Hairspray
All around the limbo clock from Hairspray
All around the limbo world from Hairspray
All at prices you can afford. Big is beautiful. from Hairspray
All of greater downtown Baltimore... from Hairspray
All over the neighborhood from Hairspray
All ratted up like a teenage Jezebel. from Hairspray
All right, all right. from Hairspray
All right, boys. from Hairspray
All right, here she comes, looking very fine. from Hairspray
All right, here's I. Q. Jones and Lou Ann Levorowski... from Hairspray
All right, hon. from Hairspray
All right, ladies and gentlemen. from Hairspray
All right, ladies and gentlemen... from Hairspray
All right, ladies, let's go. Let's play dodgeball. from Hairspray
All right, Miss buttercup. from Hairspray
All right, Motormouth, just three couples left. from Hairspray
All right, now. After school, you know where to go. from Hairspray
All right, now. I want to introduce you to my main man. from Hairspray
All right! Yeah! from Hairspray
All right. from Hairspray
All right. from Hairspray
All right. from Hairspray
All right. from Hairspray
All right. Hold on to your hats, all you continental rockers... from Hairspray
All right. Now... from Hairspray
All right. Time y'all knew. from Hairspray
All right. Yeah. from Hairspray
All the girls and the guys from Hairspray
All the ratings she deserves? from Hairspray
All the way from Louisiana... from Hairspray
ALL: Aw! from Hairspray
ALL: Five? from Hairspray
ALL: Free Tracy Turnblad! from Hairspray
ALL: Free Tracy Turnblad! Free Tracy Turnblad! from Hairspray
ALL: Free Tracy Turnblad! Free Tracy Turnblad! from Hairspray
ALL: Good morning, Mrs. Shipley. from Hairspray
ALL: I pledge allegiance to the flag... from Hairspray
ALL: Ooh! WOMAN: Boyfriend. from Hairspray
ALL: Segregation never! Integration now! from Hairspray
ALL: The Corny Collins Show. from Hairspray
ALL: The Corny Collins Show. from Hairspray
ALL: Tracy! from Hairspray
ALL: Tracy! Tracy! Tracy! from Hairspray
ALL: Two, four, six, eight! TV's got to integrate! from Hairspray
ALL: Two, four, six, eight! TV's got to integrate! from Hairspray
ALL: Yeah! from Hairspray
ALL: Yeah! from Hairspray
ALL: Yeah! from Hairspray
Already hid, you better holler Billy goat from Hairspray
Always the charmer, Amber. from Hairspray
Amber Von Tussle and the Roach. from Hairspray
Amber will be so proud of us. from Hairspray
Amber, I'd like to talk to you. from Hairspray
Amber, stop it! from Hairspray
Amber, stop it. from Hairspray
Amber, that move is far too dirty. from Hairspray
Amber, you're such a comedian, heh. from Hairspray
AMBER: I said no. from Hairspray
AMBER: Yes, Corny. Please, wait outside. from Hairspray
Amber. from Hairspray
Amber. from Hairspray
Amber. from Hairspray
Amen, amen! from Hairspray
Amen. from Hairspray
An ill fitting tux, snapping bar mitzvah photos. from Hairspray
And all mashed up against a crooner? from Hairspray
And as exciting as that might sound... from Hairspray
And at the same time frustrated by the lack of sizes in stores today. from Hairspray
And away we go from Hairspray
And back in front of the cameras where you belong. from Hairspray
And bewildered by the world we see from Hairspray
And come to a final decision. from Hairspray
And dedicate it to some of my special friends... from Hairspray
And discuss the details. from Hairspray
And don't tell me what to say from Hairspray
And each new day from Hairspray
And everything's all right from Hairspray
And fight, fight, fight. from Hairspray
And girl you know about Emmy from Hairspray
And he's always downstairs in that shop workin' late. from Hairspray
And hold it right there from Hairspray
And I bet some people will find it quite difficult. from Hairspray
And I came down from that cloud real quickly, I'll tell you that. from Hairspray
And I do absolutely nothing else! from Hairspray
And I gotta dance with mine. from Hairspray
And I knew that, but how could she go that far? from Hairspray
And I overheard it on the news. from Hairspray
And I replaced them from Hairspray
And I think we oughta call it a night. from Hairspray
And I want you to absorb my 15 percent commission. from Hairspray
And I won't stop tryin' to change them. from Hairspray
And I'm Motormouth Maybelle remindin'... from Hairspray
And I'm Tracy! from Hairspray
And I'm your fabled Miss Motormouth Maybelle... from Hairspray
And I'm... Link. from Hairspray
And if you were president, Tracy... from Hairspray
And is currently being held at Montrose. from Hairspray
And it started right here in Baltimore. from Hairspray
And let them know that we will not stand for racism. from Hairspray
And may I be frank? from Hairspray
And maybe even give the Hardy Har a little p p p plug, heh. from Hairspray
And my diet pill is wearing off. from Hairspray
And no one can hurt you, oh, no from Hairspray
And now a fast girl who loves to slow dance... from Hairspray
And now for the talent portion of our competition... from Hairspray
And now here she is on local daytime TV. from Hairspray
And now it's time to move on to a little something we call the spotlight. from Hairspray
And now, broadcast live in front of a live studio audience... from Hairspray
And now, it's the moment you've all been craving for. from Hairspray
And oh, my darling from Hairspray
And oh, my darling from Hairspray
And others who could not practice their religion in England. from Hairspray
And our cameras also caught Tracy Turnblad... from Hairspray
And our first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, does it. from Hairspray
And out negotiating them. from Hairspray
And Penny, don't you be listening... from Hairspray
And please, when I go out with you from Hairspray
And show them that special education is nothing to laugh about. from Hairspray
And thank you, Tammy. from Hairspray
And that title wasn't handed to me on a silver platter. I worked for it. from Hairspray
And that winner is... from Hairspray
And the black kids you try to hold back. from Hairspray
And the hits a turning with Mr. Gene Chandler... from Hairspray
And the new Miss Hairspray is... from Hairspray
And the show biz offers are pouring in. from Hairspray
And the way to a man's heart is through his funny bone. from Hairspray
And then to just cancel n**** Day like that. from Hairspray
And then twist again Like we did last summer from Hairspray
And then you buzz around the floor You can do it if you really try from Hairspray
And then you throw the bomb. from Hairspray
And this is Link. from Hairspray
And this young lady right here... from Hairspray
And those lines have been burnin' up our switchboard. from Hairspray
And to top it off... from Hairspray
And Tracy, you keep this up and you just may be crowned Miss Auto Show 1963. from Hairspray
And under psychiatric care? from Hairspray
And we already have telegrams. Introduce yourself. from Hairspray
And we are out. from Hairspray
And we mix those kids in with the rest a the Council. from Hairspray
And we will march on WYZT. from Hairspray
And we're back. from Hairspray
And we're live in 5, 4, 3... from Hairspray
And we're off! from Hairspray
And what about this one? from Hairspray
And what's your favorite record from the survey? from Hairspray
And where did you see it first, kids? from Hairspray
And who will be the dancing princess from our council to be crowned queen? from Hairspray
And why would ? from Hairspray
And you will never leave this room again. from Hairspray
And you would remain completely obtuse. from Hairspray
And you, I.Q.? from Hairspray
And you, you are my girl from Hairspray
And you're too sweet from Hairspray
And you've locked yourselves out? from Hairspray
And your dream will be comin' to you, sweetheart... from Hairspray
And, my personal favorite, x ray specs. from Hairspray
And, of course... from Hairspray
And, once again, that's the Stricken Chicken. from Hairspray
And, Penny, go home before your mother shoots you. from Hairspray
And... picked her. from Hairspray
Angelheaded hipsters burning for The ancient heavenly connection from Hairspray
ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, Corny Collins. from Hairspray
Any dance that you wanna do from Hairspray
Any time! from Hairspray
Any words for your opponent who many feel was the more popular winner? from Hairspray
Anybody can get grass stains all over their back. from Hairspray
Anyway, ahem... from Hairspray
Anyway, she was right in the car... from Hairspray
Are chords of the circle. from Hairspray
Are you all hungry for some good fun? from Hairspray
Are you aware n**** Day is the last Thursday of every month? from Hairspray
Are you big boned, got a glandular problem, but still want glamour? from Hairspray
Are you crazy? You gotta dance with your crowd... from Hairspray
Are you listening to me? from Hairspray
Are you now, or have you ever gone steady? from Hairspray
Are you OK, Trace? from Hairspray
Aren't you aware of the Supreme Court ruling on segregation? from Hairspray
ARVIN: Thank you. Thank you. from Hairspray
ARVIN: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Quiet. from Hairspray
As I said, it is not Mount Everest. from Hairspray
As soon as possible. from Hairspray
As you know, we've kept the lines open up to the last minute. from Hairspray
Assaulted?! from Hairspray
At our house, it is. from Hairspray
At this wonderful auto show. Thank you very much. from Hairspray
Aw, man, let's hide this time from Hairspray
Aw, she's too cute, isn't she? from Hairspray
Aw, velma, the kids dig the rhythm and blues. from Hairspray
Aw, wow. from Hairspray
Aw, you lookin' good, Gertrude. from Hairspray
Baby, come on honey, come on baby from Hairspray
Baby, somebody had to do somethin'. from Hairspray
Back and t oh, Amber. Look at this motley crew. from Hairspray
Back and turn. from Hairspray
Back step, cha cha cha. from Hairspray
Back step, cha cha cha. from Hairspray
Back to you, Steve. from Hairspray
Back, again. from Hairspray
Bahh from Hairspray
Bahh from Hairspray
Bahh from Hairspray
Bail for 20's kind of pricey. from Hairspray
Baltimore is not ready for integrated dancing. from Hairspray
Baltimore, you are seeing history being made today. from Hairspray
Baltimore, you saw it here first. The Limbo Rock. from Hairspray
Baltimore, you've picked a winner. from Hairspray
Be a good little girl and slip this on. from Hairspray
Be a spokesgirl? from Hairspray
Be gone! from Hairspray
Be our spokesgirl. from Hairspray
Beautiful woman like yourself? from Hairspray
Because dancing is not your future. from Hairspray
Because I switched the damn tallies. from Hairspray
Because I want to design your Miss Auto Show coronation gown myself. from Hairspray
Because it's dance contest time, and we've got the wildest judge in town. from Hairspray
Because the Duke of Earl loves to cha cha. from Hairspray
Because without you from Hairspray
Being invited places by colored people! from Hairspray
Bend over Let me see you shake a tail feather from Hairspray
BERTHA: Oh. from Hairspray
Beside her. from Hairspray
Besides, looks like a cool scene down here. from Hairspray
Better than my mom? from Hairspray
Better time slot, too. from Hairspray
Big ain't the problem in this family, Wilbur. from Hairspray
Big strong line from Hairspray
Bix! Jesse! Darla! from Hairspray
Black Baltimore, your mother is ready to show her might... from Hairspray
Boogety, boogety, boogety, boogety from Hairspray
Boot it girl till the early bright from Hairspray
Both large and small from Hairspray
BOY 1: Get out of here. BOY 2: Go back where you belong. from Hairspray
BOY 2: Hey, don't touch my stuff. I'll kick your ass. from Hairspray
BOY 2: Yeah, yeah. Go, go, go... from Hairspray
BOY: Hey, I saw you on The Corny Collins Show. from Hairspray
Boys and girls, stay on the dance floor. Here comes the hottest tune of the day. from Hairspray
Boys, let's rumba. from Hairspray
Brad. from Hairspray
Brand new dress? from Hairspray
Brenda will be taking a leave of absence from the show. from Hairspray
Broad daylight and I'm sitting in front of a TV. from Hairspray
Brought to you by Ultra Clutch hairspray. from Hairspray
Brought to you by Ultra Clutch hairspray. from Hairspray
Brought to you by... from Hairspray
But all the kids are battin' up their hair now, hon. from Hairspray
But come on. from Hairspray
But I can dance to Lawrence Welk if I have to. from Hairspray
But I love it. from Hairspray
But I practiced so hard. from Hairspray
But I realize the devastating effect of skin blemishes... from Hairspray
But I'm all alone from Hairspray
But I've got ironing and Wilbur's working. from Hairspray
But if you protest, you'll be on lists. from Hairspray
But it deserved to go out with a bang. from Hairspray
But it's an easy way to integrate without trouble. from Hairspray
But it's what's right. from Hairspray
But it's your dance. from Hairspray
But let's check the election results to see how you're doing. from Hairspray
But Miss Hairspray is mine. from Hairspray
But some a your personal stains... from Hairspray
But that don't show me That you're really mine from Hairspray
But there is somebody I've got a crush on. from Hairspray
But there's food, water... from Hairspray
But this is invalid. This is impossible. from Hairspray
But Tracy was accepted on the Corny Collins Council. from Hairspray
But what are you celebratin'? from Hairspray
But what's the "Ideas of March"? from Hairspray
But where's our little girl? from Hairspray
But why not? Why not?! from Hairspray
But you... see all the way to Schenectady. from Hairspray
But, if that was you and me Out there, baby from Hairspray
But... She's... from Hairspray
Bye bye. from Hairspray
Bye, Tracy. from Hairspray
C'mon, y'all. Here we go now. from Hairspray
Call it the "Peyton Place After Midnight. " from Hairspray
Calm down, cracker boy. from Hairspray
Can I go? from Hairspray
Can I help you? from Hairspray
Can I please be excused to go to the library to study? from Hairspray
Can I, uh, have this dance? from Hairspray
Can you relate to Lesley Gore's music? from Hairspray
Can't we go someplace that's stuffy? from Hairspray
Can't you keep your little girl... from Hairspray
Care for a Baby Ruth? I got one right here. from Hairspray
CHILDREN: Ew! from Hairspray
Chime's not exactly how I'd put it. from Hairspray
Chubby Checker and "Pony Time." from Hairspray
Cigarette? from Hairspray
Cleaning ladies and lawn jockeys. from Hairspray
Come down. Come down. from Hairspray
Come here, baby. from Hairspray
Come here, girl. from Hairspray
Come here. Come here, little girl. from Hairspray
Come here. Come here. Hold them. All right. from Hairspray
Come here. Quick, quick. from Hairspray
Come in. from Hairspray
Come on and make a line from Hairspray
Come on come on And do the fly with me from Hairspray
Come on Let's go from Hairspray
Come on let's try mashed potatoes too from Hairspray
Come on let's twist again Like we did last summer from Hairspray
Come on over here, Little Inez. from Hairspray
Come on up here, Brenda. from Hairspray
Come on, Amber. Can't we just be friends? from Hairspray
Come on, baby My turn's long due from Hairspray
Come on, baby. from Hairspray
Come on, come on, come on. from Hairspray
Come on, everybody Clap your hands from Hairspray
Come on, everybody Dig this dance I'm gonna put down from Hairspray
Come on, honey. Time to go home. You can see Link tomorrow. from Hairspray
Come on, let's twist again Twistin' time is here from Hairspray
Come on, Mom. from Hairspray
Come on, one more time. One more time. from Hairspray
Come on, Penny. from Hairspray
Come on, we're goin'. from Hairspray
Come on. from Hairspray
Come on. from Hairspray
Come on. from Hairspray
Come on. from Hairspray
Come on. from Hairspray
Come on. from Hairspray
Come on. from Hairspray
Come on. Come on. from Hairspray
Come on. Get up. Get up. from Hairspray
Come on. Lie down. Lie down. from Hairspray
Come on. Move out. from Hairspray
Come on. Run. Run. from Hairspray
Coming up next: The Corny Collins Show. from Hairspray
Confirmed sighting. from Hairspray
Continental, continental from Hairspray
Continental, continental from Hairspray
Continental, continental from Hairspray
Cool. from Hairspray
Corny had some sort of aneurysm or something... from Hairspray
Corny, do something. from Hairspray
CORNY: All right. from Hairspray
CORNY: And here to announce the results we have Mr. Arvin Hodgepile... from Hairspray
CORNY: Let's keep the music playing... from Hairspray
CORNY: Parkville VFW, 8:00. What do you want to hear, Amber? from Hairspray
CORNY: Remember, tomorrow is Preteen Day... from Hairspray
CORNY: The moment of truth has arrived, ladies and gentlemen. from Hairspray
CORNY: We have an upset. from Hairspray
CORNY: What about you? LUCILLE: I'm Lucille. from Hairspray
CORNY: Where will you be appearing tonight? from Hairspray
Corny. from Hairspray
Could you turn that racket down? from Hairspray
Could, uh, could you throw a pair of complimentary pettipants in the deal? from Hairspray
Couture? from Hairspray
Crazy from Hairspray
Crazy from Hairspray
Cut it out. Knock it off. from Hairspray
Cut school tomorrow and come down to station WYZT to audition. from Hairspray
Cutting my class, Tracy Turnblad? from Hairspray
Daddy, are you OK? from Hairspray
Daddy, tomorrow I'm auditioning to dance on a Tv show. from Hairspray
Daddy, you know what velma wanted. from Hairspray
Daddy. from Hairspray
Daddy. Mommy. Daddy. Mommy. Daddy. from Hairspray
Daylight's a comin' And he wanna go home from Hairspray
Delinquents, if you ask me. from Hairspray
Devil child! Devil child! from Hairspray
Did poor Debbie Reynolds have a nervous breakdown? from Hairspray
Did you take that appetite suppressant I gave you on Dr. McKenzie's orders? from Hairspray
Didn't I say that? from Hairspray
Didn't two weeks in hairdo detention have any effect? from Hairspray
Do anything for you from Hairspray
Do as Daddy says or we'll send you to Catholic school where you belong. from Hairspray
Do I take it personal? No. from Hairspray
Do it now, or forever wish you had. from Hairspray
Do it right from Hairspray
Do it, baby Oh, baby, oh, baby from Hairspray
Do you know what I had to pay a cab... from Hairspray
Do you remember when Things were really hummin'? from Hairspray
Do you think you could show us some of those new dance moves? from Hairspray
Does she get paid for this? from Hairspray
Doesn't mean she won't try. from Hairspray
Doin' the lion sleeps tonight from Hairspray
Doll! from Hairspray
Don't act ignorant, Tracy Turnblad. from Hairspray
Don't anybody come near me. from Hairspray
Don't be ridiculous. Take it easy. from Hairspray
Don't be sad. from Hairspray
Don't breathe it in. You'll be addicted. from Hairspray
Don't change that channel 'cause it's time... from Hairspray
Don't change that channel. from Hairspray
Don't forget, I was Miss Soft Crab in 1945. from Hairspray
Don't get flip with me. from Hairspray
Don't make me do it, Tracy. from Hairspray
Don't push, please. Don't push. Settle down. It's hot. Please. from Hairspray
Don't put me on display from Hairspray
Don't stop. Cha cha. from Hairspray
Don't test me, Tracy Turnblad. from Hairspray
Don't worry about it. The Hefty Hideaway has got it all. from Hairspray
Don't worry. Seaweed gave me the directions. from Hairspray
Don't ya listen to old dogs like us. from Hairspray
Don't you dare. from Hairspray
Don't you know why she hates us? from Hairspray
Don't you touch my canned tuna. from Hairspray
Don't you try any of your voodoo spells on me, you native woman. from Hairspray
Don't you worry. from Hairspray
Don't! from Hairspray
Dot dot. This store's for you. from Hairspray
Double cross Come out of it with the rifleman from Hairspray
Double your fun with Noreen and Doreen. from Hairspray
Drugs? from Hairspray
Each and every one of those. from Hairspray
Eat up, girls. Eat up. Big is beautiful. from Hairspray
EDNA & WILBUR: Free Tracy Turnblad! Free Tracy Turnblad! from Hairspray
Edna, have you seen Penny? from Hairspray
Edna, is my laundry ready? from Hairspray
EDNA: And Tracy, I have told you about that hair... from Hairspray
EDNA: But Tracy ain't no first lady, are you, Tracy? from Hairspray
EDNA: Penny Pingleton, you'll wake the dead. from Hairspray
EDNA: Tracy. Tracy Turnblad, It's your mommy. from Hairspray
EDNA: Well, yeah, come on up... from Hairspray
EDNA: Where are they? Don't run, Tracy. from Hairspray
Edna? from Hairspray
Edna. from Hairspray
Edna. from Hairspray
Eh. from Hairspray
Enough! Hey! from Hairspray
Erase it, and back to the Madison from Hairspray
Even got large size shoes for that continental Clementine look. from Hairspray
Every day of your life, child from Hairspray
Every day she's got to watch that Corny Collins Show. from Hairspray
Every kink will be gone in a blink. from Hairspray
Every limbo boy and girl from Hairspray
Everybody just stay calm. Stay calm... from Hairspray
Everybody, now Squish, squash from Hairspray
Everybody, please take your seats. from Hairspray
Everybody's jumpin' Movin' around from Hairspray
Everyone is welcome! from Hairspray
Everything she done for us. from Hairspray
Exactly how many sweaters do you have? from Hairspray
Excuse me. from Hairspray
Excuse me. What is going on back there? from Hairspray
Extensions by mutual option. from Hairspray
Fame, fortune, glamour. from Hairspray
Fantastic to meet you! from Hairspray
Faster. from Hairspray
Fatty, fatty, 2 by 4, can't get through the dressing room door? from Hairspray
Feeling better? from Hairspray
Feeling depressed, Penny? Want to talk about it? from Hairspray
Fender. from Hairspray
Fetch me my diet pills, would you, hon? from Hairspray
Finally all of Baltimore knows, I'm big, blond and beautiful. from Hairspray
Finally, some sense outta you. from Hairspray
Finds me so blue from Hairspray
Fine, you'll come dance with us. from Hairspray
First aid kit, gas mask, Russian language books. from Hairspray
First off, we have the sunny pride of Highlandtown, Darla. from Hairspray
First the hair, now this? from Hairspray
First, we get rid a n**** Day. from Hairspray
Fix it! from Hairspray
Flattery will not distract Miss Turnblad's agent... from Hairspray
Follow that bus. from Hairspray
For a whole lotta ugly comin' at you... from Hairspray
For all we know, that girl could be high yellow. from Hairspray
For Christ's sakes, pardon Tracy Turnblad. from Hairspray
For inappropriate hair height one more time... from Hairspray
For Miss Teenage Hairspray? from Hairspray
For the Corny Collins Record Hop. from Hairspray
For The Corny Collins Show... from Hairspray
For the first time from the certified... from Hairspray
For the first time, Tracy Turnblad is number one with a bullet. from Hairspray
For the grand opening of the 1963 Auto Show. from Hairspray
For you to do right from Hairspray
Free Tracy Turnblad! Free Tracy Turnblad! from Hairspray
Free Tracy Turnblad! Free Tracy Turnblad! from Hairspray
Free Tracy Turnblad! Free...! from Hairspray
Free Tracy Turnblad! Segregation never! from Hairspray
Free Tracy Turnblad! Segregation never! Integration now! from Hairspray
Free Tracy Turnblad. from Hairspray
From a never ending parade of stupid. from Hairspray
From her mother to be here? from Hairspray
From Mr. Pinky's hefty hideaway! from Hairspray
From my walls from Hairspray
From now on, you're wearing a giant P on your blouse every day to school... from Hairspray
From reaching for the stars. from Hairspray
From reading the fine print. from Hairspray
From The Corny Collins Show? from Hairspray
From you. from Hairspray
Front step, cha cha cha. from Hairspray
Front step, cha cha cha. from Hairspray
Gee, I never counted. from Hairspray
Gee, velma, how do you fire Corny Collins... from Hairspray
Gene Pitney, ladies and gentlemen. from Hairspray
Geographical point on this earth. from Hairspray
Get in that car before someone sees you. from Hairspray
Get that away from me! from Hairspray
Get the jump rope, Penny. from Hairspray
Get up from Hairspray
Get up from Hairspray
Get yourself a limbo girl from Hairspray
Getting in touch with your anger? from Hairspray
Girl, let's twist again Like we did last year from Hairspray
Girl, they gonna flip when they see the new you. from Hairspray
GIRL: Did you see that? from Hairspray
GIRL: I'll talk to you after biology. BOY: See you after PE, guys. from Hairspray
GIRL: Special ed in the red! from Hairspray
GIRL: Take it back. from Hairspray
GIRL: Teach us how to dance, honey. from Hairspray
GIRL: Tracy! Aah! Tracy! from Hairspray
Girls, go get 'em. from Hairspray
Girls, that was great. from Hairspray
Give 'em a hand, folks. All right, all right. from Hairspray
Give her a hand, folks! from Hairspray
Give her one. from Hairspray
Give him time. from Hairspray
Give me a pencil. Quick, quick. from Hairspray
Give me gravy On my mashed potatoes from Hairspray
Give me gravy You're the greatest from Hairspray
Give me, give me gravy tonight from Hairspray
Go back to Africa where you came from. Your kind's not wanted here. from Hairspray
Go on. Get out there and show 'em. from Hairspray
Go to commercial! from Hairspray
Go, babe! from Hairspray
Go, Tracy, go! from Hairspray
Go, Tracy! from Hairspray
Go! from Hairspray
Go! from Hairspray
Go. Go. from Hairspray
God, he's gorgeous, Penny. from Hairspray
Gonna do the limbo rock from Hairspray
Gonna see little Suzie Who lives next door from Hairspray
Good afternoon, Baltimore, and welcome to The Corny Collins Show. from Hairspray
Good afternoon, Baltimore, and welcome to The Corny Collins Show. from Hairspray
Good afternoon, Penny. from Hairspray
Good choice. from Hairspray
Good for you, girl. You got on the show. from Hairspray
Good girl. Good girl. from Hairspray
Good job dancing today. from Hairspray
Good Lord, Prudy, she's right over there. from Hairspray
Good morning, class. from Hairspray
Good night, Daddy. from Hairspray
Good, you'll be waiting 20 to life. from Hairspray
Governor, governor. from Hairspray
Groovy, baby. Groovy. from Hairspray
GROUP (CHANTING): Tilted acres is not fair! from Hairspray
Grow up, Amber. from Hairspray
Grrr! from Hairspray
Ha ha ha ha ha! from Hairspray
Ha ha ha! from Hairspray
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ah! You got me. from Hairspray
Ha ha ha! What are you doing? from Hairspray
Ha ha ha. from Hairspray
Ha ha ha. from Hairspray
Ha ha! Tracy, is this your older sister? from Hairspray
Hair can't just hang there like a dead thing on your cheeks. from Hairspray
Happy now? from Hairspray
Has fame gone to your head and made you wacky? from Hairspray
Has there been such a surge of late voting. from Hairspray
Have a seat. from Hairspray
He didn't even bleed. from Hairspray
He founded the Maryland colony for Catholics... from Hairspray
He never notices what I wear. from Hairspray
He'd put you on the show. from Hairspray
He'll figure out he's crazy 'bout you. from Hairspray
He'll love it. You look beautiful. It's the new you. from Hairspray
He's a psychiatrist, and he's going to make you all better. from Hairspray
He's gorgeous. from Hairspray
Head back to where you come from. from Hairspray
Heavy? from Hairspray
Hefty Hideaway, Eastern Avenue. Come on in today. from Hairspray
Heh heh heh heh! from Hairspray
Heh heh heh! from Hairspray
Heh, not bad. from Hairspray
Heh, you had to choose a colored record as your favorite song? from Hairspray
Heh. from Hairspray
Hello, Amber. from Hairspray
Hello, Darla. from Hairspray
Hello, Miss Maybelle. from Hairspray
Hello, my name is Seaweed... from Hairspray
Hello, now. from Hairspray
Hello, Tracy. from Hairspray
Hello? from Hairspray
Hello? from Hairspray
Hello? from Hairspray
Hello?! from Hairspray
Hello?! Hello?! from Hairspray
Hello. from Hairspray
Hello. from Hairspray
Her agent? from Hairspray
Here in your own city, there's a town without pity, heh. from Hairspray
Here it is, the Limbo Rock. from Hairspray
Here they are, The Five Du Tones. from Hairspray
Here they come. Come up here, kids. from Hairspray
Here, here. Take it all. from Hairspray
Here, we cater to big boned gals like yourself who are stylish... from Hairspray
Here, you will be taught by specialists... from Hairspray
Here, your signed photos. from Hairspray
Here? from Hairspray
Here's our little dynamic duo from Conkling Street. from Hairspray
Hey now let's party In the union hall from Hairspray
Hey there, teenage Baltimore! from Hairspray
Hey, baby, you look like you could use a stiff one. from Hairspray
Hey, can you spare me a quarter, so I can buy me a taste? from Hairspray
Hey, come on everybody And do the fly with me from Hairspray
Hey, cool. from Hairspray
Hey, diddily da Yeah, yeah, yeah from Hairspray
Hey, diddily dee Oh, yeah, you're looking fine from Hairspray
Hey, diddily doo Aha, it's such a ball to do from Hairspray
Hey, diddily doo Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah from Hairspray
Hey, hey! from Hairspray
Hey, Jackie, we're over here. from Hairspray
Hey, let her go! Tracy! from Hairspray
Hey, let's do the limbo rock from Hairspray
Hey, listen, we just came to dance. from Hairspray
Hey, look out! from Hairspray
Hey, Miss White Lady. from Hairspray
Hey, no prob. from Hairspray
Hey, Penny, see the colored boy, the cute one? from Hairspray
Hey, Seaweed! from Hairspray
Hey, speak for yourself. from Hairspray
Hey, that was our very own Link Larkin singin' It Takes Two. from Hairspray
Hey, Thunder Thighs, this one's for you. from Hairspray
Hey, Trace. I was looking for you. from Hairspray
Hey, Tracy! from Hairspray
Hey, you don't have to be so rude. from Hairspray
Hey! from Hairspray
Hey! Hey! from Hairspray
Hey. from Hairspray
Hey. from Hairspray
Hey. from Hairspray
Hey. from Hairspray
Hey. Show me another one? from Hairspray
Hi, Corny. I'm Tracy Turnblad and I go to Mervel High. from Hairspray
Hi, hon. from Hairspray
Hi, honey. I'm... I'm home. from Hairspray
Hi, I mean, you don't have to rush off, you know. from Hairspray
Hi, I'm here to see Tracy Turnblad. from Hairspray
Hi, I'm Mr. Pinky, owner of the Hefty Hideaway, 3311 Eastern Avenue. from Hairspray
Hi, Mom. from Hairspray
Hi, Penny. from Hairspray
Hi, Tracy. It's me, Penny. from Hairspray
Hi. from Hairspray
His mother is Motormouth Maybelle. from Hairspray
Hit it from Hairspray
Hit it from Hairspray
Hit it from Hairspray
Hit it from Hairspray
Hit it from Hairspray
Hit it from Hairspray
Hit it from Hairspray
Hmm. from Hairspray
Hmm. from Hairspray
Hmm. Honey. from Hairspray
Hmm. Maybe. from Hairspray
Hold it right there, Tracy. from Hairspray
Hold on. from Hairspray
Hollow. from Hairspray
Hon, it just seemed like the right thing. from Hairspray
Hon, she knows... from Hairspray
Honey, took me 5 years... from Hairspray
Hop in the car, bring the whole family, come out. from Hairspray
Hope I didn't dent your 'do. from Hairspray
How about a fabulous frock just for me? from Hairspray
How about that? from Hairspray
How am I supposed to negotiate pleats? from Hairspray
How can we keep love alive How can anything survive from Hairspray
How can you taint a cancerous can a chemicals? from Hairspray
How could I ever? from Hairspray
How could they be heavy, they're... from Hairspray
How dare you pick the same song? from Hairspray
How do you do? So nice meeting you. from Hairspray
How do you get your hair so straight and so flat? from Hairspray
How long you gonna be gone, Brenda? from Hairspray
How may I help you? from Hairspray
How you likin' detention now? from Hairspray
Huh? from Hairspray
Huh. from Hairspray
Hurry up, but watch your step. Hurry, but watch your step. from Hairspray
Hurry up, Penny, we're missing it! from Hairspray
I from Hairspray
I agree. We don't want our dancers thrusting like savages! from Hairspray
I also hope to be the first woman president or a Rockette. from Hairspray
I am now a checkerboard chick. from Hairspray
I been smilin' and dancin' on this show for 3 years. from Hairspray
I believe that it is naturally stiff. from Hairspray
I ca I can't be fired. from Hairspray
I can do that dance. from Hairspray
I can't be worried about you out there. from Hairspray
I can't believe I'm really here auditioning. from Hairspray
I can't believe I'm really here watching you audition. from Hairspray
I can't believe Tracy savagely bludgeoned an Eagle Scout. from Hairspray
I can't help it if he's short. from Hairspray
I can't jeopardize that. from Hairspray
I can't see the board again. from Hairspray
I can't see through her hair. from Hairspray
I can't sleep, I can't eat. from Hairspray
I closed up shop for this? from Hairspray
I could do a fan dance with a lettuce leaf... from Hairspray
I could sing at the Miss Hairspray pageant. from Hairspray
I couldn't believe what I heard from Hairspray
I didn't wanna tell y'all up front. from Hairspray
I do. I do need a fella. from Hairspray
I don't believe that. from Hairspray
I don't care how long it takes. from Hairspray
I don't even know why we have this room down here... from Hairspray
I don't know about you, but I feel like dancing. from Hairspray
I don't know what happened, Mr. Spritzer. from Hairspray
I don't know. from Hairspray
I don't make the rules. You gonna come in...? from Hairspray
I don't wanna be a laundress. from Hairspray
I dropped a penny in the well Hopin' you would come back soon from Hairspray
I feel the need of you from Hairspray
I feel the show should be integrated every day. from Hairspray
I flunked geometry. from Hairspray