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On the Waterfront (1954) On the Waterfront (1954) is an iconic American crime drama film directed by Elia Kazan. Starring

On the Waterfront (1954)

On the Waterfront (1954) is an iconic American crime drama film directed by Elia Kazan. Starring Marlon Brando, Eva Marie Saint, Lee J. Cobb, Karl Malden, and Rod Steiger, this masterpiece of cinema remains relevant even today.

Set in the 1950s in Hoboken, New Jersey, On the Waterfront explores the gripping story of Terry Malloy, played by Marlon Brando, a former boxer who works as a longshoreman. The movie delves into the corrupt practices of the local dockworker's union, led by the ruthless Johnny Friendly, brilliantly portrayed by Lee J. Cobb. As Malloy becomes increasingly disillusioned with the corruption and violence around him, he finds himself torn between loyalty to his brother and the conscience that pushes him to expose the truth.

One of the film's most memorable aspects is undoubtedly its stunning performances. Marlon Brando's portrayal of Terry Malloy is heralded as one of the greatest acting performances in cinematic history. His raw talent and method approach brought a new level of realism to the screen. Brando perfectly captures Malloy's internal struggle as he battles with his sense of duty and his personal morals. The iconic "I coulda been a contender" speech is etched into the collective consciousness of film enthusiasts, forever immortalizing Brando's incredible talent.

Eva Marie Saint delivers a remarkable performance as Edie Doyle, Terry Malloy's love interest. In her film debut, Saint embodies Edie's vulnerability and strength with grace and beauty, leaving an indelible impression on audiences. Karl Malden shines as the passionate and determined Father Barry, a courageous priest who fights against the corruption plaguing the waterfront. Malden's portrayal of Father Barry earned him an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

The movie is notable not only for its exceptional cast but also for its powerful storytelling. On the Waterfront paints a vivid picture of a gritty and crime-infested world where innocence is shattered and justice seems unattainable. Through its rich symbolism and engaging narrative, the film explores themes of redemption, courage, and the triumph of the individual against formidable odds.

Leonard Bernstein's masterful score adds depth and emotion to the film, elevating the viewer's experience. The music underscores key moments, intensifying the tension and capturing the essence of the characters and their struggles. The soundtrack perfectly complements the film's visual elements, becoming an integral part of the storytelling.

If you're a fan of this incredible film, you can fully immerse yourself in its world by playing and downloading the sounds from On the Waterfront here. Relive the powerful dialogues, the atmospheric sounds of the waterfront, and Bernstein's unforgettable score. Whether you want to reminisce about Brando's iconic "contender" speech or simply revel in the timeless brilliance of this classic movie, these sounds will transport you back in time to the docks of Hoboken.

On the Waterfront remains highly regarded not just for its artistic merits but also for its impact on society. The film courageously exposed the real-life corruption within the dockworker's unions, leading to widespread reforms and an improved code of ethics. By shedding light on these dark practices, On the Waterfront stands as a testament to the power of cinema to inspire change and transform society.

In conclusion, On the Waterfront (1954) is a cinematic masterpiece that exemplifies the very best of American filmmaking. With its exceptional performances, engaging narrative, and timeless themes, the movie continues to captivate audiences today. It is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the important role that cinema plays in reflecting and shaping our society. So, why not immerse yourself in the world of On the Waterfront and relive this extraordinary film by downloading and playing the sounds here?
A comedian.
A deal I sweated and bled for...
A dump they called a children's home.
A farm?
A farm.
A kid named Riley, both hands.
A one way ticket to Palookaville.
A pigeon for a pigeon!
A question of who rides who.
A steady job, a couple extra potatoes.
A what?
After the days I gave him in the loft, he's got no gratitude.
Against what you know is wrong.
Ah, you dance divinely.
Ah, you.
Ain't that what you call the main order of business?
All my life, you pushed me around.
All of you!
All of you! Get in there! Come on! Get to work!
All right, all right.
All right, come on. Let's go.
All right, I need some extra banana carriers.
All right, let's get him.
All right, loft gang!
All right, payday.
All right, take it up. Take it away.
All right, that's all. Come back tomorrow.
All right, then answer this one.
All right.
All right. Everybody works today.
All right. Kelly.
All right. That's it.
All we want you to do, Mr. Malloy, is tell the truth.
Am I gonna see you again?
And after that...
And anybody who sits around and lets it happen...
And don't go walking off with any of that.
And dropping a sling on Kayo Dugan...
And every time the mob puts the crusher on a good man...
And every waterfront from Boston to New Orleans.
And getting food in the house for the wife and the kids.
And he's staying with all of you.
And how does he feel about the fellows who wear...
And how does he...
And I fought in the club smokers and Johnny Friendly bought a piece of me.
And I'll always think of him as my best friend, but what do you want me...
And I'm glad what I done to you!
And I'm gonna keep on trying to find out who is guilty forJoey!
And I'm not saying nothing, so you and your girlfriend take off.
And is cockeyed to boot. Look at him.
And Johnny Friendly took me to ball games when I was a kid.
And keep you from things like I just seen outside the window.
And lifting and swinging a hook.
And loaded to the gunnels with fine Irish whiskey.
And Mac...
And now Kayo Dugan is dead.
And only you...
And poorer now than when I started.
And protect these murderers with our silence?
And stick to their stupid D and D.
And that question is...
And that's just for openers. We got the fattest piers...
And the fattest harbor in the world.
And there expressed your feelings to Mr. Johnny Friendly?
And there's one thing I learned:
And they spot a pigeon in the park.
And they stay that way till one of them dies.
And underworld infiltration of the longshore union.
And use it where it'll do the most good.
And what they did toJoey and what they did to Dugan, they're doing to you.
And what's ratting to them is telling the truth for you! Can't you see that?
And when things and people get in your way, you just knock them aside.
And you don't have to lift a finger.
And you really believe that drool?
And you, you.
And you're privileged under the Constitution...
And... Never mind how.
Anyhow, what's with this Father Barry?
Anything else, sir?
Anytime they put the arm on me.
Anyway, it's all over.
Are all the officers of Local 374 present this morning?
Are they taking chances for you? Why should you...
Are you afraid to mention his name?
Are you going to keep still until they cut you down one by one?
Are you sure they're your friends?
Are you training to be a nun?
Are you trying to tell me Terry is too?
Are you?
As you know the truth.
Ask any rummy on the dock if I ain't good for a fin...
At last, an Irish shipment.
At the right time, I'll catch up with you.
Ball games!
Ball games. Don't break my heart.
Bananas. I wonder when we'll get a boat from Ireland with some Irish whiskey.
Be at the State House, Court Room Nine, 10:00 Friday morning.
Be careful!
Be seated, please.
Because he was ready to spill his guts tomorrow...
Before we get to where, Charley?
Before you call the next witness...
Believe me, I just thought they was gonna lean on him a little bit.
Besides, this'll give us a chance to talk.
Better leave Charley out of this.
Blow your whistle. Come on, you guys! Get to work!
Boy, the way those sisters used to whack me, I don't know what.
Boy, what a fruitcake you are.
Boys, this is my church!
Break it up. Let's go to work.
But I ain't gonna do it, so forget it!
But I'll never find out unless I come here and take a good look for myself.
But my old lady raised us ten kids on a stinkin' watchman's pension.
But remember, Christ is always with you.
But the public has a right to know the facts too.
But there's a look in his eye.
But there's one thing we've got in this country: Ways of fighting back.
But they think you shouldn't be on the outside so much...
But this time they fixed him. Oh, they fixed him for good this time.
But you're pushing 30.
But, Pop, I've seen things that I know are so wrong.
By the nose, huh?
Call the next witness.
Call the roll.
Can you tell me whether Mr. Friendly, or I should say, Mr. Skelly...
Can't you see that? Huh?
Charley, you count them.
Christ is in the shape up, he's in the hatch...
Come here!
Come here.
Come on down here! He wants to see you.
Come on down!
Come on out of there!
Come on out, Kayo. Get it up.
Come on, come on.
Come on, don't be afraid.
Come on, drink up. You gotta have a little fun out of life.
Come on, get out of here.
Come on, I'll stick some music on.
Come on, now! Give me! Give me!
Come on, Pop. On the double. You work today.
Come on, Tony, give me the tabs.
Come on, we'll get out through here.
Come on, you want to... want to spin?
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on! Get up here!
Come on! On the double. Get to work!
Come on! Quit following me! Why don't you get off my tail?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. It won't hurt.
Come on. Why don't you tell her?
Confused kid?
Count up to ten.
Daniel D. Coogan, financial secretary.
Deaf and dumb. No matter how much we hate the torpedoes, we don't rat.
Deep thinker.
Did you ever hear of a saint hiding in a church?
Did you ever hear of the Sullivan law?
Did you handle that sheet metal all right?
Did you know him very well?
Did you see the fight last night?
Didn't I see you fight a couple of years ago?
Dirty, stinking mug!
Do it to him before he does it to you.
Do it.
Do you know Terry Malloy?
Do you know what you're letting yourself in for?
Do you like beer?
Do you like that music?
Do you swear to tell the whole truth, so help you God?
Do you wanna fix him?
Do you? Do you really wanna finish him?
Don't give me a hard time.
Don't pay no attention.
Don't say that to me, Edie. Don't say that to me now.
Don't spill no water on the floor, 'cause I don't want them to catch cold.
Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt nobody.
Don't you think?
Don't you? Huh?
Drive him out to this place we've been using.
Dugan, my boy, you're dreaming again.
Eating, sleeping, flying around like crazy...
Edie called me this morning.
Edie, be careful! Edie, be careful!
Edie, I'd like to help.
Edie, Joey's jacket.
Edie, listen!
Edie, you gotta quit trying to find out aboutJoey. It ain't safe.
Edie, you love me!
Edie, you'd better go home in pairs. Two's in two, you know.
Edie! Watch out for the truck!
Edie. Edie, come here.
Even pigeons aren't peaceful.
Even the longshoremen. You tried to help and they turn their backs...
Every morning...
Every one of them.
Every time I heist a box or a coffee bag, I says to myself...
Everybody loved Joey...
Everything for one rubber lipped ex tanker who's walking on his heels?
Everything moves in and out, we take our cut.
Excuse me, Miss. You're being served with a subpoena, Mr. Malloy.
Father Barry is here.
Father, I wanna speak to you a minute.
Father, my brother's dead and you talk about time and faith!
Father, who'd want to killJoey? Who'd want to killJoey?
Favor... who am I kidding? It's do it or else.
Feel about your silence?
First he crosses me in public, gets away with it.
FirstJoey, then Dugan and now Charley.
Fly pretty nice, huh?
For giving me the education, for keeping me away from all of this.
For God's sake, don't leave him alone here long.
For not... For not being no help to you.
For years your mom and me put quarters in the cookie jar...
Four hundred dollars a week just for the openers.
From little kids to the old rummies.
From where you stand, but I'm standing over here now!
Get a doctor!
Get in there!
Get off the dock, Father!
Get out of here!
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of that phone booth!
Get rid of her, unless you're both tired of living.
Get some fresh water!
Get your hands off me!
Getting the facts to the public, testifying for what you know is right...
Give it to me! Give me that!
Give it to me. I can use it.
Give me a beer!
Give me a shot.
Give me that!
Give me the shot.
Go ahead! Get it over with!
Go ahead.
Go and get yourself killed!
Go back to your church!
Go get the Father. Tell him to take care of Charley.
Go on down!
Go on! You kissed her before.
Go to River Street and I'll tell you where to stop.
Go, on. Go, on. It's good for you. Develops your mind.
Golden Warriors?
Good night, kid.
Got a banana boat on 46 tomorrow.
Half an hour later, a certain TimothyJ. Dugan had a secret session...
Have a few things working for you down at the docks.
He and your big brother Charley?
He brought you along too fast.
He did?
He doesn't know which end is up.
He don't need a doctor. He needs a priest.
He dumped me?
He flew into my coop. Do you want him?
He got it. It's the complete words ofTimothyJ. Dugan.
He had a couple of years of college.
He had him killed or he had something to do with it, didn't he?
He said he wants to see me again.
He sees the family men worrying about getting their rent...
He sees why some of you get picked and some of you get passed over.
He sees you selling your souls to the mob for a day's pay!
He thinks I'm a tough man because I boxed pro for awhile.
He tries to act tough...
He was a good boy, that Doyle kid.
He was all right hanging around for laughs, but this is business.
He was looking at everybody the same way.
He was one of those fellows who had the gift for standing up.
He was the only longshoreman that had guts to talk to the crime investigators.
He won't take no loans, and Big Mac puts him to work anyway.
He'd better get these men working.
He'll hit you in the head and plead self defense!
He's a good kid.
He's been giving Johnny, the boss, a lot of arguments lately.
He's drunk, he's falling down, everything.
He's just a juice head that hangs around the neighborhood.
He's kneeling right here beside Dugan.
He's my kid brother.
He's my lead bird. He's always on top of the perch.
He's not here now.
He's one of theirs anyway.
He's the kid brother of Charley the Gent...
Help me if you can, for God's sakes.
Helpful? The brother of Charley the Gent?
Here I come! Here I come!
Here you are. 45 bills.
Here you are. What do you think of that bum?
Here, kid. Here's half a bill. Go get your load on.
Here, up. Are you all right, Dugan?
Here, you count it. Countin' makes me sleepy.
Here. Come on, have a little beer.
Here's a stick of gum. Do you good.
Here's some change. Go have yourself a ball.
Here's the cut on the shakeup. 891 men, three bucks a head.
Here's the interest on the day, boss: 532.
Here's to the first one. I hope it ain't the last.
Here's your man, Mac.
Hey remember the night he took Farella at Saint Nicks, Charley?
Hey, boss, Packy wants another drink on the cuff.
Hey, come on. Can I buy you a drink?
Hey, Dugan, how about you?
Hey, Edlow! Edlow, wait up!
Hey, Friendly!
Hey, I know you.
Hey, Joe. I got a coat for you.
Hey, Mac?
Hey, Pop, look.
Hey, Pops, why don't you go home?
Hey, Skins!
Hey, Terry, grab that one!
Hey, Terry!
Hey, Terry.
Hey, Terry. You count this.
Hey, what do you do now?
Hey, you got a dime for a cup of coffee?
Hey, you want that egg?
Hey, you!
Hi, Champ. How's the kid?
Hi, Chickie.
Hi, Terry.
Hit those stairs again.
Hiya, Slugger.
Hold your hats, brothers. Here we go again.
How can I go back to school and keep my mind on things that are just in books?
How can we call ourselves Christians...
How can you just sit there and not say anything?
How come you never got an education like your brother Charley?
How did you get interested in that?
How do we keep him from giving testimony?
How do you like it? How do you like it?
How do you like them mugs, taking me for a pigeon?
How many times you been knocked out, Terry?
How much do you weigh, son?
How much is your soul worth if you don't?
How would you have done it?
I ain't gonna eat cheese for no cops, and that's for sure.
I ain't interested in his mental condition.
I always figured I'd live a little bit longer without it.
I bet you never had a glass of beer.
I brought you Joey's jacket.
I brought you Joey's windbreaker.
I came down here to keep a promise.
I can get home all right now. Thanks.
I can make it home now all right.
I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody...
I couldn't find you.
I didn't hear them, but I sure seen them nose to nose.
I didn't like the way he was looking at me.
I didn't say I didn't love you. I said stay away from me!
I didn't use no hooks. I was strictly a short puncher.
I didn't work my way up outta there for nothin'.
I don't care if he's twice my size!
I don't know nothing, I ain't seen nothing...
I don't know nothing.
I don't know, Charley.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. Some mug.
I don't like the country. The crickets make me nervous.
I don't wanna talk to...
I don't want it.
I don't want you to do anything.
I don't want you to think that I'm not grateful for everything you've done.
I feel like a canary.
I feel like I'm just floating.
I figured the worst they'd do was lean on him a little bit.
I gave Kayo my word that if he stood up to the mob...
I get all that for not doing nothing.
I got my whole life to drink.
I got one of your birds. I recognized him by the band.
I gotta put him to work! She'd murder me!
I gotta watch myself these days.
I guess I haven't been here since last Christmas.
I guess I spoke out of turn last night.
I guess they don't let you walk with fellas where you've been, huh?
I had him in my arms, and from there we were just dancing.
I had some bets down for you.
I had that bum all figured out. He had a good left hand.
I had to scrap all my life. I might as well get paid for it.
I have a hunch all of you could tell us something about it.
I haven't made up my mind yet!
I hope he got better dice than me.
I hope that bum comes down here.
I just go for it.
I just mean to tell you that you're...
I just wanna talk to you one second.
I just want to ask you a few questions.
I kept telling him, "Keep quiet. You'll live longer."
I know a nice little dump down here...
I know how you feel about cops, but if you give me some leads, I could...
I know that, Johnny. I know it.
I know you're getting pushed around...
I let him tag me for a couple of rounds.
I lost the count.
I love he come down here.
I made some hot coffee. I thought you might want some.
I make it 26 23.
I mean, isn't everybody a part of everybody else?
I mean, you was really a mess.
I must have miscounted.
I never figured they was gonna knock him off.
I never mentioned it before. You stay away from me!
I never met anyone like you.
I promised your mom, Edie. Don't let her down.
I remember you were in trouble all the time.
I remembered you the first moment I saw you.
I see the sisters taught you not to lie.
I should have known you wouldn't tell me.
I shouldn't have asked you.
I started them Golden Warriors.
I step inside a jab with a left, with a right, with a left.
I think somebody fell off the roof.
I think we're okay.
I think you'll agree with that, Father.
I thought he was gonna sing to the Crime Commission. He won't.
I thought they was gonna talk to him and get him to dummy up.
I told you, I don't know nothing about that.
I used to be.
I wanna know, is he D and D or is he a canary?
I wanna show you something.
I want to know who killed my brother!
I want to talk to you. Come with me.
I wanted to tell her she's the first nice thing that ever happened to me.
I was just coming over there.
I was ratting on myself all them years and didn't know it!
I was there.
I wish I knew.
I won't!
I wouldn't care if he gave you a life pass to the polo grounds.
I wouldn't have thought you'd be so interested in pigeons.
I'd better get you home.
I'd better go now.
I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do.
I'd rather live like an animal than end up like...
I'd stand up with him... all the way.
I'll see you around, huh?
I'll see you later.
I'll tell them...
I'm frightened. Let's get out of here, please.
I'm glad you stopped by. I've been wanting to talk to you.
I'm gonna be indicted any minute!
I'm gonna stay, Pop...
I'm gonna take it out on their skulls.
I'm gonna take it out on their skulls.
I'm in the church if you need me.
I'm just a potato eater, but isn't it simple as one two three?
I'm just gonna go down there and get my rights.
I'm not asking anything. Your conscience has gotta do the asking.
I'm not hearing your confession. I'll dig it out for myself...
I'm not ready to go back yet, Pop.
I'm sorry, Father. I didn't mean it.
I'm sure Kayo would wish you to have it back.
I'm surprised at you, Father, if you don't mind my saying so...
I'm telling you I don't know. That's what I wanna talk to you about.
I'm telling you, it ain't safe.
I'm telling you, it was a big nothing. The priest did all the talking.
I'm telling you, there's a lot more.
I'm the one who setJoey Doyle up for the knock off!
I'm trying to find out what happened toJoey Doyle. Maybe you can be helpful.
I'm trying to keep you from getting hurt. What more do you want me to do?
I've been looking all over for you. The boss wants you.
I've been on the docks all my life...
I've been standing here for five mornings, and that bum over there...
I've been taking care of them.
I've been thinking about your question, and you're right, Edie.
If another bum tries to come along and take his place, he lets him have it.
If I had my tuxedo I'd ask you to dance, but...
If I knew a guy that knocked somebody off, think I oughta turn him in?
If I stick my neck out and they chop it off...
If I was wise, I wouldn't be no longshoreman for 30 years...
If I'd have put him down, I'd have had a title shot.
If it's the right handful.
If we can tell the waterfront story the way the people have a right to hear it.
If we could pull a walkout, it might mean a few bucks from the shippers.
If you don't think Christ is here on the waterfront, you've another guess coming!
In the country.
Instead of a bum, which is what I am... let's face it.
Is it true that the night Joey Doyle was found dead...
Is it true you went immediately to the Friendly bar...
Is that all you gotta say?
Is to stop letting them get away with murder.
Isn't it odd that five different locals were broken into last night?
It isn't just brains.
It must be Danny Boy. I lost him in the last race.
It pays six cents...
It seems to me we've gone just about as far as we can at this time.
It started out as a favor.
It was all over, except for the lousy bet.
It was Johnny Friendly who had Joey killed, wasn't it?
It was you, Charley.
It wasn't him, Charley. It was you.
It wasn't my fault what happened toJoey. Fixing him wasn't my idea.
It's a crucifixion!
It's forgetting that every fella down here is your brother in Christ!
It's just a regular college.
It's just theJoey Doyle thing and how he exaggerates some things.
It's keeping alive...
It's like carrying a monkey around on your back.
It's making love of a buck, the cushy job...
It's nice, easy work.
It's run by the Sisters of St. Anne.
It's time to think about getting some ambition.
It's what we always kept you around here for.
Jesus stands alongside you in the shape up.
Jimmy Collins, you wereJoey's best friend.
Jimmy, what happened?
Joe Doyle!
Joey used to raise pigeons.
Joey used to raise pigeons.
John Friendly, come out of there!
John Friendly. Right!
Johnny Friendly, that great labor leader.
Johnny, I can't do that.
Just 39 pages of our operation, that's all!
Just becauseJohnny warned you not to, you're going down there.
Just floating.
Just floating.
Just give me the whiskey.
Just let him lay there.
Just looking.
Just tell him I'll come over there when I'm ready.
Just to justify this lofty position, would you?
Just to make sure the work's steady...
Just too much Marquis of Queensberry. It softens him up.
Just want to ask you some questions about some people you may know.
Just watch this.
Just when he starts... he thinks he's getting cute...
Kayo, you're a walking distillery.
Keeps silent about something he knows has happened...
Knocked out? Two times.
Know what I mean?
Let her go, Tony.
Let me work on that cheese eater. I'll top the bum off lovely.
Let your conscience tell you what to do.
Letting her see things ain't fit for the eyes of a decent girl.
LfJohnny wants a favor, don't think about it.
Like Big Mac said, come back tomorrow.
Like I said, maybe he gave them an argument.
Like that litter of kittens you brought in.
Like you used to do.
Listen to me. Take the job! Just take it!
Listen, don't get sore. I'm just kidding you a little bit.
Listen, don't go.
Listen, don't worry. I'll take him up to your loft.
Listen, down here it's every man for himself.
Listen, kid. I'm a soft touch too.
Listen! If I were you, I'd walk right... Never mind.
Listen. The g****vine says that you got a subpoena.
Look, Johnny, it's just that...
Look, kid...
Look, l...
Look, what's the matter? What's the matter with you?
Looked like a hook.
Looked like a hunk of rope.
Looking for me?
Looks like he fell off the roof, or maybe he was pushed. Got any ideas?
Lord have mercy on Joey.
Make up your mind before we get to 437 River Street!
May you rot in hell,J.P.
Maybe he could sing, but he couldn't fly.
Maybe he gave them an argument.
Maybe I will one of these days.
Maybe inland, out west someplace.
Maybe the boy is out of line, but he's just a confused kid!
Maybe they just didn't know how to handle you.
Me? I'm with me, Terry.
MichaelJ. Skelly, also known as Johnny Friendly, president.
Might come in handy. Go ahead, wear it.
Mind your own business!
Mladen Sekolivitch, delegate.
More important than the love of man!
Mr. Lewis Janotta, vice president.
Mr. Malloy, I was hoping I might find you here.
Mr. MichaelJ. Skelly, please.
Much, much, much more.
My brother Charley is a very brainy guy.
My brother was the best kid in the neighborhood, and everybody said so.
My daughter walking arm in arm with Terry Malloy. Do you know who he is?
My friends don't want to talk to me.
My night. I could have taken Wilson apart.
Name one place where it's safe to talk without getting clobbered.
Nice wedding.
No curves.
No more cushy job. It's down in the hold with the sweat gang...
No other union in the country would stand for a thing like that.
No questions. Take it!
No wonder everybody calls you a bum.
No wonder.
No, not like that. One hum.
No, thanks, fellas. Who do you think'll pay for the funeral?
Nobody ever stopped you from talking, Charley.
Not exactly. I was just resting my dogs a minute.
Not one of you has a line on who killed Joey Doyle?
Now beat it. Don't push your luck.
Now boys, get smart.
Now get back to the sisters where you belong.
Now go on, join the congregation.
Now listen, you know who the pistols are.
Now you get rid of that gun.
Now you got me.
Now you see the advantage of a little man in a big coat.
Now, if one of you would just answer one question, we'd have a very good start.
Now, the following hatch bosses with their gangs.
Now, when each one of them puts in a couple bucks a day...
Oh, boy, that was some home.
Oh, look what he went and did.
Oh, yeah?
Okay, I'll see you on the roof.
Okay, Kayo?
Okay, on your horse.
Okay? Good.
Okay. Forget it, Einstein.
On every hundred pounds that goes in and out...
On the account of one lousy little cheese eater, that Doyle bum...
On the next investigation, I hope it's got buildings with elevators!
On your union dues and your kickback money?
One of these days.
One thing you gotta understand, Father.
One, the working conditions are bad.
Only don't blame me when they ship you off to Abyssinia!
Only you, with God's help, have the power to knock them out for good.
Or he'll raise the biggest stink this town has ever seen.
Or romance or human kindness in your whole body.
Our identification.
Over his throat and he still went after them.
Please don't do anything. Please!
Please open the door!
Please take it.
Please, Terry. They'll kill you too.
Please. Someplace where we can live in peace.
Pop said Johnny Friendly used to own you. I think he still owns you.
Pop, here's your tab. Take it.
Pretty soon, I'm just another fellow around here!
Put Terry up in the loft. Number one. Every day.
Quit worrying about the truth all the time. Worry about yourself.
Raise your right hand.
Raising gobs of squabs.
Recording secretary.
Remember parochial school on Pulaski Street?
Remember that night in the Garden when you said...
Remember what you said about Kayo Dugan and about keeping your mouth shut?
Remember: Time and faith are great healers.
Right down on them.
Right now?
Right over there.
Said anything to indicate his responsibility in this?
Same thing happened to my Andy five years ago.
Say, didn't I see you in the Garden three or four years ago...
Say, how often do you get in here?
Say, was that a hook or an uppercut you caught him with that first time?
Say, we're doing pretty good.
Say, you're Terry Malloy, aren't you?
See this arm?
Seven, eight years ago? You had your hair...
Shares the guilt of it just as much as the Roman soldier...
She's a beauty.
She's a he. His name is Swifty.
She's coming here to talk to me.
Shouldn't everybody care about everybody else?
Shut up about that conscience! That's all I been hearing!
Shut up about that!
Shut up. LfJoey took my advice, he wouldn't be...
Sit down.
So do I, Charley. For your sake.
So far, this one's just been climbing stairs.
So I didn't have to take dives for the short end money.
So I'd like to close with a few words from St. Matthew.
So long, Edie.
So they've been seen together and he smiled at her.
So what happens? He gets the title shot in the ballpark. What do I get?
So what?
Some chance at 10% a week. And if he don't borrow, he don't work.
Some operator we got. One more like him, we'd all be wearing striped pajamas.
Some people think the crucifixion only took place on Calvary.
Some pretty rough fellas in the way.
Something's gone wrong. He's plenty hot.
Spec! Bring me the first man you see.
Standing in with the right people so you get change jingling in your pocket.
Stay away from him. Stay away from him!
Stay away from me!
Stay where you are, Tillio!
Steel pipes and baseball bats.
Stick around!
Stooling is when you rat on your friends, the guys you're with.
Stop breathing that clam sauce on me. What's doing?
Stop it!
Take a look at the champion flock of the neighborhood.
Take a walk with me, kid. Give it to me straight.
Take it away.
Take it easy.
Take me to the Garden.
Take the good goods away and the kickbacks...
Take your turn. Father Gregory will hear you.
Taking Joey Doyle's life to stop him from testifying is a crucifixion.
Ten to one he won't believe it.
Terry, guess who's here?
Terry, take this job. Please!
Terry, your brother's down here! He wants to see you!
Thank you.
Thanks for the legal advice.
Thanks, Pop. Mine's more full of holes than the Pittsburgh infield.
That aren't people, living?
That boy fights like he used to!
That doesn't mean he's going to talk.
That don't make no difference.
That has a special entrance for ladies, all like that.
That he made it very clear to you...
That it was absolutely necessary he murderJoey Doyle...
That joker from the Crime Commissioner's office.
That skunk we got you for a manager.
That's 72,000 a year... legitimate.
That's 2673.
That's a crucifixion!
That's a fact. They hang around on the top of the big hotels...
That's a good one.
That's all.
That's enough.
That's for you to figure out.
That's from years of working and sweating...
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