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Yankee Doodle Dandy Yankee Doodle Dandy is a beloved American patriotic song that has become synonymous with American

Yankee Doodle Dandy

Yankee Doodle Dandy is a beloved American patriotic song that has become synonymous with American tradition and pride. This iconic tune has deep roots in American history and has been immortalized in various forms of media, including the 1942 musical film adaptation of the same name.

Yankee Doodle Dandy is a film directed by Michael Curtiz and was released in 1942. It tells the inspiring true story of George M. Cohan, an American showman, playwright, and composer, who played a pivotal role in shaping American musical theater and popularizing patriotic songs. The film stars James Cagney in a legendary performance as George M. Cohan, earning him an Academy Award for Best Actor.

The film follows Cohan's life, starting from his early years in a vaudeville family act called "The Four Cohans" to his rise as one of Broadway's most acclaimed composers and performers. It highlights his immense contribution to songs like "Over There," "You're a Grand Old Flag," and, of course, "Yankee Doodle Dandy." James Cagney's energetic portrayal of Cohan captivates audiences with his charisma, singing, and dancing skills that bring Cohan's vibrant personality to life.

The cast also includes Joan Leslie as Mary Cohan, George M. Cohan's wife, who provides the constant support and love that fuels Cohan's ambition. Walter Huston portrays Cohan's father, Jerry Cohan, who instills in his son a deep appreciation for the theater. There are also notable appearances by Richard Whorf as Sam Harris, Cohan's business partner; Irene Manning as Fay Templeton, a fellow performer; and Rosemary DeCamp as Nellie Cohan, George's sister.

The film successfully captures the spirit of patriotism that infused Cohan's work, showcasing his unwavering love for America. It beautifully recreates Cohan's famous Broadway musical numbers, with James Cagney taking the stage and delivering mesmerizing performances that display his incredible talent as an actor, singer, and dancer.

The timeless appeal of Yankee Doodle Dandy's music extends far beyond the film. Its catchy melodies and patriotic lyrics became anthems for American pride and unity. These iconic songs are not only entertaining but also serve as an important reminder of the power of music to inspire and unite a nation.

If you want to relive the magic of Yankee Doodle Dandy, you can easily find the film and its incredible soundtrack online. The songs are available for download and streaming, allowing you to experience the enchantment of George M. Cohan's music in the comfort of your own home.

So gather your friends and family, turn up the volume, and let the infectious spirit of Yankee Doodle Dandy fill your heart with pride and joy. Play and download these sounds here, and let the remarkable talent and patriotic fervor of George M. Cohan take center stage once again.
A fresh, young sprout gets rich between 8:30 and 11 p.m.
A George M. Cohan discovery. Nobody ever had a better start.
A George M....? Oh, I see.
A good one, Dad.
A kid had to believe in himself to buck that.
A man may give his life to his country in many different ways, Mr. Cohan.
A mother isn't supposed to punish. She just gives her permission.
A real live nephew of his Uncle Sam
A real live nephew Of my Uncle Sam
A real live nephew Of my Uncle Sam
A second round of champagne on me, if you had any.
A stix a nix hix a pix
A stix a nix hix pix
A Yankee Doodle Do or die
Abe, I've got to change for the second act.
Abe, isn't it about time for the curtain to go up?
Actors are considered a very bad risk by insurance companies.
Ain't no southern frown
Albee, Coster, Beale, and Proctor...
All aboard
All aboard
All babies sleep 20 hours a day, Jerry.
All except the last act. Alecson suggests a new finish.
All he needs is a little more experience, and he'll be a genius.
All is for the best, my daughter.
All right, all right, let the blackballs fall where they may.
All right, Miss.
All right, no need to get excited.
All right, not on the hand.
All right, not on the mouth. Come here.
All right, on the boat.
All right, sir, if you'll wait just one moment, I'll call.
All right, you write a bad play. The only thing to do is forget about it.
All right. Come on. There's a piano in the private room.
All right. Here it is.
All right. Take this paper and report to Sergeant Cooper for your examination.
All set up for you, boys. Go get them.
All the backslapping and the applause, well, it became unimportant.
All the best of the best to you
All we'd like to do now is spend the rest of our days here on this farm.
Always carrying a flag in a parade or following one.
Am I in the show?!
Ambition, pride, patriotism.
Among them, to take the bitter with the better.
And all the luck I've had is due to the things you two have taught me.
And any actor with a conceit like yours...
And as for New York...
And buys her chicken every day for lunch "Come seven"
And don't forget Wednesdays and Saturdays, 2:30 till 5.
And every American loves it because it happens to be his own private dream.
And everything's running so smoothly.
And finished up the Boulder Dam To give the boys a chaser
And for my friends in Washington Who complain about the taxes
And forever in peace may you wave
And forever in peace may you wave
And he's lived to see his son an American institution.
And I heard about Little Johnny Jones.
And I lost no time, either.
And I read the critics... Pfft.
And I want you to know that I'm not the only one that's grateful.
And imagine Broadway Only 45 minutes from here
And insults for the gentlemen
And it isn't long before we're looking up anxiously...
And it's all daylong
And look here...
And never a man can say A word against me
And now that we're in it We're going to win it
And only secondly does he think of the woman he says he loves.
And put it all on Yankee Doodle Johnny Jones is up
And put the goulash at the head of the table and keep everything...
And quite often, he isn't the best judge of how much he has given.
And say that you'll be there ere long
And say that you'll be there ere long
And say that you'll be there ere long
And someday, Mr. Senior Partner, you're gonna come to me and admit you were wrong.
And style enough to kill
And that government...
And that's for the record
And that's going some For the Yankees, by gum
And the white was the white of the snow at Valley Forge.
And then came your wire, and I was really worried.
And there is something there
And there is something there
And there is something there
And there is something there...
And they join in the chorus Of Nellie Kelly
And to hold every kid on your knee too
And we find that you'll be suspended for throwing the race.
And we were worried about the success or failure of a show.
And we won't come back Till it's over
And we won't come back Till it's over over there
And we won't come back Till it's over over there
And we won't come back Till it's over over there
And we won't come back Till it's over over there
And we'll all be longing for you, Mary
And we'll all feel gay When Johnny comes marching home
And what is my junior partner's name?
And what's more, I phoned Sam right back and told him I'd play it.
And you always have trouble casting the front end.
And you was just singing and dancing all about the grand old flag.
And you, master magician, you sit over there with the Cohans.
And you're a farmer only three weeks.
And, uh, I wouldn't worry about this country if I were you.
And, well, new shows need new faces and new feet to go with you.
Another like Molly Malone
Any act that lays off as long as you have, any offer's all right.
Any faster
Any mail for Mr. Cohan?
Anybody who owes me two months' board bill, I just keep alive.
Anything about a Yankee That's awful neat
Are you or are you not going to produce my play?
Aren't you going roller skating with that, tlick tlick, Pipperino?
As long as those critics don't eat off my leg.
Asking impossible terms and conditions.
At the dancing you have yet to learn
At the dancing you have yet to learn
At the dancing you have yet to learn
At the dancing you have yet to learn
At the half mark, he's cruising But seems to be losing his lead
At the quarter, he's gaining At the turn now, he's reining his horse
Because he's the whole darn country squeezed into one pair of pants.
Because her name was Mary
Because her name was Mary...
Because you've got What it takes to win
Before I put $10,000 into a show...
Before we sign with Dietz and Goff, I made some change in the lyric...
Behind the man Behind the gun
Being versatile, I was playing my mother's father.
Besides, he never said so, but Sam's broke.
Besides, I've got a run of the play contract. Fine time to make lame jokes. Hmm.
Blue skies, gray skies
Book, music and lyrics, all by George M. Cohan.
Books and lyrics, music, and direction by George M. Cohan.
Born on the Fourth of July
Born on the Fourth of July
Born on the Fourth of July
Break away there Show them how to earn their hay there
Bring down that curtain!
Bring down the curtain!
Bring her back to supper after the show.
Broadway nights A million dancing lights
Buffalo is such a beautiful city.
But all the money in the Bank of England Couldn't pay
But are you having fun, George?
But folks always come back to where their heart is...
But here's a little present for you and mother.
But how will everybody know that I'm the Mary?
But I didn't write it for the millions of Marys.
But I have found a way Of dropping a hint
But I love the name Billie
But I love to park and hide there
But I spiked my shows with prewar stuff...
But if ever the rent does come due and you can't meet it, well, you know...
But it was a good life.
But it was Mary
But it was Mary
But it was Mary...
But it won't be the same going back on the road without you, Georgie.
But nobody wants Georgie.
But on the other hand...
But plain as she could be
But should old acquaintance be forgot
But should old acquaintance be forgot
But that's off the record
But we've done more than make a lot of money...
But what about the libretto? It's a grand story, isn't it?
But what are you all so surprised about?
But with propriety
But with propriety
But with propriety...
But you can't do that. You can't put an actor out to grass. Fresh air kills him.
But you will admit I was a bumpy wheel. You'll roll along a whole lot easier without me.
But you've been away from that theater for years, George. Years.
But you've got to remember, Fay, we're having a tough time...
But, darling, no matter what she asks?
By a pair of roguish eyes
By trade I am a dancing master
By trade, I am a dancing master
Call a rehearsal for 10:00 tomorrow morning.
Can we have a picture of you tearing up your contract?
Can you think of any more reasons?
Can't help thinking a theatrical era is dying in there.
Can't I be both?
Carriage for Mr. Albee!
Certainly keeps himself in billing, this George M. Cohan.
Chances are, the way you're going, you won't be either.
Cohan may find out he isn't either one.
Cohan, you're fired.
Cohan, you're surely not going to your dressing room now.
Cohan. George Cohan.
Cohan. George M. Cohan.
Colored gentlemen say "That lady certainly is a beaut"
Colored gentlemen say "That lady certainly is a beaut"
Come along with me
Come along with me away
Come and see when your show closes.
Come here. Look at that. Funny, isn't it'?
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Come on, Dad. Come on, let's have it.
Come on, Jack. Let's make this hop up solid.
Come on, kids. Time's a wasting.
Come on, we got places to go and things to do.
Come on, we've gotta get off to the Lyceum. We've got to see Fay Templeton.
Coming at a time like this, with everything he has on his mind...
Congratulations, George, old boy. You did a great job.
Could I, uh, see some of the script?
Could've been a lot better.
Courage, Emily, courage.
Cozy and warm
Critics kept saying that musicals and cheap comedies were all I could write.
Dad needed a new watch.
Dad seemed content with the sticks, but I was straining at the leash.
Dad was by himself on the farm and had grown very old.
Dad, I was worried about you. I wondered what happened.
Dan, look. Dietz. Looks naked without Goff.
Dandy. "Yankee Doodle Dandy."
Darling, did you hear me? I, uh...
Darling, how would you like a lifetime job of looking after?
Darling, there's something I forgot to tell you.
Diamonds glistening all around And style enough to kill
Did you have that appointment with that man about your booking?
Do you know what this is?
Do you think it's wise?
Do you, really, Mr. President? That's a long time ago.
Don't do that! Pull out the lights. Pull down that curtain.
Don't forget
Don't forget to come back home
Don't forget to come back home
Don't forget, Jerry, you're on again at 4:15.
Don't forget, that's a Republican newspaper.
Don't let a couple of Gilberts like that get under your skin.
Don't memorize that one. There's plenty all over town.
Don't print it It's strictly off the record
Don't print it It's strictly off the record
Don't print it It's strictly off the record
Don't print it Strictly off the record
Don't print it Strictly off the record
Don't print that Off the record
Don't think I'm jealous of Georgie's success...
Don't think I'm not, either.
Don't worry about it. We understand each other perfectly.
Don't worry about that. We're not going to. I've canceled it.
Don't worry about the critics. You got a smash hit. It's in the air.
Don't worry, Dad.
Don't worry, Dad. I'll never do that.
Don't worry, Dad. They never will.
Don't worry. You won't have to. I'll show them yet.
Don't you ought to get my permission too, Dad?
Double R I
Double R I
Double R I
Double R I
Down on a farm
Dreamy eyes that sparkle And she rolls them mighty cute
Drunk or sober, the dog act goes on in the next show.
During the first act, you've written this new song?
Eddie Foy.
Eddie, call Wallachs and find out what's keeping them.
Enough to keep young Johnny Jones Away from old Broadway
Even allowed Goff to agree with him.
Even in the kitchen, you sound like a tetrazzini.
Even your voice sounds younger.
Every heart beats true Under red, white and blue
Every heart beats true Under red, white and blue
Every night I went to the theater, I expected a phone call.
Every son of liberty
Every tune like "Yankee Doodle" Simply sets me off my noodle
Every word that I speak Goes into headlines
Everybody doubled in brass. Dad walloped the bass drum.
Everybody knows that you and Nellie and Josie can get work anytime, anyplace. Heh.
Everybody sing!
Everybody's done that. You don't want to be just an imitator, do you?
Everybody's entitled to one failure.
Everybody's going to the barber's ball
Everything's all right. You'll see.
Excuse me for breaking in on you like this, Miss Templeton...
Excuse me for butting in. I've been looking all over town for you.
Excuse me, can I get through here?
Excuse me. Hey, Vance.
Excuse me. I beg your pardon. I didn't realize who you were. Come in.
Excuse me. That's only a chorus number.
Extra! Lusitania torpedoed by German sub!
Finnegan, Feeney, and Riley. I remember them well.
First time in my life, I'm speechless.
First, he considers his pleasure or his honor or his purse.
Five thirty. We'd have done eight shows by this time in Buffalo.
Flowers all dripping with dew
For fellows like George, Abe and me too
For he was that Yankee Doodle
For instance
For instance
For it is Mary
For it is Mary
For it is Mary...
For it was Mary
For it was Mary
For some reason, they teamed me with a donkey.
For the short time it takes What a difference it makes
For the short time it takes What a difference it makes
Four weeks guaranteed at $300 a week and top billing.
Foy won't retire till he's 90.
Foy, Foy, Eddie Foy.
From now on I'm Peck's bad boy only from 8:30 till 11 in the evening.
From now on, it's just you alone, son.
From this day on, you and I are partners...
Front row center, the greatest show on earth, the people.
Froze in winter and roasted in summer.
Fun? I'm having a wonderful time.
G A N spells Harrigan
G A N spells Harrigan
G A N, you see
G A N, you see Tlick
Gee, I never cared much for my name before. It was kind of common.
Gee, it's a wonderful feeling having your name written to music.
Gee, there are millions of Marys around, but now...
Gee, we hate to say good bye to you
Gentlemen of the press, I presume?
Gentlemen, you are in perfect agreement.
George M. Cohan has invented the success story.
George M. Cohan. C O H A N.
George Michael Cohan. Heh.
George, I'm afraid your mother and I are breaking up the act before Josie is.
George, I'm sure our song will live forever.
George, this isn't your party. Sit down and let him read his letter.
George, you've always been the one with the words.
Georgie, I thought you said you were going to reform.
Georgie, those boys did you a great favor...
Get the stuff off that shelf there. That's right.
Get your props together. You're on next.
Give her a chance. See how that song goes.
Give me the key to your dressing room.
Give me time to work on that one.
Give my regards
Give my regards
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Go and get it. Say.
Go broke that she's a hot potato
Go broke that she's a hot potato She's a red hot radiator
Go, go, go, don't hold him back Let him go
Going back, congratulating the actors...
Good bye to London Town
Good bye, Georgie.
Good bye, Johnny
Good bye, Johnny. And don't worry, we still believe in you.
Good bye, Mr. Cohan, and good luck.
Good bye, sir, and good luck to you.
Good bye, sir.
Good luck, honey.
Good luck, Johnny Success to you
Good luck, kid.
Good old Abe's a very nice fellow, but maybe a little bit too soon.
Good work, kids. I'll see you at 11 in the morning.
Good. Dietz said it's the best musical he's ever read.
Got it.
Greatest man in the United States played by the greatest actor.
Greek. I'll bet that's Greek talk.
Guys who had never been past the corner cigar store...
Ha ha!
Had it made up on that old backdrop you like so well, fireproofed and everything.
Hammerstein's a great showman. A lot of people have never seen a Scotchman.
Harrigan That's me
Harrigan That's me
Hasn't he got any sense at all? What's he trying to do, spoil our fun?
Have a cigar?
Have I your permission?
Have Mr. Cohan sing the rest of the score for you.
Have offered Johnny anything To keep him over here
Have you ever heard a song called, uh, "Give My Regards to Broadway"?
Have your houses mortgaged Hock your watches, pawn your rings
Haven't you forgotten that your junior partner, Goff, does all the drinking?
He didn't send for us. He's come here to see us.
He doesn't get up that early.
He gave them seven kids.
He got me a seat up in the gallery.
He is a Yankee Doodle boy
He is a Yankee Doodle boy
He is the man Who owns Broadway
He just stopped at the water cooler.
He knows your key, and you just follow him for tempo.
He may be a flash in the pan for all we know.
He mustn't know I'm better. It might interfere with him becoming a genius.
He needs me about as much as he needs a hole in the head.
He ran away to the Civil War when he was 13.
He really does need you, George. He's in trouble.
He'll be through in a minute.
He'll never win, he'll never win The other nags are closing in
He's a Yankee Doodle Dandy
He's all yours.
He's big time vaudeville. We're in the big time.
He's found the mainspring in the antique clock.
He's given the world "Yankee Doodle Dandy." What's Foy done for his country?
He's gonna give America The English derby cup
He's got a Yankee Doodle sweetheart
He's got no ear for music. I'm the senior partner.
He's got one number called "Mary" that's perfect for you.
He's just mischievous, that's all.
He's lost the race, but it's a frame
He's producing a new show by Kaufman and Hart.
He's the most original thing that ever hit Broadway. You know why?
He's worked so hard. The least you could do is hear it.
Hear them calling you and me
Heavenly day, Nellie! He's crying with a brogue.
Heh heh.'ll hear from me.
Heh heh. Dad, press the little button on the side and see what happens.
Heh heh. Well, uh, shall we get down to business?
Heh heh. Well, you could find a better example...
Heh. In Buffalo, they say I have a nice little voice.
Heh. Madame, someday I hope you will give me the pleasure...
Heh. Well, that isn't why we're opening the theater.
Heh. Well, there's no use beating around the bush.
Heh. Yeah. Where's Miss Templeton's dressing room'?
Hello to old Broadway
Hello, Mr. Cohan.
Henry, I want you to promise the cop and Mr. Schults...
Her steady fella broke a dice game Down in Louisville
Her steady fella broke a dice game Down in Louisville
Here I am, Dad. Here I am.
Here it is. It's finished. Come on.
Here they are. Rave notices again.
Here, chick, chick, chick.
Here, take this. Oh, Jerry.
Here, this'll give you courage. Charge!
Here's one place without any talent!
Here's some more ties that you won't like, Jerry.
Here's your mail, Mr. Cohan.
Hey, Albee'll be right in.
Hey, Bill. What is this? What's she singing?
Hey, boys, start limbering up. You follow the jugglers.
Hey, George, there's a young lady, would like to talk to you.
Hey, Jerry, did you see the way they're billing you in Waukegan?
Hey, mister, our radiator needs some H20. Can we use your well?
Hey, the kid's doing all right, isn't he?
Hey! It's a boy!
His family hasn't blackballed him.
His old one's so loud, you can hear it right through his coat.
His sister and his mother gone and now the old man.
His truth goes marching on
His writing, his song, why, even his walk and his talk...
Hit your lights and keep them on the singer until the others come.
Hit your lights so we can keep going, will ya?
Hm. Never even heard of me. Sixteen years old, and I bet you he can't read.
Hmm, I see. A new finish. Hm.
Hmm, rave notices. That's bad.
Hmm? Just wait. She's wonderful, I think. Don't you think so?
Hmm. Been sick or in Europe?
Hold that pose. We want to show it to our legal department.
Home of beauties and war talk
Honest, you're a grand old flag
How about opening this one? Let me help you.
How about Saturday night?
How can you think of robins in the spring when we're freezing to death in Illinois?
How do you know I can do all those things? You've never seen me.
How does it sound?
How many curtain calls did you take tonight?
How to run, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up Show a little speed
How we hate to see you go
How we hate to see you go
Hurrah, hurrah
Hurrah, hurrah
Hurrah, hurrah We joined the jubilee
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up You simply have to win
Hurry up!
Hurry, right away! No delay. Go today.
Husband. We're getting married as soon as Fred's road tour is over.
I always thought George M.'s sister was the loveliest dancer I'd ever seen.
I am that Yankee Doodle boy
I am that Yankee Doodle boy
I am that Yankee Doodle boy.
I call it a hit.
I called it Popularity.
I can remember you and your family very well. The Four Cohans.
I can supply it. The attraction inside is a whole lot bigger than I am.
I can't do it. He'd think I'm jealous because he got more laughs than I did.
I can't forget how Lafayette Helped give us our first chance
I can't go out there, not without rehearsal.
I can't understand it.
I congratulate you, Mr. Cohan.
I could wave a flag, they said. Nothing else.
I couldn't attend the opening because I was down the street...
I did it with the orchestra leader, and you do it this show.
I didn't know there was that much love left in the entire Western Union codebook.
I didn't think you'd care If you should never see me again
I do humbly apologize and ask forgiveness...
I don't blame you. I'd feel the same way if I were up against Cohan.
I don't have to wait on them.
I don't have to. I can tell a trouper a mile away, right on sight.
I don't know.
I don't see how George does it at his age.
I don't want to hear a word out of you. I don't even want to hear you breathe.
I feel all right. Any news from Popularity?
I feel as though I've known you for years.
I gave your song to Fay Templeton tonight.
I get you.
I got a long distance call from Sam Harris this afternoon.
I had a trunkful of songs and play scripts...
I have a melodrama here called Wildflower.
I have a wonderful ear for music.
I have heard enough.
I have nothing to do with Broadway.
I have slouched along the way
I haven't said a word about a musical.
I hear now that Cohan's in town, Foy's gonna retire.
I hitched my wagon to 38 stars and 13 stripes.
I inherited that, got that from my father.
I know a dollar a year man who'll take care of you.
I know I have talent, even if I am from Buffalo.
I know it. I'm George M. Cohan.
I know you and your comrades will give them to us.
I know, but I'm nervous. I'll go blank. I won't be able to remember a line.
I know, I know. The hero helps him, gets shot in the leg...
I like Dietz, but I'm not too fond of Goff.
I like it too, so I guess I'll pan it.
I love to listen to the Dixie strain I long to see the girl I left behind me
I love you
I mean, for Mr. George M. Cohan.
I mean, my being 18, singing and dancing, and going to New York?
I never thought of it just that way before...
I never was much of a hand at saying things.
I remember him when he was a little boy.
I remember I was a kid in medical college in Baltimore...
I said, "My mother thanks you...
I saw your show tonight. Not bad.
I scrapped the Prohibition Act When we required a bracer
I seem to hear them say
I sit up in my study Writing gags for Mr. Ickes
I still had Mary, a playmate as well as a helpmate.
I think he's a little upset.
I think I might like it, Mr. Cohan.
I think you'd better go in alone.
I told her Uncle Teddy I wouldn't run for president
I understand you're the first person of your profession to receive this honor.
I used to be a model.
I used to be known as "Venus on wheels."
I want to make sure that everybody knows it was written for me.
I want to perform in a theater, not a boiler factory.
I want to see them about this melodrama I have.
I was 6 or 7 years old before I realized they weren't celebrating my birthday...
I was a good Democrat even in those days.
I was a pretty cocky kid those days.
I was born in Virginia
I was correct about man's love.
I was listening in on the phone downstairs while you were talking to Sam.
I was on Broadway in the legitimate theater.
I was supposed to be off duty this evening, Mr. Cohan...
I was taken by surprise
I was valet for Mr. Teddy Roosevelt.
I will be down the street watching a musical comedy.
I will give you a check to bind the deal.
I will if she's still speaking to us.
I will never forgive you for trying to palm off a forest fire on me...
I won't go to the boat with you.
I wonder what the M is for. Oh, modesty.
I wonder what took me so long to become a star.
I would never please the sort of people who revel in your antics and fireworks.
I wrote a play called Popularity.
I wrote it for one particular, very special Mary.
I'd be afraid to try anything bigger.
I'd hate to meet a Mary
I'd hate to meet a Mary...
I'd learned my job the hard way, all over the United States.
I'd like to be shown
I'd like to forget it. Say, listen, you connected with this turkey?
I'd like to see these kids do what I do...
I'd settle for that too.
I'll be back in just a minute.
I'll be ready in five minutes.
I'll be true to you
I'll give you an idea of what I mean.
I'll have to open up a store, huh? Heh heh.
I'll play the whole show with one foot in the trough.
I'll promise, but I can still lick any kid in town!
I'll remember that when the rent comes due.
I'll take an ad in every paper right alongside their reviews...
I'll take it. That'll impress him if he thinks I can smoke.
I'm 18. I sing and I dance, and I'm going to New York.
I'm a real life Yankee Doodle Made my name on fame and boodle
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy.
I'm always as young as the people I'm with...
I'm bored by magic. I know his formula.
I'm crazy about Goff, but I haven't got any use for Dietz.
I'm George M. Cohan.
I'm glad I am
I'm glad I had it.
I'm gonna give America The English derby cup
I'm gonna have my name up and down Broadway...
I'm gonna open it now, and I'm gonna read it.
I'm gonna see to it that Miss Templeton gets your flowers.
I'm gonna write you the most terrific wedding march ever put on paper.
I'm just a song and dance man. Everybody knows that.
I'm just as proud of me name, you see As an emperor, czar, or a king could be
I'm not angry, but it is very discouraging.
I'm not interested in Mr. Cohan or his plays.
I'm not sure I want to go into show business now.
I'm so glad you like it, Dad.
I'm sorry I missed the opening of your show.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. After the show I'm going home to New Rochelle.
I'm sorry. I can't use this, Cohan.
I'm sorry. You should've stopped me.
I'm the kid that's all the candy I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy
I'm the senior partner. I'll do the throwing out.
I'm worried, Sam. I'm really worried.
I've been here since 2:00 this afternoon, trying to get up courage to come backstage.
I've been in this business a long time and never met a performer...
I've been playing it ever since you left, and the neighbors haven't complained once.
I've been pounding the pavement so long, my socks have bunions.
I've got a Yankee Doodle sweetheart
I've got a Yankee Doodle sweetheart
I've got some things I want to talk over with Sam.
I've never refused you anything, have I?
I've never seen the guy. Got his name all over the place. Look at that.
If any of the Cohans ask you how you like their act, just tell them it was fair.
If Harold laughs, then I know it isn't funny.
If it goes off, you'll know that I've obtained certain papers from Ansty's cabin...
If it's as good as "45 Minutes from Broadway"...
If Mrs. R. would stay at home I'd get a decent meal
If positions were reversed, he'd help you out. You know he would.
If the hoodlums don't get you, a committee of actors will.
If we only could. They're so pretty.
If we're a hit here, it's a cinch in New York.
If you can fix up a good vaudeville act, we'll double your present salary...
If you get me in to see Miss Templeton, I'll get you two passes to my next show.
If you have to get back to town, Dr. Llewellyn, I'll be here all night.
If you like, Abe.
If you stick, I'll throw you a line. And you too, mother.
If you think I'd put any of my wife's money into that trash, you're crazy.
If you want to take a trip The surest of sure things
If you watch every twist, every turn
If you watch every twist, every turn
If you'd let yourself go, you'd be just as noisy and entertaining as the rest of us.
If you've got a soul in ya
If you've got any squawks, unload them on me. I'm the one that started all this.
Imagine knowing how to feed chickens or how much to feed them.
Imitating the president, a lot of people aren't gonna like it.
In 20 years of show business, I never once admitted I was wrong.
In a kingdom all our own
In a love nest
In fact, I'm flabbergasted.
In fact, if you'd like a job answering our phone...
In life, we trip, but right ourselves.
In show business we call that a piece of pie and a glass of milk.
In show business, you'll see a lot of those.
In some ways, I think he was the best performer of the lot.
In the city of Norfolk
In the opinion of people we respect, it is a bad play.
In the ways of the people and things
In the ways of the people and things
In this, we heartily concur.
Is a name that a shame Never has been connected with
Is a name that a shame Never has been connected with
Is it bright? Lots of color? I mean, will he like it?
Is it gonna take him that long to discover he has no talent?
Is it the robin that heralds the first breath of spring?
Is that what you're crying about?
Is there a part in your play for a bicycle rider?
Is this kid in your show?
Isn't she a little too young for you?
It didn't appeal to me, either.
It didn't mean anything anymore with Dad, Mom and Josie gone.
It has a direct bearing on my sending for you.
It is a very bad play.
It may not be much. I'm not the dancer I used to be, but then who is?
It plays one on one and segues into "Dixie."
It seems it always happens.
It seems to me you're taking all this very calmly, Jerry Cohan.
It started with a very funny incident, about 60 years ago.
It takes two men to impersonate a horse on Broadway.
It was in Providence, Rhode Island, on the Fourth of July.
It won't be terribly expensive, Mr. Schwab. I know where I can get a cheap fire.
It'll mean complete vindication.
It'll pack the pews.
It's a beautiful city, but I hate to go back to it.
It's a good idea. You get tired resting too long.
It's a grand
It's a grand old name
It's a great quality.
It's a lucky family that dances together every day.
It's a malicious rumor to gyp the public.
It's a wonderful second act curtain.
It's a wonderful song, George, best you've ever done. It'll live for years.
It's all good, clean fun. Didn't they enjoy it in Boston?
It's all right. I'll wait till George M. gets here from the theater.
It's awfully nice of all you boys To see me to the train
It's easy, very easy
It's easy, very easy
It's from George.
It's great to shake hands with a mob
It's no picnic, all those hardships.
It's not every kid gets that gets the chance to play Peck's bad boy.
It's not for just the ride there
It's not that I like Hyde Park
It's only 45 minutes from here...
It's only a so so number.
It's pleasant at the White House But I'll tell you how I feel
It's pure magic.
It's quite a thing.
It's really a wonderful job
It's so inspiring
It's started already. Will you excuse me?
It's that patriotic something That no one can understand
It's the best thing he's ever done.
It's to jail you're going, me boy!
Jeepers creepers
Jeepers creepers
Jerry and I have seen a lot of chickens in train windows...
Jerry, if he offers you a cigar, don't take it.
Jerry, the time has come for George's first spanking.
Jerry, what do you know. Ed Albee's coming backstage to see you.
Jockey? Jockey sounds swell. Just my luck to miss out on it.
Johnny, get your gun Get your gun, get your gun
Jones has broken records Every track at every meet
Josie, fix the chairs. The other one.
Josie, get the cheap makeup off the table.
Just a second.
Just as Mr. Doodle did By riding on a pony
Just full of news, aren't you? Telling me all kinds of things, huh?
Just to ride the ponies.
Keep your eye on that grand old flag
Keep your eye on the grand
Keep your eye on the grand old flag
Keep your eyes upon me And surprised you will be
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