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Iron Man 3 (2013)

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Iron Man 3 (2013) is a thrilling action-packed superhero film that marvels audiences with its captivating story and incredible special effects. Directed by Shane Black, this highly anticipated installment in the Iron Man franchise takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of adventure and redemption.

The cast of Iron Man 3 is led by the charismatic Robert Downey Jr., reprising his role as Tony Stark, the charming billionaire and genius inventor who doubles as the high-tech armored superhero Iron Man. Gwyneth Paltrow returns as Pepper Potts, Stark's loyal and resourceful girlfriend, while Don Cheadle portrays Colonel James Rhodes, who dons his own suit of armor as War Machine.

The film introduces a formidable new enemy, the terrorist mastermind known as the Mandarin, played by the brilliant Ben Kingsley. This chilling villain challenges Stark's beliefs and forces him to confront his own limitations as he battles to protect the ones he loves. Guy Pearce delivers a stellar performance as Aldrich Killian, a scientist with a fascinating and dangerous agenda that intertwines with Stark's journey.

Iron Man 3 takes place in the aftermath of the events depicted in The Avengers (2012). Shattered by the events in New York City, Tony Stark finds himself facing anxiety attacks and insomnia, doubting his ability to protect those he cares about. However, when one of his closest allies is targeted, Stark embarks on a relentless mission to stop the Mandarin and dismantle his nefarious organization.

The film is a perfect blend of intense action sequences, character development, humor, and emotional depth. As Iron Man faces increasingly daunting challenges, the audience is treated to breathtaking set pieces, showcasing the awe-inspiring abilities of the iron-suited hero. The intricate plot keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, with unexpected twists and turns that keep them guessing until the very end.

Iron Man 3 was met with critical acclaim upon its release, praised for its strong performances, witty dialogue, and stunning visual effects. The film became a box-office hit, breaking numerous records and solidifying Iron Man's status as one of Marvel's most beloved superheroes.

To fully immerse in the world of Iron Man 3, you can play and download the sounds of this epic adventure here. Relive the heart-pounding moments of heroism, the thunderous explosions, and the emotional triumphs by listening to the film's iconic soundtrack. Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Iron Man as he battles evil, saves the day, and proves that true heroes are defined by their courage and resilience.

A bin laden, a gaddafi, a mandarin,
A bomb is not a bomb when it's a misfire.
A cheap trick and a cheesy one liner?
A distraction.
A high level position has just been vacated.
A laptop, a digital watch, a cell phone,
A little knock and talk, making friends in ****stan.
A lot has happened, Tony.
A map of town, a big spring and a tuna fish sandwich.
A quaint military church
A shame. I would've caught her.
A sleighing song tonight
About a little guy that lives in a blue world.
About time.
Accessing satellites
Actually, sir, it's in Miami.
Addiction will not be tolerated.
Admit it, you need me.
After a brief soiree in an Afghan cave, I said goodbye to the party scene.
After New York, aliens... come on.
Afternoon, gentlemen.
Ah, I finally met a man called "ho."
Ah! Better late than never.
Aide: We have an unauthorized broadcast cutting through...
Aldrich killian? What, are you checking up on me?
Aldrich killian. [Stuttering] I'm a big fan of your work.
Aldrich killian. We actually met the guy back in...
All attempts to find the mandarin have so far proved unsuccessful.
All right, everybody. No talking and no eye contact.
All right, I think we got this. Send them all.
All right, I'm gonna give you a chance to escape.
All right, Jarvis.
All right, kill the alarm. I got it.
All right, let's do this. [Sniffs]
All right? I don't work for you.
All right? Just play it cool. Otherwise you come off grandiose.
All right? This sends a better message.
All right? You've got to let go.
All right.
All right. [Laughs]
All right. I'll see you in the morning. Good night.
All right. So, she's meeting up with this scientist.
All right. You know what? I was hoping to do this the smart way,
Also, it's christmastime and the rabbit's too big.
Although the guns are all fake
Am I gonna be okay?
American airwaves were hijacked...
And a blue corvette.
And all day and all night and everything he sees
And all your distractions?
And c, if you do someone a solid, don't be a yutz.
And claim their land.
And don't worry,
And everybody around.
And everything is blue for him and himself.
And Gary needs Tony.
And giving him a paint job.
And he might not wake up.
And he takes the stage tonight.
And here you are 13 years later, in a dungeon.
And how is president Ellis responding?
And I didn't even know it.
And I don't trust this guy. He's got another guy with him.
And I ended up doing things, no two ways about it,
And I have no idea what it means.
And I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without.
And I intend to finish this before Christmas morning.
And I want potts with me.
And I'm sorry in advance
And if it gives up,
And it goes here.
And it's basically getting said by two well known guys.
And leave a bad taste in the mouth.
And my experiences with someone,
And my suits, they're, uh...
And now you're out of ammo.
And now you've missed me again.
And now,
And now, neither will I.
And on the off chance you're a man, here's my home address.
And one day, folks said he went crazy and made, you know, a bomb.
And password, please.
And please, call me aldrich.
And plotting the last 12 months of thermogenic occurrences now.
And putting it out there in the atmosphere, instead of holding this in...
And recode it's DNA.
And see if I can't find a crowbar to Jimmy that thing open?
And she likes it. Here, let me show you.
And stay connected to the telephone
And suddenly she's glowing from the inside out, kind of a bright orange?
And that's why I'm gonna kill you first.
And the cellar doors are being cleared as we speak.
And the next hour...
And the patriot is ready to strike.
And the thing was, he needed someone
And the world's most feared terrorist in the other.
And then at the end of the sentence I say the wrong cranberry.
And then the ego steps in, the obsession.
And then they're over, and you still can't explain them.
And they knew about the drugs.
And this time tomorrow, he'll have your job.
And those who cannot regulate will be out from the programme.
And when I was, it was movie magic, love.
And who has slightly less of an ego.
And yes, I had a quick bite.
And you look up,
And you'll never see me coming.
And you're gonna join me.
And you're just ignoring her.
And, of course, you'll remember
And, sir, you were right.
Announcer: [On pa] Broadcast will commence shortly.
Anonymity, Tony.
Any military victims?
Any subjects within 12.5 yards were vaporized instantly.
Anything else you can tell us?
Anyway, the point is,
Anyways, I would have added in, um, the retro...
Are there bad guys in rose hill?
Are they coming back? The aliens?
Are we still at ding dong?
Are you actively napping?
Are you all right with this, dick?
Are you coming out?
Are you going completely mental?
Are you having another attack?
Are you?
Are you? Are you?
As a weapon.
As always, sir, a great pleasure watching you work.
As in, enhanced soldiers, private armies, and Tony is...
As much as I'd like to help you.
As the iron patriot.
As the memory of that glorious risk you prudently elected to forego.
As you wish, sir.
At first, it was fine. They were talking business.
Aw, crap.
Badge, guys. I put a memo in the toilet. Come on.
Barrel's a little long.
Because I also want to see your research.
Because I can't come home yet.
Because I had just created demons
Because I read the papers and frankly, I don't think you'll last the week.
Because if I call, you better pick up. Okay?
Because nothing,
Because the second you give evil a face,
Because those wankers wouldn't trust me with the real ones.
Because we're connected.
Because“. And, no, seriously, don't.
Before he built rockets for the Nazis,
Bells on Bob tails ring.
Between that and the wide gauge it's gonna diminish your fps.
Blah, blah, blah.
Blood on my mat. Handle it.
Bloody hell. Bloody hell.
Blue is his house with a blue little window.
Both: Operating system...
Brace yourself.
Brandt: Well, I think it's a little above your pay grade, sheriff.
Break it, you bought it.
Bring her around.
Bring up the thermogenic signatures again.
But as I looked out over that city,
But here's the thing, nobody can ID a device.
But honey, I can't sleep.
But I do know it's happening off the coast.
But I do own a maniac.
But I have, like, patterned my whole look after you.
But I think I can figure this out, yeah.
But I'll bet none of those idiots ever had to live with a chestful of shrapnel.
But I'm close.
But I'm gonna need that suit back.
But I'm sure he's a really good guy.
But if I do that...
But it's only half done. We've still got to get pepper...
But not right now.
But now it's, like, getting weird. He's showing her his big brain.
But right now, I have to go deal with this very annoying thing.
But something tells me now there's a new genius on the throne
But sure, you can call me a botanist.
But that's... I'm not gonna show you my "town."
But then I thought to myself, "why stop there?"
But then, as my father used to say,
But they're actually an American invention.
But this is what I wanted to show you.
But this season of terror is drawing to a close.
But Tony says you're a botanist. So...
But until that point, it's really just a lot of pain.
But we also have to figure out this
But you can fix it, right?
But, uh, the fun way is always good.
But, um, hey, if you're here to arrest me,
But, what for? Why now?
By taking the guy they call war machine
By the way, when you said your sister had a watch...
Bye bye.
Bye, kid.
Calm down.
Cameraman: Because you erase my shows!
Cameraman: We talked about this.
Can save you.
Can we just... just let me...
Can you feel that? We're done here.
Can you regulate?
Can you, uh, stop that?
Car's ready, if you're ready to go.
Careful, there. It's a limited edition.
Check the heart. [Stammering]
Clearly, somebody's trying to hide something.
Clearly, you're waiting for someone else. Huh?
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes. You don't want to see this.
Colonel rhodes.
Come on up, I'll prove it to you.
Come on, badge.
Come on, come on, come on!
Come on, I threatened a terrorist. Who is that?
Come on, man, this isn't a good look. Open up.
Come on, people.
Come on, people. Everybody, grab your monkey.
Come on! I thought that was just a theory.
Come on! Two...
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. A little more, baby.
Come on. I ain't scared of you.
Come on. Pep?
Couldn't be better.
Create supply and demand.
Creating a flight plan for Tennessee.
Crowbar, yeah.
Custom made terror threat.
Deal? What do you say?
Deputy, get this woman out of...
Did I do that?
Did I like it?
Did you just nod off?
Did you know that fortune cookies aren't even Chinese?
Didn't you say something about a "lovely speedboat"?
Disable with extreme prejudice.
Do me a favour and blow mark 42.
Do not erase a programme from my DVR unless you are 100% sure...
Do not open. Do not open. Don't open. Don't open.
Do we need to worry about that?
Do you know what he said when the first v 2 hit London?
Do you mind signing my drawing?
Do you need a plastic bag to breathe into?
Does it remind you?
Does this subject make you edgy?
Doesn't matter. I said it because he said it.
Don't get up.
Don't hurt the face! I'm an actor.
Don't leave me, buddy.
Don't move.
Don't move.
Don't take it personally. I don't remember what I had for breakfast.
Don't talk to me like that any more. You're not my boss.
Don't worry about it, I'll fix it.
Don't worry.
Done. Sorry.
Drawn from S.H.L.E.L.D., FBI and CIA intercepts.
Dreamed of space travel.
Dum e.
Easy, see? Eleven more to go.
Einstein slept three hours a year. Look what he did.
Elevator in Switzerland.
Ellen Brandt.
Ellis: Central to my administration's response to this terrorist event
Emcee: One more time! Ms elk Ridge, everybody!
Emcee: Very nice. Very nice.
Erin: Are you okay, mr stark?
Even limb regrowth.
Ever been to Tennessee, Jarvis?
Ever since that big dude with the hammer fell out of the sky,
Everybody needs a hobby.
Everybody, before we start...
Everything all right, colonel?
Everything comes full circle.
Everything okay, sir?
Exactly, exactly.
Excellent. Good team effort all around. Go us.
Except the bomb guy.
Exciting, isn't it, imagining how it got there?
Excuse me, sir. I don't know who...
Extremis is practically stabilized.
Factor in 3,000 degrees.
Female synth voice: Stark secure server
Female synth voice: Stark secure server.
Filled with wives and children, of course.
Flight power restored.
Flip the screen, and then we can get started.
Flip the screen. Then I can see what they're doing.
Focus up, ladies.
For something a little more adult than that.
For what? Did I miss something?
For you, for your brothers and sisters.
Free country.
Get her out! Get them out of here!
Get her. I'm gonna find a way around.
Get me eyes on it now.
Get me out of here.
Get on the horn to Nashville and, uh, upgrade me?
Get out of the bed. Get into the bathroom.
Give me some good news, man.
Give me your login.
Glad to see you could make it, son. I feel safer already.
God, I forgot my other things, so...
God, I would kill for some armour right now.
God, what am I gonna do?
Gods, aliens, other dimensions. I'm just a man in a can.
Good evening, and welcome to the birthing suite.
Good evening, sir.
Good strong name. Good strong job.
Got you, pal.
Great to see you! Oh, bloody hell!
Great. What's your name?
Guard: Report in.
Guard'. All personnel, stark is loose and somewhere in the compound.
Half hour till the ball drops.
Hang on a second.
Happy to help.
Happy was concerned.
Happy, we'll talk about this later,
Happy: Badge.
Happy: I'm sorry, buddy.
Happy: It's not y2k.
Harley, where is he really?
Harley: [Laughs] She's six. Anyway, it's a limited edition.
Harley: I guess this guy named Chad Davis used to live roundabouts.
Harley: Let me go! Savin: [Mockingly] Help me!
Harley: What about the avengers? Can we talk about them?
Harley: You're welcome.
Harley. And you're...
Have you checked the telomerase algorithm?
Having you here is not just to motivate Tony stark. It's, um...
He just lacked a decent incentive. Now, he has one.
He stargazed. [Chuckles softly]
He turned me down.
He went to hell, on account of he didn't get a shadow.
He won a bunch of medals in the army.
He won't.
He's 13.
He's a stage actor.
He's a stickler for that sort of thing.
He's in pain. He's been injured. Leave him alone.
He's not here.
He's shifty.
Heartbreaker, help red snapper out, will you?
Heather: Oh, God! No! No!
Hello, colonel.
Here it comes.
Here we go. [Clears throat]
Here's a little holiday greeting
Here's how it works, Meryl Streep.
Here's the ticket.
Here's what I need.
Here's what I'm going to do.
Here's where you're wrong.
Hey, guy.
Hey, hot wings, you want to party? Come on, you and me, let's go.
Hey, I admit it.
Hey, kid, what would you like for Christmas?
Hey, Ringo.
Hey, uh, ponytail express.
Hey. Hey!
Hi, dum e.
Hi, pepper.
Hi, Trevor. Trevor Slattery.
His reaction to the latest attack.
His think tank thinked it up.
Ho yinsen.
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on. See?
Homeland security. We good here?
Honestly, I hate working here. They are so weird.
Honestly, I wasn't on location for half this stuff.
Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out what happened to the first mouse.
Honey, I can't reach any further and you can't stay there.
How are we gonna save pepper with nothing?
How can I be pissed at you, Tony?
How did he hack my phone?
How did we get this shift?
How did you get that cap on your head? You earned it.
How many in the air?
How so?
How'd you know that?
I actually think I need to sleep now, sir.
I actually thought you'd show up.
I almost had this 20 years ago when I was drunk.
I am iron man.
I am just beyond terrified.
I am pleased to announce the imminent arrival
I am the mandarin!
I am thrilled that you are now the head of security. Okay?
I am your biggest fan.
I appreciate the thought very much.
I asked you three... You don't like it.
I broke the crayon.
I built him. I take care of him.
I can stop. Do you want me to stop?
I can take you there.
I can't! I don't know how to flip the screen!
I consider myself a teacher.
I considered taking that one step shortcut to the lobby.
I couldn't make his face, at first. Right? You know I'm good with faces.
I didn't even mention New York.
I didn't know if you were coming home
I didn't know we were expecting guests.
I didn't know you and the master were gonna blow the place up.
I didn't think it could get any worse.
I don't have enough juice.
I don't know about any pepper, but I know about the plan.
I don't know how I could've missed that Christmas present.
I don't know if you can tell,
I don't know what's going on with you any more.
I don't like it.
I don't like the sound of that.
I don't want to clip your wings, here. We're both a little over excited.
I don't want to harp on this, but did you like the custom rabbit?
I don't want to make things awkward for you, but I do have to show you...
I don't, uh... [Sighs]
I forgot that night in Switzerland.
I found myself a new political patron,
I gave a speech? How was it?
I get a lot of this, it's okay.
I get to wake up every morning with someone who
I got a team of guys coming tomorrow. They're gonna blow out that wall.
I got a ton of new tech. I got a prehensile suit.
I got an issue. I'm chasing bad guys.
I got just the thing.
I got nothing.
I got you first.
I got you.
I gotta get pepper. I gotta...
I guarantee you, he didn't kill anyone.
I guess he won, because that was six years ago.
I guess I'd say my armour, it was never a distraction,
I had a thought that would guide me for years to come.
I had them do it off a doll that I made, so it's not like it's off a picture.
I had to leave while I still had a shred of dignity.
I have one question for you.
I have to go.
I have to make this call.
I have to say, the detonation is quite spectacular.
I just didn't know how to phrase it until now.
I just needed a reason to kill you that would play well on TV.
I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian.
I just want to say, I'm sorry about your loss.
I knew you were still alive!
I know he's a little over the top sometimes.
I know him as colonel James rhodes.
I know I'm shorter in person. A bit smaller. Everyone says that.
I know this must be getting frustrating.
I know what I'm doing, I make this stuff. Give me another one.
I know you're a coward. So I've decided
I love you, babe.
I love you. I'm lucky.
I loved you in a Christmas story, by the way.
I mean, for understanding.
I mean, this is what gets people sick, you know.
I mean, we don't have any transport.
I mean, you gave your research to a think tank.
I miss you, happy
I need a little more information than that.
I need to find this guy.
I need you to jump on the roof... Right?
I never thought people had been hurt. They lied to me.
I prepared a flight plan. This was the location.
I promise you, looking back at your life, there will be nothing as bitter
I really appreciate that.
I remember the night, not the morning.
I said, let him go.
I suggest that we get ourselves someplace safe.
I swear that you're gonna freak me out.
I think I bought it.
I think I can get you better.
I think I may be malfunctioning, sir.
I think that my boss is working for the mandarin.
I think there's a gal in H.R. Who's trying to steal some printer ink.
I think they all made it.
I think we're good, here.
I think you messed up again.
I think you should close your eyes.
I tinker. I... [Sighs]
I took his money.
I used to work with him and he used to ask me out all the time,
I want to know what you think happened.
I was able to pinpoint the mandarin's broadcast signal.
I was dead. Why? Because I fell 200 feet?
I wonder who I'm calling right now.
I would like to introduce you to our guest, dr wu.
I wouldn't go in there for 20 minutes. [Laughs]
I... I... I did that.
I'd strongly advise against that.
I'll be fine.
I'll electrify your arm, you won't be able to open your hand.
I'll fix him.
I'll have the west's most powerful leader in one hand,
I'll leave the door unlocked.
I'll own the war on terror.
I'll recalibrate the sensors.
I'll see you soon.
I'll see you up on the roof in five minutes.
I'll see you up there.
I'm 14 years old, I still have a nanny. That was weird.
I'm a changed man.
I'm a piping hot mess.
I'm calling it extremist.
I'm going to shoot him in the head,
I'm going to sleep downstairs.
I'm going to start again.
I'm gonna come get the body.
I'm gonna find a heavy duty comm sat right now, I need your login.
I'm gonna follow this guy. I'm gonna run his plates and I'm gonna...
I'm gonna swing by, you're just gonna grab him.
I'm gonna take a shower.
I'm gonna take the chinook to base camp.
I'm gonna turn your lights down.
I'm here to thank you.
I'm just asking you to secure the perimeter.
I'm just gonna...
I'm just saying.
I'm kidding. This is a very powerful weapon.
I'm not a tech genius like you. Just trust me. Get down here.
I'm not a therapist.
I'm not moving. You want something? Take it.
I'm not sure if you can tell, but at this moment
I'm sorry I'm late. I was...
I'm sorry, but I got a best friend who's in a coma
I'm sorry, kid.
I'm sorry, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags.
I'm sorry. I'm not that kind of doctor.
I'm sure I'll see you again, pepper.
I'm telling you it isn't. I'm on the street.
I'm the best.
I'm titillated by the notion of working with you.
I'm trying to fix this thing.
I'm trying to grab a little something from some hard crypt data files.
I'm working. I've got something going on, here.
I'm... well...
I've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore.
I've been wanting to send to the mandarin.
I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time.
I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time.
I've told you, killian, we can use him.
If he's right about the location, we're 20 minutes from where pepper is.
If I die, killian,
If I was building iron man and war machine...
If I'm right, we can access the area of the brain
If need be, they can have F 22s in the air in 30 seconds.
If you know what I mean.
If you think back to Switzerland,
If you're gonna do it, do it!
If your president calls me in the next half minute,
Image coming through now, sir.
Imagine if you could hack into the hard drive of any living organism
In 1864, in sand creek, Colorado, the us military waited
In a one horse open sleigh
In a one horse open sleigh.
In five, four, bang!
In the street, that a man shouldn't do.
Initialize sequence.
Initiating virtual crime scene reconstruction.
Internal shots, temperature spikes.
Involves cheaply made sportswear,
Iran, ****stan, Syria? Where is it?
Iron patriot on the job.
Is a newly minted resource.
Is destined to be upgraded.
Is it gonna fit through the door?
Is it hot in there?
Is it the brain?
Is probably because you moved in.
Is that our mind,
Is that what you want?
Is that... Can you...
Is that... Is that important?
Is the president getting this?
Is this guy bothering you?
Is this what you've been chasing around?
Is this, uh...
Is... is that normal?
It catches explosions in mid air.
It discourages bullying.
It goes with any decor...
It is an honor, mr president.
It just cuts the weight of it in half.
It may not succeed in revitalizing the mark 42.
It predates any known mandarin attack.
It tested well with focus groups, all right?
It was a cocoon.
It was always me, Tony. Right from the start.
It was worth a shot.
It wasn't my idea.
It will take me nine or 10 minutes for the takedown.
It'll do.
It's "iron patriot" how
It's a big bunny. Relax about it!
It's a glorious day, savin.
It's a pity. I was so close to having her perfect.
It's a privately funded think tank called advanced idea mechanics.
It's a... It's a live feed.
It's an electromagnet.
It's an idea we like to call extremist.
It's been going on for a while. I haven't said anything.
It's classified information, Tony.
It's complicated. Hey, it's complicated.
It's faulty, but you found a buyer, didn't you?
It's gonna be a no, aldrich.
It's just a role. "The mandarin," see, it's not real.
It's just like old times, huh?
It's my favourite kind. A winning combo.
It's my pleasure. [Grunting]
It's my suit, and I can't... I'm not gonna... I don't wanna... [Breathing heavily]
It's not a compliment.
It's not entirely my fault. He has a tenden...
It's not right, 'cause there's no product in it.
It's not the '80s, nobody says "hack" any more.
It's not your fault, kid.
It's not... It is a compliment.
It's not... She doesn't like it. She prefers...
It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's snowing, right? Where are we, upstate?
It's still debatable.
It's the primary somatosensory cortex. It's the brain's pain center.
It's the same as it's always been, "warmachine68."
It's times like this my temper is tested somewhat.
It's urgent.
It's very nice to see you, killian.
It's... of course.
Jarvis, drop my needle.
Jarvis, get Igor to steady this thing.
Jarvis, give me a suit right now!
Jarvis, how are we?
Jarvis, subject at my 12 o'clock is not a target, disengage!
Jarvis, where's my flight power?
Jarvis; [Distant] Sir?
Jarvis: [Through armors] Yes, sir.
Jarvis: 1, 000 feet.
Jarvis: 10,000 feet.
Jarvis: 18,000 feet.
Jarvis: Actually, sir, it is charging, but the power source is questionable.
Jarvis: All wrapped up here, sir. Will there be anything else?
Jarvis: Forty seven. Tony: You know who I am.
Jarvis: Forty six.
Jarvis: Gentlemen.
Jarvis: Gluten free waffles, sir.
Jarvis: Good evening, colonel. Can I give you a lift?
Jarvis: I've compiled a mandarin database for you, sir,
Jarvis: It's totally fine, sir. I seem to do quite well for a stretch,
Jarvis: Mark 42, inbound.
Jarvis: No sign of cardiac anomaly or unusual brain activity.
Jarvis: Oh, hello, sir.
Jarvis: Sir, I have an update from Malibu.
Jarvis: Sir, I've located ms potts.
Jarvis: Sir, ms potts is clear of the structure.
Jarvis: Sir, please may I request just a few hours to calibrate...
Jarvis: The armour is now at 92%.
Jarvis: Thirteen, sir.
Jarvis. Hey.
Jarvis. Not my idea.
Jingle all the way.
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Just breathe. Really, just breathe.
Just five years in the hands of physical therapists.
Just gonna try and get my beak wet real quick.
Just hold on. Hold on.
Just let me catch my breath. Hey, don't... don't go. All right? Pepper...
Just look on the screen and tell me where it is.
Keep your appointment tonight and call me when it's done.
Keep your trap shut, guard the suit,
Killian: After years dodging the president's ban.
Killian: Ever hear of an elephant graveyard?
Killian: The good news is,
Killian: What would you regard as the defining moment of your life?
Killian: Will you please state your name for the camera?
Killian: You know what my old man used to say to me?
Killian. No... I don't remember that guy.
Kind of. Main house, as fast as you can.
L... l... I...
Ladies, follow the mullet. Ladies first.
Laughing all the way
Leave her ficus alone.
Let me tell you something, sweetheart. I am not your personal air con...
Let me tell you something. Do you know what happened
Let's begin.
Let's get you comfy.
Let's recap some of the frightening developments...
Let's track this from the beginning.
Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit.
Like a mechanic?
Like I said, we can't stay here.
Like, a Hazmat suit you can... [Grunts]
Listen, the Pentagon is scared.
Listen. "War machine" was a little too aggressive.
Little bit.
Live on your television in 30 seconds.
Look around you. The costumes, green screen.
Look at that. And they also renamed him, "iron patriot."
Look at what? You, watching them?
Look, I brought your damn file. You take it, go.
Look, if we want to launch product next year, I need stark.
Ls just blue like him inside and outside.
Ls your gun up?
Male reporter: Hey, mr stark. When is somebody gonna kill this guy?
Man '2'. Well, where is the feed coming from?
Man 3: I don't know, it's in all of our receivers and I...
Man: [In English accent] Well.
Man: [On radio] This is support team blue zero.
Man: Excuse me.
Man: We made it!
Man. Happy, happy, happy
Mark 42. Autonomous prehensile propulsion suit test.
Maya, give me the injector.
Maya, run!