A Gift just as special as you. from Encanto
A little sisterly advice, from Encanto
A lot of emotions. from Encanto
A place of wonder. from Encanto
A second chance. from Encanto
A warm embrace. from Encanto
About last night with the magic... from Encanto
About Mariano's proposal to Isabela. from Encanto
About me carrying too much. from Encanto
About the magic. from Encanto
Abuela says it's time. from Encanto
Abuela wants tonight to be perfect. from Encanto
Abuela was happy. The family was happy. from Encanto
Abuela worried about the magic. from Encanto
Abuela, I promise... from Encanto
Abuela, please! There's gotta be an explanation. from Encanto
ABUELA: (ANGRILY) What is going on? from Encanto
ABUELA: (CHUCKLING) That's right! from Encanto
ABUELA: ♪ Oye Mariano's on his way ♪ from Encanto
ABUELA: ♪ Oye Mariano's on his way ♪ from Encanto
ABUELA: An encanto. from Encanto
ABUELA: Everyone, together... from Encanto
ABUELA: I was given a miracle. from Encanto
ABUELA: If the Gift ceremony doesn't go well this time, from Encanto
ABUELA: Lift it higher. Higher. from Encanto
ABUELA: Luisa, the piano goes upstairs! from Encanto
ABUELA: Mirabel. from Encanto
ABUELA: Such a perfect match. from Encanto
ABUELA: Will you use your Gift to honor our miracle? from Encanto
Actually, Isa, this is called helping. from Encanto
After I save the miracle, I'm bringing you home. from Encanto
AGUSTĂŤN: Everyone okay? from Encanto
AGUSTĂŤN: Mirabel! The house is going to fall! from Encanto
Ah, you're not gonna leave me alone, are you? from Encanto
All alone, from Encanto
All right, all right, relax! from Encanto
All right, hombrecito, you ready? from Encanto
All right. from Encanto
All the patching's done by Hernando. from Encanto
ALL: ♪ Grandkid Round up ♪ from Encanto
ALL: ♪ He's here, don't talk about Bruno no ♪ from Encanto
ALL: ♪ Hey ♪ from Encanto
ALL: ♪ Not a word about Bruno ♪ from Encanto
ALL: ♪ Time for dinner ♪ from Encanto
ALL: ♪ We don't talk about Bruno! ♪ from Encanto
ALL: ♪ We see How bright you burn ♪ from Encanto
ALL: La Familia Madrigal! from Encanto
ALL: La Familia Madrigal! BRUNO: Hey! from Encanto
ALL: Us! from Encanto
Also, I don't know if you heard, from Encanto
Always hungry. Never satisfied. from Encanto
Am I fighting or hugging? from Encanto
Am... from Encanto
An embrace. An embrace! from Encanto
And a drizzle will lead to a sprinkle... from Encanto
And an amazing house. from Encanto
And an amazing you. from Encanto
And everyone always assumes the worst, so... from Encanto
And here, eh, kitchen adjacent. (CLICKS TONGUE) from Encanto
And I am so sorry. from Encanto
And I felt really bad, from Encanto
And I knew I was gonna let everyone down. from Encanto
And I made this so, from Encanto
And I might not be super strong like Luisa, from Encanto
And I saw the magic in danger. from Encanto
And I think it's all because of me? from Encanto
And I was so afraid to lose it from Encanto
And I'd get you all to myself. from Encanto
And I'm not in the way. You are. (GRUNTS) from Encanto
And it blessed us with a refuge in which to live. from Encanto
And it gets worse, 'cause you won't tell me from Encanto
And it never twitches. from Encanto
And it's gonna be the coolest ever. from Encanto
And it's not perfect. And people are going to be coming. from Encanto
And literally, the only thing from Encanto
And make both of our families stronger. from Encanto
And nothing could ever be broken from Encanto
And our house, from Encanto
And seeing you get your special Gift and your door, from Encanto
And so good for the encanto. from Encanto
And strengthen our home? from Encanto
And that thunder will lead to a drizzle from Encanto
And that's why coffee's for grown ups. from Encanto
And the candle almost went out. from Encanto
And the candle burned brighter and the cracks... from Encanto
And the fate of the miracle itself... from Encanto
And the greatest honor of our family from Encanto
And the rats talking in the walls. from Encanto
And then I heard the name we do not speak. from Encanto
And then, and then, and then, I saw you. from Encanto
And there was no one answer. No clear fate. from Encanto
And there were cracks everywhere. from Encanto
And though many joined us, from Encanto
And together, our family's Gifts from Encanto
And whatever you're doing, stop doing it. from Encanto
And when their children came of age... from Encanto
And you know what cures being upset? from Encanto
And you need to get outta here. from Encanto
And your abuelo was lost. from Encanto
And, uh, like I said, free food and everything. from Encanto
ANTONIO: Use my room. from Encanto
Antonio! from Encanto
Any chance you maybe know something from Encanto
As another steps into the light from Encanto
As I was saying, from Encanto
Ay, AgustĂn. from Encanto
Ay, Pedro. from Encanto
Because I'm Bruno from Encanto
Because of me. from Encanto
Because of you! from Encanto
Because the truth is, Gift or no Gift, from Encanto
Before TĂo Bruno left, from Encanto
Bring it in. from Encanto
Brunito. from Encanto
Bruno didn't care about this family. from Encanto
Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him. from Encanto
Bruno, your room is the worst! from Encanto
BRUNO: (HESITATING) It's all out of order. from Encanto
BRUNO: Butterfly! from Encanto
BRUNO: It's just the same thing. I gotta stop! from Encanto
BRUNO: Oh... Almost there. from Encanto
BRUNO: She didn't do this! Whoa! from Encanto
But at least I'll have a friend. from Encanto
But be careful. from Encanto
But didn't leave. from Encanto
But I don't know who is who. from Encanto
But I knew how it was gonna look. from Encanto
But I realized it was putting me behind. from Encanto
But I'm (HESITATES) from Encanto
But if I should stop, from Encanto
But if something's wrong with the magic, from Encanto
But in our darkest moment, from Encanto
But it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family. from Encanto
But maybe you heard about that maybe I should know about. from Encanto
But my guess... from Encanto
But now I can't find Antonio. What do you want from me? from Encanto
But that's all I know. from Encanto
But the vision was different. It... it would change. from Encanto
But then when I went to throw from Encanto
But there is one person in this family from Encanto
But tonight must go perfectly. from Encanto
But, if I did, you'd be like, from Encanto
But, uh, I love my family, you know? from Encanto
By yourself, after I leave. (GRUNTS) from Encanto
Came alive to shelter us. from Encanto
CAMILO: Hey, nice job over there. from Encanto
Camilo! Stop pretending you're Dolores from Encanto
Camilo. Fix your face. from Encanto
Can you turn off the sand? from Encanto
Careful, Antonio! (GRUNTS) from Encanto
Casita, help me out. from Encanto
Casita! Casita! (PANTING) from Encanto
Casita! Get me up there! from Encanto
Casita? from Encanto
Casita. from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ All of you All of you ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ All of you All of you ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ Isabela ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ Isabela ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ Luisa, Luisa ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ No, no ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ No, no ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ Whoa ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ Whoa ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ Whoa ♪ from Encanto
CHORUS: ♪ Whoa ♪ from Encanto
Clear skies, clear skies. from Encanto
Come on, let's get you to your door. from Encanto
Come on. from Encanto
Come on... from Encanto
Cracks in our casita. from Encanto
Deep breath in, deep breath out. from Encanto
Did someone say flowers? from Encanto
Dolores said your eye was twitching, from Encanto
Dolores, do we have a date? from Encanto
Dolores, hey. from Encanto
Dolores, I see you. from Encanto
DOLORES: ♪ I can hear him now ♪ from Encanto
DOLORES: Here, let me help you. Let me help you. from Encanto
Don't know, but I heard the grown ups once. from Encanto
Don't move. I'll be right back. from Encanto
Don't you ever... from Encanto
Doors! from Encanto
Drawers! from Encanto
Embrace who? from Encanto
Empty. from Encanto
Ergo you can talk to me about anything. from Encanto
Everyone, to the table! Let's go, let's go. from Encanto
Everyone, together! from Encanto
Everyone! Come, come, come! from Encanto
Everyone's looking for you. from Encanto
Everything okay? from Encanto
Excuse me. from Encanto
FÉLIX: (GASPS) The candle! from Encanto
FÉLIX: ♪ Thunder ♪ from Encanto
FÉLIX: ♪ Why did he tell her? ♪ from Encanto
FÉLIX: Antonio! from Encanto
FÉLIX: How is this possible? The encanto's broken. from Encanto
FÉLIX: Mirabel! from Encanto
FÉLIX: Mirabel? from Encanto
FÉLIX: Our angel, our angel! from Encanto
FÉLIX: That was amazing. from Encanto
Fifty years ago, from Encanto
Find her. from Encanto
Find that vision. from Encanto
First Gift ceremony since yours. from Encanto
First, an announcement. from Encanto
Floors! from Encanto
Follow the butterfly! from Encanto
For Antonio's wonderful new (GRUNTS) Gift. from Encanto
For Isabela's engagement. from Encanto
For the nerves. from Encanto
For you to propose. Which, uh, you should do! from Encanto
For you, for Abuela, from Encanto
Game shows? Telenovelas? from Encanto
Get out. from Encanto
Get some sleep. from Encanto
Go on. Apologize. from Encanto
Good luck. I wish I could've seen more. from Encanto
Great. Now I'm thundering, from Encanto
Has been to use our blessings from Encanto
Have another vision. from Encanto
Have made our new home a paradise. from Encanto
Have you been in here patching the cracks? from Encanto
Have you lost your mind? from Encanto
He had, like, some terrible vision about it. from Encanto
He loves this family. from Encanto
He sent me you. from Encanto
He would see something terrible. And then... from Encanto
Heavy! (SOBBING) from Encanto
Help me protect our family. from Encanto
Help me save our miracle. from Encanto
Help me! from Encanto
Help me! from Encanto
Help! Help... from Encanto
Hey, after you save the miracle, come visit. from Encanto
Hey, coming through! from Encanto
Hey, move. You're gonna make me drop a donkey. from Encanto
Hey, she needs to know, Pepi, she needs to know. from Encanto
Hey! from Encanto
Hey! When's the magic Gift happen? from Encanto
Hmm. from Encanto
Hmm. from Encanto
Hmm. from Encanto
Hoping to find a new home, from Encanto
How did I cut my hand? from Encanto
How did we get a miracle? from Encanto
How do you help a family miracle? from Encanto
How do you keep them all straight? from Encanto
How long have you been back here? from Encanto
How? from Encanto
Huh? from Encanto
Huh? Whoop! from Encanto
I am gonna miss having the world's best roomie. from Encanto
I am just as special as the rest of my family. from Encanto
I asked my Pedro for help. from Encanto
I broke into Bruno's tower. from Encanto
I call it the "Not Special Special" from Encanto
I can do this. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. from Encanto
I can finally see. from Encanto
I can't remember all the Gifts! from Encanto
I can't say we don't have a house? from Encanto
I don't care from Encanto
I don't know which way it'll go, from Encanto
I don't know why you weren't given a Gift, from Encanto
I don't know. Our family got a miracle. from Encanto
I don't really have a good reason, from Encanto
I don't sound like that. from Encanto
I don't think you make bad things happen. from Encanto
I don't understand why you left, from Encanto
I don't understand. from Encanto
I don't want the same for you. from Encanto
I feel like I missed something important. from Encanto
I felt weak. from Encanto
I figure out what's happening to the miracle. from Encanto
I found her! from Encanto
I found his last vision. The family's in trouble. from Encanto
I gave her a vision! from Encanto
I gave you the special from Encanto
I got it! from Encanto
I gotta put out the stuff. from Encanto
I had this vision the night that you didn't get your Gift. from Encanto
I hate you! from Encanto
I have to go get the Guzmáns from Encanto
I healed your hand with my love for my daughter from Encanto
I heard her eye twitching all night. (SQUEAKS) from Encanto
I just don't know how to... I just don't know how to... from Encanto
I just wanna do my part like the rest of the family. from Encanto
I just wanna know if it was generally from Encanto
I just wanted from Encanto
I just wanted to get the last of Toñito's things from Encanto
I just wanted to make the family proud of me. from Encanto
I knew what everyone would think from Encanto
I knew you could do it! from Encanto
I know it. from Encanto
I know we've had our issues, from Encanto
I know, Mamá. from Encanto
I know. It's just hypothetically, from Encanto
I love this family. We all love this family. from Encanto
I need to do this. from Encanto
I need you. from Encanto
I never wanted to marry him! I was doing it for the family! from Encanto
I ruined her proposal! from Encanto
I see... me. from Encanto
I think it's everyone in town. from Encanto
I think you're carrying way too much... (GRUNTS) from Encanto
I think you're gonna help the candle! from Encanto
I thought I would be a different woman. from Encanto
I thought we would have a different life. from Encanto
I told them to warm up your seat. from Encanto
I understand you. from Encanto
I used to say my real Gift was "acting." (CHUCKLES) from Encanto
I was looking out for the family. from Encanto
I was thinking of my daughter. from Encanto
I was, like, "Go!" And she was, like... from Encanto
I wasn't trying to ruin your life! from Encanto
I will never be good enough for you. from Encanto
I will save the miracle. from Encanto
I wish you could have a door. from Encanto
I wish you could see yourself the way I do. from Encanto
I would never ruin Antonio's night. from Encanto
I... from Encanto
I'll be fine. from Encanto
I'll be okay. from Encanto
I'm not doing anything! It's Bruno's vision! It's... from Encanto
I'm on it! Careful, sis! from Encanto
I'm saving the miracle! from Encanto
I'm sorry, I was... from Encanto
I'm sorry. from Encanto
I'm sure today we'll find a way from Encanto
I'm too scared to go near those things. from Encanto
I'm totally fine. The magic's fine. from Encanto
I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life! from Encanto
I've never been able to come back here. from Encanto
I've spoken to the Guzmáns from Encanto
If he had a vision about someone, from Encanto
If he saw you... from Encanto
If I see something from Encanto
If I was you, I'd be really sad. from Encanto
If I'm hurting my family, from Encanto
If our family knew how vulnerable we truly are... from Encanto
If our fate's up to me, me says have another vision. from Encanto
If our miracle is dying... from Encanto
If the answer is here, help me find it. from Encanto
If there was something else... from Encanto
If you can't pay attention, I will help you. from Encanto
If you don't take it from Encanto
If you find it, you'll know. from Encanto
If you weren't always trying too hard, from Encanto
Improved by Synchronized from Encanto
Improved by Synchronized from Encanto
In our darkest moment, from Encanto
In three, from Encanto
Is it why you came back or... from Encanto
Is on your shoulders. The end. from Encanto
Is that really what you think? from Encanto
Is to step aside. from Encanto
Isa, from Encanto
Isa, I feel like you're upset. from Encanto
Isa? from Encanto
Isa? Hey. from Encanto
Isa? Uh, this is the part where we... from Encanto
Isabela won't be perfect enough. from Encanto
Isabela, most graceful of all the Madrigals. from Encanto
ISABELA: "Hug it out"? from Encanto
ISABELA: ♪ He told me that my power would grow ♪ from Encanto
ISABELA: ♪ What else can I do? ♪ from Encanto
ISABELA: Who wants more pink? from Encanto
It is physically impossible to relax! from Encanto
It's a great night! It's a perfect night! from Encanto
It's bigger on the inside? from Encanto
It's her! I found her! from Encanto
It's like a very forbidden kind of... from Encanto
It's not gonna work. from Encanto
It's okay, mami. from Encanto
It's okay! Everything's... from Encanto
It's the candle. The candle's getting brighter! from Encanto
It's up to you. from Encanto
José! from Encanto
JULIETA: Mirabel, get out! AGUSTĂŤN: Mirabel! from Encanto
JULIETA: Mirabel, leave it! from Encanto
JULIETA: Mirabel! from Encanto
JULIETA: Mirabel! from Encanto
Just once. from Encanto
Just tell me. from Encanto
Just tell us what everyone can do! from Encanto
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood. from Encanto
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood. from Encanto
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood. from Encanto
La Familia Madrigal! from Encanto
La Familia Madrigal! from Encanto
Last night, when you saw the cracks, from Encanto
Last one being yours from Encanto
Let the rest of the family do what they do best. from Encanto
Let's go! from Encanto
Let's hug it out, huh? from Encanto
Like the problem with the magic last night from Encanto
Like your future was undecided. from Encanto
Long ago, from Encanto
Look around. from Encanto
Look at our home! Look at your sister! from Encanto
Look at you! All grown up. from Encanto
Look, even if I wanted to, which I don't, from Encanto
Look, if I could help any more, I would, from Encanto
Lost everything. from Encanto
Lot of stairs, from Encanto
Luisa can't lift an empanada, from Encanto
Luisa will never be strong enough. from Encanto
Luisa, could you bring over the piano? from Encanto
Luisa, hey. What? from Encanto
Luisa, if you know what's hurting the magic from Encanto
Luisa, my house is leaning to the... from Encanto
Luisa, the donkeys got out again. from Encanto
Luisa, will you just... (SCOFFS) from Encanto
LUISA: ♪ I move mountains ♪ from Encanto
LUISA: All right, guys, where do I drop the wagon? from Encanto
LUISA: Mirabel? from Encanto
LUISA: My Gift! from Encanto
LUISA: On it. from Encanto
Luisa! (YELPS) from Encanto
Luisa's fine. I'm totally not nervous. from Encanto
Luisa's gift is not fading. from Encanto
Luisa's losing her powers. Isabela's out of control. from Encanto
Magical how many stairs fit in here! from Encanto
Make my family proud. from Encanto
Make your family proud. from Encanto
Mamá, be nice to Mirabel, okay? from Encanto
Mamá, you've always been too hard on Mirabel. from Encanto
Mamá! from Encanto
Mamá. from Encanto
MAN: (SINGING IN ENGLISH) ♪ Two oruguitas ♪ from Encanto
MAN: (SINGING IN SPANISH) ♪ Oh, butterflies ♪ from Encanto
MAN: (SINGING IN SPANISH) ♪ Party night ♪ from Encanto
MAN: (SINGING IN SPANISH) ♪ Party night ♪ from Encanto
MAN: (SINGING IN SPANISH) ♪ Two caterpillars ♪ from Encanto
Mariano's nose looks like a smashed papaya! from Encanto
Maybe a little for me. from Encanto
Maybe I overdo it. from Encanto
Maybe it'll show me what to do. from Encanto
Maybe you should leave the decorations from Encanto
Maybe your Gift is being in denial. from Encanto
Me. from Encanto
Meh. from Encanto
Mi amor, I was so worried. from Encanto
Mi amor, if you ever wanna talk... from Encanto
Mi vida, you okay? You don't have to overdo it. from Encanto
Mira, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family. from Encanto
Mirabel and I were having this little talk from Encanto
Mirabel found Bruno's vision. She's in it. from Encanto
Mirabel, are you hurt? from Encanto
Mirabel, I know you want to help. from Encanto
Mirabel, please, we need to get ready for the Guzmáns. from Encanto
Mirabel, we have to get out! from Encanto
MIRABEL: (IN ENGLISH) The house is in danger! from Encanto
MIRABEL: (IN ENGLISH) Wait. from Encanto
MIRABEL: (SCOFFS) Why would embracing Isabela do anything? from Encanto
MIRABEL: ♪ And Luisa's super strong ♪ from Encanto
MIRABEL: ♪ Grows a flower And the town goes wild ♪ from Encanto
MIRABEL: ♪ Show them what you can do ♪ from Encanto
MIRABEL: Abuela. from Encanto
MIRABEL: Hey! Luisa, hold up! from Encanto
MIRABEL: If it was all in my head, from Encanto
MIRABEL: Mm hmm. from Encanto
MIRABEL: Ow! Ow! from Encanto
MIRABEL: Quitter! from Encanto
MIRABEL: What? (GASPS) from Encanto
Mirabel! from Encanto
Mirabel! from Encanto
Mirabel! from Encanto
Mirabel! from Encanto
Mirabel! from Encanto
Mirabel! from Encanto
Mirabel! Mirabel! from Encanto
Mirabel! Where's Mirabel? from Encanto
Mirabel? from Encanto
Mirabel? (SIGHS) Mirabel? (BURBLING) from Encanto
Mirabel. from Encanto
Miraboo! Got your party pants on? 'Cause I... from Encanto
Mm hmm. from Encanto
Mm hmm. from Encanto
Mm hmm. from Encanto
Mom! from Encanto
Morning, Abuelo! from Encanto
My cousin's ceremony is tonight. from Encanto
My Mariano wanted to begin with a song! from Encanto
Nervous? from Encanto
No matter how hard any of us tries. from Encanto
No matter how hard I try. from Encanto
No one knows. They never found it. from Encanto
No, I actually made these as a surprise for you. Ooh! from Encanto
No, no, no. She needed me to ruin her proposal. from Encanto
No, that's... from Encanto
No! from Encanto
No! from Encanto
No! (GROANS, PANTS) from Encanto
No! (PANTING) from Encanto
No. from Encanto
No. He flew away immediately. from Encanto
No. Hold on! from Encanto
No. I need to know which way it goes. from Encanto
Not mine. from Encanto
Nothing is messed up! from Encanto
Nothing. I... I don't... from Encanto
Nothing. Just got a lot of chores, from Encanto
Of course she isn't happy. You ruined her proposal. from Encanto
Of course they can come! from Encanto
Of course, I mean... Hey, where are you going? from Encanto
Oh, and Luisa, from Encanto
Oh, and tell Antonio good luck. from Encanto
Oh, I have no idea. from Encanto
Oh, Mirabel didn't get one. (SQUEAKS) from Encanto
Oh, my gosh. from Encanto
Oh, that? No, no, no. from Encanto
Oh, well, because, huh, from Encanto
Oh, your sister? That's great! from Encanto
Oh! (GRUNTS) No, no, no! from Encanto
Oh. No, no. See, I don't do visions anymore. from Encanto
Oh... from Encanto
Okay, I can do this. from Encanto
Okay, I'll take it from here. Goodbye! from Encanto
Okay, okay, okay. from Encanto
Okay, okay, we're going! from Encanto
Okay, okay. Vamo, vamo, vamo. from Encanto
Okay, Papi. from Encanto
Okay? from Encanto
Okay. from Encanto
Okay. Our community is counting on us. from Encanto
One... Oh. (CHUCKLES) from Encanto
Ooh, ooh, plus, free entertainment. from Encanto
Ooh! (CHUCKLES) from Encanto
Open my eyes. from Encanto
Or effortlessly perfect like señorita perfecta Isabela from Encanto
Or maybe I'm wrong. from Encanto
Our casita itself from Encanto
Our family needs help, from Encanto
Our house breaking. from Encanto
Out. from Encanto
Outsiders who had no Gift, never, ever would... from Encanto
Pá? from Encanto
People in town are becoming anxious from Encanto
Pepa, calm down. from Encanto
PEPA: ¡Muevelo! from Encanto
PEPA: ♪ Bruno says it looks like rain ♪ from Encanto
PEPA: ♪ In doing so, he floods my brain ♪ from Encanto
PEPA: ♪ Married in a hurricane ♪ from Encanto
PEPA: ♪ Married in a hurricane ♪ from Encanto
PEPA: ♪ You're telling the story or am I? ♪ from Encanto
PEPA: Antonio, don't cry, papito. from Encanto
PEPA: Dolores, can you hear if anyone is gonna be late? from Encanto
PEPA: How did this happen? from Encanto
PEPA: I made a rainbow! from Encanto
PEPA: Julieta, come quick! from Encanto
PEPA: My baby's night has to be perfect, from Encanto
PEPA: What do we do now? from Encanto
Pepi, amor, you're gonna get him all wet. from Encanto
Please don't clap. from Encanto
Please just... Isabela wasn't happy. from Encanto
Please! Music! from Encanto
Plus, P.S... from Encanto
Positive or, like, less positive... from Encanto
Provided by explosiveskull from Encanto
Provided by explosiveskull from Encanto
Ready to be a better sister... to you. from Encanto
See what it meant. from Encanto
SEĂ‘ORA OZMA: Luisa, can you from Encanto
Señora, perdon. from Encanto
She didn't do this! from Encanto
She was about to tell us about her super awesome Gift! from Encanto
She won't hug me ever, okay? She hates me! from Encanto
She's back! She's back, she's back! from Encanto
She's gonna destroy the magic and now, we're all doomed! from Encanto
She's gonna tell everyone. from Encanto
She's the one with roses coming out of her... from Encanto
Shoo, shoo, shoo! (GRUNTS) from Encanto
Show me. from Encanto
Since you're the only Madrigal kid with no Gift. from Encanto
Since, uh, you have no Gift. from Encanto
So I feel like I can talk to you about anything, from Encanto
So I was grabbing all the donkeys, from Encanto
So it would never happen again. from Encanto
So maybe you should just go home. from Encanto
So perfect. from Encanto
So she can't remember that she's his aunt. from Encanto
So today we will work twice as hard. from Encanto
So you can have seconds. from Encanto
So, I tried not to carry so much, from Encanto
So, if anyone would know what's wrong with the magic... from Encanto
So, she begged me to look into the future. from Encanto
So, the best way for some of us to help from Encanto
So, we should just hug. from Encanto
So, what do you like? You like sports? from Encanto
Something we're not seeing! from Encanto
Something's making you nervous. from Encanto
Sometimes family weirdos just get a bad rap. from Encanto
Sorry, I got to get one more squeeze. from Encanto
Sorry, sorry, sorry. from Encanto
Sorry, you could. You look great. from Encanto
Sorry. Excuse me. from Encanto
Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to... from Encanto
Sorry... from Encanto
Start with Bruno's tower. from Encanto
Stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her. from Encanto
Stop! from Encanto
Stop! from Encanto
Stop! from Encanto
Strengthen our community, strengthen our home. from Encanto
Such a fine young man with our perfect Isabela from Encanto
Surrounded by the exceptional, it was easy to feel from Encanto
Tell us everything! from Encanto
Thank you, Toñito. from Encanto
Thanks. from Encanto
That could never go out. from Encanto
That I lost sight of who our miracle was for. from Encanto
That is a very serious confession. from Encanto
That no one seemed to worry about, from Encanto
That place is off limits for a reason. from Encanto
That we can't fix... together. from Encanto
That you don't like, you're gonna be all, from Encanto
That... That snuck out there. What I meant was, um... from Encanto
That's enough. from Encanto
That's gonna make me way more happy than anything. from Encanto
That's... (GRUNTS) from Encanto
The candle became a magical flame from Encanto
The cracks started with you. from Encanto
The cracks were there. from Encanto
The donkeys in the barn, they were from Encanto
The family, the encanto from Encanto
The fate of the family, it's not up to her. from Encanto
The flowers! from Encanto
The Guzmáns and the Madrigals together from Encanto
The house isn't gonna decorate itself. from Encanto
The house was in trouble, from Encanto
The last Gift ceremony was a bummer. from Encanto
The magic is dying. The house is breaking, Luisa's gift is fading. from Encanto
The magic is not dying. The house is not breaking. from Encanto
The magic is strong! Everything is fine! from Encanto
The magic is strong. from Encanto
The miracle blessed each with a magic Gift to help us. from Encanto
The miracle grew. from Encanto
The miracle is dying, because of you. from Encanto
The mountains around the encanto are pretty tall. from Encanto
The only one worried about the magic is you from Encanto
The rats told me everything. Don't eat those. from Encanto
The whole town relies on our family, on our Gifts. from Encanto
Their love could never be. from Encanto
Then you better figure it out, because it was coming for you. from Encanto
There are so many people! from Encanto
There is nothing wrong with La Casa Madrigal. from Encanto
There we go. from Encanto
There were bees everywhere. from Encanto
There! Over there! from Encanto
There's gotta be an answer. from Encanto
They haven't found her yet? from Encanto
They want to see you. from Encanto
They were everywhere. from Encanto
Think of the family. from Encanto
This candle blessed us with a miracle. from Encanto
This candle holds the miracle given to our family. from Encanto
This is where our magic comes from? from Encanto
This present will self destruct from Encanto
This river is where we were given our miracle. from Encanto
TĂa Pepa? If... (HESITATING) from Encanto
TĂa! Jeez. from Encanto
TĂo Bruno? from Encanto
TĂo Bruno? What was in his vision? from Encanto
TIPLE MAESTRO: Has anybody seen my tiple? from Encanto
To be something I'm not. from Encanto
To make the candle bright you have to embrace her. from Encanto
To make us proud. from Encanto
To put your blessings to good use. from Encanto
To serve this beloved community. from Encanto
To someone else? from Encanto
Tonight will be hard for us all. from Encanto
Tonight, this candle will give you your Gift, mi vida. from Encanto
Tonight, we can't have any more problems. from Encanto
Tonight, we come together once more from Encanto
Tonight. He wants five babies. from Encanto
Two, from Encanto
Uh huh. Uh huh. from Encanto
Uh, I was actually gonna... from Encanto
Uh, it's actually family tradition to sing after. from Encanto
Uh, there's someone with you. And you... from Encanto
Uh, they were just asking about the family and... from Encanto
Uh... Not if we don't have a house. from Encanto
Um... (CHUCKLES) from Encanto
Um... There is something you should know. from Encanto
Un ceptional. from Encanto
Until the Guzmáns leave, from Encanto
Wait a second! (GROANS) from Encanto
Wait, no, no. Is that a hug? from Encanto
Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean? from Encanto
Wait, who's the sister and who's the cousin? from Encanto
Wait! (GRUNTS) Fine! I apologize! from Encanto
Wait! How do you find a vision? from Encanto
Wait! Wait! from Encanto
Wait. How do I save a miracle? from Encanto
We are a family, because of you. from Encanto
We are all thankful from Encanto
We are broken... from Encanto
We are the Madrigals! from Encanto
We cannot lose our home again. from Encanto
We could not escape the dangers from Encanto
We couldn't find you. from Encanto
We don't talk about Bruno. from Encanto
We don't talk about Bruno. from Encanto
We don't talk about Bruno. from Encanto
We gotta get out of here! from Encanto
We have a new Gift! from Encanto
We made this one for you. from Encanto
We might wanna hurry. from Encanto
We must never take our miracle for granted, from Encanto
We must protect our family, our e ncanto. from Encanto
We say nothing. from Encanto
We were given a miracle, because of you. from Encanto
We were given a miracle. from Encanto
We were saved because of you. from Encanto
We'll be waiting at your door. from Encanto
We're gonna find out! from Encanto
We're gonna save the miracle. The magic... from Encanto
Well, "us," I can't just talk about myself. from Encanto
Well, anyway, I think you should go, because, um, from Encanto
Well, because she's his aunt and she has amnesia from Encanto
Well, I left my tower, from Encanto
Well, I think we're running out of time here. from Encanto
Well, in that impossible scenario, from Encanto
Well, it's all gonna come down to you. from Encanto
Well, my little friend, I am not. from Encanto
What about Antonio? What is he gonna do? from Encanto
What are you doing? from Encanto
What are you talking about? from Encanto
What are your powers? from Encanto
What did you do? from Encanto
What did you do? What did you say to her? from Encanto
What do you think my Gift will be? from Encanto
What do you think's hurting the magic? from Encanto
What I think is that today was very hard for you. from Encanto
What if I show you something worse? from Encanto
What if you didn't understand what he saw? from Encanto
What is that? Not a house. from Encanto
What would it mean for them? from Encanto
What you think of me, but if you're from Encanto
What, you're not coming? from Encanto
What? We don't have a house. from Encanto
What... What's happening? Where are we going? from Encanto
What's going on? What are you hiding? from Encanto
What's her problem with me anyway? from Encanto
What's his Gift? from Encanto
What's that sound? from Encanto
What's your Gift? from Encanto
Whatever Gift awaits from Encanto