A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A fine baby boy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A free hand? That means he'll starve and whip them. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A friendly call, and talk business with old friends. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A girl hasn't got but two sides to her at a table. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A great lady. A very great lady. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A lot of shanties were burned. A couple of men were killed. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A lot of shanties were burned. A couple of men were killed. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A man told me that the doctor's down at the car shed... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A minor point at such a moment. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A Mrs. Belle Watling. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A nice black broadcloth is what little girls wear. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A soldier of the South loves you. Wants your arms around him. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
A world in which there's no place for me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Acting like a wet nurse to them white trash Slatterys... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Acts like they won the war. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
After all, tomorrow is another day! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
After me and Miss Ellen done labored with you! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
After we've fired on the Yankee rascals at Fort Sumter, we've got to fight. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All except... goodbye. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right, corporal, show Captain Butler's "sister" to his cell. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right, darling, all right. Now you shall go home. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right, darling. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right, Melanie. I'll go to Atlanta. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right, Pa, you jump what you please. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right, then. Now stop your crying and smile. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right, you're the foreman. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right. All right. Good night, Ashley. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All right. I'll teach her to ride sidesaddle. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All that's past. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All the chickens? Everything? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All the clothes and all the rugs, and even Miss Ellen's rosaries. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
All we've got is cotton and slaves, and arrogance. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Allow me, Miss O'Hara? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Almighty Moses! It's Miss Scarlett! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Although you need kissing, badly. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Am I actually being invited into the sanctuary? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And a mule? Forty acres and a mule! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And another thing, those pantalets! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And anyway, Melanie can't from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And by someone who knows how. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And do you know that Dr. Meade actually saw her... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And don't cry. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And don't you be upsetting her or I'll whip the hide off you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And even taking our servants! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And for a widow to appear in public at a social gathering... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And he sat on my chest! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I ain't noticed Mr. Ashley asking for to marry you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I could pet her and spoil her, as I wanted to spoil you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I don't like being married. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I hate your baby! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I suppose you think you're the proper person! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I think this conversation's gone far enough. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I'd do it if it'd take Ashley out of your mind forever. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I'll bid the moon. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I'll buy her a blue velvet riding habit. She'll love that. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I'll divorce you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I'll smash your skull between them like a walnut. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I'll think of some way to get him back. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And I've waited longer for you than any woman. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And if they're captured, they'll be hanged. And it will be your fault. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And it sure is a happy day. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And it's not our paper money, it's gold! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And just what do you want me to do? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And lint for bandages. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And lumber too. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And maybe if he's alive and well, he's on some Northern road right now. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And Miss Scarlett and me, we brung it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And now I'll go and see what Dr. Meade needs. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And now, ladies and gentlemen... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And one of the few people I know whose respect I'd like to have. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And put on plenty of rouge. I want you to look your part tonight. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And she loves you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And she's driving away in Rhett Butler's carriage! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And that'll block him out. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And that's where he's been for two whole days. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And that's where he's been for two whole days. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And the snow in Virginia's deep. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And the Yankees is coming. And Miss Scarlett, she says from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And then he say Miss Scarlett ain't never cared nothing about Miss Bonnie. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And then that night... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And then that night... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And then when she told me there on the steps, what did I do? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And there's that business about the girl he wouldn't marry. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And they're starving. I've no use for fools who won't help themselves. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And trembled with fear at his frown from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And when I'm dead on the altar of my country, I hope your conscience irks you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And when I'm gone I'll leave Tara to you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And when it comes time for her to marry... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And when life does that, danger seems very unimportant. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And when the wars were over, no one ever knew what they were about. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And why can't I go along, please? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And why should you go now that it's all over, and I need you? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And will you tell me all the news... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you ain't never gonna be no 181/2 inches again. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you aren't received in any family in Charleston. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you can stay with Melanie and her Aunt Pittypat. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you were going to hate him for the rest of your life. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you won't see no Yankee girls at the ball, neither. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you, Mrs. Hamilton. I know just how much that means to you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you'll beat them with me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you're gonna become voters and vote like your friends do! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you're honest. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you're honest. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And you're wrong about Mrs. Kennedy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And, Mrs. Wilkes, if you ever see me on the street... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And, Scarlett, I'm going to see that you are safe. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
And, Scarlett, I'm going to see that you are safe. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Another sister? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Another triumph for our magnificent men in arms! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Another two years, and we could've had him in Cobb's Legion. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Another word and you leave, India. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Answer me. Wouldn't you? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Any of you beauties know where I can steal a horse for a good cause? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Anyway, it's done now. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Anyway, we heard They say from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Anyways, if it had been that Mrs. Kennedy's husband by hisself... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Apparently any mother, even a bad one, is better than none. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Are the Yankees coming? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Are you hinting that the Yankees can lick us? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Are you running a charitable institution? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Are you telling me Scarlett ? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Are you telling me you haven't asked for her after all these years? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Aren't things bad enough without you talking about dying? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Aren't you happy here in London with me? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Aren't you tired, Melanie? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
As a gentleman? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
As blue as the Bonnie Blue flag. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
As God is my witness, they're not going to lick me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
As God is my witness... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
As if I couldn't do better than that old maid in britches. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
As long as you're here, let me show you the books... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
As you say, sir. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley and you... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley doesn't know I love him. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley told me he likes girls with a healthy appetite. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley Wilkes couldn't like anyone like her. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley Wilkes doesn't think so. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley Wilkes is gonna marry her. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley Wilkes' cousin? She's visiting from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, aren't you going to get our Scarlett a glass of punch? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, Charles! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, forgive me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, I... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, I'm glad you're not here to see this. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, I've got a present for you too! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, kiss me. Kiss me goodbye. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, let me go to the depot with you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, tell me you love me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, they've insulted us! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, what's to become of us? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley, you should've told me years ago that you loved her and not me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley's fighting in the field. Fighting for the Cause. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley's picture and Charles' sword. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley's safe, he isn't listed! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley's so mean and hateful! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ashley's still alive to come home to the women who love him. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ask Belle if you don't believe me. She'll tell you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
At your service. Where are you going? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Atlanta! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Aunt Pitty'd be agreeable, and I'd like a long visit. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Awful! Just awful! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Because I know Ashley Wilkes and his honorable breed. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Because we're alike. Bad lots, both of us. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Besides, I shall never marry again. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Besides, there isn't going to be any war. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Better get out of here fast. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Better refugee south, right quick. If you'll excuse me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Big Sam! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Big Sam! Big Sam! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Big Sam! Big Sam. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonds. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonds. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonnie will have a place among decent people. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonnie, I'm going to take you on a long trip to fairyland. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonnie! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonnie! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonnie! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonnie! Bonnie! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonnie! Bonnie! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bonnie... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Bother the war! Was there anyone else there? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Boys aren't any use. Don't you think I'm proof of that? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Brent and Stuart, you handsome old things! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But But from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But after you broke your knee last year jumping that fence from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But as it is, we're going to cultivate every female dragon of the Old Guard from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But beyond this, I remember nothing. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But cheer up. The war can't last much longer. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But don't make a mistake and shoot the nag. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But don't you be downcast. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But how can we do that? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I didn't want the mill. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I do mind very much losing the beauty of that life I loved. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I don't expect no doctor could have done no better. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I just can't bear going around in black. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I must think about it! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I will come back. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I will come back. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I'll wait for the sheriff's sale. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I'm sure any of our Atlanta belles would be proud to from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But I'm sure if we could only try again, we could be happy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But if you could think of marrying me, I'd do anything in the world for you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But it isn't that. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But it's no use now. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But it's war! Everybody's going off to enlist. I'm going too! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But London's a horrid place. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But maybe they ain't as good Christians as you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But Melly's having her baby. You've got to come with me! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But of course she could! I'm going to. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But of course there is. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But remember, I warned you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But somehow... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But that don't matter. You think I got no business here. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But there isn't anybody. Dr. Meade, she might die. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But there now. You're just a child. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But this isn't right, and you know it. Bad enough to be a businesswoman from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But we don't have to be afraid for us. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But what kind of bonds, Pa? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But when you get used to being safe and warm... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you can't do that. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you can't! Not if you care for me! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you didn't mean it. I know you didn't mean it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you don't think the Yankees are beating us? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you had to wait till now, now when Melly's dying... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you must have noticed that for some time... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you mustn't drink it all at once, because it is the last. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you were the main one I wanted to go to the devil. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you're not going to bed. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But you've got a heart, Belle. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But, Melanie, you don't realize what she's done! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But, Miss O'Hara, I from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But, Rhett, I don't know how I'd dare wear it! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
But... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Can it be possible that ? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Can we still have our big new house in Atlanta? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Can what be possible, Rhett? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Can you honestly say you don't love me? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Can't I stay up for the ball? You may wear my garnets. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Can't we ever forget Twelve Oaks? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Can't we go away and forget we ever said these things? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Can't we take her along? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler, such a pleasure to see you again. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler, tell me what happened, all that happened. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler, the Yankees is here! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler, you come out here in the streets to me! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler! Captain Butler! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler! Oh, Captain Butler! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler's here. I told him you was prostrate with grief. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captain Butler's willing for the funeral to take place tomorrow morning. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Captured? Oh, thank heaven! Then he isn't from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Casualty lists! Casualty lists! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Certainly making a fool of yourself. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Change your dress and go over to Miss Melly's. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Chapter One. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Charles and Wade asked me to eat with them, but I told them I promised you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Charles, I want to eat barbecue with you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Children are life renewing itself, Captain Butler. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Children are often afraid of the dark, but they get over it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Choose your partners for the Virginia reel! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Climb down! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Climb into this buggy. This is no day for walking. You'll get run over! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come here, quick! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come in. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on in here! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on, get a move on there! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on, honey child. Mammy sure missed you, honey. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on, lift them feet! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on, old gentleman, come on. We's ate all your wives. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on, you. We're going home. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come on! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come to my hanging, I'll put you in my will. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Come, gentlemen, do I hear your bids? Make your offers! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Coming! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Confederate bonds. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Could we have the wine? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Cowardly? There isn't a cowardly bone in her body. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Daddy gave me a kitten. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Daddy, dark! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Daddy, dark! Yes, yes, yes... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Daddy, let me! Let me! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Daddy, where have you been? I've been waiting for you all morning. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dare I name it? Can it be love? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Darkies' pay would break us. Convicts are cheap. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Darlene Merriwether, how dare you criticize me! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Darling baby! You glad to be home? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Darling... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dear! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Did she say anything else? She said... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Did she? I don't remember. Have you a store? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Did you have a good time at Miss Melly's party? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Did you meet Captain Butler at Twelve Oaks, Scarlett? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Did you say yes because of my money? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Did you see her? Wasn't she wonderful? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Didn't Suellen tell you about my store? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Didn't you see them? Some are sick. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Die? Look at them, bleeding to death in front of my eyes! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dismiss him, Mrs. O'Hara? He's the best overseer in the county. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you forget what it's like without money? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you intend leaving them? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you know that this is your birthday? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you know what I mean? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O'Hara... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you realize this means we can eat? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you think I care if you like your brandy? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you think I'd sell Pa's watch? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you think I's gonna put my child in the dark when she's so scared of it?" from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Do you want them to hear you? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Does she have cut glass chandeliers, plush curtains and dozens of mirrors? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't be a goose, Melly. Hold on to me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't be angry. Tell me, where are you going? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't be bashful, gentlemen! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't be scared! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't be silly, I won't look at you. If I had on pantalets, I'd use them. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't cry, darling. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't cry. She mustn't see you've been crying. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't cut! Don't cut! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't drink alone. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't flatter yourself. I'm not a marrying man. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't go getting so uppity. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't go philandering with any other girl, because I'm mighty jealous. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't hold me like that! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't leave me on tenterhooks. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't leave me. Don't. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't let her do it, Rhett. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't let's fool with any books today. When I'm wearing a new bonnet... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't look back, Ashley. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't look back. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't sc**** the plate. I'm sure there's more in the kitchen. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't stand there like a scared goat. Run! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't start flirting with me. I'm not one of your plantation beaus. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't stop to count it now. We haven't got time! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't talk like that. I'm so scared! I wish I could get out of here. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't tease me now. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't tell him anything. He knows everything about babies. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't tell him. He's a Yankee spy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't tell him. He's trying to trap you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't tell me any more about what "they" did! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't tell me you can't find them! Go get them and get them quick! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't try to be brave. Yell! There's nobody to hear. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't try to stop me. I'm never going back to that hospital. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't worry about anything. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't worry about me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't worry, child. There's nothing to bringing a baby. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't worry, we'll stop them Yankees. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't worry. Mother will take care of him when we get home. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't you ? Don't you want to marry me? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't you cry. Big Sam will get you out of this in a jiffy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't you ever dare say you hate Tara again! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't you men think about anything important? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't you understand? She's delirious. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't, my dear. Not here. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don't. I shall faint. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Down the alley! Cut him off! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Meade said she can't have more children. I could give you from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Meade says you can go in now, Captain Butler. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Meade, at last! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Meade, I said Mrs. Charles Hamilton. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Meade, not ? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Meade! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Meade? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Meade's left. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Wilson needs you in the operating room. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dr. Wilson's waiting. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dreadful big! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dreams don't work that way. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Dreams. Always dreams with you. Never common sense. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Drive me to Aunt Pitty's, please. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Either you're a fool or an inhuman woman. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Emmie's Mrs. Wilkerson now. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Enough ammunition in boxcars to blow us to Tara. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Escape? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Even if we both have to crawl on our bellies to every fat old cat from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Even if you is the last chicken in Atlanta. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Even so, do you think I'd leave Melanie and the baby? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Even so, we've gotta hide him. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Even though I know you've been faithful to me all along. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ever since I took Charles away, though she won't admit it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Ever think of marrying just for fun? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Everybody? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Except that Steerforth was more to be admired than ever, I remember nothing. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Excuse me, Mr. Rhett. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Excuse me, Mrs. Wilkes. Excuse me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Fanny Elsing told Dr. Meade that Captain Butler finally admitted... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Far be it from me to question the teachings of childhood. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Fiddle dee dee, Melly. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Fiddle dee dee! Fun for men, you mean. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Fiddle dee dee. War, war, war! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Figures are well lost when the bonnet's as pretty as that. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Fine thing, horses get shoes and humans can't. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
First Brent, then me, then Brent, and so on. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
First time I come here, I says, "Belle, you're a nurse. " from Gone with the Wind (1939)
First you take advantage of me, then you insult me! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Folks is all going to Macon, and folks is running away! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Folks tell me I'm just a born merchant. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For he's a jolly good fellow from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For he's a jolly good fellow from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For he's a jolly good fellow from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For heaven's sake... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For Mrs. Charles Hamilton. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For Suellen to set up housekeeping. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For to tote the weary load from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For to tote the weary load from Gone with the Wind (1939)
For what? I don't feel anything. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Frank Kennedy! And Mammy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Frank... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Fresh and green. Right off the farm. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Friends? When were we ever friends? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
From my heart, I thank you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Gee! Because we're your friend. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
General Lee has completely whipped the enemy... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Gentlemen always fight better. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Gentlemen can always fight better than rabble. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get back to work. I can't do everything at Tara myself. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get him on the bed where I can dress the wound. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get me a ball of twine, clean towels and the scissors. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get off this place, you dirty Yankee! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get off those steps, you wench! Get off this land! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get out of the way here! Get away! Go on. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get out there and get her medicine chest! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get them. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get to Tara as quick as you can and stay there. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get up from there! Don't you hear Miss Ellen? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get up off your knees. I don't like your common jokes. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Get up! You're going to that party and you'll have to hurry. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Getting us all into this by swaggering and boasting. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give me a quarter. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give me an ace and I'll start another war. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give me something for the pain! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give me something for the pain! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give me that horse! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give me your nightgown. I'll wad it round his head. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give up the mill? It's making more money than ever. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give us that horse! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Give your best sweetheart a kiss. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go ahead and make it that way. Spend whatever you want. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go and get Ma's old box of dress patterns. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go back to the store, and go home and take your medicine. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go get Dr. Meade. Run! Quick! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go get it, boy! Isn’t he the luckiest... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go on, Uncle Peter. I don't know what to do. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go on, you trash. Don't you be pestering these ladies. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go on! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go on! I want you to go. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go sit by Miss Melly. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Go upstairs. You're as weak as a newborn colt. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good evening, Mrs. Kennedy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good heavens, Mrs. Meade, remember yourself. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good heavens, this is war, not a garden party! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good morning, Captain Butler. Good morning, Scarlett. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good morning, Caroline. I was just thinking... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good morning, Dolly. Wasn't that Captain Butler? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good morning, girls. You're looking lovely. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good morning, Miss Scarlett. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good morning, Mrs. Meade. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good morning, Scarlett. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good morning, Scarlett. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good night, Mr. Wilkerson. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good night, my dear. Good night, Scarlett, darling. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good night. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Good. Go along, Miss Pittypat. Scarlett's staying. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Goodbye, Belle. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Goodbye, Big Sam. Goodbye, boys. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Goodbye, Rhett. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Goodbye, Scarlett. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Goodbye. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Goodbye. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Got no business wearing herself out... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Great balls of fire! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Great balls of fire! Don't bother me. And don't call me "sugar. " from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Great balls of fire! They're my portières now. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Great Jehoshaphat! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Great Jehoshaphat! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Grip tightly with your legs. Lean forward and go with him. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hallelujah! I expect the angels fights on your side, Miss Melly. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Has been born and mercifully has died. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Has he been trifling with you? Has he asked you to marry him? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Has she asked for me? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Has the war started? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Have a drink of sherry. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Have another glass. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Have I your heart, my darling? I love you, I love you! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Have you no interest in what's become of your own husband? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Have you room for a dying man? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Have you seen ? Move aside, lady, please. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Haven't had bad news, have you? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He ain't at the hospital. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He ain't gonna let us bury that child. You gotta help us. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He ain't never been here. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He can lie in the gutter for all I care. I'm not a policeman. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He can't come. There's nobody to come. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He didn't pay much attention to you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He doesn't strike me as good enough for a girl of your from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He done lost his mind these last couple of days. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He got it from his uncle Admiral Will Hamilton of Savannah... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He had fits when they took us to dig the ditch for the soldiers. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He has a most terrible reputation. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He isn't there! He isn't there! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He led a raid on that Shantytown where Mrs. Kennedy got into trouble. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He looks as if he knows what I look like without my shimmy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He loves you so. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He may never come back. He may die. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He must go tomorrow morning, the first thing! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He restoreth my soul. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He says, "You try that, and I kills you tomorrow. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He spends his time up North because his folks won't speak to him. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He took her out buggy riding in the late afternoon without a chaperon... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He was expelled from West Point, he's so fast. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He was going away at the end of the half year... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He was Suellen's beau, and he loved her, not me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He'll come to Atlanta for his leave and you waiting for him just like a spider! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's a nice little boy, your boy is, Mrs. Wilkes. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's a regular Yankee now, and he was making a brag... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's all right. It's only in the shoulder. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's dead. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's gonna take off that leg. Better hurry. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's her husband, ain't he? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's lying out on Decatur Road... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's my beau and she's married him! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's not at the store. There's no meeting tonight, no political meeting. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's one of the best shots in the country, as he's proved many times. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
He's upstairs. Belle Watling's giving a party. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hear thee Almighty, most merciful Lord... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Heaven help the man who ever really loves you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Heaven help the Yankees if they capture you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hello, Mammy! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hello, Melly. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hello. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Help! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Help! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Help! Help! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here are the O'Hara girls. We must greet them. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here in Atlanta. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here she comes! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here you is. They was fighting for them so, it got tore in half. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here, here. Stop it! You want the Yankees to see you like this? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here, stir this soap. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here, take the whole bottle. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here! Where are you off to? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here. Dry your eyes. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here. Dry your eyes. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here. If anyone lays a hand on that nag, shoot him. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Here's Scarlett. Scarlett! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hold on! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hold this horse. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hold your reins properly in a firm hand. Up! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Home. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Honey child! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Honey child... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Horse, make tracks! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How are you feeling this morning? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How awful to have such a mean sister. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How can I make you understand? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How can I thank you enough for what you did for us? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How can you go to a political meeting after what I've been through? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How can you say such a thing? You know how I loved her, really. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How come you didn't ask them gentlemen to supper? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How could I help loving you? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How could you do this to me? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How dare you! You aren't fit to wipe his boots! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How do I know? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How do I look? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How else can I bear going? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How good of you to come and see me. And how pretty you look! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How sweet. How kind. He is a thoughtful gentleman. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How unchivalrous of you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How was Ashley today? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How wonderful... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How would you like to visit somewhere? Savannah, perhaps? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How you do run on, teasing a country girl like me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How you do run on. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How'd you get out of jail? Why didn't they hang you? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How'd you like to drive me to my Aunt Pitty's? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How's it feel to have the woman you've wronged cloak your sins? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
How's Miss Scarlett bearing up? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hurry, hurry! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
Hurry, hurry! I'll sell you south, I will. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I ain't aiming for you to go to John Wilkes' and gobble like a hog! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I ain't never seen no man, black or white, set such store on any child. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I ain't seen him since he was little. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I always dream the same dream, and I never know. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I always wanted to be like her, calm and kind... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I am born. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I am Mrs. Wilkes. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I am thinking of you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I am, Mammy. I am. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I apologize again for all my shortcomings. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I came as soon as it was dark to say you mustn't think of any such thing. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can jump better than ever, because I've grown. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can keep the lumber business too? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can shoot straight, if I don't have to shoot too far. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can stand everybody's tears but yours. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't bear those cannonballs right in my ears! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't bear to take advantage of your little girl ideas. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't fight you both. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't go on accepting these gifts, though you're awfully kind. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't let him go. I can't! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't make you understand. You don't know the meaning of fear. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't see the house. Have they burned it? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't stand it! No, don't! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't stand Scarlett. She throws herself at Ashley. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't take care of that baby and sick folkses too! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't thank you enough. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't think of anything bad enough to call you! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I can't think of anything but that $300. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I could bury him in the arbor where the ground is soft... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I could never hate you, and I know you must care about me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I couldn't find it. I ran through the mist and I couldn't find it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I couldn't if I wanted to. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I couldn't let Dr. Meade sit here for hours... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I couldn't let you do anything like that. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I couldn't sleep for thinking. It's not true they'll hang you? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I counted on you to help me start a lumber business and... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I counted on you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I didn't come to talk silliness about me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I didn't fetch you on Miss Scarlett's account. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I didn't know you were here. I didn't know you were. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I didn't mean to make you sad, my dear. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I didn't see anyone else. I think he must be a deserter. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I didn't want a drink. I heard a noise from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I do declare, Frank Kennedy! You look dashing with those new whiskers. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I do hate you! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I do need you to help me receive my guests. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I do. And do you know I can divorce you for this? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't believe it! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't believe it. You've never been afraid. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't care what she's done to you. You're still in love with her. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't care what you expect. I'm gonna dance and dance! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't care what you say, only give me the money. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't care, but you won't ruin Bonnie's chances. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't care! I'm too young to be a widow. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't care. Scarlett's hateful... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't forget a kindness. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't guess I'm as hungry as I thought. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't hold it against you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't intend to be without it again. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't kill people who tell the truth. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know a woman in Paris who wears pantalets anymore. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know anything about the lumber business. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know anything about the lumber business. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know nothing about birthing babies! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know what you mean. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know what you're talking about. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know why I let you come and see me. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know why I lied! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know, Mammy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't know. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't like the way you're treating Prissy and Mammy. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't like to interfere... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't like to say in the presence of ladies. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't like your tone, Suellen. Your pink gown's lovely. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't love you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't mean a thing. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't need you making yourself sick so you'll never be any use. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't see how you have the gall to face me! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't suppose it looks like much to a lady... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't think you ought to do much jumping yet. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't think you're at all horrible. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't want a divorce. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't want any more men dying and screaming. I don't want any more! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I don't want it. It doesn't mean anything from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I done diapered three generations of this family's girls. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I done slapped her in bed, along with the baby. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I faint every time I hear one. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I figure we belong together, being the same sort. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I fix your supper myself and you eats it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I found Mr. Wilkes wounded, and Dr. Meade was with him. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I gave him to you once before. Remember? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I get so bored I could scream. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I got a boy myself, so I... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I got your message. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I gotta get out of here before the Yankees come! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I gotta know how much money have you got left. In gold. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I guess anybody who did what you've done today can take care of Sherman. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I guess she was ashamed to write you. She should be ashamed. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I guess things like hands and ladies don't matter so much anymore. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I had it in strict confidence from John Wilkes today... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I had the baby, didn't I? from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hate and despise you, Rhett Butler. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hate Scarlett! She's the only thing I hate worse than Tara! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hate you! I hate you! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I have, Rhett. I know I have. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I haven't been running after him, it's just a surprise. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I haven't seen my family in three days. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I haven't thought about that yet. I'll think about that tomorrow. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hear you were turned out of West Point, Mr. Rhett Butler. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I heard Mr. Rhett say that he'd be wanting a son next year. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hope a cannonball blows you into a million pieces ! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hope I shall stay long enough for us to become real friends. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hope the Yankees let us leave the Union in peace. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hope to see more of you, when you're free of the spell of Mr. Wilkes. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hope we meet again. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hope you'll forgive me, Mrs. Wilkes. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I hope you'll stay with us a few days. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I intend to make the best of things, even if they are Yankee things. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I just wanted to know. Have another glass. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I just won't have any more babies. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I keep myself occupied. Help me out. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I knew most women were cheats... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I knew you'd come. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know a gentleman who says you're a human being. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know how worried you are. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know I love you, and I want to be your wife. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know what they say about me. I don't care. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know what you're thinking. Don't bring Bonnie into it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know you drink on the quiet, and I know how much you drink. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know, but we don't need it. Sell it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know, I know. She has such a beautiful mouth too. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I know. But I'm not asking them to do what I don't do myself. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I knows you since I put diapers on you. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I knows! I knows! I knows how to do it. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I lied when I said everything was all right. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I like to feel that I belong to the things you love. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I love it as more than a house. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I love you, I do! from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I love your courage and stubbornness so much that I could forget... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I made up my mind you were the only woman for me... from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I mean you've been drinking. Brandy. Quite a lot. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I mean, about the money for the hospital. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I mean, I don't care where you have your supper. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I meant it as a compliment. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I meant it, my dear. It was a lovely Christmas gift. from Gone with the Wind (1939)
I meant no disrespect, Mrs. Wilkes. from Gone with the Wind (1939)