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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" is a 1995 action-adventure film

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)

"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" is a 1995 action-adventure film based on the popular television series of the same name. Directed by Bryan Spicer, the movie follows the adventures of the Power Rangers as they face their biggest threat yet, Ivan Ooze, a malevolent sorcerer who seeks to control the world. The film features a talented cast, including Karan Ashley as Aisha Campbell, Johnny Yong Bosch as Adam Park, Steve Cardenas as Rocky DeSantos, Jason David Frank as Tommy Oliver, and Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly Hart, among others.

With its high-flying action sequences and colorful visual effects, "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" captivated audiences of all ages. The film was praised for its thrilling storyline and well-choreographed fight scenes. If you are a fan of this cult classic, you can relive the magic by playing and downloading the iconic sounds from the movie.
A group of warriors like yourselves lured him to into a hyperlock chamber
A massive surge of evil energy is overloading our sensors. Aye yai yai yai yai!
Activating power beam.
After 2,000 years of searching...
Agile Kimberly, light as a feather, you are the crane.
Ah, yes.
Ah, Zords, schmords. I'll crush 'em like roaches.
Ah. Oozed.
Aisha, you are the bear, fierce and unstoppable.
All of it.
All right, big guy, it's lights out for you.
All right, bonehead!
All right, Dad, pay close attention. This is how the pros do it.
All right, guys, I've got a lock on the ooze man.
All right, guys, let's break!
All right, guys, this is it. We'll wait here and lure him in.
All right, guys, we're 15 seconds from the drop zone.
All right, pinheads, the Stealth Eagle's about to fly.
All right! Got him.
All right! Yeah! Whoo!
All systems go!
Almost to the ground now. Can he do it?
Alpha, I am deeply concerned about the Rangers.
Alpha, my sensors tell me the Rangers were too late.
And buried him deep underground.
And did I mention it's free?
And here comes Rocky...
And I pick... me!
And if you don't come with me right now, our parents are gonna die! You gotta believe me!
And kaboom! He's space dust.
And now... Iet's crack this egg.
And now... it's time to pay the piper.
And then order them to dig up my Ecto Morphicons.
And then send that slimeball lvan Ooze back to the sewer he crawled out of.
And tossed me away in the depths like yesterday's trash.
And what's that man doing without proper foot protection?
And you, Tommy, are the falcon, winged lord of the skies.
Angel Grove has never before known...
Anybody see anything?
Ape Zord locked on target.
Are you bored with your life? Then come on down to Ooze City and lets get sticky!
Are you OK?
As he rounds the turn, he looks awful low...
As the number of missing parents continues to grow.
Aye yai yai yai yai yai yai....
Aye yai yai yai yai!
Aye yai yai yai yai! Hold on.
Aye yai yai yai yai! Ivan's evil machines are destroying Angel Grove!
Aye yai yai yai! The subtronic interphasers are short circuiting.
Back off, boulder breath!
Back off!
Back off.
Bad move, sparky. You play with fire, you're gonna get burned.
Be the swallow!
Bearing 009. We're in the comet's trajectory.
Billy, you are the wolf, cunning and swift.
Buried deep within each of us is an animal spirit waiting to be released.
But he pulls up just in time and hits the target dead centre.
But now the chamber has been accidentally uncovered.
But, frankly, I'm sick of your ugly faces and your dull personalities.
But, master, there was this monster with these huge sticks and it kept twirling them...
But... I am afraid you must do this on you own.
But... I'm afraid you're too late.
By showing them the wonders of being wicked with a little bit of lvan's ooze.
Bye bye, kiddies!
Bye bye.
Can you believe those guys?
Can you help us?
Catch you on the flip side.
Check it out!
Checking out.
Citizens of Angel Grove, how do you like my friends, huh?
Close your eyes and look deep inside.
Come on, guys, we got ajob to do.
Come on, roll!
Come on, we gotta get you back inside.
Come on.
Come on.
Comin' right up.
Congratulations, Tommy. The observatory just got a new lease on life.
Crane Zord locked on.
Dad, what's wrong with you?
Dad? Where are you?
Definitely not the welcoming committee, that's for sure.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Did it look something like this?
Did you miss me?
Did you say Zordon?
Ditto for the Swooping Swallow.
Do the swim.
Do you recall the name Zordon of Eltar?
Don't worry, Tommy, Frog Zord is in position.
Eightball, corner pocket!
Elevator goin' up.
Ernie's is serving a free dessert with lunch. They probably landed on the roof.
Ever play Kick The Can?
Ever play leapfrog?
Ever since you came into our lives, you've been like a father to us all.
Everybody close in. This street's a dead end.
Falcon Zord is back in the game. Adam, disengage. I've got a clear shot!
Feast your eyes on the exoskeleton of the Barbaric Hornitor!
Finally I get to finish what I started 6,000 years ago!
Finally someone shut her up.
Finally, the moment of truth!
Finding good help to run it for you, that's the killer.
First I'll turn them into zombies
Follow me.
Fred Kelman the Gold Ranger.
From this moment forth the world as you know it shall cease to exist!
Gee, a teenager with a big mouth.
Get back to work!
Go get 'em, booger man!
Go on, Dave.
Go, guys!
Goin' airborne!
Good idea.
Good luck, kids.
Gotta love it.
Guess not.
Guys and girls, girls and guys, gather round and feast your eyes.
Hang on, kids.
Hang on, Kimberly!
Hang on, Kimberly!
Hang tight, Adam!
Have a nice flight!
Have a nice trip! See you next fall.
He does! The Angel Grove team sets a new city record! Way to go, guys!
He was attacked by this cosmic being named lvan Ooze.
He was on the verge of completing construction of his ultimate weapons:
He's alive! He's alive! He's alive!
He's all yours.
He's gone.
He's no better than the rest of the hired help!
He's nothing but a slime infested jelly doughnut!
He's too strong! I can't take him down!
Heads up, guys! Over there!
Her landing is flawless!
Here comes Aisha! She makes it a perfect five out of five landing and ties the 1986 record.
Here comes that cute little Pink Ranger to the rescue.
Here goes!
Hes asked that the city be immediately evacuated.
Hey, boss! They're back!
Hey, Dad!
Hey, Dave! Come and have a look at this.
Hey, everyone!
Hey, guys, check this out.
Hey, guys. You might wanna slip those on.
Hey, lava head!
Hey, pretty fancy schmancy.
Hey, things got tough, you didn't panic. You, my friend, demonstrated true bravery.
Hey, you!
Hey! What are you kids doin' here?
Hi, folks. Ivan Ooze here. Are you bored with your work?
His Ecto Morphicons were buried near the chamber. If lvan escapes, he'll find them.
Hold on tight, Tommy!
Hold on, Aisha!
How you gonna do that?
Huh? Whoa!
I am Dulcea, master warrior of the planet Phaedos.
I am King Goldar,
I am Lord Zedd, sworn enemy of all that is good and decent.
I am the galactically feared, globally reviled, universally despised...
I can't believe it! How could he let them slip through his hands?!
I don't know what these purple creeps are made of, but I can't lock 'em down.
I guess if you invest your money well over 60 centuries,
I have faith in his wisdom.
I have to find a way to alternate the frequency modulators.
I heard you're in line to be a Ranger yourself one of these days.
I helped a bit. The Power Rangers did most of the work.
I hope those Rangers put that lousy lowlife out of my misery!
I just hope they're not too late.
I love the smell of destruction in the evening.
I love you, son.
I might have just enough power to get you there.
I promise you all, you just can't lose,
I shall annihilate Angel Grove, and then... the universe!
I think circumstances force us to choose a new leader...
I think he's heard of him.
I think we're about to find out. Look!
I thought my Ecto Morphicons would be dug up by now.
I thought you said this guy was the master of disaster!
I want you guys to meet Saba.
I want you to destroy Zordon... so that my evil may once again reign supreme!
I was just thinking about Zordon.
I was the supreme ruler of the most foul empire in the universe.
I will not only destroy him...
I will obliterate his entire legacy.
I'll have you all stuffed and roasted!
I'm afraid that is impossible.
I'm getting airsick up here!
I'm goin' in.
I'm gonna be the eagle!
I'm gonna rip you apart Zord by Zord.
I'm losing my grip! I can't hold on much longer!
I'm outta here!
I'm so hungry.
I'm sure that when you've tried it, you all will be believing.
I've been hit hard!
I've been hit! I'm pullin' out!
If I could locate a vertical deflector, we could make contact through the viewing globe.
If only I could.
If she leads them to the great power, everything will be ruined.
If we don't hurry, your planet is doomed.
If you want to thank me, go back to wherever it is you came from.
If your parents try to stop you, just throw it in their faces!
Inside awaits the power of the universe.
It is gone.
It sure as heck ain't DWP.
It was more like nails on a chalkboard.
It will be as if Zordon of Eltar never existed!
It's gonna be one messy night.
It's like what you taught me about martial arts: use your head, and above all, stay calm.
It's me Fred. Dad, we gotta get outta here!
It's our parents!
It's time.
It's very dangerous. All who have tried for it have perished.
Ivan and his 50 foot monsters had us surrounded.
Ivan Ooze has won.
Ivan Ooze is a monster.
Ivan's evil plot is taking shape.
Ivan's got me in an electromagnetic deadlock! I can't break free!
Ivan's taking over the planet and he's using all of us in his plans!
John, you all right?
Keep trying.
Kiss and make up.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Later, dudes.
Leap to our doom.
Leap to our doom.
Leap to our doom.
Leap to our doom.
Leap to our doom.
Leave Phaedos... before it's too late.
Let me get the door.
Let me go, Big Bird!
Let's do it!
Let's get a crane in here.
Let's get down to the construction site!
Let's get Ooze outta here before he destroys everything.
Let's go over there.
Let's go, guys. Nice and easy.
Let's go, Rita.
Let's go.
Let's have some fun. Hey, you!
Let's take a look up there.
Let's talk about this.
Life, I tell you! Life!
Listen up! You all think this is one big party, don't you?
Little do they know my weapons of destruction lie buried beneath their feet.
Long live the King of Ooze!
Look, he's gonna make it.
Look, lvan Ooze is evil.
Look, we don't want any trouble. Our leader Zordon got hurt...
May your animal spirits watch over you.
Maybe if I can download the last plasmatic morphing gem into the transport core,
Me, too.
Monorail's in trouble. I'll complete docking sequence later.
Mordant, let the ooze flow!
My gosh. Look at this place.
My stabilisers have ruptured! I can't hold on much longer!
My Tengu.
My turn.
Ninja ape Zord!
Ninja battle mode now!
Ninja bear Zord!
Ninja crane Zord!
Ninja Falcon Megazord!
Ninja falcon Zord!
Ninja frog Zord!
Ninja Megazord, power up!
Ninja wolf Zord!
Ninjetti corkscrew kick!
No need to wake him. In fact, why don't you take a little nap yourself?
No need. I'm going to recruit the parents of Angel Grove.
No offence, boss, but they might find you a little disgusting.
No one double crosses Lord Zedd and lives!
No one has ever survived an attempt to reach it.
No time to waste. My Ecto Morphicon machines must be unearthed by sundown.
No... idea.
Nobody enters the command centre without a power coin.
Not much has changed in 6,000 years.
Not to mention I've had a charley horse since the Renaissance.
Now I'm beginning to get really angry!
Now my machines will destroy the city!
Now you have a choice. You either serve me...
Now, folks, raise your eyes to the skies, cos here comes the team from Angel Grove High!
Oh, give it a rest.
Oh, Goldie, I'm bored.
Oh, I'm gonna be sick.
Oh, no!
Oh, no! Aye yai yai yai yai!
Oh, no! It's the Zords!
Oh, no.
Oh, stop it! It tickles!
Oh, the things that I have missed!
Oh, you think she's cute too, huh?
OK, take it up!
OK, there's enough for everybody. Take it home in boxes, take it home in cases.
On your tail! Whoo!
Once my lovely little Ecto Morphicon machines are up and running,
One step beyond this plateau and I would begin to age as rapidly as Zordon is now.
One, two, three, four, five, six!
Ooze, give my creatures life!
Or you can join these insufferable dingledorks!
Outside of his time warp, he's dying.
Parents of Angel Grove!
Patience, motor mouth. Watch.
Pick up the pace! We haven't got all day!
Please hold on, Zordon!
Please, Zordon, save your strength.
Please... please hurry.
Police have been fielding hundreds of calls from concerned citizens
Power Rangers, huh?
Power Sword has been destroyed.
Pterodactyl Thunderwhip!
Put a sock in it, Z! 10 minutes out of the egg and I'm listening to one of your lectures.
Rangers, you made it!
Rangers, you must act swiftly.
Ready to ride. Yes!
Really? Could l?
Remember what we learnt?
Remember, Rangers, Zordon doesn't have much time.
Ride 'em, cowboy!
Right behind him is skydiver Billy... who manages a perfect landing!
Right behind you, Kimberly.
Right! Now, which button?
Rockets away!
Rockets away!
Rocky, powerful, smart, you are the mighty ape.
Sabre toothed tiger!
See ya later, alligator.
See ya!
Shall we tango?
Shut your beaks! Now, my Tengu Warriors, you will fly to Phaedos,
Sit down!
Skydiver number three is Kimberly!
Smells like...
So now its all up to Tommy Oliver. Can he make it six for six?
So Zordon's still usin' a bunch of kids to do his dirty work.
So, they've all been destroyed?
So... what are we going to do about the Power Rangers, oh my hideous one?
Somebody call for an exterminator? I've got a lock.
Somebody help me!
Somebody help!
Spreading ooze throughout the world,
Stealth Eagle? Lame duck is more like it.
Sticks? Did these sticks have a whistling sound?
Stop your screeching.
Take cover!
Taking over the world is one thing.
Talk about a splitting headache.
Thank goodness you are safe.
Thanks, Adam. Thought I was finished.
That does it. Stegastinger!
That miserable, manipulating, loathsome she devil of a witch!
That was amazing. Thanks.
That's one down, and three to go.
The Angel Grove jump a thon will breathe new life into the old observatory.
The Black Plague!
The bogeyman is taking over.
The boys are back in town!
The Brady Bunch reunion!
The Dreaded Scorpitron should be close by.
The Ecto Morphicon Titans, twin machines capable of enslaving the entire universe.
The great power.
The ground is littered with the bones of those who have tried for it and failed.
The mayor has declared a state of emergency.
The monolith is heavily guarded against intruders.
The Ooze is back!
The power has been destroyed.
The Power Rangers are no more.
The Power Rangers!
The Power Rangers.
The Rangers are going after the great power!
The ruler of the universe!
The sacred animals.
The Spanish lnquisition!
The strength is inside you. Trust it.
The weapons...
The Zords...
Then how can we?
There may be a power that can save Zordon.
There, beyond the Niola Jungle, is the monolith.
There, that should do it. Let's give it a whirl!
These guys are strong.
These guys don't know when to quit. Double whammy?
These things are made of rock.
They call me lvan Ooze.
They're everywhere!
They're strong, but they're not too smart. Help me push.
This can't be happening.
This is kinda gross.
Threw one of 'em off a mountain, one into a ragin' river.
Tickets to see the comet are at the Fire Department booth.
Time for a little swordplay.
Time to boogie with the bear.
To be in harmony with a sacred animal spirit is to have the force of the Ninjetti.
To those who are Ninjetti, anything is possible.
To those who possess the great power, all things are possible.
Touch me again, you'll be chicken wings in the morning.
Turn it on!
Uh oh!
Uh oh.
Uh oh.
Uh oh.
Use extreme caution, Rangers. You're dealing with an evil that is beyond all imagination.
Wait a second.
Wait for me!
Wait here.
We got 'em now, boss.
We have to hope that the power is there.
We may not have our powers, but we're still the Power Rangers.
We must try to communicate with them. It is possible I can help them.
We need to break free.
We shall leave you to weave your evil ways.
We should get outta here before he pulls himself together.
We will call upon the sacred animals of the Ninjetti for help.
We'll find this power
We're approaching the comet's coordinates.
We're from the Angel Grove Building lnspector's office.
We're on our way.
We're three seconds away from the target zone. Aisha, you're on!
Welcome to my nightmare!
Welcome to my nightmare.
Well, almost nobody.
Well, I suppose you'd be the experts on that.
Well, if it isn't that double dealing dough head!
Well, lead on, flyboys.
Well, pack your bags, cos we're sending you back where you came from.
Well, we're different. We won't fail.
Well... meet my kids!
What are you? Crazy? This was your idea!
What do you think it is?
What do you think?
What happened to him?
What has happened to Zordon?
What in the world is this?
What is that odious stench?
What is this, pick on the frog day?
What now?
What the heck is that?
What the heck was that?
What?! You spent 2,000 years looking for a tub of snot?!
What's goin' on?
What's happening to him?
What's that smell?
When you've got your ooze, the fun never ends.
When you've got your own supply of lvan's ooze.
Where's my autograph book? Ha!
White tiger!
Who does this clown think he's dealing with?
Who lands right on target!
Whoa! That was close.
Whoa. Somebody call a plastic surgeon.
Whoo hoo!
Whoo hoo!
Whoo hoo! Yeah!
With a reign of unparalleled terror.
Wolf Zord approaching target. Keep him tied up. I'm loading hydraulics.
Would you like me to make a few calls?
Yeah, well, we'll talk about that, Fred... in about 10 or 1 2 years, all right?
Yeah! All right!
Yeah! Go, Tommy!
Yeah. That building's supposed to be over there!
Yee hah!
Yee hah!
Yee hah!
Yes, a frog. Like the one you kiss... to get a handsome prince.
Yo, fossil head! I've got a bone to pick with you!
You any idea what it's like to be locked up in a rotten egg for 6,000 years? It's boring.
You are finally within my grasp.
You can buy something pretty nice.
You can run, but you can't hide.
You didn't kill them? You call yourself Tengu warriors? You're more like Tengu turkeys!
You don't appreciate it till you can't do it!
You guys make me sick, sick, sick!
You guys try and stop them. And you two come with me.
You have completed my Ecto Morphicons!
You haven't changed, Ooze. You're still picking on creatures smaller than yourself.
You haven't seen a morphological being lurking around here?
You idiot! Your screaming threw off the Stealth Eagle's sense of direction.
You know Zordon? Who are you?
You know, everything we've been through together.
You locked me into your stuffy hyperlock chamber
You may have heard that looks can be deceiving.
You must be strong.
You must return it to the depths before it is opened and lvan is released.
You need to rest.
You obviously don't know who you're dealing with, Mr Raisin Head.
You obviously need a vacation.
You OK?
You ooze, you lose.
You shall know soon enough.
You were chosen by Zordon.
You will find the Power Rangers and you will tear them apart!
You will return to the construction site and leap to your doom.
You're not coming with us, Dulcea?
You're on.
Your feebleness is staggering.
Your sacred animals will be your guide.
Zip your lips.
Zordon's life depends on it.
6,000 years ago a morphological being known as lvan Ooze ruled the world
(Aisha) Amazing. (Tommy) What is this place?
(Aisha) They got us cornered! (Billy) We can't hold them off!
(Aisha) What is it? (Rocky) It reeks.
(Aisha) What is this place? (Billy) Looks like some kind of graveyard.
(all) Right! (Aisha) Here they come!
(Billy) There's too many of 'em. Let's do it, guys! It's morphin' time!
(Billy) This place gives me the creeps. (Aisha) I heard that.
(boy) What are we supposed to do with it? Show it to parents, show it to friends.
(Bulk) Let go of me! (Skull) I want my mommy!
(Goldar) Bye bye! (pig) Aloha!
(Goldar) Go sic 'em, Tweety! (pig) Happy hunting!
(Kimberly) Anybody see anything? We need some light.
(Kimberly) I wonder what happened. (Adam) Personally, I'd rather not find out.
(pilot) Hurry up. We're runnin' out of fuel. (Bulk) I gotta be the eagle.
(Rita, squeaky voice) Way to go, bonehead! (Zedd) You can't trust anyone in this galaxy!
(Skull) We were awesome. (Bulk) lncredible!
A morphological being? Yeah.
Activating Ninja Megazord battle mode. Power Sword, now!
Adam, what's wrong? I'm a frog.
Adam! Hang on, Rocky!
All right, guys, main thrusters. Right!
All right! I don't believe it.
All right. Ready? Yeah.
All systems down! He's closing in!
All systems on line. Activating weapon systems.
And he's got our parents. What are you talking about?
Are you OK? I'll be fine.
Are you OK? Yeah.
Are you ready? Yeah.
Ballet! (ballet music)
Be the swallow. Come on, baby!
But there won't be any left to get you back. So, how do we get back?
But we have to try, Alpha. Zordon's life force will not last long.
Careful. It could be a trap. Right.
Check it out! Ninja Zords!
Come on, we're outta here! Easy, Rocky.
Dad! (lvan) Hasta la vista, baby.
Do you want us to take another whack at it? How about takin' another quack at it?
Everybody hang on! (lvan) Next stop, Angel Grove First National.
Ew, gross! Too kind. Allow me to introduce myself.
Falcon Zord is comin' in for a landin'. Everybody hang on!
Falcon! The frog!
Finally, a real man!
Fred Kelman, the Silver Ranger. It does have a certain ring to it.
Fred! Dad!
Go, Rangers! Go, Rangers! Go, Rangers! Go, Rangers!
Goldar, get us out of here! Don't listen to that purple booger!
Good distance. Yeah.
Guys, I think I know a way to get rid of lvan. Really? How?
Hang in there, Rocky! I'm hangin'! I'm hangin'!
He destroyed the monorail track. We need Ninja Megazord power now!
He's outta there! Target neutralised. Let's get the other one.
He's so handsome! Why, thank you.
Here it comes! We have to break his grip!
Hey, Adam, could you use a hand? The thought crossed my mind.
Hey, boss, construction is completed. (pig) Yeah, when's lunch?
Hey, guys. Hey, Fred!
Hey, has anybody seen Bulk and Skull?
Hey! Uh oh.
Hey! Rumour has it you're quite the hero. That's my man!
Hi, honey, I'm home! You egg sucking purple pinhead!
How did you fare? It couldn't have gone better.
Huh? Huh?
I didn't do so bad. You landed in the parking lot.
I love snow globes. (Rita) Earthquake! Earthquake!
I need backup! (Billy) lm on my way!
I'll deal with you later. Yeah, later.
I'll set a course for outer space. Good idea.
I'll take some. Here you go. Who else?
I'm burning up in here! (Aisha) Kimberly, use your thrusters!
Is it true? Yes.
It is a supreme honour to finally meet you. How can I ever repay you?
It was embarrassing. Well...
Know the funny thing about morphin'? What?
Leap to your doom. Bye bye.
Let's do it! Right! Ninja Zords power up!
Let's finish these purple parasites. You said it.
Let's get back to the command centre. Wait. What was that?
Let's go. OK.
Let's take these beasts! Spread out!
Looking good up there. Thanks. Maybe next time you can join us.
lvan is on his way here. Don't worry.
lvan Ooze is free? You've heard of him?
Micropressure's in the red! We're imploding!
Nah, that's impossible. Hey, anything's possible.
Nice stereo. We're outta here!
Oh, man! Look at this mess. This is lvan's handiwork.
Oh, no. What is that?
One order of toasted slime comin' up. So, you wanna play, huh?
Ooze. (Tommy) Let's get it open.
Over there! Let's power up!
Power Rangers? Bulk and Skull!
Pressure's dropping! Negative control!
Really? Yeah. We're the Power Rangers.
Ryan's Comet is passing over in two days! Guys, we did it!
Ryan's Comet. Billy, that's brilliant!
Show 'em your stuff. You got it. Surf's up!
Skull! Bulk...
Something's wrong. We'd better get back. Let's go, guys.
Stop it! Get to work! (pig) Yes, Your Royal Heinous Highness.
Thanks, guys. You too, man.
That was a close one. Uh huh.
That was awesome, Tommy. Wonderful.
That's a lotta air! After you, Skull!
That's cos you're a pig! Hey, Kurt, take a look at this.
The ape! The crane!
The planet is in grave danger. Danger from what?
The track's broken! Oh, no!
The wolf! Bear!
There was no escape. We knew we were facing death in the eye.
They gotta be around here somewhere. Activating power scope.
They're too strong! We need our powers!
Tommy, get your butt down here! Comin' in to complete the sequence.
Tommy, hang on! Whoa! Whoa!
Tommy, we need your help! Hang tight, guys. I'm on my way.
Tommy! Hang on!
Up and over? Let's do it!
We can't hold 'em back! We have to keep on trying!
We can't. We were told there was a great power here.
We could smell death's breath. And death could use a mint.
We did it! Our morphers are on line.
We got the power! Hang on, Zordon!
We never liked those dingledorks. (pig) You said it. They stink.
We thought that you had... It is good to see you again, too.
We're losing him. Zordon, you can't leave us!
We're on our way. Let's do it.
We're outta here. Right!
We've got new Ninja Zords. Let's use 'em! Right!
Welcome to Jurassic Park. (Aisha) Very funny, Adam.
Well, I say we hard boil the thing! I'm with her. I'm hungry.
Well, we were about to destroy them, but... What?
What are we gonna do? (Rocky) There's plenty of room down there.
What are you doing? Taking care of business.
What do I care about some stupid egg? This is no ordinary egg!
What is it? I think the question is What was it?
What now? Ninjetti!
What power? It is on the distant planet of Phaedos.
What? We get lvan in the comet's path...
What's goin' on? Alpha, come in.
What's that? (Aisha) There's another one.
What's up, Alpha? Rangers, Zordon needs you. Its urgent.
Where'd they go? Keep your eyes peeled.
Who's in charge around here, huh? Huh?
Whoa. We've gotta stop these things.
Whoa. What is that thing? lvan's been busy while we were away.
Whoa. What's happening? (Tommy) Look.
Yeah, I'm fine. Biology finally paid off for you, huh?
Yeah! (giggles/snorts)
Yeah! Well, you've all been brainwashed.
Yeah. Thanks, man. (Fred) Awesome.
Yes! Awesome!
You forget. I'm a master of disguise. How could I forget? I never knew.
You guys, what do you think you're doing? Uh...
You hungry? Always.
You OK? They're tough.
You really think so? I know so.
You won't get away with this, Ooze. You robbed me of my prime.
You won't have much time. How can we get it?
(Adam) Brace for impact!
(Adam) I'm losin' him!
(Adam) Rocky, behind you!
(Adam) Tongue tied and twisted.
(Adam) Wow.
(Adam) Zordon!
(Aisha) What happened here?
(Aisha) Whoa. Looks like somebody had a bad day.
(Aisha) You guys! Over here! Quick!
(all) Uh oh!
(all) Yeah!
(Billy) Dulcea, where are you taking us?
(Billy) Elevator goin' down.
(Billy) Get down!
(Billy) He needs power.
(Billy) I can't believe it.
(Billy) lncredible.
(Billy) Man, this jungle goes on for ever.
(Billy) Oh, no.
(Billy) Too late?
(Billy) We're losing power.
(chanting) Leap to our doom.
(Dulcea) Good luck, Rangers.
(Dulcea) These are the ancient ruins of the Ninjetti Temple.
(Fred) Come on! We'll take the monorail!
(Goldar) Arrivederci!
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