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Children of Dune - Season 1

Children of Dune - Season 1

Children of Dune is a riveting science fiction television mini-series that first aired in 2003. This epic adaptation is based on Frank Herbert's acclaimed novel of the same name and serves as a sequel to the equally gripping Dune mini-series released in 2000.

Set in a far-flung future where intergalactic empires reign and global politics stand on the precipice of destruction, Children of Dune delves into the unforgiving world of Arrakis, a desolate desert planet also known as Dune. The story follows the Atreides family as they navigate the treacherous path of power, religion, and prophecy.

The cast list of Children of Dune includes a talented ensemble of actors who bring the intricate characters to life with remarkable depth and authenticity. Alec Newman portrays Paul Atreides, the conflicted protagonist burdened with the immense powers and responsibilities of his lineage. Susan Sarandon astounds as Princess Wensicia, the cunning and manipulative matriarch of House Corrino. Alice Krige delivers a mesmerizing performance as the enigmatic Lady Jessica, Paul's mother and a member of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. James McAvoy captivates audiences as the young Leto Atreides, Paul's son, who wrestles with his own destiny.

The sound design of Children of Dune further enhances the immersive experience of this extraordinary series. The sweeping orchestral score, composed by Brian Tyler, perfectly captures the grandeur and scale of the Dune universe. From haunting melodies that accompany the mystical rituals of the Fremen to exhilarating battle themes, the music of Children of Dune resonates with emotion and intensity.

To fully immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of sounds from Children of Dune, you can easily play and download the series' remarkable soundtrack. Whether you prefer to relive the epic battles, the heart-wrenching moments of sacrifice, or the awe-inspiring vistas of Arrakis, the soundtrack captures each nuanced emotion.

Children of Dune - Season 1 takes viewers on an extraordinary journey through the vast expanses of space and the depths of the human condition. From political intrigue and religious fervor to personal struggles and familial legacy, this mini-series masterfully explores profound themes that resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.

Whether you are a fan of science fiction or simply appreciate thought-provoking storytelling, Children of Dune - Season 1 is an absolute must-watch. Its compelling narrative, exceptional cast, and immersive sound design create a captivating viewing experience that will transport you to a breathtaking, yet perilous future.

Experience the world of Children of Dune - Season 1 by playing and downloading the captivating sounds it offers. Delve into the intricate web of power and prophecy and lose yourself in the depths of Arrakis, for this is a journey you will not want to miss.

A comfort.
A condition I understand only too well.
A face dancer.
A few precious pieces of Idaho's ruined flesh,
A future emperor crying?
A ghola CAN regain his past.
A ghost, perhaps?
A Guild embassy, Muad'Dib, on Arrakis?
A mask of grief obscuring his face.
A mask of grief. (Hums tunefully)
A memory intruded where none should have been.
A perfect duplicate.
A perfect ghola.
A simple blind Fremen wanders alone into the desert
A storm comes, My Lady.
A time bomb, waiting for the trigger to explode.
A Tleilaxu speciality.
A trick of nature meant to confuse and annoy.
A young woman a Fremen.
According to our investigators, this one was killed here on Arrakis.
Actually prolonged Chani's life.
After all, you are the Emperor.
Alia knows my mind.
Alia! Alia! Alia! Alia!
Alia? Chani?
All safe.
ALL: And brings us joy.
ALL: And in all time.
ALL: Ignorant of all things.
Alright, now, go back to your men.
Always hungry.
And because he is human, he has his weaknesses.
And because you want to break his monopoly on spice.
And Bijaz and Muad'Dib must be gone by now.
And conspiracies continue to breed.
And do you enjoy the name?
And empires that rise will one day fall.
And for that, I am grateful.
And for what? For spice.
And he promised to fulfil Liet's prophecy.
And he'll say, "She's gone."
And her hands removed.
And how grateful you must be
And I am ready, Father.
And I'm being left behind?
And if you conceive, it will accelerate your pregnancy.
And no end.
And not necessarily the best.
And Paul Muad'Dib's wild Fremen spread out across the universe,
And return the Imperial Throne to the planet Kaitain,
And that is Otheym's daughter?
And that is why you will help me kidnap a worm and bring it here.
And that's why I intend to destroy that domination
And the Corrino family, where it rightfully belongs.
And the dwarf? Confined to the keep.
And the Idaho ghola will do its work.
And the name of Muad'Dib is no longer a prayer.
And then Muad'Dib came.
And then you will finally remember what you're expected to do.
And they'll get their wish.
And this time...
And those witches of the Bene Gesserit.
And to a new understanding between us.
And we fought.
And what of the trigger?
And you would not want to encourage it.
And... did you find your sea?
Annoy, yes.
Another brick for the myth of Muad'Dib.
Answering the call of the Fedaykin.
Answers only breed more questions.
Anyone refusing the peace of Muad'Dib will be executed!
Anyone who wants is to be fitted with Tleilaxu eyes.
Appropriate, I'd say, considering what you've done.
Are condemned to death.
Are desperate to regain control of Muad'Dib's bloodline
Are they Duncan's memories...
Are you a machine, ghola?
Are you going to lecture me too?
Are you sick, My Lady?
As far as he was concerned,
As long as Muad'Dib controls Arrakis, we are all at his mercy.
As long as you insist on wandering the city like some off world pilgrim,
As long as you're discreet, he won't deny you.
As you will learn, Edric, my sister has the pulse of the court.
At the battle of Naraj.
At the next convention of the Landsraad.
Atreides monopoly would be broken.
Atreides power must never be marginalised
Awaiting just the right time, the right place.
Be advised.
Be careful, Ambassador.
Being a warrior is only one of them.
Between Houses Atreides and Harkonnen.
Bijaz has told me their names.
BIJAZ: There's a thin line between enemy and friend.
Born and bred... in the same tank... just we two.
Both are alive and strong.
BOY: Father.
BOY: Korba!
Bravo, sister in law.
But he is human,
But he is weak.
But he's blind.
But I am the only woman HE loves.
But I can handle it.
But I hope it will not be too long.
But Idaho is dead.
But it's dangerous.
But knowing there's a trap is the first step in evading it.
But Muad'Dib never does anything without reason.
But no child, Irulan.
But one day soon, the Emperor will come to you,
But that will mean chaos.
But the desert is leaving now...
But the doctors have never found evidence.
But the question remains, "Who has been able
But those who would rid themselves of Muad'Dib
But what makes you think Muad'Dib will ever accept this... ghost?
But you must decide.
But... there are remedies.
By the Bene Gesserit, by the Spacing Guild.
By the chaos of democracy.
By the time Alia's through, a common pickpocket won't be safe.
By Tleilaxu technicians.
By you? By your father.
Bygones be bygones, let them fall where they may.
Can you?
Can't you?
Chani and I will take this one.
CHANI: I am afraid, Muad'Dib.
CHANI: Muad'Dib.
Cheap to feed, but costly to fill.
Clearly the effect of rapid neurological atrophy
Colonising the planets of the known universe
Command it, Muad'Dib.
Command me.
Commander Farok, hero of the Naraj campaign.
Confuse, no.
Creating spice
Cuckold him all you like.
Dare him to expose me.
Deceit, after all, is a legitimate tool of statecraft.
Deliver your warning, then.
Destined to be used.
Do it, Fedaykin. DO IT NOW!
Do not underestimate the power of Muad'Dib's prescience, My Lady.
Do the cards answer all your questions?
Do you know why?
Do you think you are the only woman who truly loves him?
Do you want the men to see you crying? Do you want them thinking you're weak?
Does my little prince have what it takes to lead a Sardaukar army one day?
Don't be afraid, Father.
Don't be afraid, Father. The answer's right in front of you.
Don't give me to the desert, Father.
Don't look at it, My Lord! You can't look at it!
Don't move, Duncan Idaho.
Don't send me to die.
Duncan Idaho of the Atreides.
Duncan Idaho.
Duncan's memories, they scare you.
Empty me as you will, Sire.
Even I violated the old laws.
Even if I vanished tomorrow, the revolution would follow my ghost.
Even if the Idaho ghola succeeds, there is still the sister to contend with.
Even if you succeed, their martyrdom remains.
Even in defeat,
Even your empire must live its time... and then die.
Every revolution carries within it the seeds of its own destruction,
Everywhere we turn, his power confronts us.
Except, perhaps, you.
Experienced swordsmen would never be so reckless.
Exterminating all that remained of the old Imperial armies.
Face dancers, sex toys, musicians, technicians.
Face dancers.
Father, we are pre born, my sister and I.
Father, yes, it IS me!
Father... don't be afraid, Father.
Finally I am free.
Find quarters in the keep for the ghola, Stil.
First me, then you.
For immediate transport to Arrakis.
For it is here and only here the giant worms still roam,
For many, it is now a curse.
For our son.
For the moment.
For the safety my sacrifice assured our father...
For us all.
Forgive me, Chani.
Fremen plot against you.
Fremen? Decapitated.
From those who have proven they are not.
From your new friends on Salusa Secundus.
Get out of the way!
Get to the point, Wensicia.
Getting all over me now.
Go back. Go.
Good God! Good chemistry is more like it.
Good one too.
Gurney, tell me he's alive.
Has the Emperor explained why I am to be detained?
Have never gone up against more than nine.
He always prattles on like that.
He feared I might be captured before seeing you.
He fears for me if I have another child.
He has another agenda.
He has not confided in me, Reverend Mother.
He has sight without eyes.
He is alive.
He is sick.
He is the power that awakens the soul.
He knows.
He maintains his masquerade.
He may be right to fear.
He needs you to visit so he can tell you.
He was a gift to me, after our victories in Tarahell.
He who controls the spice controls the universe.
He will not be found.
He would smash this planet and the Corrino name into oblivion.
He's a curse.
He's a good spy, though. You should take him tonight.
He's a messiah.
He's alive?
He's been wounded.
He's blind.
He's right, Muad'Dib.
Helen Gaius Mohiam of the Bene Gesserit,
Here. I'm over here!
Hidden away, saved.
Hmm. Good.
How can you tell?
How do you know?
How long have you been there?
How long have you known?
How they blackmailed us for spice to keep our secrets from our enemies.
How very generous of Muad'Dib
How was this one trained?
Hurry. The eyes of Muad'Dib are everywhere.
I abase myself before the Emperor.
I am a Fremen.
I am a Mentat. I trust only logic and statistics.
I am a person, not a gift.
I am his wife! You have his name.
I am not on Arrakis. I am in free space.
I am playing. (Voice echoes)
I am sorry.
I am the one he calls 'wife'.
I assume you can handle him.
I awakened to consciousness in my mother's womb.
I beg you, My Lord!
I bring you greetings
I can do it. I can bring her back to you.
I can do it. I can bring her back.
I can feel it.
I carry your water burden, Otheym.
I could cuckold him.
I couldn't have said it better.
I couldn't leave him to the desert.
I demand to be judged by Fremen law.
I did.
I don't care.
I don't suppose you feel it's necessary to inform me
I don't think that would be wise.
I don't understand.
I don't want to be an emperor. Let someone else do it.
I don't want your pity.
I feel.
I forbid a constitution.
I have just received word from Salusa Secundus.
I have made my peace with it.
I have memories of many women alive inside of me.
I have only now.
I haven't travelled all the way to the edge of the universe
I heard there was a thing called a 'sea'.
I hope your training has been a help.
I just need to... just...
I just...
I know it was you, Irulan.
I know nothing of my past, Sire.
I know the way better than anyone else, Stil.
I know what they knew, I feel what they felt,
I know when to hide.
I leave for Otheym's tonight.
I mean no disrespect, Princess, but take a worm from Arrakis?
I mean, who is this bastard Atreides but some Bedouin charlatan?
I meddled in the future, in all possible futures...
I must beg Muad'Dib's forgiveness for this intrusion, but...
I need to remember the future.
I need to remember. I need...
I need you, Duncan.
I never meant to hurt Chani... or you.
I never saw children.
I owned a crysknife.
I sense it.
I should arrange a 'thopter.
I should spill your water on the sand for what you've done.
I shudder to see you in such circumstances.
I suddenly feel like we have so little time.
I think he's forgotten I ever existed.
I thought the doctor said you were supposed to rest.
I used to hunt these here, when I was little.
I waited as long as I could.
I want you to examine the scene the way our mother taught us.
I warn you, a face dancer can move faster than you can possibly imagine.
I was a rider of worms.
I was hoping that's what you'd say.
I will enjoy being called Lichna.
I will never be able to rest.
I wonder if Muad'Dib knows how many have been maimed in his name.
I wonder if my father would approve of the future he inspired.
I wonder if that's what he wanted.
I'll be patient, then.
I'm afraid, Muad'Dib.
I'm ashamed to say it.
I'm blind, Father. I'm blind.
I'm drunk on too much me.
I'm going to give you that chance.
I'm going to summon doctors.
I'm healthy, strong.
I'm here, Father, as you knew I would be.
I'm leaving it up to the Spacing Guild.
I'm no child.
I'm not asleep.
I'm not exactly as they'd like.
I'm offering none.
I'm ready, Father.
I'm so hungry.
I'm sorry. I've distracted you. Shh, shh, shh.
I'm sure my brother agrees.
I'm the answer.
I'm waiting and I'm ready.
I'm waiting.
I've always known.
I've been cruel to you, Irulan.
I've been in worse.
I've given orders no harm is to come to you.
Idaho is dead!
If I know nothing, I can divulge nothing.
If Muad'Dib ever suspected such a gambit,
If only you could distract me forever.
If Paul needs you, he would surely send for you.
If they thrived, a new spice cycle could begin.
If you bring her to Muad'Dib, he will never refuse to see her.
In the beginning, we were all empty.
In violation of our neutrality.
Inform my sister.
Instead, they created me and I became trapped by them.
IRULAN: A Guild ambassador, here on Arrakis.
IRULAN: History is written on the sands of Arrakis.
IRULAN: Muad'Dib is gone but his children remain
Irulan. Are you taking this down?
Is causing much unrest on Arrakis.
Is she... She's well.
Is that what you've seen... in your visions?
Is there no other way?
Is wind a trick?
It amused the Tleilaxu to train him as a Mentat.
It could have been an element within the Gesserit itself. We may never know.
It could have been Fremen rebels from the deep desert.
It doesn't need to be real.
It frightens you, doesn't it?
It had to be.
It healed me of jihad.
It is my right to bear the royal heir.
It is some time since you've seen him.
It is your duty to play a role, nothing more.
It stirs up curious feelings.
It was a stone burner. Stilgar suspects Fremen.
It was better when we were alone in the desert...
It was in the old quarter. Stone burner, for sure.
It was just a matter of when.
It was only a matter of time before this happened.
It was the birth, My Lord.
It, er... will be a dangerous birth.
It's amazing,
It's been many years since I've seen you. And my father.
It's ironic...
It's not safe for you to be here.
It's not who controls the spice, but who has the ability to disrupt the spice
It's nothing but a ruse, contrived by enemies of House Atreides
It's obvious to anyone who can see.
It's the first step along the Golden Path.
It's the first step. It can't wait.
It's the only possibility left.
It's the only way.
It's time to return to the desert.
It's what the Tleilaxu have written upon you to kill me.
Its traces are subtle, confusing.
Kidnap a worm from Arrakis.
Killed by your father's Sardaukar.
Laws of men have gone.
Learn the lesson my father ignored
Leave that to me.
Let bygones be bygones
Let me summon my doctors.
Let me take its water.
Let me take its water. No, Stil.
Let the others know, Javid.
Let us give you back your love.
Let us restore your beloved Chani.
Live content and safe for the rest of your life...
Long enough.
Love is all you have.
Majesty, don't you see what this means?
Majesty, there is the matter of Reverend Mother Mohiam.
Make an alliance with us, Muad'Dib, the Tleilaxu.
Make arrangements for the Guild ambassador
Make arrangements, Stil.
MAN: Alia! WOMAN: Alia!
MAN: Be that as it may,
MAN: Commander Farok! The conversions have begun!
MAN: Cursed be thy name, Atreides.
MAN: It's her! WOMAN: The holy sister!
MAN: Muad'Dib!
MAN: Prince Farad'N, your turn.
MAN: Stay where you are!
MAN: The mercy of Muad'Dib is comfort to all enemies.
MAN: Without eyes, yet he sees.
MAN: You who deny the glory of Muad'Dib
May I introduce our friend, Reverend Mother, Scytale of the Tleilaxu.
Men came back from Muad'Dib's wars and they said they had seen it.
Might not be long before it happens again.
Millions have been defeated, millions more have been slaughtered.
Mom! Mommy.
More than ever.
Muad'Dib has brought many wonders to Arrakis...
Muad'Dib is in the streets.
Muad'Dib is... afraid.
Muad'Dib would not allow any formal delegations, My Lady.
Muad'Dib, is it truly necessary to bring the face dancer AND the dwarf?
Muad'Dib. Muad'Dib. Muad'Dib. Muad'Dib.
Muad'Dib... Calm, Stil.
Muad'Dib... my gods!
Muad'Dib's decision strikes some as mysterious, even dangerous.
Muad'Dib's decision to accept the Guild ambassador
My body is confusing me, Muad'Dib.
My brother had a Mentat teacher who talked like that.
My brother needs me, Duncan, and my vision is incomplete.
My brother says you know the names of the traitors.
My childhood, my youth...
My eyes are gone, Stil.
My eyes, let me see for you. My eyes, Father. Use them!
My eyes. My eyes!
My father has information for you.
My father was betrayed by you and your simpering Spacing Guild
My father was the 81st Padishah Emperor, a colossus!
My father's men did not abandon wisdom, Reverend Mother.
My Lady?
My Lady... Ohh!
My life burns faster.
My Lord, is that you?!
My Lord, please, don't listen to this blasphemy.
My Lord? My Lord!
My Lord... your eyes.
My own share of spice.
Names that are death.
No ghola has ever been restored to his former being, child.
No longer an emperor, no longer a god,
No matter how powerful you have become,
No matter what happens.
No matter what they do,
No one knows where.
No, I am words in the wind, words that are names,
No, no.
No, you Bene Gesserit
None of these men are to be taken out into the desert.
Not in this parade of sycophants who flutter around this palace
Not mysticism and prophecy?
Not one major house representative. Not one!
Not reckless, necessary.
Not to mention agents of the Spacing Guild,
Nothing in this universe...
Now I'm ready to help rid the universe of the cancer that is Muad'Dib.
Now it's time to forget
Now, I trust you'll convince the Naibs of the wisdom in this.
Of the most sophisticated chemistry, beyond our knowledge.
Oh, forgive me, My Lady,
Oh, no... not yet.
Oh, nonsense! Wipe your tears. Here.
On the Golden Path.
Once the face dancer is insinuated into Muad'Dib's palace...
Once the wasteland of the universe, now an Imperial capital,
One by one, under his rule.
One day, even Muad'Dib will know the good you have done.
Only a machine functions without senses.
Otheym has missed... his old friend.
Otheym's daughter, My Lord.
Our enemies will think I'm selling him for the money.
Our spies have no idea who was responsible.
Palace Fedaykin are everywhere.
Paul Muad'Dib's most beloved friend and teacher.
Paul said he would join you as soon as the night council is concluded.
PAUL: She is gone, Duncan.
Perfect gift for a lonely emperor.
Perhaps we could offer the appearance of a constitution.
Plans within plans.
Please allow me the honour of presenting His Majesty
Plots within plots, My Lord you should know better than anyone.
Poor Muad'Dib... poor Bijaz.
Pregnancy is proceeding faster than normal.
Problems in this universe...
Protect them from me.
Reverend Mother.
Ritual is the whip by which men are enlightened, Muad'Dib.
Salusa Secundus might prove hospitable to the great worms of Arrakis.
Send him away!
Senses are dangerous.
Separate myself from this...
Shaddam is dead.
She is gone, Duncan.
She is gone, Duncan.
She was removed from our heighliner by your agents
She's gone.
Simply telling you the truth.
Sir, your son.
So it is written!
So now you will go back.
So someone's afraid she'd be found before the desert does its work.
So you are Bijaz?
So you haven't forgotten everything we taught you.
So you've come, then.
So, it is truly you.
So, what do you suggest, Princess?
So, what do you think, Tyekanik?
Some of the finest swordsmen in the Imperium
Someone has been feeding you a poison.
Something ceremonial.
Something impotent. Virtually meaningless.
Something subtle, something... unexpected.
Spice gatherers found a body in the desert.
Spice production will be disrupted.
Stay where you are, both of you.
Stay with me.
Still the cause of conspiracy, betrayal and murder.
Still the greatest treasure in the universe,
Stone burner!
Surely from off world.
Surely they conspire to something a little more elegant
Sweeping away anything and anyone who resisted.
Take this one and get him to the keep immediately.
Tell him.
Tell me, Korba,
Tell me, what do you remember?
Terrible wounds required many months of regrowth
Test after test, and still nothing.
Than assassination on the streets of Arrakeen?
Thanks to you.
Thanks to you.
That is not the wind.
That's why you're here, isn't it?
The ancient Fremen diet,
The answer is right in front of you.
The answer's standing right in front of you
The answer's standing right in front of you,
The baby will be born there.
The Bene Gesserit and the former Imperial family.
The body recovered after the unfortunate conflict
The children. The children! They're safe, Muad'Dib.
The city's filled with adventurers, Muad'Dib,
The compassion of Muad'Dib...
The Council of Naibs won't like this, Muad'Dib.
The day I saw the future.
The day you defeated Shaddam and his armies, Muad'Dib.
The device to set the time bomb off?
The doctors can't find the reason why I am unable to conceive.
The doctors say her metabolism has accelerated.
The first step along the Golden Path.
The flesh did not want to come back.
The fools even had a stone burner and they couldn't succeed.
The future.
The Golden Path. But you must decide.
The Great Houses are still demanding that a constitution be on the agenda
The Law, Muad'Dib.
The laws of a god have replaced them.
The memory?
The moulting of the skin.
The old Fremen, I hear them...
The proof is standing right in front of you.
The saga of Dune is far from over.
The script is written... but the stage is not set.
The simple pleasures one has as a child.
The sisterhood is aware of my delay?
The spice must flow.
The stone burner is set and ready.
The streets are full of danger, Muad'Dib.
The time of plots and revenge is coming to an end.
The tribe will take my water soon.
The truth is in the streets, Stil,
The wind speaks of demons.
Then our plan is still in place.
Then there are more... and it frightens you.
Then there's nothing more.
Then you.
Then you're the wind?
There are many plots against me.
There are many ways to lead an army, Princess.
There are men who need your help, Fedaykin, here and here!
There are no innocents anywhere
There are rumours that Paul can still see despite his blindness vision sight.
There are some things no one can bear.
There is a difference.
There is a plot against you.
There is no escape.
There is no such thing as free space where Muad'Dib rules.
There was no way I could spare us this.
There's something... reckless about it.
There's treachery, Muad'Dib.
These are seats once occupied in sietch by Muad'Dib...
These are troubled times, old friend.
These are your children, Muad'Dib.
They can be fooled.
They have changed your schedule in light of the situation.
They have their parts to play, Stil, just like you and me.
They resent me.
They resent the 'wonders' I've brought to their desert.
They said her body was drained by the speed of it.
They say he has gone on a journey...
They say it was Duncan Idaho.
They say it's a miracle.
They want things the way they used to be.
They want time to stop.
They wouldn't.
They've blinded my body... but not my vision.
Think I've forgotten, Stil?
This has been a dirty day.
This is a dead Fremen girl, My Lady.
This is a Fremen plot, Majesty.
This is a question that cannot be delayed any longer.
This is not a clean place.
This is why you invaded my privacy?
This must play out the way I've seen it.
This was the moment you came back to me, Duncan.
This was your plan all along.
This way.
This... decision troubles me, Muad'Dib.
This... thing is a horror!
Those who wished an end to House Atreides have failed.
Time for account, unless you come just to mock at me.
Time to settle accounts.
To be gone is to be bygone.
To be neutral is to be indifferent.
To conceal far more sinister motives.
To die.
To disapprove of my recklessness?
To discuss nonsense with a... face dancer.
To eat greater and greater quantities of spice.
To know the future is to be trapped by it.
To permit his wife to attend the funeral of his mortal enemy.
Too much.
Twins, My Lord. A boy and a girl.
Use my eyes, Father. Use them!
Very well, then. Let's start with your priests.
VOICE: Then you'll finally remember what you're expected to do.
We accept this gift in the spirit with which it was given.
We acquired him as a gift befitting an emperor.
We are just entering the area now.
We are pre born, my sister and I, thanks to our mother and the spice.
We can re create her.
We can restore the flesh and the spirit.
We cannot guide our ships without it, My Lady.
We did it! We did it.
We did not know the power that resides in every place.
We go forward, we go back don't be afraid.
We go forward, we go back...
We go forward. We come back.
We go forward. We come back.
We had a proper sietch.
We had a terrific struggle with you.
We have eternity.
We leave for the sietch as soon as possible.
We live by Atreides law now, Stil.
We meet again, Muad'Dib.
We must be prepared with other means to diminish the Atreides power.
We remember well how the Guild brought those who oppressed us,
We understand.
We welcome you to our court, Edric of the Spacing Guild,
We were a noble people once.
We were happy there.
We will deliver the formal declaration
We will return to our desert, my love...
We're already in oblivion.
We're leaving for the sietch this morning.
We've been trying for decades to achieve this.
Well, I do.
WENSICIA: Yes, the Atreides hero.
What about Muad'Dib?
What about Scytale?
What are you doing to me?
What do you see with those eyes?
What does he mean?
What does Muad'Dib say?
What everyone sees.
What I mean is what I say, and what I say is what I mean.
What if there are no women reported missing amongst the Fremen?
What is important is how one navigates between the two.
What is it, Stil?
What is the meaning of this?
What is this? I am sorry, Princess.
What is your name, ghola?
What troubles you, My Lord?
What you remember when day becomes night.
What you're expected to do. What you're expected to do.
What's the meaning of this?
What's to stop you?
Whatever the need...
When the Guild ambassador arrives to present his credentials.
When the moment comes to decide...
When was it you reinvented yourself from Fremen Fedaykin to religious fanatic?
When you go on these walkabouts?
Where that line stops, there's no beginning.
Which might overcome the contraceptive's effects.
While I was walking, I stepped in a puddle...
Who controls the universe.
Why didn't he tell you so you could tell me?
With a small token of our esteem.