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Leave It to Beaver - Season 1 "Leave It to Beaver - Season 1" is a classic American television sitcom that aired from 1957 to

Leave It to Beaver - Season 1

"Leave It to Beaver - Season 1" is a classic American television sitcom that aired from 1957 to 1958. The show revolves around the Cleaver family, particularly young Theodore 'Beaver' Cleaver, and his misadventures in suburban life. Starring Jerry Mathers as Beaver, Tony Dow as his older brother Wally, Barbara Billingsley as their mother June Cleaver, and Hugh Beaumont as their father Ward Cleaver, this wholesome and heartwarming series portrays the daily trials and tribulations of an average American family. You can enjoy the sounds of this iconic show and download them here.
A lot harder to follow the right ways in the wrong way well you understand what I'm driving at don't yes
A minute Mister Higgins I I have it written down here somewhere Baxter what date was that contest about well
Accusing operative stealing a bicycle but they're only day dean well then they're pretty clever babies they swindled me out of a bicycle like a couple of con men all
And dnmt this
Baxter speeding %HESITATION hello Fred say the boys of got the bicycle across sixty four dollars and Perry Como
Be so selfish alright yeah you can see don't worry be all right you all over Mister Baxter and
Be very and nbsp where have you been at the actual school Gary I know that well
Beaver a straight line is not always the most enjoyable way home well nnj
Beaver cleaver kids are currently I dislike them hang around if they were trying to play ball yeah but you got rid of a real need counter
Bicycle and the one you have in your room yesterday dnmt we
Boys it's always been my personal policy not to alienate the public so you know what I'm going to do no
But we respected at last summer and they set fire to the attic I'm going to go see about getting nndb
Can't do it if you told me that was a contact what's wrong with you calling appeared saying was announced over the happy Harrington show but
Certainly will well it's just fun I mean they'll be alright no I'm sorry isn't here right now I don't
Cleaver those boys came in with a wagon full of bottle caps and bottle caps I would be excuse
Come now Mister Baxter you make it sound like those two boys stuck a gun in your stomach and said your money or your bicycle hello
Cows really well I he gets here car bassinet well boys now what's all this about a bicycle yes
Crete can I say gn why not only can you see any possible use for Franklin milk bottle caps you
Doesn't seem hardly fair look I was let me explain why you couldn't keep the by what difference does it make it's
Don't usually like is well you don't no but IQ I think I can get out thank
Don't worry I'll handle it. Miss Simms! Miss Simms!
Doneness I don't but your brother doing it all work mt
Feel bad it's only natural by giving back the bike you did the right thing it's often
Frankie there's gotta be a continent we went down there they gave us the bike is trying to do give me the business somebody
Gives away bikes from bottle caps we are working your brother you're a creek to Baxter you certainly have you're nerve waking me up at this hour in the morning with such a fantastic story yes
Going on it now he can wait a few times then we were just messing around on my they get pretty
Gone isn't but it was all a mistake there wasn't any contest you are entitled to a by always we we've talked about this before of
Got a thousand dollar cash if you want to count well you boys just have a seat I'll be right back I cut to lake yeah our
Got musty talk like that certainly the red to maintain his reputation as a character where
Got rid of the bicycles arrived yet for the contest that the one that was announced on the happy Arrington show don't you watch our own program well
Have a contest share the one you told the paper about you Saddam adhering to television show are you kidding I
Have to work for it we went fineness Barakat sure you did because I
Have you been KP bad power station I'm bigger that think they can make up is there any most better dental school see
His salt I'm happy to see into survive television child psychology in the inroads of progressive education I
Hundred and forty nine eight hundred and fifty fifty one fifty two and the three fifty
I %HESITATION dnmt nnj
I dnmt this
I don't want any of your excuses look you settle this the best you can I don't know how but
I hear you take the bike and will get a few pictures no no know what we don't want to but if there was any contest we didn't learn yes
I I have it right here the Sims when was a contest announced just a minute broj when was the contest in last
I kill her last Friday show last Friday showed last Friday's show how I found it here in my notes Mister Hagens it
I still think it would be nice if we freshened up for supper yeah I mean I am getting boys they shared okay
I think that someplace got he's forgotten %HESITATION well where did you got at the power plant power
I told today silly but the car away well he wouldn't have a spike last Christmas because he said we don't have
I wouldn't say no go put your Junker my drawer well I got out my sweats off this morning Deborah fuller raises nndb
I'll get right on the ball nndb
I'm going to give you a lot of the credit here's what I want you to do get a photographer and Russia some pictures of the winner so your cat all
I'm sorry mistaken Baxter why must you bother me with these details don't you have any initiative of your own you
In the face of doctor Brady I quote a child's world is his own sacred domain of his privacy must at all times be respected alright
In the second place if they did have one I'd be the first one to know about why Wally and his brother of the soul of honest by
Is a contest the happy Harrington show contest and of well just a minute back at
Is messy and well thank you which makes him just why you tell mama may simply have well
Is Mike hadn't come in yet but I %HESITATION Yasser I'm sorry Sir said well I've always tried to show initiative yes I know the company policy set
Is your company having a bicycle contest no we definitely are not having a contest then
Isn't exactly laws but he got out of dancing school two hours ago if he does come by with your pointing this way and don't give him anything he by
It when your shipment Iraq yes Fred yet yeah I should have thought of that I'll take care of it right away at the sorry to bother you I
Jn nndb nnj this and
Know for just a minute he just gave man yeah well I got what I wanted for had Chicago on the wire Mister Crowley or
Know the company policy never alienate the public if you have a winner get him a bicycle by what replace
Know to hold the Franklin milk in the Franklin milk bottles completely got Ahold Gish penumbra McPherson in collecting them all week it's
Know you work for a milk company but there are indications of a much stronger beverages would you know it does sound a little like Wally in the beaver not
Look boys if you will take the bicycle and let me get a few pictures I'll give you twenty five dollars out
Look fellas you wouldn't want to see me get in trouble with the milk company now would you now I'm not here take the bicycle please look
Love mom and dad dnmt
Made that up made it up sure beaver was hanging around you know how he does so I just told that to get rid of them look
Mary Christmas three months early for two wealth plans to bomb bullseye nd
Me Mister Baxter well I you come down here on the net Gwenn well as we do bring the bicycle down what
Mister Crowley in Chicago %HESITATION say Fred %HESITATION the bicycles having arrived and the %HESITATION winners are starting to come in it
Mt sometimes like and not right now I would like so much she's dead it
Nbsp pay more how do you like this catch you learn to take the top off now dnmt
Nnat you got a prescription for my father earlier
Nndb Alfie is a June cleaver I
Nndb fell
Nndb may I help you %HESITATION we came to the vice we want the redwood the bicycle we've
Nndb nndb
Nndb nndb
Nndb nndb nndb
Nndb nnj
Nndb would you like dnmt no
Nnj nnj fineness
Nnj voice separately
Nnj we dnmt this
No thank you I work mn golly speaking all Mr Higgins I
Not hello hello Fred I was just going to call you see I got the but I and I just talk to the gang up stairs all
Nothing to be alarmed about in my day the collecting instinct was strong in every American boy worth
Of my own party I I think we better be going Mister Baxter well I declare boys have certainly changed since I was a kid well
Out of my mind well I don't think so Mister Higgins but if you say no contest at all no announcement on the happy Harrington show but
People trained nice guy though Shariat is just he's an older person yeah dnmt
Phone number but I don't okay dnmt nndb
Plant yeah what has happened in many cases the all I see the man at the power plant chased
Responsible person doesn't take things he hasn't there you have to be worthy of what you get in life you
Right in a few minutes how about running up changing a shirt she that we've only water for two days well
See that's dishonest well here here now wait a minute up how can you call me dishonest I'm giving you the bicycle there
She's just someone we met mom you are my hero and I met I see my mom dnmt
Sir mouse but I'm going to send missing review down to Hank's bike shop you can pick out a bicycle will charge to the company thank
Sure so I guess I just want to pick on well I feel I don't know why away then why why
Take the bike and let me get some pictures out what did you do that for well you better get out here well to our father now
Thank you factor it's not terribly I don't think can kill Frankie Bennett from the eighth grade yeah
Thank you state by enchanted the beaver over at your place how trying to track him down for an hour now
That Baxter he hit the back he yes what's yes I guess I am get me that it is Baxter on the phone a
That crazy about that contest idea of our our contest idea except as after Hagen started over he reversed himself naturally
That Mister Hagens had this is prolly downstairs I am just double checking on our bicycle contest and
That they've started he collected thousands Franklin milk bottle caps you know bicycle you know the way he took off I think he believed accu
That's one cancellation it certainly is nnj
The bat with your neck tie no with improved it was couch leann alright
The one you giving away your television contest for a thousand bottle caps every thousand bompton line academy we
The responsibility cleanness Yahoo we can improve it why
There she is good is no isn't she a beauty kind of fairness crybaby well I must say for two boys that have just won a bicycle you two don't seem very enthusiastic although
There was a contest all the time well no not exactly but I think we could make it retroactive sort of pretend there was now
They had a bike I know other Mister Baxter you may have been swindled out of a vice but not by my boys why in the first place I don't allow them to have a bite and
They haven't arrived yet now now it's alright ms Simms got remaster Crowley in Chicago avatar back why do you get widens because
They were much cleverer than that they came and said they want a bike in a contest our company was at well
Think I'm going to ask them why they collecting those things a little too don't you dare think of such a thing flying
This nnj hi Matt first
This really not we have a different thanks anyways thanks nnj
This year Jon Benet spoilage I have inside sn cleanness yeah
Those two boys yet Mister Baxter are you suggesting that we don't know what's going on in our own house Mrs
Thousand upcoming nto all client here are crazy story like that a bicycle for a thousand bottle caps exactly
Unique it's only six blocks from the dancing school why does it always taking over an hour to get home the
Want to make a contest yes there might have another happy and in television show so Mr but
Was announced on last Friday's show I no no Sir there's no trouble it's just that one of my district managers got a winner and he became a little rattled that
Wasn't any contest we didn't earn it and we're not going to take it well and I won't you've got to take this you're not going to make a fool out of me again you
We try %HESITATION dnmt sixteen seventeen yeah dnmt
We want to make a big thing of this contest pictures of the winner I doubt yeah well thank you thank you Fred for a giving me the credit yeah
We've got vannatter and well now look boys I know you're a little confused by why don't we just close our eyes to the fact that nobody will know the difference now what do you say I
Well thank you I got away shouldn't whole year why yeah well established making
What do you do if the state won't see them nndb
Which one of our divisions is running hi Mr Higgins the one they're running on a happy Harrington TV show but I well just
Why did you give them the basic well because they convinced me that we were having a contest Mister Baxter I
Wildcat I can't that was my way home why cool three far you gonna do if those stupid your
Yeah pn nnova
You get me Cochran over at the warehouse why yeah absolutely secretary here look at the pictures mn
You know necktie so that was a great guitar Hassan nobody steals a necktie off you know a time
You must have a bike in the first place all right balance Jim would you think it was petty of me if I ask you to stop taking Franklin milk I
You very much Sir no not at all my boy thank you very much here nndb
You watch your own program well of course I a lot that contest %HESITATION and what you boys just have a seat for a minute I'll be right with if
You well boys it was just as I recall the contest was announced on last Friday's show but unfortunately the bicycles having arrived at our warehouse but
You would you guys all have been much nnj by tomorrow night where'd you get it we one of the Franklin mouth artist you
You'd better not let this thing get out and embarrass the company. Oh, no, no, I wouldn't do that.
You're too small to reach the pedals vannatter by smaller by I don't think for a smaller bike don't
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