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The Last Ship - Season 1 The Last Ship - Season 1 is a thrilling television series that premiered in 2014. Set in a

The Last Ship - Season 1

The Last Ship - Season 1 is a thrilling television series that premiered in 2014. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the show follows the crew of the USS Nathan James, a naval destroyer on a mission to find the cure for a deadly virus that has devastated humanity. Starring Eric Dane as Captain Tom Chandler and Rhona Mitra as Dr. Rachel Scott, the cast delivers captivating performances throughout. Immerse yourself in the intense soundscape of The Last Ship - Season 1, available for play and download here.
A 5,000 sailor aircraft carrier?
A 104 degree fever can't be from the prototype.
A are you saying the incubation period can change?
A breakaway force is operating on its own authority.
A couple hundred U.S. sailors.
A few dozen tomahawks, too.
A little pinch. This is gonna make you feel better.
A Mrs. Granderson is on the line.
A U.S. Navy ship is due to make port in a matter of hours
A vaccine.
A virus of unknown origin.
A.T.T.W.O. reports S.C.A.T. team manned and ready
Aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah!
Aah! Nathan James, this is MPA.
About the great plague of the 21st century,
About the way we've been treating the sick.
About what I hope...
Acknowledge and identify yourself. Over.
Add on L.F.Ts and endocrine panels.
African American, male over 40...
After all the failures and the false starts,
After four very challenging months at the top of the world,
After last night's performance, I'm not so sure.
After several mutations, it was artificially altered.
After what I did to you.
Again. 1, 2...
Ah, gotta tell you...
Ahh! Ahh!
Ain't enough of you bastards left
Alisha: All engines ahead full. Left full rudder.
Alisha: Captain's on the bridge!
All clear on the beach.
All departments make manned and ready special reports
All engines ahead flank.
All engines ahead flank.
All focused on that beach.
All hands, brace for shock.
All hands, man your battle stations!
All hands, man your battle stations!
All hands, man your battle stations.
All I could do was stand there, helpless.
All right, guys, listen to me.
All right, mask up.
All right, set cover, but let him come.
All right, she's seizing. Give me some room.
All right, sir.
All right, spread the word we need volunteers.
All right, step forward! Slowly!
All right, take a sip of this.
All right, well, we don't want to burn through our nozzles.
All right, well, you let me know if that changes.
All right, you men, spread out!
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Give it a kick start.
All Special Sea and Anchor Detail.
All the virus cares about is replicating.
All: Aye, sir.
All's fair in love and war.
All's quiet.
Almost nothing.
Although I believe that now that it's been artificially altered,
Although we wish you would've been here a few hours ago.
Amen to that.
Amir, it's a new world now.
Amir, my name's Tom Chandler, US Navy.
Among other things, yeah.
An officer will escort you both to CIC.
And 50 or 60 more.
And a few surviving state troopers.
And all that we hold dear.
And appear to be en route to your whiskey.
And Bertrise?
And Bertrise... always sick when she was a kid
And bring a weapon.
And calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee.
And cling peaches in Cuba.
And communication is getting spotty.
And don't do it again.
And EMCON Alpha
And endangered my entire crew.
And for all of humanity,
And fuel?
And give the order to drop anchor.
And ham radio distress calls from around the world,
And have been up here for a couple months already.
And he's up to date on the condition of the fuel?
And I had my daughter transferred to your ship.
And I have been praying every day for your return.
And I have good reason to believe
And I have told them as much.
And I need more time to collect samples.
And I really hope that you are, too.
And I suppose an explanation is in order.
And I was told one of these levers
And I'm proud to say you did it with flying colors.
And if anyone can hold their own,
And if it's not the virus that's causing this,
And in the icy water has no heat signature.
And inject it directly into the patients.
And inside?
And make calls and e mail.
And make sure you lean into that recoil.
And my parents died on 9/11.
And nothing from Mayport or the lab.
And now it's Olympia, whatever that is.
And now we're free...
And our comms team tells us we could pick up
And place them in the reload pool.
And prolonged the dark ages 150 years.
And recalibrate the machines before we move the ship.
And recently, they've killed
And secure the area for the next group.
And some city services are set to resume.
And some city services are set to resume.
And some fish and chips in the fryer.
And spill the oil into the harbor while they have RPGs?
And still no contact with French Naval Command.
And temperatures will reach 50 degrees in Baltimore...
And thanks to you, I can travel wherever I like.
And that signaled to their immune systems
And that's what caused her blood pressure to drop.
And the Captain will never give it up.
And the medical questionnaires.
And the news wasn't good.
And the rest...
And then what?
And there's something you need to hear.
And they send two people to save it?
And they turned on you.
And they were clearly after you.
And this is the safest place on Earth
And those are for breakfast.
And we have a direct line.
And we have enough food here to last us what, a week?
And we have secured the facility you may require.
And we have secured the facility you may require.
And we quarantine him on the ship!
And we will prevail.
And we're all dispensable.
And we're down.
And we're gonna have to improvise every step of the way.
And what about you, Captain?
And what does she give me? Zip.
And when was that?
And who exactly gets to go home
And who's the enemy?
And yet immune to this.
And you don't even know if you qualify.
And you haven't heard from homeland in almost a month,
And you open up the door to the helo bay
Any broad spectrum antibiotics you can find.
Any contacts on surface search?
Any flu like symptoms? Aches or pains?
Any history of serious injuries?
Any idea what the plan would be for mass production?
Any station in this net vicinity
Any station this net vicinity of Fort Detrick U.S.A.M.R.I.I.D.,
Anyone at Fort Detrick, please respond.
Anyone in here?!
Anyone in here?! Show yourself immediately!
Anyone manifesting the disease, even a recently deceased corpse.
Anyone point me in the right direction?
Anyone who wants a visit, now's the time.
Anyone... damn it! [Coughing]
Anything I should be concerned about?
Anyway, you seem to have things plenty well in hand here.
Apparently I check off a few of the boxes she needs...
Approaching four minutes.
Approaching the south gate.
Approaching, range 24 nautical miles, approximately 80 knots.
Are the ingredients for a cure.
Are you at the cabin?
Are you sure that you want to be there?
Are you telling me the whole world is dying,
Are you with me?
Are you with the kids?! Darien?!
Are you?
As if that could take away who we are as a people.
As it has just the facility Dr. Scott requires
As members of the United States Navy.
As soon as we make port.
As vice chair of
As we commit our brother Franklin Edward Benz to the sea,
Ashley: We miss you, daddy.
At 015 at 36,000 yards. Inbound...
At all crew served weapon stations port and starboard.
At least 3 more laptops, and 4 external hard drives.
At least, that's what I understood
At Olympia?
At your service.
Attention on deck.
Attention, attention,
Aye, aye. Left full rudder.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Baby, it's me, and I'm ready.
Back in June in Virginia, but up here, at 50 below,
Back up!
Back, back, back! Back to the left.
Badass, Captain.
Balls. We need the balls.
Baltimore. We should set a course in that direction.
Barbara Miller.
Basically spilled my guts to her.
Be careful. That's delicate equipment.
Because I have my own sat phone.
Because in that lab in our helo bay
Because there's one thing
Because they didn't have the primordial sample.
Been a real pain in our ass since this whole thing started.
Before mutating and landing on us.
Benzo and I will take the starboard side,
Benzo, eat some fruit.
Better not to have a child
Better take a couple engines offline.
Bird's chocked and chained, heading to the barn.
Blew our grid.
Bravo Zulu to each and every one of you.
Bridge to Bridge Operational?
Bridge, Burk. The pier is secure.
Bridge, CCS fueling commenced.
Bridge, CCS We're still taking on fuel.
Bridge, Commo, get me the Captain.
Bridge, shield your eyes.
Bridge, Surface Target acquired.
Bridge, TAO
Bridge? C.I.C.
Brief the crew.
Bring it 'round slowly.
Bringing up the feed now.
But at least three of them peeled off towards your ship
But don't you ever get your head out of that book?
But his whole assumption about the virus
But I believe you have something that I want.
But I feel like I can't lift my arm.
But I had orders from the Pentagon.
But I think I know how to stop it.
But I've never heard of a dog setting foot on a destroyer.
But if it is the virus, we can save them.
But if it were me,
But if you had to, could you?
But in time, Rachel, you'll see it's the only way.
But it was the only space large enough to accommodate our lab.
But it wasn't.
But it's chaos out there.
But it's gonna mean getting your hands dirty.
But it's highly unlikely they're going to be able
But it's not gonna work. People want to get home.
But not like that.
But nothing worked.
But now I know why it did.
But now we are more than that.
But now you're here.
But right now I gotta give you this.
But so far it can only get audio, sir.
But still.
But the data he's given me suggests
But they did manage to break the uplink/downlink encryption.
But they don't think it's British.
But this is the most courageous and resilient crew
But this one was updated today.
But we do not, under any circumstances,
But we haven't been in the field
But we sure could use your services.
But we're immune. You got the shots, too.
But when we're done, we're going home.
But you both know we're all needed.
But you know I'm not leaving here without my man, so...
But you've seen nothing of the chaos here at home.
But, honey, we're fine.
But, uh...
But, um...
By who?
By yourself?
Calculate a course to intercept.
Can I have my samples now?
Can we talk...
Can you hear me, buddy?
Can you hear us a at all?
Can you tell me how you're doing? Kara?
Can't believe this could really be it.
Can't go this way. Turn around.
Can't say that I'm following you.
Can't teach courage like that.
Cannot make a positive ID.
Captain Chandler, thank you.
Captain Chandler, you had no right to pull me from my work.
Captain Chandler.
Captain said we could have a visit.
Captain Tom Chandler?
Captain Tom Chandler.
Captain Tom Chandler...
Captain wants a complete log of every transmission.
Captain, I have three make that five unknown aircraft
Captain, I'm picking up a contact headed for the harbor.
Captain, I've got Baltimore.
Captain, S.S.E.S. reports that the keyhole satellite
Captain, we gotta move!
Captain's on the bridge!
Captain's on the bridge.
Captain's on the bridge.
Captain's right.
Captain's thinking Fort Detrick...
Carry on.
Carry on.
CCS, Bridge your Martini is on its way.
Chandler: Lieutenant, send naval warfare to the kitchen.
Chandler: Nathan James, come in. Do you read me?
Chandler: Where's Dr. Scott?!
Cheng Chung? Come on.
Chief Engineer, give me a status!
Chief Lynn, XO Fuel Team's approaching the rigs.
Chief Spurling, Chief Lewis, we are getting under way at 1300.
Christine is up in Deer Park, some sort of safe zone for now.
CIC, Bridge Where's my target acquisition?
Clear! Come on.
CO wants you back on the ship.
CO's ordered flank speed all the way to Gitmo.
Cobra 1, copy.
Cobra Team is approaching the hospital.
Cobra Team, Tiger Team be advised
Cobra, I'm gonna peel off Vulture
Come in.
Come in. Anyone? Anybody out there?
Come in. Do you read me?
Come in. Do you read me?
Come on in.
Come on out here.
Come on, doc.
Come on, give us something.
Come on, Miller. We still need you, man.
Come on, Mr. Chung. It's our last night at the North Pole.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on! Let's go!
Come on.
Come on. Come. Come say hi.
Come on. We'll find another way.
Come quick. We're sick!
Come. Everyone's eager to meet you.
Coming over Gitmo now.
Commander Garnett looks like she's burning up over here.
Commander Slattery said you were very helpful
Commander. Commander!
Commanding officer of the U.S.S. Nathan James, over.
Commanding Officer, USS Nathan James.
Commo says the radios are down.
Comms specialists only. Got it?
Confirm that.
Confirmed, sir.
Confirmed. We have a nuclear burn in the air.
Congratulations, little guy. Your job here's done.
Continue to swirl.
Copy that, Vulture 1.
Copy that, Vulture 1.
Copy that.
Couldn't get through to them, so I don't know where they are.
Couldn't have gone far.
Couple of minutes, max!
Crew's assembled.
Cruz, what's your status?
Cruz, you take right.
Dad, where's Darien?!
Dad? Are you there?
Daddy, where are you?
Daddy... Daddy... We're sick.
Daddy's gonna make it better, okay?
Damn it, Miller!
Damn it, we need to tighten the perimeter.
Damn it!
Damn it! We need the doc out here!
Damn it.
Damn it. We're gonna lose everything.
Damn, it's cold. I can't feel my face.
Danny, whoa.
Danny: You're gonna be fine! Frankie: Get away!
Danny: Sorry, man. Did I wake you?
Darien: I can't believe I'm gonna go that long
Dead or dying, rumors that the US is hoarding a vaccine
Depends on what we're gonna need out there, sir.
Deploy scat. CIWS to AAW Auto.
Detonation in 12 seconds.
Detrick's our best bet, so that's our mission.
Did he hear me?
Did you hear that, Darien? Tom's still out there.
Did you say Granderson?
Do I still have my face?
Do what?
Do you copy? I can't get through, sir.
Do you have children?
Do you know they raided the National Archives?
Do you really think you qualify to volunteer
Do you think they really had a treatment?
Doc says I'll be on my feet soon enough.
Doc told me to keep my distance.
Doc! We got a problem!
Doc?! Hey, doc!
Doc's looking at her in Hangar Two.
Doctor, you've got five minutes.
Does Dr. Scott have what she needs to make a vaccine?
Doesn't do it justice somehow.
Doesn't matter which side we thought we were on.
Dogs happen to be immune.
Don't come any closer, Jed.
Don't come any closer.
Don't do that.
Don't forget the 151 on the hull.
Don't give them a damn thing.
Don't touch anything on the ship, okay?
Don't touch that.
Don't you dare leave me.
Down and aft portside.
Dr. Rios is pumping her full of saline and F.F.P.
Dr. Scott says we might be in there a few days,
Dr. Scott, are you there?
Dr. Scott, come in.
Dr. Scott, I swear I had no idea this was happening.
Dr. Scott, on to the right. Take a look.
Dr. Scott, prepare for landing.
Dr. Scott!
Dr. Scott?
Dr. Tophet is insisting he needs time to secure
Dude, you're exhausted. Let's just call it right here.
Due to widespread system failure,
Egyptian officials claimed the outbreak was contained,
Emergency lights operating on battery power.
Ending in dementia and total blood loss.
Engage fueling.
Engineering, Bridge.
Engineering, Bridge. Disengage.
Engines won't spin. No propulsion.
Enjoy your success, 'cause we're going home.
Enlighten me.
ETA five minutes.
Evaluate as inbound missile.
Even at max conserve, we'll run dry in six hours.
Even from a recently deceased corpse.
Even if it is just carrying her water.
Even the assbags who tried to kill you are not sick!
Events... they just happen on a mind of their own...
Every day we don't come home with a vaccine
Everybody else was evacuated.
Everybody just take it easy.
Everyone carries their own biohazard suit.
Everyone else can be the Guinea pigs?
Everyone else's in the whole damn world.
Everyone's body reacts differently.
Everything all right, Master Chief?
Everything that you need is locked up on that ship.
Everything's all right.
Expect to receive fuel within 15 minutes.
Extended? Why?
Extracting now.
Eyes in front of you.
Family heirloom?
Feed the line.
Find a way to get the others back to the ship.
Find me a target.
Find out what they're doing here.
Fire! [ Gunshots ]
Fire! [ Gunshots ]
Fire! [ Gunshots ]
Fire! Ready! Halt!
First of all, thanks for checking in.
First we administer the vaccine prototype,
First whiff of hostilities, you are out of there.
Five weeks in the n.I.C.U.
Focus fire at Building 35, southwest corner.
Follow my lead.
Follow orders from whom?
Follow our lead.
Followed by bleeding sores and hemorrhaging,
Food is in short supply. Hospitals
For a place to replenish and repair our radar.
For a while.
For mass producing the cure.
For more than a few days,
For not trying to talk me out of this.
For our futures, for our families,
For our scientists to do their work
For the moment, that is our destination.
For the most part, yes.
For the next three days.
For the specimens.
For us to put ashore,
For what you did for my family...
Former Baltimore P.D. turned self proclaimed leader
Fort Detrick was our first option, too.
Frankie, don't be stupid.
Frankie, no!
Frankie! It's all right!
Frankie. Hey.
Frankie's dead.
From anyone who's a carrier
From five days ago.
From home.
From my last contact with the CDC.
From our point of view.
From the cure.
From the land to the lab.
From the old world that still applies today,
From the President of the United States.
From the victims to create a vaccine.
From what we're hearing,
From your port ops.
Fuel lever on start.
Fuel rig's all the way up there.
Fully stocked and completely deserted.
Fuses in.
Game was a little scarce today, kiddo.
Garnett's lost blood flow to her fingers.
Gear up.
General panic, and, of course, a tremendous loss of life.
General quarters! General quarters!
General quarters! General quarters!
Generators run out in a couple weeks,
Gentlemen, apparently, one of the machines in the lab
Get as much food and supplies as you can.
Get away, man. Get away!
Get back in the car. We're going back to base.
Get down.
Get him down.
Get me an N.G. tube.
Get me Fleet Forces. They don't answer, get me NMCC.
Get the hell back behind the curtain!
Get the hell out of there!
Get the hell out of there!
Get them!
Get up, get up! Get going!
Girls are with her.
Give it to me.
Give me a status report on the switchboard and generators.
Give me the gun, Sailor.
Global pandemic.
Go ahead.
Go anywhere she wants. We will lose the city.
Go back where you came from, old man.
Go to the 5 inch!
God help us.
God, please look over her and keep her safe.
Going back in.
Going home with a vaccine.
Gonna drop to 50 below. Get them off the ice.
Good afternoon, Nathan James. This is the Captain.
Good work, good work.
Good work, son.
Got it!
Got to be prepared for anything.
Granderson: I understand your allegiance to your friends.
Granderson's sending out a greeting party.
Grandpa, what do you think?
Grandpa, what'd you get?
Grant him peace and tranquility
Hailing you on channel 1 6. We have heard your call, over.
Hailing you on channel 1 6. We have heard your call, over.
Hand salute!
Hard to tell.
Harvest queen 2008?
Have detonated the bomb on its own people
He doesn't seem convinced.
He gave his life for mine.
He gave his life for the mission.
He hates having his picture taken, so, um...
He heard you.
He is no different from the others.
He is, sir.
He never had to.
He says three to four hours.
He thinks he has a way to get this message out
He wanted to redeem himself.
He wants a diversion.
He wants help.
He wants the cure.
He wants to use the plasma from her blood
He was a firefighter.
He was a preemie, right?
He went in after her.
He went into the north tower.
He's a big fan of IEDs and mutilating American soldiers.
He's amazing.
He's been exposed.
He's gonna bleed out. Just wait!
He's kind of the only person who...
He's right. We can't risk you leaving the ship.
He's stabilized.
He's your son.
Head shot!
Hell, no.
Hello, captain.
Hello, Kelly.
Hello? Is anyone listening?
Help me.
Her temperature would run 102 every time she got her shots.
Here in the Arctic.
Here you go, boy.
Here you go.
Hey, And?
Hey, come on, girl.
Hey, come on. Stay with me. Look at me.
Hey, Commodore.
Hey, eat.
Hey, feeling's mutual, you dirty
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, how are you feeling?
Hey, how's it goin'?
Hey, listen, just wanted to let you know
Hey, Potter!
Hey, what are you doing? You can't be here!
Hey! Nursey!
Hey. Come on. Stay with me. Look at me.
Hey. How y'all doin'?
Hey. Let's not jinx this, okay?
Hey. When Lily was a baby,
Hi, Lily. Hi, honey.
Hi, sweetheart.
Hi! Hey.
Hi. Ava, darling, shall we go and find something to eat?
Hi. My name is Tex. I'll be your server this evening.
Higher error rates to the virus' D.N.A. replication.
His name's Mickey.
HMS Suffolk...
Hold fire on.
Hold that!
Holy shit, did you see that?
Holy shit.
Hopefully we'll find support.
Hostiles are armed with RPGs
Hostiles operating on base.
How are we gonna ask them to do this?
How are you feeling?
How come we're just hearing this now?
How could I have missed it?
How could you be sure of what you're so sure of?
How do we know they have enough fuel
How do you plan on getting us the supplies?
How long is the incubation period?
How long?
How much fuel?
How would you know that?
How you doing there, sugar?
How you doing, Eng?
How's Ava?
How's training going?
Human guinea pig thing gonna look like?
I actually said that.
I am giving you a direct order!
I am not willing to risk her life!
I am so glad to have you back.
I am sorry to have made such a rude introduction,
I appreciate the sentiment, sir,
I assure you that next time, we will be there for you,
I can get you there as soon as we get you off the ship.
I can take out the fat man.
I can tell you how to get in there,
I can't feel...
I can't say anything
I can't think like that, Mike.
I can't truly remember the last time
I can't.
I can't.
I cannot let that happen here.
I caught a new broadcast. It's another loop.
I compared the blood that we took from the Italian
I could actually do with some help with these boxes.
I could go back tomorrow and get you that part you need.
I decide what's in the best interest of our mission.
I declined. I I felt the risk was too big
I didn't want to broadcast about the virus
I don't deserve what you did.
I don't get seasick, so...
I don't have any confidence
I don't know how you feel about the water...
I don't know if people are gonna be lining up for that.
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