A child. from Waterworld (1995)
A fluke of evolution. from Waterworld (1995)
A man this rich will buy for a fellow outwater, I'm sure. from Waterworld (1995)
After centuries of shame. from Waterworld (1995)
After the atoll, from Waterworld (1995)
After what you went through back there on the atoll, from Waterworld (1995)
Ah. from Waterworld (1995)
Ahem. Let's not do anything rash here. from Waterworld (1995)
All done. from Waterworld (1995)
All of this! It's fresh! from Waterworld (1995)
All right, all right, all right. Okay, okay. from Waterworld (1995)
All right, the only thing that is important is the tattooed girl. from Waterworld (1995)
All the go juice onto one boat and run the freak down. from Waterworld (1995)
All this time... from Waterworld (1995)
All we gotta do is figure out this map. Turn her upside down. from Waterworld (1995)
And before the holy most moment is upon us, from Waterworld (1995)
And does he know how precious his cargo is? from Waterworld (1995)
And he said to me: from Waterworld (1995)
And if I ever see him again, I'm gonna cut open his head and eat his brains! from Waterworld (1995)
And if there's a tree, we'll ram it. from Waterworld (1995)
And it feels like cold shit! from Waterworld (1995)
And let's get this tub of shit up to speed. from Waterworld (1995)
And no one's gonna save you. from Waterworld (1995)
And th the music box? That... from Waterworld (1995)
And that reflecting glass? from Waterworld (1995)
And the first one that does that, lives. from Waterworld (1995)
And the runner up... Well, actually, there are no runners up. from Waterworld (1995)
And this. from Waterworld (1995)
And you know what it is that I saw. from Waterworld (1995)
And you're movin' around all the time. from Waterworld (1995)
And, uh... And we're going? from Waterworld (1995)
Announce me, cousin. from Waterworld (1995)
Another atoll 30 horizons west of here. from Waterworld (1995)
Answer me this, somebody. Why is that boat still firin'? from Waterworld (1995)
Anyway, I've come here because I need to ask you a question. from Waterworld (1995)
Aren't we? from Waterworld (1995)
As long as it takes. from Waterworld (1995)
Askin' the wrong person. from Waterworld (1995)
Bad luck, English. from Waterworld (1995)
Because I've sailed farther than most have dreamed, and I've never seen it. from Waterworld (1995)
Because we weren't made for the sea. from Waterworld (1995)
Been out there a long time. from Waterworld (1995)
Bring me the trackers. from Waterworld (1995)
But he's not here. from Waterworld (1995)
But I'll give you this one for free. from Waterworld (1995)
But it is our destiny! from Waterworld (1995)
But not here and not like this. from Waterworld (1995)
But she's a child. from Waterworld (1995)
But the Slavers are producing a good grade of poxy these days. from Waterworld (1995)
But too much of that sort of thing gets... undesirable. from Waterworld (1995)
But you ran away. L... What? from Waterworld (1995)
By what right... from Waterworld (1995)
Can you get us outta here? from Waterworld (1995)
Can't kill him. He's even meaner than you are. from Waterworld (1995)
Can't we outrun them? from Waterworld (1995)
Careful with her. Careful with her! from Waterworld (1995)
Charles! from Waterworld (1995)
Children. Children of the provider. from Waterworld (1995)
Choose 'em. One, two. Live or die. from Waterworld (1995)
Choose 'em. One, two. Live or die. from Waterworld (1995)
Citizens of the good ship. Please now, hear me speak. from Waterworld (1995)
Come here! [Indistinct Shouting] from Waterworld (1995)
Come on, eh? What do you say? from Waterworld (1995)
Come on! from Waterworld (1995)
Come on! Come on! from Waterworld (1995)
Cost you a handful of dirt... or maybe that wind chime. from Waterworld (1995)
Could you say that again, please? from Waterworld (1995)
Couple hours ago, I was potential dirt to you. from Waterworld (1995)
Covering the Earth with water. from Waterworld (1995)
Coward! from Waterworld (1995)
Crank it! Crank it! from Waterworld (1995)
Cut it! from Waterworld (1995)
Deacon? What... from Waterworld (1995)
Dirt. from Waterworld (1995)
Do you know what this is? from Waterworld (1995)
Does, indeed, constitute a threat. from Waterworld (1995)
Doesn't have a home or people to care for. from Waterworld (1995)
Don't ever touch anything on my boat again. from Waterworld (1995)
Don't find many who follow the rules anymore. from Waterworld (1995)
Don't hit the kid. from Waterworld (1995)
Don't let it die with you. from Waterworld (1995)
Don't touch anything. from Waterworld (1995)
Don't you do it. from Waterworld (1995)
Don't you? from Waterworld (1995)
Dryland is the mother lode. from Waterworld (1995)
Dryland's a myth! from Waterworld (1995)
Eight days east, if you're interested. from Waterworld (1995)
English. from Waterworld (1995)
Enola wanted to give you this. from Waterworld (1995)
Enola, what are you doing? from Waterworld (1995)
Enola, what'd I tell you? from Waterworld (1995)
Enola! Enola, come here! from Waterworld (1995)
Enola! Go below. from Waterworld (1995)
Enola! Up here! from Waterworld (1995)
Enola. from Waterworld (1995)
Enola. from Waterworld (1995)
Enola. from Waterworld (1995)
Enola. Hey, what are you doing? from Waterworld (1995)
Enola's been there. I know that now. I saw what she drew. from Waterworld (1995)
Excellent. from Waterworld (1995)
Eyeball? from Waterworld (1995)
Fair. Come, come, come, come, come! from Waterworld (1995)
Faster! Faster! Whoo! from Waterworld (1995)
Find her! Get the girl! from Waterworld (1995)
Find him. Find him! from Waterworld (1995)
First time in your life you got nothin' to say? from Waterworld (1995)
Flag's down, drifter. We got enough traders. from Waterworld (1995)
Floor it! Floor it! Floor it! from Waterworld (1995)
For 12 days? from Waterworld (1995)
For that ichthy freak. from Waterworld (1995)
Forty five minutes with the wee one right there. from Waterworld (1995)
Four feet, nine inches of black stuff. from Waterworld (1995)
Freak? from Waterworld (1995)
Fuck! from Waterworld (1995)
Get 'em up now. from Waterworld (1995)
Get him! from Waterworld (1995)
Get in. from Waterworld (1995)
Get off! from Waterworld (1995)
Get over there. Get out of the way. from Waterworld (1995)
Gimme that rifle. Boy, if you wanna do somethin' right, from Waterworld (1995)
Girl, I don't give a shit what he'd like. He took out my eye. from Waterworld (1995)
Give it a rest. from Waterworld (1995)
Give me that. What are you doin'? It's just a game. from Waterworld (1995)
Give me the key to the city now. from Waterworld (1995)
Go get that guy! Go! Kill him! from Waterworld (1995)
Go grab your things quickly. Quickly. Come. from Waterworld (1995)
Go to the helm. from Waterworld (1995)
Good. Then you know if you look for trouble while you're here, from Waterworld (1995)
Goodness gracious. Sakes alive. from Waterworld (1995)
Got hands... and feet. from Waterworld (1995)
Got yourself a wee harem goin' here now, do ya? from Waterworld (1995)
Grab on! from Waterworld (1995)
Gregor. Gregor, wait! from Waterworld (1995)
Guess it's been more than a while, actually. from Waterworld (1995)
Ha ha. Yeah. from Waterworld (1995)
Half an hour. from Waterworld (1995)
Half an hour. from Waterworld (1995)
Half an hour. from Waterworld (1995)
Half your chits. from Waterworld (1995)
Happy now? from Waterworld (1995)
Have I been asleep long? from Waterworld (1995)
Haven't seen neither for trade in lunars now. Wait. Wait, wait, wait. from Waterworld (1995)
Haven't we all? from Waterworld (1995)
He can hear a hundred miles and see a hundred miles underwater. from Waterworld (1995)
He could be right behind you, and you won't even know it 'til you're dead! from Waterworld (1995)
He doesn't even know which direction they came from. from Waterworld (1995)
He even kills little girls. from Waterworld (1995)
He is hereby sentenced to be recycled... from Waterworld (1995)
He wasn't really a man. from Waterworld (1995)
He... No, no, no. Helen, up here. Above you! from Waterworld (1995)
He'll come for me. He will. from Waterworld (1995)
He'll expect us to expect him to change course, from Waterworld (1995)
He's fast and strong like a big wind. from Waterworld (1995)
He's had too much sun or too much to drink. from Waterworld (1995)
He's hurt. from Waterworld (1995)
He's killed dozens of people, and he doesn't have any mercy or anything. from Waterworld (1995)
He's not a freak, and he can take you anytime. from Waterworld (1995)
He's not afraid of anything, men least of all. from Waterworld (1995)
He's spotted us. Sound it! from Waterworld (1995)
Helen said that it's only land sickness. from Waterworld (1995)
Helen says you don't like my singing 'cause you can't sing. from Waterworld (1995)
Helen, help! Helen! Helen! from Waterworld (1995)
Helen, I tried. There was an accident. I can't make it stop. Hurry! from Waterworld (1995)
Helen! from Waterworld (1995)
Helen! Helen! from Waterworld (1995)
Helen. Where's Enola? from Waterworld (1995)
Hello. Good morning. Or night, from Waterworld (1995)
Help me to me boat. from Waterworld (1995)
Here we go! Go! Drive! Drive! from Waterworld (1995)
Here. Get over here. Get down. from Waterworld (1995)
Hey, it's drivin' better. from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! [Gasping] from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! [Laughing] from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! Can you steer? from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! Hey! from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! What are you doing? from Waterworld (1995)
His tendons to trees. His blood to brine. from Waterworld (1995)
Hold on! from Waterworld (1995)
Hold on. Okay, almost... from Waterworld (1995)
Holes so big, there's room to breathe. from Waterworld (1995)
How can I find... from Waterworld (1995)
How deep can you go? Look, I'm only here... from Waterworld (1995)
How many people have you killed? from Waterworld (1995)
How'd you come by so much of it? from Waterworld (1995)
Howdy, darlin'. Come on in here now. from Waterworld (1995)
Huh? But you know somethin'? from Waterworld (1995)
Huh? Now they're yours... from Waterworld (1995)
Huh? Too bad. from Waterworld (1995)
Hurry! Come on! from Waterworld (1995)
Hurry. from Waterworld (1995)
Hyah! Hyah! from Waterworld (1995)
I been savin' it for a special trade. from Waterworld (1995)
I can understand why you would want to. from Waterworld (1995)
I can't stand it. We gotta go help him. I can't ask him to do this alone. from Waterworld (1995)
I can't. from Waterworld (1995)
I changed my mind. from Waterworld (1995)
I didn't board you. from Waterworld (1995)
I didn't know. from Waterworld (1995)
I do have somethin' that'll make you change your mind. from Waterworld (1995)
I don't care about Dryland. from Waterworld (1995)
I don't get nervous. from Waterworld (1995)
I don't... l l... I don't think you're gonna drop that torch, my friend. from Waterworld (1995)
I drop it, you burn. from Waterworld (1995)
I found something! from Waterworld (1995)
I got all the supplies I need. Just came from an atoll. from Waterworld (1995)
I got two pages in here, man! I mean, I'd get half a dozen girls with this, you know. from Waterworld (1995)
I hate this boat. I hate this boat! from Waterworld (1995)
I haven't a key. from Waterworld (1995)
I haven't eaten in, well, you know, forever. from Waterworld (1995)
I haven't figured out the tattoo on her back. from Waterworld (1995)
I I I don't have it. Don't have it. Don't have it. from Waterworld (1995)
I just did. from Waterworld (1995)
I just thought she was special. from Waterworld (1995)
I know what you are. from Waterworld (1995)
I like that rod. It's a nice rod. [Babbles] from Waterworld (1995)
I like to do the talkin', if you know what I mean. from Waterworld (1995)
I like you. from Waterworld (1995)
I may have. from Waterworld (1995)
I mean, a deal's a deal, eh? from Waterworld (1995)
I mean, uh, are you sure she's worth all this? from Waterworld (1995)
I mean, you're gonna die for your friend. from Waterworld (1995)
I promised them results, and I'll get 'em if I gotta cut 'em out of her goddamn back. from Waterworld (1995)
I said slow! [Screams] from Waterworld (1995)
I saw a girl. I'm not sure, from Waterworld (1995)
I saw... the land. from Waterworld (1995)
I say that he's headed here, and we take him here. from Waterworld (1995)
I swear to Poseidon I will torch your boat. from Waterworld (1995)
I think it was their way. from Waterworld (1995)
I thought you all stopped for each other. from Waterworld (1995)
I told Helen you wouldn't be so ugly if you cut your hair. from Waterworld (1995)
I took it off an Atoller refugee camp. from Waterworld (1995)
I want the girl. from Waterworld (1995)
I want twice that. from Waterworld (1995)
I was dreaming. from Waterworld (1995)
I won't hurt anyone. I'll just leave. from Waterworld (1995)
I wouldn't do that. from Waterworld (1995)
I'd be lucky to get half a hydro ration out of that. from Waterworld (1995)
I'd be surprised if there weren't others, and if there aren't, from Waterworld (1995)
I'd rather shoot the sperm of the devil here. from Waterworld (1995)
I'd say there're two chances o' that. from Waterworld (1995)
I'll get it to you. Just stay in the back. from Waterworld (1995)
I'll only need one. from Waterworld (1995)
I'll take you to Dryland. from Waterworld (1995)
I'll throw the rope down. You catch it. I'll help you climb up. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm a stupid man. The answer's right there. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm excited. Your gills. They're functional. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm home. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm sorry! It was an accident! from Waterworld (1995)
I'm sorry. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm sorry. But you didn't give me much choice. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm sorry. L lt's just that there's a problem in the pit. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm stuck! I can't make it through! from Waterworld (1995)
I'm takin' on water. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm the Deacon. from Waterworld (1995)
I've been mappin' the cities below. from Waterworld (1995)
I've been told that, uh... that's actually a map? from Waterworld (1995)
I've got a proposition for you, Mariner. from Waterworld (1995)
I've had a vision so great... from Waterworld (1995)
I've seen it with my own eyes. There is land. It's right under our keel. from Waterworld (1995)
I've seen it. I've touched it! Dirt that was richer and darker than yours. from Waterworld (1995)
I've seen your boat before. Haven't seen you. from Waterworld (1995)
Ichthyus Sapien, is that really you? from Waterworld (1995)
If everything's here when I get back. from Waterworld (1995)
If I take a bearing from the sun and reverse the coordinates on Enola's back, from Waterworld (1995)
If I tell you, will you open this lock? from Waterworld (1995)
If she's alive, I'll bring her back to you. from Waterworld (1995)
If they won't tell us where she is, do 'em! Both of 'em! Kill 'em now! [Fires Gun] from Waterworld (1995)
If you don't recall the face, perhaps it's 'cause I didn't always look like this. from Waterworld (1995)
If you don't tell me, from Waterworld (1995)
If you ever touch her again... from Waterworld (1995)
If you help me with just one problem, all right? from Waterworld (1995)
If you know anything about Dryland, please tell me. Please! from Waterworld (1995)
If you say it, he'll still kill us both. from Waterworld (1995)
In fact, you talk all the time. from Waterworld (1995)
In the customary fashion. from Waterworld (1995)
In the presence of Him who leads us. from Waterworld (1995)
Inbound! Straight out from the gates. from Waterworld (1995)
Infernal machine! from Waterworld (1995)
Is it a map? from Waterworld (1995)
Is it from Dryland? from Waterworld (1995)
Is there something else then? from Waterworld (1995)
Isotropic gills. Are they merely vestigial or are they functional now? from Waterworld (1995)
It does look like shit. from Waterworld (1995)
It doesn't make sense, though. The numbers, they seem to be backwards or something. from Waterworld (1995)
It is our decision that this mute o... from Waterworld (1995)
It seems to be some ancient form of geographic location: Latitude, longitude. from Waterworld (1995)
It was in the basket we found Enola in! from Waterworld (1995)
It's a nice rod, isn't it? from Waterworld (1995)
It's been a while for me now. from Waterworld (1995)
It's funny. from Waterworld (1995)
It's Horse. from Waterworld (1995)
It's just beyond me. from Waterworld (1995)
It's more than that. from Waterworld (1995)
It's not what you think. They weren't after her. from Waterworld (1995)
It's not worth it. You'll never make it with your sails down. from Waterworld (1995)
It's paper. Have you ever seen paper? Look at it. from Waterworld (1995)
It's the same language the tattoo is written in. They're numbers. from Waterworld (1995)
It's the way to Dryland. from Waterworld (1995)
It's tied. I can't get it off. from Waterworld (1995)
It's too strange here. It doesn't move right. from Waterworld (1995)
Just being friendly. from Waterworld (1995)
Just bring it up slow. from Waterworld (1995)
Just drop her! from Waterworld (1995)
Just enough wind to get away clean. from Waterworld (1995)
Kamikazes. Come on! from Waterworld (1995)
Killing's a hard thing to do well. from Waterworld (1995)
Know what I was really thinkin'? from Waterworld (1995)
Let me out of here! from Waterworld (1995)
Let me out! I'll fight! from Waterworld (1995)
Let the water tell your arms and legs how to move. from Waterworld (1995)
Let's go, goddamn it! from Waterworld (1995)
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! from Waterworld (1995)
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. from Waterworld (1995)
Like you said, I don't have much. from Waterworld (1995)
Like... [Laughing] Like fish gills. from Waterworld (1995)
Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. from Waterworld (1995)
Look out! from Waterworld (1995)
Look, I'm sorry. You were right about the pole. from Waterworld (1995)
Look, just bring it in slow, okay? I don't have all day. from Waterworld (1995)
Look! from Waterworld (1995)
Maybe he doesn't answer to "Chuck." Call him "Charles." Charles! from Waterworld (1995)
Maybe he knows. from Waterworld (1995)
Maybe one of the spare rowers? from Waterworld (1995)
Maybe they were right about you too. from Waterworld (1995)
Maybe they were right. from Waterworld (1995)
Maybe you should come. from Waterworld (1995)
Me boat. from Waterworld (1995)
Must be jokin' me, man. Resin! You don't got enough. from Waterworld (1995)
My boat. from Waterworld (1995)
My friend, thank you. Very human of you. from Waterworld (1995)
My friends, don't you see we need this child if we want to find Dryland? from Waterworld (1995)
My friends, look. from Waterworld (1995)
My name is Gregor. I've just come to pay you a little vi... vi... from Waterworld (1995)
Nah nah. from Waterworld (1995)
Never catch anything with this. It's useless. from Waterworld (1995)
Never met a person couldn't swim before. from Waterworld (1995)
Never seen that before. from Waterworld (1995)
Never too young to start. from Waterworld (1995)
No more lies. from Waterworld (1995)
No, no, no, no. Stop! from Waterworld (1995)
No! from Waterworld (1995)
No! from Waterworld (1995)
No! from Waterworld (1995)
No! from Waterworld (1995)
No! You said so yourself that you know where it is. from Waterworld (1995)
No? Ahem. from Waterworld (1995)
No. It's better one of you dies now... from Waterworld (1995)
No. My boat. from Waterworld (1995)
No. No, it's his boat. But he doesn't own us. from Waterworld (1995)
No. Well, I got somethin' right here I know you'd like. from Waterworld (1995)
Not for sale? There's no such thing as not for sale. from Waterworld (1995)
Not really. from Waterworld (1995)
Nothin' like a good smoke if you miss your mom. from Waterworld (1995)
Nothing. They're just fanciful things. from Waterworld (1995)
Nothing's free in Waterworld. from Waterworld (1995)
Now listen, eh? [Mumbles] Let's see. What do I have to do? from Waterworld (1995)
Now we can fish for ourselves. You show us what to do. from Waterworld (1995)
Now we're gettin' someplace. from Waterworld (1995)
Now you know how to fly an airplane? You're lucky I do. from Waterworld (1995)
Now, ahem, I suspect she's somewhere real close. from Waterworld (1995)
Now, ahem... Now that tattoo on your back... Ahem. from Waterworld (1995)
Now, there may be some small problem in depth perception. from Waterworld (1995)
Oh h h. Ohh. from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, I know. from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, I, um... I, uh... We was just playin'. from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, I'm sorry. A fluke of, uh... from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, my God. [Laughing] from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, no! from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, no! from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, please, come back. Please! from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, sweet Joe, I love this part. from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, thank God. from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, yeah! I've always wanted to drive this monster. from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, yes, I see. They are webbed. from Waterworld (1995)
Oh, you want details. Well, I'm not tellin' these savages... from Waterworld (1995)
Oh! from Waterworld (1995)
Oh. from Waterworld (1995)
Ohh. Oh, lookin' real good, yeah. from Waterworld (1995)
Ohh. Oh, no! Quick! What are we gonna do? from Waterworld (1995)
Okay, now don't move, okay? There. from Waterworld (1995)
Okay, okay! Now pull this! Pull this! from Waterworld (1995)
Okay. from Waterworld (1995)
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten digits. That's wonderful. from Waterworld (1995)
One. from Waterworld (1995)
Open the gate. from Waterworld (1995)
Open the gates! from Waterworld (1995)
Or so I thought. from Waterworld (1995)
Our business is done here unless you got some resin for sale you can part with. from Waterworld (1995)
Ow! Me boat. from Waterworld (1995)
Ow! Now you stop it! You behave yourself now! from Waterworld (1995)
Paper. [Babbles] from Waterworld (1995)
People on the atoll thought she was a... from Waterworld (1995)
People say I was weird. from Waterworld (1995)
People say it's the way to Dryland. from Waterworld (1995)
Previous owner was dead on the tiller when I found it. from Waterworld (1995)
Proceed. from Waterworld (1995)
Proper introductions first. from Waterworld (1995)
Pull! from Waterworld (1995)
Pull! Pull it! Hurry! from Waterworld (1995)
Push it! Push it hard! Push it hard! from Waterworld (1995)
Recycled and entombed, from Waterworld (1995)
Refresh my memory. What happens when neither of 'em talks? from Waterworld (1995)
Remember you said that. from Waterworld (1995)
Resin? He's gotta be out of his mind. He's out of his mind. I don't have any resin. from Waterworld (1995)
Rise up, brothers and sisters. from Waterworld (1995)
Saint Joe. Hole in one. from Waterworld (1995)
Setback. from Waterworld (1995)
Shame. from Waterworld (1995)
She can cook. She can fish. from Waterworld (1995)
She found the only end there is. from Waterworld (1995)
She got inkings on her back. I seen her. from Waterworld (1995)
She has shown me the path! from Waterworld (1995)
She never does stop talkin'. She never shuts up. from Waterworld (1995)
She won't take it again. from Waterworld (1995)
She's here somewhere. Keep lookin'. from Waterworld (1995)
She's like a mirror. from Waterworld (1995)
She's my friend. from Waterworld (1995)
Shit. from Waterworld (1995)
Shoot him. Shoot him. from Waterworld (1995)
Shoulda bought me that drink. Come on! from Waterworld (1995)
Shouldn't be doing that. You're gonna get in trouble. from Waterworld (1995)
Shut up! from Waterworld (1995)
Shut up. from Waterworld (1995)
Skoal. from Waterworld (1995)
Smart thinking to burn your boat. from Waterworld (1995)
Smell it. from Waterworld (1995)
Smokers took her. They'd have me too if it weren't for him. from Waterworld (1995)
Smokers! Dead out of the sun! from Waterworld (1995)
So death can't find him. from Waterworld (1995)
So ends your daily sermonette! [Laughing] from Waterworld (1995)
So gullible! Bring her here. from Waterworld (1995)
So here it is: I need to know about that tattooed girl. from Waterworld (1995)
So we can tear this boat apart lookin' for her, but I'd rather somebody tell me where she is. from Waterworld (1995)
So what's the word? We tradin' or not? from Waterworld (1995)
So, what did you see out there in your 15 months? from Waterworld (1995)
Somebody! Hey, up there! from Waterworld (1995)
Somethin' that you can't pass on. [Giggles] from Waterworld (1995)
Starboard side! Now! from Waterworld (1995)
Stop him! Stop him! from Waterworld (1995)
Sure. from Waterworld (1995)
Swab it! Swab it! from Waterworld (1995)
Take it off! from Waterworld (1995)
Take it off! from Waterworld (1995)
Take your hand off the sail. from Waterworld (1995)
Tank up that sky boat; send it out on patrol. from Waterworld (1995)
Ten? Twenty? from Waterworld (1995)
Than both of you die slow. from Waterworld (1995)
Than both of you die slow. from Waterworld (1995)
Thanks. I swear, from Waterworld (1995)
That as it came to me, I wept. from Waterworld (1995)
That it drifted with the wind. That's why it was so hard to find. from Waterworld (1995)
That made a hole. from Waterworld (1995)
That means you're supposed to say something back! from Waterworld (1995)
That they was all killed. from Waterworld (1995)
That we haven't solved the map yet. from Waterworld (1995)
That! Come on! Push it! from Waterworld (1995)
That's an interesting pair of boots you got. from Waterworld (1995)
That's him! There! from Waterworld (1995)
That's them. from Waterworld (1995)
That's why I love children. No guile. from Waterworld (1995)
The ancients... They did something terrible, didn't they? from Waterworld (1995)
The Deacon of the 'Deez. from Waterworld (1995)
The hull's busted. from Waterworld (1995)
The important question is, where's he heading? from Waterworld (1995)
The instrument of our salvation! from Waterworld (1995)
The kid we gotta pitch over the side. from Waterworld (1995)
The life savings of the entire clan. from Waterworld (1995)
The pit. Don't bother with the scenic route. from Waterworld (1995)
The polar ice caps have melted, from Waterworld (1995)
The poles have reversed themselves? from Waterworld (1995)
The sound of the world. from Waterworld (1995)
The trade's off. from Waterworld (1995)
The world wasn't created in a deluge. It was covered by it. from Waterworld (1995)
Then Dryland is that way! from Waterworld (1995)
Then maybe I could swim. from Waterworld (1995)
Then you better tell me what I wanna know or he can see what's left of you... from Waterworld (1995)
There are things on your boat that nobody has ever seen! from Waterworld (1995)
There he is! There he is! from Waterworld (1995)
There will be eventually. from Waterworld (1995)
There. from Waterworld (1995)
There. There. from Waterworld (1995)
There's my girl. Yeah. from Waterworld (1995)
Therefore, in the interest of public safety, from Waterworld (1995)
These tendons to trees. This blood to brine. from Waterworld (1995)
They say if you read the marks on the child, from Waterworld (1995)
They say the Smokers even got an eye out for her. from Waterworld (1995)
They tell me, too, that you have gills. from Waterworld (1995)
They'll lead ya all the way to Dryland. from Waterworld (1995)
This is mine! You don't touch anything of mine. from Waterworld (1995)
This is my boat. I got it the way I like it. from Waterworld (1995)
This is ridiculous. Going after the Smokers? from Waterworld (1995)
This isn't it. from Waterworld (1995)
This mute o now does leave us, from Waterworld (1995)
This way. Come on! from Waterworld (1995)
This woman does leave us, recycled and enshrined... from Waterworld (1995)
Tie this off. from Waterworld (1995)
To a new world. from Waterworld (1995)
To cause all this water. Hundreds... Hundreds of years ago. from Waterworld (1995)
To your humble benefactor, from Waterworld (1995)
Today. Tomorrow. What's it matter? from Waterworld (1995)
Too old she was. from Waterworld (1995)
Too strange for life he was. from Waterworld (1995)
Took it legal. from Waterworld (1995)
Torch the boat. from Waterworld (1995)
Trade. from Waterworld (1995)
Turn her around, Nord. from Waterworld (1995)
Turn the wheel. The wheel! Turn it! from Waterworld (1995)
Turn your eyes and open your hearts... from Waterworld (1995)
Uh huh. Yeah. from Waterworld (1995)
Veins to vine. from Waterworld (1995)
Veins to vines. from Waterworld (1995)
Was this your big vision? from Waterworld (1995)
Watch it. He's clearin' the net. from Waterworld (1995)
We are safe behind these walls. from Waterworld (1995)
We can cut him down just about here. from Waterworld (1995)
We can look to our own for impregnation, from Waterworld (1995)
We can start with that wee orchard you got over there. from Waterworld (1995)
We don't waste it anywhere else. You cancel all those tractor pulls... from Waterworld (1995)
We get to the 'Deez, from Waterworld (1995)
We gotta keep an eye out... from Waterworld (1995)
We have to go under! from Waterworld (1995)
We outgrowed it. from Waterworld (1995)
We'll tally it like, uh, pure hydro. from Waterworld (1995)
We're all feeling it. It'll go away soon. from Waterworld (1995)
We're down to exactly... from Waterworld (1995)
We're goin' down. Hold your breath. from Waterworld (1995)
We're going to die here, aren't we? from Waterworld (1995)
We're not for sale. from Waterworld (1995)
We're supposed to walk. from Waterworld (1995)
We're wasting valuable time. More Smokers will come. We need to be moving now! from Waterworld (1995)
Well, do somethin'. I hate sails. from Waterworld (1995)
Well, excuse me! Did I say anybody could leave before the battle was over? from Waterworld (1995)
Well, have you ever heard any of your friends talk about it? from Waterworld (1995)
Well, I pray that you're jokin'. from Waterworld (1995)
Well, I'll be damned. It's the gentleman guppy. from Waterworld (1995)
Well, if not from Dryland, then where? Wh Where? from Waterworld (1995)
Well, it better not screw up my short game. from Waterworld (1995)
Well, make it quick. What's your business? from Waterworld (1995)
Well, rub a dub dub. [Chuckles] from Waterworld (1995)
Well, then, we'd better keep it to ourselves. from Waterworld (1995)
Well, what on this screwed up Earth makes you think you're gonna get her? from Waterworld (1995)
Well, you cut it off her back. You stretch it, mount it. from Waterworld (1995)
Well... maybe he has some food! from Waterworld (1995)
What are these shells? from Waterworld (1995)
What are those marks on her back? from Waterworld (1995)
What are we, barbarians here? from Waterworld (1995)
What are you do... No! Please, no! No! from Waterworld (1995)
What can I say? [Laughing] from Waterworld (1995)
What centerboard? I don't know what to do! from Waterworld (1995)
What is this? Get those chains off her. from Waterworld (1995)
What the hell? from Waterworld (1995)
What you want for the women? from Waterworld (1995)
What's your business there? from Waterworld (1995)
When I offered myself to you, from Waterworld (1995)
When she's pregnant, you go on your way... from Waterworld (1995)
Where the hell are you? Don't you touch my child. from Waterworld (1995)
Where... Where did your dirt come from? from Waterworld (1995)
Where's me boat? from Waterworld (1995)
Where's me boat? from Waterworld (1995)
Which is exactly why he'll keep his heading. from Waterworld (1995)
Which one of you two is a cook? from Waterworld (1995)
Whichever the case may be. from Waterworld (1995)
Who is that? Who is that? from Waterworld (1995)
Whose boat is this? Is it your boat or your boat? from Waterworld (1995)
Why are you leaving? from Waterworld (1995)
Why aren't you rowin'? from Waterworld (1995)
Why did you believe in it so much? from Waterworld (1995)
Why didn't you take me? from Waterworld (1995)
Will somebody please tell me what's happened to this place? from Waterworld (1995)
With all the supplies you need. from Waterworld (1995)
With all those chits, you could order up a bath. from Waterworld (1995)
Works out to... 62 chits. from Waterworld (1995)
Yeah, I know where it is. from Waterworld (1995)
Yeah, if he knows he's been spotted, from Waterworld (1995)
Yeah, that'd be good, eh? from Waterworld (1995)
Yeah. I'm not givin' it to her. from Waterworld (1995)
Yeah. You said so yourself. from Waterworld (1995)
Yep. from Waterworld (1995)
Yes, sir. I'm talkin' development. from Waterworld (1995)
You and I are. from Waterworld (1995)
You been there, haven't you? from Waterworld (1995)
You can't catch him in ten boats, and you wanna send just one? from Waterworld (1995)
You did. from Waterworld (1995)
You don't have anything. You're dying. from Waterworld (1995)
You don't have much. from Waterworld (1995)
You don't like humans very much, do you? from Waterworld (1995)
You don't look much like her. from Waterworld (1995)
You get that goin'! Fill 'em up! from Waterworld (1995)
You got any resin? from Waterworld (1995)
You got it? from Waterworld (1995)
You got nothin' I need. from Waterworld (1995)
You got two hours. from Waterworld (1995)
You guys are great. Bless all you cousins over there. from Waterworld (1995)
You guys are in so much trouble. from Waterworld (1995)
You had another hour before I traded up again. from Waterworld (1995)
You have a keen eye. from Waterworld (1995)
You just sit there. from Waterworld (1995)
You know me? from Waterworld (1995)
You know what this is? from Waterworld (1995)
You know where it is. from Waterworld (1995)
You know, he's like a turd that won't flush. from Waterworld (1995)
You know, I thought you were stupid, friend. from Waterworld (1995)
You know, like your mommy or your pet fish? Did he say anything? from Waterworld (1995)
You know, maybe I'm talkin' to the wrong person here. from Waterworld (1995)
You know, personally, from Waterworld (1995)
You know, she's just a little girl. from Waterworld (1995)
You must know how. Even you gotta eat! from Waterworld (1995)
You really wanna see it? from Waterworld (1995)
You said we'd get to Dryland today. from Waterworld (1995)
You shouldn't make fun of him. He wouldn't like it. from Waterworld (1995)
You son of a bitch. Look at me. from Waterworld (1995)
You take up space and you slow me down. from Waterworld (1995)
You teach her. from Waterworld (1995)
You the man with the dirt? from Waterworld (1995)
You think he'd like that? from Waterworld (1995)
You wanna come over here and sit on my lap? from Waterworld (1995)
You wanna see Dryland? from Waterworld (1995)
You were right, but we have to eat. from Waterworld (1995)
You won. Start over. from Waterworld (1995)
You... You're pretty stingy for a man who's got everything, aren't ya now? from Waterworld (1995)
You'll find more than you can handle. from Waterworld (1995)
You'll see. from Waterworld (1995)
You're a fool to believe in something you've never seen before. from Waterworld (1995)
You're not afraid. You've got your pet freak comin' to rescue you. from Waterworld (1995)
You're not so tough. You know that? from Waterworld (1995)
You're not supposed to go yet! from Waterworld (1995)
You've got to do it yourself. from Waterworld (1995)
Your spiritual shepherd and dictator for life, from Waterworld (1995)
3.2 kilos. from Waterworld (1995)
[Babbling] You been outwater a long time, haven't you? from Waterworld (1995)
[Boys Complaining] What is that? from Waterworld (1995)
[Bullets Whizzing By] [Grunting] from Waterworld (1995)
[Clanging] What's up? We're just talkin' about our friend. from Waterworld (1995)
[Crowd Chanting] Yes! Yes! Yes! from Waterworld (1995)
[Crowd Whistling] [Enola] Face is all red. from Waterworld (1995)
[Deacon Addressing Crowd] We are the people... Yeah? from Waterworld (1995)
[Deacon Continues Faintly] Helen said with anybody that has a face that red, from Waterworld (1995)
[Deacon] Pilot! [Enola] Let me go! from Waterworld (1995)
[Doctor] What's his name? [Enola] He doesn't have a name. from Waterworld (1995)
[Engine Humming] Not with my sail down. from Waterworld (1995)
[Engine Revs] Horse! from Waterworld (1995)
[Enola Screaming] [Helen] No! Enola! from Waterworld (1995)
[Enola] Helen! [Helen] You bastard! She can't swim! from Waterworld (1995)
[Gasping, Screaming] [Gunshot] from Waterworld (1995)
[Gregor] Hurry! Tie it! from Waterworld (1995)
[Gregor] Of course! North is south. What? from Waterworld (1995)
[Gregor] What is it? [Helen] I don't know! from Waterworld (1995)
[Gun Cocking] But I underestimated you. from Waterworld (1995)
[Gunfire] [Gregor] Helen, come quickly! from Waterworld (1995)
[Gunfire] Come on! from Waterworld (1995)
[Helen Laughing] It's fresh! from Waterworld (1995)
[Helen] Smokers? Yeah. from Waterworld (1995)
[Indistinct Shout] Let me out! from Waterworld (1995)
[Man] Gregor, you're as crazy as she is! [Woman] We can't stay here! from Waterworld (1995)
[Man] I say let him go. [Woman] We're better off without them anyway! from Waterworld (1995)
[Man] That's blasphemy! [Helen] No, it's true. from Waterworld (1995)
[Man] Yeah! For we shall suck and savor... from Waterworld (1995)
[Mariner Cocking Gun] Let go! from Waterworld (1995)
[Mariner] We can talk. [Drifter] Fair enough. from Waterworld (1995)
[Mariner] You're too slow! Run to the other side. from Waterworld (1995)
[Microphone Popping] Hey. Here he is. from Waterworld (1995)
[Pilot] Uh huh. Seems to me if we launch now, from Waterworld (1995)
[Screaming] Don't just stand there! Kill somethin'! from Waterworld (1995)
[Shouting Continues] [Helen] Are we gonna stop? from Waterworld (1995)
[Shrieks] [Helen] No! from Waterworld (1995)
[Shrieks] What are the marks on her back? from Waterworld (1995)
[Spitting] Thank you, sir. from Waterworld (1995)
[Whooping] All right, hold it there. from Waterworld (1995)
[Yells] [Crashing] from Waterworld (1995)
All right, that's it. I'm gonna burn your face. Almost time. from Waterworld (1995)
And behold! It's time. from Waterworld (1995)
And in this splenditudinous figment of wonder, Is that Bone's ride? from Waterworld (1995)
Are all of your kind as bad tempered as you are? [Slamming Cage] from Waterworld (1995)
Are they a pair or would you consider sellin' 'em separate? No. from Waterworld (1995)
Aren't we? [Indistinct Shout] from Waterworld (1995)
Believe me. I'm not the one to start on. Both of us! from Waterworld (1995)
Come on. Gettin' nervous, aren't you? from Waterworld (1995)
Did I? No! No! from Waterworld (1995)
Did you say somethin'? [Enola] Mm mmm. from Waterworld (1995)
Does that mean anything to you? No. from Waterworld (1995)
Drifter? Mm hmm. from Waterworld (1995)
Dryland's a myth. Some still believe. from Waterworld (1995)
Enola? [Laughing] from Waterworld (1995)
Ever try and listen? To what? from Waterworld (1995)
Evolution. I know! from Waterworld (1995)
Fair enough. Fair enough. Good, good, good. Aye. Helen. from Waterworld (1995)
Find him. Find him! Come on! from Waterworld (1995)
Get in the water. It'll be all right. from Waterworld (1995)
Get the centerboard! Centerboard? from Waterworld (1995)
Give us a proper look. Take her down below until I holler. from Waterworld (1995)
Go on. Get, get, get. Go, go, go. Good, good. from Waterworld (1995)
Good as any key. A mooring cleat? from Waterworld (1995)
Got it! [Enola] Ah! from Waterworld (1995)
Have you ever had a freshwater bath? Why are you talkin' to me? from Waterworld (1995)
He has killed one of ours. He was defending himself. from Waterworld (1995)
He needs to be destroyed! Kill him. Let's kill him. That may be, from Waterworld (1995)
He's bluffing. I'll kill him. He's not bluffing. He never bluffs. from Waterworld (1995)
He's hiding something. Maybe he's a Smoker spy. from Waterworld (1995)
Helen! [Helen] No! Enola! [Gregor] Helen! from Waterworld (1995)
Hey, Chuck! [Smoker Leader] He's pulling him right into us. from Waterworld (1995)
Hey! No way and no how. from Waterworld (1995)
Hi. Move. from Waterworld (1995)
Horse, that you? [Engine Revving] from Waterworld (1995)
How 'bout food? Ah, yeah, food. from Waterworld (1995)
How soon before we can leave? I don't have any idea yet where we can go. from Waterworld (1995)
I am! Hurry! Now pull! from Waterworld (1995)
I don't belong here. I belong out there. You belong here. from Waterworld (1995)
I don't hear anything. That's because you're too loud, from Waterworld (1995)
I drew it for you. You don't draw on anything. You understand? from Waterworld (1995)
I got better ones below. No, look! from Waterworld (1995)
I have no "kind." Oh, fish rot. from Waterworld (1995)
I just want one sip of hydro! No, not 'til you tell me. from Waterworld (1995)
I like it better than your real eye. Much better. from Waterworld (1995)
I noticed. What is it then? from Waterworld (1995)
I saw a girl. I saw, I saw... It was... Sh She had a big tattoo on her. from Waterworld (1995)
I saw what I saw. What? from Waterworld (1995)
I saw. [Gregor] My friends. from Waterworld (1995)
I winged him. I say we load... from Waterworld (1995)
I'll be right back. [Man] Gregor! from Waterworld (1995)
I'll take them too. Take what? from Waterworld (1995)
I'm not goin'. Nobody is. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm not staying. We're not asking you to. All we want is your seed. from Waterworld (1995)
I'm not staying. We're not asking you to. All we want is your seed. from Waterworld (1995)
I've had a vision. [Man] Yeah, we're tired of your visions! from Waterworld (1995)
If he doesn't change course. Ah, it's not likely. from Waterworld (1995)
Including little girls? I'm not afraid of you. from Waterworld (1995)
Is that a tomato plant? Yeah. from Waterworld (1995)
It needs to be flat. What you got in mind? from Waterworld (1995)
It's him. It is him. from Waterworld (1995)
It's like a storm when you're around. Enola! from Waterworld (1995)
It's upside down. The world? from Waterworld (1995)
Kill! There! from Waterworld (1995)
Know what that is yet? The numbers? Yes, I think I do. from Waterworld (1995)
Let her go! [Gunfire Continues] from Waterworld (1995)
Let's drive. [Chattering] from Waterworld (1995)
Like what she draws? She draws what she sees. from Waterworld (1995)
Look at me. Jump! Now! Okay! from Waterworld (1995)
Look at the flag! His flag's up. from Waterworld (1995)
Look out! It's mine! It's mine! from Waterworld (1995)
Move along! I'm not a brave man. from Waterworld (1995)
Mutation! He's a mutant! from Waterworld (1995)
Mute o? Yeah. He got these slits here. from Waterworld (1995)
My God! [Screaming] from Waterworld (1995)
Never happened before. Never happened before. from Waterworld (1995)
No, you can't do that. I need another piece. I want to draw some more. from Waterworld (1995)
No! [Helen] No! from Waterworld (1995)