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Field of Dreams (1989) "Field of Dreams" is a heartwarming sports fantasy film released in 1989. Directed by Phil Alden

Field of Dreams (1989)

"Field of Dreams" is a heartwarming sports fantasy film released in 1989. Directed by Phil Alden Robinson, this iconic movie stars Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones, and Ray Liotta. The film revolves around an Iowa farmer named Ray Kinsella, played by Costner, who hears a mysterious voice telling him to build a baseball field in his cornfield. Through this extraordinary act, Ray summons the spirits of deceased baseball players, including Shoeless Joe Jackson, played by Liotta. As the story unfolds, Ray explores the power of dreams, redemption, and the love of America's favorite pastime.

The film's narrative beautifully captures the essence of nostalgia, family, and the magic found in pursuing our passions. The outstanding performances, combined with a moving script and a touch of mysticism, make "Field of Dreams" a beloved classic that continues to resonate with audiences to this day.

If you want to relive the enchantment of "Field of Dreams", you can play and download its sounds here. Immerse yourself in the timeless tale that reminds us to never stop chasing our dreams and the power that comes from following our hearts.
A few years later, Karin was born.
A good left fielder knows what pitch is coming.
About halfway up on the aisle?
About how you always dreamed of playing at Ebbets Field
After a while, I wanted to come home, but I didn't know how.
After graduation, we moved to the Midwest
All I'm asking is one minute.
All right, Beulah, do you want to step outside?
All right, honey. I've got a better idea.
All right, Karin.
All right, stupid, put your hands up and get in the trunk.
All right, that's it! Huh? Who the...
All right! Home base!
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Now, who's for the Bill of Rights?
All right. There you go. America, I love you. I'm proud of you.
All right. This is fascinating,
Almost break even.
Am I completely nuts?
America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers.
American boy refusing to have a catch with his father?
An old ballplayer. I'll explain when I get home.
And cheered their heroes,
And come down to Earth.
And disrespect to high ranking officers of the United States Army.
And Gil Hodges.
And he always carried an umbrella.
And he says, "Right field."
And he smiled.
And here was this big, six foot rabbit leaning up against the lamppost.
And how sad you felt when they tore it down.
And I asked them if we could miss a payment or two,
And I don't have any answers for you.
And I love you.
And I say, smut and filth like this has
And I wouldn't dream of intruding if this weren't extremely important.
And I'm scared to death I'm turning into my father.
And if I have the courage to go through with this,
And it could be again.
And it will be as if they dipped themselves in magic waters.
And Mel Ott
And never saw a big city until he came back from France in 1918.
And now people like you think
And now, I want to ask you a question.
And scratch itchy legs that have been dust for over 50 years.
And sit in their shirt sleeves on a perfect afternoon.
And something tells me this may be my last chance to do something about it.
And stayed with her family as long as we could,
And still I have to endure lunatics like you.
And that's why right thinking school boards all across the country
And then he starts fooling around with a computer.
And then I figured, maybe we're not supposed to take him with us.
And they said he's trying to lose?
And they told me that they had just sold the note on the farm
And they'll come to lowa City.
And they'll watch the game,
And this young fella is...This is Archie Graham.
And you can't take off for Boston while we're going broke in lowa.
And you're the kind of a man who could grant me that wish?
Annie and I got married in June of '74.
Annie, I don't believe this guy.
Annie, it's incredible. By the early '70s,
Annie, look at this.
Annie, there's more.
Annie, wait.
Annie, what was that?
Annie, you got no choice in the matter.
Annie... Honey, it's all right. I'll be cool.
Any sign?
Anyway, when I was 17,
Are you "Moonlight" Graham?
Are you a ghost?
Are you actually thinking of doing this?
Are you, okay?
As a matter of fact, it's Terence Mann.
As far as I know.
As innocent as children, longing for the past.
At least I'm not married to the biggest horse's ass in three counties.
At the risk of losing my home and alienating my wife.
Attaboy, Arch!
Back then I thought, "Well, there'll be other days."
Back to the '60s.
Baseball men?
Batter, batter, batter, batter!
Be careful.
Because they knew if Doc walked by, he'd buy one.
Before I could tell him,
Begging me to speak again, write again, be a leader.
Big wow! What's it got to do with baseball?
Boy, I thought my family was crazy, but this is the craziest thing ever.
Brass spittoons in the lobbies, brass beds in the rooms.
Build what? What is this?
But baseball has marked the time.
But he could still hit.
But he sure didn't listen to them.
But I also think if you really feel you should do this,
But I really think you're supposed to come with us.
But I think it's to ask you if you could do anything you wanted,
But it's a really good story.
But nobody ever proved he did one thing to lose those games.
But the story's hero
But there's another reason I'm supposed to do it.
But until I heard the voice,
But watch out for in your ear.
But we're dealing with primal forces of nature.
But why stop writing?
But you don't have the money to bring the mortgage up to date.
But your wish?
By 10, playing baseball got to be like eating vegetables or taking out garbage.
By the time he was as old as I am now, he was ancient.
Called him "Shoeless Joe," and the name stuck.
Can I ask you something?
Can I come back again?
Can I see that?
Can you believe that?
Can you pitch?
Come and find out.
Come on, Arch. It just takes one.
Come on, Archie!
Come on, asshole! Pitch!
Come on, hon.
Come on, honey, wash up. We got the PTA meeting after dinner.
Come on, Ray.
Come on, you knucklehead.
Come on! Come on! Let's see those hands!
Come on. Let's hit the showers.
Come on. That is funny. What's a crop?
Come to this game. I'll never bother you again, not even...
Dad did that for a while, but that was in the '20s.
Dad died that fall.
Dad used to say nobody could hit like Shoeless Joe.
Dad was a Yankees fan then, so I rooted for Brooklyn.
Daddy, the baseball game is on.
Daddy, we don't have to sell the farm.
Daddy, what's a "southpaw"?
Did for these people.
Did you ever hold a ball or a glove to your face?
Did you... Did you ever hear voices out there?
Died a lot when eight White Sox were accused of throwing that Series.
Do not sell this farm, Ray. You got to keep this farm.
Do you know you're missing?
Do you mind if I join you?
Do you see the baseball men right now?
Do you think I'm crazy?
Doc Graham is dead.
Dog and a beer.
Don't let him shake you up. Hang in there!
Don't sell the farm, Ray.
Don't we need a catcher?
Don't wink, kid.
Don't you miss being involved?
Dr. Graham?
During a time of great madness.
Ease his pain.
Ease his pain.
Ease his pain. What...
Ease whose pain?
Eight of what?
Endorse promiscuity, godlessness,
Endorse promiscuity, godlessness,
Even Wrigley Field.
Except mine.
Excuse me, madam.
Excuse me.
Excuse us.
Far out.
Far out.
Fascist. I'd like to ease her pain.
Fifty years ago, for 5 minutes you came this close.
Fine. Let's go.
First door that don't have a chicken in the window is his.
For all I know, he may have even heard voices, too,
For it is money they have and peace they lack.
For me...
For Pete's sakes, Cicotte, that was 68 years ago.
From all over.
Get your hands off her!
Give it a try.
Give it up!
Give Karin a hug for me,
Go away! You're a pest!
Go home!
Go on. Sit down.
Go on. Sit down.
Go the distance.
Go, Graham! Go, kid!
Go! Go!
Going to miss you, Doc.
Good night, John.
Good night, Ray.
Good thing for you he didn't throw the fastball.
Good to see you.
Good work, Doc.
Good. Good.
Grabbed my glove, and ran out on the field.
Great. Look, Ann, I got to go, okay?
Guess what it's about.
Guy decides people have become either too extremist
Half the towns in North America have a Doc Graham.
He always wore an overcoat,
He bought a new pair of spikes and hurt his feet.
He can tell from the bat's angle which way the ball's heading.
He can't see any of them.
He coined the phrase, "Make love, not war."
He did take their money,
He didn't say.
He died in 1972.
He is.
He knew everybody. He did everything. He helped shape his time.
He lives right around here. Do you know him?
He looks like a baby next to those guys.
He misplaced the house once. Yeah, but it turned up.
He never met my wife.
He never saw his granddaughter.
He played one game. He never got to bat.
He played some in the minors, but nothing came of it.
He said he used it to beat away his lady admirers.
He said his glove was the place where triples go to die.
He says if we don't sell to them, they're going to foreclose.
He used to be normal. Yeah.
He was a pioneer in the civil rights and the antiwar movement.
He was born in North Dakota in 1896
He was supposed to be so graceful and agile.
He was talking about love and peace and understanding.
He went back to school.
He will come.
He winked at me.
He won't want to load the bases. So look for low and away.
He'd put on 50 pounds, and his spring was gone from his step
He'll be able to do a lot more than that.
He's a pervert!
He's come to practice with the team.
He's dead. Died in '51. He's dead.
He's going to lose his farm.
He's got his whole life in front of him, and I'm not even a glint in his eye.
He's plowing under his corn.
He's sort of a tall black man. I'm a friend of his.
He's still dead?
He's widely regarded as the finest satirist of his time.
Hell, I can't quit now. I got to see this ballpark.
Hey, Annie, guess what? I'm with Terence Mann.
Hey, Annie!
Hey, are you Graham?
Hey, are you really hearing voices?
Hey, Dad?
Hey, do you want to come with us?
Hey, Doc.
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, it's all right.
Hey, Ray, look at this.
Hey, Ray. Welcome back.
Hey, that's Smokey Joe Wood
Hey, that's Smokey Joe Wood
Hey, ump! Come on. Give us a break!
Hey, ump.
Hey! You guys want to play ball or what?
Hey. What if the voice calls while you're gone?
Hi, Annie. Hi, Joe.
Hi, I'm Ray Kinsella.
Hi, I'm Ray Kinsella. I'm a big fan of yours.
Hi, I'm...
Hi, John.
Hi, Terry.
Hi. No.
Him? Come with you?
His baseball career never amounted to much.
His father was a doctor.
Hiya, Karin.
Hold her steady now.
Hon, I'll take her today.
Hon, I'll take her today.
Honey, where's he going?
Honey, why don't you eat a little bit?
Hop in. All right.
Hot dog. Stuck in her throat.
How about Shirley MacLaine? Is she too busy?
How about this? Peace, love, dope. Now get the hell out of here!
How are things with you?
How are you feeling, sweetheart?
How are you supposed to ease it? I don't know.
How do you do? I'm the Easter bunny.
How do you explain he hit .375 for the Series and committed no errors?
How far you going?
How the hell am I supposed to know?
Hoy! Hoy! Hoy!
I ain't going to tell you nothing.
I already think you're crazy.
I asked him. He wouldn't say.
I ate it and drank it and breathed it.
I best be getting on home
I better be getting home. Alicia will think I got a girlfriend.
I better call him.
I built this field. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.
I can feel it.
I can't bring my father back.
I can't do it, pal.
I can't leave Chisholm.
I can't.
I cherished his books, and I dearly wish he had written more.
I could have sworn it was heaven.
I couldn't sleep tonight. Usually I sleep like a baby.
I didn't realize that that was the only day.
I didn't really know till just now,
I didn't understand it, but I've done it.
I don't believe I'm doing this.
I don't blame you for thinking that, but, no, I'm not.
I don't even recall thinking that.
I don't give interviews, and I'm no longer a public figure.
I don't know what, but we'll find out when it does.
I don't know where he lives. Get away from me!
I don't know why in the hell we were supposed to come here.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. I'm just asking.
I don't need money or an endorsement.
I don't think so.
I dreamt last night you were at Fenway with Terence Mann.
I experienced the '60s.
I feel it as strongly as I've felt anything.
I figured it out. I figured it out.
I gave at the office.
I gave that interview.
I got to be there with Terence Mann to find it out.
I had the same dream.
I hate it when that happens.
I have just created something totally illogical.
I have no more pain left for any of you.
I have to take you to a base...
I have to take you to a baseball game.
I haven't published a word in 17 years,
I jumped up like I was sitting on a spring,
I just halted the spread of neofascism in America...
I just want to be left alone, so piss off.
I just wanted to thank you folks for putting up this field,
I knew they'd send me back down.
I knew they'd send me back down.
I know a lot about farming. More than you think.
I know whose pain I'm supposed to ease.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I know. it's totally nuts. I mean, Shoeless Joe!
I learned how to cook.
I live, I work.
I love baseball, and I'm about to become a farmer.
I marched, I smoked some grass,
I mean, he made the cover of Newsweek.
I mean, he must have had dreams, but he never did anything about them.
I mean, you build a baseball field
I must be miserable because I'm not involved anymore.
I must be out of my mind.
I need all the karma I can get right now.
I never forgave him for getting old.
I never got to bat in the major leagues.
I never played catch with him again.
I never said that.
I never took acid.
I only saw him years later when he was worn down by life.
I packed my things, said something awful, and left.
I picked the farthest from home I could find.
I read an interview you gave a long time ago
I said I could never respect a man whose hero was a criminal.
I spent all my misery years ago.
I swear to God, I'm the least crazy person I've ever known.
I take walks and watch sunsets.
I think I'd actually believe you.
I think it means that if I build a baseball field out there,
I think that's the first time I've ever seen you smile
I think you'd better stay here, Ray.
I thought I did, but...
I told Alicia I was taking a walk.
I tried to like sitar music, and I met Annie.
I understand. I do.
I used to feel that way about things, but...
I used to love traveling on the trains from town to town.
I want a full description.
I want them to start thinking for themselves.
I want them to stop looking to me for answers,
I want to build that field.
I want to know what's out there.
I was 17.
I was born here, I lived here, I'll die here, but no regrets.
I was having a fun day today, a good day.
I was hoping I could just convince you to come with me.
I was hoping I wouldn't have to do it this way.
I was right about building the field, wasn't I?
I was the East Coast distributor of involved.
I was...
I wish I had your passion, Ray.
I won't even stay in motels. I'll sleep in the car. I'll beg for food.
I, of course, don't, so I was wondering if I was doing something wrong.
I... I think I know what "if you build it, he will come" means.
I'd actually like to see him play again,
I'd have liked to have had that chance, just once,
I'd have played for food money.
I'd have played for nothing.
I'd like to talk to you.
I'd never done a crazy thing in my whole life.
I'd wake up at night
I'll beat you with a crowbar until you go away.
I'll bet you didn't know that.
I'll help you pack.
I'll try.
I'm 36 years old, I love my family,
I'm 36. I have a wife, a child, and a mortgage,
I'm Archie Graham.
I'm fine. I'm just so glad it's you.
I'm going to call Emergency.
I'm going to have to nip this one in the bud.
I'm John Kinsella.
I'm just going to get some 3 in 1 oil. That ought to do it.
I'm looking for a place to play.
I'm melting! I'm melting!
I'm not going to hurt you. I need you to come with...
I'm not going to show you my gun.
I'm not signing.
I'm offering you a way to keep your home because I love my sister.
I'm pitching to Shoeless Joe Jackson.
I'm Ray Kinsella. This is Terence Mann.
I'm saying, "What's in it for me?"
I'm sorry, Ray.
I'm sorry. I guess you didn't have to be here.
I'm sorry. What? I didn't understand. What?
I'm taking a walk. Be back in a while.
I'm trying to bail him out, and he leaves to watch television.
I've done everything I've been asked to do.
I've got errands to do in town.
I've got news for you.
If he threw it,
If he was much of a friend, he could give you the directions himself.
If he'd gotten a hit, he might have stayed in baseball.
If I could just have one minute, please.
If I did, I've forgotten it.
If I'd only gotten to be a doctor for five minutes,
If it's okay, I'll just ride along a while. I play baseball.
If you build it,
If you build it, he will come.
If you build it, he will come.
If you build it, he will come.
If you build it...
If you build what, who will come?
If you could have a wish...
If you default on your loan, you're going to lose everything.
If you want to go, I can take you.
If you'd have run like that against Detroit, I'd have won 20 games!
In '58, the Dodgers moved away, so we had to find other reasons to fight.
In a minute, Karin!
In all those years, did you ever...
In some places, they'll find you a day job
In the April 1962 issue of Jet Magazine,
In the middle of nowhere, and you stare at nothing.
In the sixth inning, he took them off and played in his socks.
In three weeks, I hadn't seen any action.
Instead of Mother Goose, I was put to bed to stories of Babe Ruth,
Is Fenway the one with the big green wall in left field?
Is named John Kinsella, my father.
Is she all right? Is she breathing?
Is that why you did this?
Is there enough magic out there in the moonlight
Is there, like, a sound truck on the highway?
Is... Is this heaven?
It got to be a habit, something to hang on to.
It means a left handed pitcher, honey.
It means they lost on purpose.
It means they never let him play the game again.
It means we're going to Minnesota to find "Moonlight" Graham.
It reminds us of all that once was good,
It was like coming this close to your dreams,
It was nice... Nice talking to you.
It was the crowd,
It was the game,
It was the last day of the season,
It was very nice meeting you.
It was you.
It wasn't enough. What he missed was baseball.
It will be just like when they were little kids a long time ago.
It would kill some men
It'll have to stay a wish.
It's a gun.
It's a long story.
It's a part of our past, Ray.
It's a pleasure meeting you.
It's an lrish name.
It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again.
It's considered by many critics to be the classic novel about the 1960s.
It's funny the way he described towns finding you a job
It's harder to see the ball.
It's just like the '60s again! I just figured it out.
It's kind of pretty, isn't it?
It's lowa.
It's lowa.
It's more than that.
It's more than that. I know this is totally nuts,
It's my family.
It's my father.
It's not a fantasy. They're real.
It's not his best work,
It's not my fault you wouldn't play catch with him.
It's not nothing. Your daughter's turned into a space case.
It's not really a game. It's more like practice.
It's not very polite to try to make other people feel stupid.
It's nothing bad. We're not from the IRS.
It's okay, honey. I... I'm just talking to the cornfield.
It's okay. I don't mind.
It's perfect.
It's pornography!
It's ridiculous.
It's so beautiful here.
It's what told me to find you. Did you hear it?
It's your finger.
It's your lucky day. We're going someplace kind of like that.
Joe Jackson.
Joe, Terry Mann.
John Kinsella.
Just a minute, Karin.
Just as there's a reason they chose this field.
Just sign the papers.
Just wait!
Just wait.
Karin, come here.
Karin, honey, get your book bag. Let's go!
Karin, honey, get your book bag. Let's go!
Karin, honey, what are you watching?
Karin, please!
Karin, this is my...
Karin! Ray! Dinner!
Kids with a radio?
Know what he does now?
Knuckles, what did you throw at the kid for?
Let me at him!
Let me see it.
Let's get a hit.
Let's go, pumpkin.
Let's go.
Let's go. We got to go.
Let's see that fastball.
Let's settle this thing now. You have no money.
Let's take a vote. Who's for Eva Braun?
Let's walk over to my office.
Letting us play here.
Lifetime average .356, third highest in history.
Like buying a ticket.
Like The Wizard of Oz, Diary of Anne Frank.
Listen to me, Ray. Listen to me.
Look at him.
Look, he's my favorite writer, too,
Look, I can't tell you the secret of life,
Look, I've got to take Mr. Mann back to Boston first.
Look. I'm not selling. You have no money!
Lou Gehrig, and the great Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Ls there a heaven?
Ma'am. Hi.
Make him think you know something he doesn't.
Man, I did love this game.
Mann was a baseball fanatic. Listen to this.
May I...
Maybe if you had experienced even a little bit of the '60s,
Maybe it's to find out if one inning can change the world.
Maybe you will someday. It's like a flash forward.
Me, too.
Misdirected though it might be, it is still a passion.
Mmm hmm.
Mom died when I was three, and I suppose Dad did the best he could.
Mom, wait a minute. Mom! Wait a minute.
Mr. Harris, the so called novels of Terence Mann
Mrs. Kessinik, Mrs. Kessinik.
Muscle bound jerk.
My father said he saw him years later
My father's name was John Kinsella.
My God. I...
My name's Ray Kinsella.
My name's Ray Kinsella. I'm from lowa.
My partners don't care and are ready to foreclose.
My partners will give you a fair price.
Never hit it, kid.
Nice going, Doc.
Nice hit.
No chicken.
No illegitimate children,
No one's called me "Moonlight" Graham in 50 years.
No place for you here in the future. Get back while you still can!
No place in our schools.
No shady finances.
No, I didn't.
No, I meant what do you want?
No, it's a gun.
No, no. The Supreme Court says it's not.
No, not you.
No, Ray.
No, son.
No, you had two '50s and moved right on into the '70s.
No. No, it's not.
No. No! Now, this is too much!
Nobody could stand him when we were alive.
Nobody could stand him when we were alive.
Noises. That darned tractor...
Nope. Hey, Karin, dinner's ready!
Not everyone can see it. You might not.
Not if you get it near the plate.
Not invited? What do you mean I'm not invited?
Now I know what everybody's purpose here is,
Now let's see, I died in '70.
Now that would have been a tragedy.
Now, look. I understand your need to prove to yourself and to the world
Now, there's an intelligent response.
Of course I do.
Of course it is.
Of course it is.
Officially, my major was English, but really, it was the '60s.
Oh, all the stadiums have them now.
Oh, God.
Oh, God. I don't do causes anymore.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. You can't go back.
Oh, people will come, Ray.
Oh, please.
Oh, we missed you.
Oh, your wife called. She wants you to call her tonight.
Okay, Doc.
Okay, I understand.
Okay, the last interview he ever gave was in 1973.
Okay, you must have heard that!
Okay? So, it's...
Once a place touches you like this, the wind never blows so cold again.
One minute.
One of the other players?
Or too apathetic to listen.
Out in the fields. No, I'm not.
Out there.
Out! Hey!
People will come, Ray.
People will come, Ray.
People will come.
People will come.
Playing under a made up name in some 10th rate league in Carolina.
Probably a Communist, too!
Put one right here, huh?
Ray is.
Ray Kinsella.
Ray, come on. Ray? Ray?
Ray, I'm unattached. You have a family.
Ray, it's time to put away your little fantasies
Ray, think about what I said. I'm just trying to help.
Ray, this is nuttier than building the baseball field.
Ray, we are behind on the mortgage. That field ate up all of our savings.
Ray, we don't have the money.
Ray, you're bankrupt!
Ray? Honey, Mom and everybody's leaving now.
Ray. Well, Ann...
Read my lips. We're staying, all right? We're staying.
Right, you're a low ball hitter.
Right. So they own the paper now.
Rising to their feet when the ball was hit deep.
Run bases, stretching a double into a triple and flop face first into third,
Saw what?
Say hey!
See if you can hit my curve.
See what?
See you later.
Settling in Chicago, he learned to live and die
She always wore blue.
She fell.
She moved to South Carolina after Doc passed.
She passed a couple years later.
She'll be all right.
She'll be turning handsprings before you know it.
She's kidding.
Shoeless Joe had a problem. That's why he needed you.
Shoeless Joe Jackson will get to come back and play ball again.
Shoeless Joe Jackson, the White Sox, all of them.
Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Shoeless Joe's?
Should I get the car?
Show off!
Since 1969.
Sir, my name's Ray Kinsella.
Sixty eight years since I wore this uniform, still fits me like a glove.
So are you.
So he stops writing books,
So how bad is it?
So I decided to hang them up.
So many wanted to play here. We had to beat them off with a stick.
So many wanted to play here. We had to beat them off with a stick.
So the least you can do is bring back his hero.
So we brought another team out so we'd have some real games.
So what are you saying? We can't keep the field?
So what do you do with yourself these days?
So what do you want?
So what was that like?
So what? You kidnapping me? What's the deal here?
So you are kidnapping me?
So you could play on their team.
So, for the veteran southpaw, his summer of woes continues.
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