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Contact (1997) Contact is a thought-provoking sci-fi film released in 1997. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, the movie explores

Contact (1997)

Contact is a thought-provoking sci-fi film released in 1997. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, the movie explores humanity's search for extraterrestrial life through the story of Dr. Ellie Arroway, played by Jodie Foster. The star-studded cast also includes Matthew McConaughey, Tom Skerritt, and James Woods. With its mesmerizing visuals and compelling storyline, Contact takes viewers on a journey to unravel the mysteries of the universe. To rekindle the magic, you can now play and download the film's soundtrack, filled with captivating sounds and music, right here. Prepare to be captivated by the wonders of the cosmos.
A couple guys wanted to build something called an airplane.
A final gesture of goodwill to the people of this little planet that have given...
A fraction of a second Earth time, yes.
A higher power intervened.
A man with the means, motive and opportunity to play you and the rest of us...
A nice presentation, doctor.
A phenomenon known in psychiatric circles, I believe, as a self reinforcing delusion.
A second signal at double the frequency. It looks like a...
A series of them.
A sniper has fired at President Kennedy.
A vision that tells us that we belong to something...
A vision...
A whole planet called Venus...
Actually, first, could you ask the gentlemen with the firearms to wait outside?
Actually, I quite like it up here.
Alignment symbols, a registration mark, but they don't line up.
All controllers stand by to initiate drop sequence...
All controllers stand by to initiate IPV drop sequence. On my mark.
All controllers, I need a go no go for test initiation.
All I know is that I wasn't alone.
All I'm asking is for you to just have the tiniest bit of vision.
All Machine systems are go.
All right, 1221.46. That's well within the L band.
All right, all right, back to your stations.
All right, as you'll see...
All right, do you have a source location yet?
All right, freeze.
All right, great.
All right, great.
All right, how about dinner, then, tomorrow night? I know a great dive.
All right, it's definitely an image. Let's try and stabilize it.
All right, it's restarting.
All right, let me hear it.
All right, let's see if F.U.D.D.'s reading it too.
All right, no more stalling.
All right, people, I want things double and triple checked here.
All right, we've got a security breach here.
All right, you see that sort of large, W shaped constellation right there?
All right.
All systems are go.
All systems are go.
All systems ready for drop sequence.
All test subject instrumentation looks good.
All vibration and G levels are in the green.
Always, I can only get three corners to fit.
Amid a flurry of accusations and counter accusations...
Amid a flurry of accusations and counter accusations...
An alien intelligence has got be more advanced...
An all powerful, mysterious God created the universe...
And a few more of these.
And augmenting our restraint and communications console subsystem...
And Cassiopeia A gives off a whole lot of radio signals.
And Dr. Arroway will be spending her precious telescope time listening for, um...
And Drumlin told you exactly what you wanted to hear.
And everybody that you care about...
And for the first time in my life I wasn't scared of nothing, you know?
And he said that it wasn't really a star at all. It was actually...
And how guilty would we feel if we destroyed a few microbes on an anthill?
And I believe you've already met our tireless research assistant, Mr. Fisher...
And I suppose the fact that I discovered the message means that I have PR value.
And I'll grant them their wish soon enough.
And in breaking news...
And leave the LO frequency where it is.
And maybe that's an understatement.
And now yesterday they start broadcasting primes. Why?
And pretty soon they called my dad and they asked him...
And tell Willie to break out the big boy.
And that means when you put them together with all the radio telescopes...
And the message itself. To put something like this together...
And then I felt something. I don't know, I...
And there are many governments, business interests...
And there's no chance that...
And they don't want the high priestess of the desert using them anymore.
And two probabilities. One, there is intelligent life...
And we continue this final edition of our Maxwell House Good News of 1939.
And when can I get some dish time?
And when it comes to my investments...
And yet every scientific instrument confirms...
And your career will be over.
Another signal, look at that.
Anyway, I've had my fill of life on the ground.
Are there other people out there in the universe?
Are we happier as a human race?
Are you anti technology? Are you anti science?
Are you feeling it down there?
Are you really gonna sit there and tell us we should just take this all...
Are you there?
Are you there?
Arecibo, right?
Aren't you...?
As a person of faith, I'm bound by a different covenant than Dr. Arroway.
As a scientist I must concede that. I must volunteer that.
As a scientist...
As soon as I found out about the Machine, I called the president.
Attendance at religious services has risen a dramatic 39 percent in recent days.
AWACS status is negative.
Awarded full scholarship, M.I. T, graduated magna cum laude.
Back home that's what we call an overcooked ham.
Because I can't.
Because it's a historic opportunity. The world needs...
Being alone.
Bottom line is...
Boy, this is really gonna change the Miss Universe contest.
Brilliant and blue white.
Bring you tens of thousands of light years and then send you home without proof?
Brook's looking at the black hole at the center of M 87.
Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it.
But a voice from the sky...
But before I do, I wish to make a small contribution.
But everything that I know as a human being, everything I am...
But for now, almost 2 full weeks after the message's arrival...
But I did. I did go.
But I guess I'd say...
But I have so many questions.
But I just... I wanna go on record one more time.
But I'm not stopping.
But other people need to see what I've seen...
But our goal is one and the same.
But right now my job is to protect American lives from any threat.
But that doesn't justify taking an alarmist position.
But the choice of these 10 candidates has not been without controversy.
But the headset didn't record a single image?
But the military presence arriving...
But there's a bad drive on 16.
But they have failed!
But they're also putting together a selection committee.
But what can I say to this?
But while our foundation arm has a mandate to support experimental programs...
But, uh... But...
By doing this, you're willing to give your life.
By God, move all the fire and rescue personnel into position one.
Call her in the morning, tell her why you didn't show up.
Can I help you?
Can we hear all the way to China?
Can we talk about Einstein?
Catalogued November 4, 1982. Pulsar.
Center that segment.
Changes in NSF policy gave rise to certain funding problems...
Chicago has all the stuff, but let me know how it goes.
Clearly, I've never been there, but...
Clever girl.
Come back?
Come in.
Come on, I got something for you to hear. Is this great?
Come on. It's like you're saying that science killed God.
Confirmed, we have a good picture from Dr. Drumlins PRD.
Consortium officials had no comment, but sources within the delegation...
Control, if you're reading me...
Controlled by Americans...
Convinced it has some dark military purpose.
Coordinates confirmed. Willie's checking the system now.
Copy that, 30 percent.
Copy that, 35 percent.
Copy that, 50 percent.
Copy that, Control. IPV is secure.
Copy that, Dynamics.
Copy that, K 4 WLD. How's the weather down there in Florida?
Copy that. Willie...
Copy, W 9 GFO. K 4 WLD here.
Could be a Trojan horse. We build it and out pours the entire Vegan army.
Could we talk to Jupiter?
Could we talk to the moon?
Could you face reality, please? Just this once, Ellie. We lost.
CQ, CQ, this is W 9 GFO. Is anybody out there?
CQ, this is W 9 GFO here.
CQ, this is W 9 GFO here. Come back?
CQ, this is W 9 GFO here. Come back?
CQ, this is W 9 GFO.
CQ, this is W 9 GFO.
CQ, this is W 9 GFO. Come back?
Crew Ops, verify all pre test procedures are complete.
Dad, could we talk to Mom?
Dad, it's starting, you're gonna miss it.
Dad, there's another one. Hurry up.
Dad, this is Ellie.
Dad, this is Ellie. Come back.
Dad, what's that star there?
Daddy, don't go.
David Drumlin is supervising the on site portion of the test.
David, explain this to me, please.
David, he's got something in his hand!
Davio, Dr. Vernon. Dr. Arroway.
Declination, plus 36 degrees, 46 minutes...
Deficit finance trips to the mall to buy more things...
Did you really think these stories wouldn't get out?
Didn't, uh, expect to see you here.
Different nations are being compensated in different ways. For example...
Digital microchip good for thousands of hours of recording.
Do me a favor, go get the blinds. There is a lot of glare.
Do we get to come back?
Do you copy? I want you to go off axis on 27 the second we're there.
Do you know where I can find, like, a really great dress?
Do you know where I can find, like, a really great dress?
Do you think there's people on other planets?
Doctor Arroway, despite your obvious enthusiasm...
Doctor, are you familiar with the scientific precept...
Doctor, both the IMC Board and the SI team reviewed the matter...
Doctor, do you understand that my job is to protect...?
Doctor, I'd like to propose an alternate hypothesis...
Doctoral work, Cal Tech...
Does anybody speak German?
Does it show?
Don't tell me.
Donna, we've been told the president will have only a few remarks...
Door alignment looks good.
Door is looking good.
Down here doing research about how technology affects Third World cultures.
Dozens of lives were lost.
Dr. Arroway, 95 percent of the world's population...
Dr. Arroway, get a picture, please? Get a photo over here?
Dr. Arroway, the press would like to ask you a few questions...
Dr. Arroway?
Dr. Arroway.
Dr. Arroway...
Dr. Arroway...
Dr. Clark said you wouldn't be able to wait. Your first shift is tonight.
Drumlin pulled the plug.
Drumlin. What is this? This his personal vendetta now?
Drumlin's coming in this Tuesday.
Earl Grey. No sugar, no milk, I believe.
Early testing indicated high predisposition...
Efforts continue around the clock.
Eighty percent.
Eleanor Ann Arroway...
Eli's studying Markarian 541, a major gamma ray source.
Ellie to Control, do you read me?
Ellie to Control, do you read me?
Ellie to Control.
Ellie, are you sure?
Ellie, do you copy?
Ellie, I know you must think this is all very unfair.
Ellie, just hold on tight.
Ellie, the IPV dropped straight through the Machine.
Ellie, the vibration is normal.
Ellie, this is Control. Do you copy?
Ellie, we are go for closure.
Ellie, we are showing green across the board.
Ellie, we're gonna proceed to button you up.
Everyone who watched saw exactly the same thing.
Exactly, why don't they speak English?
Exactly. Every time they detect a new civilization...
Excuse me, could we calm down here?
Excuse me, Dr. Drumlin, sir?
Excuse me, Miss Constantine, may I speak to you?
Explain this to me.
Father, Theodore...
Fine. I'll start looking for other funding. I'll just start...
First rule in government spending:
Fish, what is the story over here? I thought Ellie was supposed to be on.
For purposes of this test...
For you, EI.
Forty five percent.
Forty percent.
Forty six.
Forty three separate remote cameras show exactly the same event.
Frank, look at the size of that son of a bitch!
Frequency 9.85.
From as long as I can remember, I've been searching for...
From whom I have taken so much.
Fully one third of the candidates are American.
G levels are right on.
Gerry, can you confirm any vibration?
Gerry, execute the rapid shutdown sequence.
Get a job. Don't waste my tax dollars.
Get decryption people in here now. Lunacharsky is visiting at Cal Tech.
Get me the White House.
Give me another array status.
Glad you could make it, David.
Go back.
Go get ready to set the target frequency to manual the second we're aligned.
God created man in the form of himself, not in the form of monkeys!
God, I wish Kent was here.
Good afternoon.
Good evening, Mr. And Mrs. North America...
Good question, Larry.
Got it. Reading over 100 janskys.
Got it. Reading over 100 janskys.
Guys? Guys? Um...
Hail to Vega
Hail to Vega Hail to Vega, Hail to Vega
Harmonics in the green. G level 1.1.
He hardly lands for anyone.
He is not on the committee, Ellie.
He just resigned as science advisor. He wants to be the one to go.
He said, "You know why they called it Venus?"
He sure knows he's on TV!
He's got a bomb!
He's not supposed to be there.
He's the new head of the National Science Foundation. I'm trying to get an interview.
Health officials from around the world are concerned that the message from Vega...
Her four are online, the rest are tracking in.
Here comes Ellie.
Here it is. J 1741 plus 2748.
Here we go.
Here, let me show you. See that?
Hey, Fish, did that investor from Houston ever get back to us?
Hey, hey, hey. Hi, I'm so glad you're back.
Hey, Kent. You were right.
Hey, listen, I don't know who you are, but you broke into the database...
Hey, watch it.
Hi yo, Silver!
Hi, Kent. What are you doing up so early, huh?
Hi, Sparks.
Him! Take him! Security breach!
His latest book, Losing Faith, is currently number one...
Hoccam's razor. Sounds like some slasher movie.
Hokkaido Island.
Hold on, let me get you a chair.
Hope you guys are seeing what I'm seeing.
How do you explain this, doctor?
How do you know that you're not deluding yourself?
How is that new office?
How long was I gone?
How long will it take to decode it?
How you doing?
How'd it go?
How's the spying tonight, guys? Come on.
However, in light of Dr. Arroway's long experience in these matters...
However, the appointment to the committee of Michael Kitz...
Huh? Confrontational? Me? What do you mean?
Hula Hoops.
Hundred percent target velocity.
Hydrogen times pi. Told you.
I actually listen to them a lot. It's a remnant of a supernova.
I assume you read the confidential report from the investigating committee?
I believe I've already answered that question.
I believe that makes the question more than relevant.
I believe we are ready to move on to your final statement.
I believe, um...
I came with Kitz.
I can hear can it on the headphones. We gotta be sure about this.
I can't prove it. I can't even explain it.
I can't.
I consider you one of my most valuable long term investments.
I couldn't imagine living in a world where God didn't exist.
I couldn't live with the whole celibacy thing.
I didn't expect to be getting a message like this from you.
I didn't realize that I was out.
I didn't vote for you to go...
I don't know, I think it's worth a human life.
I don't know, Sparks.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't make a very good research subject. I'm just not very quotable.
I don't think I can. I gotta work.
I don't think so.
I don't understand the relevance of the question.
I don't want excuses. Whoever is responsible, I want their head.
I find it convenient to keep my interests...
I flipped through it.
I got it! I got it, I got it! I'm patched in.
I got my Masters in Divinity...
I gotta go.
I guess that means...
I had no idea.
I had no idea.
I had no idea.
I had no idea.
I had no...
I had to see you one more time.
I have guests so rarely, it's important to me that they feel welcome in my home.
I have made no decision to run for Congress, I have announced no candidacy.
I have to believe that an intelligence that advanced...
I have to tell you, Sparks...
I hear her!
I hear her. Barely, but she's there.
I hear the locals, they call it El Radar.
I hope you're right, doctor. I really do.
I intend to use the VLA as my command post.
I join Dr. Bergeron...
I just couldn't in good conscience vote for a person...
I just spent the last 13 months...
I know a good bet when I see one.
I know it's hard to understand this now...
I know you don't have much time.
I mean, for me, I'd need proof.
I mean, I'm a reasonably intelligent guy, but this...
I mean, we're becoming a synthesized society...
I missed you.
I must have gone through a wormhole.
I need a full systems check.
I need you to be professional, people. Settle down.
I never got to know my mother.
I read your book.
I should have kept some medicine in the downstairs bathroom.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I think I speak for us all when I thank you for your patience.
I think it's because we're looking for the meaning. What is the meaning?
I think it's great that you listen. Most people don't do that anymore.
I think that hurt my chances with that interview. What do you think?
I think we're pretty harmless.
I told my dad that I didn't want him to go.
I told the truth up there.
I wanna show you something.
I want all of these people out of here.
I want that emergency response team up on the gantry now.
I want you to know, whatever happens, as far as I'm concerned...
I was especially interested in the section on Arroway's video unit.
I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever.
I was gonna say a sense of adventure.
I was thinking...
I wish I could share that.
I wish the world was a place where fair was the bottom line.
I wish...
I work on a project called SETI.
I would encourage you...
I would hate to see everything we stand for...
I wouldn't want to.
I, for one, believe her.
I'd say at least a healthy grant.
I'll answer your questions at the end, but first a few corrections.
I'll be there.
I'll get the medicine.
I'll tell you one thing about the universe, though.
I'll tell you, this is very exciting from up here.
I'm against the men who deify it at the expense of human truth.
I'm also looking for this guy David Drumlin.
I'm glad to be joined by my science and technology advisor.
I'm go here.
I'm going through some kind of a tunnel.
I'm going to recommend we militarize this project.
I'm gonna hit him up on my way to L.A.
I'm gonna miss my mother's birthday party.
I'm gonna need a bigger antenna.
I'm gonna see if I left anything.
I'm gonna travel 26 light years to commit suicide?
I'm in another wormhole now.
I'm moving the rest of them now. I need you to confirm the coordinates.
I'm not against technology, doctor.
I'm okay to go.
I'm okay to go.
I'm okay to go.
I'm picking up a moderate vibration here.
I'm proud of what we've achieved as a species...
I'm reading 10 kilohertz!
I'm really confused.
I'm really happy for you.
I'm saying you might have consulted us.
I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, sweetheart.
I'm sorry I wasted your time.
I'm sorry I'm late, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
I'm still settling in. They already wanna take half my budget and give it to the Pentagon.
I'm sure we all agree that is the case...
I'm... There's...
I've been asked, yes.
I've been to Sunday school a few times.
I've crossed paths with this guy.
I've got an offset carrier here. I think it's audio.
I've got some more corporate stops on the East Coast for you.
I've had a long time to make enemies, doctor.
If I have to go it alone, I'll go it alone. I've done it before.
If I'd known it was gonna take three planes, I might've reconsidered.
If it's attention you want, you got that. Vega.
If only one out of a million of those had planets...
If the president wishes to stay this course...
If the source of the signal is so sophisticated, why the remedial math?
If there's a more clear case of eminent domain, I've never seen it.
If this discovery is confirmed...
If this is a chance to find out even just a little part of that answer...
If you came back, if you survived at all, which...
If you could hear me...
If you could hear, I am okay to go.
If you should meet these Vegans...
If you're asking when we'll find out what the purpose of that machine is...
If you're right about there being a more significant transmission...
In 1936 a very faint television signal...
In a minute, Sparks. I'm almost done.
In a related story, last night's raid...
In all our searching...
In that regard, I am obligated to assume the worst.
In the meantime, my office has made out a preliminary budget.
In the meantime, you won't be published, won't be taken seriously.
Inside the core, the weather's beautiful.
Instructions to acquaint us with their colonization procedures.
IPV escape system is armed.
IPV power transfer.
Is it any wonder that we've lost our sense of direction?
Is it possible that it didn't happen?
Is it true, huh? Did you pull the plug?
Is that what you think? Delusional?
Is the world fundamentally a better place because of science and technology?
Is there anyone who might have been up to the challenge?
Isn't it true that the contractors, like Hadden Industries...
Isn't it true that these wormholes you speak of are merely theoretical predictions?
Isn't she a beauty?
Isn't that correct, doctor?
It could be AWACS out of Kirtland jamming us.
It could be the first volume of an Encyclopedia Galactica.
It doesn't make any sense. The system is too young...
It doesn't matter anyway, Hadder's funding us for another two years.
It is our belief that the message contains instructions...
It means that all things being equal...
It must be confirmed by other scientists.
It was God.
It was largely mathematical, and in spite of reports you may have seen to the contrary...
It will come down through the center of the rings and into the Machine's core.
It would be a dynamite place to do serious SETI...
It would be like us going out of our way to destroy microbes on an anthill in Africa
It would be like us going out of our way to destroy microbes on an anthill in Africa
It'll do.
It's a star.
It's a subway.
It's a triple... No, quadruple system.
It's beautiful.
It's becoming completely translucent. I can't describe it. I can't even explain it.
It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before.
It's bordering on translucence. But the system is intact.
It's crazy.
It's digital...
It's gotta be some kind of electromagnetic field.
It's highly unlikely they would understand, and people need to understand...
It's just an old habit. You know, it makes it feel more real.
It's like some kind of a transit system.
It's made of scholars, theologians, scientists, philosophers...
It's never been made public, of course.
It's no coincidence that they're using primes.
It's not in the neighborhood.
It's not just Drumlin. There's been enormous pressure from other scientists as well.
It's only 26 light years away.
It's over.
It's over. We're cooked.
It's quite simple, really.
It's so beautiful.
It's the moment of the acquisition of technology.
It's the moment of the acquisition of technology.
It's the same people who, again and again...
It's two different interlaced frames. I'm framing one.
It's Vega.
Its implications are as far reaching and awe inspiring as can be imagined.
Japan made headlines when it announced it would forego candidate representation...
Jeremy Roth, CNN, Soccorro, New Mexico.
Jesus. I could pick it up on my...
Just hang out and sleep in. And there's a bunch of food in the fridge.
Just leave your number. I'll call you.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready for startup.
Let me first say that your...
Let me first say that your...
Let me say that again. The message is completely benign.
Let me say that again. The message is completely benign.
Let us deal with this on the facts.
Let's hear from someone whose organization...
Let's just calm down and pull up the star file on Vega.
Like a bolt from the blue it came.
Listen to that.
Look, forget about it and hold the queue.
Look, I don't consider what could be...
Look, Palmer, nobody's saying this isn't dangerous, all right?
Looks like we have a normal startup.
Make me a liar, Fish.
Many have come to protest, many to pray...
Many international observers are asking why.
Many of these are the same experts who have been consulting...
Many others.
Mathematics is the only truly universal language.
Maybe because 70 percent of the planet speaks other languages.
Maybe he wanted to explore and exploit new technologies...
Maybe I can help deal you back in.
Maybe someday they'll come back.
Maybe they didn't grow up there. Maybe they're visiting.
Meanwhile, months of debate finally reached a conclusion last week...
Mechanical, initiate IPV closure sequence.
Might save your life someday.
Mike, please. We're only in line with Vega so many hours a day.
Mm mm. I'm a writer. I'm writing a book.
More on the quest for the message's meaning, after this.
Moses with a few billion new commandments.
Mother, Joanna, died from complications during childbirth.
Mr. Hadden, where are you?
Mr. Hadden?
Mr. Hadden.
Mr. President.
Must've been a starquake.
My God!
My God.
My guest tonight is author and theologian Palmer Joss.
My hope here is that we can find a common ground...
My little room has one hell of a view.
My problem is this:
Myself, I have one final question, Dr. Arroway.
Negative, everything looks good here.
Negative. Ellie, you're breaking up.
Ninety percent. We're detecting some structural instability.
No good. Hold the sequence. I'm gonna take a direct reading.
No quotes. No quotes. Scout's honor. Just a good meal, good company.
No words. No words...
No, I'm glad you came.
No, maybe not out...
No, no. I've wanted to look at this sector for weeks.
No, not at all.
No, not really.
No, Occam's Razor. It's a basic scientific principle. It says...
No, of course not. I understand.
No, they were gone long before we ever got here.
No, this... No, my intellect, it couldn't even touch this.
No, you, Ellie. You. You personally.
Nobody knows more about these scenarios than I do. David, tell them...
None of this is real.
None of this is real.
NORAD's not tracking any snoops in this vector.
Not all.
Not even dying.
Not getting anything.
Not too bad, Mike.
Not unlike my L band, globular clusters work.
Nothing happened.
Nothing would give me more pride than to...
Nothing, as long as your motive is the search for truth.
Now all it requires on our part is...
Now all we really need is the money.
Now get some sleep.
Now I remember why I took that desk job.
Now the question that's on everyone's mind:
Now these scientists...
Now, because of the effects of general relativity, what I experienced as 18 hours...
Now, doctor, let me show you what we saw.
Now, I agree with Mr. Rank that there are unavoidable...
Now, I'm going to recommend that Dr. Drumlin coordinate the decryption effort.
Now, if it had been religious in nature, it should have taken the form...
Now, it's your discovery.
Now, no two are alike and we've uncovered over 10,000 already.
Now, our internal numbers show support for this is incredibly soft.
Now, we thought they were just noise, but they're actually data...
Now, we've gotten approval to buy the telescope time from the government.
Now, you tell me. What is more likely here?
Of course.
Oh, Ellie, that's a beauty.
Oh, God!
Oh! Perfect cast. Come on, fishy.
Okay to go.
Okay to go. I'm okay to go.
Okay to go. I'm okay.
Okay, 101.
Okay, I've gotta keep talking.
Okay, look, I understand...
Okay, point source confirmed.
Okay, thanks, Ian. Keep tracking and we'll get back to you.
Okay, they understand that. You're at the top of a very short list.
Okay. I'm gonna take a look and show you what we got.
Old soldiers never die. They just...
Old soldiers never die. They just...
On a really, really clear day.
On my mark.
One down, a couple billion to go.
Only a story that, to put it mildly, strains credibility.
Only you're not.
Only, this one can be kept secret.
Or incredibly nuts.
Or it might turn out to be some kind of a transport.
Or that he simply doesn't exist at all and that we created him...
Or that your experience is the result of being...
Or that your experience is the result of being...
Or what about breaking the sound barrier...
Or what's the one after that?
Or, "Sieg Heil, you're our kind of people."
Orange juice.
Other people believe it might open up a doorway to some other dimension.
Our job was to select someone to speak for everybody.
Our organization will not be placated with flowery New Age rhetoric...
Over 63,000 in all.
Over half a trillion dollars were spent.
Pages and pages of data.
Palmer Joss.
Partially polarized set of moving pulses, amplitude modulated.
Patch the recording into the image processor.
Pensacola, Florida.
People have been looking at Vega for years with no results.
People, we are still go.
People, we have intermittent comm, but we are go.
Perhaps this was his final altruistic gesture...
Please, sit, doctor.
Plug it in, plug it in.
Plus 36 hours, 47 minutes and 1 second.
Position confirmed. We've got 4.4623 gigahertz, confirmed.
Power levels indicate a good start.
Pretty good. That's the farthest yet.
Prove it.
Reverend Joss, what do you believe? What do you believe?
Reverend Joss! Reverend Joss!
Reverse values.
Right ascension, 18 hours, 36 minutes, 56.2 seconds!
Right ascension, 18 hours, 36 minutes, 56.2 seconds.
Right ascension, 18 hours, 36 minutes, 56.2 seconds.
Right behind you. The tall guy.
Right. Some kind of a doomsday machine.
Robert Kennedy was shot in that ballroom.
Roger that. Ellie, this is Control. Do you copy?
Roger, Control. I'm ready.
Roger, David. It's looking good here.
Rotate 90 degrees counterclock...
Run every frequency you can think of.
Russell met with reporters this afternoon at his Houston home.
S. R. Hadden, a brilliant and complicated man.
S. R. Hadden.
S. R. Hadden...
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