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Superman (1978) "Superman," released in 1978, is a classic superhero film that remains a cherished icon of the genre.

Superman (1978)

"Superman," released in 1978, is a classic superhero film that remains a cherished icon of the genre. Directed by Richard Donner, this cinematic masterpiece starred Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel himself, Superman, and Margot Kidder as his love interest, Lois Lane. The film also featured talented actors such as Gene Hackman as the menacing villain Lex Luthor and Marlon Brando as Superman's biological father, Jor-El. With its captivating storytelling and groundbreaking special effects, "Superman" captured the imaginations of audiences worldwide, creating a timeless representation of the beloved superhero. Relive the magic and excitement with the option to play and download the electrifying sounds of this unforgettable film here. Embark on a thrilling journey filled with heroism, romance, and breathtaking action as Superman soars through the skies, fighting for truth, justice, and the American way.
A friend.
A friend.
A good reporter doesn't get great stories, Jimmy.
A great metropolitan newspaper, whose reputation for clarity and truth...
A malfunction. Can't get liftoff.
A man would just naturally want to face the challenge of the century.
A meteorite found in Addis Ababa?
A shudder of electricity through you to be in the same room with me?
Aboard now. All aboard. Metropolis Transportation.
About face!
Actually, she's silver haired.
After I'm out of the pool.
Aggression, confidence, that's the ticket.
Air Force One's landing at the airport and this kid's there...
All personnel, evacuate the dam.
All personnel, evacuate the dam.
All right, follow me. Follow me, men.
All right, get an ambulance down here.
All right, he's going down to the train platform. I'm going after him.
All right, Luthor. Where is it? Where's the detonator?
All right, men. Gather around.
All right, move back. Let the ambulance through.
All right, Otis. Listen, it isn't that I don't trust you, but...
All right, take them away, boys.
All right.
All that I have, all that I've learned, everything I feel...
All the time, land, land, land.
All the wonderful things you are.
All these years, as happy as we've been...
All this and more...
All those powers, and I couldn't even save him.
All those powers...
All those things I can do...
Always hold in your heart the pride of your special heritage.
An empire? This?
And at this particular time.
And author of this insidious plot to establish a new order amongst us...
And come away thinking it's a simple adventure story.
And he said that he'd be happy to help out from now on.
And how do you propose we do that?
And I couldn't even save him.
And I got where I am with guts, compassion...
And I tell you that we must evacuate this planet immediately.
And it is time for you to do so.
And just now orphaned.
And kryptonite will destroy him.
And learn from them. We've reasoned out logical judgments.
And looking like a football team.
And scientific fact from dozens of other worlds...
And sometimes you think that you will just go bust...
And that you're totally impervious to pain?
And the proximity to our own solar system...
And the time you sell it.
And their basis in actual fact.
And then one day...
And there's one thing I do know, son...
And these two go to the addresses on the envelope, okay?
And to serve its collective humanity.
And unlock the secrets of the universe.
And what do they take? A worthless piece of meteorite.
And you alone will be held responsible by me.
Angle of attack is perfect.
Another galaxy, as a matter of fact.
Any attempt by you to create a climate of fear and panic among the populace...
Any more at home like you?
Anybody home? Hello? Lois?
Are wanton violence and destruction.
Are we going to Addis Ababa? ...not 18 karat gold.
Are you married?
Armus, Armus, make it track 22.
Army bird still headed east, sir.
Army bird still heading due east.
As it is measured on Earth.
As we pass through the flaming turmoil which is the edge of your own galaxy...
As you know, my newspaper, the Daily Planet...
As your life will be seen through mine.
At last, it's official.
At the stupid high price he offered...
Bad vibrations?
Be cool. You got us.
Be warned, Jor El.
Because I haven't given it to you yet?
Been showing off a bit, haven't you, son?
Before that. He said, Son, stocks may rise and fall.
Blue bomb buzzes Metropolis.
Blue eyes, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke and tells the truth.
Both birds uncontrolled.
Both you...
Boys, come on, now. Make a line.
Bring the cameras over here. Okay.
But a disaster, with people in danger, people who need help...
But as for the rest, it's nothing but a sick fantasy.
But he is, in my 40 years in this business, the fastest typist I've seen.
But I've been kind of busy for a while.
But Lois and Jimmy...
But on the whole, I mean, meeting you and Jimmy Olsen and Mr. White...
But then I decided, well, darn it, I was gonna show you the time of your life.
But then I decided, well, darn it, I was gonna show you the time of your life.
But there must be a lot of questions about me...
But this isn't the answer.
But we will never leave you...
But why Earth, Jor El?
But, who knows, someday, you know, if he's lucky...
By carrying this complex equation to its ultimate power, my son...
By now, you will have reached your 18th year...
By that reckoning, I will have been dead...
By the time you return to the confines of your galaxy...
Bye, Clark. See you tomorrow. Bye bye.
California is suffering a major earthquake.
California, right. The San Andreas Fault. Maybe you've heard of it?
Can you picture the things I'm thinking of?
Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?
Cause of our eventual destruction.
Certainly, I do. I know exactly where it's headed.
Charged with maintaining the defense of the planet Krypton itself.
Charismatic. Fiendishly gifted.
Chief among these powers will be your sight...
Chief architect of this intended revolution...
Chief wants coffee, no sugar. I'll take tea with lemon.
Chief, that's my beat.
Clark, are you all right? Clark!
Clark, have the clothes washed and ready...
Clark! Clark.
Clark? Oh, Clark. No, he's nothing.
Clark. Who's that, your boyfriend?
Clark... Wait a minute.
Come on, come on. Get in here. Don't do anything.
Come on, come on. Get in here. Hurry up. Come on.
Come on, gang, hustle. Let's go.
Come on, gang.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, step back. Step back, folks.
Come on, stop it, will you?
Come on.
Come on. Come on, get off the streets. Come on, get back.
Come on. Get along.
Come on. It's all right.
Come on. Move. Move. Yeah, go, go, go. Come on, run.
Contain their own individual law, space and time.
Containing propane lithium compound...
Costa del Lex, Luthorville, Marina del Lex, Otisburg...
Daily Planet Copter One, this is ground.
Deductive reasoning, that's the name of the game.
Dick, where does he come from?
Did he have it made? Is it silk? Is it plastic?
Directional vector to 38...
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you know what it is that you do to me?
Do you know where you're headed?
Do you know why the number 200 is so vitally descriptive...
Do you realize what people are shelling out up there...
Do you tell me that I'm brilliant? Oh, no, no.
Do you think he's the genuine article?
Do you...
Does he have a girlfriend?
Doesn't it give you kind of a...
Don't bother, I think it's dead.
Don't tell me, he sends a check every week to his sweet, gray haired mother.
Don't tell me. Lung cancer, right?
Down, down.
Drifted to Earth.
Drop your weapons. Drop your weapons.
Each of the six galaxies which you will pass through...
Early Chinese writings point out the complex relationships...
Effectively annihilating half the population of Metropolis.
Eight o'clock, he says. 8:00, 8:00.
Elbow grease and something you're sadly lacking in, son.
Embedded in the crystals before you is the total accumulation of all literature...
Even though you've been raised as a human being...
Even you, with your great speed, couldn't stop both of them.
Everything looks good. See you at base.
Everything on this side is just hundreds of miles of worthless desert land...
Everything west of this line is the richest real estate in the world.
Exactly how would you know that, Kent?
Excuse me, please. Lois?
Excuse me.
Exploded in 1948.
Fair enough. But the level of specific radioactivity is so high...
Fall into the sea. Bye bye, California.
Fantasy? No. No.
Fifteen seconds and counting.
Finally, General Zod.
Finding the optimum stress point for the fault line itself.
Flew up in the air again, he did, like a big blue bird.
Fly. Don't look. Just fly.
For a few miserable rooms off a common elevator?
For many thousands of your years.
For the opportunity of destroying everything that he represents.
For the past two years...
For this reason above all, their capacity for good...
For this reason, among others, I have chosen Earth for you.
For this worthless piece of desert, I hope it's Custer.
Forgive me!
Fragments from the planet Krypton exploded and went into outer space.
Frankly, I've never been able to understand violence in any form.
Franks and beans, death and taxes, politics and corruption.
Fresh fruit and vegetables. Get them while they're hot.
Fresh fruit. Hey, baby, how's it going?
From the day we found you.
Function negative, sir.
Get away from the building.
Get away from there. Get away, get away, get away!
Get me the Pentagon.
Get out.
Get this Loch Ness update right into Composing.
Get to the back of the bus!
Given the exact location of the galaxy that he mentions...
Going down.
Golly, how come you get all the great stories?
Golly. I guess I must have fainted.
Good evening, Miss Lane.
Good evening, Officer Mooney.
Good evening, warden.
Good for you, sir. That's the spirit. He doesn't really want to hurt anybody.
Good night.
Goodbye, Frisky. So long, now.
Gosh, I'd say it's been swell.
Gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shake it up like that.
Got to beat Mount Vernon High!
Hackensack, New Jersey.
Hang on!
Harry, where are you? Harry.
Has it now become a crime to cherish life?
Have one aboard for transfer, over.
Have you finished?
Haven't I told you to stop telling lies?
He can see you coming from miles with those super peepers of his.
He can't see through lead.
He hasn't got any. Not around here, anyway.
He will defy their gravity.
He will look like one of them.
He will look like one of them.
He will need that advantage to survive.
He will never be alone.
He will not be alone.
He won't be one of them.
He'll be fast. Virtually invulnerable.
He'll be fast. Virtually invulnerable.
He'll be odd. Different.
He's 6'4, you know that?
He's definitely coming, Mr. Luthor.
He's never around when S...
Heading down. Fifteen seconds to impact.
Heck of a day, isn't it?
Hello, new West Coast. My West Coast.
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me. Help me.
Help! Help!
Here I am.
Here in this...
Here you go, miss.
Here, you forgot my article.
Here's that story on the East Side murder.
Hey, Baron! Hey, Baron. Hey, boy.
Hey, Frisky, will you come down from there.
Hey, it's Superman. It's Superman!
Hey, look. There's Clark.
Hey, nice job on that union scandal, Kent.
Hey, what do you read?
Hey, what do you read?
Hey, what do you read?
Hi there. Something wrong with the elevator?
Hi, everybody. Has anybody seen Lois around today?
His dense molecular structure will make him strong.
Hold these crowds back. Move. Move.
Holding hands with a god.
Holy mackerel!
Honey, will you hand me that rag up there?
How big are you? How tall are you?
How come he's here?
How did you like your first day?
How do you choose to congratulate the greatest criminal mind of our time?
How does he fly?
How I've created this empire.
How to make land more valuable between the time you buy it...
How you doing? Jimmy Olsen, photographer.
How'd you get here so fast?
I ain't saying what it is. Just trust me.
I am not given to wild, unsupported statements.
I ask you now to pronounce judgment...
I bequeath you, my son.
I can't believe it. I just cannot believe it. He got her.
I can't hold it! I can't hold it!
I did it. I did it, Mr. Luthor, Miss Teschmacher.
I didn't mean to show off, Pa.
I didn't see, because I...
I didn't think so.
I don't believe this.
I don't know who you are.
I don't know whose reason, but whatever the reason...
I don't know, it's...
I don't need a geography lesson from you, Luthor.
I don't think he would lend himself to any cheap promotion schemes, Mr. White.
I don't trust you, Otis. What did you do?
I don't wanna hold this convoy up more than I have to.
I had no idea if you were coming back... Jimmy.
I had this gas station blow up...
I have never been otherwise.
I have sent them you...
I have to leave you now. No hard feelings.
I knew this time would come.
I knew you'd never accept an invitation to tea.
I know it all seems a bit much, but how else was I going to meet you?
I know that about you, Kent. That's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you.
I know, son.
I know.
I like pink very much, Lois.
I mean, is it showing off if somebody's doing...
I mean, why are you here? There must be a reason for you to be here.
I mean, you don't even know his name. Oh, yeah.
I need a purse, and I have to fix my hair, and...
I need a sweater. It must be kind of cold.
I never lie.
I offer you a chance for greatness, Jor El!
I realize of course that times are tough for some these days...
I see it as a banner headline, front page, maybe my picture...
I seen him, and I'm right on him. Lower level, track 22.
I shall return!
I sort of have a problem seeing through lead.
I swear it.
I talked to Ben Hubbard yesterday...
I tell you, Krypton is simply shifting its orbit.
I think he's coming, Mr. Luthor.
I told you. It's kryptonite, Superman. A little souvenir from the old hometown.
I want the inside dope on this guy.
I want the name of this whatchamacallit...
I want the real story.
I want you to do that. Get Lois to introduce you to Superman.
I was a reporter before most of my friends were copy boys.
I was almost in an earthquake...
I was thinking maybe we could go for a hamburger, or...
I was wondering if perhaps you could arrange for half my salary...
I would go bananas in a week.
I wouldn't stay here, either.
I'd listen to this man.
I'll admit there were a few problems. Adjusting the trajectory of the missile...
I'll be off in a few minutes and I'll meet you there myself.
I'll race you to it. Dad.
I'll see what I can do.
I'll take them in with the other equipment.
I'll take them in with the other equipment.
I'm a fool.
I'm almost killed, and to top the whole thing off...
I'm back, Mr. Luthor.
I'm giving him the city beat.
I'm sorry about that, Lois...
I'm sorry, Miss Lane. I didn't mean to embarrass you.
I'm sorry, Mr. Luthor. L... Ooh!
I'm sorry. That's all right.
I'm sure you don't really mean that, Lois.
I'm the one to fly to.
I'm your father.
I've been in this news game 40 years, man and boy.
I've given you fully on your voyage to your new home.
I've seen how the other half lives. My sister, for instance.
I've seen how the other half lives. My sister, for instance.
I've spared no expense to make you feel right at home.
If any human being were gonna perpetrate such a fantastic hoax...
If I help you, do you promise to save my mother first?
If that doesn't work, mouth to mouth.
If you need a friend...
If you need to be loved...
If you promise me, I'll believe you, because you always tell the truth.
Impossible to reset.
In approximately five minutes, a poison gas pellet...
In spite of those catlike reflexes.
In the back of my mind, actually. It's a little idea I was toying with.
In the decade of the 1930s, even the great city of Metropolis...
In the interview, he says that the planet Krypton...
In the senior citizens' home?
In the times of fear and confusion, the job of informing the public...
In this next year, we shall examine the human heart.
Intercept both birds.
Is embedded in the crystals which I have sent along with you.
Is gonna wind up with the single most important interview...
Is it worth risking your life over $10, two credit cards, a hairbrush, and a lipstick?
Is that the newspaper I asked you to get me?
Is very interested in that dam, but what I don't understand...
Is why you'd sell out to a person you've never met.
Isolated, alone.
It all fits somehow, his coming here to Metropolis...
It flies.
It is forbidden for you to interfere in human history.
It is forbidden for you to interfere with human history.
It is forbidden.
It is more fragile than your own.
It is now time for you to rejoin your new world...
It is reasonable to assume that some of those particles of debris...
It isn't that we question your data. The facts are undeniable.
It occurs to me that a 500 megaton bomb...
It would have been me.
It... I didn't think you'd let me later.
It's a pity that he didn't see from such humble beginnings...
It's a quake. Look!
It's all right.
It's amazing that brain can generate enough power to keep those legs moving.
It's amazing.
It's genocide.
It's going like a bat over the Grand Canyon. So is the other one.
It's got everything. It's got sex, violence, the ethnic angle...
It's history. It's happening, Superman.
It's impossible, it's red hot!
It's just that this planter must be made of lead.
It's just that, guys like that Brad, I just want to tear them apart.
It's not to score touchdowns.
It's open. Come in.
It's suicide. No, it's worse.
It's Superman.
It's the only answer, Lara.
It's too bad Mr. Kent didn't see all this.
It's too good to be true. He's 6'4, has black hair...
It's your conclusions we find unsupportable.
Jor El, be reasonable.
Just a friend from another star.
Just don't fly away, all right?
Just introduce him around. He's starting with the paper today.
Just introduce him around. He's starting with the paper today.
K R Y... Do you like pink?
Kal El.
Kent can't make it. Still got a lot of work to do.
Know what happened to me while you were off flying?
Know what I mean?
Lana? Don't bother with these, huh?
Let me get my hat.
Let me tell you something, Miss Lane, I think he really cares about you.
Let's go.
Lex Luthor, incorporated.
Lex Luthor!
Lex, my mother lives in Hackensack.
Lex, what has chewing gum got to do with the secrets of the universe?
Lex, what is this obsession with real estate?
Lex, what's the story on this guy?
Like a little girl, shivering.
Like Peter Pan.
Listen, Mr. Luthor, maybe this guy that flies is just sort of passing through.
Listen, there's something I have to do. I'll see you later.
Listen, you're gonna have to circle back. I don't have time to argue.
Live as one of them, Kal El...
Lois Lane, that is the silliest idea ever.
Lois, Clark Kent may seem like just a mild mannered reporter, but listen...
Lois, for goodness' sake, did you even hear me knocking?
Lois, have you got a minute?
Lois, I think maybe you better...
Lois, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me?
Lois, what are you doing?
Lois, why don't you take Kent out to meet everybody, huh?
Lois, you're pushing a bunch of rinky dink tabloid garbage.
Lois? Lois?
Look at these tomatoes. Aren't they beautiful?
Look at this dispatch from Addis Ababa.
Look out!
Look, 9 5 it's a Pulitzer Prize winner. What do you bet?
Look, Ma, no wires.
M, as in moron, Otis? No, no, no. It's N!
M. You want M, Mr. Luthor? Coming right up.
Making Sense of Senseless Killings, by Lois Lane.
Man, look at this. Whoo wee. Looks pretty bad.
Martha Clark Kent, are you listening to what I'm saying?
Martha... Now, you saw how we found him.
McDonald, I thought you told me this road was blocked off.
Metropolis Transportation. Buffalo, Syracuse.
Millions of innocent people would die. The West Coast as we know it would...
Mind over muscle.
Miss Teschmacher, how many girls do you know...
Miss Teschmacher, how many girls do you know...
Miss Teschmacher, some people read War and Peace...
Miss Teschmacher, when I was 6 years old, my father said to me...
Miss Teschmacher!
Miss Teschmacher!
Miss Teschmacher!
Miss Teschmacher.
Missile convoy to Mother Bird, go ahead.
Mommy, Mommy, Frisky was stuck in the tree.
Mooney, the first bottle's on me.
Mother Bird to missile convoy. Over.
Mount Vernon, Poughkeepsie, Glen Corners.
Move to the other side of the street.
Move, let the firemen through.
Mr. Luthor. Mr. Luthor, I'm sorry.
Must be deemed by us an act of insurrection.
My attorney will be in touch with you about the damage to the door.
My eyes! I can't see!
My friend...
My friends, you know me to be neither rash nor impulsive.
My only son.
My son.
My son...
N, as in Neanderthal, nincompoop, nitwit.
N, N, N...
Navy bird heading down, 15 seconds to impact.
Navy Bird, we have a launch.
Navy missile, XK 101.
Neither I, nor my wife will leave Krypton.
Next radar contact in 3 seconds.
Next radar contact in 3 seconds.
Nice place.
No careless product of wild imagination.
No food, no water, snakes everywhere.
No matter that it takes an eternity, you will bow down before me!
No, actually, it's Krypton, with a K R Y P T O N.
No, by causing the death of innocent people.
No, I don't, but if I did, Miss Lane, you'd be the first to know about it.
No, I haven't, but the chief wants to see you.
No, no, no. Step away from that, please.
No, no, no...
No, sir. Don't thank me, warden.
No, thanks. I never drink when I fly.
No. No, I'm not.
No. No, now you listen to me.
No... No...
Nor can Superman, through lead.
Not like the one you'll get when you try to lay that rock on him.
Not on your life, Otis...
Not only does he have a snappy, punchy prose style...
Not only does he know how to treat his editor in chief with respect...
Not really, no.
Not unless you can fly.
Nothing to get worried about.
Now boarding on the lower level...
Now come on, lady, hand it over.
Now, as you may or may not know, I am, as they say...
Now, call me foolish, call me irresponsible...
Now, listen to me. I tell you, boys and girls...
Now, then...
Now, think, people, think.
Now, this is California, the richest, most populous state in the union.
Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute. The third one to 117?
Now, wouldn't that beat all get out?
Oh, Brad.
Oh, but my mother comes first.
Oh, can I take you to the airport?
Oh, Cripton. With a C R l...? No.
Oh, excuse me, Mr. White?
Oh, good night.
Oh, hi, Clark. Good night.
Oh, I see. I guess my arm wasn't long enough, see?
Oh, I'm sorry, did you have plans this evening?
Oh, Lord, you gave them eyes, but they cannot see.
Oh, my God! We've lost stabilizer rotor control, I can't hold it!
Oh, no, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, of course not, Lois.
Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Oh, that's interesting.
Oh, we forgot to time ourselves.
Oh, well, maybe next time.
Oh, well, Superman cares about everybody, Jimmy.
Oh, yes, of course, you've been there. I do forget, you get around, don't you?
Oh. Going down, please. Going down.
Oh. Golly, Miss Lane...
Oh. Oh, this old thing... No.
Oh. Thank you.
Oh. Well, gee, Mr. Luthor.
Okay, Harry. I'll call for backup. Be careful, now.
Okay, hold it. Hold it right there.
Okay, kids. It's all right now.
Okay, this is it, Mac, the Daily Planet.
Okay, you see the helicopter up there?
Okay. All right. See, I'm paying him. I got a pretzel too.
Okay. Come on, hold it. Get back.
Okay. I'll just wipe it off, that's all. It's a little town.
Okay. You don't need these.
Olsen, why am I paying you when I should have you arrested for loitering?
On the upper level, track six, stopping at New Rochelle.
On the woman, Ursa...
On this...
On those accused.
On those accused.
Once trusted by this council...
One by the Army and by the Navy.
One thing I do know, son, and that is you are here for a reason.
Only one thing with less than four legs You.
Only some of which you have as yet discovered.
Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper...
Otis, take the gentleman's cape.
Otis, would you like to see a long arm?
Otis, would you like to see a very, very long arm?
Otis! My robe!
Otis. Otis!
Park Avenue address?
People break into a museum at night, kill two people...
Perfect. That's just what I need, thank you.
Peter Pan flew with children, Lois. In a fairy tale.
Planet One, go ahead.
Planted at just the proper point, would...
Play some records...
Please don't point that at me, sir.
Please, come on, turn over.
Please, you can't...
Please. Please help me to save them.
Problems seeing through lead.
Put some blush on...
Put your luggage up the top.
R E. Thank you.
Radar contact strong. We have straight climb.
Radar report, Navy bird, San Andreas area.
Rather, let your leadership stir others to.
Read my mind.
Really, Lois, supposing that man had shot you?
Really? I always thought it was kind of natural.
Remember about those uniforms. Cleaned and washed by tomorrow...
Remember my exposé on the sex and drug orgies...
Remember what Doc Frye said about that heart of yours.
Remember, my father said...
Reporting live from the launch site, ground zero.
Reports are coming in of a miraculous saving...
Ridiculous little freak took three years in a rocket ship to get to Earth.
Right away, Mr. Luthor.
Right. Right, Miss Teschmacher.
Right. Wait.
Roger, Planet One. You're cleared. Wind, 0 2 0 at 1 5, gusting.
Roger, we're on our way and have you in sight.
Route 12 is back that way.
Said that you're just a figment of somebody's imagination...
San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco.
Second only to my own.
See fit to give us a child.
Sent young Olsen with her on his first assignment.
Sergeant, I won't have one of my men doing anything I wouldn't do myself.
Sergeant, you don't believe me. I swear, flying.
She's having trouble breathing, sir. What do you think?
She's out west looking into a land fraud deal.
Shut up!
Sick, when I'm mere days from executing the crime of the century?
Since God talked to Moses.
Smoking cars are forward. Move along, now.
Smoking cars forward. All aboard. Boarding.
So does a lady wrestler with a foreign accent.
So that's it.
So the problem:
So there you go. M.
So what? You mean, to us they are just meteorites.
So, my son...
Some friend.
Some sort of fantastic hoax. Your guess is as good as anybody's.
Some unidentified clown out there is buying up thousands of acres...
Somebody hurt?
Sorry to drop in on you like this, Miss Lane...
Sorry, Gil. How's Judy today, okay? Good? Great.
Source of your strength and nourishment...
Spanning the 28 known galaxies.
Stack your helmets neatly.
Stand aside, now.
Statistically speaking, of course, it's still the safest way to travel.
Study them well, my son...
Sure it's dead.
Sure, you can move.
Sure. Sounds like it'd be a lot of fun.
Surrounding himself with total nincompoops?
Take a ride with me?
Take charge. Let people know who you are.
Take him away.
Take it! Join us!
Take off, go back to Murphy's bar.
Tell me something, Lex.
Ten miles southwest of Metropolis Airport.
Ten minutes, folks. Come on, air conditioned cars.
Thank God, we're back on the bridge.
Thank you very much, Mr. White.
Thank you, Miss Teschmacher.
Thanks a lot, Superman.
Thanks to the government, we will pull off...
Thanks, Otis. Okay. How many did he take, Shutzy?
That doesn't seem to make sense.
That I have, matters physical and historic...
That these walls... These walls here...
That would be too obvious, I grant you.
That you can see through anything?
That's a bad outfit.
That's Clark, nice.
The council has already evaluated this outlandish theory of yours.
The dam burst!
The decision of the council is final.
The decision of the council will now be heard.
The early history of our universe was a bloody mosaic of interplanetary war.
The force of the explosion has activated the San Andreas Fault.
The greatest real estate swindle of all time.
The knowledge...
The Metropolis Flyer is now ready for departure...
The other one? There's two of them?
The planet Krypton, my son.
The Planet:
The population is warned to be aware of...
The problem with Men of Steel, there's never one around when you want one.
The rest of your bodily functions are normal?
The richness of our lives, it will be yours.
The second one to 67, and the third one to 117.
The son becomes the father, and the father the son.
The specific charges listed herein against the individuals...
The story of my life. Cinderella bites the dust.
The things he's capable of doing? Is a bird showing off when it flies?
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