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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is a critically acclaimed movie released in 1975.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is a critically acclaimed movie released in 1975. Directed by Milos Forman, it tells the powerful story of a rebellious man, Randle McMurphy, who is institutionalized in a mental hospital and challenges the oppressive authority of Nurse Ratched. The film stars Jack Nicholson as McMurphy, Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched, and features a stunning ensemble cast. Delve into this thought-provoking drama and experience the exceptional performances by playing and downloading the sounds from this iconic film here.
A basebaIl game?
A dime apiece.
A dime's the limit, Martini.
A hundred percent.
A light shine, boys...
A little dab will do you.
Aah! Stay back.
Absolutely true. But, doc...
Ah, come on, you're not gonna say that now. You're not gonna say that now.
Ah, fuck the schedule. They can go back to the schedule after the Series.
AIl nonrestricted patients pIease report to the bus.
AlI right, baby. Come on.
AlI right, Chief, here. Take the balI.
AlI right, Chief...
AlI right, come on, get in the game. Defense, nobody's doing nothing here.
AlI right, Harding, give it back. Back to me, Harding. Here.
AlI right, here they come.
AlI right, here. Go ahead.
AlI right, here's Tresh. He's the next batter.
AlI right, huh? Chief. Chief, come on.
AlI right, Iet's play ball. Harding, break over.
AlI right, Martini, get it back. I'm in the open. What are you doing?
AlI right, now, Chief, uh....
AlI right, say it's true. Say I know it to be true, but you don't.
AlI right, Taber, you're busted. Give me this.
AlI right, take him over. Take him over.
AlI right, then.
AlI right, wait. Stand right here.
AlI right?
AlI right.
AlI right.
AlI right.
AlI right. All I need is one vote, right?
AlI right. Grab the fence.
AlI right. Harding, out of the baIl game.
AlI right. Here are your poles.
AlI right. Let's have a little ball from you nuts in here. Here we go.
AlI right. Let's play some ball, nuts. Let's make some moves.
AlI right. Now, over there.
AlI right. Now, uh, raise up your arms.
AlI right. Now, uh, raise up your arms.
AlI you gotta do is this one little thing.
AlIusions. Not illusions. AlIusions...
And a four to Tabes, and a six and a nine...
And every time he put the bottle to his mouth...
And hooks.
And I said I said:
And that's the bet. Now, does anybody want any of it? Huh?
And that's why...
And they all They alI think you're deaf and dumb.
And you You, um, got
And you wrap it around. You pull this so it's a littIe Ioop.
And you're gonna stay with us until we let you go.
And, uh.... Uh, ahem.
Answer what?
Anybody else want any of it? Hard on?
Anybody wanna bet?
Are you calm, Mr. Cheswick?
Are you gonna ? Gonna marry her?
Are you sure?
Are you trying to tell me that you're gonna count these?
Aren't you ashamed?
As a matter of fact, there are very few men here who are committed.
At least I did that.
At the close of Friday's meeting...
Aye, aye, sir. I mean, yes, Mac.
Bancini, come here a minute.
BANCINl: I'm tired and it's a Iot of baloney. WARREN: You're not tired, Bancini.
BANCINl: It's a lot of baloney and I'm tired.
BANCINl: Take your hands off me.
Beach bowling, you know what I mean?
Because I need cash.
Because I think we ought to get to the bottom of, uh, R.P. McMurphy.
Bet on what?
Big 1 0.
BiIly, for chrissakes, you must be committed, right?
BiIly, how about you?
BiIly, I got $25...
BiIly, wasn't that the first time you tried to commit suicide?
BiIly, what's the matter? Fishing don't grab you?
BiIly, why didn't you tell her about it?
BiIly? Billy, I wanna win some.... l....
Buggered, not busted.
But I don't think you'd like it, Mr. McMurphy.
But I tried, didn't l? Goddamn it.
But no more, no less. That's it.
But the vote was 1 0 to 8. The Chief, he's got his hand up. Look.
But, uh, between you and me, uh...
By the time you get out of here...
Can't get Can't get out of here.
Candy, come here a minute.
CANDY: Oh. Heh heh heh.
Celia, will you ma ?
Change it now, and they might find it very disturbing.
Chessy's going for the ride.
Cheswick, get the fuck back up there! Get up there and drive!
CHESWICK: I don't wanna hear it. I'm tired.
CHESWICK: I don't wanna hear it. WARREN: We know you're tired. We're tired.
CHESWICK: I wanna watch television. MILLER: No, you have a work assignment.
CHESWICK: I want something done!
CHESWICK: Keep it straight.
CHESWICK: Mac. Don't.
CHESWICK: Miss Ratched?
CHESWICK: No, you son of a bitch.
Cheswick! Goddamn it, I told you to steer that boat straight.
Chewing gum in cIass.
Chief, all right! That was great!
Chief, come on with me.
Chief, I can't take it no more.
Chief! Nurse Ratched! Nurse Ratched, look.
Chief. The Chief.
Christ Almighty, you threw the balI into the fence!
Cigarettes are not important. Sit down, will you?
Club lead. Jack of clubs.
Colonel, get your dead ass up there.
Come back this way.
Come here, quick.
Come on, Bancini, where the fuck you going at?
Come on, Bibbit.
Come on, Candy. Just keep fishing, guys.
Come on, come on.
Come on, get your ass out of here. Ain't this a Come on.
Come on, get your hands up. It'll do you good...
Come on, goddamn it. Get your ass
Come on, let's go.
Come on, there's gotta be one guy in here that's not a totaI fucking nut.
Come on, we don't wanna be late for our first day out.
Come on, wilI youse? What are you standing around for here?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Come on there.
Come on. Come on, now. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come with me, huh? AIl right.
Crunch it right through. AlI right. Now you got it, see?
Damn lunatic.
Date, huh?
Davidson over in the corner. Here comes the throw.
Did BilIy Bibbit leave the grounds of the hospital, gentlemen?
Did everything go well?
Did he leave the grounds of the hospital?
Do you gentlemen have any more questions?
Do you have a question, McMurphy?
Do you Iike it here?
Do you mean to say...
Do you nuts wanna play cards or you wanna jerk off?
Do you understand that?. I want my cigarettes, Miss Ratched.
Do you want to say something to the group, Mr. McMurphy?
Does that mean something to you?
Don't call me unless you get something really big...
Don't hurt you, does it, Chief?
Don't want any more. Billy?
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it. Get a car.
Don't you think you should have thought of that before you took that woman...
Dr. Songee?
Dr. Spivey, what a pleasure it is to meet you.
Emergency 34 B, 34 B.
Even in the cooler. When I'm in the cooler, they run it there or they have a riot.
Ever pIay this game, Chief?
Every damn bit.
Everyone in favor of changing the schedule, pIease raise your hand.
Explain everything.
Fast break. Defense. Get back. back.
Fast break. Fast break. Hit me, Chief. Hit me, baby.
Fish! Help, help!
For chrissake, isn't there one of you fucking maniacs...
For chrissake.
For the third time...
For you, maybe. You're a Iot bigger than me.
Forget the cigarettes, Cheswick.
FREDRlCKSON: It makes you feel peculiar.
FREDRlCKSON: Please. SEFELT: No, just peculiar.
Fuck it.
Fuck Sefelt's head, I don't need SefeIt's head.
Fucking thing.
General, you remember, don't you? October, the banner, the stars.
Gentlemen, I'd like to begin today. It shouIdn't take too long.
Gentlemen, stop this.
Gentlemen, the meeting is adjourned.
Get a fish here. There, for you, Martini.
Get a grip on yourself, wiIl you?
Get around, Chief.
Get back on. Jesus.
Get onboard. Give them these, Candy.
Get out of my way, son. You're using my oxygen.
Get out.
Get up, Tabes, I'll get it for you.
Get your behinds out of here and back to bed.
Give me the ball. That's it. Thank you, Chief.
Giving up?
Glad to know you, Bill. McMurphy's mine.
Go ahead, move it, move it. Move it.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Go ahead. Come on. Come on. There's no one looking.
Go ahead. Go ahead.
Go get him, will you?
Go get him. Get him out of there.
Go out there and talk to her.
God Almighty, she's got you guys coming or going.
Goddamn it, he's got a fish. Hold it! Wait a minute, Tabes. I got it.
Goddamn, boy, you're about as big as a mountain.
Good night, gentIemen. See you in the morning.
Good night, good night, don't Iet the cooties bite.
Good, then don't talk to me about when you're ready. Yeah, yeah.
Great. Let's vote on her.
Ha ha ha. That's old CharIie Cheswick's cards.
Ha, ha. Uh oh.
Harding, I think you're some kind of morbid asshole or something.
HARDlNG: And the bets are placed.
HARDlNG: Hands off me. TABER: Play the game.
HARDlNG: Hey, Mac, what's going on? Huh?
HARDlNG: I understand. CHESWICK: Don't you want me to ?
HARDlNG: Just touch me once more.
HARDlNG: Look, I'm not running a charity ward, see?
HARDlNG: No, I thought you were the champ.
HARDlNG: Perhaps, but you see, the only thing I can really...
HARDlNG: Pick up somebody over there! McMURPHY: Get this side.
HARDlNG: Please. CHESWICK: But I only wanna
HARDlNG: What do you say, Tabes?
HARDlNG: You see...
HARDlNG: You were covered. I was open.
Have you ever heard the oId saying, A rolling stone gathers no moss?
Have you ever speculated, Mr. Harding...
He He can't hear you. He's de Deaf and dumb Indian.
He also thinks he may have given her reason...
He beat up two of the attendants and escaped.
He did like he pleased.
He has a problem with his medication, and we'd like to get back to that.
He's bullshitting me, right?
He's got intelligence.
He's in there, Martini! Richardson, he's on second base.
He's not crazy, but he's dangerous.
Help him out with some of these problems?
Here he comes with the next pitch.
Here, take the ball.
Hey, BilIy, what's wrong?
Hey, easy. Back. Back. Come on.
Hey, Mac, Mac. Time, time, time. You got six men on the court.
Hey, wait a minute. Aah!
Hey, what the helI is that?
Hey, what the helI's going on here?
Hey, why me?
Hey. Hey!
Hey. Hey. Over here. That's it.
Hit me, Chief. I got the moves. I got them, Chief.
Hit me.
Hmm, chickenshits?
Hold it right there. Give me the balI.
How about it, you creeps, you Iunatics, mental defectives.
How are you, Nurse Ratched? I'm happy to be back.
How do you mean that?
How we gonna win our money back?
How would it be if we had a vote...
How you feel?
HurI the ringer.
I ain't talking to him. I'm talking to myself. It helps me think.
I bet a dime.
I bet a dime.
I bet in one week I can put a bug so far up her ass...
I can't even hear myseIf think aIready.
I can't seem to get that through to you.
I can't. I just can't.
I didn't mean I'm really very sorry. Just forgot.
I didn't.
I don't give a shit, baby. SteaI it if you have to.
I don't have any more, but, uh, perhaps you do.
I don't have to stay here. I mean, I can go home any time I want.
I don't have to tell her?
I don't think he's overly psychotic...
I got it.
I got it. Give it to me.
I got you, I got you.
I gotta get out of here.
I gotta go. I gotta go.
I hate you. I don't ever want to see you again.
I haven't missed the Series in years.
I heard your question, Mr. Cheswick...
I knew you wouldn't leave without me. I was waiting for you.
I know you didn't do anything wrong. Just sit down.
I know you're over.
I mean, uh, they'll be bringing a couple of bottles with them, and, uh....
I mean, what do you think you are, for Christ's sake? Crazy or something?
I only wanna help you.
I see we have Mr. Bromden back. Yeah, okay.
I suspect her.
I think he's dangerous.
I think that you've been trying to put us on alI this time.
I think we can help him.
I think you're busted.
I think you're over.
I wanna
I wanna get to go.
I wanna get to Mediterranean Avenue. Big 1 0. Perfect.
I want an answer to my question.
I want my cigarettes. I want mine, Miss Ratched.
I want something done! I want something done!
I want that teIevision set turned on! Right now!
I want that woman off this ward immediately.
I want you to get ahold of Billy....
I want you to know something here and now, Miss Ratched.
I was open. Give me the balI.
I went over to her house...
I wouldn't Ieave you here this way.
I'd like to know why none of the guys never told me that you...
I'd like to send him back to the, uh, work farm, frankly.
I'll be fine, thank you. Seated.
I'll be just right down the line with you. You watch.
I'll be seeing you on the outside. You know what I mean?
I'll bet $25.
I'll bet a buck.
I'll bet.
I'll have to be the one, Chief.
I'll tell you, it took every bit of strength I had...
I'm I'm gonna Gonna miss you very, very...
I'm a goddamn marveI of modern science.
I'm going straight enough. Now, Chessy, stop it.
I'm gonna take this, put it through the window...
I'm not Not Not ready yet.
I'm not going without you, Mac.
I'm not just taIking about my wife, I'm talking about my life.
I'm not just taIking about one person, I'm talking about everybody.
I'm not saying they kilIed him.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
I'm open. Harding, will you give me the baIl?
I'm proud to join the group, MiIdred. Ahem.
I'm smarter than him, ain't I?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean I'm really very sorry. I just forgot.
I'm sorry, ma'am, but you know, a man gets awful lonesome at night.
I'm sorry. Heh heh heh.
I'm sure some of the men wouId Iike to comment.
I'm talking about form. I'm talking about content.
I'm talking about God, the devil, helI, heaven.
I'm talking about interreIationships.
I'm talking about the WorId Series, Nurse Ratched. Huh?
I'm, uh, gentIe as a puppy dog and....
If Mr. McMurphy doesn't want to take his medication orally...
If that's what being crazy is...
If that's your idea of trying to tell me something
If you break it in half...
If you had obeyed the rules in the first place...
In the penitentiary?
INMATE: I knew we were in trouble. TURKLE: Let's go.
INMATE: Oh. I'm awfully tired.
INMATE: Where you going?
Is that so?
Is that true?
Is that what your scheduIe does for you, Hard on? Huh?
Is that your idea of communicating something?
It don't make a bit of sense to me.
It makes me feel very pecuIiar, very peculiar...
It says here that you went around
It sucks out of him until he'd shrunk...
It'll satisfy me.
It's 1 0, 1 1 , 12, 1 3.
It's a dime, Martini.
It's a strike. Koufax's curve baIl is snapping off like a fucking firecracker.
It's BiIly the Club of the fabulous and fantastic 14
It's easier than you think, Chief.
It's just that I don't want anyone to try and slip me saltpeter.
It's medication time.
It's not.
It's Randall to say goodbye...
It's the same as Don't wash your dirty underwear in public.
Jesus Christ AImighty.
Jesus Christ, just put it through his eyebalI here.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus, I mean, you guys do nothing but complain about how you can't...
Jesus, I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this.
Jim, I'm telling you, McMurphy is upstairs...
Jim, it's been brought to my attention...
Jump up and dunk it in.
Jump up and put her in the basket! Not you, Bancini.
Jump up in the air and stuff that son of a bitch in there, Chief.
Just a Iittle leak.
Just don't drown your pretty little self.
Just fine. Just fine.
Just get down a littIe bit. AlI right. Stand up.
Just give me the ball. They're making all over the
Just move right over there, okay.
Just once more, huh? Just once more.
Just raise that hand up. Just raise the hand up.
Just raise your hand up, and your buddies can watch the basebalI game on....
Just raise your hand up, Chief. WiIl you? Huh?
Just raise your hand up.
Just raise your hand up. AlI the guys have got them up.
Just stay right there. Take a rest. I'll be right back.
Just wait a minute. Just one minute?
Keep on fishing.
Keep your hands off me.
KiIled him, huh?
Koufax gets the sign from Roseboro. He kicks once, he pumps.
Koufax looks down. Looking at the great Mickey Mantle now. Here comes the pitch.
Last time we were discussing...
Let her go, Scanlon. You're going home.
Let me get in here, will you, Hard on? Thank you. Excuse me, miss.
Let me through. Let me through.
Let's get out of here.
Let's go, come on. Come on, you guys. What is this?
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go.
Let's hear it for Bullgoose Randall, back in action. Nice shirt, Cheseroo.
Let's just be frank for a minute, Randall, if you would.
Listen to Randall on this one.
Little Mary Ann? Little Marjorie Jane? Huh?
Look like you might have played some footbaIl.
Look, I don't want his cigarettes, and I don't want his or his or his...
Look. The Chief put his hand up.
Looks like Billy Bibbit's the only one missing.
M McMurphy.
Ma Mac, I'll go.
Ma ? Mac? Is she ? She going with you?
Ma ? Marry me?
Mac Mac, you can't
Mac, this thing ain't too steady, Mac. Mac!
Mac, you can't Can't li Lift that thing.
Mac! Mac, no Nobody could ever lift that thing.
Mac. No!
Make the bets.
Make you get up and dance. Okay?
MAN [ON RADIO]: And on the mound, the left hander AI Downing.
MAN [ON TV]: Authorities in Birmingham, AIabama have arrested three men...
MAN 2: Ow! MAN 3: Yeah, we're going.
MAN 4: Defense. MAN 5: Hey!
MAN 6: Chief. MAN 7: Go on, Chief.
MAN 8: Put it in.
Man, this is my fucking job. I don't give a damn, this is my fucking job.
MAN: He's jerking off somewhere.
MAN: Here we go.
MAN: Hey, wait a minute. What the heck is going on here?
MAN: ls there anybody that you have on your staff...
MAN: No, not at the moment.
MAN: Okay, this won't hurt, and it'lI be over in just a moment.
MAN: Well, sure. That's you, Mildred.
MantIe swings. It's a fucking home run!
Martini, wiIl you ? WiIl you play a club?
MARTlNI: Hit me again. I want another card.
MARTlNI: Hit me. Ace.
MARTlNI: Hit me. That's four or 14.
MARTlNI: Hit me. Hit me.
MARTlNI: Hit me. Hit me. McMURPHY: All right, five.
MARTlNI: I bet a nickel.
MARTlNI: Mac, hit me. McMURPHY: Who's the ?
MARTlNI: What's this? Make the bets.
May I have my cigarettes, please, Miss Ratched?
May I have my cigarettes, please, Miss Ratched?
Maybe he'll just show Nurse Ratched his big thing...
McMurphy has escaped.
McMurphy is out.
McMurphy, stop alI this holy roIler shit...
McMurphy, what you talking to him for? He can't hear a fucking thing.
McMurphy, what you trying to do? Get my ass really fired, man?
McMURPHY: AlI right.
McMURPHY: Boys...
McMURPHY: Can't even make a sound, huh?
McMURPHY: Candy, baby...
McMURPHY: Chief. Attababy, put it in.
McMURPHY: Don't breathe on me, CIub. Keep moving. Keep moving.
McMURPHY: Don't worry about it. He's dead, Martini.
McMURPHY: Get down there.
McMURPHY: Give it to me. Give it aIl to me. You got to keep it down.
McMURPHY: Goddamn it, Cheswick, here. Hey, calm down.
McMURPHY: Harding, over here.
McMURPHY: He can't hear nothing.
McMURPHY: Home safe and sound. Didn't lose a nut.
McMURPHY: It's gonna be so great.
McMURPHY: Koufax kicks. He delivers. It's up the middle, it's a base hit.
McMURPHY: Let me give you a hand here. TURKLE: I appreciate that.
McMURPHY: Let's go.
McMURPHY: Let's go. Down here.
McMURPHY: Look at the faces on you. Look at you.
McMURPHY: Mr. Turkle, I'm really sorry.
McMURPHY: No, no, no. Get down there, Chief.
McMURPHY: Now, come on with me, over here.
McMURPHY: Okay, good boy, BilIy. I'll put you in in a minute, all right?
McMURPHY: Scanlon?
McMURPHY: Sit down. I want something done!
McMURPHY: Taber.
McMURPHY: Tabes in, 1 buck. Solid.
McMURPHY: That's very good, Mr. Fredrickson.
McMURPHY: They're gonna be trolling this pIace...
McMURPHY: Thirty eight....
McMURPHY: Turkle, what the fuck are you doing here?
McMURPHY: WeIl, Dale, Lord RandaIl is stepping down one.
McMURPHY: What's your name, son? Bill Billy Bibbit.
McMURPHY: Where the helI is he? Why doesn't he answer?
McMURPHY: Yes, ma'am.
McMURPHY: You gotta pull it tight like this.
McMURPHY: You're not next. Huh?
Medication time.
Medication time. Medication time.
MILLER: Come on, clear it. Get these peopIe out of here.
MILLER: Man, that doesn't go. The ball ain't in play.
MILLER: Morning. WARREN: Good morning.
Miss PiIbow, check all the rooms.
Miss Rat Miss Ratched, please don't...
Miss Ratched, please Please don't tell my mother.
Miss Ratched.
Miss Ratched....
Miss Ratched's one of the finest nurses we've got in this institution.
Motherfuckers fucking with my job.
Move away from the window and take that damn Chief with you.
Move it back there. McMurphy, get your ass over here, and bring Dracula with you.
Mr. Cheswick, wouId you please follow me?
Mr. Cheswick, you sit down.
Mr. Cheswick?
Mr. Cheswick?
Mr. Fredrickson, just be careful now.
Mr. Harding has been heard to say to his wife:
Mr. Harding stated that his wife made him uneasy...
Mr. Harding, Dr. Bibbit...
Mr. Harding...
Mr. Martini?
Mr. Martini?
Mr. Martini?
Mr. McMurphy?
Mr. McMurphy...
Mr. Miller, show this woman the way out of the hospital.
Mr. Scanlon, would you begin today?
Mr. Scanlon?
Mr. Turkle?
Mr. Warren, close the window and Iock the screen.
My cap. My cap. There.
My papa's real big.
Never move. That's your spot, you understand?
Next woman takes me on is gonna light up like a pinbaIl machine...
No No Don't nothing me, all right? What is it?
No No No, ma'am.
No No No.
No No Not now.
No No Nothing.
No problem.
No, I didn't weigh the chain, but damn, I'm awfuI proud of that picture.
No, I'm not.
No, it don't send me, don't send me.
No, leave me alone.
No, Mr. McMurphy.
No, no, no, you mean why Wait
No, no.
No, no. No.
No, RandalI, he's telling you the truth.
No, they They sometimes wanna gang up on me too, but I
No, they won't. We're nuts.
No, you're not going fishing.
No! No! No!
No? You stick.
No. Just warming up.
No. No, we're just good friends. Why?
Not a thing, doc.
Not on this boat. You're not going fishing on this boat.
Not too hard, Chief. You'll crush aIl the air out of it.
Now caIm down.
Now just bite down on it.
Now just go straight.
Now they're teIling me I'm crazy over here...
Now we can make it, Mac. I feel big as a damn mountain.
Now, as you all know...
Now, Chief, this is the spot.
Now, hold it right there.
Now, hold on to your hooks because here are the fishes.
Now, jump up and put her in the basket, Chief. Huh?
Now, jump up in the air, and put it in the basket, Chief.
Now, just keep watching the tip here. If you get a strike, let me know.
Now, just stand right there.
Now, look. I'm voluntary here, see? I'm not committed.
Now, Mac, wait a minute.
Now, most of you lost all your cigarettes to Mr. McMurphy...
Now, that ought to be Just hold it right there.
Now, what are we gonna do with these little fishes?
Now, you come over here, baby, right over here.
Now, you just pull that baby through. You see what I mean?
Now, you take the ball, you jump up and put it in the basket.
Nurse, this is Mr. Cheswick. He's a little upset.
NURSE: All right, out with your gum. Hmm?
NURSE: Open your mouth.
NURSE: Out with your gum.
NURSE: Please follow me.
NURSE: That's it.
Of course, it's true that you went in for statutory ****.
OFFlCER: Here's his papers, and I'm gonna need a signature.
Oh, boy.
Oh, fuck that shit. You got to be crazy.
Oh, God. Oh, my God.
Oh, hey, I take that.
Oh, I can win that one.
Oh, I don't mind at alI, Nurse Ratched.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, my God.
Oh, no.
Oh, nothing, he used to put frogs in my bra alI the time.
Oh, now, look.
Oh, reaIly, miss? What seemed to be the problem?
Oh, shit. The supervisor. Come on, get your asses back in there.
Oh, thank you. I beIieve this is your department, Mr. Turkle.
Oh, uh, you like to Iook at other people's cards, do you?
Oh, yeah, on this boat. Uh, ask Captain Block.
Oh, yes. Yes, very much I suspect her.
Oh. Oh, man.
Oh. Oh, yeah. Oh. Uh....
Oh. Oh.
Okay, fine. Thank you very much.
Okay, guys, come on.
Okay, I wanna see the hands. Come on.
Okay, move it up.
Okay, my friend, let's go.
Okay, now, uh....
Okay, uh....
Okay. Funny, huh? That's funny, huh?
Old Indian game.
One week.
One week. That's all I need. Who wants to bet?
One, two, three, four....
Ooh. Ooh.
ORDERLY: Mr. McMurphy. NURSE: Mr. McMurphy.
ORDERLY: We got you.
Out of sight, man. Out of sight.
Patients aren't allowed in the nurses' station.
PILBOW: Mr. Harding? Mm hm. Oh.
Please do, BiIly.
Please get out, this is my job. You fucking it up. You understand?
Please proceed. Thank you.
PoIice say the men wiIl be heId on this misdemeanor charge...
Probably that chain didn't help it any either.
Punk ass motherfucker.
Put it in the basket, Chief!
Put it in the basket!
Put your hands on the wheel so you don't falI down. All right.
Put your hands on the wheel.
Put your hands up.
Queen to the Chesser, big bulI to Tabelations...
R.P. McMurphy.
Raise up Bancini, where you going?
Randall Patrick McMurphy.
RATCHED [OVER PA]: Mr. Sefelt?
RATCHED [OVER PA]: Washington to the Day Room. ImmediateIy.
RATCHED: AIl right, gentIemen, let's begin.
RATCHED: AlI right.
RATChED: Did you teIl the girl how you feIt about her?
RATCHED: Everybody out. Out. Everybody out.
RATCHED: Good. Mm.
RATCHED: I'd like to write in my book that you began the meeting.
RATCHED: It's alI right, Nurse Pilbow.
RATCHED: Just once.
RATCHED: Mr. McMurphy...
RATCHED: Now, one big breath.
RATCHED: Well, Mr. McMurphy, what you're asking...
RATCHED: Would you Iike to begin?
RATCHED: You surprise me. No, welI, I lost my head. I'm sorry.
ReaIly? I mean, how do you know?
Richardson around the dirt. Slides, he's in there! A double!
Richardson's rounding first, going for second. The balI's in to deep right center.
Right here, Chief. Strong. Strong, like this, here.
Right here. Come on.
Right out of the Shock Department. I got it from
Right there is the spot. Remember? Raise the hands, in the basket.
Right there. You don't move. Now...
Right. There you go, there you go. Easy now. Don't take it all at once.
Rocky Marciano's got 40, and he's a millionaire.
ROSE: Candy? Don't worry about Candy, honey.
ROSE: Hi, how you doing? Hi, Rose, how you doing?
ROSE: I split my pants. TURKLE: Keep it down.
ROSE: It is mine, mine.
ROSE: Mac?
ROSE: This looks like my high school.
Round the side, boys. Join Mr. McMurphy in the executive Iounge, please.
Round the side.
Rules? Piss on your fucking rules, Miss Ratched.
Said you've been belligerent...
See what I mean? Put it Bancini, hold stilI.
See? Don't hurt him.
SefeIt, see?
SEFELT: Ha ha ha. I'm going to tell you guys something.
SEFELT: No, ma'am.
SEFELT: Peculiar. Asshole again.
SEFELT: We caught it, look.
She She
She She did.
She ain't honest.
She, uh....
Show her that you can do it. Just show her that you can still do it.
Sit down and relax. Now....
Sit down, gentIemen. Sit down, gentIemen.
Sixty eight days, buddy. Sixty eight days.
So aIl those in favor, raise your hands.
So does anyone care to touch on this further?
So l'd like to keep him on the ward.
So who would like to begin today?
So you gentIemen can put your hands down now.
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