A certificate of graduation should be in there. from White House Down (2013)
A hard perimeter around Castle. from White House Down (2013)
A huge ball of flames has burst into the sky. from White House Down (2013)
A little birdie told me you're finally moving the money. from White House Down (2013)
Actually, I'm Carol Finnerty now. from White House Down (2013)
After all, the United States has the biggest weapons arsenal in the world. from White House Down (2013)
After that point, she became obsessed with politics. from White House Down (2013)
Al Sharif will expose them. from White House Down (2013)
All of that wrongdoing is gonna come out... from White House Down (2013)
All right, baby, I just gotta get my weapon real quick. from White House Down (2013)
All right, everyone in the basement! The basement! from White House Down (2013)
All right, guys, let's clean it up. from White House Down (2013)
All right, let's go. Let's move, move! from White House Down (2013)
All right, then, would you like to tell your father... from White House Down (2013)
All right, we go in low and quiet. Time to target is two minutes. from White House Down (2013)
All right, we're in the basement. There's a gate with a keypad. from White House Down (2013)
All right, we're in. from White House Down (2013)
All right. from White House Down (2013)
All right. from White House Down (2013)
Almost there. Come on. Come on. Come on! from White House Down (2013)
Alvin, please think about what you're doing. from White House Down (2013)
Alvin, we're in a constitutional crisis here. from White House Down (2013)
An armed team has taken over the White House. from White House Down (2013)
And a promise that you will try to get to second base. from White House Down (2013)
And do as you're told. Go on, sit down! from White House Down (2013)
And Emil Stenz. Ex Delta Force. from White House Down (2013)
And Emily Cale is undoubtedly a beautiful hero of the day. from White House Down (2013)
And from what I understand now... from White House Down (2013)
And I found this pager in Walker's pocket. from White House Down (2013)
And I know that you and Muriel have had a tough go of it... from White House Down (2013)
And I told my mother about it. You know what she did? from White House Down (2013)
And I want it loaded aboard a Boeing (3 17... from White House Down (2013)
And it was then that I realised that if you feed a man... from White House Down (2013)
And Lord knows, I've made some mistakes myself. from White House Down (2013)
And my best friend Ricky, he had it worse than us. from White House Down (2013)
And that is an order. from White House Down (2013)
And that your dad here has a job interview... from White House Down (2013)
And that's when she first saw you. from White House Down (2013)
And there's gonna be a run on the banks, so close them now. from White House Down (2013)
And to be honest with you... from White House Down (2013)
And when it's over... from White House Down (2013)
And you will come with me, as planned. from White House Down (2013)
Appears to be a modified 747. from White House Down (2013)
Appreciate what you're trying to do, son. Did the same job myself, and proudly. from White House Down (2013)
Are you kidding me? You got shot in the wa...? from White House Down (2013)
Are you okay? from White House Down (2013)
Armed for nuclear launch. from White House Down (2013)
As many of you are well aware, this is my last week here... from White House Down (2013)
As we put these faces up on screen, we are sure that we will... from White House Down (2013)
As you can see, the military's moving into position... from White House Down (2013)
At least we know how they got in so easily. from White House Down (2013)
Be it ever so humble. from White House Down (2013)
Bear with us. from White House Down (2013)
Believe me, I know, I know. from White House Down (2013)
Bobby, sync watches, 60 seconds. Silencer. from White House Down (2013)
Born 1980, grew up in the District of Columbia... from White House Down (2013)
Brace for impact! from White House Down (2013)
Break right! Javelins! Javelins! from White House Down (2013)
Breaking off for security sweep. Stand by. from White House Down (2013)
Brought you a present. from White House Down (2013)
But I have a hunch Daddy's gonna come back for his little girl. from White House Down (2013)
But I need the president alive. Don't forget that. from White House Down (2013)
But I think voters today want somebody cool. from White House Down (2013)
But it's just a dream. from White House Down (2013)
But me, I'm the president of the United States. from White House Down (2013)
But our country is stronger than one house. from White House Down (2013)
But what we can do is take the first step. from White House Down (2013)
But without him, what kind of time frame we looking at? from White House Down (2013)
By the time you're watching this, I will have pulled off the greatest hack... from White House Down (2013)
By the way, John Cale. from White House Down (2013)
Bye, Fred. from White House Down (2013)
Cabinet is assembling with the vice president to invoke the 25th. from White House Down (2013)
Cale, come check this out. from White House Down (2013)
Cale, they're in heavy weapons follow up. from White House Down (2013)
Cale, Walker's trying to launch a nuclear attack. from White House Down (2013)
Cale? from White House Down (2013)
Cale? Cale? Can you get him back? from White House Down (2013)
Call SEAL Team Six and they come in here... from White House Down (2013)
Calls have been coming in from all over the globe for the last hour. from White House Down (2013)
Can we be sure he's the only Secret Service member... from White House Down (2013)
Can you do that? I gotta get the president. from White House Down (2013)
Can you get me the president here? Cale, can you turn on the news? from White House Down (2013)
Can you not hit me in the head with a rocket while I'm trying to drive?! from White House Down (2013)
Can't tell where it's coming from. from White House Down (2013)
Captain Johns, we are going to deviate from Route Omaha. from White House Down (2013)
Captain, do you see this? Delta 2 6, we have a young girl on the lawn. from White House Down (2013)
Captain, where are we? from White House Down (2013)
Carol, COD says we go to the Pentagon. from White House Down (2013)
Carol, is she coming back tonight? from White House Down (2013)
Carol, we got a problem. from White House Down (2013)
Carol, you keep this up, 20 years from now you're gonna look like me. from White House Down (2013)
Carol. He wants to do the thing. from White House Down (2013)
Castle Ground, all clear. from White House Down (2013)
Castle Ground, Sky Sector 1, report. from White House Down (2013)
Castle in sight. I say again, Castle in sight. from White House Down (2013)
Castle, this is Hummingbird. from White House Down (2013)
Castle, this is Hummingbird. We are short Foxtrot, one minute out. from White House Down (2013)
Chah Bahar targeted. from White House Down (2013)
Chief of the presidential detail of the Secret Service. from White House Down (2013)
CIA, NSA, everything you've got. from White House Down (2013)
Clear out! We're moving back now! from White House Down (2013)
Clear. from White House Down (2013)
Clyde, we've had this conversation. from White House Down (2013)
Come here. Get up. Up! from White House Down (2013)
Come on, go, go, go! Where's the basement? from White House Down (2013)
Come on, Martin. This isn't you. from White House Down (2013)
Come on, that's just nonsense. from White House Down (2013)
Come on, we're gonna be late. from White House Down (2013)
Come on, you know those bases are for show now. from White House Down (2013)
Come on! from White House Down (2013)
Come on. from White House Down (2013)
Come on. from White House Down (2013)
Come on. That thing's 100 years old. The shit's too heavy for it. from White House Down (2013)
Come out, come out, wherever you are. from White House Down (2013)
Commander, come in! from White House Down (2013)
Complete chaos on the streets of D.C. There's total gridlock through... from White House Down (2013)
Confirm Chah Bahar. from White House Down (2013)
Confirm Sector 5, southeast quadrant clear. from White House Down (2013)
Confirm Tehran. from White House Down (2013)
Confirm: Bandar Abbas. from White House Down (2013)
Confirmation timed out. from White House Down (2013)
Congratulations, asshole, you just made us all famous. from White House Down (2013)
Construction began in 1792... from White House Down (2013)
Copy that, Raptor Alpha 1 beginning approach. from White House Down (2013)
Copy that, sir. Eagle is 30 seconds from the vault. from White House Down (2013)
Copy that. from White House Down (2013)
Copy that. from White House Down (2013)
Copy that. Let's give him the special tour. from White House Down (2013)
Could you get the speaker on the phone? from White House Down (2013)
Countermeasures! from White House Down (2013)
D.C. police are on the scene, FBI is trying to horn in... from White House Down (2013)
Dad! from White House Down (2013)
Damn it. from White House Down (2013)
DC Sonic, they're replacing the surround system in the theatre. from White House Down (2013)
Delta 2 6, one minute to target. Go weapons hot. from White House Down (2013)
Delta 2 6, requesting permission to deliver payload. from White House Down (2013)
Delta 2 6, we're locked on target. Please confirm Free Castle is a go. from White House Down (2013)
Diamond formation. Stay low, stay close, shoot first. Got it? On me. from White House Down (2013)
Did I spend 15 goddamn years running this place or did you?! from White House Down (2013)
Did you get the job? from White House Down (2013)
Did you know that 1.5 million people visit the White House every year? from White House Down (2013)
Did you know that the president travels in an 18 ton military armoured... from White House Down (2013)
Did you know the White House used to be called the Presidential Palace? from White House Down (2013)
Did you see that shit Conrad pulled off at the Capitol? Goddamn! from White House Down (2013)
Dinner. Candlelight. from White House Down (2013)
Diversion from what? from White House Down (2013)
Do not advance. Do not advance. from White House Down (2013)
Do we have the president? from White House Down (2013)
Do you get picked on a lot in school? from White House Down (2013)
Do you have the vice president? from White House Down (2013)
Do you know that Abraham Lincoln was the first U.S. president... from White House Down (2013)
Do you know these men? from White House Down (2013)
Do you really think a bribe's gonna work? from White House Down (2013)
Do you see this? from White House Down (2013)
Do you still have that watch I gave you? from White House Down (2013)
Do you think we can see where you'll be working? from White House Down (2013)
Don't go in there. Just... Oh, this is so stupid. from White House Down (2013)
Don't make this your whole life. from White House Down (2013)
Don't mess it up. from White House Down (2013)
Don't panic, take your time. from White House Down (2013)
Don't screw up this time! Motts! from White House Down (2013)
Don't tell me you're claustrophobic. from White House Down (2013)
Don't you worry your pretty little head. We'll get him back. from White House Down (2013)
Done. from White House Down (2013)
Donnie, where'd you send my daughter? from White House Down (2013)
Donnie's gonna be pissed. from White House Down (2013)
Downstairs, second door to the left. from White House Down (2013)
Downstairs. Across the hall, second on the left. from White House Down (2013)
Driver, advance! from White House Down (2013)
Drop the tough guy shit with me, junior. from White House Down (2013)
Dropping to 30 feet. from White House Down (2013)
Eagle is 30 seconds from the vault. We are coming in hot. from White House Down (2013)
East Hall secure. Heading for Castle Sky. from White House Down (2013)
Eastside Gate. Come on, let's go, people. from White House Down (2013)
Elevator going down to one. from White House Down (2013)
Elevator's here, let's go! from White House Down (2013)
Eli, Eli. from White House Down (2013)
Eli, you all right? from White House Down (2013)
Em, as soon as you get this, call me back. from White House Down (2013)
Emily Cale is a little hero. from White House Down (2013)
Emily Cale is out on the lawn, and she's waving the presidential flag. from White House Down (2013)
Emily Cale, go ahead. from White House Down (2013)
Emily Cale. from White House Down (2013)
Emily, can you believe how many people have seen your video biog? from White House Down (2013)
Emily? Where are you at, baby? from White House Down (2013)
Emily. from White House Down (2013)
Emily. from White House Down (2013)
Empress is wheels down at 1845. from White House Down (2013)
Enormous explosion over toward the West Wing. from White House Down (2013)
Enter presidential launch code. from White House Down (2013)
Evacuate this area immediately! We need you to move back, people! from White House Down (2013)
Even if we wanted to call them back, they've gone dark. from White House Down (2013)
Every day the Secret Service does a rundown... from White House Down (2013)
Everybody's gotta move back! Everybody move back! from White House Down (2013)
Everyone below Calico T 11, please clear the floor immediately. from White House Down (2013)
Excuse me for a second. from White House Down (2013)
Excuse me, miss. from White House Down (2013)
Executive power passed to the vice president when he was sworn in... from White House Down (2013)
Fair point, sir. from White House Down (2013)
Fifteen minutes is a lifetime. from White House Down (2013)
Fifteen, 14... from White House Down (2013)
Filed for divorce in 2005. from White House Down (2013)
Find him. from White House Down (2013)
Find him. Go! from White House Down (2013)
Fire! from White House Down (2013)
First arrested at age 12. Tried to blow up his local post office... from White House Down (2013)
First lady is back tonight? from White House Down (2013)
Five agents in the East Gate, four in the garden. from White House Down (2013)
For the inauguration. from White House Down (2013)
For the past 10 minutes, I've been getting shot at with this young man. from White House Down (2013)
Fred, open the gate. from White House Down (2013)
Fuck you. from White House Down (2013)
Gather around, everyone, gather around. My name is Donnie... from White House Down (2013)
General, get on with the Joint Chiefs. from White House Down (2013)
General... from White House Down (2013)
Gentlemen, we're on lockdown. You can't be in here. from White House Down (2013)
Gentlemen. What are you doing?! from White House Down (2013)
German mantle clock. Empire style. from White House Down (2013)
Get away from me. from White House Down (2013)
Get back. Get over here. from White House Down (2013)
Get behind this, Eli. from White House Down (2013)
Get comfortable, you little mutt. from White House Down (2013)
Get in the room or I'll knock you out! from White House Down (2013)
Get in there! from White House Down (2013)
Get it off! from White House Down (2013)
Get me a location on them now! from White House Down (2013)
Get me to the fence, Cale! from White House Down (2013)
Get off, get off, get off. from White House Down (2013)
Get out of here! There's an air strike coming! from White House Down (2013)
Get ready to deploy! from White House Down (2013)
Get some rest. from White House Down (2013)
Get to the basement. I'll lead you to the tunnels. from White House Down (2013)
Get your hands off my Jordans! from White House Down (2013)
Get your security teams up. from White House Down (2013)
Give it to me. from White House Down (2013)
Go ahead. I'll button this up. Go ahead. from White House Down (2013)
Go down the hallway. That should be the entrance to the catacombs. from White House Down (2013)
Go home. from White House Down (2013)
Go out and do your job! from White House Down (2013)
Go with your father. from White House Down (2013)
Go! from White House Down (2013)
Go! That's them in the residence. from White House Down (2013)
God bless us all. from White House Down (2013)
God forgive me. Go. from White House Down (2013)
Goddamn it! from White House Down (2013)
Good job, boys! Great job, Mulcahy! from White House Down (2013)
Good job, special agent. from White House Down (2013)
Good morning, sir. from White House Down (2013)
Good morning. Light day at the White House today. from White House Down (2013)
Goodbye, Carol. from White House Down (2013)
Got them! from White House Down (2013)
Great. from White House Down (2013)
Ground floor, through the library and down the stairs. from White House Down (2013)
Guys that run those corporations have been in bed... from White House Down (2013)
Hallelujah. from White House Down (2013)
Hallelujah. from White House Down (2013)
Have a good day. from White House Down (2013)
Have a great day. from White House Down (2013)
Have you and the missus zeroed in on a dining establishment? from White House Down (2013)
Have you heard what's happening? It's not a good time. from White House Down (2013)
He built this because he didn't want the press to see him in his swim trunks. from White House Down (2013)
He deserved it. from White House Down (2013)
He didn't make it, sir. from White House Down (2013)
He got killed last year in this covert action that I ordered. from White House Down (2013)
He has phone calls to the congressional leadership. from White House Down (2013)
He keeps it in his bedside table in the residence. See if it's still there. from White House Down (2013)
He runs a white power hate blog against President Sawyer. from White House Down (2013)
He was unhappy with their music sharing polices. from White House Down (2013)
He went to bed at 8 and watched... from White House Down (2013)
He would've killed me if you wouldn't have killed him. from White House Down (2013)
He wound up spending two years in a Taliban controlled prison. from White House Down (2013)
He wrote a paper on suffrage while he was still in the Illinois legislature. from White House Down (2013)
He's going to make peace with Iran because he has friends there now? from White House Down (2013)
He's gonna be on your Secret Service detail. from White House Down (2013)
He's seven minutes behind. from White House Down (2013)
He's the head of my Secret Service. from White House Down (2013)
Heard of the military industrial complex? from White House Down (2013)
Hello, this is Carol Finnerty. Who is this? from White House Down (2013)
Hello, this is Special Agent Carol Finnerty. To whom am I speaking? from White House Down (2013)
Hello? from White House Down (2013)
Hello? Thank you. from White House Down (2013)
Hey, buddy! from White House Down (2013)
Hey, hey, hey from White House Down (2013)
Hey, I'm gonna see you later. from White House Down (2013)
Hey, so you can tell me the truth. from White House Down (2013)
Hey, stay with Mommy for a second, okay? I'll be right back. from White House Down (2013)
Hey, you, little face. Come on, get your stuff. Let's go, baby. from White House Down (2013)
Hey! from White House Down (2013)
Hey! Do I look like I need a babysitter? from White House Down (2013)
Hey. from White House Down (2013)
Hey. from White House Down (2013)
Hi, folks, my name is James W. Sawyer... from White House Down (2013)
Hi, folks. President Sawyer is one of those academics... from White House Down (2013)
Hi. from White House Down (2013)
Hi. I'm Carol. from White House Down (2013)
Highly decorated. from White House Down (2013)
His computer, his e mails? from White House Down (2013)
His doctors gave him less than three months. from White House Down (2013)
History will judge who the true patriots were here today. from White House Down (2013)
Hold it with two hands, Mr. President. from White House Down (2013)
Hold on. from White House Down (2013)
Hold them in the Blue Room. Maintain positions. from White House Down (2013)
Hold your fire! Hold your fire! I think that man is a friendly! from White House Down (2013)
Honest Abe. My wife got this for me. from White House Down (2013)
How about now? from White House Down (2013)
How far did you fall into their pockets? from White House Down (2013)
How many more ways can you guys screw this thing up? from White House Down (2013)
How many people come to your house and wanna kill you? from White House Down (2013)
How you like your chair? You comfortable, Mr. Skinner? from White House Down (2013)
How'd they find out I did that one? from White House Down (2013)
Hummingbird approaching. from White House Down (2013)
Hummingbird, this is Castle Keep. You are... Wait. Hold. from White House Down (2013)
Hummingbird, this is Castle Keep. You're clear. from White House Down (2013)
Hummingbird, you are released. from White House Down (2013)
Humvee flipped, we were taking fire, so I grabbed him. from White House Down (2013)
I ain't doing that shit. from White House Down (2013)
I believe the number one source of violence in our world is poverty. from White House Down (2013)
I can see now that there are two men on top of the roof... from White House Down (2013)
I can't hold on. from White House Down (2013)
I can't open this for him. from White House Down (2013)
I can't see what is going on... from White House Down (2013)
I can't think of a more important job than protecting the president. from White House Down (2013)
I choose that Kevin Charles Walker will be the last American soldier... from White House Down (2013)
I didn't sign up for this nuclear bullshit. from White House Down (2013)
I don't know if this means the president has been killed. We know... from White House Down (2013)
I don't know, probably some schmuck from one of the tours. from White House Down (2013)
I don't know. It's good to have less enemies, I guess. from White House Down (2013)
I don't know. Just... from White House Down (2013)
I don't think you can. Posse Comitatus and the Insurrection Act... from White House Down (2013)
I don't wanna do anything, but I can't sit here... from White House Down (2013)
I got business to finish. You stay here. from White House Down (2013)
I got the president a scrambled satphone to call his family with. from White House Down (2013)
I got three rounds. Tell me you got some weapons in the residence. from White House Down (2013)
I got work to do. from White House Down (2013)
I had to tell them about the tumour, Martin. from White House Down (2013)
I hate you. I hate you all. from White House Down (2013)
I have 10 times more experience than any Ivy League kid. from White House Down (2013)
I have Eagle. Call WFO, get as many men as you can to the Capitol. from White House Down (2013)
I have John Cale on the line, sir. from White House Down (2013)
I have Lieutenant Colonel Cameron on the line. from White House Down (2013)
I have no visual on him. from White House Down (2013)
I have Thanksgiving at their house every year. from White House Down (2013)
I have the package. from White House Down (2013)
I have the speaker of the house for you. from White House Down (2013)
I have the speaker. Going to the secondary location. from White House Down (2013)
I have to do this, honey. from White House Down (2013)
I hired you out of pity and this is how you repay me. from White House Down (2013)
I knew it was something. from White House Down (2013)
I know two people who wouldn't have a problem with that. from White House Down (2013)
I know we've had our differences, but I've never known you to be a man... from White House Down (2013)
I know what this country did to you. from White House Down (2013)
I know, for me too, Ted. from White House Down (2013)
I literally just walked in the door. What did I do? from White House Down (2013)
I love what you've done with the place. Bullet holes add to the decor. from White House Down (2013)
I love you ladies. Miss you. from White House Down (2013)
I make no promises. from White House Down (2013)
I make no promises. from White House Down (2013)
I need a final go no go for payload delivery. from White House Down (2013)
I need a moment here. I need... I need to call my wife. from White House Down (2013)
I need another favour. I need a pass for my daughter. from White House Down (2013)
I need Marine 1 here as fast as possible. from White House Down (2013)
I need you to listen to me. My little girl is counting on me... from White House Down (2013)
I only know one other person that uses one of these. from White House Down (2013)
I paid her to say that. from White House Down (2013)
I promise you'll understand. from White House Down (2013)
I really wished I was there. from White House Down (2013)
I spoke to Walker. He had eyes on Eagle. from White House Down (2013)
I swear to God. from White House Down (2013)
I swear to you all, I swear... from White House Down (2013)
I talked to President Al Sharif again about the discussion we had... from White House Down (2013)
I think he's on a suicide mission. from White House Down (2013)
I think I know how Walker got the codes, but I'm gonna need your help, sir. from White House Down (2013)
I think I need to avail myself of one of the 35 bathrooms in here. from White House Down (2013)
I think I need to avail myself of one of the 35 bathrooms in here. from White House Down (2013)
I think it has something to do with his son Kevin. from White House Down (2013)
I think she's trying to wave off the air strike. from White House Down (2013)
I think that's my dad. from White House Down (2013)
I told you, we weren't to be disturbed. from White House Down (2013)
I understand that this is a very high stress time... from White House Down (2013)
I understand. from White House Down (2013)
I wanna give you all a warm Washington, D.C. welcome to the White House... from White House Down (2013)
I wanna make a difference. from White House Down (2013)
I wanna run the whole search again, from the top. from White House Down (2013)
I want all nonessentials evac'd. from White House Down (2013)
I wasn't ready for a press conference. from White House Down (2013)
I, Alvin Hammond, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute... from White House Down (2013)
I... I have to go. I'm sorry. from White House Down (2013)
I'd give anything for that hug just one more time. from White House Down (2013)
I'd like to drag every one of these CEOs in front of Congress... from White House Down (2013)
I'll dispatch everyone I can spare. I want a hard perimeter around Castle. from White House Down (2013)
I'll get it. from White House Down (2013)
I'll go sit down. I'm gonna... I'll be over here if you have any more questions. from White House Down (2013)
I'll show you the way. from White House Down (2013)
I'll start at the... I'll start at the bottom. from White House Down (2013)
I'm afraid we know this guy too. from White House Down (2013)
I'm all right now. from White House Down (2013)
I'm calling the Cabinet together to invoke the 25th. from White House Down (2013)
I'm diabetic. from White House Down (2013)
I'm fine. from White House Down (2013)
I'm General Caulfield, vice chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. from White House Down (2013)
I'm gonna go and I'm gonna get the money myself. from White House Down (2013)
I'm gonna have to get that out. from White House Down (2013)
I'm gonna need you to open this for me. from White House Down (2013)
I'm here. from White House Down (2013)
I'm not a child. from White House Down (2013)
I'm not doing this, guys. Abort mission. Pull out! Abort! Abort! Abort! from White House Down (2013)
I'm not going anywhere without my protection. from White House Down (2013)
I'm not supposed to talk to you right now. from White House Down (2013)
I'm not sure using heavy artillery is a wise... from White House Down (2013)
I'm not the kid you used to know in college. from White House Down (2013)
I'm sitting here with someone who would like to say hello to you. from White House Down (2013)
I'm so sorry. from White House Down (2013)
I'm so, so sorry. I was wrong about you... from White House Down (2013)
I'm sorry that I didn't make it to your talent show. from White House Down (2013)
I'm sorry, I didn't have our little study sessions... from White House Down (2013)
I'm sorry, Ted. from White House Down (2013)
I'm sorry. from White House Down (2013)
I'm sure she's fine. We're in the safest house in the world. from White House Down (2013)
I'm trying really hard to be in her life. from White House Down (2013)
I'm with the president. We're in the White House. from White House Down (2013)
I'm... from White House Down (2013)
I've been standing up, Martin, and I'm not gonna open that. from White House Down (2013)
I've buttoned up every single thing that I have to to qualify for this job. from White House Down (2013)
I've had enough of this. from White House Down (2013)
If anybody comes in by air, they're done. from White House Down (2013)
If he does, it'll start World War III. from White House Down (2013)
If I do, millions of people are gonna die, you understand that? from White House Down (2013)
If our allies see us launching a full scale nuclear strike, they will respond. from White House Down (2013)
If Special Agent Todd keeps making those sounds... from White House Down (2013)
If there are any congratulatory cakes or any of that nonsense... from White House Down (2013)
If they fail, they're going to kill every single one of those hostages... from White House Down (2013)
If this goes down, you're looking at a one term president. from White House Down (2013)
If we can track the way that Walker contacted... from White House Down (2013)
If you could connect me to whatever control structure we still have left... from White House Down (2013)
If you ever want a private tour of the White House, just let me know. from White House Down (2013)
If you stand with me on this, you can be the man that could take these guys down. from White House Down (2013)
If you were on board, we'd have a real shot at peace. from White House Down (2013)
If your little daughter says that I'm her hero... from White House Down (2013)
Including below ground levels, it's six storeys tall... from White House Down (2013)
Incoming, three of them! Spread out! from White House Down (2013)
Instead, I ask you to stand with me today. from White House Down (2013)
Is President Sawyer alive? from White House Down (2013)
Is this about Kevin? Look, I'm sorry... from White House Down (2013)
It is an unbelievable moment down here. from White House Down (2013)
It is keyed to the blood type and heartbeat of the president. from White House Down (2013)
It looks like your peace plan is a go. from White House Down (2013)
It was on the school calendar. from White House Down (2013)
It will be us or them. from White House Down (2013)
It would've been really nice to have a bit of a reminder. from White House Down (2013)
It's a little late for that, wouldn't you say? from White House Down (2013)
It's a pony, baby. I don't... Come on, for me, please just... from White House Down (2013)
It's a recession, okay? from White House Down (2013)
It's about time. from White House Down (2013)
It's being accessed remotely. I can't... from White House Down (2013)
It's clear that someone on the inside has orchestrated... from White House Down (2013)
It's firing. from White House Down (2013)
It's funny to me, you still think glib is the way to go here. from White House Down (2013)
It's like Walker used it as a shopping list. from White House Down (2013)
It's locked! from White House Down (2013)
It's me, Carol. You should've called already. from White House Down (2013)
It's my sacrifice, right? from White House Down (2013)
It's nice to meet you. from White House Down (2013)
It's not a video blog. It's a YouTube channel. from White House Down (2013)
It's not worth it. from White House Down (2013)
It's the tourist's daughter. from White House Down (2013)
Jackpot! 'What you got? from White House Down (2013)
Jesus Christ. from White House Down (2013)
Jesus, the head of his own detail. from White House Down (2013)
John, I want you to listen to me. Help is not coming. from White House Down (2013)
John, listen. from White House Down (2013)
John, not a good time. from White House Down (2013)
John, what do you think of the president's proposal? from White House Down (2013)
John. from White House Down (2013)
Just follow me up. from White House Down (2013)
Just for 20 seconds, act like you don't hate me. from White House Down (2013)
Just give me a chance. from White House Down (2013)
Just tell me. from White House Down (2013)
Keep the ground floor clear. Package is on the move. from White House Down (2013)
Keep the hallways clear. from White House Down (2013)
Keep them on your person at all times. from White House Down (2013)
Kellerman! from White House Down (2013)
Kick it in. Harder. from White House Down (2013)
Killick, he's trying to burn the place. Second floor. Send your men. from White House Down (2013)
Killick, take her back inside. from White House Down (2013)
Killick, what the hell is happening? Report! from White House Down (2013)
Killing Ted Hope... from White House Down (2013)
King of the hackers. Worked for the NSA. from White House Down (2013)
Ladies and gentlemen, Skip Tyler has arrived. from White House Down (2013)
Last mag. from White House Down (2013)
Last seen with Conrad Cern. from White House Down (2013)
Last week. from White House Down (2013)
Leader of the free world saying pretty please? from White House Down (2013)
Let me ask you a question. from White House Down (2013)
Let me call in, make sure they don't think we're dead. from White House Down (2013)
Let's get him to the hospital. from White House Down (2013)
Let's get you plugged in. You fit in nicely right there. from White House Down (2013)
Let's go, let's go, let's go! from White House Down (2013)
Let's go. from White House Down (2013)
Let's keep it tight. Get to work. from White House Down (2013)
Let's not repeat the same mistakes that we made in the past. from White House Down (2013)
Let's wrap this up. from White House Down (2013)
Listen. Carol, I got to check something out. from White House Down (2013)
Little stinkers trying to get into the feeder? from White House Down (2013)
Lock down all these doors. from White House Down (2013)
Look, I need you to hear me right now. Look at me. from White House Down (2013)
Look, I need you to listen to me. from White House Down (2013)
Look, I'm just... I'm trying. from White House Down (2013)
Look, I'm sorry. from White House Down (2013)
Look, it's gonna be okay, baby, I promise you. from White House Down (2013)
Look, it's gotta be an AOP. You gotta get out there. from White House Down (2013)
Look, just talk to me, get my mind off it. Talk to me about your daughter. from White House Down (2013)
Look, man, I like squirrels personally, but you're getting me in trouble. from White House Down (2013)
Look, Mark, if I'm a foreign head of state, and the United States of America... from White House Down (2013)
Looks like it's checking on the conditions of the hostages. from White House Down (2013)
Looks like you've bounced from job to job. from White House Down (2013)
Make sure you have one handhold... from White House Down (2013)
Married Melanie Schopp in 2002... from White House Down (2013)
Martin, as the president of the United States... from White House Down (2013)
Martin, I wanna shake your hand. from White House Down (2013)
Martin, I want you to... from White House Down (2013)
Martin, it's... It's been... from White House Down (2013)
Martin, that's not necessary. from White House Down (2013)
May I remind you that you are addressing the president of the United States? from White House Down (2013)
Mechanic, limo driver, construction. from White House Down (2013)
Meet in the middle. from White House Down (2013)
Missiles are topside. from White House Down (2013)
Motts, meet me on the ground floor. Chen, Vadim, the third. from White House Down (2013)
Motts. from White House Down (2013)
Move back now! I said move back now! from White House Down (2013)
Move back! Move back. from White House Down (2013)
Move! from White House Down (2013)
Move! from White House Down (2013)
Mr. President, can I ask you a question for my YouTube channel? from White House Down (2013)
Mr. President, Delta Force entered Washington airspace. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. President, I don't wanna write off any Americans yet. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. President, I wish the pen were mightier than the sword, I do. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. President, Mr. President, I get you to the vault... from White House Down (2013)
Mr. President, please wake up, wake up. Please! from White House Down (2013)
Mr. President, this is my dad John. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. President. Glasses. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. Speaker, I have the vice president for you. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. Speaker, we have confirmation of ground impact. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. Speaker? Mr. Speaker? from White House Down (2013)
Mr. Stenz, this may be your lucky day. Get your men back to the basement. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. Stenz. We're in. from White House Down (2013)
Mr. Tyler... from White House Down (2013)
Mr. Vice President, it was our building that was taken. from White House Down (2013)
Mulcahy! Take out the limo! Let's go! Take the limo! from White House Down (2013)
Muriel Walker's here. from White House Down (2013)
My boss does not like squirrels. It's a bird feeder. from White House Down (2013)
My father is a very special man. from White House Down (2013)
My men currently control the White House and the 61 hostages within. from White House Down (2013)
My supervisor told me to come this way. from White House Down (2013)
Needed this. from White House Down (2013)
Negative, negative. Snipers on the roof. from White House Down (2013)
Neither do I. from White House Down (2013)
Nine, eight... from White House Down (2013)
No doubt young Emily Cale had to risk her own life to... from White House Down (2013)
No jail for you, you little bitch! from White House Down (2013)
No, baby. No, I told you to run! You gotta run! from White House Down (2013)
No, I did not know that. from White House Down (2013)
No, I didn't miss it. That's, like, next Thursday. from White House Down (2013)
No, I don't. from White House Down (2013)
No, I don't. from White House Down (2013)
No, I'll get it, it's all right. Quiet night? from White House Down (2013)
No, I'm still president. I am still president. from White House Down (2013)
No, it was last Thursday. from White House Down (2013)
No, Mr. President. The question is, what are you gonna do? from White House Down (2013)
No, no, no, not by air. They have to come by ground. from White House Down (2013)
No, no, no, please. Please don't! I was just on the tour! from White House Down (2013)
No, no, no, you'll be trapped. from White House Down (2013)
No, no, no. That's... No, that's not... That's not... from White House Down (2013)
No, please, please, baby. Look at me. I'm right here. from White House Down (2013)
No, we usually have two agents right there with machine guns. from White House Down (2013)
No, you don't. from White House Down (2013)
No, you don't. from White House Down (2013)
No, you will not. You will have your boys... from White House Down (2013)
No, you're not. from White House Down (2013)
No! No! from White House Down (2013)
No. from White House Down (2013)
No. from White House Down (2013)
No. from White House Down (2013)
No. No. from White House Down (2013)
No. No. No. from White House Down (2013)
Nobody says blog anymore, John. from White House Down (2013)
Not a bad way to travel, is it? from White House Down (2013)
Not according to our intel. from White House Down (2013)
Nothing to do with protecting someone. from White House Down (2013)
Now The Roger Skinner Show, today live from the White House. from White House Down (2013)
Now, Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution set forth... from White House Down (2013)
Now, ask me what I want. from White House Down (2013)
Now, does anyone wanna guess how old the White House is? from White House Down (2013)
Now, I know your story, Emil. from White House Down (2013)
Now, not too many people realise this... from White House Down (2013)
Now, sit down and shut up! from White House Down (2013)
Now, the founders were crafty... from White House Down (2013)
Now, these are the first images coming to us from inside the White House... from White House Down (2013)
Now, we were poor in my neighbourhood. Sometimes we couldn't even eat. from White House Down (2013)
Now, we've begun historic talks with the republic of Iran's... from White House Down (2013)
Now, where's the phone? from White House Down (2013)
Now. from White House Down (2013)
Of course it is. from White House Down (2013)
Of course, sir. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, baby, I've missed you. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, baby, you okay? Oh, thank God. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, I'm so proud of you. You were beautiful, baby. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, Jesus. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, my God, that was so fun. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, my God, that's President Sawyer. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, my God! U.S. Special Forces are flying over us! from White House Down (2013)
Oh, my God. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, my God. Carol Wilkes. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, my God. Carol Wilkes. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, my God. The FAA needs to ground all air traffic. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, my goodness! The presidential limo... from White House Down (2013)
Oh, no. Come on, go! from White House Down (2013)
Oh, shit! from White House Down (2013)
Oh, shit. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, some latecomers. Secretary of Homeland Security... from White House Down (2013)
Oh, there I am. That's not a bad picture. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, you're Jenna's favour. from White House Down (2013)
Oh, you're talking to me about personal... from White House Down (2013)
Oil painting by Tom Freeman to commemorate the burning... from White House Down (2013)
Okay, Carol, I got separated from Emily. Can you tell me if she made it out? from White House Down (2013)
Okay, I'm coming up. from White House Down (2013)
Okay, listen, Walker's not doing this for the money, trust me. from White House Down (2013)
Okay, please don't touch my toys. from White House Down (2013)
Okay, so, would the remaining secretaries... from White House Down (2013)
Okay, the code is 64762. from White House Down (2013)
Okay, this job requires a university degree. from White House Down (2013)
Okay, we have confirmation. President Raphelson has ordered an air strike... from White House Down (2013)
Okay. from White House Down (2013)
On the worst day that our country has ever had... from White House Down (2013)
One day things got so desperate for Ricky... from White House Down (2013)
One is closing in on the White House. from White House Down (2013)
One of the terrorists is holding a little girl at gunpoint. from White House Down (2013)
One. from White House Down (2013)
Only the president can give that order. from White House Down (2013)
Our satellites show massive troop movements... from White House Down (2013)
Over a trillion dollars. Could you imagine if you had... from White House Down (2013)
Over a trillion dollars. Could you imagine if you had... from White House Down (2013)
Park up on the left, go into the East Lobby. from White House Down (2013)
People all over the globe have been holding their breath. from White House Down (2013)
People are going wild. from White House Down (2013)
PID is keeping an eye on a guy in Buffalo they're worried about. from White House Down (2013)
Piece of advice: You gotta get back on the horse. from White House Down (2013)
Place your hand there for scanning, please. from White House Down (2013)
Playing some hide and seek, little girl? from White House Down (2013)
Please just come home. from White House Down (2013)
Please keep them on your person at all times. from White House Down (2013)
Please stop this. from White House Down (2013)
Please tell me you got out of here. from White House Down (2013)
Please, baby, you gotta turn around and look at me. from White House Down (2013)
Please! Clear the area now! from White House Down (2013)
Politicians always love talking about sacrifice. from White House Down (2013)
Practically had to be rebuilt from the ground up. from White House Down (2013)
President Sawyer delivered what can only be described as a historic speech... from White House Down (2013)
Pretty please, Carol? from White House Down (2013)
Professional? from White House Down (2013)
Proof of life, huh? from White House Down (2013)
Pull the pin. from White House Down (2013)
Pull up! Pull up! from White House Down (2013)
Put the president on screen. from White House Down (2013)
Put them through. from White House Down (2013)
Put your hand... from White House Down (2013)
Quite the politician, huh? from White House Down (2013)
Raptor Alpha 1, you are clear. from White House Down (2013)
Really? from White House Down (2013)
Really? Did you check Walker's personal records? from White House Down (2013)
Remember these? from White House Down (2013)
Remind me again why we let these guys broadcast from our lawn. from White House Down (2013)
Republicans and Democrats... from White House Down (2013)
Right after I deployed, Emily was watching TV... from White House Down (2013)
Right here. from White House Down (2013)
Roger that. I'm taking the stairs. Mulcahy, finish up. from White House Down (2013)
Run a database search on the guys in that building. from White House Down (2013)
Run, Mr. President! To me, to me, to me! from White House Down (2013)
Say hello, sweetie. from White House Down (2013)
Say what? from White House Down (2013)
Scanning sky south. from White House Down (2013)
Secret Service detail. Is that right? from White House Down (2013)
See you outside. from White House Down (2013)
Sending those men in was the most courageous thing... from White House Down (2013)
Sergeant Cale demonstrates a lack of respect for authority. from White House Down (2013)
Sergeant Cale has raw potential but seems determined not to realise it. from White House Down (2013)
Seriously. from White House Down (2013)
She had him over, cooked him a full meal... from White House Down (2013)
She hung UP? from White House Down (2013)
She practised for like six weeks, John. She thought you were gonna be there. from White House Down (2013)
She put me on hold when I was thanking her. from White House Down (2013)
She swears to me that she saw me. from White House Down (2013)
She was a flag twirler. from White House Down (2013)
She was like 3 when I enlisted. from White House Down (2013)
She's a freak for this kind of stuff, so if I get her in, I'm Dad of the Year. from White House Down (2013)
She's an amazing girl. from White House Down (2013)
She's coming back tonight? from White House Down (2013)
She's referring to the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre... from White House Down (2013)
Shit! from White House Down (2013)
Shit! God! They're in the elevator heading up! from White House Down (2013)
Shit. from White House Down (2013)
Shit. from White House Down (2013)
Shit. from White House Down (2013)
Shit. Sir, we have Black Hawks coming in. from White House Down (2013)
Shit. What the...? from White House Down (2013)
Shots fired. Code Black! Code Black! from White House Down (2013)
Showtime! from White House Down (2013)
Shut up! from White House Down (2013)
Sign this treaty. Let's end this debilitating pattern of violence... from White House Down (2013)
Sir, Delta Force is 15 minutes out. from White House Down (2013)
Sir, follow me, please. from White House Down (2013)
Sir, I have the first lady for you. from White House Down (2013)
Sir, these are your new presidential launch codes. from White House Down (2013)
Sir, these are your presidential launch codes. from White House Down (2013)
Sir, we have a tour group on the State Floor. from White House Down (2013)
Sir, we have nuclear missiles spinning up on the Albuquerque. from White House Down (2013)
Sir, we're at DEFCON 1. from White House Down (2013)
Sir, we're under attack! from White House Down (2013)
Sir, with respect, only the president can do that. from White House Down (2013)
Sir! Sir! I need an answer. from White House Down (2013)
Sir? from White House Down (2013)
Sir. from White House Down (2013)
Sir. My weapons system is coming online. from White House Down (2013)
Sit down and shut up! from White House Down (2013)
So how is your blog coming along? from White House Down (2013)
So I guess I just figured that I'd try to help protect the man that is. from White House Down (2013)
So if you want revenge, then just shoot me. from White House Down (2013)
So no one state could claim the President's House. from White House Down (2013)
So put the gun down... from White House Down (2013)
So we just... Okay. from White House Down (2013)
So we should have an advance on Obelisk, Marcel's, the usual. from White House Down (2013)
So we wait for your best friend Jenna to hit us back. from White House Down (2013)
So we're gonna get all this done in two hours and be done by lunch, okay? from White House Down (2013)
So you did three tours in Afghanistan... from White House Down (2013)
So you tell me how much time I have. from White House Down (2013)
Somebody please shut the alarm off! from White House Down (2013)
Someone has entered valid launch codes. from White House Down (2013)
Something along the lines of Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson. from White House Down (2013)
Son of a... from White House Down (2013)
Sorry, force of habit. from White House Down (2013)
Sorry, he got hung up on the State Floor. from White House Down (2013)
Sorry, I gotta ask. from White House Down (2013)
Sow some oats, break some hearts, have actual human interaction... from White House Down (2013)
Special Agent Cale! from White House Down (2013)
Stagecoach. Follow me. Let's get to the Stagecoach. from White House Down (2013)
Stand up, sir. from White House Down (2013)
Standard Secret Service protocol requires... from White House Down (2013)
Stay back or I'll shoot him! from White House Down (2013)
Stay behind me. They won't shoot us. They need me alive. from White House Down (2013)
Stenz did off the books wetwork for us in ****stan... from White House Down (2013)
Stenz, we're wasting our time here. from White House Down (2013)