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The Rock (1996)

The Rock (1996)

"The Rock" is a thrilling action film released in 1996. Directed by Michael Bay, this high-octane movie captures the chaos that ensues when a group of rogue U.S. Marines takes over Alcatraz Island and threatens to launch deadly rockets towards San Francisco. It's up to a former inmate, played by Sean Connery, and an FBI chemical weapons specialist, portrayed by Nicolas Cage, to infiltrate the island and stop the impending disaster.

With its explosive stunts, intense battles, and gripping storyline, "The Rock" keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The outstanding performances of Connery and Cage, along with the stellar supporting cast including Ed Harris and John C. McGinley, bring depth and charisma to the characters, adding another layer of excitement to the film.

If you're looking for an adrenaline-fueled experience, "The Rock" is a must-watch. And the best part? You can play and download the sounds of this thrilling film right here. Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding action and get ready for an unforgettable ride.

A battery of V.X. gas rockets is presently deployed
A dog out of JFK caught a whiff of something in this package...
A few guys named Washington, Jefferson and Adams...
A file on this guy. Who is he anyway, sir?
A great soldier like Frank Hummel,
A gun?
A lot of angst, a lot of,I'm 16, I'm angry at my father syndrome?
A minute ten.
A night time airdrop incursion is out due to the full moon.
A really elegant string of pearls configuration.
A special situation exists that we feel you might be able to help us with.
A twinge at the small of your back as the poison seizes your nervous system.
Access code entered. Weapon available for release.
Against maybe the greatest battalion commander in the Vietnam War.
Agent Stanley Goodspeed, Agent/Trainee Marvin Isherwood...
Ah, listen. This is the penthouse. Do you do snacks, drinks? Huh?
Ah, that's true. From 1936 until '63 when the prison closed,
Ah, you want to continue, Frank?
Al, put some rigging tape over Mr Sinclair's mouth. He's wasting my time.
Alcamedes. He was imprisoned by his king in ancient Greece.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn?
All I know is you were big in Vietnam. I saw the highlights on television.
All right, come on.
All right, gentlemen, this'll be our new home.
All right, I'll take care of him.
All right, let me have that.
All right, so the S.D.U.s have been deployed, and the Eagles are in the water.
All right, team, inbound. Time on target: 60 seconds.
All right, there's an intake pipe here, below low tide. Is that our best access?
All right, we can try.
All right, you wanna know? 1962, J. Edgar Hoover
All right, you wanna play tough? You wanna play tough with me?
All right. Call the Fairmont. Close the floor
All right. We have to identify the hostages and contact each of their families.
All the guards we contacted were useless.
All units, this is Caretaker. We have a Signal Six. He's in the hotel!
Am I out of style?
An ecological disaster, sir.
And believe me, it'll come back to you.
And both of the birds are ready to fly, sir.
And bring her here to the command center.
And caged like an animal for the rest of your natural fucking life!
And call the San Francisco office. It seems Alcatraz was just reopened.
And denied compensation.
And dragged you back to prison?
And emerge in its center; that way we can jump the Marines from behind.
And he gets two hours max.
And he is the only hope that we have got.
And I have to say, thus far your conduct reflects your reputations.
And I know that you're well aware of his stance on terrorism.
And I still don't have their attention.
And I'll send someone to pick up your girlfriend
And I'm tellin' you right now, I need to know
And if we're lucky, take their rocket positions without a shot fired.
And in the middle, Frank Hummel.
And into the cistern through the intake pipe.
And kill everybody in the building.
And Mason's angry, he's lethal, he's a trained killer.
And more of our brothers have died in vain.
And most of the time I work in a glass jar and lead a very uneventful life.
And my men were responsible for over 200 enemy kills.
And offer to take these off.
And Paxton, no strong arming Mason. I know him too well.
And she's just flown in to see me.
And take Attorney Reynolds outside. There's a car waiting for you. Thank you.
And that American boys have paid for that neglect in blood...
And the Congressional Medal of...
And the feel of a suit.
And then if they disturb Mr Backup here, we own 'em.
And we held him without trial
And you need my help.
And you're gonna end up in either a glass jar or a plastic bag.
And, and create a solution?
And, uh, not a good sign.
And, uh, they've got a gun to my head.
Anderson here, General Hummel.
Answer the question. And address him as General, sir.
Any epidermal exposure or inhalation, and you'll know.
Any questions?
Are selected to carry out illegal operations throughout the world.
Are you kidding me right now? You need to stay here and talk to me about things.
Armed with V.X. poisoned gas.
At ease.
Attention on deck!
B.A. Columbia; M.A., PhD, Johns Hopkins.
Be seated.
Because if the winds change after you launch those rockets,
Besides, you got the best SEAL team in the country backing you up.
Besides, your safety's on.
Blackbird One, this is Blackbird. Come in, goddam it!
Blackbird One, this is Blackbird. Over.
Blown out to sea, huh?
Blue! Just turned blue so I went to the doctor.
Bogey detonated under water.
Bosnian refugee camp?
Bullshit it's over.
Burn 'em out.
But don't worry. It'll all come back to me.
But how, in the name of Zeus's butthole,
But I don't know you.
But I don't think that we should romanticize
But I strongly urge you to consider the use of this as a secondary initiative.
But I'm gonna need your help, and I'm gonna need it right now.
But I'm here to make you a legitimate offer.
But in retrospect, I'd rather have been a poet or a farmer.
But like he said,
But like you, I swore to defend this country against all enemies,
But nothing prepares you for it.
But our Bureau agents caught him at the Canadian border.
But right now I just, I just I wanna find some rockets.
But thank you.
But that doesn't give you the right to mutiny!
But that's after your skin melts off.
But there's still one left.
But they're still in the test phase; it's not operational.
But whatever happens,
But you can never again set foot on your native soil.
But you could've given me my life back years ago.
But, of course. I knew he would.
But, uh, I'm sure you know the etymology of your name Goodspeed.
By your ninth birthday, I was runnin' black ops into China,
Campaign in a career datin' back to Tet '68.
Can we get a cup of coffee in here, please?
Captain Frye, Captain Darrow, this is my first
Captain John Patrick Mason, General, sir,
Captain, I guess you didn't quite take care of the rat problem.
Captain, step outside!
Carla was the prom queen.
Carla wouldn't approve. She thinks it's dumb to spend $600 on an L.P.
Carla's right. Why don't you just spend $ 13 on a CD, man?
Cease fire!
Cease fire!
Check every access you can find.
Check into the hotel. Order up some champagne.
Chem weapons. Isherwood.
Child in this world is coldly considering an act of cruelty.
Clear here, sir. No motion sensors tripped.
Clear out. Get outta here!
Come here. Come here, you little chicken shit!
Come on, come on. You can do it, Doc.
Come on, General. Let's be all we can be.
Come on, have a scallop. Come on, catch.
Come on, just do it, Stan!
Come on, let's play. Come on. Come on.
Come on, Phil, fix it for Christ's sake!
Come on, Stanley. I'm proposing to you right now.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Time's up.
Commander Anderson, if you have any concern for the lives of your men,
Commander, the beam is hitting some sort of reflective device.
Commander, you said never to leave his sight, but, uh...
Commander. Team leader.
Congratulations, Dr Goodspeed. You did it.
Continue patrolling the area.
Converge on the morgue. Move out.
Cordially invite you to become inmates of Alcatraz, temporarily, of course.
Could be serious. Could be sarin gas.
Cover of hostages and V.X. gas warheads.
Cut the crap, General.
Damn it! You're on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know.
Damn you for forcing me into this position.
Damn! This sucks! Where's that son of a bitch at?
Darrow, go to the lighthouse. I'll take care of this fucker!
De Gaulle, British members of Parliament, even the Prime Minister.
Decoy choppers commencing run to Alcatraz.
Did it.
Did you get out of your cell?
Did you know it was originally a Civil War fort?
Director, be advised.
Do it now!
Do it, Frank! We're coming loose.
Do it!
Do not move that!
Do you think I'm out of my fucking mind?
Do you think we have time for a sea kelp protein pack and maybe some color?
Does that mean you'll execute us both?
Don't fuck with me on this. It may save your life.
Don't mention that!
Don't tell me problems, tell me solutions.
Don't tempt me. We are going to the morgue.
Don't you think there's a lot of, uh, a lot of anger floatin' around this island?
Don't. Don't go.
Down, down, down.
Dr Goodspeed.
Dr Goodspeed. James Womack.
Driving Carla and your baby insane in your beige Volvo.
Drop 'em!
Drop your weapons!
Eat that, you fuck!
Eh, peace! Peace!
Eighty one American civilians and a number of U.S. Marines
English prick. I tell you my old man was Irish?
Evac! Seal the door!
Even if you escape from the island,
Even someone as bright as you must be aware that, uh,
Everything set here? Minicams operational?
Except for the Red Sea Trading Company. What is that?
Except it isn't.
Excuse me, General, but what about the fucking money?
Excuse me, General, sir, with all due respect
Fall in! All right, listen up.
Falling, 300 feet. 200. 100.
FBI, ma'am. Your father's working with us.
FBI. Uh...
Feeling too good about it, okay? Wolfburg. Got it?
Fiber optics.
Fifteen V.X. gas rockets into the heart of San Francisco.
Fighting a war means casualties.
Fire open control circuit coordinates to the roof, sir.
Five, four, five, niner.
Flight time to drop point. 17 minutes.
Football game.
For a single rocket armed with V.X. poison gas, General Peterson?
For a whole city.
For him to just sit around and think about it.
For Major Baxter and I, this is the last
For that, I apologize.
For what? You're a chemical freak.
Foreign, sir, and domestic.
Forget it! He does not exist.
Forget Maui.
Forty seven in northern Laos and southern China.
Forty seven in northern Laos and southern China.
Frank, it's Al Kramer.
Frank, please don't do anything stupid.
From the Grand Cayman Red Sea Trading Company account to an account I designate.
From these funds, reparations of $ 1 million will be paid
Front pew, right leg.
Front pew, right leg.
Fuck, man! I knew this would happen! Fuck!
General Hummel, Captains Frye and Darrow reporting, sir.
General Hummel, you've gotta get us outta here now!
General, it's him.
General, two operational rockets left.
General, we've spilled the same blood in the same mud.
Gentlemen, consider yourselves on ground alert. If we receive launch authority,
Get me the fuck out of this gas chamber!
Get me the Pentagon.
Get out of my way. Let me through, please. Let me through!
Get the point?
Glass of wine, little guitar. Just relaxing.
Go to February '76. Who was transferred to Wolfburg from San Quentin?
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
God be with all of you. Man your positions, men.
God knows I agree with you.
God willing, in less than 48 hours
Goddam it, sir! How long do we have to wait? I've lost 15 men already!
Good. I love pressure. I eat it for breakfast.
Good. Mobile Command is fully operational.
Goodspeed, come in.
Goodspeed, come on. Come over here.
Goodspeed, do you read me? Come in!
Goodspeed, do you read me? Come in!
Goodspeed, Goodspeed, do you read me? Come in!
Goodspeed, have you resolved the situation?
Goodspeed, I'm not gonna kill you.
Goodspeed, where's Mason? Where's his body? I wanna see that son of a bitch!
Goodspeed. Goodspeed, do you read me?
Goodspeed. Uh, yeah. O Okay, yeah.
Got a lot of very, very worried people here, Frank.
Got a really neat layout over here of the chem round as well as the rocket,
Got it. Good to go.
Got my first chemistry set when I was seven. Blew my eyebrows off.
Got us here in the first place 33 years ago.
Great job, Goodspeed.
Great. We're not gutless, we're incompetent. That right?
Green light to SEAL incursion.
Growing up without a father.
Half a million Serbians reside in the U.S., Marvin. Serbians don't like Bosnians.
Hang on!
Happily, it'll just wipe out you and me.
Have a nice day.
Have been the longest, darkest of my life.
Have you ever actually seen one of these devices?
Have you ever been in a combat situation?
Have you fired one of those things since the Academy?
Have you forgotten that?
He broke out of two maximum security prisons. And if he hits the streets.
He does exist! We just chose to forget him for 30 years.
He does not exist. Understand?
He is my age now, for Christ's sake!
He lost one of his own men in the process.
He'll fuck with you.
He's a professional escape artist.
He's helping us resolve a dangerous situation.
He's not gonna hit the streets, Jim.
He's smart.
Head out, and I was the result.
Heading around Treasure Island.
Hello, little baby doll.
Help! Help! Help!
Help! Shit!
Here we are, and I'm lost.
Here. Here's a quarter.
Hey, call the guard! Go!
Hey, come back here, little boy.
Hey, girls?
Hey, I was inside the bedroom with Jack Powell!
Hey, I was inside the bedroom with Jack Powell!
Hey, man, you just fucked up your Ferrari.
Hey, somebody ordered it. Can't let it go to waste.
Hey, Stan, listen, I'm gettin' out of this government shithole.
Hey, the last time I swam this channel I was your age.
Hey, what about Mr Henderson's head?
Hey, where are you g... Goddam it!
Hey, you mother!
Hey! Stop! Hey!
Hey. Wha...
Hi, Al, how you doin'?
Hi, baby.
Hi, darling, it's, uh, it's me.
Hi. You all havin' a good time?
Him, but not the rocket.
His directive is to string Hummel along until the air strike is operational.
His name is John Mason, a British national
Hmm. I know something about you, Godspell.
Hold it.
Holy shit!
Hoover was dead in '72. She wasn't born yet.
How could they possibly know that you're home?
How do you do it?
How do you know? I mean, h how do you know?
How do you like your choices?
How does one weigh human life?
How is your bowling arm?
How many feet is that?
How the hell are you involved in this?
How'd you do it?
Hummel from Alcatraz. Out.
Hummel knows this. We are dealing with one smart son of a bitch.
Hummel won't do it. He's a soldier, not a murderer.
I always expected something like this was going to happen,
I am aware of your countermeasure. You know and I know it doesn't stand a chance.
I am not here to bend over and take it up the ass from you.
I am pregnant and I am unmarried. And this causes a serious problem for me.
I can't cut anyone's balls off with a trimmer now, can I?
I can't! My blueprint was in my head.
I come before you to protest a grave injustice.
I could; you, no.
I didn't want this.
I don't know anything about your previous matters. I'm here because...
I don't know, Frank. Ah, why don't you tell me.
I don't know.
I don't like soft ass shit.
I don't need the gun. I'll put it down.
I don't quite see how you cherish the memory of the dead
I don't really give a shit! Do you give a shit?
I don't think I like your tone, Captain. We planned for this contingency.
I don't think you do.
I don't understand. How could we lose radio contact all of a sudden?
I don't understand. You you've studied the architectural plans?
I don't... I don't know anything about you.
I drive a Volvo, a beige one. But what I'm dealing with here
I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts.
I feel rather like Alcamedes.
I got a little somethin' for ya.
I got green smoke. I got green smoke!
I got him out to get you people in, not go with you.
I got him. Palace of Fine Arts.
I got the access card. We've got 30 minutes till those darts wear off.
I got three weeks' weapons training.
I had such an interesting day today.
I have three incoming bogeys bearing 275.
I have to get up three times a night to take a piss.
I have to. It's the office, baby. They know I'm home.
I heard what you said! If you're gonna be insubordinate,
I just didn't plan on this, that's all.
I knew it. That son of a bitch jumped ship.
I knew! I knew someday this would come back to bite us.
I know you're in here, and I know you can hear me.
I know, I'm rambling, I'm complaining. I'm sorry.
I know. It's funny you should mention that.
I left it in my, uh, my sock drawer.
I love pressure.
I love you. I will marry you.
I mean it, honey. The world is being Fed Ex'd to hell on a handcart.
I mean, did they tell Picasso, No brush?
I mean, I'll know it when we're all inside.
I mean, it'd be nice to get out of jail while you're still vertical.
I mean, this guy had dirt on everybody in the world.
I mean, you gonna make it through this thing?
I need to talk to you right now, alone.
I need you to tell your teacher that you need
I only ask because in our current situation,
I recommend Fort Walton, Kansas.
I repeat, do not come to San Francisco.
I said, what the hell...
I shit you not.
I should really begin briefing your guys on defusing and detoxification.
I suppose all this will make a great bedtime story to tell your kid.
I tried. You know I tried everything.
I want a suite in the Fairmont Hotel.
I want my fucking money!
I want that fucking chip!
I want to know who I'm talking to.
I want to use a mirror to cut the beam,
I was just thinking how wonderful it was
I was thinking of Maui.
I was under the impression that no one ever escaped Alcatraz, sir.
I was underground for three days in the dark,
I was, uh, formerly a guest here.
I will call again at 0100 hours to state my demands.
I'd appreciate it if you'd do it with a little more respect.
I'll be, I'll be down, yeah, downstairs in ten minutes.
I'll come straight to the point.
I'll come straight to the point.
I'll deliver this to the attorney general.
I'll handle the strategy, Captain.
I'll kick the... Out of a platoon full of Marines.
I'll take pleasure in guttin' you, boy.
I'm an agent with the, uh, uh, F Federal
I'm at the White House with General Kramer.
I'm fed up saving your ass. I'm amazed you ever got past puberty.
I'm goin' over to Orkin to design roach motels. Cool, huh?
I'm gonna choke my million bucks out of you. You're gonna die.
I'm gonna hunt him down! That motherfucker ain't safe nowhere.
I'm just givin' him somethin' to think about.
I'm not about to kill 80,000 innocent people.
I'm not allowed to carry a gun.
I'm not armed, sir.
I'm not gonna ask you again. Don't do anything stupid.
I'm only borrowing your Humvee!
I'm pregnant.
I'm rather glad you didn't hesitate too long.
I'm sorry?
I'm too old for this.
I'm waiting for launch command, General.
I've been in jail longer than Nelson Mandela,
I've gotta get a team together right now. We've gotta move with the second option.
I've rehearsed this speech a thousand times on the chance that we would meet.
If he's not going, then why the hell did we get him out of jail?
If I had my way, you would be shipped back to Wolfburg in leg irons...
If I'd've known this was gonna happen, I'd have brought my motherfuckin' gun!
If it's the only way of getting the intelligence I need, then he goes.
If necessary, but I want him sealed off.
If only what? Six federal marshals hadn't kicked down our door
If that suit melts... If you die, we all die!
If the rocket renders it aerosol, it can take out the entire city of people.
If this comes out, the city of San Francisco
If we're compromised and shots are fired, Hummel might launch.
If you can believe that, then it's a start.
If you can get to the Pan Pacific Hotel, there's
If you know the system, it will take you wherever you need to go.
Impregnable fortress held by an elite team
In charge of what? Fucking me over for another three decades?
In fact, you look like shit.
In my day, we did it all with a snorkel and a pair of flippers.
In point of fact, I am a field agent, Mr Mason.
In time, so shall we.
Incarcerated on Alcatraz in 1962, escaped in '63.
Increase speed to 500 knots.
Information? San Francisco?
Initiating exam of wooden crate.
Inject it in your heart before your suit melts.
Is equally real and equally tragic.
Is head of the FBI, some say the country.
Is it really true that there's never been an escape?
Is necessary for us to complete our mission.
Is one of the most deadly substances the Earth has ever known.
Is there's enough C 4 explosive and poison gas to blow the whole chamber
Is this about you?
Is this what I think it is?
It has to stop.
It is not our intention in any way to harm you.
It means to lead some of the finest men
It splashed into the bay, sir. No detonation.
It was classified. Look, I'm in the same situation.
It was my men on the ground that made those hits possible by lasing the targets.
It's a slush fund where the Pentagon keeps proceeds from illegal arms sales.
It's about reminding you people who found it politically convenient to forget.
It's an anti motion trembler device. It's custom made.
It's been a fairly interesting day so far. The prisoner's here. Shall we?
It's eating my fucking suit! All right? Shit!
It's for you.
It's funny?
It's just me and Mason. Now he says he's leaving.
It's me and you, pal.
It's no secret he kept microfilm files on prominent Americans and Europeans:
It's one of those things we wish we could disinvent.
It's over.
It's over.
It's terrible. N No, it's wonderful,
It's the FBI.
It's very, very horrible, sir.
It's, uh, it's, eh, kind of curious, but, uh,
Jade, I don't have a great deal of time here.
Jesus Christ!
Jesus, Frank! This is classified information.
Jesus! This man is a hero!
Just clippers. No scissors.
Just come and get me.
Just the Amaretto cream with peach sorbet persuasion.
Just waiting for the tides to be right.
Kind of a lot's happened since then. Look, we're not even married.
Kind of a pubescent volatility? Don't you think?
Ladies and gentlemen, I, Ranger Bob,
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Broadway!
Ladies and gentlemen, you're being detained against your will.
Land the choppers on the back side and deploy as planned.
Last night General Hummel, using brutal but nonlethal force
Launch coordinates: six, seven,
Let go of me. Let go of me!
Let me outta here! Oh, God! Let me outta here! Oh, God!
Let me remind you there are lives at stake, civilian lives.
Let me remind you there are lives at stake, civilian lives.
Let me see if I can get this straight. You went down the incinerator chute,
Let's do it.
Let's drop to the deck. One hundred feet below radar.
Let's find out.
Let's get him.
Let's hope this elevates their thinking.
Let's load up!
Let's move it.
Let's move out.
Let's waste these fuckers.
Like being a caged animal.
Likewise a frontal seaside attack.
Likewise for Captain Hendrix, Gunnery Sergeant Crisp,
Liquid. Failed pesticide discovered by a mistake in 1952.
Listen, I think we got started off on the wrong foot. Stan Goodspeed, FBI. Uh...
Listen, Stanley Goodspeed is my boyfriend. Actually, he's, um, my fiancé.
Listen, uh, Frank, we have to get final authorization from the president.
Living room's clear!
Load the V.X. into the choppers, take four hostages and evacuate.
Look how big this is. You want me to stick this into my heart?
Look it, Stan.
Look, I can defuse the rockets. I really can.
Look, I know this isn't easy for you.
Looks like he fucked us, Commander.
Losers always whine about their best.
Major Baxter, you're either with us or against us.
Make him take his dose.
Make no mistake about it, gentlemen, we are now in harm's way.
Make no mistake, gentlemen. We're in the fight of our lives
Man, killing Navy SEALs is one thing...
Marine, inform the garrison C.O.
Marvin, look up Wolfburg Federal Penitentiary.
Marvin, the atropine, now!
Mason was the British operative who stole the files.
Mason, stop moving.
Mason, you all right?
Mason! Mason!
May I also suggest, uh, a haircut?
Maybe when this is all over, you and I can stop by the souvenir shop together.
Me and my boys are ready to cock, lock, and ready to rock.
Meeting in a bar after a Led Zeppelin concert.
Memory betrayed by their own fuckin' government.
Men following the general, you're under oath as United States Marines!
Missile loose! Missile loose!
Missile radically changing direction.
Modest hopes, but, uh, they kept a man alive.
Morgue from the satellite thermal imaging...
Motion sensors.
Move it!
Mr Director, you have a very serious problem.
Mr Mason will run point for us.
Mr Mason, I'm Special Agent in Charge, Ernest Paxton.
Mr Mason, really.
Mr Sinclair, General Hummel is a man of honor.
Mr Womack, who is your best chemical/biological man?
My girlfriend's pregnant...
My God.
My name's Stanley Goodspeed. I'm a chemical weapons specialist for the FBI.
My stomach's doing hula hoops around my ass.
Naughty. Naughty.
Navy SEALs, listen up. You've got something that belongs to me.
Neat, neat plane.
Neither is this!
Ninety seven paces to the shower room.
No benefits were paid to their families.
No medals conferred.
No one has to die here.
No problem.
No scissors? You've got to be kidding me, no scissors!
No, he'll remember me. I don't want his anger clouding the issue.
No, he's not.
No, I don't.
No, I'm a chemical super freak, actually. But I still need a gun.
No, no, no, no.
No, sir, but I've studied them.
No, Stacy. Jade's friend.
No, uh, h h hey, hey, fellas. I'm sorry, but tourists are not allowed back here.
No, you won't.
No! It's the sake of national security that
No! No! No!
No. You're not goddam goin'. Show us on the blueprints.
Not allowed to talk.
Not for Mason, it isn't.
Not when it's free.
Now I'm I'm responsible...
Now you told me I'm on a need to know basis.
Now you're being given your last chance by a man with a gun.
Now you're being given your last chance by a man with a gun.
Now you're getting a gun and a wet suit.
Now, it makes you a free man provided you cooperate.
Now, let's see. We have some dirty magazines.
Now, my boys, they haven't been able to find
Now, pay the piper and come out like a man.
Now, tell me about the tunnels.
Now, the problem with V.X. poison gas is
Now, this is atropine. If you come in contact with the gas,
Now, three to go.
Now, we've spoken to the president,
Now, Womack,
October 1, 0900 hours.
Of course, the British claimed they'd never heard of him.
Of Her Majesty's S.A.S. Retired, of course.
Of U.S. Marines in possession of 81 hostages and 15 guided rockets
Offer me coffee.
Oh, an educated man!
Oh, and a lot of goddam good it did us.
Oh, come on.
Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Oh, I have a unique knowledge of this prison facility.
Oh, I think we'd like God on our side at the moment, don't you?
Oh, I was trained by the best. British Intelligence.
Oh, I would just love for you to tell me what is goin' on.
Oh, it's very necessary, sir.
Oh, just makin' sure.
Oh, just some terrorists decided to send a little care package, box of goodies,
Oh, my baby!
Oh, my God.
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, no.
Oh, oh, I gotta go now.
Oh, okay, you go first.
Oh, really? Huh. Yeah, wow. You know, I like history, too,
Oh, that's a long story.
Oh, well, then, everything's just fine!
Oh, who did this to you? This is just not right. In fact, it's nasty!
Oh, yeah, okay. That's just about the most awful thing I've ever seen.
Oh, yeah! Absolutely, sir.
Oh, yeah? Well, uh Why don't we take a walk?
Oh, yes, baby, come on!
Oh, yes! Well, that was, in fact, gonna be my next...
Oh, you... Oh, oh. Oh.
Oh, you're not allowed to carry a gun? I got a goddam gun.
Oh. In that case, no, sir. Excuse me.
Okay, here we go, man!
Okay, I've got some bad news and some really bad news.
Okay, the president arrives in three hours.
Okay? What do you mean?
Okay. FBI! Freeze, sucker!
Okay. Not very nice, is he?
Okay. Well, you just sit here and act like a Bureau bonehead, then.
On God's earth into battle, and then see their
On the line!
On the mine cars, through the tunnels to the power plant,
One million civilians against 81 hostages.
One quart of kerosene in a squeeze bottle.
One teaspoon of this shit detonated in the atmosphere...
One's at the lower lighthouse and there is one on the roof.
Or are they just using you like they do everybody else?
Or be prepared to reap the whirlwind, gentlemen.
Or scratches, or I'll have your ass. Hey!
Or scratches, or I'll have your ass. Hey!
Order the launch, General.
Our only alternative is an attack from within the prison.
Pass out and activate the minicams.
Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious, according to Oscar Wilde.
Paxton, don't argue!
Perhaps meet my daughter.
Please don't let this happen. There has to be something you can do. Please.
Please don't!
Plus the devices themselves are complicated.
Possible penetration point in the shower room.
Possibly a prism.
Postmarked to a Bosnian refugee camp.
Pretty tight quarters, aren't they, huh?
Prisoner requests to have his handcuffs taken off.
Punishable by death.
Put him on the phone right now.
Put it over there.
Put the phone down.
Put the phone down.
Put the satellite over there. I wanna be up at 1600.
Raider One has dropped below radar coverage,
Range: 6,000 meters.
Rats alive! Close on the morgue. Close on the morgue.
Reading philosophy, avoiding gang **** in the washroom.
Really? And what happens if you drop one?
Remember Operation Desert Storm?
Remember you were trained for this kind of a situation...
Rodents located.
Room 26.
Seal us inside.
Secure the General.
Sergeant Crisp,
Seven hours.
Shame on them!
Shep, what's the status on the special operational gear for Mr Mason?
Shh. Some sniper's gonna get his ass.
Shit, we got a rodent problem. Flush the pipes.
Shit! Goddam it!
Should we prepare for launch, General?
Sir, all the guidance chips are gone.
Sir, I'd like to bring in our SEAL ground commander, Commander Anderson.
Sir, it's an honor having you, sir.
Sir, morgue team has not checked in.
Sir, they're lightin' us up like a firestorm!
Sir, this man's weapons and TAC radio are missing!
Sir, we know why you're out here.