A commendation for valor in Shanghai. from Windtalkers (2002)
A priest? from Windtalkers (2002)
About gettin' paid three dollars per Comanche ear. from Windtalkers (2002)
Actually, more interested in bringing some of the reservation back to the world. from Windtalkers (2002)
Add 325, fire for effect! from Windtalkers (2002)
After a 12 hour shift I'm too tired to do anything but write letters. from Windtalkers (2002)
Against all enemies, foreign and domestic... from Windtalkers (2002)
Ah, real problem's the inner ear. It's anvils and stirrups and shit. from Windtalkers (2002)
Ah, teaching. Bring a little something back to the reservation? from Windtalkers (2002)
All of the men under my command... from Windtalkers (2002)
All right, everybody be ready. from Windtalkers (2002)
All right, let's go. from Windtalkers (2002)
All right, then. from Windtalkers (2002)
All right, you lead off. I'll follow you. from Windtalkers (2002)
An ass kicker on the land and on the sea. from Windtalkers (2002)
And a couple of sergeants, Enders and Henderson, from Windtalkers (2002)
And an airstrip to land and refuel B 29's from Windtalkers (2002)
And an airstrip to land and refuel B 29's from Windtalkers (2002)
And for that, they gave me the Silver Star. from Windtalkers (2002)
And get our bombers within range of Tokyo. from Windtalkers (2002)
And he could meet Joe Enders, from Windtalkers (2002)
And his left ear is the worse of the two? from Windtalkers (2002)
And I concur. But I don't see any point in you having to wait around from Windtalkers (2002)
And I did. from Windtalkers (2002)
And it ain't bein' waged on your wants and wishes. from Windtalkers (2002)
And then I'm goin' back to the motherland. from Windtalkers (2002)
And to keep our honor clean from Windtalkers (2002)
And what about Kit Carson, and what they did to the Navajo in the Long Walk? from Windtalkers (2002)
And Yahzee... from Windtalkers (2002)
And you made a hell of a stand on the Solomons. from Windtalkers (2002)
Another 50 years, who knows, we could be sittin' down with the Nipponese. from Windtalkers (2002)
Any questions? from Windtalkers (2002)
Are you gonna help me or not? from Windtalkers (2002)
Are you hit? Are you hit? from Windtalkers (2002)
Are you listening? from Windtalkers (2002)
Are you reading these, Joe? from Windtalkers (2002)
Are you serious? from Windtalkers (2002)
Around the house too. from Windtalkers (2002)
Artillery. Code word? from Windtalkers (2002)
Assault and battery... on one Father Crispin O'Donnell? from Windtalkers (2002)
Assistant principal at Archbishop Keenan High School, sir, and head disciplinarian. from Windtalkers (2002)
At all costs. from Windtalkers (2002)
At least he keeps me warm at night. from Windtalkers (2002)
Be al doh tso lani? from Windtalkers (2002)
Beautiful. from Windtalkers (2002)
Because it's their home, but we're gonna take it away from 'em! from Windtalkers (2002)
Because your buddy smeared ash on your forehead? from Windtalkers (2002)
Begging the colonel's pardon, he's a Navajo, of the Bitter Water People, from Windtalkers (2002)
Begging the major's pardon, but I believe I'd best serve the Corps killing Japs, from Windtalkers (2002)
Beginner's luck. from Windtalkers (2002)
Ben. You know, you've never called me that before. from Windtalkers (2002)
Better than you did as a civilian. from Windtalkers (2002)
Biscuits? How can you ruin biscuits? from Windtalkers (2002)
Born for the Towering House clan. from Windtalkers (2002)
Bowie White, Bowie White, this is Carson Red! from Windtalkers (2002)
But I don't think the reporters have been to Kaneohe Bay Hospital. from Windtalkers (2002)
But sometimes, when I'm lying in bed, from Windtalkers (2002)
But there's still one here. from Windtalkers (2002)
But what it really comes down to is speed and accuracy under pressure. from Windtalkers (2002)
But you do look like a Nip. from Windtalkers (2002)
But you're prepared to jump right back into it? from Windtalkers (2002)
Call. from Windtalkers (2002)
Can I try one of those? from Windtalkers (2002)
Card on the head, only fool can't see it is you. from Windtalkers (2002)
Cease fire! Cease fire! from Windtalkers (2002)
Cease fire! Cease fire! You're shelling marines! from Windtalkers (2002)
Charlie, come on, come on, come on! from Windtalkers (2002)
Charlie! from Windtalkers (2002)
Charlie... from Windtalkers (2002)
Charlie's family owns the biggest flock in the Four Corners area. from Windtalkers (2002)
Chay da gahi. from Windtalkers (2002)
Chick, bed 'em down for the night. from Windtalkers (2002)
Chick, take the left flank. Enders, go right. We'll cover you with a 30. from Windtalkers (2002)
Chick! Come on! from Windtalkers (2002)
Chick's gonna get us out. Right, Chick? from Windtalkers (2002)
Close your eyes. It'll taste better. Who's next? from Windtalkers (2002)
Code's based on their language, but it is still a code. from Windtalkers (2002)
Colonel. Can I help you, sir? from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on, Joe. I got you. from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on, keep moving! from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on, keep up! from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on, you can do it! Come on! from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on! from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on! from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on! Come on! from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on! To me! from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on. Come on. from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on. You boys wanna be codetalkers. from Windtalkers (2002)
Come on. You can do it. from Windtalkers (2002)
Commence fire! from Windtalkers (2002)
Congratulations. You just made sergeant. from Windtalkers (2002)
Coordinates! from Windtalkers (2002)
Coordinates! from Windtalkers (2002)
Coordinating the naval gunfire from Windtalkers (2002)
Corpsman! from Windtalkers (2002)
Corpsman! from Windtalkers (2002)
Corpsman! from Windtalkers (2002)
Cos she's havin' a weenie roast. from Windtalkers (2002)
Course you were, Joe. You're a damn good fuckin' marine. from Windtalkers (2002)
Cover up. from Windtalkers (2002)
Cowboys over queens. Read 'em and die. from Windtalkers (2002)
Crank it up! Let's go! from Windtalkers (2002)
Damn Injun looks just like a Jap, don't he? from Windtalkers (2002)
Damn it, Joe. from Windtalkers (2002)
Damn, I'm proud to be here. from Windtalkers (2002)
Dear Joe, how the hell are you? from Windtalkers (2002)
Dear Joe, we got great news today. from Windtalkers (2002)
Destination: the island of Saipan, from Windtalkers (2002)
Didn't hear a word, did you? from Windtalkers (2002)
Didn't think so. from Windtalkers (2002)
Do it, Joe. from Windtalkers (2002)
Do it! from Windtalkers (2002)
Do solemnly swear to support and defend the constitution of the US... from Windtalkers (2002)
Do somethin'. from Windtalkers (2002)
Does she let you drink, your mother? from Windtalkers (2002)
Don't talk like that, Nell. from Windtalkers (2002)
Drinkin' their sake, shootin' the shit... from Windtalkers (2002)
Eddie, give me a shot of Bacardi. from Windtalkers (2002)
Elevation zero five zero. from Windtalkers (2002)
Enders, get the navy on the horn and tell 'em to dig out those guns. from Windtalkers (2002)
Enders, we didn't pick your name out of a hat. from Windtalkers (2002)
Enders! from Windtalkers (2002)
Enders. from Windtalkers (2002)
Enders. from Windtalkers (2002)
Enders. What kind of name is that anyway? from Windtalkers (2002)
Exactly what we've been training to do for the last four months. All right? from Windtalkers (2002)
Expecting them to wear war paint? from Windtalkers (2002)
Fall back! from Windtalkers (2002)
Fire! from Windtalkers (2002)
First time I ever been accused of that. from Windtalkers (2002)
First to fight for right and freedom from Windtalkers (2002)
For all those formalities to work themselves out. from Windtalkers (2002)
For not dyin'. from Windtalkers (2002)
For two days. from Windtalkers (2002)
Forget your orders? No letters out. from Windtalkers (2002)
Fortino, take over. from Windtalkers (2002)
Fortino! Cover me! from Windtalkers (2002)
Fortunately, he couldn't help them even if he wanted to. from Windtalkers (2002)
From South Philadelphia. from Windtalkers (2002)
From the halls of Montezuma from Windtalkers (2002)
Fuck! from Windtalkers (2002)
Fuckers! from Windtalkers (2002)
Fuckers! from Windtalkers (2002)
Fuckin' shitbird. from Windtalkers (2002)
Full boat, baby. from Windtalkers (2002)
Full of grace... from Windtalkers (2002)
Gentlemen, read 'em and weep. Look at that. Nines and fours. from Windtalkers (2002)
Get down! from Windtalkers (2002)
Get him outta there! from Windtalkers (2002)
Get me outta here! from Windtalkers (2002)
Get off me! from Windtalkers (2002)
Get those men spread out! from Windtalkers (2002)
Get up! from Windtalkers (2002)
Get us some air support! from Windtalkers (2002)
Getting on my uniform. from Windtalkers (2002)
Give it a rest, Henderson. from Windtalkers (2002)
Give it a rest? I keep tryin', but... from Windtalkers (2002)
Give me the rifle. from Windtalkers (2002)
Go ahead, try again. from Windtalkers (2002)
Go on. Why can't... Come on. Do it. from Windtalkers (2002)
Go! from Windtalkers (2002)
Go! Run! from Windtalkers (2002)
God knows what a girl will do without reassurance. from Windtalkers (2002)
God willin', America will develop the taste. from Windtalkers (2002)
God! from Windtalkers (2002)
God. from Windtalkers (2002)
God... from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn it, kill him! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn it, Yahzee, get over here! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn it! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn it! I can't do it! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn you, Joe Enders! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn you, Joe Enders! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn you! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goddamn! Must be hell on your gal! from Windtalkers (2002)
Goin' up the mountain. from Windtalkers (2002)
Good. from Windtalkers (2002)
Got a present for you. from Windtalkers (2002)
Got it. You all right? from Windtalkers (2002)
Got this with the mail today. You ever had pickled herring? from Windtalkers (2002)
Greek's predisposed to hyperventilate. from Windtalkers (2002)
Gunny's gone. from Windtalkers (2002)
Hail... Hail Mary... from Windtalkers (2002)
Harri. from Windtalkers (2002)
Harrigan, go! from Windtalkers (2002)
Harrigan! from Windtalkers (2002)
Have ourselves a little peek. from Windtalkers (2002)
Have you seen them? from Windtalkers (2002)
He didn't even want to come to this damn war. I talked him into it. from Windtalkers (2002)
He got the radio, Yahzee! from Windtalkers (2002)
He reminded me of you but cuter. from Windtalkers (2002)
He says right away. from Windtalkers (2002)
He was a fierce warrior. from Windtalkers (2002)
He wondered about cowboys watching Indians' backs. from Windtalkers (2002)
He's over there. from Windtalkers (2002)
Hell of a thing, huh? from Windtalkers (2002)
Henderson. from Windtalkers (2002)
Hey there, sweetheart. from Windtalkers (2002)
Hey, don't let him scare you. from Windtalkers (2002)
Hey, know where we might find 2nd Joint Assault Signal? from Windtalkers (2002)
Hey, looks like we got a coupla seats opening up. You wanna come join us? from Windtalkers (2002)
Hey! from Windtalkers (2002)
Hey... That was you, right, sitting in front of the major's office? from Windtalkers (2002)
Hi. from Windtalkers (2002)
Hi. It's OK. from Windtalkers (2002)
His name was Joe Enders... from Windtalkers (2002)
Hit me. Hit me. from Windtalkers (2002)
Hjelmstad! from Windtalkers (2002)
Hold this. from Windtalkers (2002)
Holy Mary, mother of God... from Windtalkers (2002)
Hoping to teach college. American history. from Windtalkers (2002)
Horses. from Windtalkers (2002)
How about you, Joe? from Windtalkers (2002)
How much of this crap do you have anyway? from Windtalkers (2002)
How you doin'? from Windtalkers (2002)
How! from Windtalkers (2002)
How'd you know I was a chief? from Windtalkers (2002)
How's that ear? from Windtalkers (2002)
How's that for an ignorant fool? from Windtalkers (2002)
I bet I surprised the shit out of you. from Windtalkers (2002)
I can do this. from Windtalkers (2002)
I can do this. from Windtalkers (2002)
I can't breathe when I get excited. from Windtalkers (2002)
I can't do it. from Windtalkers (2002)
I can't find Ox or Whitehorse. from Windtalkers (2002)
I can't keep myself from wondering where you are. from Windtalkers (2002)
I can't perform my duty! from Windtalkers (2002)
I didn't know you knew anybody in Intelligence, Harri. from Windtalkers (2002)
I didn't know you were an artist. from Windtalkers (2002)
I don't give a shit about medals. from Windtalkers (2002)
I don't think it's gonna work. from Windtalkers (2002)
I found a stray dog the other day on Waikiki. from Windtalkers (2002)
I gave him a bath and took him in. from Windtalkers (2002)
I got orders, Gunny. He's my responsibility! from Windtalkers (2002)
I got the last of 'em, Joe. from Windtalkers (2002)
I got ya. from Windtalkers (2002)
I guess somewhere along the way I must have switched units. from Windtalkers (2002)
I haven't thought much about it since I was a kid. from Windtalkers (2002)
I hope my side of the bed didn't get taken up Saturday night. from Windtalkers (2002)
I killed him. from Windtalkers (2002)
I know I ain't gonna get you to quit playin' that thing, so... from Windtalkers (2002)
I know what kind of slanty eyed savage you are, boy. from Windtalkers (2002)
I know. Gets you thinkin'. from Windtalkers (2002)
I mean, she picked them out and all. from Windtalkers (2002)
I might just take you for a Jap. from Windtalkers (2002)
I need out. from Windtalkers (2002)
I need this message decrypted. from Windtalkers (2002)
I remember my granddaddy sittin' on the porch talkin' about huntin' Indians, from Windtalkers (2002)
I say again, Carson Red, Arizona. from Windtalkers (2002)
I see you got a new stripe there. Me too. from Windtalkers (2002)
I think about you more and more. If you're alive or dead out there. from Windtalkers (2002)
I think I was eight too. from Windtalkers (2002)
I thought he was a Jap. You know, killed some marine for that uniform. from Windtalkers (2002)
I thought it was Charlie just being Charlie. from Windtalkers (2002)
I thought that he might read 'em when I get home. from Windtalkers (2002)
I threw it into the ocean. from Windtalkers (2002)
I told you to stay on my ass! from Windtalkers (2002)
I told you to stay with Gunny. from Windtalkers (2002)
I took my grenade and... and I threw it and I blew him up. from Windtalkers (2002)
I try not to think about you. About what might be happening over there. from Windtalkers (2002)
I used to be. from Windtalkers (2002)
I want you to brief everybody, make clear what's happenin'. from Windtalkers (2002)
I want you to do me a favor. from Windtalkers (2002)
I was eight, and they anointed me with the holy water. from Windtalkers (2002)
I was following orders, Ben. from Windtalkers (2002)
I wasn't alone in that, sir. I couldn't have done it without Private Ben Yahzee. from Windtalkers (2002)
I would like to straighten that out, right here, right now. from Windtalkers (2002)
I wouldn't get too friendly. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'll cover you. Smoke and cover. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'll go with you. We flank left. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm a good fuckin' marine. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm a good fuckin' marine. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm a little out of balance. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm Ben Yahzee. Guess the Corps paired us up. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm fighting for my country, for my land, for my people. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm from Oxnard, California. Just north of Hollywood a ways. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm gonna build myself a villa on the cliffs of Santorini. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm gonna get my fuckin' balls blown off out here! from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm gonna mix my daddy's strawberries in this Swedish concoction called yoghurt. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm here to kill Japs, not marines. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm hit! from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm in for a couple more. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm looking for Sergeant Enders. Joseph F Enders. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm lyin' on the beach and this sweet little thing named Molly comes out the water. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm Navajo, of the Bitter Water People, born for the Towering House clan. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm not at liberty to say. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm requesting mast with battalion commander. I want out. from Windtalkers (2002)
I'm thinkin' Fiery Cross, high low, hoggers OK, ace plays both ways... from Windtalkers (2002)
If anything should happen to me, from Windtalkers (2002)
If one of you got caught, talked, the code would be useless. from Windtalkers (2002)
If that's OK with you. from Windtalkers (2002)
If there's still a problem between the two of you, from Windtalkers (2002)
If you ever tell a story about him, George... from Windtalkers (2002)
If you've ever played a high low game, it's like any other. Waste of time and money. from Windtalkers (2002)
In code. Private Whitehorse. from Windtalkers (2002)
Incoming! from Windtalkers (2002)
It happens when you're not watching my lips, Joe. from Windtalkers (2002)
It might be good to tell a story about 'em. from Windtalkers (2002)
It takes me two and a half minutes to do what used to take an hour. from Windtalkers (2002)
It was a noble thing that you did, Joe. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's 8am, Sunday morning. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's a Navajo. Or it was. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's all right. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's funny. Fathers didn't like us talking Navajo at Mass. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's George. George Washington. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's good. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's got a bit of a ring to it. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's gotta end sometime. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's had quite an impact. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's Italian. Used to be Endrolfini before some asshole at Ellis Island got hold of it. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's just a few minutes' drive. We'll get you back in no time. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's just something I would do as a kid on my grandmother's kitchen table. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's my war too, Sergeant. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's of strategic importance that we capture this island. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's rice wine. It's Jap sake. But it does the trick. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's that uniform. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's Yahzee. Ben Yahzee. from Windtalkers (2002)
It's... amazing. from Windtalkers (2002)
Jap sons of bitches shot me right in the ass. from Windtalkers (2002)
Japanese Zero. Code word? from Windtalkers (2002)
Jeez, might as well go all out. I'll get a shot of something. from Windtalkers (2002)
Jesus Christ! We're in the middle of a goddamn minefield! from Windtalkers (2002)
Joe, we did it. from Windtalkers (2002)
Joe? from Windtalkers (2002)
Joe. from Windtalkers (2002)
Joe... from Windtalkers (2002)
Joe... Nobody else needs to die. We can go! We can get outta here! from Windtalkers (2002)
Just get it over with. from Windtalkers (2002)
Just kiddin'. I'm Ox. from Windtalkers (2002)
Just one stupid asshole. from Windtalkers (2002)
Just seven... from Windtalkers (2002)
Just trying to help. from Windtalkers (2002)
Keep those hands vertical. from Windtalkers (2002)
Kill him! from Windtalkers (2002)
Kill him! from Windtalkers (2002)
Let's go, boys! Keep up the fight! from Windtalkers (2002)
Let's go, let's go, let's go! from Windtalkers (2002)
Let's go, let's go, let's go! Come on! from Windtalkers (2002)
Let's go, marines. This war ain't gonna wait forever. Let's go. from Windtalkers (2002)
Let's go! from Windtalkers (2002)
Let's go! from Windtalkers (2002)
Let's go! Let's go! from Windtalkers (2002)
Life Savers really helped. from Windtalkers (2002)
Like ride horses, eat fry bread, do some hunting... from Windtalkers (2002)
Like you just said, if you can't beat 'em... from Windtalkers (2002)
Listen, Enders, I'm a codetalker. from Windtalkers (2002)
Look, I'm no damn Injun. from Windtalkers (2002)
Lookin' for somebody else's ass to kick. from Windtalkers (2002)
Looks to me like you got to see a little action there. from Windtalkers (2002)
Make that two. from Windtalkers (2002)
Marines call it chow. from Windtalkers (2002)
Marked improvement. from Windtalkers (2002)
May as well join me, huh? from Windtalkers (2002)
Maybe now he'll back off. from Windtalkers (2002)
Maybe they know our orders. from Windtalkers (2002)
Maybe we ought to go introduce ourselves. They look a little lost to me. from Windtalkers (2002)
Maybe you made a mistake. from Windtalkers (2002)
Me too. from Windtalkers (2002)
Might get my ass sent back to Rhody, though. from Windtalkers (2002)
Mind if I join you? from Windtalkers (2002)
Mission school on the reservation. from Windtalkers (2002)
Monument Valley is a beautiful place. It's peaceful. from Windtalkers (2002)
Move out! from Windtalkers (2002)
Move! from Windtalkers (2002)
Move! from Windtalkers (2002)
My dad was always playing. from Windtalkers (2002)
My duty. from Windtalkers (2002)
My mom says somebody takes the time to write a letter, from Windtalkers (2002)
My old man, he's a lifer. from Windtalkers (2002)
My orders were to protect the code. from Windtalkers (2002)
My wife wasn't so sure. from Windtalkers (2002)
Nell, you'll give yourself an ulcer, you keep worrying about her. from Windtalkers (2002)
Nellie! from Windtalkers (2002)
Nellie. Take the satchel charge. from Windtalkers (2002)
Next time you decide to take a bath, Private, let me know, or I'll kick your ass. from Windtalkers (2002)
Next year'd be all right with me. from Windtalkers (2002)
Nice day, huh? from Windtalkers (2002)
Nice shootin', Pap. from Windtalkers (2002)
Nines bets. I'll raise it two bits. from Windtalkers (2002)
No baby sitter. from Windtalkers (2002)
No fuckin' idea, mac. from Windtalkers (2002)
No more stupid questions today, Private. That's an order. from Windtalkers (2002)
No one else is dying. from Windtalkers (2002)
No one else is gonna die, Ben. from Windtalkers (2002)
No shit? from Windtalkers (2002)
No shit. My dad, he... he gave me this thing. from Windtalkers (2002)
No, Sergeant. I'm telling you I won't freeze up again. from Windtalkers (2002)
No! from Windtalkers (2002)
No. But she's not here. from Windtalkers (2002)
None of the sergeants even made it out of the landing craft, so... from Windtalkers (2002)
Not many bodies of water in Arizona. from Windtalkers (2002)
Not what I meant. from Windtalkers (2002)
Not when I got one of these handy. from Windtalkers (2002)
Not your people I'm worried about. from Windtalkers (2002)
Nothing more, nothing less. from Windtalkers (2002)
Now I'm on Saipan with this giant Zippo strapped to my back from Windtalkers (2002)
Now they want us to go over and check it out. from Windtalkers (2002)
Now you get some sack time. That's an order. from Windtalkers (2002)
Now, Saipan is Japanese soil, and there's 30,000 of 'em dug in. from Windtalkers (2002)
Now, somebody wearing a lot more stripes than you from Windtalkers (2002)
Now, thinkin' is, we take the mount, Saipan is pretty much ours. from Windtalkers (2002)
Now, we got some new radiomen from headquarters. from Windtalkers (2002)
Now! from Windtalkers (2002)
Of course, one Sunday I forgot. from Windtalkers (2002)
Of course. Navajo. Towering House clan. from Windtalkers (2002)
Of United States Marines from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, a pair of twos for the kid. Lookin' good. from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, God... Oh, Joe... from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, God... Oh, Joe... from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, it's stupid. from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, Jesus! from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, shit... from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, sorry. from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, that's just what we need. from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, yeah? You and me and every other mother's son. We all want out. from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh... Right. from Windtalkers (2002)
OK, let's go! from Windtalkers (2002)
OK. from Windtalkers (2002)
OK... Oh, another mess for the Sunshine State. from Windtalkers (2002)
On the land and on the sea from Windtalkers (2002)
One line after Chick. from Windtalkers (2002)
Or keep demonstrating what an ignorant fool you are? from Windtalkers (2002)
Or, given that you're not much of a writer, should I not expect an answer? from Windtalkers (2002)
Orders finally came through. from Windtalkers (2002)
Orders were to hold some shitty swamp marsh on the ass end of nowhere. from Windtalkers (2002)
Ouch. Ouch. from Windtalkers (2002)
Ought to be ashamed of yourself, hustling a... hustling marines. from Windtalkers (2002)
Our Lord is with thee... from Windtalkers (2002)
Our... from Windtalkers (2002)
Out here huntin' salmon and shit. from Windtalkers (2002)
Pair of cowboys for Big E. from Windtalkers (2002)
Pappas, I... from Windtalkers (2002)
Pappas! from Windtalkers (2002)
Pappas. from Windtalkers (2002)
Pappas. from Windtalkers (2002)
Pillbox with heavy machine gun. Fire at will. from Windtalkers (2002)
Please don't hit me! from Windtalkers (2002)
Pray for us... from Windtalkers (2002)
President Roosevelt announced the end of blackouts on Hawaii. from Windtalkers (2002)
Pretty tough, sir. from Windtalkers (2002)
Public school boy myself. from Windtalkers (2002)
Putting on that Jap uniform. Trying to get one of their radios, call off our guns. from Windtalkers (2002)
Raise your right hand. from Windtalkers (2002)
Relay the damn coordinates! from Windtalkers (2002)
Remind me to time you when you got bullets flying over your head. from Windtalkers (2002)
Request fire support. We have target at one one niner, Baker one five. from Windtalkers (2002)
Right? from Windtalkers (2002)
Rum. from Windtalkers (2002)
See, I know you people. from Windtalkers (2002)
Send that to Nellie's wife. from Windtalkers (2002)
Sergeant! from Windtalkers (2002)
Shave his belly with a rusty razor from Windtalkers (2002)
Shave his belly with a rusty razor Early in the morning! from Windtalkers (2002)
She's a little more traditional. from Windtalkers (2002)
Sheep? As in Chick's girlfriend, sheep? from Windtalkers (2002)
Sheep. from Windtalkers (2002)
Shipping out without even buying me a drink. from Windtalkers (2002)
Shit! Damn. from Windtalkers (2002)
Shit. from Windtalkers (2002)
Shit. from Windtalkers (2002)
Shit... Follow me! from Windtalkers (2002)
Show me some brains. Think! from Windtalkers (2002)
Shut up, Ben. from Windtalkers (2002)
Sir? from Windtalkers (2002)
Smoke 'em up! from Windtalkers (2002)
So I'm guessing the orders you can't tell me are the same orders I can't tell you. from Windtalkers (2002)
So much so the navy have decided to go to great lengths to protect it. from Windtalkers (2002)
So where the hell they got us now? from Windtalkers (2002)
So you may need a relay to get your transmission to command post. from Windtalkers (2002)
So you're with JASCO too, huh? from Windtalkers (2002)
So... from Windtalkers (2002)
Somebody's gotta keep the WAVES company. from Windtalkers (2002)
Something about it didn't seem right. from Windtalkers (2002)
Son of a bitch! from Windtalkers (2002)
Sorry. You can have mine. from Windtalkers (2002)
Sounds beautiful. from Windtalkers (2002)
Sounds like some kind of prayer. from Windtalkers (2002)
South 700, elevation zero five zero. from Windtalkers (2002)
Stay back! from Windtalkers (2002)
Stay on my ass. from Windtalkers (2002)
Stole a motorbike, crashed it. Got kicked out of high school. from Windtalkers (2002)
Supposed to be with a baby sitter all the time, I thought. from Windtalkers (2002)
Sure I am. from Windtalkers (2002)
Sure you did, Chick. from Windtalkers (2002)
Take a look. from Windtalkers (2002)
Take care of him. from Windtalkers (2002)
Tank! Tank! Tank! from Windtalkers (2002)
Target reference, dog one, from Windtalkers (2002)
Target reference... dog one... from Windtalkers (2002)
Taxis. A whole stinkin' fleet of 'em. That's how I'm making my millions. from Windtalkers (2002)
TBY hasn't got the range of the TBX. from Windtalkers (2002)
Tell him I say hello. from Windtalkers (2002)
Tell me something. You ever run into any Indians on the Solomons? from Windtalkers (2002)
Thank you. from Windtalkers (2002)
Thanks. Thanks a bunch. from Windtalkers (2002)
That ceremony you saw last night? It's called a protection ceremony. from Windtalkers (2002)
That codetalker is out front for a reason. from Windtalkers (2002)
That left me in charge. It was my first command. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's cos they're all in Daytona Beach. The most beautiful women in the world. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's exactly where I need him to be. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's it. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's right. Cos my buddy smeared ash on my forehead. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's startin' to sound like something. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's what happens to a man when he's talking to a beautiful woman. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's why they gave me this detail. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's why you're here. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's why you're standing here. from Windtalkers (2002)
The 8th's movin' in. We'd better check out the other side. from Windtalkers (2002)
The 15 men who fought with me got decorated too. For dying. from Windtalkers (2002)
The brass is nervous. They expected more resistance over there. from Windtalkers (2002)
The destination is that big piece of rock you see over there. from Windtalkers (2002)
The first one they gave me... from Windtalkers (2002)
The guy who watched over Daddy's scrawny ass. from Windtalkers (2002)
The Japs have pretty much busted every code we've thrown at 'em, Corporal. from Windtalkers (2002)
The last defensible ridge on this island. from Windtalkers (2002)
The Viking wants to see you. from Windtalkers (2002)
The, uh, Indian. from Windtalkers (2002)
Their memory. from Windtalkers (2002)
There is a real sense that the war is going well, and could be over soon. from Windtalkers (2002)
There's a Private Whitehorse... from Windtalkers (2002)
There's plenty of dollies outside of Rhode Island, Nell. Many plenty. from Windtalkers (2002)
There's still a ten o'clock curfew, but it doesn't matter to me. from Windtalkers (2002)
These might help get rid of the taste. from Windtalkers (2002)
They call me Ox. Not cos of my big muscles or anything. from Windtalkers (2002)
They look pretty normal, I guess. from Windtalkers (2002)
They punished me by tying me to the radiator in the basement. from Windtalkers (2002)
They told me I was a soldier of Christ. from Windtalkers (2002)
They told us to hold the position! And that's what we're gonna do! from Windtalkers (2002)
They're gonna fight for every square inch, from Windtalkers (2002)
They've never seen so many Navajo. from Windtalkers (2002)
Think you could do it, Joe? from Windtalkers (2002)
Thinkin' about teaching. from Windtalkers (2002)
Thinks that's worth something. from Windtalkers (2002)
This detail. from Windtalkers (2002)
This is chocolate. from Windtalkers (2002)
This is Yahzee. Ben. from Windtalkers (2002)
This one time, before the war, from Windtalkers (2002)
This was supposed to be a secured area! What happened? from Windtalkers (2002)
Thought I told you not to go traipsing around on your own. from Windtalkers (2002)
Till I saw those dead bodies. from Windtalkers (2002)
To give your Silver Star to Nellie's wife. from Windtalkers (2002)
To honor them. from Windtalkers (2002)
To the shores of Tripoli from Windtalkers (2002)
Tommy. from Windtalkers (2002)
Torch the box! from Windtalkers (2002)
Tortured to death by Japanese intelligence trying to bust our code. from Windtalkers (2002)
Tough bit of business there, huh? from Windtalkers (2002)
Transcribe now. from Windtalkers (2002)
Two twenty, Mike, three six. from Windtalkers (2002)
Under no circumstances can you allow your codetalker to fall into enemy hands. from Windtalkers (2002)
Up 50. Fire for effect. from Windtalkers (2002)
Used to bring 'em in for feeding with this little tune I played. from Windtalkers (2002)
Very good. from Windtalkers (2002)
Very much so. from Windtalkers (2002)
Victor, Victor. This is X ray. Over. from Windtalkers (2002)
Watch out! from Windtalkers (2002)
Way to go, marine. from Windtalkers (2002)
We all got thumbs up our asses. from Windtalkers (2002)
We can get ourselves an advanced naval base from Windtalkers (2002)
We can go! We can get outta here! from Windtalkers (2002)
We have to keep on fighting. Is that understood? from Windtalkers (2002)
We need good marines. from Windtalkers (2002)
We saved a lot of marines today. from Windtalkers (2002)
We ship out tomorrow morning. from Windtalkers (2002)
We thought the day would never come. from Windtalkers (2002)
We will fight our country's battles from Windtalkers (2002)
We're gonna be in front of the whole damn division. from Windtalkers (2002)
We're gonna be sniffin' out enemy positions, from Windtalkers (2002)
We're gonna be sniffin' out enemy positions, from Windtalkers (2002)
We're gonna be the eyes and the ears. from Windtalkers (2002)
We're gonna make it outta here. from Windtalkers (2002)
We're gonna make it. We're gonna make it out of here. from Windtalkers (2002)
We're losing men. from Windtalkers (2002)
We're not gonna make it out of here, are we, Joe? from Windtalkers (2002)
We're not gonna make it out of here, are we, Joe? from Windtalkers (2002)
We're running out of ammo. We gotta get out of here. from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, ante up... Chief. from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, as long as there's a Tojo and a Hitler out there from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, I need you, Enders. from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, I'll be. from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, it's nice. from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, there's a propaganda effort. from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, they're sure lettin' you talk Navajo now. from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, we ain't got much else to do out here. What the hell? from Windtalkers (2002)
Well... from Windtalkers (2002)
What a magical pile of Navajo horseshit. What the hell for? from Windtalkers (2002)
What about you, Charlie? What's life got in store for you after this mess? from Windtalkers (2002)
What are you doin' here? from Windtalkers (2002)
What are you talking about? from Windtalkers (2002)
What do we call a tank? from Windtalkers (2002)
What do you know about friends? from Windtalkers (2002)
What do you know about friends? from Windtalkers (2002)
What the fuck? from Windtalkers (2002)
What the hell are you talkin' about? from Windtalkers (2002)
What the hell you doin'? from Windtalkers (2002)
What the hell you think you're doin', boy? from Windtalkers (2002)
What were their names? from Windtalkers (2002)
What, Injun poker? Hey, how do you boys do that again? from Windtalkers (2002)
What? from Windtalkers (2002)
What'd you get that one for? from Windtalkers (2002)
What'd you say your name was again, Private? from Windtalkers (2002)
What's his name? from Windtalkers (2002)
What's wrong with you? You killed your own! Sons of bitches! from Windtalkers (2002)
What's your poison? from Windtalkers (2002)
Which is one of the stepping stones we gotta take on our road show to Tokyo. from Windtalkers (2002)
Whitehorse, get down! from Windtalkers (2002)
Whitehorse. from Windtalkers (2002)
Who, if I'm understanding these orders correctly, from Windtalkers (2002)
Why don't you just stay here, Joe? from Windtalkers (2002)
Why I volunteered... beyond me. from Windtalkers (2002)
Will be covering our Navajos' asses. from Windtalkers (2002)
Wonder what George Armstrong Custer would make of that. from Windtalkers (2002)
Writing a letter to my son. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yahzee teachin' college boys about Custer's scalpin' at Little Bighorn. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yahzee, no. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yahzee! from Windtalkers (2002)
Yahzee! from Windtalkers (2002)
Yahzee! from Windtalkers (2002)
Yahzee! from Windtalkers (2002)
Yahzee! Stop! from Windtalkers (2002)
Yahzee! Yahzee, no! from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah, I'm the Indian. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah, that George, he's quite a character. He's got a mind of his own. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah, we did, Ben. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah! from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah! Kill me some Japs! from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yeah. Listen, I'm Pete Henderson. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yes, sir, I do. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yes, sir. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yes, sir. Very much so. from Windtalkers (2002)
Yesterday, bombers beat the shit out of that rock. from Windtalkers (2002)
You believe that shit? I wasn't running or nothin'. from Windtalkers (2002)
You can't go back to war if you can't stand up. from Windtalkers (2002)
You Catholic? from Windtalkers (2002)
You don't even joke about shit like that. from Windtalkers (2002)
You don't have to cry. You're gonna be all right. from Windtalkers (2002)
You done good on that hill today, Yahzee. from Windtalkers (2002)
You ever not miss mail call, Enders? from Windtalkers (2002)
You ever read about that, Chick? from Windtalkers (2002)
You ever see ghosts? from Windtalkers (2002)
You gonna do somethin'? from Windtalkers (2002)
You gonna let me get dressed, Chick? from Windtalkers (2002)
You got a perforated eardrum, Enders. Your equilibrium's all screwy. from Windtalkers (2002)
You got another letter. from Windtalkers (2002)
You have a little trouble with that ear, don't you, Joe? from Windtalkers (2002)
You hear me? Move! from Windtalkers (2002)
You just do what you're supposed to do, Sergeant. from Windtalkers (2002)
You keep up the good work, Enders. from Windtalkers (2002)
You killed your own! from Windtalkers (2002)
You know I didn't want to. from Windtalkers (2002)
You know the difference between you and a Jap, Yahzee? from Windtalkers (2002)
You know what they say: if you can't beat 'em... from Windtalkers (2002)
You know, Charlie blessed my son in the Navajo way the day he was born. from Windtalkers (2002)
You know, it wasn't your fault, Joe. You were just followin' orders. from Windtalkers (2002)
You know, we could do some things that you don't do in the Corps. from Windtalkers (2002)
You know, when this is over, maybe you should come out to Navajo country. from Windtalkers (2002)
You know, who they were and what they were like. from Windtalkers (2002)
You make sure that my wife gets this. from Windtalkers (2002)
You men on the Solomons were lost to a broken code. from Windtalkers (2002)
You must be a very good father, Ben. from Windtalkers (2002)
You must've seen me showering with my war bonnet. from Windtalkers (2002)
You ought to be careful out here all alone. from Windtalkers (2002)
You ready? Go! Go! from Windtalkers (2002)
You see, you eat it... and it's good. from Windtalkers (2002)
You sons of bitches! from Windtalkers (2002)
You telling me you saw ghosts, Private? from Windtalkers (2002)
You the Indian? from Windtalkers (2002)
You think too much. from Windtalkers (2002)
You understand me? from Windtalkers (2002)
You want a Life Saver? from Windtalkers (2002)
You want morphine? from Windtalkers (2002)
You want some? from Windtalkers (2002)
You want to come on over, or what? from Windtalkers (2002)
You were right, Joe. from Windtalkers (2002)
You won't for much longer. I got a buddy in Intel that says we ship out in a week. from Windtalkers (2002)
You, uh, you self taught? from Windtalkers (2002)
You... you what? from Windtalkers (2002)
You'll be all right, sir. from Windtalkers (2002)
You'll have to chew it next time. Here. from Windtalkers (2002)
You're a mess, Joe. You're not fooling anybody. from Windtalkers (2002)
You're blocking my view. from Windtalkers (2002)
You're gonna cover me, right? from Windtalkers (2002)
You're not gonna be here in the morning, are you? from Windtalkers (2002)
You're to pair with one of them, keep his ass safe. from Windtalkers (2002)
You're up, mac. from Windtalkers (2002)
You've done well as a marine, Corporal. from Windtalkers (2002)
Your job is to keep him alive so he can do his job. from Windtalkers (2002)
Your mission is to protect the code... from Windtalkers (2002)
Your son. from Windtalkers (2002)
2200 hours in jungle hell what does that make it on the East Coast? from Windtalkers (2002)
Are you OK, Chick? Still in the hunt, Gunny. from Windtalkers (2002)
Christ. Joe! Joe! from Windtalkers (2002)
Corporal Enders reporting, sir. At ease. from Windtalkers (2002)
Deal 'em up, deal 'em up. You know, we don't take wampum here. from Windtalkers (2002)
Dismount! Get out of the truck! from Windtalkers (2002)
Do it! No. from Windtalkers (2002)
Follow me! Let's go! from Windtalkers (2002)
Fuck it. I'm out. Yeah. I'm gonna go write the missus. from Windtalkers (2002)
Get the regiment on the horn. I can't! from Windtalkers (2002)
Harri? You ain't gettin' rid of me that easy. from Windtalkers (2002)
He's not goin' out there. You're not in charge here, Enders. from Windtalkers (2002)
Hold still, damn it! Get him outta there! from Windtalkers (2002)
I need to speak with you, Gunny. Yeah. Give me a second. from Windtalkers (2002)
I... State your full name... I, Ben Yahzee... from Windtalkers (2002)
Indians, sir? Navajo, to be exact. from Windtalkers (2002)
Joe! What? from Windtalkers (2002)
Next. Beautiful. Beautiful. from Windtalkers (2002)
Nice looking family. Let's see, Yahz. from Windtalkers (2002)
Oh, come on! Now there's a bold move. from Windtalkers (2002)
On it. All right? from Windtalkers (2002)
Possible straight for the Greek. Possible thumb up the Greek's ass. from Windtalkers (2002)
Sir? Man's a Navajo, not a codetalker. from Windtalkers (2002)
Spread out! Move! from Windtalkers (2002)
Stay low! Get out of there! from Windtalkers (2002)
Stay low! Nellie? Pappas? from Windtalkers (2002)
Sure you're up to this? Find out soon enough, sir. from Windtalkers (2002)
Tell 'em they're shelling... I can't! The radio's out. It's been hit. from Windtalkers (2002)
That's good. You wanted to see me? from Windtalkers (2002)
That's stupid. Shut up. Let him talk. from Windtalkers (2002)
They're firing too short! The Japs gotta be way ahead of us. from Windtalkers (2002)
We're getting shot at by our own guys? We're supposed to be on road 04. from Windtalkers (2002)
We're on the wrong fuckin' road! Goddamn it! from Windtalkers (2002)
We're secure on the left side. Area's secured. from Windtalkers (2002)
Well, there sure as shit ain't any here. Ain't that the truth. from Windtalkers (2002)
What is it? Well, it ain't Chianti, I'll tell you that. from Windtalkers (2002)
What the hell are you doin' there? I'm goin' with him. from Windtalkers (2002)
What, are you mad at me? Just want your money. from Windtalkers (2002)
What? They're not Jap guns. from Windtalkers (2002)
What? What are you doin' after this mess? from Windtalkers (2002)
Where the hell are they comin' from? From us. from Windtalkers (2002)
Why not? OK. from Windtalkers (2002)
You a rich man, Whitehorse? We do OK. from Windtalkers (2002)
You OK, Ben? Yeah. from Windtalkers (2002)
You shuffle that deck? I certainly did. from Windtalkers (2002)
You smoke? Not really. from Windtalkers (2002)
You want morphine? Yeah. from Windtalkers (2002)
You're not hearing me. I'm hearing you just fine. from Windtalkers (2002)
...but I'm tellin' you, we'll be steppin' into our share of the shit nonetheless. from Windtalkers (2002)