A big man is ripping your ears off. I'd do as he says. from The Green Mile (1999)
A brain tumor. from The Green Mile (1999)
A few crumbs anyway. I know you'd like that. from The Green Mile (1999)
A gift of what's inside of me so you can see for yourself. from The Green Mile (1999)
A man his size, and colored to boot, can't be that hard to trace. from The Green Mile (1999)
A praise Jesus miracle? from The Green Mile (1999)
Aah! from The Green Mile (1999)
Aah! from The Green Mile (1999)
Aah! from The Green Mile (1999)
Aah! from The Green Mile (1999)
Aah! from The Green Mile (1999)
Aah. from The Green Mile (1999)
About that, people will care. Even your uncle the governor will care about that. from The Green Mile (1999)
Administration job. from The Green Mile (1999)
After all those talks we had about... from The Green Mile (1999)
After this, there's no turning back. from The Green Mile (1999)
Ahh. from The Green Mile (1999)
Ain't he something, now? from The Green Mile (1999)
Ain't never had to wear no damn tie before. from The Green Mile (1999)
Ain't this a party now? from The Green Mile (1999)
All I wanted me was a little corn bread, you motherfuckers! from The Green Mile (1999)
All I wanted me was a little corn bread! from The Green Mile (1999)
All right, big boy. Let's get moving. Come on. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right, break it up. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right, everybody have a seat. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right, John. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right, let's go over it one more time. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right, now. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right, rehearsing now! from The Green Mile (1999)
All right. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right. I'll take him, then. from The Green Mile (1999)
All right. Now, just breathe. from The Green Mile (1999)
All that hurt just spill out. from The Green Mile (1999)
All they ever talk about is fucking. from The Green Mile (1999)
ALL: No! from The Green Mile (1999)
Although you treat them that way. from The Green Mile (1999)
Always has. from The Green Mile (1999)
Always. You, Percy. from The Green Mile (1999)
Am I gonna have any trouble with you, big boy? from The Green Mile (1999)
Am I happy to see you. You were gone so long. from The Green Mile (1999)
Am I right? from The Green Mile (1999)
Amen. from The Green Mile (1999)
Amen. from The Green Mile (1999)
An execution. A successful one. from The Green Mile (1999)
And don't you turn your back on him. from The Green Mile (1999)
And how they laughed at his tricks. My! from The Green Mile (1999)
And I hope they forgive me... from The Green Mile (1999)
And I seem to find from The Green Mile (1999)
And I seem to find The happiness I seek from The Green Mile (1999)
And I think about all of us walking our own Green Mile... from The Green Mile (1999)
And I wait. from The Green Mile (1999)
And I'll have one less crazy old trustee. from The Green Mile (1999)
And if I say no? from The Green Mile (1999)
And if you get lonely, just think about Miss Leadpipe. from The Green Mile (1999)
And let's not forget, John Coffey is a murderer. from The Green Mile (1999)
And my curse is knowing that I'll be there to see it. from The Green Mile (1999)
And my heart beats so That I can hardly speak from The Green Mile (1999)
And my heart beats so That I can hardly speak from The Green Mile (1999)
And plus... from The Green Mile (1999)
And putting on my cap. from The Green Mile (1999)
And she'd lie there after... from The Green Mile (1999)
And so was I. from The Green Mile (1999)
And that asshole Wharton is singing about it! from The Green Mile (1999)
And that's that. from The Green Mile (1999)
And the cares that hung around me from The Green Mile (1999)
And the smell. from The Green Mile (1999)
And then you know what? from The Green Mile (1999)
And they was no blood coming out of they hair, and they's just fine. from The Green Mile (1999)
And we are here to help. from The Green Mile (1999)
And we found each other. from The Green Mile (1999)
And we'd talk sometimes till the sun come up. from The Green Mile (1999)
And wear it. He'll keep you safe. from The Green Mile (1999)
And yet you defended him. from The Green Mile (1999)
And you just know he's chewing the padding out of the walls... from The Green Mile (1999)
And you listen close too, because it might be something you need to know. from The Green Mile (1999)
And you, Elaine. from The Green Mile (1999)
And... from The Green Mile (1999)
Angels, just like up in heaven. from The Green Mile (1999)
Another century come to pass. from The Green Mile (1999)
Another couple of days. from The Green Mile (1999)
Anybody doesn't like it? Hmm? from The Green Mile (1999)
Anybody wants out, now's the time. from The Green Mile (1999)
Anything to say before your sentence is carried out? from The Green Mile (1999)
Are you all right? from The Green Mile (1999)
Are you hostages? from The Green Mile (1999)
Are you so foolish, you don't realize that? from The Green Mile (1999)
Arert you glad Mr. Jingles is okay? from The Green Mile (1999)
Arlen Bitterbuck, step forward. from The Green Mile (1999)
Arlen... from The Green Mile (1999)
As for me... from The Green Mile (1999)
Awful tired now, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
Awful tired now, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
Bad news all around. from The Green Mile (1999)
Barbecue Me and you from The Green Mile (1999)
Because I get a little scared in the dark sometime... from The Green Mile (1999)
Because I got a big pecker. from The Green Mile (1999)
Been rambling all over the state last few years... from The Green Mile (1999)
Been worried about you, boy. You hungry? from The Green Mile (1999)
Believe me, we tried. from The Green Mile (1999)
Besides... from The Green Mile (1999)
Better pay. from The Green Mile (1999)
Billy the Kid gonna guarantee you that. from The Green Mile (1999)
Billy the Kid gonna guarantee you that. from The Green Mile (1999)
Boss Edgecomb. from The Green Mile (1999)
Boss Howell! Help! from The Green Mile (1999)
Boss Percy bad. from The Green Mile (1999)
Boss Stanton! Somebody, come! from The Green Mile (1999)
Boss, look. Someone's up. from The Green Mile (1999)
Boss, you know you ain't supposed to do that. from The Green Mile (1999)
Boy, what you looking at? from The Green Mile (1999)
Boy, you under arrest for murder. from The Green Mile (1999)
Breathe. Breathe, boy. from The Green Mile (1999)
Briar Ridge? The mental hospital. from The Green Mile (1999)
Bring the girls. from The Green Mile (1999)
Broke three fingers on Eduard Delacroix's left hand. from The Green Mile (1999)
Brutal, help me out here. from The Green Mile (1999)
Brutal, no! from The Green Mile (1999)
Brutal, Paul. Listen. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Arlen Bitterbuck... from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Arlen Bitterbuck... from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Arlen Bitterbuck... from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Come on, boy. Let's get you looked at. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Come on, Dean. Come on, boy, get up. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Dirty bastard grabbed him through the bars. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Grab the gun! Grab the gun! from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: I guess the legislature loosened up the purse strings enough... from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Paul? Prisoner. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Paul. Dean. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Paul... from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Roll on one. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: That's right. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: Yeah, we see her, John. Come on. from The Green Mile (1999)
BRUTAL: You'll have to answer for sending him off the Mile. from The Green Mile (1999)
Brutal! from The Green Mile (1999)
Brutal's a single man. from The Green Mile (1999)
Burt, you got some company. from The Green Mile (1999)
But four men will swear you stood by... from The Green Mile (1999)
But how do you know? from The Green Mile (1999)
But I can't. from The Green Mile (1999)
But I have to know... from The Green Mile (1999)
But I will have wished for death... from The Green Mile (1999)
But I've... from The Green Mile (1999)
But not for long. from The Green Mile (1999)
But one thought more than any other... from The Green Mile (1999)
But that's the last one. from The Green Mile (1999)
But there doesn't seem to be any real violence in him. from The Green Mile (1999)
But those little girls... from The Green Mile (1999)
But we don't know her like you and Jan do. from The Green Mile (1999)
But we make do. Don't we, old fella? from The Green Mile (1999)
But you knock them for a loop. from The Green Mile (1999)
But, oh, God... from The Green Mile (1999)
But, Percy... from The Green Mile (1999)
Caleb, come here for a second. from The Green Mile (1999)
Can he carry a tune, Hal? from The Green Mile (1999)
Can he carry a tune, Hal? from The Green Mile (1999)
Can I give Del and Mr. Jingles some? from The Green Mile (1999)
Can I offer you a cold drink? from The Green Mile (1999)
Can you feel that? from The Green Mile (1999)
Can you talk? from The Green Mile (1999)
Can you understand? from The Green Mile (1999)
Can't be bigger than you. from The Green Mile (1999)
Can't put anything over on you. from The Green Mile (1999)
Careful. from The Green Mile (1999)
Catch them young became my motto. from The Green Mile (1999)
Central! Are you on the line? from The Green Mile (1999)
Christ, give me a minute. from The Green Mile (1999)
Christ, he goes down, it'll take three mules and a crane to pick him up again. from The Green Mile (1999)
Close the door. from The Green Mile (1999)
Closer. from The Green Mile (1999)
Coffey got upset after lights out... from The Green Mile (1999)
COFFEY: Boss, I needs to see you down here. from The Green Mile (1999)
COFFEY: Boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
COFFEY: I'll take him, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
COFFEY: Just to help. from The Green Mile (1999)
COFFEY: Sure. That'd be just fine. from The Green Mile (1999)
Coffey. from The Green Mile (1999)
COFFEY'S VOICE: He killed them with they love. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come get you some supper. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come here. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on now, fellers. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on over here and see this lady. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on, Billy. I worked you enough for one day. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on, fuck stick. No sneaking up on me this time. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on, John. Sick it up. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on, now. Don't be stingy hogs. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on, Wild Bill. Little walky walky. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on. Cough it out like you done before. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on. Del, get up. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on. Just breathe. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on. Look alive, big boy. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come on. One time. from The Green Mile (1999)
Come over here, boy. from The Green Mile (1999)
Conducts electricity to the brain fast like a bullet. from The Green Mile (1999)
Cora! from The Green Mile (1999)
Cora! from The Green Mile (1999)
Correct. That just what he is too. He's a circus mouse. from The Green Mile (1999)
Could that be what heavers like? from The Green Mile (1999)
Courtesy of the gentleman across the way. from The Green Mile (1999)
Cup. from The Green Mile (1999)
Damn. from The Green Mile (1999)
Damn. from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man walking here! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man walking! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man walking! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man walking! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man walking! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man walking! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dead man! from The Green Mile (1999)
Dean, take Delacroix to the infirmary, see if those fingers are broken. from The Green Mile (1999)
DEAN: Come on, let's go. from The Green Mile (1999)
DEAN: Didrt see it coming. Come on, boy, breathe. from The Green Mile (1999)
DEAN: No, no. from The Green Mile (1999)
DEAN: Oh, now, wait. You're talking about... from The Green Mile (1999)
DEAN: That's right. One minute, he was fine, and the next, blammo. from The Green Mile (1999)
Del, for chrissakes, shut up! from The Green Mile (1999)
Del, grab up your things. It's a big day for you and Mr. Jingles. from The Green Mile (1999)
Del, it's all right. from The Green Mile (1999)
Del, you numb wit. I didn't mean nothing by it. from The Green Mile (1999)
DEL: Boss, what that man do to you? from The Green Mile (1999)
DEL: Help! Boss Howell! Boss Stanton! from The Green Mile (1999)
DEL: Look. from The Green Mile (1999)
DEL: Please, John. from The Green Mile (1999)
DEL: You don't look so good. from The Green Mile (1999)
DEL: You fucking cruel bastard! from The Green Mile (1999)
Del! Learn when to shut up. from The Green Mile (1999)
Del. from The Green Mile (1999)
Del's been asking for a box. from The Green Mile (1999)
Delacroix's dead! Percy is not won'th it! from The Green Mile (1999)
Did I have the x ray? from The Green Mile (1999)
Did I kill one of his true... from The Green Mile (1999)
Did I mention that I was in charge of death row? from The Green Mile (1999)
Did I? from The Green Mile (1999)
Did you, John? from The Green Mile (1999)
Didrt I help it? from The Green Mile (1999)
Didrt mean to hurt him none. from The Green Mile (1999)
Didrt we? Didrt we, all of us, think he was doped? from The Green Mile (1999)
Do I wanna know what he did? from The Green Mile (1999)
Do you feel up to taking a walk? from The Green Mile (1999)
Do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out? from The Green Mile (1999)
Do you leave the light on after bedtime? from The Green Mile (1999)
Do you think if a man sincerely repents on what he done wrong... from The Green Mile (1999)
Do you? from The Green Mile (1999)
DOE on Bitterbuck. from The Green Mile (1999)
Does Hal know? That Coffey's innocent, I mean. from The Green Mile (1999)
Does he have the influence to do something about this? from The Green Mile (1999)
Does it, Paul? from The Green Mile (1999)
Dog tired. from The Green Mile (1999)
Dog tired. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't come near me, pig fucker. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't forget about Mouseville. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't hardly remember, ma'am. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't hurt him. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't know. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't let nothing happen to Mr. Jingle, okay? from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't let nothing happen to Mr. Jingle. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't let Nurse Godzilla catch you. She'll raise holy hell. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't put me in the dark. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't that beat the mousy band? from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't think he'll be back. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't want no preacher. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't you do it! It's too late for that. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't you doubt it. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't you think it should be? from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't. Yeah, you try it. Go on. from The Green Mile (1999)
Don't... Come on, now. Don't be that way. from The Green Mile (1999)
Drop us a card from hell. Let us know if it's hot enough. from The Green Mile (1999)
Dumb son of a bitch sat with his back to the door, killed by a drunk. from The Green Mile (1999)
E Block. from The Green Mile (1999)
E Block. from The Green Mile (1999)
Easy, now. Easy. from The Green Mile (1999)
Easy. from The Green Mile (1999)
Eduard Delacroix is dead. from The Green Mile (1999)
Eduard Delacroix, electricity shall now be passed through your body... from The Green Mile (1999)
Eduard Delacroix... from The Green Mile (1999)
Eduard Delacroix... from The Green Mile (1999)
Especially on those long walks. from The Green Mile (1999)
Even a giant like Coffey wouldn't get noticed everywhere. from The Green Mile (1999)
Ever try not to laugh in church... from The Green Mile (1999)
Ever. from The Green Mile (1999)
Everybody stay calm! Please, stay calm. from The Green Mile (1999)
Everyone is entitled to a defense. from The Green Mile (1999)
Explain the moral basis of that. from The Green Mile (1999)
Finally hit the big time. from The Green Mile (1999)
Find out what he wants. from The Green Mile (1999)
Florida. from The Green Mile (1999)
For killing a miracle of God. from The Green Mile (1999)
For the life of me, Paul... from The Green Mile (1999)
Fresh out of the icebox. from The Green Mile (1999)
Fuck you, Percy. from The Green Mile (1999)
Get all this shit back in the room. You are cluttering up my Mile. from The Green Mile (1999)
Get that idiot out of the chair. from The Green Mile (1999)
Getting all electrode. from The Green Mile (1999)
Getting clamped. from The Green Mile (1999)
Getting strapped. from The Green Mile (1999)
Getting to my feet! Walking the Mile... from The Green Mile (1999)
Getting wired. from The Green Mile (1999)
GIRLS: God is great, God is good, and we thank you... from The Green Mile (1999)
Girls! You heard your mama! from The Green Mile (1999)
Give him to me. from The Green Mile (1999)
Give him to me. Might still be time. from The Green Mile (1999)
Give you a nickel for that Moon Pie. from The Green Mile (1999)
Go on, now. Go. from The Green Mile (1999)
Go on, you can do it. from The Green Mile (1999)
Go on. from The Green Mile (1999)
Gobbledygook, mostly. from The Green Mile (1999)
Gobbledygook. from The Green Mile (1999)
God have mercy on me. from The Green Mile (1999)
God have mercy on your soul. from The Green Mile (1999)
God have mercy on your soul. from The Green Mile (1999)
God have mercy on your soul. from The Green Mile (1999)
God have mercy on your soul. from The Green Mile (1999)
God, the smell. from The Green Mile (1999)
God, you bust my finger. from The Green Mile (1999)
Goddamn it, Percy, get the hell off my block! from The Green Mile (1999)
Goddamn it, woman! Get on that phone now. You tell them we headed west. from The Green Mile (1999)
Goddamn Percy. from The Green Mile (1999)
Gonna live in a mouse city... from The Green Mile (1999)
Good morning, Estelle. from The Green Mile (1999)
Good shot, werert it? from The Green Mile (1999)
Gosh. He ain't in there, huh? from The Green Mile (1999)
Got Billy the Kid tattooed on his left arm. from The Green Mile (1999)
Got laid up with another one yesterday. from The Green Mile (1999)
Gotta move our ass. Ain't got much time. from The Green Mile (1999)
GUARD: Up on the tower! from The Green Mile (1999)
Guess she was wrong. from The Green Mile (1999)
Guess we're all in. from The Green Mile (1999)
Had me a young wife when I was 18. from The Green Mile (1999)
Had me some shine or... from The Green Mile (1999)
Hal and Melinda... from The Green Mile (1999)
Hal, it's us. It's Paul and Brutal. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hal, watch. Just watch him. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hal, who you talking to down there? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hal, you wanted to see me? from The Green Mile (1999)
HAL: I interrupt? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hal? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hal... from The Green Mile (1999)
Hand me them clothes. from The Green Mile (1999)
Harry, you keep John here till we call you. from The Green Mile (1999)
HARRY: Are you listening to me? Fuck! from The Green Mile (1999)
HARRY: Brute said he was in here last night... from The Green Mile (1999)
HARRY: Do you believe this? from The Green Mile (1999)
HARRY: Hey, let him go! PAUL: John, let go! from The Green Mile (1999)
HARRY: Hot in here. Boy, howdy. from The Green Mile (1999)
HARRY: Well, I'll be damned. from The Green Mile (1999)
Harry. from The Green Mile (1999)
Harry's girls, they're all married now. from The Green Mile (1999)
Have them out to y'all tomorrow. from The Green Mile (1999)
Having stew tonight. from The Green Mile (1999)
He a bad man. from The Green Mile (1999)
He also mention he assaulted a prisoner this morning out of sheer petulance? from The Green Mile (1999)
He be scared to live out in the big woods. from The Green Mile (1999)
He be scared to live out in the big woods. from The Green Mile (1999)
He causing you problems? from The Green Mile (1999)
He come right on up to the desk. from The Green Mile (1999)
He could get that application pushed through. from The Green Mile (1999)
He cries, does he? Well, got a lot to cry about, I'd say. from The Green Mile (1999)
He did the same thing to me. from The Green Mile (1999)
He done piss his pants. from The Green Mile (1999)
He felt it too, through me. from The Green Mile (1999)
He fetch it every time. Every time. from The Green Mile (1999)
He infected us both, didn't he, Mr. Jingles? from The Green Mile (1999)
He infected you with life? from The Green Mile (1999)
He is... from The Green Mile (1999)
He killed them with they love, they love for each other. from The Green Mile (1999)
He mean. He step on Del's mouse. from The Green Mile (1999)
He out of it now, though. from The Green Mile (1999)
He put his hands on me. from The Green Mile (1999)
He run away under that door. from The Green Mile (1999)
He said to tell you he's having a little trouble with that tonight. from The Green Mile (1999)
He still has the one good eye. from The Green Mile (1999)
He swallowed that stuff for a reason. from The Green Mile (1999)
He the lucky one. from The Green Mile (1999)
He took my bladder infection away. from The Green Mile (1999)
He was found with the victims in his arms. from The Green Mile (1999)
He was just a force of nature. from The Green Mile (1999)
He was just some bushwhacking John Law! from The Green Mile (1999)
He was sorry afterwards. Of that I have no doubt. from The Green Mile (1999)
He what? from The Green Mile (1999)
He whispered in my ear. from The Green Mile (1999)
He won't appreciate you drawing out the suspense. from The Green Mile (1999)
He'd love to have a pet mouse, I bet. from The Green Mile (1999)
He'll just want me to take sulfa tablets... from The Green Mile (1999)
He'll never sit in Old Sparky. You know that, don't you? from The Green Mile (1999)
He'll talk. Sooner or later. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's a brave little bastard. Gotta give him that. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's choking. Whatever he sucked out of her, he's choking on it. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's cooking now! from The Green Mile (1999)
He's cooking now! They cooking him good! from The Green Mile (1999)
He's enormous. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's frying now! He's frying now! from The Green Mile (1999)
He's good. He's fast too. Doesrt get them all worked up. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's got a little boy. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's in the damn restraint room. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's paid what he owed. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's putting in for a transfer request to Briar Ridge tomorrow. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's right... from The Green Mile (1999)
He's smart, Mr. Jingles. from The Green Mile (1999)
He's square with the house again... from The Green Mile (1999)
He's still alive. You want me to shut down while he's still alive? from The Green Mile (1999)
He's what you call... from The Green Mile (1999)
Head x rays and who knows what else. from The Green Mile (1999)
Heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
Heaven, heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
Heaven, heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
HECTOR: Morning, Mr. Edgecomb. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hell, with his connections, he could have any state job he wants. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hell? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hello, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hello, John. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hellraiser. from The Green Mile (1999)
Help a lady? from The Green Mile (1999)
Help him. from The Green Mile (1999)
Help what? I don't understand. from The Green Mile (1999)
Help! from The Green Mile (1999)
Help! from The Green Mile (1999)
Help! from The Green Mile (1999)
Help! John Coffey's killing Boss Edgecomb! from The Green Mile (1999)
Helping you with what? from The Green Mile (1999)
Here. This for Del and Mr. Jingles. from The Green Mile (1999)
Here. You take him. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey, boys. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey, Brutal, you gonna hog all them taters? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey, captain... from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey, fellers. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey, hey. I'm gonna get some too, ain't I? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey, honey. How you feeling? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey, it's not funny. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey, Toot. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey! What about me? Don't you hold out on me, you big dummy ******. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey! What about me? I'm gonna get some too, ain't I? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey! You put on these clothes now, you hear? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey. Hey! from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey. Hey! What's it now? What's it now? Moving day? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey. Hey. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey. Wake up, old fella. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey... from The Green Mile (1999)
Hey... from The Green Mile (1999)
Hit him, Percy! Goddamn it, hit him! from The Green Mile (1999)
Hit me, you limp noodle. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hmm? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hmm. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hmm. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hmm. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hmm. from The Green Mile (1999)
Ho... from The Green Mile (1999)
Honest injun, I will. I will. from The Green Mile (1999)
Honey... from The Green Mile (1999)
Hope he knows the fires are stoked and that Satars imps are waiting. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hope he's good and scared. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hope I'm not troubling you. from The Green Mile (1999)
Hope your bags are packed. from The Green Mile (1999)
How about Mouseville? from The Green Mile (1999)
How can that be? from The Green Mile (1999)
How could a boy be trusted with Mr. Jingle? from The Green Mile (1999)
How could I miss it? The whole prison heard. from The Green Mile (1999)
How did I get here? from The Green Mile (1999)
How he keep up with his training? I mean, he just a boy, rest ce pas? from The Green Mile (1999)
How in the name of Christ can you call that a success? from The Green Mile (1999)
How many years you spend pissing on a toilet seat... from The Green Mile (1999)
How we did laugh. Fit to bust, we was! from The Green Mile (1999)
Huh? from The Green Mile (1999)
Hurt themselves and hurt others. That's why our job is... from The Green Mile (1999)
I always keep a spare mouse in my wallet for occasions such as this. from The Green Mile (1999)
I am so happy to see you. from The Green Mile (1999)
I am. from The Green Mile (1999)
I been fixing the plumbing here for 10 years. from The Green Mile (1999)
I been good all day. from The Green Mile (1999)
I can feel it on you. But you ought to quit on it now. from The Green Mile (1999)
I can feel it. from The Green Mile (1999)
I can't have a mouse on my shoulder while... from The Green Mile (1999)
I can't think how. from The Green Mile (1999)
I could feel it from here. from The Green Mile (1999)
I could've gone the rest of the day without you bringing that up. from The Green Mile (1999)
I could've gone the rest of the year. from The Green Mile (1999)
I couldn't help it, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
I couldn't help it. from The Green Mile (1999)
I deal with them day in and day out. from The Green Mile (1999)
I didn't hear that part. I'm sure she didn't either. from The Green Mile (1999)
I didn't know she'd ever heard words like that. from The Green Mile (1999)
I didn't know the sponge is supposed to be wet. from The Green Mile (1999)
I didn't know the sponge is supposed to be wet. from The Green Mile (1999)
I do not see God putting a gift like that... from The Green Mile (1999)
I do. from The Green Mile (1999)
I don't imagine you'd lie to me, Paul. from The Green Mile (1999)
I don't know. from The Green Mile (1999)
I don't see its mouth at all. from The Green Mile (1999)
I don't think that's gonna happen. from The Green Mile (1999)
I don't wanna be in no damn search party. from The Green Mile (1999)
I don't wanna pass it on to you. from The Green Mile (1999)
I don't want anybody remembering a stupid joke and getting going again. from The Green Mile (1999)
I don't want no salesmen... from The Green Mile (1999)
I done tame me that mouse. from The Green Mile (1999)
I dreamed about Del's mouse. from The Green Mile (1999)
I dreamed Mr. Jingles got down to that place Boss Howell talked about. from The Green Mile (1999)
I dreamed of you. from The Green Mile (1999)
I dreamed that those two little blond headed girls was there. from The Green Mile (1999)
I dreamed there's kids. from The Green Mile (1999)
I dreamed you were wandering in the dark. from The Green Mile (1999)
I ever tell you that I was a prison guard during the Depression? from The Green Mile (1999)
I give anything to take it back. from The Green Mile (1999)
I give him a few days. from The Green Mile (1999)
I got things to tend to just now, John Coffey. You just... from The Green Mile (1999)
I got to have Mae West sit on my face because I'm one horny motherfucker. from The Green Mile (1999)
I got Van Hay to open both doors, but that smell won't go out for five years. from The Green Mile (1999)
I gots to give you a little bit of myself. from The Green Mile (1999)
I guess I'm gonna have to pay you out for the rest. from The Green Mile (1999)
I guess sometimes the past just catches up with you... from The Green Mile (1999)
I guess you know we're coming down to it now. from The Green Mile (1999)
I had a few bad dreams. It happens. from The Green Mile (1999)
I had an angry call from the state capitol about 20 minutes ago. from The Green Mile (1999)
I have it on good authority that Percy has an application in at Briar Ridge. from The Green Mile (1999)
I have no doubt. from The Green Mile (1999)
I have no illusions of immortality. from The Green Mile (1999)
I have to ask you something very important now. from The Green Mile (1999)
I haven't spoken of these things for a long time, Ellie. from The Green Mile (1999)
I haven't told her. from The Green Mile (1999)
I heard the bones crack. from The Green Mile (1999)
I heard the goddamn thing crunch. from The Green Mile (1999)
I helped Del's mouse... from The Green Mile (1999)
I hope it hurts like hell. from The Green Mile (1999)
I intend to think it over very hard. from The Green Mile (1999)
I just about believe that very thing. from The Green Mile (1999)
I just couldn't do it anymore after that. Brutal either. from The Green Mile (1999)
I just didn't sleep well, is all. from The Green Mile (1999)
I just took it back, is all. from The Green Mile (1999)
I just wanna be out front, is all. from The Green Mile (1999)
I know people. Big people! from The Green Mile (1999)
I know violent men, Mr. Hammersmith. from The Green Mile (1999)
I know what you gonna say. from The Green Mile (1999)
I know you're hurting and worrying. from The Green Mile (1999)
I know. from The Green Mile (1999)
I learned my lesson. from The Green Mile (1999)
I let Harry take those chains off you... from The Green Mile (1999)
I let him go. I was just playing. I let him go. from The Green Mile (1999)
I like to walk. from The Green Mile (1999)
I might just take it too, soon as you put me out front. from The Green Mile (1999)
I needs to see you down here, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
I never have. from The Green Mile (1999)
I promise you'll leave your share of blood on the floor. from The Green Mile (1999)
I punished them bad men. from The Green Mile (1999)
I punished them both. from The Green Mile (1999)
I put my arms around them and set them on my knees. from The Green Mile (1999)
I put you out front for Del... from The Green Mile (1999)
I read the court transcript. from The Green Mile (1999)
I said that we... from The Green Mile (1999)
I said, give me some! from The Green Mile (1999)
I saw in his heart when he grabbed my arm. from The Green Mile (1999)
I saw what Wild Billy had done. from The Green Mile (1999)
I see it. from The Green Mile (1999)
I smell it! from The Green Mile (1999)
I smell it! from The Green Mile (1999)
I sorry for what I do. from The Green Mile (1999)
I sorry for what l... from The Green Mile (1999)
I still got something wrong with my waterworks. from The Green Mile (1999)
I suppose he's lucky... from The Green Mile (1999)
I sure wish I could've met you guys somewheres else. from The Green Mile (1999)
I swear that to God. from The Green Mile (1999)
I take that tape off, you gonna be calm? from The Green Mile (1999)
I thank God for that. from The Green Mile (1999)
I thank you. Mr. Jingle thank you. from The Green Mile (1999)
I think about all the people I've loved... from The Green Mile (1999)
I think about my beautiful Jan... from The Green Mile (1999)
I think he just wants to see one cook up close. from The Green Mile (1999)
I think I have something that'll help you sleep. from The Green Mile (1999)
I think I'll just keep the rest, then. from The Green Mile (1999)
I think Mr. Jingles happened by accident. from The Green Mile (1999)
I think of it as a bucket of piss to drown rats in. from The Green Mile (1999)
I think this boy's cheese slid off his cracker. from The Green Mile (1999)
I think when we electrocuted Del, and it all went so badly... from The Green Mile (1999)
I think you sweet on old Billy the Kid. from The Green Mile (1999)
I took it back, though. from The Green Mile (1999)
I tried to take it back, but it was too late. from The Green Mile (1999)
I tried to take it back, but it was too late. from The Green Mile (1999)
I want Brutal's spot for the next execution. from The Green Mile (1999)
I want fried chicken with gravy on the taters, and I want to shit in your hat. from The Green Mile (1999)
I want you to have it, Mr. Coffey. from The Green Mile (1999)
I was 44 the year that John Coffey walked the Green Mile. from The Green Mile (1999)
I was just having... Aah! from The Green Mile (1999)
I was trying to get the mouse. Are you blind? from The Green Mile (1999)
I went out with my rifle, grabbed his collar and blew his brains out. from The Green Mile (1999)
I will take that as a yes. Let's go, Arlen. from The Green Mile (1999)
I wiped that grin off your face, didn't I? from The Green Mile (1999)
I won't. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'd insist on that. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'd like to ask you about one of them. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'd like to take a ride. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'd never hurt a hair on his pretty little head. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'd rather fuck your asshole... from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll be all right in a while. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll be all right, fellas. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll be fine. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll be fine. Just let me be. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll be good. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll be taking her over to Vicksburg next day or so for some tests. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll chew that food when I have to. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll cover for you as much as I can... from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll give it back after. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll have to stay. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll kill you! from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll tell you something. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'll tell you the truth, honey. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm 108 years old, Elaine. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm a done tom turkey! from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm also thinking I'm gonna have the boys over tomorrow. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm currently cooking up some turds to go with it. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm frying! I'm frying! from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm getting the cap. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm getting to my knees. I'm praying, praying. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm glad for you and Jan. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm glad she's having a good day, Paul. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm glad you're enjoying it. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm going. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm gonna kill her instead of you. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm gonna kill you! from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, Percy. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm in heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm in heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm in heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm in heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm listening. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm not dressed for visitors. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm not sure what I'm sure of. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm smelling gumbo! I'm smelling... from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm smelling me some corn bread. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm sorry for all the bad shit I've done and people I've tramped on. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm sorry for what I am. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm sorry, Paul. You're right. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm sure that x ray will turn out to be nothing at all. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm thinking I don't know what I would do if you were gone. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm thinking I love you. from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm thinking of taking the morning off sick. You cover the fort for me? from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world... from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm tired of never having me a buddy to be with... from The Green Mile (1999)
I'm tired, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)
I's afraid of the dark. from The Green Mile (1999)
I've been running it through my head any number of ways. No. from The Green Mile (1999)
I've done some things in my life that I am not proud of... from The Green Mile (1999)
I've got the Mile till you all come back. from The Green Mile (1999)
I've got to get out of here. from The Green Mile (1999)
I've had to see my friends and loved ones die off through the years. from The Green Mile (1999)
I've wondered if he did anything like that before. from The Green Mile (1999)
If he could make a mouse live so long... from The Green Mile (1999)
If he tried anything, anything at all... from The Green Mile (1999)
If he tried to get away, it'd take a lot of bullets to stop him. from The Green Mile (1999)
If I'm not here, you can ask for Mr. Terwilliger... from The Green Mile (1999)
If it can't help, don't tell him. from The Green Mile (1999)
If it's something they can see on the x ray... from The Green Mile (1999)
If Madge doesn't care, I certainly don't. from The Green Mile (1999)
If what you saying is true... No, I'm talking now. I'm talking now. from The Green Mile (1999)
If you're lucky, Mr. Edgecomb, you never have to find out any different. from The Green Mile (1999)
Imbecile or not, he deserves to fry for what he done. from The Green Mile (1999)
In fact... from The Green Mile (1999)
In the interest of science, like. from The Green Mile (1999)
In truth, I wish for it already. from The Green Mile (1999)
Inside the tent they got this... from The Green Mile (1999)
Interesting? Bunch of inbred trailer trash? from The Green Mile (1999)
Is Coffey guilty? from The Green Mile (1999)
Is it true you ordered Percy Wetmore off the block? from The Green Mile (1999)
Is that right? from The Green Mile (1999)
Is that so? from The Green Mile (1999)
Is that what you mean? You could hear it. from The Green Mile (1999)
Is that what's got you up? from The Green Mile (1999)
Is there anything special you wanna eat that night? from The Green Mile (1999)
Is this normal? from The Green Mile (1999)
Isn't he? from The Green Mile (1999)
Isn't that right, Percy? from The Green Mile (1999)
Isn't that something? from The Green Mile (1999)
It ain't normal for a mouse to come up on people. from The Green Mile (1999)
It doesn't matter anymore. from The Green Mile (1999)
It feels great. from The Green Mile (1999)
It is. from The Green Mile (1999)
It isn't a lockdown, is it? Or a riot? from The Green Mile (1999)
It just pops out. from The Green Mile (1999)
It may not be much longer. from The Green Mile (1999)
It stays pretty bright around here all night long. from The Green Mile (1999)
It was a French fried Cajun Named Delacroix from The Green Mile (1999)
It was all right. from The Green Mile (1999)
It was also the year of... from The Green Mile (1999)
It was just a matter of time, really. from The Green Mile (1999)
It was just a mouse. from The Green Mile (1999)
It was pretty funny. from The Green Mile (1999)
It was... from The Green Mile (1999)
It will run its course all by itself. Thank you very much for your concern. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's a tumor, Paul. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's a wonder God allows it. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's all right, folks! It's all under control! from The Green Mile (1999)
It's all right, Hal. It's all right. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's as good a word as any. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's from my missus. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's hard to keep a straight face when Toot's acting the goat. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's hot in here. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's hot in this cell, and I'm dogged to drink. I'm thirsty. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's in here somewhere. I'm gonna squish the little son of a bitch. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's interesting. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's just a little mouse, dumb merde. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's just down the road a piece from the dog university. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's like bees stinging me. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's like I'm shitty ass drunk. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's like pieces of glass in my head... from The Green Mile (1999)
It's my atonement, you see. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's my job. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's my punishment... from The Green Mile (1999)
It's no game. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's not a bladder infection or even a busted mouse... from The Green Mile (1999)
It's quite a story. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's St. Christopher. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's the size of a lemon, they said. from The Green Mile (1999)
It's true. When he came home that day, he was... from The Green Mile (1999)
It's yours, John. As you please. from The Green Mile (1999)
J O... from The Green Mile (1999)
JAN: Melinda, hi. from The Green Mile (1999)
JAN: Paul. from The Green Mile (1999)
JAN: Soon we'll just see your feet sticking out of there, Brutus. from The Green Mile (1999)
JERRY: Heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
JERRY: I'm in heaven from The Green Mile (1999)
Jesus Christ. from The Green Mile (1999)
Jesus, please us, what is he yelling about? from The Green Mile (1999)
Jesus. from The Green Mile (1999)
Job be damned. from The Green Mile (1999)
John Coffey, ma'am. from The Green Mile (1999)
John Coffey, ma'am. Like the drink... from The Green Mile (1999)
John Coffey, you've been condemned to die in the chair by a jury of your peers. from The Green Mile (1999)
John Coffey. from The Green Mile (1999)
John Coffey... from The Green Mile (1999)
John, can you stand up? Can you turn around and see this lady? from The Green Mile (1999)
John, do you know where we're taking you tonight? from The Green Mile (1999)
John, I should have this just for now. from The Green Mile (1999)
John, let him go! from The Green Mile (1999)
John. from The Green Mile (1999)
John. from The Green Mile (1999)
John... from The Green Mile (1999)
John... from The Green Mile (1999)
John... from The Green Mile (1999)
Just a sweet mongrel. from The Green Mile (1999)
Just fine. You're no better at mouse killing than you are... from The Green Mile (1999)
Just for now, if Del don't mind. from The Green Mile (1999)
Just got it in his mind one day. from The Green Mile (1999)
Just let you run away? See how far you could get? from The Green Mile (1999)
Just like Mr. Harry says. from The Green Mile (1999)
Just my name, boss. from The Green Mile (1999)