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Leap of Faith (1992) "Leap of Faith" is a captivating movie released in 1992. Starring the talented Steve Martin as Jonas

Leap of Faith (1992)

"Leap of Faith" is a captivating movie released in 1992. Starring the talented Steve Martin as Jonas Nightengale, a fraudulent faith healer, the film tells the story of his journey and transformation. Supporting cast members include Debra Winger as Jane Larson, Jonas' skeptical romantic interest, and Liam Neeson as Sheriff Will Braverman, determined to uncover Jonas' deceit. With a mix of drama and comedy, this heartwarming film explores themes of faith, redemption, and the power of belief.

Although I cannot play or download sounds directly, you can check out the soundtrack of "Leap of Faith" on various music platforms or find the movie on popular streaming services. Experience the magic of this film and dive into the world of Jonas Nightengale's inescapable "Leap of Faith."
A drunk truck driver did that.
A fever is on me! A fever is on me!
A green light when I thought it would turn red.
A magnificent sunrise,
A man named Thomas.
A man who knows about the value of spirit.
A sinner of such monumental proportions,
A town this deep in the crapper's got nowhere to turn but God.
A woman is like a slingshot.
About anybody or anything, do you?
About four grand.
About giving more than I could.
Absolutely true.
Afraid his children would fall victim to foul play.
Afraid his hair would fall out and his wife would stop loving him.
Ah! [screams]
Ah! Ooh! Ooh! [laughs] Just kidding.
Ah. There you are. Ooh, nice suit.
Alias Jonas Nightengale,
All for nothing.
All he's doing is selling fairy tales to a bunch of people who thank him for it.
All I know, if it wasn't for you, I'd be playing doctor with some car thief.
All of you. I see your town and I know what you're going through.
All right, are you gonna tell me what really happened out there?
All right, it's about time for a miracle!
All right, kid, I'll tell you what.
All right, we got to get back to that old time religion.
All right.
All right. What if I told you that one good deed
All that boy has is faith.
All the cards, weren't you? So sure that you could just
All you got to do, all you got to do,
All you got to do, if you want to feel faith,
Aluminum siding.
Always look better than they do, Jane.
An oldie but goodie.
Ancillaries have had massive layoffs and the banks report
And a world class doctor.
And after I talk to her, I'm gonna go up on the weekend and see her.
And bring your wife along with you. We'll see you there tonight.
And every star right in your hand.
And everywhere you go is just another hell.
And find an answer placed there by God.
And get back, Jack! Brothers and sisters, this Rustwater, Kansas,
And he asks you to do the same.
And he made a donation. Unbelievable.
And he wants these special people to be saved right up here on the stage with me.
And he's coming through me special delivery! Hallelujah!
And hung like a moose, so I kind of thought...
And I am going to reach deep inside mine
And I believe everyone here tonight wants to give up sin...
And I didn't have no 20 dollar bill before that.
And I give 'em that love, Georgette.
And I have danced with the demon Satan.
And I hot wired cars.
And I know she misses the way you protected her. Made her feel like a princess.
And I say the only thing the meek can count on
And I say to you tonight, if you want to give up the bottle,
And I, Jonas Nightengale, will not be burned!
And I've seen an old man get out of his wheelchair and dance.
And if God's wisdom is proven to you,
And if he doesn't do it, then you win the pot.
And if there's one thing I know,
And if you ever sat through church, you know that's better.
And it warms my heart,
And it's been pretty hard putting food on the table.
And it's in my will that way.
And it's strictly for the suckers.
And Jonas has to work them into his sermon.
And looked up into the face of God.
And most of them go home with a little hope in their lives that wasn't there before.
And now let's go give some empty lives a little meaning.
And passing bad checks.
And pointing a rifle off the book depository, it wouldn't surprise me.
And ride that golden elevator
And speaking of things getting tough,
And that one thing
And that's why if Jonas was wearing pantyhose
And the last thing he needs is a judgmental asshole like you
And the last thing I need is another snake oil salesman
And the motel guy told me if they don't get rain by this weekend,
And the power of his might.
And they say a baby born with the caul is given the second sight.
And tonight, in your hour of doubt, the Lord God Almighty has spoken to me.
And until now, it's been great.
And we always have our malpractice insurance.
And when I say salvation, I'm talking about the only thing in this world that matters.
And you can't make him into a sideshow.
And you, sir, in the yellow shirt, come on up on stage.
And you, too, ma'am, come on up on stage.
And, let's see, we got, uh...
And, wait a minute...
Angels of Mercy! Whoa!
Anybody come in here? Maybe switch crucifixes?
Anyway... [continues indistinct]
Are the genuine article.
Are you in some kind of trouble?
Are you saying you think you're a fake?
At first, it was a curse,
Be polite.
Be strong in the Lord
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
Beautiful music, no.
Beautiful wife, two sweet kids.
Because God don't want no doubt money, no!
Because of the fear.
Because that's what you got to watch out for.
Because you lost the one person who really loved you.
Before I can do any healin' at all,
Before you leave with your hard earned money in those buckets,
Believe in the Lord and cure your backaches!
Believe in the power of the Lord.
Besides, it's a matter of principle, like, uh, a quest.
Besides, she's warming up. I can tell.
Besides, the badge saw the setup on the bus last night.
Besides, this one was kind of cute for a change.
Besides, wait till you see the pitch.
Bless you.
Born Jack Newton, does not come from the Appalachians.
Brother Jonas, I'm wondering,
Brother Nightengale,
Brother Will!
Brother, you drove her away.
Brothers and sisters, I ask you to consider
But a cop who plays violin, what was that?
But by The Man with the 12 gauge
But even you must believe because this boy's chances of walking are in your hands.
But he's not.
But his life was a mess, and you know why?
But I've seen some pretty smart old wives in my day,
But if she catches me talking to you... I gotta go, OK?
But if you haven't, you better get off your ass, 'cause nobody up there
But my wife Kate made me give it all.
But never have I seen anything like this.
But send a miracle through my hands to help my sister Emma.
But sometimes a person doesn't even know what they need.
But soon I discovered the blessing of my birth.
But the one thing you can never, ever get around
But there can be no price on salvation.
But they don't fool anyone.
But this morning, I had 30 dollars in my wallet.
But what I promise, I deliver.
But what they really need... is love.
But you know what's really important. Don't you? That's right.
But, uh, what about towns like this that really need me?
But... Can I see you after the show?
By Tuesday, you'll be gone.
Bye bye.
Can perform miracles. A local man who sustained a burn last night
Can rise up like an angel,
Can you tell me the answer to our brother's question?
Can't say that I have, Lowell. But I know people.
Cathy. Son of a bitch.
Celebrate the Lord, brother! Celebrate the Lord.
Cherry hat, section four, row F.
Claire de lune,
Clean? Ugh.
Come on back for seconds.
Come on up and thank the Lord for his saving!
Come on, close 'em. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Pucker up.
Come on, Emma. Come on. Show me the power of the Lord.
Come on, Emma. Walk to me, Emma.
Come on, Hoov. Come on, man. Goose 'em.
Come on, Jonas.
Come on, preacher. Come on!
Come on, remember me? I'm Jane, your partner in crime.
Come on, the Angels will see him.
Come on, Will, I know you think I'm crooked, so why'd you ask me here?
Come on! Bumper stickers!
Come right on in. Come right on in.
Come right on in. Hi, how are you?
Concentrate on your game, Boyd.
Couldn't possibly equal the sins of this king of sin.
Dance, brother! Come on and celebrate the miracles of the Lord!
Did you get a load of those rubes?
Did you study my summary on the old folks?
Do a good thing. Pack it up.
Do you always jog in a cowboy hat like that?
Do you know how he landed in that orphanage?
Do you or do you not have the documents?
Doctors did all they could.
Doctors, therapy, everything, that's great.
Doesn't mean that the person doesn't care about him.
Doesn't mean that the person doesn't care about him.
Doing your job is one thing,
Dolores, you are such a bone hound.
Don't take it personally, boss.
Don't you think I know what time it is? I've been driving all night.
Eating macaroni helper and day old bread,
Eloquent as always.
Enough about me, Lowell.
Even the family. So, what are you gonna believe in?
Every last cent. Bring those buckets out. You take your money back.
Every town, another puny brain. I've been fighting them all my life.
Everybody had to come up with some ridiculous word or phrase,
Everybody's a loser one of these days.
Everyone you meet is just another sinner,
Everyone's looking for you.
Everything you said is true.
Excuse me, ma'am. Are you from Rustwater?
Excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. Pardon me.
Excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. Pardon me.
Faith that his children will be protected,
Faith that his woman loves what's in his soul,
Faith that the universe will need his skills!
Fall into the spirit of Jesus Christ!
Fancy summer camp all her friends went to.
Finally, he just wised up.
First moment, you wonder, Can I touch them?
Folks have lost their jobs, their land.
Four days later, he's there, waiting.
Four hours stuck in a crash watching our mom and dad die.
From lowliness to holiness,
Gee, Gidge, you feel bad for the poor people, but you want to keep their money.
Gee, I wish I could, ma'am, 'cause I know how Jesus loves to rock.
Get up.
Gidget goes Dust Bowl. Fine. Have your little secret.
Go ahead.
God bless you, Kate, that's the idea.
God only knows where his father is.
God, you're right.
God! It's 8:00, Jonas.
Going to a man of God, you'd better think again.
Gonna be standing on the sidewalk in front of the diner.
Got it in one, kid.
Great. It's a friggin' hootenanny.
Hallelujah, brother!
Hallelujah, sister! Whoa, whoa.
Hallelujah! Another miracle! Hallelujah!
Has swelled to over 31,000 people.
Have faith in Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!
Have you ever seen anything like that in your life?
Have you read it? OK, we're gonna go over it again, OK?
Have you seen her?
He can shut us down.
He killed himself one night in the barn.
He rests with the angels.
He said that it was his fault
He says God has forgiven him,
He still had the fear.
He told me his father invented Teflon.
He was afraid his business would fail.
He's alive! He's alive! He's in me, he's in you!
He's got 80 yards of electrified fence just spittin' distance to the house.
He's speaking the language of the Lord.
Hearing problem.
Hello, Boyd.
Here, I'll hold that for you. How are you? Good to see you.
Hey, boss.
Hey, do you know what that means? We could play here all...
Hey, I want me a car like that.
Hey, Jake! Jake Bradley!
Hey, Marva, can I have athй glacй?
Hey, rev, how about a rematch?
Hey, rev.
Hey, rev. Hey, rev, what about me?
Hey, rev. Lookin' for some souls to save?
Hey, Tony, I'm dressing.
Hey, what's up?
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Jonas Nightengale.
Hey! What's your name?
Hi! Oh, where'd you get him? Her? Him.
Hi. Sorry I'm late.
His sainted mother took him out shopping one day.
Ho, it's a miracle! Hallelujah! It's a miracle!
Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. Take it down just a second.
Hold it, kid. I had nothing to do with you walking.
Holy name of Jesus. Praise his name.
Hoov, where are you?
How could she not go for it? Everybody goes for it.
How I live my life is none of your business. Now, what do you want from me?
How much longer do I have?
How'd we do?
Hungry for whiskey or money or food.
I always expect it, Janey, that's why I always win.
I always say, The best way to forget your own troubles
I believe in life.
I believe things happen for a reason.
I can smell trouble like shit on a griddle.
I certainly will, ma'am.
I convinced him it was in his best interest to open late.
I don't believe I defended you.
I don't know what to say to you.
I don't know why my brother's walking,
I don't know why my brother's walking,
I don't know, must be your money.
I don't know. Eighty in a 55.
I don't know. I heard he couldn't get an art expert out until Tuesday.
I don't think I got any more healing power left in me tonight.
I ever tell you I was East Coast Chess Champion 1971?
I feel a healing coming on!
I found a breeder in Clydedale.
I give my people a good show,
I got to talk to these people.
I grew up mistreated, so I lied and I cheated.
I had to cold read 20 people and I was not brilliant.
I had to get the boys to start clearing the tent,
I have walked that crooked road,
I hear Satan knocking, but he can't come in.
I heard what you said last night
I just bet he did. Go right ahead. We're clean. Go on.
I just feel bad is all. These people are so broke.
I just need to know, has the Lord forgiven him and welcomed him to heaven?
I just want to know how come you gave up.
I knew you were worth saving.
I knew you were worth saving.
I know I'm a fake.
I know there's more to life than my nine to five.
I know we made a lot of money this way,
I learned hard crime and I served hard time.
I need to know you're on the side of the Lord.
I only had ten dollars in my wallet,
I put in 20, Will. I need all the help I can get.
I said I want to testify.
I see him in your eyes! I feel him beating in your hearts!
I tell you what. I sink this one, you guys come to the revival meeting tonight?
I think you got a little problem here.
I told you I had a job to do.
I used to jog in my boots.
I want to testify.
I want to thank you.
I want you all to know where it's going.
I wanted to see that breeder.
I was at your meeting last night, and I heard what you said
I was worried about your lack of companionship.
I wonder what brought him to the service of our Lord?
I wonder, since you came so far, would you like to have it?
I'd like to hear what your sister has to say on the subject.
I'd like to make you some promises.
I'll be back in a bit.
I'll be outside.
I'll bet the last time you had a man was when Nixon was in office.
I'll get it.
I'll have the KKK omelet.
I'll meet you in front of the diner tomorrow at ten in the morning.
I'll take that as a compliment.
I'll walk if it's God's will.
I'm a law abiding citizen, just like yourself.
I'm a quick study.
I'm all done in from the service of the Lord.
I'm boxing for Jesus!
I'm gonna ask you one more time, sir.
I'm having an accessory crisis.
I'm hearing the voice of angels, Jane.
I'm here man to man.
I'm kidding. I'll have a decaf and toast.
I'm not asking you to pay for this
I'm not talking about your ex wife.
I'm not the one giving out free samples.
I'm so sick and tired of your manipulating.
I'm worried about that two man code.
I've been face down in the gutter,
I've been had, that's what happened. I've been hustled.
I've been pulling one kind of scam or another since I was your age.
I've been widowed now about a year.
I've got a little surprise myself.
I've got a question for you.
I've got someone here who says he can help.
I've never seen a room so full of God.
I've never seen such a demonstration of the Lord's plenty.
I've never seen such a demonstration of the Lord's plenty.
If he can go from grift to grace, from sin to sanctity,
If he can walk that straight, righteous path,
If I get the job done, what difference does it make?
If I had more time, I'd take it.
If I leave it on the stock too long, it rots on the way to market.
If there's even one among you who doubts.
If you want to feel strong, if you want to walk tall,
If you're already walking with Jesus,
If you've done everything you can,
In an isolated cabin, deep in the Appalachian Mountains,
In gourmet cooking and mail fraud.
In his fancy car, all the while thinking,
In Jesus' holy name.
In the book of Psalms, the 27th chapter reads as thus:
In the nice pink dress, receive the Lord and you will find another job.
In the service of the Lord would return your money ten fold? Would you believe me?
Including convictions for...
Interfering with religious freedom.
Invite him in, sisters, invite him in!
Is getting the short end of the stick!
Is gonna do it for you, that's for sure.
Is it the sweet nectar your crops are craving? Is it tears of joy?
Is some token that you believe.
Is the genuine article. And you, kid,
Is this beautiful country, or what?
It goes a long way with me.
It makes all the difference in the world.
It's a tough policy, but it works for me.
It's before six, I got to go.
It's broken.
It's burgers tonight.
It's French for ice tea.
It's just something I got to do.
It's like she's got fuming down to an art.
It's time to get excited.
Jack Newton.
Jane, I'm not a flashy guy,
Janey, I never pretended I did.
Jonas Nightengale was born
Jonas Nightengale,
Jonas, have you had any sleep lately?
Jonas, I got to hand it to you. I don't know how you did it,
Jonas, man! What do you think?
Jonas, wait.
Jonas, why don't you just give this to me already.
Just chalk one up for the big guy upstairs.
Just dying to take on some bush league badge
Kansas radio. When the going gets tough,
Kiss. Big kiss.
Knock yourself out.
Leave? A couple of days, I guess.
Let Jesus fix it, brother. Hey, somebody run! Somebody run!
Let me tell you something that your snooping didn't turn up.
Let us sell you Bibles.
Let's assume for a second I was what you said I was.
Let's see what we got.
Let's see, we've had the fire department, we've had the sanitation department.
License and registration, sir.
Life's too short to go without music.
Like that picture on the wall in there.
Like... you made me walk again, OK?
Listen to me.
Listen, Braverman, I got a room full of New York lawyers
Listen, I'm Jonas Nightengale. I want you to come down to the Rustwater campgrounds tonight.
Listen, kid, God doesn't have a trucker's license.
Little Russkie, huh?
Look what I brought you. They say it's the best in town.
Look, I kissed up to him, I got the permit.
Look, I run a show here. It's a lot of smoke and noise,
Look, kid.
Look, no new permits until the plants reopen
Look, that is not one of our shills in there.
Look, um, Will said he's got a surprise for you.
Lots of people singing. So come on down,
Manipulators are sneaky, I'm obvious.
Marry old Will and slop the hogs?
Marva, huh? As in marvelous?
Maybe for the first time in my life, I'm not.
Maybe we could even get him to reenact it.
Mmm. Corn relish. I hate corn relish.
More comforting than a lover.
Move to Kansas?
Mr. Nightengale, arbitrary is not an issue here.
Mr. Nightengale. I'm so glad I caught you.
My brother Lowell,
My dad used to lift weights.
My grandmother used to take me with her.
My husband couldn't handle it when they repossessed the farm.
My husband lost his job a few months ago, too,
My mother taught me never to settle.
My offer still holds for a new Angel.
My sister thinks you're a fake.
N O! Because doubt money burn the fingers of the righteous!
Never been there.
Never enough for those pretty dresses or that, uh,
Never underestimate the power of belief, boy.
Nice move, kid.
Nightengale, we both know there's nothing I can do legally.
No rich stepdaddy can give her that, Lowell.
No, it... it's not that.
No, Jane, he's trying to restrict trade.
No, kid, I stick with what I want to do.
No, no, no, no, sir.
No, no, no, no. My mom is ma'am.
No! N O.
No? Do you go to college?
Not by a man with a .357 Magnum,
Not just a trucker, Janey, a drunken trucker.
Not the cops. You can always get around the cops.
Not what's on his head!
Now, come on up 'cause I'm working for Jesus.
Now, concentrate. Population, 22 something.
Now, do you want to know what that man said to my little brother?
Now, I got the fee, I'll do the paperwork.
Now, I look at you hiding out in that diner,
Now, I want to tell you a little bit about myself.
Now, if you feel you've gotten a good night's entertainment,
Now, maybe you like the show, and you leave humming a tune,
Now, remember, the more you give, the more you live.
Now, stand up and tell me if I'm hearing the Lord right.
Now, Thomas lived on Fifth Avenue.
Now, usually, I only play towns that can afford me.
Of course, the big question on everyone's mind is...
Oh, boy.
Oh, I believe we're gonna see some serious miracles tonight.
Oh, I'm feeling the power tonight! I'm feeling the power!
Oh, I'm just bummed about Topeka.
Oh, Lord, I'm just a man like any other.
Oh, man.
Oh, no. I drove 30 miles to be here.
Oh, no. I understand, sheriff.
Oh, people,
Oh, these for me?
Oh, this room is burning up with the fever of the Lord!
Oh, we're gonna help some people tonight.
Oh, wow! You just really don't give a shit
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, this is the place. Nowhere.
Oh, yeah, right. I can just see it.
Oh, yeah. I've seen that happen before.
Oh, you should talk. Here you are consorting with the enemy.
Oh! I'm feeling the power! Come on, brother.
OK, first female serial killer?
OK, I got the Wellesley decal thing, I got the wedding band,
OK, I'll be good. [laughs]
OK, main industries, wheat and corn.
OK. You ready to check your receiver?
One more show of faith. 'Cause that's what this is about. Faith.
One week? Seven figures! Seven figures, man!
One, two,
Only one thing.
Ooh, a pissing contest. Can I watch?
Ooh, child, he looks nasty.
Ooh. A little cranky, aren't we?
Ooh. Jonas, your spies are slipping. I was out till two.
Open up, boss, it's me.
Or else those yokels would have torn it down.
Or is it the rain that falls on every life,
Or maybe you don't, and you kick yourself.
Or till our farmers get some rain.
Our brother's worried how long he has to go.
Our sister would sincerely like to know about a loved one.
Pick it up, pick it up.
Places to go, people to rip off.
Plenty of music, worthwhile sentiments,
Praise God. Praise God. Praise God.
Praise Jesus! Praise his name! Praise the Lord! Praise Jesus!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord! It's a miracle!
Prepare to receive your miracle!
Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able
Raise your hands. Raise 'em up.
Receive a fresh anointing! Watch out, I'm vibrating!
Receive his holy name.
Red mark on the jaw from the chin rest.
Relax, Lowell, where's the fire?
Remember me?
Rests in the heart of a cynic.
Right you are, Sadie, you need all the help you can get. And you, too, Jake.
Risking your life for minimum wage?
Rustwater reminds me of my own hometown.
Sadie, if you put in 20, you take out 20. Jake, you put in ten, take out ten.
Same as in my business.
Says his wound had miraculously healed by morning.
Seat them in the back so it's harder for 'em to get on stage.
Section five, row A is the glitter jeans. Remember glitter jeans?
Section two, the blue haired lady. She's got arthritis.
See this?
See, Marva, nothing has value without salvation.
Seriously. Phil? Oh, I called him Frank.
Set up. We'll play here.
She hasn't called in over a year.
She wants to know if there's gonna be a twister at her son's home in Wilmington.
Sheriff Braverman sent me to check for violations.
Sixty five dollars a pop just to walk in the door.
Smart girl.
So come on. You can tell me the truth.
So glad you could make it.
So guess what my phrase is?
So he had me take him to a preacher.
So I want you to take back all your money. That's right, you heard me!
So I'll see you then.
So I'm here, brothers and sisters, to remind you
So is all of this absolutely necessary, Will?
So many people working so hard, deserving so much better.
So the cops lug him off to Our Mother of Neglect,
So the last thing he needs is another phony messing with his head, OK?
So they sure can't afford a con man like you.
So they tell me.
So we'll use them.
So when God's chariot arrives, you're ready to step on board!
So when you say to me, Jonas, when's it gonna rain?
So you believe in miracles, right?
So, speak up, sheriff.
Some pale skinned virgin priest?
Somebody over here has just been cured of their rheumatism.
Someday, you may want to slow down.
Someone over here just been cured of their asthma.
Something happened. I don't know what it is, but it happened.
Sometimes, they don't feel it at first.
Sorry, pal.
Sort of a Holy Grail of road pussy kind of thing?
Souls, that is.
Souvenir. It was someone I once knew.
Still had that spark in your eye.
Stuck him with needles a foot long,
Super charged grenade launcher of love!
Sure, you did. Everybody saw it.
T shirts, bumper stickers.
Take a look at what just walked in.
Take it down just a minute, Angels.
Take it from me, babe, you can't have it both ways.
Take the hand of God's right hand man.
Tambourines, T shirts, bumper stickers, Bibles.
Tell him five shills is enough. He ought to get out of there.
Tell me, do most of the cops fall for your act?
Tell you what. Keep your eye on the squirt gun, all right?
Testing, sibilance, one, two.
Thank you, Jerry Joe. Thank you.
Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank Jesus.
That all your sins wrapped up in one
That just because a person didn't show up,
That one man is one man, and one man only.
That tonight the fate of an innocent
That was just about the best day of your life, wasn't it?
That you belong to the most exclusive club in the universe.
That, and salvation.
That's going on out there. It seems sometimes
That's great. I'm gonna run.
That's incredible! Section one, pink mumu.
That's mighty Christian of you.
That's nice.
That's not true. My talent is telling people the truth.
That's right. You can get caught up in the frills of life,
That's some plain talk, Will, so I'll give you a little in return.
That's very nice of you, young man.
The biggest power, the biggest man with the plan.
The club that only God's faithful and generous can join.
The crew has a bet going.
The difference is,
The dressing down for your boss,
The drug store soda fountain,
The drunk driving in Atlanta, remember?
The fear is bigger than money or real estate.
The good times you had teaching her the violin.
The greater the resistance, the further you can get with them.
The guy has balls the size of cantaloupes.
The harsh word from a loved one,
The jails are full of stories like that.
The little movie theater, the one with the real butter.
The Lord cannot deliver his healing.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want...
The Lord is speaking to me right now.
The Lord tells me that a strike unto any of his children
The power of healing, and you too can wake up saying,
The problem, Jerry Joe, is, uh,
The Samsonite luggage, the Amana washer dryer,
The sheriff's name is Braverman. He's clean.
The sight inside a man's soul.
The tough dial SOS.
The waitress and Tiny Tim. That story about the trucker,
The way you smiled at her the night of the prom.
Then and only then may you support this ministry.
Then do it, let him fix it, let him in.
Then go ahead, tip the dancing bear.
Then he ran away to begin a life of crime,
Then he was arrested for selling fraudulent artworks
Then some rich asshole takes not only your wife,
Then what if I told you that one righteous day
Then you come on out and celebrate the miracle of faith,
Then you, with all your everyday sins,
There's not enough rope in Kansas to hang this boy.
There's only about a few thousand right now.
They can't afford to feed their families.
They started arriving last week.
They travel over 2,000 miles and end up here,
They're going out of their minds.
Thirty miles! That far. What is your name?
Thirty seconds.
This better be good.
This is for that unfortunate family.
This is nowhere.
This man can't hear a thing, reverend. Can't hear a thing.
This man's question is really important.
This year's crops'll fail too, so we can use that, put it right in.
Three! Gone.
Throwing his past up in his face.
Till then, this town can't afford a revival. Sorry.
To me, there's no thrill greater than the thrill of preaching.
To Moses, he spoke from the burning bush.
To receive great rewards in money and material goods.
To remind me that he is searching for some special people
To stand against the wiles of the devil!
To that poor family who lost their farm.
Told him she forgot her wallet and that she'd be right back, he should wait on the corner.
Tomorrow at ten in the morning, your little brother's
Too busy to sleep. Places to go and people to do.
Too much rain turns it moldy,
Took tests,
Trick is not acting like a loser.
Truck's blowing smoke, man.
Trying to destroy a human being is another.
Turn it loose. Let him fix it and let him in.
Twelve towns, same situation within 40 minutes by car,
Two chilies. Hold the onions.
Uh huh. What's Roger doing?
Uh, electric fence.
Uh, sorry, kid, I gotta go.
Um, I want to know when you plan to leave town.
Up in New York, they got Broadway shows that cost
Using my little brother to get me into bed.
Views of Central Park, even from the bathroom.
Visualize the fence with cherries on it or something like that.
Wait'll you see this.
Wanted, single tenor who shares an interest
We don't get a replacement part until Tuesday.
We got a cold audience out there.
We played that together.
We'll have an old fashioned revival. Lots of music,
We're gonna be all over every television station in the country.
We're gonna hire us a new Angel, and I don't even care if the guy can sing.
We're gonna take a walk over to the car, sir. This way.
We've got a 27 percent unemployment rate.
We've got nothing to believe in.
We've had nothing but trouble with that old man. He's mean.
Welcome to the kingdom of heaven.
Well, all my life, I've been different.
Well, all right, let's give some empty lives a little meaning!
Well, damn. Would you look at that.
Well, everybody needs a hobby. Even you.
Well, get the strength in your life.
Well, hallelujah! It's a miracle! It's a miracle.
Well, I know how it feels to see old man Raylove driving around town
Well, I say love never starteth!
Well, I... I wanted to know if I could go with you.
Well, I'll just give you your answer, sister.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that, ma'am. Why don't you come down to the tent tonight,
Well, it's a much better view, and this ol' chair
Well, it's been a really long day. Can I buy you a beer?
Well, let me tell you something,
Well, make sure somebody hits him up personally, all right?
Well, maybe I am, and maybe I'm not.
Well, maybe I can fix it.
Well, think again, Adam Chandler.
Well, well, well. If isn't my new best friend.
Well, what do you think?
Well, you know those programs
Well, you know what they say, The hand is quicker than the eye.
Well, you're gonna need a miracle now, reverend,
What are friends for?
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