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Tin Cup (1996) Tin Cup is a captivating sports comedy film released in 1996, directed by Ron Shelton. This underdog tale

Tin Cup (1996)

Tin Cup is a captivating sports comedy film released in 1996, directed by Ron Shelton. This underdog tale centers around Roy "Tin Cup" McAvoy, played by Kevin Costner, a talented golf instructor living in a Texas backwater town. When his former flame, Dr. Molly Griswold (Rene Russo), seeks his assistance to improve her golf swing, Cup is faced with the opportunity to qualify for the U.S. Open and win her heart. To immerse yourself in the sounds of this remarkable cinematic creation, you can play and download the original soundtrack here.
A 12 would have got you on the tour.
A little compassion.
A lost and desperate soul stands before you.
A man goes through what I have...
A man's laid bare before God, he's the butt of the cosmic joke.
A new gig?
A nod to the gods?
A patient thinks he's falling in love with me.
A tuning fork goes off in your heart, your balls...
A woman can have the same effect.
A woman.
A woman.
Actually, I picked up a whole bunch of new clients at the Open.
Actually, I should have never left Ohio for that cowboy in Amarillo.
After all these years you think I'm full of shit?
Ain't like playing some muni track in Brownsville, is it?
All good.
All of it, right now. All of it.
All right, let's measure.
All right, waggle.
All right, what if the father married the son's daughter?
All right.
All right.
All right. A former paramour once ascribed my...
Although we could say if I get to 500 bounces on the wedge...
Am I early?
Am I special?
An ice breaker. That's not hard.
And 5% of any earnings.
And are fumbling between delusion and denial.
And David Simms is back there trailing by one.
And dogs.
And he hasn't hit a golf ball yet.
And I'll give you two strokes a side.
And I've bladed the sand.
And in addition, you got great legs and...
And nobody'll even go down there to dip a toe.
And on the other side of the river's a million bucks, on this side a boat.
And risk coming right over the top, hooking it out of bounds?
And Roy McAvoy just won't go away.
And sometimes I catch that 3 a little thin too.
And the $250,000 purse has just gotten a little bigger.
And the definition was shit.
And the man needs a ride home.
And the unfinished symphony of...
And then, whatever happens, if you act from the heart...
And, by God, I'm tired of seeing the money head out of town.
And, Harold, give me a vodka tonic with a twist.
Another driving range pro, it's all we needed.
Any game, I name it?
Any game...
Any time for a quick bucket?
Anybody think they got a brain with 2 ounces of brain?
Anyone see?
Anyone with a 2 handicap or better's got a shot at it.
Anyway, he looked great.
Are you nervous about tomorrow, Roy?
Are you taking penicillin?
As long as you understand that it's strictly professional...
As much as Earl?
Assures himself of a par...
At 7:08. We're the first guys going.
Back up.
Be humble.
Be humble.
Be sure to do that in the Open, it'll impress them.
Be well, buddy. I'll see you out in the trenches.
Beats that deep shit rough you were in all day.
Because he broke his other clubs.
Because that shot was a defining moment.
Because you're not thinking about shanking or Molly.
Becky, come here, sweetheart. Right now, hurry up.
Been a while.
Ben Hogan, now, who's he?
Besides, I'm focused.
Best thing that ever happened to him.
Birdie to tie, eagle to win. Gutless wonder's laying up.
Birdie wins, parties. Hole out a wedge for a goddamn eagle?!
Boss, you blew that one.
Brand new Titleist.
Brink's and Brown's Sanitation.
But he's a real horse's ass, if you ask me.
But I believe in gathering knowledge.
But I'm susceptible and frequently wrong when a person lies to me.
But I'm the only woman born after World War II who thinks astrology's bullshit.
But so has he.
But that's not the point. The point is David is there for me.
But the real story today involves a driving range pro...
But then there's the 7 iron.
But there aren't any in Salome.
But they had one there. That's all I'm saying.
But, you know, sometimes I fan that 2.
By finishing in the top 15 at the Open you qualified to be in it next year.
By giving me the driving range?
Bye, nice meeting you.
Call me Dr. Griswold, Roy. I think I'm more of the grip it and rip it school.
Call me Roy, Molly.
Can I ask you a question?
Can I ask you a question?
Can I have a doughnut?
Can I have your autograph?
Can you believe McAvoy's still here?
Can you carry that?
Can you people not see that I'm busy? I'm working.
Caught it a little bit high, a breeze in his face. That's got to go.
Certified. Fuck! I'm certifiable. I'm really sorry.
Christ Almighty Jesus.
Clock's ticking.
Come here a second.
Come on, baby.
Come on, guys, we're trying to win a tournament here.
Come on, man.
Come on, one more, just do it.
Come on, Roy, this is ridiculous.
Come on, Roy.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come up.
Consciously or unconsciously?
Cost me 3 strokes a side.
Cup Man!
Cut the shit.
David just wanted to make a point.
David Simms. What the hell are you doing here?
David Simms...
David, let's go.
David's involved in a lot of charity work.
Did that tuning fork ring in your loins?
Did you mean it unconsciously?
Did you see that shot?!
Did you see this?
Didn't I?
Didn't I? Didn't I? All I must do is hold it together for 72 more holes.
Different hospitals.
Do I come to your office and ask for an autograph?
Do it, and I'll own you.
Do it, and I'll own you.
Do you believe this?
Do you?
Doctor looks at him, says:
Does integrity, tradition and honor...
Does this feel like home?
Dollar bills.
Dollar bills.
Dollar bills.
Don't force it if it don't...
Don't say a fucking word.
Don't think about immortality, think hit the 7 iron.
Don't touch it.
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry. You did fine. Give me the club.
Don't you know the work of hustlers when you see it?
Don't you look cute. Come on under.
Doreen, meet Dr. Griswold.
Dr. Griswold.
Dr. Griswold...
Dr. Griswold...
Dr. Kasseldorf?
Dropping 7...
DVT 1, record.
Earl gives me the straight read, thing breaks half a dozen times.
Earl, shut up.
Easy, guys. He can still make 5. He can still make 5.
Especially today, a little wind in the face.
Especially when I knock it on the green.
Even when I'm trying to help you, man.
Every one of them, brand new Titleist.
Everybody gets what they get.
Everyone puts in 20 bucks. Pot goes to whoever solves the riddle.
Everyone says my face is screwed up tight as a drum.
Excuse me, Mr. Simms.
Excuse me.
Fairways and greens, and don't forget to wave...
Fairways and greens. Hand me a 2 iron.
Feminists pose the riddle to reveal sexual stereotypes.
Fine, be like that.
Fine, take the 3 wood.
Fine, you owe her $12,000. Like it makes a difference.
First bug to get fried wins $2. I got the green one.
First sign of adversity, you quit.
First State Bank of Salome. Woody's Smokehouse.
First thing you must learn is this game ain't about hitting...
First up in the final pairing, from Salome, Texas...
For 15 holes, you seemed to grasp the concept here.
For a report on his plight, let's go to Gary McCord...
For chrissakes, boys, come on, a little self confidence from the gallery.
For chrissakes, guys, this has become a big time event.
For what?
Fourth shot.
From right here.
From the moment I first saw you...
Fuck me, huh? Well, you're cured.
Fuck you.
Fuck. Shit.
Get control of that guy.
Get him.
Get in the other room, please.
Get over.
Get thumbnails on these guys. I don't know where he's from...
Give him 10 1.
Give it.
Give me a 3 wood.
Give me a ball!
Give me a ball.
Give me a ball.
Give me a ball.
Give me the bag.
Give me the big dog.
Give me the driver.
Give me the lumber.
Give me, like, 6.
Give us a hint.
Go for it, Roy! Just knock it on!
Go for it!
Go for it.
Go on, do it.
Go right through there.
God Almighty.
God almighty.
God, I'm going to faint.
God! First time you can qualify for the Open!
Goddamn it, David, just hit the fucking 3! Hit it!
Good luck in the Open.
Good luck.
Good players shoot an 82 in the Open.
Good seeing you.
Good stroke.
Good thinking.
Good, then...
Got a golf watch?
Great start.
Greatness courts failure, Romeo.
Green eyes. I don't know, I mean...
Guess I'm going with the safe shot, boys.
Guys said if I could do that for you, imagine what I could do for them.
Have you asked her out?
Have you ever had a Latin lover?
Haven't seen you in 3 days.
Having a bad day?
He always quits.
He can do it.
He can do it.
He can help me if we can behave like grown ups together.
He can't watch.
He didn't have enough club.
He didn't sneak over?
He doesn't finish the hole with this ball...
He gets in a crash.
He has a chance to win. He must play smart.
He has found the water for the third straight day.
He hit it down the fucking road, didn't he?
He lost this one.
He may be a soulless robot...
He must pop that pelican off its perch.
He must start worrying about qualifying for next year's Open.
He only needs par to tie. Tell him to lay up.
He says he carried you on his back all them years.
He was the catcher on the high school baseball team.
He'd have to drive 100 miles to Midland or Odessa.
He'll have to have been a great college player to pull this off.
He'll need to get it on the upper level of the multi terraced green.
He's a good looking man.
He's a heart attack waiting to happen.
He's a juvenile idiot.
He's always been a jerk.
He's an idiot.
He's back in contention, but he must continue to play smart.
He's crazy.
He's doing that poetry thing again.
He's doing the Arnold Palmer thing.
He's dropping 9. He's hitting 10.
He's going to try to ricochet off the toilet with a hooded 7 iron.
He's got 85 yards from here and the drop zone is short of the water.
He's got 240 yards, he's a got a television audience.
He's got her waggling now.
He's got it.
He's got to hit the ball back in the fairway, pitch the ball on the green...
He's hitting off the shitter.
He's in great position.
He's in the lead.
He's just got to be thinking of that brutal, ego sapping, manhood robbing...
He's laying up.
He's laying up.
He's my son.
He's not really a patient, he's my golf pro, but...
He's not that good!
He's on.
He's only one shot back at 6 under par.
He's over.
He's taking her to Miami for the fucking Doral!
He's the reason you're learning.
He's throwing darts. If we don't make birdies, we're playing for second.
He's tied for the lead...
He's, you know...
Hell, I got corporate sponsors and 30 bucks a ticket.
Hell, I had to carry the bag the last 4 holes.
Hell, I haven't even thought about him in a dozen years.
Hell, I probably even know him.
Hello, Cup.
Here okay?
Here we go.
Here, let me carry that.
Here's to the finely tuned athlete on the verge of greatness.
Here's what he's got.
Hey, I just knocked it stiff from 250.
Hey, there, Romeo.
Hi, darling.
Hi, honey.
Hi, honey.
Hi, honey.
Hi, honey.
Hi, sweetie.
His name is Roy McAvoy and he's called Tin Cup.
His name is Roy McAvoy and he's called Tin Cup.
His problem is more like why does he always have to...
Hit hard.
Hit the 7. You always hit that good.
Hit the damn ball.
Hit the driver, Tin Cup.
Hit your putter, you can't shank.
Honey, he's your guy.
Hot tub, Roy?
How can you?
How is that possible?
How'd I do that?
How'd I do?
How'll getting into the Open change her opinion of you?
How'll you do that in front of everyone?
I ain't interested in that piece of shit.
I already know the answer. I don't get a guess.
I always liked that car.
I always say quit on a good shot.
I am!
I am.
I assume I have the confidentiality of the doctor/client...
I believe you're away.
I bet Mickelson and McCord your caddy can knock it on from here.
I bet she has a golf watch.
I bet you $1,000 against my car that I can beat you any game.
I can improve, Roy.
I can make it across.
I can't accept because I'm involved with David.
I can't believe he's doing this.
I can't bring a guy in off the street to play in my tournament.
I can't compete with that!
I can't operate on this boy.
I changed my mind. Give me the 3 wood.
I could make that.
I could make that.
I could.
I did not shrink from the challenge, I rose to it.
I did.
I didn't catch it all.
I didn't have much craft back then, just a little...
I didn't know that.
I didn't know there was a mirror in here. Isn't that cute?
I didn't know we'd get into my personal life.
I didn't know you felt like breaking all your clubs...
I didn't know you meant me.
I didn't mean I wanted you to play with me. I want you to caddy.
I didn't mean it like that.
I do too.
I don't believe this. He could go up, use the drop zone, make par...
I don't care if it's your quest.
I don't give a fuck.
I don't have a car.
I don't know about the Amazon, Roy.
I don't know what I'm feeling. This is the most painful thing I've ever seen.
I don't know who this guy is.
I don't know!
I don't know. The shanks are like a virus. They just show up.
I don't need to.
I don't think so.
I don't want therapy.
I don't want this.
I drained a 30 foot snake to qualify.
I feel we're making progress.
I got carried away with the David thing. I should have...
I got it from the Golf Channel.
I got lucky out there.
I got the shanks.
I got to bob and weave around the facts of life, if you know what I mean.
I got to hand it to you, Roy.
I gotta hand it to you.
I guess my question is...
I had to. Your caddy said he'd get on the green from here.
I have a 7:00 lesson.
I have a business to run. Bye bye.
I have dozens of golf videotapes.
I have no idea what it's progress towards, though.
I haven't seen him treat old people, children or dogs badly.
I heard you put a monster number up there.
I hit the 7 iron like John Daly hits the 3.
I hope you qualify for the Open. But if you do...
I just came over to congratulate you on the sectionals and...
I just gave away the U.S. Open.
I just gave away the U.S. Open.
I just made a 12 on the last hole of the Open!
I just want to go home.
I just want to make a proposal, all right?
I knew it was some kind of room. There were no magazines.
I know a little spot along the river that's great to watch sunsets.
I know I can make this damn shot, but the smart play is to lay up.
I know it's because I've been crazy about you...
I know one.
I know that under the circumstance I should recommend another therapist.
I know the rules.
I know what I'm doing.
I know you'll pay me.
I know, but...
I know.
I know.
I know. You put a hell of a move on it.
I learned...
I look like a fool!
I love you!
I made it this far.
I mean, shit!
I must do something with my life.
I must run right now...
I need a shrink.
I need advice. I need counseling.
I need help.
I never miss with the 7 iron.
I nutted that thing. I mean, I nutted it.
I only got one rule:
I played in the Pro Am with some asshole movie star here once.
I put together a tournament...
I qualified for the sectionals.
I said I want the big dog.
I saved par, didn't I?
I should just ask her out?
I still got the shanks.
I suppose we could have a therapy session right here and now.
I swear to God I'll quit.
I swear to God, this guy is not who you think he is.
I take it you're a feminist.
I tend to process things verbally...
I think I can help you with the mental aspects of the game.
I think I got a good one.
I think I'm in love with you.
I think of the golf swing as a poem.
I think that's a dead giveaway, but if I got the shanks, we'll be found out soon.
I thought that was the big fucking dog.
I thought you hated him.
I thought you were supposed to be out on the pro golf tour.
I thought you would kind of help me sort through it.
I toed it, but it'll do!
I told you.
I took all the classes. I'm legitimate. Legal.
I used to practice in El Paso, but I moved here now.
I want a legitimate swing.
I want to feel better. What kind of therapy is this?
I want you.
I was hungover.
I was just offering work.
I was playing to win.
I'll be a birdie making machine!
I'll be playing a pink lady today.
I'll be sure to tell him.
I'll bet you $100 that Roy can hit a ball...
I'll bet.
I'll call the INS on you, you midget.
I'll get penalized for slow play.
I'll give you $100.
I'll give you my services for golf lessons and...
I'll hold it.
I'll meet you at the Winnebago! I'll fire up the blender!
I'll need a fairway.
I'll say something. If it don't come out right, you say it better.
I'll take 18 of them, all day.
I'll take the bet.
I'll take the job.
I'll tell you, I don't think there's any chance.
I'll think about it, and I'll give you a call.
I'm a beautiful guy.
I'm a neo Jungian, post modern Freudian, holistic secularist.
I'm a terrible shrink, probably.
I'm afraid she'll say no.
I'm an observer by nature.
I'm catching it on the hosel?
I'm fine.
I'm going over those trees, with a little draw.
I'm going to lay up.
I'm going to qualify for the U.S. Open and kick your boyfriend's ass.
I'm in!
I'm just a humble golf pro. Could I help you?
I'm just saying let him loose, let it rip...
I'm just...
I'm learning how to listen to that tuning fork...
I'm no expert here, but it seems to me that...
I'm not some just jerk driving range pro...
I'm not sure you could count on help there.
I'm on my own, you'll be with David.
I'm on your side here.
I'm playing it from right here, now.
I'm playing it from right here, now.
I'm pronating.
I'm referring to every nickel you take from the till, every bag of nuts.
I'm sitting on a 2 shot lead with 3 to go.
I'm sorry, I have things to do. I don't need to be treated like that.
I'm sorry.
I'm staring eagle in the face.
I'm stuck, man. I'm buried.
I'm sure there are some excesses and repetitions here,
I'm talking about the game.
I'm the one asking the riddle.
I'm the right guy.
I'm tired!
I'm told he was a pretty good college player, then went on mini tours.
I'm trying to figure out what I learned.
I'm trying to win this tournament and your job is to help me.
I'm with you, Roy.
I've been dreaming about waffles for 1,800 miles.
I've been pathetically slow learning that lesson.
I've got money from the bet. Let's go somewhere fancy and celebrate.
I've learned my lesson. I'll play it safe, smart...
I've marveled at how you've been able to balance superb play...
I've seen this hole on TV. Hit the big dog up the chute.
If he can still knock a wedge close and make par...
If he ever gets back from...
If he gets it out of there, I'd be surprised. A pro I'd give 10 1.
If I had to do it over...
If I make an eagle that puts me 10 under.
If you had been just a little nicer to me when we were an item...
If you have more of these, a bunch of the other guys could use your help.
If you hit one good shot...
If you make it into the Open...
If you remove the sexual overtones...
If you remove the sexual overtones...
If you're going to take that tone then we'll talk later.
If you're such a legendary golfer, as everyone says...
In honor of...
In that case...
In your parlance, Kick back and let the big dog eat.
Inner debris, garbage...
Inner demons and human frailty is my life's work.
Is anybody home?
Is he on?
Is it?
Is that how it works?
Is that what those things were?
Isn't it obvious to you that you and me are...
It could erase that double bogey.
It could have been worse.
It does.
It doesn't matter!
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
It is a nature kind of thing. It's a very nice river. Thank you.
It is bug betting time! All right?!
It may not be much of a river to you, but to me...
It might be more than you got in your bag.
It must be the woman.
It takes time to realize Prince Charming might be wearing a beer stained shirt...
It was my fault. I gave you the wrong club. You'll be fine.
It was Odessa.
It will.
It won't always be like this, you know.
It won't always be like this.
It wouldn't kill you just once to tell her she's beautiful...
It'll help.
It'll show her I'm not who she thinks I am.
It's $200 of shit.
It's a known fact...
It's a little late to be pissed off. We're in the Open.
It's a lock.
It's a miracle he lasted this long.
It's a spa.
It's a water hazard.
It's about gaining control of your life and...
It's about inner demons, self doubt, human frailty...
It's been shot by the most improbable artist.
It's birdie to win and par to tie for you. Lay up.
It's come down to the 72nd hole of this championship...
It's got to go.
It's heroes that I need. Not obscure driving range pros.
It's in Odessa.
It's in Odessa. I'm from Odessa. I was born there.
It's just bar talk.
It's Lee Janzen and Billy Mayfair.
It's nicer than the leopard suit.
It's not a shot you want to be aggressive with.
It's not. It's easy.
It's okay, exactly where you are. You're in great shape.
It's okay, Joe.
It's okay.
It's okay. Go away.
It's one of my few redeeming virtues.
It's only an autograph, man.
It's so good to see you.
It's still going.
It's the only truly safe club in my bag.
It's the only way you could beat Dave Simms.
It's the Waffle House.
It's to prepare for the Open.
It's unlikely.
Jacobsen's going to lay up. He's tied for the lead.
Jacobsen's on the fairway...
Jeez Louise.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus, Cup.
Jimmy, if he lays up, he takes the bogey out of play.
John Daly couldn't do it. What's he doing?
John Daly ended up in the water going for this green in two.
Just be nice.
Just cut the golf talk, please. Because this is a mistake.
Just feel it.
Just hit them up. Just stand up there. You can do it.
Just hold still...
Just hold still...
Just keep making pars.
Just keep swinging.
Just see it going in.
Just take your drop.
Just turn it over and start it off low and go it right to left...
Just work it out.
Just... I don't need any attention right now.
Keep your head down.
Kind of a thin line.
Kiss me.
Knew it. Thanks.
Knew what?
Lay it up.
Leave it to me.
Let him hit it, it's only an exhibition.
Let me be your shrink.
Let me just look at my...
Let's ask her.
Let's do this the old fashioned way. Just swing.
Let's go to west Texas...
Let's just say the driving range is worth $10,000.
Let's make this simple. Please, sit down right here.
Like a million others you made in your life, Roy.
Like he did in Junior Golf.
Like he did in... No, fuck it.
Limber up, fine with me.
Little chili dipper there.
Little gust from the gods cost me.
Little gust there.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at them.
Look at these balls.
Look her in the eyes, that's right. Let down your guard...
Look what I'm wearing. I'm playing for Rio Grande Short Haul Trucking.
Look, David's a really good person.
Look, Roy, I came to apologize, okay?
Looks level. Roll it in like you know what you're doing.
Looks like you got el hosel. You know, the laterals.
Lord willing...
Louisville Slugger, please.
Lowly and slowly...
Make more birdies.
Make your par.
Man alive!
Many people don't see he's sensitive.
May be onto something.
Maybe consciously you didn't mean it that way, but unconsciously...
Maybe if you shared your heart with this woman at dinner...
Maybe that was a coaching mistake.
McAvoy has done it.
McAvoy with another perfect drive at the 18th.
Molly been around?
Molly, get a grip.
More than Earl.
More than Earl.
Move these people back right here. I'm going right there.
Moving my head?
Must rise to a level worthy of the women who think I'm a joke.
My caddie sleeping next to her.
My God!
My God!
My job is to help you prepare.
My life's too short to watch you blow up all... I've done it too many times.
My number's there, call any time.
My problem is, I've never been with a man who went for it.
My self esteem is fine.
My swing feels like an unfolding chair!
My whole career, my whole life on the line...
My, God, Roy, it was... Well, it's immortal!
Nah, 227.
Nah, she's seeing a guy.
Need a receipt?
Need a ride.
Neither her nor me or the god of golf...
Never bet money you don't have on a dog race...
Never mind.
Nice par, David.
No chance to hit it on the green.
No offense?
No one beamed him aboard.
No one's going to remember the Open 5 years from now, who won...
No scooping.
No shit, Sherlock.
No stranger to championship play. And he's going to lay up.
No, he's in Houston on business.
No, I owe her $12,000.
No, I will not give you time off to go win the Open.
No, it's okay. I'm just going to teach old Roy here a lesson.
No, look, no harm, no foul just a...
No, look.
No, Midlands.
No, my self esteem is fine.
No, no, no, not the doctor lady.
No, no, no. This is what always happens. He's going for it.
No, see, he's a hell of a swimmer.
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