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Pan (2015) "Pan" is a fantasy-adventure film released in 2015, directed by Joe Wright. This reimagining of the classic

Pan (2015)

"Pan" is a fantasy-adventure film released in 2015, directed by Joe Wright. This reimagining of the classic Peter Pan story takes viewers on a thrilling journey to Neverland. The film stars Hugh Jackman as the fearsome pirate Blackbeard, Garrett Hedlund as the swashbuckling James Hook, and Levi Miller as the young hero, Peter Pan. The enchanting visuals and captivating storyline make "Pan" a must-see for fans of the timeless tale. If you are curious about the movie's soundscape, you can play and download the film's soundtrack here. Immerse yourself in the magical melodies crafted by acclaimed composer John Powell, featuring a symphony of strings, choirs, and whimsical melodies that will transport you to the whimsical world of Neverland.
A boy who would be disappeared from this world
A boy, so says the prophecy,
A dreadful nightmare you know is not real,
A great warrior. Her sacrifice still inspires us.
A rabble rouser,
A what?
A9 Fee?
About a boy who would never grow up,
About the island where fairies roamed.
About the pirate who wished to kill him,
All gone.
All hail the new Chiefette.
All right, boys, let's burn them!
All right, gentlemen.
All that dough hidden in her office.
All the missing children,
All these years digging our hands raw
ALL; No!
ALL: ♪ And I forget just why I taste ♪
ALL: a' Turn the lights out a'
ALL: Justice!
And a Pixum fraudster.
And away we go!
And enemies begin as friends.
And explain everything.
And hereby grant you liberty!
And his most prized possession.
And I can't.
And I don't plan to.
And I haven't got your back.
And I'm the chosen one.
And I've been there, and I'm not going back.
And if Blackbeard is going to destroy everything my parents died for,
And if I don't?
And my mother?
And now I learn from Mr. Smee
And now it's in pieces. Satisfied?
And see those teeth marks? Boy, those crocs can jump.
And so is that.
And the child of that love
And the fairies had to retreat to a hidden kingdom.
And the prophecy wasn't about me if it was ever real at all.
And they made you this totem,
And trophies
And where will you go?
And while you're aloft and closer to our Lord,
And why is that, hmm?
And with treasure.
And yet you assure me all will be well given the proper time.
And yet, here we are.
And yet, here you are.
And you are just you,
And you see something like that
And you think to yourself,
Any clearer now?
Anyone that survived Blackbeard's attack is in the mine by now.
Anyone who brought him to them.
Are they right?
Are you brave, Peter?
Are you scared?
Are you waiting for a formal invitation?
Arnold and the twins, when did they go?
As you never gave up on me.
Back into the forest as if they were never there.
Bad form, sir!
Because I killed her.
Because of you, everything my people have fought to protect
Because of you, the Chief is dead.
Because sometimes
Before we take you there,
Before you get yourself blown up, all right?
Behold these traitors.
Ben voyage.
Between a fairy prince and a human girl.
Beyond that wall, there are savage people.
BISHOP: Captain!
BISHOP: Captain.
BISHOP: Line them up.
BISHOP: Pull the place apart!
Blackbeard spoke the truth.
BLACKBEARD: Can I tell you something, Peter?
BLACKBEARD: Neverland is a dream
BLACKBEARD: Ready the ships!
Blackbeard's men nearly have us.
Booby trapped.
Born to a warrior, heir to a prince.
Both of them?
BOY: Neverland!
Brave creators of a new society.
Brave heroes of Neverland,
But all the necessary paperwork is in order
But I appreciate the compliment.
But I didn't. Tell her!
But I do know
But I really want to.
But if they thought he was...
But if you do, they will, too. I promise.
But if you have to ask, I might be doin' it wrong.
But knowing where you're from,
But once I get her fixed up, she's gonna be in good shape.
But our best men are searching for him now.
But remember,
But she's waiting for me.
But Smee was promised
But their feathers are quite lovely.
But then, the chief made a pact
But these savages
But this isn't the story you've heard before,
But when Blackbeard discovered them,
But you said that your mother left you.
But your mammy's not for skipping.
But your sleep is so heavy,
But, generally speaking, yes.
Bye for now.
Childhood ain't so jolly.
Clear as the scar on your ugly face!
Come again?
Come here.
Come on, fellas.
Come on, hurry up!
Come on, now.
Come on!
Come on. Come.
Come unto me. You are home.
COMMANDING PIRATE: Fire on the foredeck,
Continue to ambush my ships,
Cor! Who guff ed one?
Could you do that again?
Damnation. You've sunk my frigate.
Death is the greatest adventure.
Definitely, maybe definitely, this way.
Destroy that, and we destroy them all.
Did we scare 'em off?
Did you find the natives' camp?
Did you hear that?
Did you know her?
Dirty, feverish, on the brink of collapse, sir.
Do you hear me?
Do you know that sea, Peter?
Do you know why they want it so badly? The Pixum?
Do you really believe your mum's here?
Does that mean you're the one? I don't know.
Don't answer that.
Don't be daft. You gotta stay put.
Don't forget to help yourselves
Don't go dying
Don't speak to me.
Don't worry. Everything's
Don't you see, Peter?
Down here.
Dry them, dear nippers.
Eat that up! Now.
Eternity beckons.
Every day?
Every race, creed, and color.
Everyone, down to the shelters!
Everything I have done,
Excuse me, Captain.
Fairies are real?
Fairy dust, otherwise known as Pixum.
FERN LEY: Clear the deck! PIRATE: Ready your swords!
FERN LEY: Incoming!
Find the map. Keep looking.
For the pine.
For this,
For tiny lumps of Pixum,
For when our mums come fetch us?
Forget the Skyport. You have to do it now.
Friends till death!
From every corner of the globe,
From every corner of the globe,
From when the fairy kingdoms reigned on this island.
From which you never wake.
Get off.
Get out of the way!
Get over there.
Get to diggin'. (GRUNTS)
Get up there and wave it at 'em.
Give it to me.
Give me your pick, kid.
Go now. Leave us to die.
Go on! Get in there!
Go on.
Go on.
Go to the fairy kingdom. Hide. Keep our people safe.
Go, kid.
GO! Go!
Going UP!
Good fair lady. We come in peace.
Good knowing ya.
Got you!
Grab the torches. They're afraid of the light.
Ha ha!
Happy? No!
Has anybody ever told you
Have you come to kill me, Peter?
Have you ever flown before?
Have you seen Smee?
He flew into a jealous rage.
He hardly seems capable.
He never did nothin'!
He wears the Pan.
He wouldn't dare look.
He'd know how to help.
He's an imposter.
He's going to destroy you all.
He's guilty by association.
He's the one.
He's the pirate all pirates fear!
He's the pirate all pirates fear!
Her name was Mary, the love of Blackbeard's life
Her office. No one's ever been in there.
Here you join orphans alike
Hey ho. (CHUCKLES)
Hey, kiddiewinks,
Hey! Quit messing around. It's not safe in here.
His death Will be justified.
His mother hardly seemed capable either,
His problem. Not ours.
Hold on!
Home! We're gettin' the heck off this island!
Home. It's, you know,
Home's not where you come from. It's where you make it.
Hook, what the bloody hell am I?
HOOK: All the years that I've wasted planning to get out.
HOOK: Always. What could possibly go wrong?
HOOK: Don't see things like that in the mines.
HOOK: How hard could it be?
HOOK: Just remember,
HOOK: My ma left me. That count?
HOOK: No, you broke the deal first. You lied to us.
HOOK: Peter!
HOOK: Peter.
HOOK: Shh.
HOOK: That's a Neverbird.
HOOK: That's where we're headed.
HOOK: Whoa!
HOOK: Yeah?
Hook? Is that you?
HOOK. Are you insane?
HOOK. Darn it, Smee, in the basket.
HOOK. Don't shoot her.
HOOK. Hey, new kid,
How can anyone not have heard
How can you know?
How do the miners seem?
How many times...
How much you wanna bet she's nickin' all the rations?
Huh... Eh...
Hurry! Slide down. They'll be comin' for us.
I am not to be disturbed when I'm at the Rejuvenator!
I am surrounded by imbeciles. Must I do everything myself?
I am the son of a warrior and a prince.
I believe.
I bet they'd handsomely reward
I can fly!
I can hear her.
I can read it.
I can read.
I can't do them, Hook. I've tried.
I can't let Blackbeard get to the hive!
I can't!
I couldn't...
I didn't wanna watch you die.
I do?
I do. Keep going.
I don't Yes
I don't believe in bedtime stories.
I don't believe it! I can fly!
I don't care about you.
I don't have no idea.
I don't know how you can miss someone you've never met,
I don't know if there is a one.
I don't know, but I think you're gonna like 'em.
I don't know. Somewhere I'm a little higher up
I don't want to lose you again.
I don't want you to die.
I entrust their fate to your gracious whim.
I found it.
I have sucked these mines dry.
I have your eyes.
I heard a rumor it's booby trapped.
I kill Mum, but fail to kill the son.
I knew it!
I knew we'd find the natives.
I know what I was meant to do, but I failed.
I long for the day that I can come back for you
I love you, Mum. So much.
I love you, my son.
I mean, is she? That's not nice.
I need your shoe, fella.
I reckon she's here on the island.
I said quiet!
I stuck to the other side.
I think I see him.
I told ya.
I want you to come with me.
I was hoping to get you alone.
I was right!
I will never bow to you.
I wouldn't mind goin' there.
I'll always be part of this Neverland.
I'll be darned.
I'll never tell.
I'll stand against him to the last. Just like they did.
I'm not the chosen one,
I'm not your friend,
I'm off to go find the Tribal Territory. Oh, goodbye!
I'm Peter.
I'm sorry if I did something wrong!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry.
I've got the necklace. Isn't that enough?
I've imagined this moment my whole life, and now...
If anyone could find a way, it's them.
If I fly, you'll help me find my mother?
If I'm gonna trust you, I need to know your name.
If that prophecy is real, trust me, he ain't it.
If we're gonna beat him,
If you don't believe, Peter, then neither will they.
If you keep swingin' like that,
If you're gonna kill me, then get on with it.
In chaos is death!
In fact, I have.
In fact, it's rather frightening.
In this world or another.
In this world or another.
In turn, son fails to protect the kingdom by giving me the key.
In your own way.
Is it from your mum?
Is this Canada?
It is time
It means we need a key.
It rather resembles a, um
It was a deafening nightmare shriek.
It was a time of war.
It was me! I found the fairy Pixum!
It won't happen again.
It's a map to the fairy kingdom.
It's called being a grown up!
It's complicated.
It's death, boy.
It's Hook. The name's James Hook.
It's not a negotiation, kid.
It's our tradition to grant you the chance to win
It's over, boy.
It's the records.
It's where we end.
It's your file.
Just 'cause they see him fly?
Just 'cause yours never loved you
Just that.
Keep moving!
Keep waving the torches.
Keep your head down, kid.
Kid's always had that thing.
Kill them all!
Kill? What do you mean, kill?
Kinda beautiful.
Law number one,
Law number two,
Least you know where you come from.
Left foot in front of the other,
Let's get one thing straight.
Let's get this ship in the air.
Let's go!
Let's see what Blackbeard makes
Letting my little buddy take a leap to his death.
Like I said, sometimes I lie.
Looks like the old gang's back together.
Ma'am, regarding identification
Ma'am. Luftwaffe. Inbound.
Mark me well.
MARY: I promise that you will see me again,
MARY: I promise that you will see me again,
MARY: You found me.
MARY. You'll never lose me.
May I proudly present to you
Maybe she does.
Maybe that's enough.
Me guess it were last night.
Mermaid Lagoon? Sounds pretty.
Might we bicker about this later?
Mind if I cut in?
MINE WORKERS: ♪ Hello, hello, hello, how low? ♪
Mmm hmm?
More empty seats.
Most of us.
Move along. Come on, quickly now.
Move out of the way. Move it.
Mum tries to protect the kingdom by giving son the key.
Murmuring to you.
My dearest Peter.
My justice is divine.
My laws are so simple
My Peter Pan.
My Peter.
My Peter.
My poppets, is a land of opportunity!
Nearly falling a thousand feet to our deaths.
Nelson and Billy both got evacuated.
NIBS: Flippin' heck!
NIBS: Flippin' heck!
NIBS: Is he a pirate, too?
NIBS: This is so unhygienic.
NIBS: We have to!
NIBS: We've gotta get out of here.
Nice as pie.
Nice birdie.
Night after night, the prince visited Mary.
No ho!
No one cares about your darn mother!
No one knows. No one's allowed to know. (LAUGHING)
No, Kwahu, wait!
No, ma'am.
No, no!
No, they're honest.
No, you really, really won't.
No! No.
No. Mary.
No. Right the first time.
Nope, nope. Wait, my mistake.
Not for anything or anyone.
Not today.
Now get up there!
Now that's the sound of a blast cap
Now, come on, let's make a plan. It'll be fun.
Now, come on, then.
Now, get on that roof and clean those filthy gutters.
Now, send us up.
Now, you know the so called extinct fairy kingdom, hmm?
Of course I can fly. You saw me.
Of the enemy, um, aircraft,
Of the Pixum.
Of this nasty little thief.
Off to some family in Canada until the war's over.
Oh, Blackbeard hunted them into extinction.
Oh, come on!
Oh, it won't, I guarantee it.
Oh, that is pretty, Hook. Do you see that?
Oh, well, if she left you a note, sure.
Oh, what you lookin' at? I was tryin' my best.
Oh, worth it.
Oh, you'll kneel to him.
Oi, Skinny.
Okay, then we'll talk about it.
Okay, we have a deal, just
On the food chain, for starters.
On this island, with these people.
Once you're up there, you can't get anywhere else.
One night, the king's son, the fairy prince,
One second.
Only the prince who bears the key shall pass.
Operating from some hidden camp,
Or another.
Or do ye be nasty?
Or do you lust for justice?
Or that they'll come help fight
ORPHAN 1: What is that? ORPHAN 2: Move, I can't see.
ORPHAN 13 Look! It's daylight.
Our people helped your mother hide you in the other world.
Peter, are you hurt?
Peter, no!
Peter, we'll miss breakfast.
PETER: Fairy dust.
PETER: I can't.
PETER: I told you it would happen tonight.
PETER: Is it safe, Mother Barnabas?
PETER: Oi, thief! I found it!
PETER: The deal was to help me find my mother.
PETER: We'll always be friends, Hook. Won't we?
PETER: Well, do you remember her?
PETER: You lied.
PETER. A map.
PETER. Every ship has one.
PIRATE 1: Right this ship for docking.
PIRATE 2: Haul away!
PIRATE: Get out here! You little rat!
PIRATE: Shoot her!
Pirates? We're not pirates. Hold on!
Please don't call me Smee.
Prepare to come around.
Pretty sure it's that way. No!
Princess Tiger Lily.
Put the right one in front of the other.
Put the sails up!
Put your ear to that wall over there.
Ready the ships. Bishop, kill him.
Ready to die for them rather than live with me.
Rise and shine!
Search me!
Second to the right and straight on till morning.
Sector 6, sector 8, sector 12.
See! I was right!
See? They anchor the galleons far enough off the dock,
Set a course.
Set to go off in 30 seconds.
Shall you have mercy for the willful child?
She died at my hand. By this very blade.
She returned to the Nevervvood and fought for us many years.
She told me there's a map to the fairy kingdom.
She was a warrior.
She's got ears like an elephant.
She's hoarding all the rations.
She's selling orphans.
Shh. She'll hear ya.
Shoo, kid.
Should an orphan perish in a fall.
Shut up and run!
SILVERMAN: He said he found it.
SILVERMAN: Put some effort into it.
Simple as that.
Sing for your master!
Slow dream
Smee should cease to talk of himself in the third person,
Smee, can you get me to the surface?
SMEE: Are we meant to have stopped?
SMEE: Get the sails up!
SMEE: He won't last an hour out there.
SMEE: I think I'm gonna be sick!
SMEE: I think that's a very minor technicality.
SMEE: Their faces are terrible,
Smee! Get the sails up!
Smee! The sword!
So deep, so delicious
So help me do that.
So I can't be the one!
So pirates are afraid of mermaids?
So that when you returned, we would know it was you.
So the boy is lost?
So they're impossible to steal.
So what? You don't care.
So you want me to fly from the dock, over to one of the
So, do you like sunrises?
So, it's true?
Someday could be today, if you think about it.
Someday I'll find a way to repay you.
Somethin' a little higher up on the food chain.
Sometimes to truly understand how things end,
Sorry, a bit nervous. You are quite intimidating.
Sorry, that was a bit harsh.
Spill the beans, or I'll spill your blood.
Spit it out, man.
Still left on this island
Stop talking right now.
Suit yourself, Captain Hook.
Take me to the fairy kingdom.
Take the wheel!
Tell him. He'll kill you.
Tell me where the boy is
Thank you.
That he'll be the one
That if you aren't the guy,
That means he found it. Clear?
That this pipsqueak is the one.
That was some little airshow you put on out there.
That what you call it?
That you just can't wake up.
That you're here to liberate them.
That's half of knowing who you are.
That's it. Come on.
That's it. It's called walking. Off you go. Go on.
That's mine!
That's more than most of us here will ever know.
That's my private property! Give it back!
That's what we have to find out.
That's where we're going.
The fairy hive.
The fairy kingdom is the greatest secret of this land.
The heroes have risen. They must now feed!
The little one.
The mermaids charged these waters with memories.
The one we've been waiting for.
The original nightmare!
The Pan is our tribe's bravest warrior.
The people have spoken.
The pirates were winning the war,
The point is, we're very close. (CHUCKLES)
The prince who bears the key.
The princess, I presume.
The prophecy said, A boy would lead the tribe.
The sails!
The show must go on.
The Skyport.
Then some boring stuff about the great fallen dead.
Then that's your decision. Not mine.
Then this was all for nothing.
Then, we'll go our separate ways. Got it?
There were millions of them all over the island.
There... There is a procedure for this, you know.
There's a fine line between bravery and suicide, kid.
There's a war on, Peter. Rationing.
There's almost nothing left. I must have their lands.
There's no time.
There's only one place on this island
These are words.
These things they expect me to do,
They found us, sir.
They have an ancient prophecy
They kill for it. We die for it. End of story.
They sprang from the trees
They've been waiting for you, Peter.
They've remained there, in hiding,
Thing is, if he was the chosen one
Think a happy thought.
Think a happy thought.
This barbarian...
This bogey stole it.
This is gonna be a little rough!
This was a stupid plan. I'm going back to bed.
Those savages would just as soon kill you as help you.
Those who fail to work hard,
Those who skive or malinger,
Those who work with bright, honest vigor
Three days!
TIGER LILY: Blackbeard won't stop searching for Peter.
TIGER LILY: It's just as the Chief described it.
TIGER LILY: We call this the Memory Tree.
Tiger Lily!
To get us the hell off this island.
To lots and lots of jolly old fun!
To return and lead an uprising against me.
To the Captain! Disorder and verbals.
Tribal Territory.
True or not, you tell them you're their savior.
Ugh. What a dirty old nun.
Uh, Sam Smiegel, supervisor.
Uniting our peoples against the pirates.
Unknown by Blackbeard
Until a time when they can reemerge and fight.
Until he was old enough
Wait for the cavalry.
Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine!
Was you.
We always have bacon rind of a weekend.
We are mining
We can take one of the cable cars up to the dock.
We got pirates tryin' to shoot us down with cannons.
We have a lot to talk about.
We have to run, now!
We have to tell them about my mother.
We must find Peter!
We must first know how they begin.
We must get there before Peter.
We'll find them, sir. They can't have gone far.
We'll have plenty of time to argue about that later, flyboy.
We'll have to jump.
We'll lose them in the mist! Go!
We're gonna do it together.
Welcome to Neverland!
Well, Blackbeard thinks the prophecy is about me,
Well, do you have anything to say?
Well, go on, then. Back to work. Thank you.
Well, I never really thought of it in those exact terms,
Well, I think it's called flirting,
Well, I'm fine, too. Thanks for asking.
Well, I'm the captain.
Well, I've not tested it meself, like.
Well, if you have no reason to stay, then go.
Well, kid.
Well, not now, anyway!
Well, yes. I'm quite content.
Well, you better fly again,
Well, you found me.
What are they singing about?
What are you then?
What do you think? (LAUGHS)
What does he want it for?
What does it say?
What does she say?
What does that say?
What happened to 'em?
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