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Pocahontas (1995) "Pocahontas" is a captivating animated film produced by Walt Disney Pictures in 1995. Directed by Mike

Pocahontas (1995)

"Pocahontas" is a captivating animated film produced by Walt Disney Pictures in 1995. Directed by Mike Gabriel and Eric Goldberg, the movie tells the tale of the Native American princess Pocahontas, who courageously navigates love, friendship, and cultural clashes during the arrival of English settlers in 17th-century Virginia. The incredible voice cast includes Irene Bedard as Pocahontas, Mel Gibson as John Smith, and David Ogden Stiers as Governor Ratcliffe. If you want to immerse yourself in the enchanting sounds and music of "Pocahontas," you can play and download them here.
A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot.
A spinning arrow? How unusual!
A stirring oration, sir.
A term for... people who are uncivilized.
About the dream again? Have you figured it out yet?
About the dream again? Have you figured it out yet?
Ah, my lucky lad!
All around you are spirits, child.
All right now... tie her off!
All right, you howling nutter, get to work.
All right. Let's go talk to your father.
All this happened because of me.
And a poor excuse for a soldier.
And do so name this settlement Jamestown.
And how we say goodbye. Anah.
And I say anyone who so much as looks at an Indian
And I share your fatigue. Wiggins!
And I suppose your little Indian friend told you this?
And it's all ours. I've never seen anything like it.
And nothing, not wind nor rain,
And now I'll never see John Smith again.
And to think we came all this way just to dig it up for gold.
And weapons that spout fire and thunder.
And you... learn to use that thing properly.
And, Thomas, you've been a slipshod sailor
Anything you want.
Are you coming on this voyage, too?
As I look at it, it starts to spin.
Aye, Governor!
Back to the village!
Be quick.
Because of your foolishness, Kocoum is dead!
Bridges over the rivers, and buildings as tall as trees.
Bring out the prisoner!
Build me a big house, and if any Indian tries to stop me, I'll blast him.
But everything about this land has them spooked.
But he's so... serious.
But he's so... serious.
But if one of them did want to talk, you would listen to him, wouldn't you?
But maybe we should try talking to them.
But now I say it's time to rescue our courageous comrade.
But now...
But she comes with courage and understanding.
But she is still with us.
But someone has to start them
But these pale visitors are strange to us.
But this is their land!
But what about Smith?
But what if Smith is right? What if there is no gold?
But why can't I choose...
But, Grandmother Willow, what is my path?
But, still, something inside is telling me it's the right thing.
Call it a gift.
Can't think of any right now, but...
Can't think of any right now, but...
Captain John Smith? I've heard amazing stories about him.
Captain Smith, it appears I've selected the perfect location.
Chickahominy. Quiyo... Quiyoughcohannock.
Clouds. Strange clouds.
Come down here!
Come on, Ben. It's just a little fun.
Come on, Flit.
Come on, lads, it's only a little picket fence.
Come on, lads! Come on!
Come on, lads! Pull!
Come on, Meeko!
Come on, men. We didn't come all this way just to look at it.
Come with me.
Come with me. We have much to talk about.
Come with me'?
Consuming everything in their path.
Course he is, you half wit! You can't fight Indians without John Smith!
Daughter, stand back.
Do you think we'll meet some savages?
Don't be frightened, young man.
Don't disappoint me again.
Don't disrupt our mission.
Don't go far.
Don't lose heart, men. It won't be long before we reach the New World,
Don't run off.
Don't think I don't know what those backstabbers at court say about me.
Don't worry, John. You'll get your chance to deal with the Indians.
Don't you see?
Don't you think we're getting a little old for these games?
Even the wild mountain stream must someday join the big river.
Everyone back to camp.
Excellent. Then you must know the Indians' whereabouts.
Father, for many nights now, I've been having a very strange dream.
Father, I think my dream is pointing me down another path.
Fetch, boy!
Fine! I'll settle this myself.
For he attacked with the fierce strength of the bear.
For king and country. I know, I know.
From this day forward, if there is to be more killing
Get the rest of the cannons ashore, finish building the fort!
Going back is his only chance.
Good morning, child.
Grandmother Willow, I need to talk to you.
Great Powhatan, I will lead our warriors to the river and attack.
Hang on, Thomas. I've got you!
Hang on!
He is loyal and strong and will build you a good house with sturdy walls.
He killed him!
He stepped right into it! It's his own fault!
He wants me to be steady.
He'll die if he stays here.
He's a big lad, he can take care of himself!
Hello, John Smith.
Help me turn this thing over.
Help me turn this thing over.
Here you go. It's a biscuit.
Here, let me show you.
Hey, look. Is that Smith?
Hey, there, Percy.
Hey! Is this bottomless pit a friend of yours?
Hmm. Stubborn little fellow, isn't he?
How am I ever going to find it?
How long are we going to keep digging like this, sir'?
Hurry now, Percy.
I already tried talking to my men,
I better get back before they send the whole camp after me.
I didn't see anything. Did I?
I don't want you to get hurt.
I especially love the smile.
I have to do this.
I have to go.
I haven't been comfortable since we got here.
I hereby claim this land and all its riches
I know it means something, I just don't know what.
I know. My father thinks it's the right path for me.
I lied for you once, don't ask me to do it again.
I like gruel.
I like hello better.
I like hello better.
I mean, I want to see him again.
I miss her.
I should be wallowing in riches by now, and I haven't found as much as a speck.
I shouldn't be here.
I think she's in trouble.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
I told her to listen.
I told him it would make my heart soar.
I want to hear everything you've been doing.
I want to know where he's sneaking off to.
I was hoping you'd visit today.
I was out scouting the terrain, sir.
I was right. It was pointing to him!
I was worried about you.
I was wrong, Grandmother Willow. I followed the wrong path.
I won't tell anyone... Pocahontas, look!
I would be honored by that.
I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.
I'll see you all hanged for this!
I'm counting on you to make sure those filthy heathens
I'm doomed!
I'm going to get a pile of gold,
I'm John Smith.
I'm needed here.
I'm not hiding anything.
I'm so glad you've come home safely.
I'm sure the men were most exhilarated!
I'm trying to help my people.
I've got a crew assembled, and they're ready to go.
I've gotten out of worse sc****s than this.
I've mined the forests and the hills and the swamps... and nothing!
I've never really belonged anywhere.
I've seen hundreds of New Worlds, Thomas.
If there are any Indians out there, I'll find them.
If they do have the gold, I reckon we'll have to fight them.
If we do, we shall be sure to give them a proper English greeting.
If you go out there, you'll be turning your back on your own people.
If you kill him, you'll have to kill me too.
If you listen, they will guide you.
If you spot one, don't ask questions. Just shoot.
In the name of His Majesty, King James the First,
Is he going to make it, Thomas?
It can look like Ratcliffe's knickers for all I care,
It is time to take your place among our people.
It suits you.
It tells you how to find your way when you get lost.
It was her dream to see you wear it at your own.
It will not start with me.
It would've been better if we'd never met.
It's a trick, don't you see? Fire!
It's all right, Thomas! We'll get her tied off.
It's all right.
It's all right. I'll get another in London.
It's all right. I'm not going to hurt you.
It's all right. It's just a handshake.
It's better than hardtack and gruel, that's for sure.
It's enough to make your sap boil.
It's food. Well, sort of.
It's from Grandmother Willow's bark.
It's got streets filled with carriages,
It's incredible.
It's perfect, Wiggins! I couldn't have planned this better myself.
It's saying something's coming.
It's Smith! They got him!
It's telling me something's about to happen, something exciting.
It's the arrow from your dream!
It's the gold! They have it, and they don't want us to take it from them.
John! Get down here!
Just as long as I get off this stinking boat!
Just because we don't see them doesn't mean they're not out there.
Just loading the last bit of cargo.
Just waiting for me.
Just worry about that fortune of yours, Thomas.
Keep both eyes open when you shoot. You'll see twice as well.
Keep digging. It's got to be here somewhere.
Kocoum has asked to seek your hand in marriage.
Kocoum was just coming to protect me.
Kocoum went to find her and this white man attacked them.
Kocoum, in that battle we knew how to fight our enemy,
Kocoum, no!
Kocoum, send messengers to every village in our nation.
Kocoum, stop!
Kocoum? But he's so serious!
Let the spirits of the earth guide you!
Let us hope so. I'll need those witless peasants to dig up my gold, won't I?
Let us hope they do not intend to stay.
Let's get out of here.
Let's go get a few, men!
Let's go, men!
Let's hope the wind is with him.
Lies. Lies! All of it! Murderous thieves.
Like me.
Like the river.
Listen to me. My men are planning to attack your people.
Listen to you, you bunch of idiots.
London? Is that your village?
Look again.
Look around you.
Look at them! Now we have enough warriors to destroy those white demons!
Look at us. No gold, no food,
Look out!
Make sure every man has a musket!
Marry Kocoum?
Maybe it's not too late to stop this.
My bark is worse than my bite.
My brothers, we must know more about these visitors.
My daughter speaks with a wisdom beyond her years.
My daughter, Kocoum will make a fine husband.
My dream? Do you think he's the one the spinning arrow was pointing to?
My father wants me to marry Kocoum.
My last chance for glory. But mark my words, Wiggins,
My mother's necklace.
No matter what happens to me, I'll always be with you. Forever.
No matter what happens, I'll always be with you...
No, it's all right. He can keep it.
No, no! Gold is this.
No, no. I need your hand first.
No, not yet. She said she'd be here.
No! Not that... way.
No! Wait! Please...
No. You have to go back.
Nor a thousand bloodthirsty savages shall stand in our way.
Not a savage in sight.
Not as much trouble as Smith'll give them.
Not now, my daughter. The council is gathering.
Not that you're a savage.
Nothing's happening.
Now arm yourselves and get moving!
Now is our chance! Fire!
Now that we are joined by our brothers, we will defeat this enemy.
Now then, there's something I want to show you. Look!
Now, child, you were saying?
Now, gentlemen, to work.
Of course I would, but it is not that simple.
Of course! The tree just felt like lifting its roots...
Of course. The Indians.
Of its most precious resources.
Oh, a dream! Let's hear all about it!
Oh, yes, all that talk about being a pathetic social climber
Oh! Gift baskets!
Oh! Here, we have lots of it.
Only when the fighting stops can you be together.
Only when the fighting stops can you be together.
Our houses are fine.
Our people look to her for wisdom and strength.
Our warriors fought with courage, but none as bravely as Kocoum,
Please! Don't say anything.
Pocahontas can't keep running off. It's dangerous out there.
Pocahontas wants to look into the eyes of the man who killed Kocoum.
Pocahontas was out in the woods.
Pocahontas, are you crazy? What were you doing with one of them?
Pocahontas, it won't help! He was only...
Pocahontas, please, you're my best friend.
Pocahontas, talking isn't going to do any good.
Pocahontas, that tree is talking to me.
Pocahontas, you can tell me. I promise.
Pocahontas... I sent Kocoum after you.
Pull! Pull!
Pull! Pull!
Put him in chains!
Quick! This way!
Quick... the rope!
Quit playing around. We have to get back.
Ratcliffe wouldn't take us halfway around the world for nothing.
Right. That'll be all, Smith. There's a good man.
Savage is just a word, you know?
Seeing you gives me great joy.
She goes wherever the wind takes her.
She has her mother's spirit.
Shut up. Shut up, you fools! They'll be back.
Smith tried to befriend them, and look what they've done to him!
Smith! Smith, where are you, mate?
Smith! Where have you been?
So small at first, then look how they grow.
Someday, they will look to you as well.
Sometimes our paths are chosen for us.
Steady on your course!
Strange clouds?
Success will be mine, at last.
Sure! We're having loads of fun, right?
Take him away!
Take some men to the river to observe them.
Take that silly...
Tell her that. She listens to you.
Thank you, my brother.
That'll keep everything out, eh, John?
That's him, all right. The old sea dog.
That's right. I'm not about to let you boys have all the fun.
That's the strangest creature I've ever seen!
That's what guns are for.
That's why rivers live so long.
The cannons are breaking loose!
The compass.
The drums. They mean trouble.
The earth is trembling, child. What's happened?
The gold is as good as mine.
The governor's coming ashore.
The Massawomecks are defeated!
The rest of you... break out the shovels!
The ship's almost ready.
The sooner he gets to England, the better.
The spinning arrow.
The warriors are here.
The warriors are here.
Then... I'll stay with you.
There's no room for their kind in civilized society.
There's nothing like that around here.
There's still some snap in these old vines.
These beasts invade our shores, and now this.
These white men are dangerous!
They do not want to talk.
They don't want to feed us, you ninnies!
They have hair on their faces like dogs.
They know the land. They know how to navigate the rivers.
They live in the earth, the water, the sky.
They prowl the earth like ravenous wolves,
They want to kill us! All of us!
They're going to kill him at sunrise, Grandmother Willow.
They're hiding something.
They're not savages. They can help us.
They've got our gold, and they'll do anything to keep it!
Think. Think! It's got to be around here somewhere.
Thinking. Meeko!
This is how we say hello. Winggapo.
This is my land! I make the laws here.
This is the path I choose, Father.
This is the right path for you.
This is where the path of hatred has brought us.
This New World's going to be great, John.
This place gives me the creeps. Savages could be hiding anywhere.
This wound is strange to me.
Thomas is right! We've got to do something.
Thomas, get out of here! Get out of here!
Thomas, watch out...!
Those boys are in for a big surprise.
Those savages didn't attack us for nothing.
Tonight, we will feast in his honor.
Trouble on deck?
Unhand me, I say. How dare you!
Untie me at once! I'll have your head for this!
Until the evening shadows fell.
Wait! There's so much we can teach you.
Watch it! It's slipping.
We don't have to fight them. There must be a better way.
We have all come here with anger in our hearts,
We must be all squeaky clean for the New World.
We will call on our brothers to help us fight.
We will destroy these invaders the way we destroyed the Massawomecks.
We will fight this enemy, but we cannot do it alone.
We'll be all right.
We'll need that information for the battle.
We'll show your people how to use this land properly.
We're gathering food for when the warriors arrive.
We're slaving away, busting our backs day and night...
We've improved the lives of savages all over the world.
Well, I'll just have to take it by force then, won't I?
Well, I'm running through the woods,
Well, if they're anything like the savages I've fought before,
Well, it seems to me this spinning arrow is pointing you down your path.
Well, it's not like I have much of a home to go back to.
Well, of course! Let's not forget what the Spanish found
Well, try eating it for four months straight.
Well, when I say uncivilized, what I mean is...
Well! I haven't had this much excitement in 200 years.
Well... you're a strange looking fellow.
What am I doing? I shouldn't be seeing him again.
What could possibly be different about this one?
What do you see?
What do you suppose the New World will look like?
What is it telling you?
What pain? I've had worse pain than this.
What was that?
What was that?
What will yours be?
What you mean is... not like you.
What? What did you say?
When I see you wear that necklace, you look just like your mother.
When they came to the New World.
Whenever the wind moves through the trees, I feel her presence.
Where is my daughter?
Where's that blasted Smith when I need him?
While Ratcliffe sits up in his tent all day, happy as a clam.
Who are you?
Who did this?
Who wouldn't? I want to see him again.
Why can't I find it? What am I overlooking?
Why, for years, they've been ravaging the New World
Wiggins, why do you think those insolent heathens attacked us?
Will you go home?
With him, you will be safe from harm.
Without killing him on sight will be tried for treason and hanged.
Yeah, I remember you.
Yeah. We'll take care of them, like we did last time, eh, mates?
Yes, it spins faster and faster and faster... until, suddenly, it stops.
Yes. But there's one smiling face I don't see.
Yes. Something exciting is about to happen.
Yes. We'll build roads and decent houses...
You are the daughter of the chief.
You could belong here.
You disobeyed me.
You don't understand a word I'm saying, do you?
You have the most unusual name, too.
You have the most unusual names here.
You have to come with me and talk to my father.
You have to stop them.
You hungry?
You killed him.
You know Pocahontas.
You know your path, child. Now follow it!
You men, get the ship unloaded, you men build the fort.
You must choose your own path.
You never will.
You see what I mean? Once two sides want to fight, nothing can stop them.
You should ask your father about it.
You should be inside the village.
You shouldn't be out here alone.
You there! Where's Captain Smith?
You think that only because you don't know any better.
You'd better be all right, because I'm not coming in after you...
You're the finest crew England has to offer,
You've got to warn them.
Young man, sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.
Your father's back.
Your return has brought much joy to the village.
Your weapons are strong, but now our anger is stronger.
[angry squeaking] All right. I'm leaving.
[Ben] Get the gun! Traitors!
[chirping] [gagging]
[chittering] [snarling, barking]
[chittering] [whimpering]
[chittering] You got a friend back there?
[clicking tongue] [trilling]
[coyotes howl] [panting]
[gasping] [growling]
[groaning] [rattling, chanting]
[growling] [chittering]
[growling] [laughing]
[Kocoum] Pocahontas! Pocahontas! [muffled gasp]
[man] Wake up! Shake a leg! Two of you up on the yardarm!
[men call] [birds chirp]
[men cheer] Bravo! Bravo! Beautifully spoken, sir!
[men yell] Full anchor release!
[Pocahontas] Gold? Hey, Meeko.
[pounding drum] [man] ...faced a determined enemy.
[purring] [buzzing]
[purring] Really? What is it?
[shrieking] Pocahontas?
[squeaking] [John] So... what river is this?
[squeaking] [purring]
[Thomas] No. What?
[trumpet sounds] John, you better get down here!
[velping] Savages! It's an ambush!
[war whooping] [whimpering]
[whimpering] See ya, Percy.
[whimpering] See ya, Percy.
[whimpering] Who's a good doggie?
[whining] [squeaking]
♪ And I'll be on top of the heap ♪ Diggety, diggety, diggety, dig!
♪ Barely even human ♪ Savages, savages
♪ Beautiful gold I Dig for that gold
♪ Hey, nonny, nonny hi, nonny, nonny ♪ Ooh, how I love it
♪ Hey, nonny, nonny hi, nonny, nonny ♪ Riches for cheap
♪ Hey, nonny, nonny hi, nonny, nonny ♪ There'll be heaps of it
♪ Mine ♪ Don't be shirking, lads
♪ Mine, mine, mine ♪ [indistinct singing]
♪ Savages ♪ Savages
♪ Savages ♪ Savages
♪ Spirits of the earth and sky ♪ It's them or us
♪ The gold of Cortéz [gasping]
♪ The greatest adventure is mine ♪ Keep on working, lads
♪ Ya hi ye ne he hega ♪ Hey! Oof!
♪War ♪ No!
And gag him as well! [grunting, yelling]
And look. It's food. What is it?
Anything yet? Nothing but rocks and dirt, sir.
Arm yourselves! [men shout]
Arm yourselves! Run!
At sunrise, he'll be the first to die! But Father!
Bad! Bad dog! Sit! [barking]
But I can't leave you. You never will.
But there is no gold. No gold?
But... Nakoma.
Carry on, men! [cheering]
Come here, both of you! It's all right. He's a friend.
Coming! Dispose of this.
Did you see something? No, no. I just...
Flit just doesn't like strangers. But I'm not a stranger any more.
Follow him. Yes, Governor.
Freedom... [barking]
Go get him, for heaven's sake! What if we run into the Indians?
Governor Ratcliffe! Thomas fell overboard, sir.
He has proven himself to be... He is so handsome!
He's one of them! You don't know him.
Help! Easy, lad. What is it?
Hey! Wait! [squeaking]
Hey! What are you doing? Meeko, bring that back.
I can't. Child, remember your dream.
I don't understand. [distant howling]
I had to see you again. [muffled yelp]
I hear the wind. Yes.
I thought that... Get away from him!
I thought you didn't like strangers. [chirps]
I want to see you again. I can't.
I won't. I know what I'm doing. Pocahontas, no!
I'd like to see those things. You will.
I'll send for Kocoum. All right, what is it?
I'm so sorry. For what? This?
I've never been a popular man. I like you.
Is the ship ready yet? Any minute now.
It's one of them! I'm going to get... What are you doing here?
It's Pocahontas. What's wrong? Is she all right?
It's time to start digging! Digging?
John Smith. [munching]
John, what's gotten into you? I met one of them.
Just my people. No.
Kocoum. What is it?
Leave the savages to me. You think they'll give us trouble?
Let go! No. I'm not letting you leave.
Look at all the smiling faces. [giggling]
Maybe I should. [purring]
Meeko! Well, how do you do, Meeko?
Meeko! Come back here. Don't worry. He can't hurt it.
My compass. Compass?
My daughter. Winggapo, Father.
Nakoma. Don't go out there.
No gold? Not that I've seen.
No... get that... Look out! [purring, chirping]
None of this would've happened. Pocahontas, look at me.
Not me. I'm not risking my neck... Either too hot or too cold.
Now is not the time to be running off. Yes, Father.
Oh, can't I? Look. We don't have to fight them.
Oh, I like her. I knew you would.
Oh, John! I could've killed you. Not aiming like that, you couldn't.
once and for all. No! You can't do that!
Pocahontas. John!
Pocahontas... Wouldn't you?
Pocahontas... Wouldn't you?
Pull the pin. [man] Aye, sir!
Ready to hoist the cannon? Aye!
Reef the topsails! Aye, sir!
Savages? They captured him! Dragged him off!
Say something. What do you say to a tree?
See ya, Percy. [growling]
Smith! There you are. We were looking all over for you.
So... Come closer, John Smith.
Something wrong, John? What?
Sunrise. It's not too late, child!
That's it. Keep at it, men. [men grunt]
The ripples. What about them?
There you are! Kocoum!
There's 30 more down by the ridge. That makes more than 100!
They let him go! They don't want to fight!
Thomas! Is he...
Very stubborn. [blows raspberry]
Very well, then. Give the order. Already done, sir.
Watch your feet, you big oaf! It wasn't me! It was the tree.
We can't let them see us. Quick! Over here.
Well done, Smith. Of course...
What are you doing? Stop that! All right, that's enough!
What battle? We will eliminate these savages
What's gold? You know, it's yellow.
When will I see you again? Meet me tonight, right here.
Where could it be? [music box plays]
Where'd they take him? They headed north.
Who's a good doggie? [sighing]
Yes, sir. If you happen to see any Indians...
Yes. It's a very big village. What's it like?
You have shamed your father! I was only trying to help.
You what? A savage?
You've been quiet the last few days. He's mad he missed all the action.
...but strange beasts with bodies that shine like the sun,
...forever.'s our turn.
...shoot them.
...the adventure of our lives.'d all do the same for me.
' Prosperity [barking]
' [man 2] Steady! Steady! [man] There you go,
' [Whining] [purring]
' Run!
[angry chirping]
[angry chirping]
[barking, growling]
[Ben] Filthy beasts!
[Ben] Smith was right all along.
[cheering, whooping]
[chirping, twittering]
[chuckles] Your mother asked me the very same question.
[chuckling] All this way for nothing.
[chuckling] But it's not steady at all.
[clanging, grunting]
[coyote howls]
[crowd gasps, weeps]
[deflating sound]
[faint drumming]
[gasping Coughing]
[gasping] Why, your mother's necklace!
[groaning] I... I... I made it myself!
[grunting, groaning]
[horn blowing]
[howling wind, thunderclaps]
[howling, moaning]
[John] It's called a helmet.
[John] This place is incredible.
[Kekata chanting]
[laughing, shrieking]
[leaves rustling]
[man 2] Hold up! That's far enough!
[man 2] Let go of the topgallants!
[man 2] Pale and sickly.
[man continues] ...destroying every enemy in his path.
[man] All right! This one's ready to hoist!
[man] Did you see their skin?
[man] Faster! She's taking on more water!
[man] Get all the wagons...
[man] Give me a hand, someone!
[man] How many were there'?
[man] Keep it taut, lads. Keep it taut! Steady! Steady!
[man] Me, too. I'm itching a lot.
[man] Say your prayers, lads!
[man] Stay your course! He's lost!
[man] We never should've listened to you.
[man] Weigh anchor!
[men shout]
[military drum roll]
[muffled screaming]
[murmuring, wailing]
[Nakoma] Pocahontas!
[old woman] Is that my Pocahontas?
[Pocahontas] Helmet.
[Pocahontas] Quiyoughcohannock.
[Pocahontas] What are you doing? Meeko!
[Powhatan] Pocahontas.
[purring, buzzing]
[purring. squeaking]
[Ratcliffe] Look at it, Wiggins, an entire New World chock full of gold,
[rattling, chanting]
[rolling thunder]
[rushing water]
[scoffs] Sure she does.
[seagulls cry]
[shouting] Quiet!
[shrieking, squeaking]
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