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The Iron Lady (2011) "The Iron Lady" is a 2011 biographical drama film directed by Phyllida Lloyd. It portrays the life of

The Iron Lady (2011)

"The Iron Lady" is a 2011 biographical drama film directed by Phyllida Lloyd. It portrays the life of the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, excellently portrayed by Meryl Streep. The movie delves into Thatcher's political journey, highlighting her rise to power, controversial policies, and the personal impact on her family. Jim Broadbent plays the role of her supportive husband, Denis Thatcher, while Alexandra Roach and Harry Lloyd portray the younger versions of Thatcher and her husband. The film offers a captivating and thought-provoking insight into the life of one of the most powerful and controversial figures in British politics. You can play and download the movie's sounds here.
A Conservative government led by Mrs. Thatcher is set to lead...
A prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.
A very good starting point for the political life, I'm sure.
A woman might call it good housekeeping.
After 11 and a half extraordinary years...
After all this time, they know what I stand for.
Agree with the latest French proposals.
Ah, I see. Self pity.
Ah! Damn!
Ah. Worried about our careers, are we?
All packed, sorted.
Almost lovingly dubbed by the Soviets The Iron Lady,
Almost to Argentina, will be absolutely crippling.
Although rarely seen in public,
And ask Tojo for a peaceful negotiation of terms?
And Dad is, uh...
And did you help... in the...
And hands down by side.
And he played the King of Siam
And I ask the Right Honorable Gentleman, whose fault is that?
And I can manage perfectly well without you now.
And I don't mean by state handouts.
And I put it to the Right Honorable Gentleman opposite
And I see the same thing, the same cowardice
And I shall do your job as well as my own and everyone else's.
And I stay up late. I always have.
And I think I am fine.
And if something's wrong, they shouldn't just whine about it,
And if you're not here, I'm not going mad.
And make you look, and sound, like the leader that you could be.
And many men have underestimated me before.
And Mayor of Grantham.
And must now decide whether to put her name forward for the second round.
And now, I should like to share with you
And now, it must be business as usual.
And our country need a new leader.
And pay 85 percent of your income to the French government!
And stay true to who you are.
And stop bothering me?
And streaming back into Port Stanley.
And take pride in being British.
And that very nice man we met last year.
And the doctor says I need a rest.
And the only way is for the Conservative Party to win!
And the rest of us, me, the children, we can all go to hell!
And then I'll put your electric blanket on.
And there's an invitation from Lord Armstrong
And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
And we responded as we have responded in times past:
And we will do just that.
And who don't feel guilty about it,
And you're not Prime Minister any more.
And, um,
And... (vocalizing)
Anything else?
Anything you want to go to Mark, I'll bring up a suitcase for it.
Are formed mostly by our history.
Are pursuing course 273 degrees towards the Argentinean mainland.
Are they to keep the loonies out or you in?
Are you trying to cook your own breakfast?
Argentina claims its marines went ashore
As a spearhead this morning to capture key targets,
As Conservative MP's gather in Westminster to decide
As leader of the Conservative Party.
As soon as all preparations are complete.
As the first woman ever to be invited to form a government.
Ask me what I am thinking.
At Number 10 next month.
At the hands of global terror in a nuclear age. Unimaginable.
Barring a failure of nerve.
Be prepared.
Because his union paymasters
Because it's not what you wish to hear.
Because the islands were thousands of miles away
Because this isn't about the voice, it's about belief.
Being led into battle by their chambermaid.
Blackouts, no petrol. It's a mess.
Blistering! The knives are out.
Bloody hell.
Bloody taxi driver wouldn't take my card.
Bring out all your qualities,
Britain's longest serving Prime Minister of the twentieth century,
But by God, we will finish it.
But for some of my colleagues to imagine me as their leader...
But for those that can do, they must just get up and do.
But he's weak, and he's weakened the party.
But I am going to run, just to shake up the party.
But I do so appreciate your kind concern.
But I don't think you can win. The loyalty of all of my colleagues...
But I'm sure we'll manage.
But I've spoken to him and he can fit you in tomorrow.
But if I move to the right, aren't I on the wrong side of the road?
But if you were to become the wife of a moderately successful businessman,
But if you'd like to...
But it does not come unless you learn to play the game a little.
But it has never been so patient,
But it's taken Carol eight years to persuade her to let his things go.
But never in the West has there ever been a woman Prime Minister.
But of this Conservative government
But the main thing is your voice.
But the patient requires it in order to live.
But the pearls were a gift from my husband on the birth of our twins,
But there isn't any change.
But they are the right policies.
But they will rue the day.
But they'll thank you for generations.
But try remembering the name of that woman who just made you
But we also believe in helping each other.
But we shall never give in to them.
But what kind of leader am I if I don't try to get my own way,
But, Margaret, with all due respect, when one has been to war...
By the British people today, and I will work hard every day
Call Robert, he'll get it for you if June's not up.
Calling for the army to mutiny in support of the strikes,
Can it really be regarded as a threat?
Can serve very well for the people of Dartford, too.
Can she also accept that her free market economics,
Can you bring up any cases that you can find in the basement?
Cannot be reconciled.
Carol says you've decided to let his things go. Probably a good thing.
Carol's coming soon, I'll get some bags.
Could perhaps attend more closely to what I am saying,
Dad is dead.
Damn. Fore!
Denis, wait.
Denis, you married someone
Denis! Please!
Denis! Wait!
Deposed by a bunch of spineless pygmies!
Designed to create a growing middle class,
Did America go, cap in hand,
Did she turn her back on her own citizens there
Did you know that Yul Brynner was a gypsy from Vladivostok?
Do the clasp. I can't quite...
Do what I know to be right?
Do you need a rest?
Does any of it matter now?
Don't let me down, Margaret.
Don't they know if you take the tough decisions...
Don't want to dig around too deep, M, don't know what you might find.
Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!
During military parades in Hyde Park and Regent's Park.
Eat your egg.
Enough. Denis, enough!
Ensures that the rich get richer and the poor are irrelevant?!
Extensively damaged the Grand Hotel in Brighton...
Find fault, demand inquiries.
For a start, that hat has got to go.
For lunch on the first Friday of next month.
For someone who's not afraid to tackle the unions.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.
For the sovereignty of Britain, the integrity of the pound!
For the unveiling of your portrait. I'll put that on the mantelpiece,
For we have nothing to hide.
Forty two pence. Anchor butter is 40 pence.
Found it in the cupboard, and thought, bugger it,
Four down, nine letters.
Four, five hours a night.
From critical international affairs.
From the most hated Prime Minister of all time to the nation's darling.
Gentlemen, as the Lord President has chosen to come to Cabinet unprepared...
Gentlemen, I am in your hands.
Gentlemen, the Argentinean junta, which is a fascist gang,
Geoffrey and I are will be walking out of that door in 15 minutes.
Give me your pencil. Give it to me!
Go, Maggie!
Good girl.
Good morning, Lady Thatcher. Are you all right?
Good morning.
Goodness me, I'd much rather you were open and straightforward about them,
Goodness me!
Gotcha! Well, that paid off, old girl!
Grief is a very natural state.
Hang on.
Hang on. Hang on.
Happier than I was, certainly.
Has described as a brilliant surprise night attack.
Has invaded our sovereign territory. This cannot be tolerated.
Have called a strike deliberately to cripple our economy.
Have you not even been in your bed properly? You've done all this?
He already has open support.
He kept all this.
He kept all this.
He may receive a valuable education in spite of himself!
He meant it as an insult, but to me it's a compliment.
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
He's not here, Mummy.
He's very good. Very expensive.
Hear, hear.
Hears the careless foot of man... (continues indistinctly)
Heath should resign now and make way
Hello, darling.
Hello, Ma.
Her last ditch attempt to pull together support for her leadership,
Her savage public spending cuts and sweeping privatization of...
Here's your bag.
Heseltine is campaigning ferociously.
Hit the Belgrano as a warning to the others, send them all back to port.
Honest, hard working, decent people are losing their homes.
How dare he? But then, you give us all the runaround, don't you?
How useful.
How... How is, uh...
I advise that we engage them.
I am not for the knacker's yet.
I am perfectly healthy.
I am the Prime Minister.
I brought as many as I could find.
I call that false advertising, wouldn't you?
I can assure you I am not out of touch.
I can do it!
I can imagine your agony, and your grief.
I can now announce the new Member of Parliament for Finchley,
I can't even rely on you... for a simple timetable.
I cannot die washing up a tea cup.
I didn't know that you were dropping by today, dear.
I don't agree. I don't agree in any measure.
I don't know why you're being so scratchy.
I don't think the country is ready for it yet.
I don't think we can sell the idea of a tax
I don't think we should be worrying about money at this point, Geoffrey.
I don't want to be on my own.
I don't... I said I don't want you to go yet.
I have nothing but admiration for our Prime Minister,
I hear you went out today.
I hear, some of you,
I heard you speak at the conference in Brighton in 1984,
I hope you appreciate what an inspiration you've been
I know I will never be truly one of them.
I know you can hear me, sweetheart, so there's no use pretending you can't.
I know you're not due to see him for another month,
I like butter.
I love you so much, but...
I may be persuaded to surrender the hat.
I mean it, Denis.
I must write to them.
I offer my resignation
I really feel like I've got a handle on it now.
I said don't have a sticker saying you take Visa and then insist on cash.
I said I didn't want any big fuss...
I said no, because you have a concert that afternoon,
I said no, because you have a concert that afternoon,
I say enough. It's time to get up.
I was just going to get dressed.
I was on my own for 24 years before I met you,
I will not go mad. I will not.
I will not negotiate with criminals or thugs.
I wouldn't have spoken to my gamekeeper like that.
I... I'm very well.
I'll be Off then.
I'll give Carol a quick ring, let her know we're back,
I'll just have a small one, because I'm watching my figure.
I'll never be elected leader. But I will run. I will run.
I'll wear the pearls.
I'm going to tell them
I'm here to announce my decision to put my name forward
I'm not sure a home economics lesson
I'm not...
I'm sure they've already...
I've always preferred the company of men.
I've got a place at Oxford.
I've just been reading about the bombings.
I've told you what the matter is.
If I can't go out to buy a pint of milk, what is the world coming to?
If I can't hear you, I can't see you.
If I can't see you, you're not here.
If there is to be an escalation, it's better that we start it.
If this is the best you can do, I had better send you to hospital,
If we are going, we have to go now.
If we even have a hope of winning the next election.
If you live in this country, you must pay for the privilege.
If you want to change the country, lead it.
If you want to change this party, lead it.
If you were to stand, I, of course, would vote for you, Prime Minister.
In Britain?
In fact, I think all hats may have to go.
In our determination to see this country prosper once again.
In our fight within the European Union, cowardice,
In steel and coal production in one year since 1931
In the end, right will prevail over wrong.
In the light of tomorrow's blistering press coverage.
In the middle of one of the deepest recessions
In transport, in electricity, in sanitation,
In which over 300 Argentinean sailors died.
In which you so shamefully serve!
Including the capital, Port Stanley.
Instead of continuously and damagingly leaking them to the press.
Into taking strike action to save their own jobs?
Into the Dartford Conservative Association.
Is either reckless or inept. Usually both.
Is going to win on the first ballot.
Is how one of her campaign staff puts it.
Is it warm in here?
Is not the fault of the trade unions.
Is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings
Is that you haven't got the courage for this fight.
It is killing jobs and it is bringing this country to its knees.
It is seen as retaliation for the sinking of the General Belgrano,
It is steaming away, Prime Minister.
It looks like a very interesting program.
It might be someone who needs you.
It was all about my mother, just for a change!
It was the people who put me here.
It'll play badly internationally. We'll be seen as aggressors.
It's a marvel to me that you can still quote whole chunks of Kipling,
It's absolutely crucial that we are seen by the public
It's all been given to you, and you feel guilty about it.
It's all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr. Reece,
It's ambition that's gotten you this far. Ambition.
It's business.
It's entirely the fault of the trade unions.
It's Friday, why not fancy dress?
It's most unattractive in a woman.
It's my background and my sex.
It's nearly all familiar faces:
It's not as if you've got anyone else to talk to.
It's not your problem, it's somebody else's problem.
It's really terribly exciting.
It's ten to three, for God's sake.
It's ten to three, for God's sake. (Margaret) Denis!
It's the government's problem.
It's time to go to work.
It's time to put the Great back into Great Britain!
It's too high, and it has no authority.
It's up to them to tell me when to go.
It's very, very important that the front door is left locked.
Just after the IRA bombed the Grand Hotel.
Just let them look under the bonnet, MT.
Just like Hawaii... I imagine.
Just like the old days. Hallucinations, my eye!
Just look straight ahead, straight at me, that's it.
Just to mix things up a bit, because we're rather short of women,
Just to nip at their heels and make them reaffirm the principles on which
Just yesterday, they launched, then aborted,
Killing six people and injuring 71.
Knew you'd get there in the end.
Labor, 13,437.
Ladies, shall we?
Large numbers of Argentine soldiers retreating
Leave us to do the rest.
Lloyd George and me.
Look at me! You're supposed to be a mother!
Look, I brought every single bag I could find.
Lord President? And why have we not made more progress to date?
Lovely little article in The Telegraph.
Ma, please.
Make a better deal or it's off.
Make sure everything is hunky dory.
Margaret Roberts.
Margaret Thatcher, but I believe our party
Margaret Thatcher's spokesman on Northern Ireland.
Margaret, the cost of sending 28,000 men and a hundred ships 12,000 miles,
Margaret, will you marry me?
Margaret, you can't let them do this to you.
Mark lives in South Africa.
Mark's with Sarah and the children.
May I make plain my negotiating position:
Methinks the lady doth screech too much.
Methinks the Right Honorable Lady doth screech too much.
Michael, we can't possibly buckle at the first sign of difficulty.
Minister, the breakdown in essential public services,
Miss Thatcher, it's been such a pleasure to meet you.
Mm... Denis?
Month of the year.
Move to your right a little bit.
Mr. Ivan Spence, Liberal,
Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, Conservative,
Mrs. Thatcher, Airey Neave.
Mummy took me for a test drive.
Mummy, don't go!
Mummy, you should have called for help, silly old sausage.
My driving instructor says I should pass, but I feel
My hands are still damp.
My husband has been gone for years.
My letter of resignation.
My little twins.
My money's on the filly to win.
Napoleon called us a nation of shopkeepers.
Never have been, never will be.
Next stop, Prime Minister.
No matter how I've tried, and I have tried, to fit in,
No need for any of this.
No one's saying you don't need a safe seat.
No, dear, it's all right. I'll do it.
No, Denis, boss lady no like.
No, don't. Whiskey, please.
No, no, no. It's going fine.
No, no, please. Don't try to hide you opinions.
No, you haven't had to fight hard for anything.
No! Don't... Don't move those.
No! No! No!
No? Come on, you can do it.
No. Not yet!
No. One's life must matter, Denis.
No. This is a day
No. We are not wrong.
No... yes.
No... You do it.
None of these men have the guts.
Nonsense. Errant nonsense.
Not able to come.
Not by what has been, but by what can be.
Not in my lifetime. No.
Not this time.
Nothing like a slice of fiscal responsibility.
Now eat.
Now it persecutes them. It stops them from working.
Now, Ma, are we going long or just below the knee tonight?
Now, shall I be mother?
Now, thoughts and ideas, that interests me.
Number 10 Downing Street.
Ob... I'll wear the pearls.
Obviously, we can't go anywhere near that.
Of course. Another time.
Of small businesses into larger ones
Oh, below the knee, I should think.
Oh, Geoffrey, I don't expect everyone to just sit there and agree with me.
Oh, God.
Oh, I haven't had a chance to look at that yet, dear.
Oh, I spoke to Dr. Michael today.
Oh, I'm so sorry, we, the group, we're feeling...
Oh, let me do that, Margaret.
Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no.
Oh, really, this is becoming quite tiresome.
Oh, there you are. Are you all right?
Oh, we have a great deal that we can learn from them, yes.
Oh, yes!
Oh, you can't.
Oh! Can you believe it?
Oh! It lives.
Oh! What I'm saying is that someone must force the point,
Oh. (Cries softly)
Oh. Oh, dear.
Oh. They're unveiling that portrait of me
Oh... No. No, I'm fine.
OK, hold on to me, that's right.
OK? Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, ten o'clock, my place.
On our carrier group.
On the London and Broadway stages.
On trying to find a diplomatic solution.
One must be brave if one is to take the wheel.
One must know when to go.
One pound, please. Thank you.
One simply has to maximize your appeal,
One's life must mean more than that.
Open it then.
Or forget you entirely and chuck you outwith the rubbish.
Or remote and alone in the kitchen, doing the washing up, for that matter.
Order! Order!
Our differences, I'm afraid,
Our forces surrounding Port Stanley carried out what the Commander in Chief
Peace plan? There will be no appeasement.
People don't think any more. They feel.
People don't want to be harangued by a woman or hectored.
Perfectly good stuff. People can use these things.
Persuaded, yes. That Oh, yes, at the end of the interview,
Please don't go!
Please, boss.
Possible... just, Prime Minister.
President Reagan and President Belaunde of Peru have some new proposals...
Prime Minister, I, of course, would vote for you...
Prime Minister, the question of the European single currency will come up.
Prime Minister?
Prime Minister. The latest casualty figures from the Sheffield.
Probably had to ask the cleaning woman where I was.
Rather than how I am saying it,
Real jobs, jobs that sustain.
Really, Carol. Please don't fuss about it.
Really, darling. That's fine.
Really. How much is a pack of Lurpak?
Remains a controversial figure.
Rends the peasant tooth and nail,
Responsibility for the death of MP Airey Neave,
Rhymes with moon.
Righty oh. Boss knows best.
Righty oh. Night night, Ma. Sleep well.
Rummaging around the bottom of my bag. He didn't get a tip.
Say you understand.
Seeing an end to the Cold War. Don't you?
Seven horses also died in the blast.
Shall I call someone, see if anyone can come and do your hair?
Shall I tell you what I'm going to Write
Shall we go through your appointments?
She is credited, with her friend Ronald Reagan,
She must learn to calm down!
She's been changing course continually.
Should we withhold the medicine?
Small firms like Loveday's Ice Cream.
So avid for carnage,
So eager to carry innocents along with it into oblivion.
So it'll be Churchill,
So sorry! Terribly sorry!
So will you please go away,
So you wake early?
So, Margaret, how would you have dealt with this if you'd been Prime Minister?
Some coal mines and then selling off...
Some of you... want to make concessions.
Someone must say the un sayable.
Something B, something T, something N...
Something, anything. If you pay nothing, you care nothing.
Something, something, something. Refusal to change course.
Standards are slipping, Margaret.
Start on the outside, work your way in.
Steady, MT.
Sun's not quite over the yardarm.
Taxis will be few and far between at this hour.
Tea, Al, how do you take your tea? Black or white?
Tell him to come up. I want to talk to him about this.
Than they do about thoughts and ideas?
Thank you, dear.
Thank you, Margaret.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thanks, Ma, that was terrific!
That a large task force will sail,
That and a degree from Oxford.
That asks everyone to pay the same.
That god awful cold collation.
That having brought about the highest level of unemployment since 1934...
That I take very seriously the trust placed in me
That I would ever be elected leader.
That if the Argentineans are prepared and willing to risk their aircraft,
That Mrs. Thatcher must listen more, and on occasion, give in.
That no British soldier will die in vain... for the Falklands.
That there must be a change in that style of management,
That this is not a day for him to carp,
That though much is sacrificed,
That together we can shake off the shackles of Socialism
That was Mark.
That we are now completely out of touch with the country.
That will further inflame the current situation.
That's a pity.
That's authoritative, that's the voice of a leader.
That's right, one more time, and breathing in. And...
That's the only way that we will produce jobs,
That's why he couldn't beat us, that's why Hitler can't beat us.
That's why I want to marry you, my dear.
Thatcher, bed.
The Argentinean ship the General Belgrano and her escorts
The Belgrano is sailing directly away from the islands.
The bonus of one of the most famous addresses in the world,
The British colony in the South Atlantic, has fallen.
The British economy and reversed the country's post war decline.
The cupboards, then I was going to help you dress.
The decline of a great nation.
The Falkland Islands belong to Britain,
The families.
The manufacturing industry is practically on its knees.
The miners are asking for a 35 percent increase in wages.
The only thing you should remember is that everyone else
The people of this country chose us because they believe
The Prime Minister and his senior staff were due to be staying at the hotel,
The Prime Minister made a very good statement, I thought.
The Prime Minister quoted St. Francis...
The Prime Minister said she would not be diverted
The Right Honorable Gentleman knows very well that we had no choice
The Right Honorable Lady, the Secretary of State for Education.
The ship may have sailed.
The Trade Union Movement was founded to protect workers.
The unions on the up, the pound on the slide.
The very core. So a nice deep breath and really fill out against my hands.
The Woman Who Changed the Face of History.
The wording is sloppy here.
The world at your feet, and Britain was back in business.
Then you'd get to Parliament.
There is a risk they could try it again.
There they are, my little twins.
There was no milk.
There we go.
There will be no female Prime Minister here,
There you go again! Why not?
There you go, making excuses for him. Now look where it's got you.
There's a general feeling that Mrs. Thatcher
There's a perception, Margaret, rightly or wrongly,
There's a strong possibility that they'll attempt a pincer movement
There's so much to do.
These are the books for you to sign.
These lily livered pinkos!
They are absolutely non negotiable.
They are baying for our blood.
They are unafraid of success.
They escaped unhurt, but it's reported that...
They have enough Exocet missiles to cripple most of our fleet.
They see industry being nationalized,
They should get in there and do something about it, change things.
They think it's al Qaeda.
They will happen, I can assure him of that,
They'll come back on again in a moment.
They'll destroy you.
Think that the tax is manifestly unfair.
This bright young woman is on his tail.
This country has ever experienced?
This is a simple proposition.
This is a war. It's a war they started,
This is it. Steady the buffs, old girl.
This is it. Steady the buffs, old girl.
This is ridiculous. There are two T's in committee.
This seems the wrong time for conciliation.
This will be an escalation, Prime Minister.
Three, two, one.
Throw in the towel now, love.
To an absolute minimum.
To be acting as conciliators and not aggressors.
To be making these spending cuts
To be Prime Minister?
To challenge her for leadership of the party.
To every single one of these families, these heartbroken families?
To her doctors today.
To hold one's head high
To live up to that responsibility.
To pay the same amount of tax as a multi millionaire.
To put differences aside,
To secure an outright win in the leadership contest
To stand on his own two feet.
To the tragic conflict of loyalties with which I have myself wrestled...
To win a seat in Parliament today, but she has put new life
To women like myself.
Tomorrow, no matter what they do, it'll be business as usual.
Tonight in Paris, Mrs. Thatcher is among 34 world leaders
Two T's. Geoffrey, this is shameful. Shameful!
Uh uh. Too much. Much too much butter.
Um, I think they said...
Very good! These vacillators.
Very loyal to you, MT.
Wait, Mummy!
Was attacked and hit late this afternoon by an Argentine missile.
Was hit by bombs and rockets.
Was your father a political man, too, Miss Roberts?
Watch out. She's on the prowl.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
We are tracking them with our submarine HMS Conqueror.
We both know it's highly unlikely
We can have a task force ready to sail in 48 hours.
We can restore the health of the British economy,
We can't afford to go to war.
We can't fight in winter down there, nobody can.
We Conservatives believe in giving people the freedom
We did not seek election and win in order to manage
We do still have three weeks before our ships reach the islands.
We have a very narrow weather window.
We have always lived alongside evil.
We in Great Britain and in Europe
We judged the risk of invasion to be small.
We just want to keep abreast of it, that's all.
We must moderate the pace...
We must never, ever, ever give in to terrorists.
We must release a statement, offering our condolences.
We resent those slackers who take, take, take,
We said we'd go through them today.
We shall never waver, not for a second,
We should encourage our children to aspire to achieve more than we have,
We want, and have always wanted, the broadest consensus.
We went absolutely everywhere. All over the place.
We were faced with an act of unprovoked aggression,
We were just talking about them.
We'll get a help for that.
We'll have to economize.
We're self reliant.
We're self reliant. Sometimes, we're plain bloody minded.
Wear your scarf. There is a chill out there.
Welcome to the madhouse. Follow me.
Well done, Prime Minister.
Well, I don't like coalitions, I never have.
Well, I was hoping to see you.
Well, it costs him a great deal to fly everyone up here.
Well, it has to be something icy on a stick for Denis.
Well, it used to be about trying to do something.
Well, may I say, on behalf of those who have had to fight their way up,
Well, tell him to come up and see me after he's kissed them good night,
Well, why don't you get on a boat to Calais? Hm?
Were you happy, Denis?
Western civilization must root out this evil,
Wha... What time is it?
What about that medicine man, eh?
What am I bound to be feeling?
What are they playing?
What are you thinking, Margaret?
What can we realistically hope to achieve by the end of session,
What do you care where you throw your rubbish?
What does Mark think about it?
What have you got on your head?
What is it you took away from your visit which may be of value,
What is that? Is that the timetable?
What is the matter with everyone this morning?
What we think, we become.
What we think, we become.
What we're talking about here today is surface.
What... Prime Minister?
What's crucial is that you hold your course,
Whatcha doing? Not like you, looking back.
When did I lose track of everyone?
When I am short one week, I have to make economies the next.
When I was your age,
When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
When there is no heating, no lighting in their classrooms.
Where are your shoes?
Where did you go?
Where there is discord, may we bring harmony.
Where there is doubt, may we bring faith.
Where there is error, may we bring truth.
Wherever it hides, or she risks defeat
Who came here to celebrate the end of the Cold War
Who have never lived on a limited income.
Who is committed to public service, you knew that.
Who stays silent and pretty on the arm of her husband.
Who they will back in the leadership contest,
Whoever can sort that lot out, he's my man.
Whoo! That's for you, young man!
Why don't you put on a beret,
Why has... Why has this Conservative government failed?
Why were the islands left without any naval protection?
With a decisive role in the ending of the Cold War.
With a huge gulf dividing the employed from the unemployed.
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