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Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) "Nineteen Eighty-Four" is a dystopian novel by George Orwell that was adapted into a film

Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

"Nineteen Eighty-Four" is a dystopian novel by George Orwell that was adapted into a film titled "1984" in 1984. This cinematic adaptation explores a future oppressive society ruled by a totalitarian government, where individualism and freedom of thought are eradicated. The film features an incredible cast, including John Hurt as the protagonist Winston Smith, Richard Burton as the ominous O'Brien, and Suzanna Hamilton as Julia, Winston's love interest.

With its dark and haunting soundtrack, "1984" effectively captures the unsettling atmosphere of Orwell's literary masterpiece. The sounds of this film can be experienced and downloaded here, allowing you to immerse yourself in the chilling world of surveillance, mind control, and rebellion that the story presents.

As you listen to these sounds, you will be transported into a world where the government's eye is always upon you, and the very notion of individuality is under constant threat. "1984" is a thought-provoking tale that serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that can arise when authority is taken to its extreme.
A boot stamping on a human face forever.
A daring and resourceful maneuver...
A few advance copies have been segregated. l have one myself.
A glorious victory!
A land of harmony and hope.
A land of peace and of plenty.
A little chunk of history that they've forgotten to alter.
A newsflash has this moment arrived from the Malabar Front.
A pincer movement has developed...
A question:
A real tin of milk.
A triumph of willpower over the orgasm.
A vast military buildup has been reported in the Sahara Desert...
A vast military buildup has been reported in the Sahara Desert...
A vast military buildup of armored divisions...
A vast, strategic maneuver to outflank...
A victim of the influence of....
About my mother.
About the impact of this imminent neurological breakthrough.
Across the years
Actively engaged in the latest conspiracy....
Adult literacy amongst the proletariat has risen by 56 percent.
All competing pleasures, we will destroy.
All her rebellion, deceit, folly, dirty mindedness...
All I know is that she works in the corner section...
All over Oceania there've been spontaneous demonstrations of Party workers...
All the confessions made here are true.
An effort of the will.
An increase of 4. 1 percent.
An increase of 17.6 percent.
And 1.4 million lightweight...
And also to corrupt youth by means of seditious literature and drugs.
And bravery...
And do you consider yourself a man?
And further arrests are expected shortly.
And I ask only...
And I couldn't help myself.
And if the Party says there are not four, but five, then how many?
And in whatever degree l choose.
And jam.
And l've got a loaf of bread, proper white bread...
And make you say anything.
And murdered 4,000 defenseless, innocent...
And never see one another again.
And of the present.
And ordered to assassinate certain Inner Party officials.
And peaceful citizens of Oceania.
And pledged themselves as vessels for the artificial insemination....
And putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
And that by use of these documents...
And the rats move into the front compartment.
And the weariness of the cell is the vigor of the organism.
And then...
And to die with dignity
And to suggest, wherever possible, that our traditional allies in Eastasia...
And to the establishment of unorthodox loyalties...
And we the children swear to thee
And weaken the order of our society.
And within five minutes, strip it to the bone.
And, at vast financial profit, sold them to the Eurasian leadership.
Another example.
Anyone under 45 is perfectly capable of touching his toes.
Anything special?
Are able to wield power without let or hindrance.
Are unknown, faceless manipulators...
Are you all right?
Are you sure you can come?
Are you worried about the African front?
Aren't you pleased?
As a result of mental disturbance from my experiences during the atomic wars...
As a sure sign to those who attempt to threaten...
As long as he resists us, we never destroy him.
As though deliberately, we move one step nearer the grave.
At a rally of the Anti Sex League in Victory Square tonight...
At the hostel it's 23:00.
Attention! Your attention, please!
Attention. Your attention, please.
Back, Day One.
Bandages, 9 percent.
Be wiped from the face of the earth.
Because when we can cut man from his own past...
Before the Party.
Bend lower.
Big Brother is not real.
Big, Big, Big....
Big, Big, Big....
Bigland, Minitrue, News Section.
Bolgar, Minitrue, Records Section.
Bricks, 3 percent.
Brother Tillotson wins Mini chess. Request photo. File follows.
Brother, could you....
Brothers and sisters, the battle for production has been won.
Brothers and sisters...
Brothers and sisters...
But don't give up hope.
But in the mind of the Party...
But somehow you'll fail.
But the individual is only a cell.
But the smiles and the tears
But there's not much in it.
But they can't make you believe it.
By hanging, drawing and quartering.
By making him suffer.
By means of coded radio signals.
By the way, Smith, l seem to have run out of razor blades for some reason.
Can l help you?
Can you get Sunday afternoon off?
Can you hear me?
Cigarettes, 18 percent.
Clasp your hands behind your heads.
Come back to the woods, it's safer.
Come here.
Come on.
Completed returns show that the standard of living...
Concerning the war with Eurasia.
Cost you $4.
Courage, strength, and youth are sacrificed.
Dawes, Minitrue, Porno Section.
Death to the eternal enemy of Oceania.
Death! Death! Traitor!
Devereux, Minitrue, Records Section.
Did you see the prisoners hanged yesterday?
Directed at the most densely populated areas of Airstrip One....
Do it to her! Do it to Julia!
Do it to Julia!
Do not touch one another.
Do you have an ex London permit?
Do you know how long you've been here?
Do you know where you are, Winston?
Do you know why you're here?
Do you like doing this?
Do you like me?
Do you mind if l....
Do you remember that now?
Do you remember writing in your diary:
Do you think the Resistance is real?
Do you understand that you are alone?
Does Big Brother exist?
Don't deceive yourself. You've always known it.
Doubleplus good, this.
Doubleplus good.
Electrical wiring, 10 percent.
Embezzlement of Party funds...
Ensuring the total annihilation of the Eurasian heavy armored divisions....
Eurasia! Eurasia!
Even the war itself isn't real.
Everyone is cured sooner or later.
Everyone knows what's in Room 101 .
Everything else, we shall destroy.
Exactly. Obedience is not enough.
Except the proles?
Excuse me for intruding.
Exists in its own right.
Eye diseases show a steep drop.
Fighting against the mutilation of our hopes and dreams.
Fighting, bleeding...
Five, or anything you like. Will you please stop it?
Fix your eyes on mine.
Food production is also up...
For 30 years, I have plotted to bring down the Party.
For example...
For his action in the recent glorious victory...
For the first time, the territory of Oceania itself is threatened by invasion.
Forge, blackmail, corrupt children...
Four, l suppose there are four.
Four. What else could l say?
Freedom is slavery!
Get up.
Get up.
Give me a gin.
Give me half an hour.
Goldstein's book.
Goodbye, brother.
Growing, spreading in our midst.
Guided Eurasian rocket bombs to targets on Airstrip One...
Guilty on all counts.
Half the water's boiled away.
Has been turned out of her.
Has resulted in better health, overall.
Has risen by no less than 20 percent over the last year.
Hatred, the fear of life.
Have you done this before?
Have you ever seen a rat leap through the air?
Have you seen the 10th edition of the Newspeak Dictionary?
Have you seen the 10th edition of the Newspeak Dictionary?
He is pure fiction, created by the Party.
He's the thoughtcriminal. lt's him you want.
Heard the rumor?
Held to celebrate a 50 percent decrease in civil marriages...
Hero of the State of Oceania...
Hicks, Minirec, Proletarian Affairs Section.
His name has slipped my memory for a moment.
How can l do it if l don't know what it is?
How can l help it?
How can l help what l see in front of my eyes?
How can she make a song written by a machine sound so beautiful?
How did this escape?
How did you manage to get ahold of all this?
How many fingers am I holding up?
How many fingers am l holding up?
How many fingers, please?
How many, Winston?
How much?
Howard, Miniprod, Hospital Section.
Humanity is the body.
Hundreds of times.
I accuse myself of sabotage...
I accuse myself of the following crimes.:
I am authorized to say that the war against Eurasia...
I am guilty on all counts.
I ask only for you to accept my love of our leader.
I ask only to be shot while my mind is still clean.
I can't understand why she accepted the idea...
I couldn't help myself.
I deliberately contracted syphilis in order to spread the disease...
I did counterfeit important Party documents...
I don't remember.
I exploited my trusted position at the Ministry of Peace...
I forged government announcements and falsified figures...
I had no faith in our future.
I had sex with prostitutes, I deliberately contracted syphilis.
I have seduced Party members of both sexes...
I have spent many hours of my free time, encouraging my agents...
I knew what I had done...
I never saw them again.
I press the first lever...
I read and memorized Goldstein's book.
I stand here, a victim of the influence of Emmanuel Goldstein.
I stole military plans...
I used my position of privilege within the Inner Party...
I was a willing subject of Goldstein's influence.
I was personally contacted by the archtraitor, Goldstein...
I was sick in mind and body.
I was stubborn and egocentric.
I went into the proletarian zones...
I'm 39, and I've had four children.
I'm glad I was caught. I was mentally deranged.
I've been to the proletarian areas...
If you can get the bugs out of it.
Ignorance is strength!
Immediately, unreservedly.
Improved diet has been responsible for a dramatic decrease in rickets.
In 1976, coal output was 605 million tons...
In 1983, Oceania's coal output...
In a thousand years....
In honor of this massive overfulfillment of the ninth three year plan...
In memory.
In my position as Chief Factory Planner...
In Sectors 17 and 18 of the war zones.
In the barren deserts of Africa and India...
In the name of spreading knowledge from generation to generation.
In the number of radio controlled rocket bombs...
In this very square...
Incidences of leukemia, tuberculosis, and meningitis have dropped considerably.
Including ex London permits and travel passes.
Innuendo, deleted.
Intransigence, rendered as crime.
Involving the floating fortresses of the Eurasian 17th Fleet...
Is that we don't betray each other.
Is to walk out of here before it's too late...
Is within measurable distance of its end.
It is folly...
It is the Party, not the Eurasians, who are our enemies.
It was at this time that I made contact with the Resistance.
It was during the wars...
It's been announced that chocolate ration is to be increased to 25 grams per week!
Julia, my love.
Julia, my love...
Just a few things.
Just think what they have to put up with.
Keep away from me, Smith.
L adore it.
L can guess.
L didn't know it myself.
L do not remember.
L don't care what you do to her, but do it to her!
L don't care. ln the end, they'll beat you.
L don't know.
L don't know.
L don't know.
L don't know.
L don't know.
L don't know. l just know it.
L don't mean confessing.
L don't mean just me.
L don't understand why.
L don't want virtue to exist anywhere.
L dreamt...
L hate goodness.
L have a meeting to go to.
L have an instinct.
L have it in my power to inflict pain on you at any time...
L just believe it.
L know what it is.
L know you'll fail.
L know.
L love you, too.
L love you.
L love you.
L love you.
L love you.
L mean feelings.
L only gave my wrist a bit of a bang.
L ought to suit you, then.
L press the second, and the door of the cage will slide up.
L remember.
L remember...
L should say so, yes.
L suppose we may as well say goodbye.
L told them all about you.
L told you that you knew, already. Everyone knows.
L tried to see five.
L want everyone corrupt.
L want you to ask me your questions.
L want you to clear your mind.
L want you, too.
L want you.
L wanted to ask you if you've got any razor blades?
L was held up on urgent Minrec business.
L was here before.
L was recently talking to a friend of yours, who is an expert.
L wish l could.
L wouldn't have had to bother you, but my husband's out late.
L wrote it. Or, at least, l collaborated in writing it.
L'll have two.
L'm an agent of Goldstein.
L'm attentive to the news.
L'm going to see O'Brien.
L'm hungry.
L'm just trying to sell the furniture.
L'm only thankful they got me before it was too late.
L'm sorry, brother. l'm on the last one.
L'm usually at home in the evenings.
L've been reading your Newspeak articles in The Times.
L've been using the same one for six weeks.
L've thought it out.
L've told you everything already.
L've tried all over the place.
Let me give you my address.
Let me show you what l've brought.
Let's make some more coffee.
Lf l think l float...
Lf not, my servant will give you the dictionary.
Lf they can make me change my feelings...
Lf you are a man, you're the last man.
Lf you are human, that is humanity.
Lf you mean confessing, we're bound to do that.
Lf you want a vision of the future, imagine...
Life will defeat you.
Listen to that.
Ln other words, the unorthodox tendencies towards ownlife...
Ln our world, there will only be triumph and self abasement.
Ln the face of the Thought Police...
Ln the Ministry of Love.
Ln the proletarian areas, they will attack a baby...
Ln your case, it is rats.
Lndividually, they cheat...
Lnner Party members?
Lntend ego 1980 level in dust output by 48 percent.
Lnterested in old prints at all?
Look at you.
Look me in the face.
Look, l hate purity.
Looks like meat. Tastes like meat.
Loyal devotion, fearless devotion
Lt is unendurable, and it varies from individual to individual.
Lt isn't meat at all.
Lt just creeps up on you.
Lt must have been possible to outflank them in some way.
Lt must have been possible to outflank them in some way.
Lt needs an act of self destruction...
Lt says 21 :00 hours.
Lt was a small effort of will, which you were not ready to make.
Lt was Eurasia.
Lt will not last forever.
Lt's a beautiful bed...
Lt's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.
Lt's a beautiful thing.
Lt's a dream.
Lt's called wine.
Lt's her style of beauty.
Lt's impossible.
Lt's inconceivable.
Lt's my arm.
Lt's not enough to obey him.
Lt's not just a question of losing Africa.
Lt's nothing.
Lt's quite precise. l rely on you to destroy it.
Lt's staying human that's important.
Lt's that thick.
Lt's the museum in the street outside the Palace of Justice.
Lt's the one thing they can't do.
Make no move until you are ordered.
Men are infinitely malleable.
Message from 100 years ago.
Might take a long time.
Missed it, myself.
Missiles and floating fortresses, accompanied by a fourfold increase...
More nests of conspirators and saboteurs have been uncovered...
More than ever.
Morning, Smith.
My agents forged documents and gained entry into the Ministry....
My agents traveled freely throughout Airstrip One...
My daughter found it out.
My mother and sister were gone.
My woman's dead.
Neither the past, nor the present, nor the future...
No book is individually produced, as you know.
No such law exists.
No, l was working. But l shall see it on the screens.
No, l'm joining the Vic Mans community hiking group.
No, l'm joining the Vic Mans community hiking group.
No, please.
No, we're still using the 9th edition at Minrec.
No, Winston.
None of it's real.
Not a name in a register.
Not a single person will be able to have a conversation like this.
Not for several weeks. lt's not safe.
Not here.
Not like it, Smith?
Not me!
Not much left at all, these days.
Not much of this gets to the Outer Party, l'm afraid.
Not much.
Not saccharin.
Not with those bastards. Though there's plenty who would.
Nothing the Party does is good.
Nothing the Party says is true.
Nothing will remain of you.
Now for the future.
Now I am cured.
Now they can see us.
Now we can see you.
Oceania is at war with Eastasia.
Oceania is at war with Eastasia.
Of being a sexual pervert and a thoughtcriminal.
Of being in the pay of the Government of Eurasia...
Of course.
Of course.
Of course.
Of the principles of lngsoc, as applied to artsem, will be overcome.
Ogilvy bio, details as follows:
On the house.
On the oceans of Australasia...
On what evidence?
On your own, brother?
One week from now...
One, two.
Only the disciplined mind can see reality, Winston.
Open your eyes.
Or many other things.
Or perhaps you've returned to your old idea that the proletarians will arise.
Other munitions production figures are as follows.
Our luck can't last.
Our Party and our State...
Outer Party Member 1 1792...
Outer Party Member 4392...
Outer Party Member 5739, Brady, Minitrue, Records Section.
Outer Party member 9106...
Outer Party member 9106...
Outer Party Member 9477 43...
Outer Party Member 38091...
Outer Party Member 53922...
Outer Party Member 66755...
Outer Party Member 984213...
Over 10,000 Party women took a vow of celibacy...
Over 100 years old.
Over the forces of Eastasia on the Malabar Front, in South India.
People of Oceania, you are being duped.
People of Oceania.
Perfectly coordinated, it has resulted in the utter rout of the Eurasian Army.
Perhaps you are not familiar with how it operates.
Perhaps you imagine a huge network of conspirators...
Photographs about which you've had hallucinations...
Pick that up.
Please attend their local community centers for discussions and....
Please look around.
Please, you don't have to take me there.
Please. What do you want me to do?
Plusbig problem is timing the language to scientific advance.
Plusbig waste is in adjectives.
Police don't like us much.
Power is inflicting pain and humiliation. Otherwise, you cannot be sure.
Power is not a means, it is an end.
Power is tearing human minds apart...
Praise be to our leader and the Party workers!
Prepared to commit any atrocity to demoralize...
Private reflection, outside Party needs...
Production of water heaters is up 1.5 percent.
Put it out of your mind.
Quoted for agricultural and industrial production.
Re: Times, 31 10 81 .
Reached 630 million tons.
Real sugar.
Real tea.
Reality is in the human mind...
Really to see them.
Recently awarded, posthumously, the Order of Conspicuous Gallantry...
Ref. Times 1 4 2 84, Page 3, Byline 2, should read:
Remain exactly where you are.
Remember our boys on the Malabar Front.
Right over from the hips, brothers and sisters, please.
Right, let's see which one of us can touch his toes.
Rise up.
Room 101 .
Room 101.
Rosenblum, Miniprod, Light Industry Section.
Rutherford unperson.
Sacrificed to barbarians, whose only honor is atrocity.
Sale of military secrets...
Say what you were about to say, Winston.
Sector 44...
Sector 45...
Sector 46....
Sectors 17 and 18 of the war zone.
See the evil that is happening to you.
See the hanging?
Sexcrime, all your treachery.
Shall l tell you why we brought you here?
She betrayed you, Winston...
She, who is so careful.
She's a meter across the hips. Easily.
She's beautiful.
Shout out his name!
Shout, shout...
Sing to the airmen in the burning azure
Sing to the bravest on the sturdy fortress
Sing to the faithful....
Sing to the farmers' rising yields
Sing to the soldiers on the battlefields
Smith? 6079, Smith, W. ?
Smith. Syme.
So as to channel your aggressions away from their rightful target...
So it's not just staying alive.
So the Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.
So, too, do deaths from pneumonia and smallpox.
Some more of this?
Some spirit you will never overcome....
Something in this world...
Something old.
Something will defeat you.
Sometimes they are all of them at once.
Sometimes they are five, sometimes they are three.
Sometimes they burrow through the cheeks and devour the tongue.
Sometimes, Winston.
Sooner or later, they'll tear you to pieces.
Speakwrites, 14 percent.
Spigot launching, anti tank rocket projectors.
Spread disease and prostitution...
Stand out in the middle of the room. Stand back to back.
Stand up straighter.
State rodent operatives report a 50 percent reduction...
Steamer! Dead overhead! Get down!
Stop the pain.
Stop, end emission.
Stupid slaves of the Party.
Substitute Ogilvy.
Such a list does not exist.
Switchgear, 4.5 percent.
Take him instead of me.
Take this.
Tell me, Winston, and remember, no lies.
Tell me. What do you want?
Thank you for coming.
Thank you, brother.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That concludes the list of known agents of Goldstein...
That is the end of the announcement.
That is the end of the announcement.
That is the end of the announcement.
That is the last man.
That lasted four years, l think.
That room...
That the war is not really with Eurasia, but with Eastasia.
That until only a week before l was arrested...
That was 40.
That while l talk of power...
That will be real betrayal.
That, for years, in fact since the days of our glorious Revolution...
That's no use. You're lying.
That's strange. l thought it was full.
The 1 1th edition will be that thick.
The builders of our world, struggling...
The dark, murdering armies of Eurasia.
The endless catalogue of bestial atrocities...
The Eurasian Forces on the African front has been successful.
The forces of darkness and treasonable maggots...
The forces of Oceania in South India have won a glorious victory.
The frame's fixed to the wall, but l daresay l could unscrew it.
The future is hers.
The house is surrounded.
The house is surrounded.
The improvement in sewerage and drainage systems...
The last remaining obstacle to the psychological acceptance...
The mask fits over your head, leaving no exit.
The meetings begin at 20.:00 hours.
The news is disquieting in the extreme. l've been worrying about it all day.
The Party doesn't serve the people, it serves itself.
The Party drops bombs on its own citizens.
The Party wants you to believe we are at war...
The past is forbidden. Why?
The photos of you and the girl will be recycled for proletarian use.
The proletarian infant mortality rate has dropped by 12 percent.
The proletariat don't count. They're animals.
The real rulers of the State...
The same number of Eastasian prisoners...
The same way as me?
The thing that is in Room 101 ...
The water's cold.
The workers, the strivers, the builders.
Then we can cut him from his family, his children, other men.
There are thoughtcriminals who maintain the Resistance is not real.
There have been nearly a million prisoners. It has been an utter rout.
There is a cancer, an evil tumor...
There is no love, except love of Big Brother.
There is no loyalty, except loyalty to the Party.
There is no possibility of change in their lifetime.
There is truth, and there is untruth.
There, brother. That's what I want.
There's another room upstairs that you might like to see.
There's bad news on the way.
There's been a lot of tea about lately.
There's no oil in it.
There's nothing l won't confess.
There's nothing those bastards don't have.
These are our people.
These are our people.
These starving brutes will shoot at you like bullets.
They also attack the sick and dying.
They are helpless animals.
They are the dark armies.
They can stop me from loving you.
They can torture you...
They can't do that.
They can't get inside you.
They can't get to your heart.
They cannot act collectively.
They exist...
They got me a long time ago.
They got you, too.
They have attacked an unarmed village with rocket bombs...
They haven't been out much.
They never existed.
They say that time heals all things
They say you can always forget
They show astonishing intelligence in knowing when a human being is helpless.
They twist my heartstrings yet.
They will leap onto your face and bore straight into it.
They're not an organization in the sense we know.
They've captured lndia or something.
This I did.
This immense victory brings the war within measurable distance of its end.
This is cold blooded murder.
This is news of the gravest national consequence...
This is no longer war.
This is our land.
This is our land.
This time it won't hurt you.
Thoughtcrime is so insidious.
Three thousand.
Throw off the yoke.
To be in a minority of one doesn't make you mad.
To cure you.
To deface Party posters and hoarding announcements.
To destroy the innermost faction of the Oceanian leadership.
To mislead our allies in Eastasia...
To my wife and other Party members.
To our leader.
To persuade me that you can see five, or really to see them?
To pervert and betray the truth at all times...
Together with my colleagues, Aaronson and Rutherford...
Together with other agents, I have counterfeited banknotes...
Traitor! Criminal!
Turn around, and don't look until l tell you.
Twenty five grams next week.
Two and two makes four.
Under the personal direction of B.B. himself...
Under the sink, beside you.
Until it becomes impossible to conceptualize.
Until now, the war has been conducted with honor...
Until this moment.
Very grateful l've been discovered before it's too late.
Very proud of her.
Vibra aging castings, 9 percent.
Voicing their gratitude and joy!
War is peace!
Ware, Minitrue, Porno Section.
Was there ever a time when this seemed ordinary?
We are not at war with Eurasia.
We are the children, builders of the future
We are the dead.
We are the dead.
We are the inheritors.
We control life at all levels.
We create human nature.
We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us.
We don't all have the privilege of fighting in the front line.
We make him one of ourselves before we kill him.
We must crush them.
We must meet again.
We must meet again.
We must smash them.
We must stamp them out.
We shall execute publicly...
We shall lift you clean out of history.
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