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Hustle & Flow (2005) Crime "Hustle & Flow" is a captivating crime drama film released in 2005. Set in Memphis, the story

Hustle & Flow (2005) Crime

"Hustle & Flow" is a captivating crime drama film released in 2005. Set in Memphis, the story revolves around DJay (played by Terrence Howard), a hustler and aspiring rapper who dreams of making it big in the music industry. Determined to escape his dead-end life, DJay sets out to create a rap album with the help of his friends, including his loyal best friend Key (played by Anthony Anderson) and a talented prostitute named Shug (played by Taraji P. Henson). As they navigate through the challenges of their impoverished neighborhood, the characters explore themes of redemption, identity, and the power of music. The film's soundtrack, featuring original rap songs written and performed by the cast, captures the raw emotions and struggles depicted on screen. You can enjoy these powerful sounds by playing and downloading them here.
A brick of that Big Easy bud.
A couple of shots of Hen That just gave me a...
A do what?
A drink in your hand and some pussy in your lap.
A man gotta do what a man gotta do, right?
About my own studio and my own label that...
About six months ago, my neighbor brought my mail.
About what?
Ain't like he the only ****a can spit flow.
Ain't like he the only ****a can spit some flow.
Ain't like you was in there sweating bullets.
Ain't no love, ho Just bring it to the door
Ain't that right? We take care of our shit.
Ain't that some shit?
Ain't this the guy on the radio with that "Whoop That Trick" song?
Ain't you gonna be hot in your coat?
Alan, that little shit down in Receiving came to work the other day high.
All I know is that shit in there was live, man!
All right, all right, all right, goddamn it,
All right, D. We about to lay you down now, man.
All right, fine! I'm thrilled! Okay? Thrilled.
All right, look. Hey, turntable's set up,
All right, man!
All right, man.
All right, man. This is what I got so far.
All right, now.
All right, push that one.
All right, what the hell.
All that boy gotta do is just play the damn thing,
All the lessons To a young teen ****a was cold
All they gotta do is find your first underground tape, ****a.
All you gotta do is just come back home, man. Because we miss you.
Ana on my chest got me Bustin' at you lemon lames
And a whole new civilization is gonna rise from this one.
And all this stuff in this...
And being officers of the law.
And head out to all the truck stops on the interstate
And I ain't even got a cent, man.
And I ain't talking about a way a man love a woman or nothing like that.
And I believe this, man... . Rap is coming back home to the South.
And I hear my man Djay... Djay, you gotta call me,
And I keep telling you, I ain't putting no shit on top of no shit, man.
And I know she didn't pay for it.
And I know you and me,
And I nut pretty damn fast,
And I realize a ****a like me ain't...
And I refuse To let my dad die in vain
And I said to her, "Hey, just because I am pleasant
And I said, "Hey, give me a pen, Leonard, okay?
And I smell like... Like sticky buns and Skittles.
And I'm gonna tell you something.
And if I show no remorse I'll reap the devil's reward
And if you ain't... If you ain't feeling it, man, I'm out your life, okay?
And it ain't the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size
And it be like all them rappers, they got some chain.
And it's a battle within I gotta survive
And it's gonna be undeniable, man. Undeniable, baby.
And look like he had one of these in his studio where he uses,
And look, she brought everybody sandwiches.
And make these motherfuckers throw their money at me?
And maybe when she leaves...
And me not pimping you because of...
And me, I'm the kind of man that
And one day God gonna come calling,
And Sally, just yesterday, came in with this skirt with the discontinued line.
And she gonna come to me and ask me
And supportive does not mean that I cannot crack a whip."
And sure enough, just like I said, not even an hour go by,
And that shit just been...
And the fact we go back in the day,
And the mixer that D got has room for four inputs.
And the only reason I give you that right there is because...
And then they nut.
And these ****as coming in my ride, right?
And they gonna start digging, you know.
And they just buy me out.
And this beat, this pounding, man,
And to me, that's the second one.
And when I say "man,"
And you gonna feel
Ask anybody, man. Go ask Carlos on the corner, he'd tell you.
At least they take a cut is what they do.
Baby, take my pad.
Baby, this is some hard shit right here.
Baby, you be the judge for that.
Back in the motherfucking day.
Back to the same old shit.
Back when we used to beatbox like the Fat Boys, remember that?
Beautiful little girl.
Because I got some people I gotta slip this to.
Because I know there's only one place them ****as going riding in my car.
Because I let you.
Because I said so, that's why!
Because I'm always gonna be here for you.
Because I'm pregnant and everything...
Because it keeps the tricks guessing.
Because men,
Because she the one got your ass wound up like a motherfucking clock.
Because sometimes my head needs to be messed with.
Because sometimes that's what you gotta do.
Because these ain't me real braids, these just extensions.
Because we done been over this ten times, Nola.
Because what we talking about here, huh? Folding some sweaters?
Because you ain't nothing but a little punk ass bitch!
Because you sitting, Nola. Ain't that much of a fall to the floor.
Because, like I say, she with me and all, but she don't belong to me.
Because, shit, when I'm out here on this track,
Because, you know, I can crack a whip.
Before I do my thing,
Before I head to the high schools.
Before it's said and done You bitches gonna remember me
Being on the side of the moon that you see from.
Best get your ass up here with that good shit.
Better come correct Because I came to break you off, bitch
Better go easy, girl. Man can't be no open candy store.
Big love.
Bitch. Shit, back in the day,
Black pride in him Even though he passin' for white
Bless this food and this house in Jesus' name. Amen.
Boot your ass to hell.
Born and raised in the M Memphis, Tennessee
Both my doors in, girl. Stole the last pound of hydro weed for the party.
Boy, he wasn't playing around with this here! I think I'm in love.
Boy, it was raw as hell,
Brand new, right here.
Bring your ass over here, man. Let me get you a drink.
But ain't no sorrow gonna take away Shug's song.
But goddamn it, it wasn't funny then. You hear me? At all.
But I gotta keep my game tight Like Kobe on game night
But I gotta stay paid Gotta stay above water
But I gotta stay paid Gotta stay above water
But I know you wanna hear what you want, so that's what I'm gonna say.
But I put everything I had into that shit, man.
But I tell you something.
But I'm here to let you know you ain't taking shit,
But I'm prayin' and I'm hopin' To God I don't slip, yeah
But if a ****a wanna know about me?
But it was also distorted, man.
But me and Yevette, we...
But most of the time, they don't talk at all, because they walking.
But my boy Arnel here say you slinging that killer.
But right now, just don't.
But she don't necessarily belong to me.
But sometimes I feel, man, like...
But that's if you're calling a woman a bitch.
But that's just my mind
But they had this interview with Skinny Black on TV
But this one right here, man, she just
But we ain't gonna get no move on in this world, lying around in the sun,
But you had balls, man. Big gorilla balls.
But, I'm gonna sing it with you until you get it down, all right?
But, you know, after he'd been there maybe about ten years or so,
Came to party tonight.
Can I say "for"?
Can you hear yourself?
Can you please stop it? Do we have to do this?
Can't seem to find my mode now.
Can't we just smoke a joint, for chrissake?!
Check out our demo and tell us what you think.
Check this out. What can I get for this?
Clyde. Called me Key.
Collectin' from the ho's Turned me on about pimpin'
Come here.
Come here. Come here, man.
Come home, man.
Come on, baby.
Come on, baby. Let's get the fuck up...
Come on, come on, come on, come on. Fuck.
Come on, come on. Here we go. Here we go, man.
Come on, come on. Let me try something.
Come on, Djay, fuck with me.
Come on, fuck all that, man.
Come on, man.
Come on, man. Come on.
Come on, Shel, find it, man. Find it.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come on... Hey, hey. Damn.
Come out, my ride is gone! You hear me?
Come rushing at these ****as, pulling them out of my car.
Coming up, your chance to win a trip to Las Vegas.
Could just sit down and talk for a minute?
Couldn't keep up with my ho's That's when shit got harder
Couldn't keep up with my ho's That's when shit got harder
Crumbling underneath his feet because some cat was bumping
D, I know it's my job and all...
D, I need time for me too, now.
D, I need you to know it meant the world to me.
Damn, man, you gotta get some security up in here.
Deranged son of a bitch!
Did you do it, man?
Dig this right here, man.
Djay, come on, man, you gotta be there at 9:00, right?
Djay, please, what did you do?
Djay, tell me what to do, please.
Djay, that shit was live in there,
Djay, that's the name And I came to bring the pain
Djay, the mikes we using, they got a wider pattern, D. They go flat.
Djay, things don't always come together
Djay, we need to talk, man.
Do it like I like it And I give you what you ask for
Do that little shit you do with your tongue.
Do that. What is this right here?
Do y'all believe in omens?
Do you got, like, a regular kind of job, a day job?
Do you?
Dog, do you know it's a new millennium, ****a?
Don't act scared, man, she don't bite.
Don't forget, man, you knock this motherfucker out.
Don't hear a damn thing.
Don't miss out. Take advantage.
Don't you ever walk away from me!
Done seen people killed Done seen people deal
Done seen people live in poverty With no meals
Dreams like me giving birth to dead dogs.
Drink holders. Poor man's soundproofing.
Dude, man, we went to East Middle together.
East Middle, man. Them was the days, man.
Elroy, I'm having me a day that won't quit,
Enforcing company policy with my coworkers,
Even if I'm sinnin' to win
Every man has the right, the goddamn right...
Every man, you know what I'm saying?
Every now and then, when I see them buses go by today,
Every time he gets settled, you gotta come fuck with him!
Everybody else says my hair looks sexy.
Everybody gotta have a dream, boy.
Everybody gotta have a dream.
Everybody's got something important going on in their life but me, D!
Everybody's got something to do!
Fat, black, nasty bastard!
Feel like popping my pussy, maybe shaking my ass.
Feel that.
Finally just went on ahead, took myself a taxi ride.
Fine, man. I got...
For dancing for some man who makes cotton.
For some reason, she got it stuck in her head that she was in charge.
For that microphone right there
For the Cadillacs And gas money spent
For the Cadillacs And gas money spent
For the Cadillacs And gas money spent
For the Cadillacs And gas money spent
For the Cadillacs And gas money spent
For the Cadillacs And gas money spent
For the Cadillacs And gas money spent
For what, a five minute nut?
For you, Key...
From the gutter Pimp type/drug dealer
From the top.
Fuck I'm gonna do with a cassette tape, man?
Fuck with me, now, D.
Fuck you doing, man? Doing my job? I got a mop for you.
Fuck, man!
Fuck, man. I got this flow I need to spit.
Fuck. Paper money. Shit.
Gave him this and...
Get 'em
Get 'em Whoop that trick
Get 'em Whoop that trick
Get 'em Whoop that trick
Get 'em Whoop that trick
Get him! Bitch!
Get it.
Get the fuck up! Get your ass up!
Get you a mobile phone and shit. Get an ear jack.
Get your ass up, motherfucker!
Give me some high hat up top, all right?
Go get down in the yard.
Go on, boy. Go on, get my car for me.
Go on, bring it back up, Shel.
Go on, girl.
God bless America in this motherfucker! What's going on, baby?
God, D, all I did was ask about a motel and you get so ugly with me.
God, D, all I did was ask about a motel and you get so ugly with me.
Got a couple ho's working On the changes for me
Got all these folks telling me I been gone too long.
Got him a sense of history.
Got me acting buck and shit Ho's telling me to calm down
Got me connin' my ****as Spittin' game to my ho's
Got ****as jumpin' up Tryin' to move the rock
Got religion.
Got your stank all over this. I don't even like my own sweat, D.
Gotta break bread with all these
Gotta have my hustle tight Makin' change off these women, yeah
He and his brother Tigga hook up with their friends every Fourth of July.
He must get that after his daddy. He sure don't get that from me.
He real active during the day, though.
He says I am incapable of writing somebody up because I'm so friendly.
He think I'm gonna take some kind of blind eye to all of these violations
He used to work for the school district and all...
He was in my grade. Ask him.
He's gonna have to come around here.
Heavy percussion, repetitive hooks, sexually suggestive lyrics.
Hell, man, that don't mean I'm gonna give you my toast.
Hell, no.
Hell, no. Look at this shit. What the fuck you call that, the clapper?
Hell, treating me like an equal, man.
Hell, yeah. Check this out here. Smell that. Damn, boy.
Here now, seeing how friendly you are to me
Hey, Al, hold up, hold up.
Hey, baby, let's try this shit standing up.
Hey, baby, you ain't gotta explain a damn thing to me, man.
Hey, baby.
Hey, bitch, why don't you suck on this shit? Motherfucker!
Hey, bitch.
Hey, D, I wanna do one. I wanna put one down.
Hey, do me a favor.
Hey, gal.
Hey, give over, man. He cool. He cool.
Hey, hey, hey. Come on, man. Come on, come on, come on.
Hey, hey, man. You better help your ****a, man.
Hey, I like that, man. Do that again.
Hey, I need that!
Hey, I really like your hair.
Hey, if they want CDs, they just gonna have to hit us back on that.
Hey, just like our primary investor, that mike is hot.
Hey, Key.
Hey, let's get a drink first, man.
Hey, Lex. Lex, come here, baby!
Hey, look here, baby. I know you about sick and tired of seeing me right now,
Hey, man, I ain't armed. It's in the glove.
Hey, man, R.L. Over here?
Hey, man, what's up with your boy, man?
Hey, man, you can't be crying around like no bitch, man.
Hey, man! Come on, man! He turned himself in, man!
Hey, man.
Hey, man.
Hey, ****as, back the fuck up!
Hey, Shelby, bring that beat back, man.
Hey, Shelby, close the door. We need to work.
Hey, Shelby, I need some high hat, man.
Hey, Shug. Shug.
Hey, Skinny, man.
Hey, Skinny! Hey, Skinny, wake the fuck up, man!
Hey, Stevie Wonder!
Hey, there go Skinny Black, man!
Hey, wait, man! Hey, Shug, it's okay. Hey, wait!
Hey, what the hell?!
Hey, who the fuck is that? Hey, who the fuck is that, man?
Hey, yo, Skin... What the...?!
Hey, you know...
Hey, you remember that sticky herb you brung up
Hey! There goes Skinny Black, man.
Hey. Hey, get rid of them tears, man.
Hey. Hey, man, respect my house.
Hi, honey.
His underground tapes down at the drive in,
Hold on, I like that, man.
Hold on. Hold on, one second. My bad.
Hold up for a second.
Holler at your boy, it's Hot 107. 1.
Hood snout.
Hot 107. 1. Big up to South Memphis out there, checking in.
How come Lex gets to work out of that strip club, and I can't?
How I'm supposed to not? Read your post to plot
How many outlets you need?
How much I owe you for this, man?
How you been doing, man?
Hustling out on the street, right?
I ain't but a slice of cheese off your motherfucking cracker, man.
I ain't gonna pop or nothing like that.
I ain't scared.
I ain't trying to sell no cash shit here.
I am so sick and tired of you trying to tell me what to do with my boy.
I appreciate the fact you talking to me man to man like this and shit.
I bar none let my nuts Hang to the floor
I bet you won't beat that bitch Whoop that bitch
I called the power company about getting an extension on the light bill.
I can pimp Skinny.
I can pimp Skinny.
I can't be standing in line how they do down there,
I can't believe... I get like this
I can't do nothing with no cassette tape.
I don't care if I got to take me a taxi ride home.
I don't even have a cassette tape player.
I don't give a fuck what mike I'm on!
I don't know.
I don't know. Shit. Stuff like...
I don't mean no disrespect and all.
I done held in a lot of shit And I'm 'bout to flip
I get all excited because I say,
I get bad dreams.
I got a snow bunny And a black girl too
I got a stack of demos right there in the car.
I got it in real good with her.
I got love for you, Nola.
I got this hot joint from my man, Al Kapone.
I got your requests, and I got that coming up for you.
I gotta get up every day at the crack
I gotta keep my game tight, man.
I gotta say, baby, I don't think we need to be doing this neither,
I had this Mustang, right?
I have this great guy that does it over in Germantown,
I hear you, man.
I just don't know what I'm supposed... Supposed to do.
I just don't understand why I gotta pay so much more money
I just feel like...
I just made sure "Purple Rain" got played for the ladies, that's all.
I just put him to sleep, Lex!
I just remember when your first underground crunk
I keep this notepad so that I can just jot down some shit.
I know Skinny from way back in the day.
I know when you're messing with my head.
I let some others get a dose And they was nuttin' to this
I like that clap.
I like that.
I make the money up in here.
I mean, and it's...
I mean, fuck, you the producer, man.
I mean, he may not know me, because we went to different schools and all.
I mean, I know I'm a girl and all, but we mankind.
I mean, I know y'all gonna be moving on and moving up...
I mean, my daddy...
I mean, she's my gal and all,
I mean, we got everything we need right here.
I mean, we man.
I mean, we man.
I mean, what's all the batteries for?
I mean, you a woman and all, but we man.
I mean, you been tricking for me for a few now, so we got that, right?
I miss you, Jay.
I need that microphone.
I need you to go back there and be friendly with him
I paid for that... No! No! No!
I put you on that stage in them heels,
I remember Coach Rosallis used to let you flow
I say, fuck! Best place to keep Memphis
I see you still doing the same.
I see you're down with that next ****a Tryin' to make your chest bigger
I shut the place down, make it all private for them.
I think I see a hater right there. Hold up.
I think I wouldn't even have words for that shit, man.
I think you gonna have to get your weed from some other hustler, man.
I think, you know what, it's nice. It's okay...
I thought my job sucked, but...
I thought that's what we was doing right here.
I told Jesus
I told Jesus
I told Jesus
I tried calling the house, you know...
I try and do my hair every couple of months
I used to play this thing myself, all the time.
I wanna bless it with a kiss from my primary investor, all right?
I wanna hear my shit in the yard, you hear me.
I wanna hear you say it...
I want you to get Key and them... Key, y'all put my shit on CD!
I want you to get that shit up on the radio.
I want you to put your hands right here. Both of them.
I was never supposed to see The new millennium, man
I will. Next time you see me, man, I'm gonna be 100 feet tall, man.
I wish there was something I could do.
I'll be right there.
I'll tell you everything that everybody's doing wrong."
I'm already on that Hpnotiq And that Grey Goose
I'm already on that Hpnotiq And that Grey Goose
I'm Clyde's... I mean, Key's wife.
I'm coming out now!
I'm gonna look her right in the eye...
I'm gonna pull your pants up, ****a. I ain't no faggot or nothing.
I'm gonna put you in some new shoes tomorrow, man.
I'm gonna shoot this motherfucker in his head!
I'm gonna take me a piss, and I'm gonna roll, baby.
I'm here trying to squeeze a dollar out of a dime,
I'm hopin' every night They don't end up being dead weight
I'm hoping every night They don't end up being dead weight
I'm in charge.
I'm in heels out here every day. You don't see me fall down once...
I'm just screaming like a little bitch, like,
I'm not gonna suck dick every time you come up short!
I'm scared, D.
I'm seeing what I used to be And it's lookin' legit
I'm sick and tired of people telling me what I'm thinking,
I'm so sorry, y'all. And I'd have left them in the car,
I'm standing by.
I'm talking about like a brother.
I'm talking about man as in mankind, not man as in men.
I'm talking to you, dog. You need a little help, okay? Stay with me here.
I'm telling you, you gonna give that little boy a twitch!
I'm tricking! I ain't making $500.
I'm trying to have things But it's hard for a pimp
I'ma make these suckers Recognize I ain't playin', ho
I'ma step my game up And get what's coming to me
I'ma step my game up And get what's coming to me
I'ma step my game up And get what's coming to me
I'ma step my game up And get what's coming to me
I've got all of his early stuff, back when he was still good.
If he changed
If he changed my name
If I can pimp $20 ho's out the back of this fucked up Chevy,
If I can pimp $20 ho's out the back of this motherfucking Chevy,
If I give it to you, you're gonna hold me to that.
If I was sales supervisor just because I'm nice?
If I'd known y'all was gonna take your sweet fucking time, I'd have come in.
If you ain't feelin' what I'm spittin' Trick, you lame to the game
If you had to say something different, other than "beat that bitch,"
If you just let me talk, I can be able to tell you that I can't do it...
If you violate off the top Trick, you gotta go
If you want.
In a house full of ho's?
In case they have some label folk there.
In this Bentley right here, you'd catch me in a Crown Vic.
In two weeks, I wanna hear my shit in the yard at 2:01, you hear me?
Is a pig's pussy pork?
Is because she says I have issues
Is cracking, man, it's like I can't be stopped, man.
It ain't for no dildo, I'll tell you that right now.
It ain't over for me No, it ain't over for me
It ain't over for me No, it ain't over for me
It ain't shit.
It go like this, man.
It got me feeling like this is it for me.
It gotta work, man, because it ain't over for me.
It just puts us in a whole...
It means we in charge.
It might be new to you But it's been like this for years
It really ain't no love It's 'bout this paper, man
It takes time, Djay.
It was addressed to me.
It was mail that she'd gotten from her neighbor.
It would be all right
It would be all right
It would be all right
It's a one in a million shot, D.
It's all about pain and... And pussy.
It's been a long time And you got hell to pay
It's blood, sweat and tears When it come down to this shit
It's fucked up where I live But this is how it is
It's got some, like, chocolate colors in it.
It's hard in my heart right now.
It's Independence Day! It is Independence Day, right?
It's just that we want radio play, right?
It's like all my days, I've been hearing this beat in my head, man,
It's like you say, man, you want quality, you got to pay for that.
It's nice to have company, huh?
It's on all our minds.
It's on me, okay?
It's only the beginning I got a lot to say
It's something...
It's the goddamn hood come up, like that from the sides,
It's what you wanna hear, right? So let's just drop it.
Just because of that statement, man,
Just because you want them to, all right, man?
Just been fucking with my mind, you know?
Just gotta get my mode on, man, just give me a second. All right.
Just listen to what I got here, man, all right? Just listen to it.
Just pounding in my head now.
Just to tell me what the fuck I'm looking at, man!
Keep flowin'
Keep flowin' Flowin'
Keep hustlin'
Keep hustlin'
Keep hustlin'
Keep hustlin' Keep on hustlin'
Keep your radios locked.
Kind of thought about burying him with it, but then again I said,
Know what I mean?
Know what this means?
Know what? Matter of fact, I think I feel like
L... Look...
Lady, you don't got to be nice to her because she's sitting on your couch.
Leave a big headache
Let me check my connections 'Cause we go back in the day
Let me get my jacket, man.
Let me get you on your way.
Let me holler at you for a second, man.
Let me know if it's true. Did you slap Skinny Black?
Let me see that motherfucker, man.
Let me tell you something, man. Look here.
Let me tell you that.
Let me tell you what I learned while working on my job.
Let's get this to work, Djay.
Let's give it some of my sweet juices on it...
Lex, why you gotta be so ugly?
Licking our ass all day.
Lights on, lights off. Don't play. I'm gonna roll tonight.
Like a pounding. I mean, sometimes it's real raw,
Like I ain't the shit? That's what you trying to tell me?
Like I don't know my own goddamned mind.
Like I talked such a good game when we was young, man,
Like I'm coming back or something. Like there's a back to get back to.
Like I'm having one of them midlife crisis, you know?
Like Otis Redding and shit, man.
Like taking from a ho don't know No better, I know that ain't right
Like the samurai say, "The sword is only as powerful as its master."
Like they grow it out the ass of some redneck or something.
Like, a primary investor, you know?
Listen to that, man.
Locked up, just like you.
Look at me, man.
Look here, baby, it break down like this:
Look here, man.
Look here, you dirt rascal pimp,
Look right there, look at that. That is Skinny Black, man.
Look, I just want it to be perfect. And this mike,
Look, I'm in a session right now, all right?
Look, it should come in right after the kick. Right there.
Look, just because you got the bacon, the lettuce and tomato,
Look, look, Djay.
Look, man,
Look, man, because even if he does listen to what we got, man,
Look, man, can't you cut me some type of break on this stuff here?
Look, man, I know you done learned a whole mess of shit
Look, man, y'all preaching to the choir, all right?
Look, man.
Look, this is my life
Look, this track here, man, this...
Lookit, why don't you just let me do the thinking for you, okay?
Looks like he got air in his car, D.
Making me some money right now.
Making this shit happen one trick at a time.
Man, a dog don't know shit about no birthdays or Christmas
Man, I ain't trying to call no ho no bitch.
Man, I got a brand new exclusive from my man Djay.
Man, it seems like I'm duckin' Dodgin' bullets every day
Man, it seems like I'm duckin' Dodgin' bullets every day
Man, it's all blues, brother.
Man, it's Skinny goddamn Black, you know...
Man, look at this shit!
Man, the shit don't ever stop.
Man, you gonna feel different.
Man, you know, a fucked up ****a
Man, you mean a half and some. I can get more than that at the pawnshop.
Me and him gonna be kicking it over at Arnel's club on the Fourth of July.
Me and him gonna be kicking it over at Arnel's club on the Fourth of July.
Me first! Me first!
Millbranch. Millbranch, right?
Miss me? Get up, bitch. Hold up. Hold up. Hold up.
Mom's on some other shit And now I'm missin' the plan
Most gracious and heavenly Father, we pray that you
Motherfucking Carl Lewis or something.
Motherfucking tight ass ride! You hear me?
My folks hooking me up with this old dirt ass weed out here, man.
My motherfucking heart beats in this thing, man.
My motherfucking house got broken into too, bitch.
My name
My name is Yevette.
My pussy paid for this. I should be mad.
My wife, man, she a...
Next thing you know, 20 motherfuckers
****a couldn't even walk halfway down the block without the pavement
****a talking to me about his bullshit.
****a talking to me. I don't care about that shit, man.
****a, I'm gateway mother... Man, don't waste my time on no bullshit.
****a, I'm talking to you, man.
****a, it's on, you know what I mean? You know?
****a, over there, man. Go get it.
****as hatin' on me 'Cause I got ho's on the blade
****as hatin' on me 'Cause I got ho's on the tray
No, everybody asleep.
No, he just light skinned.
No, hold on, hold on.
No, I ain't some fucking cash machine, where you can get shit for free.
No, I'm Shelby.
No, it's cool, man. It's nice to see you home again.
No, ma'am.
No, man. We can toke up later. Let's hear what you got.
No, no, no. What we doing is a whole bunch of flow.
No, take it over there, man. Give them your thumbprint.
No, this is good leather, man.
No, Yevette. I wanna hear what you really think.
No. Cut them tears shit out, man. Come on.
No. No way.
Nobody in this here crib, that's for damn sure.
Nola and I, we got a few points
Nola, kill them fans.
Nola, would you just shut the fuck up, please?
Nola, you in charge and shit, all right?
Nola! Bring your ass here, man!
North Memphis, throw your thumbs up.
North Memphis, where I'm from I'm Seventh Street bound
North Memphis, where I'm from I'm Seventh Street bound
North Third Thugs. Motherfuck it, man. That was the shit.
Not "coworkers," mind you, but "friends."
Not bad to be light skinned, huh?
Not if I got Roger with me.
Not in this case, sir, no.
Not necessarily.
Not no more he ain't. Last one he put out went platinum.
Not them tricks out there, man.
Now I think it's time to show You bitches who you fuckin' with
Now I'm just gettin' by And it's fuckin' with me
Now you're back at the condo
Now, come on, he's coming back. Get your mind right, okay?
Now, do something about it, damn it! Do something!
Now, do you really know him, or just know of him?
Now, I know that little girl got a ho for a mama and a trick for a daddy,
Now, I suck,
Now, I'd never demand of you, I can only request...
Now, I'm gonna put my hands here too.
Now, people who talk the talk, when it comes time for them to walk,
Now, Shug, I got an idea how this should go.
Now, that shit buck, ain't it, man? Do it again, man.
Now, we gonna have to make a choice, man.
Now, why would I sell you two of them for $90 apiece?
Now, you're gonna be singing what's on Djay's pad. Djay.
Number crunching motherfuckers, man. It ain't like it used to be.
Oh, God.
Oh, man, I can't believe what my goddamn eyes are seeing right now!
Oh, no. I don't wanna interrupt. I...
Oh, shit.
Oh, Skinny, man. Hey. Hey, ****a.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, yeah, you know, like the post office:
Oh, yeah. He in the back with the rest of the fellas.
Okay, let's go smoke that joint.
Okay, let's see who it is that you know is somebody, huh?
Okay, look here. Djay, I put some extra demos in the car, all right, man?
Okay, man. This takes a little time.
Okay, Shug,
Okay, Shug, put your headphones on.
Okay, you Shelby.
Okay. Let's do it this way, then.
Okay. We gonna gab, or we gonna do the damn thing? Which one?
On the demo and everything like you do...
One day, this whole motherfucking place is gonna be gone.
One day, you'll have to tell me about that.
One of them suits.
Or Easter bunny, none of that shit.
Or we gonna lay down a track.
Or you mean like... that type of DJ?
Ounce will do good. Fourth coming up and all.
Out the back of his Cutlass.
Over at the big table.
Over the intercom in gym class,
People who walk the walk, they sometimes talk the talk.
Pimping your pimpled country ass?
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