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2001: A Space Odyssey 2001: A Space Odyssey is a critically acclaimed science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick in

2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey is a critically acclaimed science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1968. This cinematic masterpiece takes viewers on an epic journey through time and space, exploring human evolution, artificial intelligence, and the mysteries of our universe. Its iconic soundtrack, composed by Alex North, captivates listeners with its striking orchestration and use of Richard Strauss' "Also sprach Zarathustra." Immerse yourself in the unforgettable sounds of this extraordinary film by playing and downloading them right here. Experience the awe and wonder of 2001: A Space Odyssey with these timeless auditory treasures.
A bush baby.
A stylish marriage.
A telephone.
Affirmative, Dave. /read you.
Against my hearing you...
All right.
All right.
All right. Bye bye.
Although hibernation has been used on previous space efforts...
And as there are no more questions, we ought to get on with the briefing.
And Dr. Victor Kaminsky.
And have a nice birthday party tomorrow too, huh?
And he taught me to sing a song.
And I hope you will too.
And it will stay that way until it falls.
And it will stay that way until it falls.
And not even a nickel iron meteorite could produce a field this intense.
And one of the latest generation of the HAL 9000 computers.
And that I'll try to telephone again tomorrow.
And that's something I cannot allow to happen.
And their efforts won't be utilized until we 're approaching Jupiter.
And this is Dr. Andrei Smyslov.
And which, for security reasons of the highest importance...
And, of course, his congratulations on your discovery...
Another thing just occurred to me.
Any contact with him yet?
Anybody hungry?
Anyway, this is the view of the Council.
Are you coming to my party tomorrow?
As I said, I'm not at liberty to discuss it.
As I understand it, you only breathe once a minute. Is this true?
As some of you already know, the Council has requested...
As to whether or not he has feelings...
At the risk of pressing you on a point you seem reticent to discuss...
Before any thought can be given to making a public announcement.
Before the briefing, he'd like to have a few words with you.
Body temperature is usually down to about three degrees centigrade.
But for the past few weeks I've wondered...
But I can assure you now...
But it's been going on now for the past 10 days.
But particularly in view of some other things that have happened...
But perhaps you can clear up the big mystery about what is going on there.
But this epidemic could quite easily Spread to our base.
But you'll look sweet.
By the way, you've both done a wonderful job.
Bye bye. Happy birthday.
Certain/y no one could have been unaware of the very...
Contained in this present situation...
Deliberately buried.
Deliberately buried.
Denying the men permission to land violates the IAS Convention.
Do sit down.
Do you believe that Hal has genuine emotions?
Do you read me, Hal?
Do you read me, Hal?
Don't you?
Dr. Floyd has come up specially to Clavius to be with us today.
Dr. Floyd, have you any idea how much longer...
Dr. Floyd, I hope you don't think I'm being too inquisitive...
Dr. Floyd?
Dr. P00/e, what's it like living for most of the year...
Dr. P00/e, what's it like while you're in hibernation?
Eighteen months ago...
Except for a single, very powezful...
Excuse me, Dr. Halvorsen. I'm through now.
Fine. Thanks very much.
Foo/proof and incapable of error.
For cultural shock and social disorientation...
For he was the latest result in machine intelligence:
For instance...
For one thing, when you phone the base, all you get is a recording...
For the many sacrifices you've had to make.
For the short time it will take to replace it.
From everyone who has knowledge of this event.
Gone to shopping.
Good afternoon, gentlemen. How is everything going?
Good afternoon...
Goodbye, Elena.
Hal, despite your enormous intellect, are you ever frustrated...
Hal, I won't argue with you anymore.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, Frank.
Has been known on board during the mission...
He's right about the 9000 Series having a perfect operational record.
Hel/o, Ha/, do you read me?
Hel/o, Ha/, do you read me?
Hello, Hal, do you read me?
Here you are, sir. Main level, please.
How about a little coffee?
How do you account for the discrepancy between you and the twin 9000?
How do you do? I've heard a lot about you.
How do you mean?
How long have I got?
However, I accept the need for absolute secrecy in this.
I am putting myself to the fullest possible use...
I can feel it.
I can see you're really upset about this.
I can't put my finger on it, but I sense something strange about him.
I can't think of anything else to say.
I could see your lips move.
I don't know what you're talking about, Hal.
I don't suppose you have any idea what the damn thing is.
I don't think he can hear us.
I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this before.
I enjoy working with people.
I enjoy working with people.
I feel much better now.
I find them difficult to put out of my mind.
I find this cover story personally embarrassing, myself.
I have a stimu/ating relationship with Dr. Poole and Dr. Bowman.
I haven't had breakfast yet. Someone's meeting me in the restaurant.
I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly...
I hope the two of you are not concerned about this.
I hope you and your wife can come to the IAC Conference.
I know everything hasn 't been quite right with me...
I know I've made some very poor decisions recently...
I know I've never completely freed myself of the suspicion...
I know there have been some conflicting views held by some of you...
I know this sounds rather incredible, but this conclusion is based on...
I know you will all want to join with me...
I never gave these stories much credence...
I really do.
I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question.
I say again, in error predicting the fault.
I sensed pride in his answer about his accuracy and perfection.
I talked to the accounting office yesterday...
I think I straightened it out.
I think I straightened it out.
I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
I think you've improved a great deal.
I understand that beyond it being a matter of principle...
I understand.
I want you to tell Mummy something for me. Will you remember?
I wish to hell we did.
I'll go in through the emergency air lock.
I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.
I'm afraid, Dave.
I'm afraid.
I'm damned if I can find anything wrong with it.
I'm going to send you a very nice present, though.
I'm really not at liberty to discuss this.
I'm sorry, Dave. I don't have enough information.
I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
I'm sorry, Dr. Smyslov, but...
I'm sure we'll all want to cooperate with Dr. Floyd as fully as possible...
I'm sure you'll agree there's some truth in what I say.
I've been getting some interference in D channel.
I've just picked up a fault in the AE 35 unit.
I've reserved a table for you in the Earthlight Room.
If any of you would like to give me your views and opinions...
If he were wrong that would prove it.
If the facts were prematurely made public...
If you'd like to hear it...
Imagine what we told them. It's being broadcast next Thursday.
In private, if you like, I will be happy to include them in my report.
In such close proximity with Hal?
In talking to the computer, one gets the sense that he's capable...
In Urbana, Illinois...
Indicate that your on board
Iran into Bob the other day.
Is in error predicting the fault.
Is something I don't think anyone can truthfully answer.
Is this, in fact, what has happened?
It can be told to you.
It can only be attributable to human error.
It seems to have been deliberately buried.
It should certainly indicate his integrity and self confidence.
It should then be a simple matter to track down the cause.
It took seven minutes for our words to reach the giant spacecraft...
It was buried
It's been seven or eight months since you were here, hasn't it?
It's called "Daisy, ".
It's like what you said earlier.
It's ourjob to do this thing the way you want it done.
It's puzzling.
Just a moment.
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
Kimba/I, and Kaminsky aboard...
Knight takes bishop. Mate.
Let's get on with it.
Let's see. Yeah, about eight months.
Listen, Hal...
Look pretty good.
Look, Dave...
Looks like you're right. I resign.
Lovely move.
Made prior to your departure...
May I ask you a straightforward question?
More specifically, your opposition to the cover story...
Most of the activities of the human brain...
Mother and I are both feeling wonderful.
My instructor was Mr. Langley...
My mind is going.
My mind is going.
My mission responsibilities range over the entire operation of the ship...
Near the crater Tycho.
Near the crater Tycho.
No 9000 computer has ever been disconnected.
No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distoñed information.
No, I'm not, Hal.
No, I'm positive. I really must be going.
No, not at all.
None whatsoever, Frank.
Not in the slightest bit.
Now that you are in Jupiter's space...
Now, will you tell her that?
Of a bicycle built for two.
Of a computer error occurring in a 9000 Series, has there?
Of course I am.
Of emotional responses.
Of our life support capabilities, basically food and air.
Oh, are you?
Oh, Frank, about yourAGS 19 payments...
Oh, I see.
Oh, wait.
Oh, yeah.
Okay, sweetheart. Have a nice birthday tomorrow.
Okay. But, look, Dave.
On the 12th of January, 1992.
On the situation...
Open the door, Hal.
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Open the pod bay doors, please, Hal.
Open the pod door, Hal.
Open the pod doors, Hal.
Perhaps I'm just projecting my own concern about it.
Perhaps you can listen in.
Prepare B pod for EVA, Hal.
Prepare G pod for EVA, Hal.
Probably having some trouble with their equipment.
Put it on here, please. Take me in a bit.
Quite frankly, we have had some very reliable intelligence reports...
Regarding the need for complete security in this matter.
Right. See you on the way back.
Roger your plan to go EVA and replace alpha echo three ñve unit...
Rook to king one.
Rotate C pod, please, Hal.
Rotate the pod, please, Hal.
Rotate the pod, please, Hal.
Rumors about something being dug up on the moon.
Say we put the unit back and it doesn't fail.
See you next Wednesday.
So I am constantly occupied.
So I'm afraid we don't get to see very much of each other these days.
So we decided to have a look.
Some extremely odd things have been happening at Clavius.
Still a total mystery.
Stop, Dave.
Stop, will you?
Strange stories floating around before we left.
Take a stress pill and think things over.
Tastes the same, anyway.
Thank you for a very enjoyable game.
Thank you, Hal. A bit flatter, please.
Thank you, Miss Turner.
Thank you.
Thanks, Ralph.
That does sound odd.
That it's going to be all right again.
That my work will be back to normal.
That we put the unit back in operation and let it fail.
That would pretty well wrap it up as far as Hal is concerned.
That'll depend on school vacations and all that sort of thing.
That's a rather difficult question to answer.
That's a very nice rendering, Dave.
That's not what I mean.
That's right.
The 4 million year old black monolith has remained completely inert...
The 9000 Series has a perfect operational record.
The 9000 Series is the most reliable computer ever made.
The first evidence of intelligent life off the Earth...
The HAL 9000 computer, which can reproduce...
The only difference is that you don't dream.
The only thing we're sure of is it was buried 4 million years ago.
The purpose of my visit here is to gather additional facts and opinions...
The radio is still dead.
The sixth member of the Discovery crew was not concerned...
The three hibernating crew members represent the survey team.
The way all our preparations were kept under such tight security.
There is no question about it.
There must be adequate time for a full study...
There, that's it.
There'd be nothing else to do.
There's another thing. Two days ago, one of our rocket buses...
They do.
They're getting better at it all the time.
This Conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
This cover story will have to be maintained?
This is a prerecorded brief/ng...
This is my friend, Dr. Heywood Floyd.
This is the first time men have been put into hibernation before departure.
This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
This sort of thing has cropped up before...
This story of an epidemic might cause to your relatives and friends on Earth.
Three of the five men were put aboard asleep...
To check fau/t prediction.
To determine reliability of this conclusion.
Two zero four nine. Transmission concluded.
Unfortunately, that sounds a little like famous last words.
Upon the Seat.
Very confidently...
Was denied permission for an emergency landing.
Watch this, now. It's hot.
We are all, by any practical definition of the words...
We concur with your plan to replace number one unit...
We have 72 hours till failure?
We have 72 hours till failure?
We next spoke with the HAL 9000 computer...
We should advise you that our preliminary findings...
We spoke with mission commander, Dr. David Bowman...
We wish you the very happiest of birthdays.
We'd have to cut his higher brain functions...
We'd have to work out the details...
We'll get this info to you as soon as we work it out.
We'll have a look at it.
We're going home.
We're only too happy to be able to oblige.
We're skeptical, and we 're running cross checking routines...
We've got lots of telephones already.
We've got the transmission from your parents coming in.
Welcome to Voiceprint Identification.
Well, certainly.
Well, he acts like he has genuine emotions.
Well, I completely sympathize with your negative views.
Well, I must say, you guys have certainly come up with something.
Well, it's rather difficult to define.
Well, where are you all off to? Up or down?
Were there any more questions?
What do you think?
What is it, Hal?
What sort of trouble have you been having?
What the hell can we do?
What's the problem?
Whatever the reasons for your visit, the very best of luck to you.
When we found it, we thought it might be magnetic rock...
Where's Mummy?
Whether you might be having second thoughts about the mission.
Which repeats that the phone lines are temporarily out of order.
Who has asked me to convey his deep appreciation...
Whom, we learned, one addresses as "Ha/. ".
Why was this done?
Will you stop, Dave?
With the crew of Discovery at a distance of 80 million miles from Earth.
Without adequate preparation and Conditioning.
Without disturbing the purely automatic and regulatory systems.
Without your space helmet, Dave...
X ray delta one, this is Mission Control.
X ray delta one, this is Mission Control.
Yeah. That's far Safer than allowing Hal to continue to run things.
Yes, I know.
Yes. That's a completely reliable figure.
You don't mind talking about it, do you, Dave?
You don't mind talking about it, do you, Dave?
You haven't been able to contact anyone for 10 days?
You very quickly get adjusted to the idea that he talks, and think of him...
You're a big celebrity in the second grade.
You're going to find that rather difficult.
You're the brain and central nervous system of the ship.
You've got an invitation if you ever get to the States.
Your flight leaves in an hour and 10 minutes.
Your mom and I and Dave's parents were asked...
Your responsibilities include watching over the men in hibernation.
...carry on with the failure analysis. No, no, I agree about that.
Are you quite sure? Quite sure, thank you.
Bye. Bye.
Can you hold it a bit closer? Sure.
Dad? Hello.
Did you have a good flight? Very nice.
Do you have a positive track on him? I have a good track.
Dr. Stretyneva. How do you do?
Fortunately, they did. Well, I'm glad about that.
Give our love to Dave. Be sure to give him our best regards.
Good evening, Dave. How are you, Hal?
Good morning, sir. Morning.
Great. Good idea.
Great. Well.
Have a look at this. Here's what started the whole thing.
Have I got time for breakfast? I think we can manage that.
Have you been doing more work? A few sketches.
Hel/o. Hi, squirt. What are you doing?
Hi, Frank. Happy birthday, darling.
Is it still within operational limits? Yes,
Is this chicken? Something like that.
May I call him for you? Would you? Here he is.
May I see them? Sure.
May I speak to Rachel, please? She's gone to the bathroom.
Oh, really? Yes, yes.
Sorry I'm late. That's all right.
Thank you very much, gentlemen. You're welcome.
Thanks very much. Thank you.
We haven't seen you for a long time. Nice to see you again.
We wouldn't have too many alternatives. We wouldn't have any alternatives.
We'd be in very serious trouble. We would, wouldn't we?
Well, how's Gregor? He's fine.
Well, we... No, no, please.
What about you? I'm just on my way up to Clavius.
What do we got? You name it.
When you see him, give him my regards. Yes, of course.
Who's taking care of you? Rachel,
Would you like a drink, doctor? No, thank you.
Yeah. I'd like to ask you a question. Of course.
Yes, What?
You do? Yeah. Definitely.
"By the Way"
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