A boat? Hey, l've seen a boat. from Finding Nemo
A boat? Hey, l've seen a boat. from Finding Nemo
A nemenem menome. from Finding Nemo
Aaah! from Finding Nemo
Aaah! Get it out! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! from Finding Nemo
Aah! AlI right! l'lI talk! from Finding Nemo
Aah! Daddy! Help me! from Finding Nemo
Aah! Get under me, kids! from Finding Nemo
Aah! Look out! from Finding Nemo
Aah! Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Aah! Oh! No! from Finding Nemo
Aah! Ohh! No! Uhh! from Finding Nemo
Aah! Uhh! from Finding Nemo
Aah! Whoa! Whoa! from Finding Nemo
About three leagues? from Finding Nemo
Actually, the mollusk isn't moving. from Finding Nemo
Adieu to you and you from Finding Nemo
After I'm done talking to the shark, OK? from Finding Nemo
After you were taken by Diver Dan over there... from Finding Nemo
Ah, l've lost count. from Finding Nemo
Ah, the ocean. The ocean? from Finding Nemo
AlI drains lead to the ocean, kid. from Finding Nemo
AlI right, anyone else? from Finding Nemo
AlI right, I know one joke. from Finding Nemo
AlI right, I'm up. from Finding Nemo
AlI right, kids, feeI free to explore... from Finding Nemo
AlI right, let's see those pearly whites. from Finding Nemo
AlI right, we'lI name this half Marlin Junior... from Finding Nemo
AlI right, we're excited. from Finding Nemo
AlI right, we're here, dudes! from Finding Nemo
AlI right. from Finding Nemo
AlI right. Go ahead and rinse. from Finding Nemo
AlI righty, Mr. Smartypants. from Finding Nemo
AlI thanks to you, kid. You made it possible. from Finding Nemo
AlI the rest are too deep for you and me to see from Finding Nemo
ALL: Bye, Mom! from Finding Nemo
Almost there! Keep swimming! from Finding Nemo
An anemon none. from Finding Nemo
An entire ecosystem contained in one infinitesimaI speck. from Finding Nemo
An outie. From my neck of the woods, eh? from Finding Nemo
Anchor! Chum! from Finding Nemo
And a piranha's a fish, just like your present. from Finding Nemo
And gets chased by a monster with huge teeth! from Finding Nemo
And he can get lost from sight if you're not looking. from Finding Nemo
And he can get lost from sight if you're not looking. from Finding Nemo
And he shalI be my Squishy. Come here, Squishy. from Finding Nemo
And he walks up to a sea cucumber. from Finding Nemo
And he was 150 years old. from Finding Nemo
And here you are! I found you. from Finding Nemo
And I know funny. I'm a clownfish. from Finding Nemo
And I tried to stop them, but the boat was too fast. from Finding Nemo
And I'm going to need a few more cotton rolls. from Finding Nemo
And if you leave, I just... from Finding Nemo
And into the harbor! from Finding Nemo
And it's orange and small and white stripes from Finding Nemo
And it's orange and small and white stripes from Finding Nemo
And it's small from Finding Nemo
And jam the gears. from Finding Nemo
And maybe he wouldn't have done it... from Finding Nemo
And my son Nemo... from Finding Nemo
And never again from Finding Nemo
And never again from Finding Nemo
And not know as much as Sandy Plankton? from Finding Nemo
And remember, we keep our supraesophogeaI ganglion... from Finding Nemo
And sometimes, if you want to do it four times from Finding Nemo
And swim straight on through to Sydney! from Finding Nemo
And that means we're going in circles... from Finding Nemo
And that means we're not going straight! from Finding Nemo
And the neighborhood is awesome. from Finding Nemo
And the word is he's headed this way right now...to Sydney! from Finding Nemo
And then dives thousands of feet... from Finding Nemo
And then he has to blast his way... from Finding Nemo
And then one more time... out and back in. from Finding Nemo
And then three gigantic sharks capture him... from Finding Nemo
And then we go out... and back in. from Finding Nemo
And then we were all, like, ''Whoa!''... from Finding Nemo
And then, coo coo cachoo... from Finding Nemo
And there's no way you're gonna make me. from Finding Nemo
And they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. from Finding Nemo
And they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. from Finding Nemo
And watches the ships from Finding Nemo
And we are getting out The tank is clean. from Finding Nemo
And when he does, he'lI take us out of the tank... from Finding Nemo
And when he was out there, these divers appeared... from Finding Nemo
And you're lucky I don't telI your parents. from Finding Nemo
And you're one of those fish that cause delays. from Finding Nemo
Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three from Finding Nemo
Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three from Finding Nemo
Anyway, he swam out in the open water to this boat... from Finding Nemo
Apparently, I must've done something you liked...dudes. from Finding Nemo
AQUASCUM: Temperature 82 degrees... from Finding Nemo
AQUASCUM: Temperature 82 degrees... from Finding Nemo
Are you alI right? from Finding Nemo
Are you gonna eat that? from Finding Nemo
Are you listening to me? from Finding Nemo
Are you my conscience? from Finding Nemo
Are you sure you want to go to schooI this year? from Finding Nemo
Auf wiedersehen from Finding Nemo
Aw, is the party over? from Finding Nemo
Aw, man! from Finding Nemo
Aw, the picture broke. from Finding Nemo
Aw, you guys made me ink. from Finding Nemo
Barbara, I don't understand it. from Finding Nemo
Be nice. it's his first time at school. from Finding Nemo
Be safe. from Finding Nemo
Beat that. from Finding Nemo
Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. from Finding Nemo
Because I can take you to your son. from Finding Nemo
Because I can take you to your son. from Finding Nemo
Before Darla gets here. from Finding Nemo
Beyond a doubt from Finding Nemo
Beyond the sea from Finding Nemo
Beyond the sea from Finding Nemo
Beyond the shore from Finding Nemo
Beyond the shore from Finding Nemo
Beyond the stars from Finding Nemo
Big current. Can't miss it. from Finding Nemo
Bill. Hey, you're a clownfish. from Finding Nemo
Bloat, that's disgusting! from Finding Nemo
Bloke's been looking for his boy Nemo. from Finding Nemo
Boing, boing, boing! from Finding Nemo
Boing! Boing! from Finding Nemo
Boy, it sure is clear up here. from Finding Nemo
Bring a Fish Friend. from Finding Nemo
Bring it a little closer, I kind of need the light. from Finding Nemo
Brother Bloat, proceed. from Finding Nemo
Bubbles, let me Oh! from Finding Nemo
Bubbles! Bubbles! from Finding Nemo
Bubbles! I love the bubbles! from Finding Nemo
But do we really need so much space? from Finding Nemo
But do we really need so much space? from Finding Nemo
But how? from Finding Nemo
But I don't want you...with me. from Finding Nemo
But I'm not tellin' you where he went... from Finding Nemo
But in a joke, everyone talks... from Finding Nemo
But it doesn't matter because no fish... from Finding Nemo
But l'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior. from Finding Nemo
But now we know, don't we... from Finding Nemo
But stay close. from Finding Nemo
But stay close. from Finding Nemo
But we have to help it along any way we can. from Finding Nemo
But we're having fun at the same time. from Finding Nemo
But when they know, you'lI know, you know? Ha. from Finding Nemo
But you can't really tell. from Finding Nemo
But you gotta stay awake. Where does P. Sherman live? from Finding Nemo
But you just can't, Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Bye, Dad! from Finding Nemo
Bye, Dad! from Finding Nemo
Bye, Dad! from Finding Nemo
Bye, Dad! from Finding Nemo
Bye, everyone! from Finding Nemo
Bye, Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Bye, son! from Finding Nemo
Bye, son! Have fun! from Finding Nemo
Bye, son. from Finding Nemo
Calm down. Alternate wiggling your fins and your tail. from Finding Nemo
Can I help you? from Finding Nemo
Can you help me? from Finding Nemo
Can youuuu give us diiirectionsss? from Finding Nemo
Catch me if you can! from Finding Nemo
Clearly, you're not ready... from Finding Nemo
Clearly, you're not ready... from Finding Nemo
Climb aboard, explorers. from Finding Nemo
Climb aboard, explorers. from Finding Nemo
Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. from Finding Nemo
Come on, Dad, it's time for school. from Finding Nemo
Come on, Dad! from Finding Nemo
Come on, Dory. We're gonna find it. from Finding Nemo
Come on, go. Go on, shoo! from Finding Nemo
Come on, kid! Grab the end! from Finding Nemo
Come on, little fella. Come on. from Finding Nemo
Come on, sing with me. from Finding Nemo
Come on, we'lI try over there. from Finding Nemo
Come on, you guys, stop it! Give it back! from Finding Nemo
Come on, you have to swim down! from Finding Nemo
Come on. from Finding Nemo
Come on. Trust me on this. from Finding Nemo
Coral! from Finding Nemo
Coral? from Finding Nemo
Coral? from Finding Nemo
Coral? from Finding Nemo
Coral? from Finding Nemo
Coral? from Finding Nemo
Crikey! AlI the animals have gone mad! from Finding Nemo
Crikey. What a state. from Finding Nemo
Crush? Really? from Finding Nemo
CurI away, my son. it's awesome, Jellyman. from Finding Nemo
Dad, can I go play, too? Can l? from Finding Nemo
Dad, it's time for you to go now. from Finding Nemo
Dad, you can go now. from Finding Nemo
Dad! from Finding Nemo
Dad! Dad! from Finding Nemo
Dad! Dad! from Finding Nemo
Dad? from Finding Nemo
Dad? You can let go now. from Finding Nemo
Daddy! from Finding Nemo
Daddy! from Finding Nemo
Daddy! from Finding Nemo
Daddy? from Finding Nemo
Daddy? from Finding Nemo
Daddy? from Finding Nemo
Daddy? from Finding Nemo
Daddy's got you. from Finding Nemo
Darla, sweetie, look out! from Finding Nemo
Darla, your uncle wilI see you now. from Finding Nemo
Darla! from Finding Nemo
Darla's coming in five days. from Finding Nemo
Did you hear that, Sharkbait? from Finding Nemo
Did you really cross the jellyfish forest? from Finding Nemo
Did you really do all the things you say you did? from Finding Nemo
Did you see me? Did you see what I did? from Finding Nemo
Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? from Finding Nemo
Do any of these boats look familiar to you? from Finding Nemo
Do you alI have your friends? from Finding Nemo
Do you guys know how I can get to from Finding Nemo
Do you hear me? Big... from Finding Nemo
Do you know where my dad is? from Finding Nemo
Do you see anything? from Finding Nemo
Do you think I would cross the entire ocean... from Finding Nemo
Do you want this anemone to sting you? from Finding Nemo
Do you? Do you? You want a piece of me? from Finding Nemo
Don't eat me. Don't eat me. Aah! from Finding Nemo
Don't everybody fly off at once. from Finding Nemo
Don't give up! Keep swimming! from Finding Nemo
Don't know. l'lI ask him. from Finding Nemo
Don't listen to anything my sister says. from Finding Nemo
Don't make any sudden moves. from Finding Nemo
Don't mention it! Just loosen up, OK, buddy? from Finding Nemo
Don't telI me to be calm, pony boy. from Finding Nemo
Don't touch the bo Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Don't worry. AlI drains lead to the ocean. from Finding Nemo
Don't worry. We're gonna stay together as a group. from Finding Nemo
Dory and I need to get to Sydney. from Finding Nemo
Dory, are you OK Ohh. from Finding Nemo
Dory, do you see anything? from Finding Nemo
Dory, help me find a way out! from Finding Nemo
Dory, I'm a little fella. from Finding Nemo
Dory, keep going! He's crazy! from Finding Nemo
Dory, listen to me. I have an idea a game. from Finding Nemo
Dory, wake up. Wake up, come on. from Finding Nemo
Dory, you did it! from Finding Nemo
Dory, you don't fully understand from Finding Nemo
Dory, you have to telI everybody to... from Finding Nemo
DORY: Haah! from Finding Nemo
Dory! from Finding Nemo
Dory! from Finding Nemo
Dory! from Finding Nemo
Dory! Dory! from Finding Nemo
Dory! ls she alI right? from Finding Nemo
Dory! What did the mask say? from Finding Nemo
Dory? from Finding Nemo
Dory? Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Dory. from Finding Nemo
Down! Swim down! from Finding Nemo
Duck to the left! Right there! from Finding Nemo
Dude. from Finding Nemo
E.A.C.? from Finding Nemo
Eating here tonight from Finding Nemo
Echo! Echo! from Finding Nemo
Especially when I twirI them like this. from Finding Nemo
Everybody else, be as gross as possible. from Finding Nemo
Everybody hold on! from Finding Nemo
Everybody swim down! from Finding Nemo
Exactly. And look at that there's the current. from Finding Nemo
Excuse me! Whoo hoo! Little fella? from Finding Nemo
Excuse me. from Finding Nemo
Excuse me. ls there anything I can do? from Finding Nemo
Farewell from Finding Nemo
Fasten your seat belts! from Finding Nemo
Fellas, come back here. One quick question. from Finding Nemo
Filthier and filthier by the minute. from Finding Nemo
Filthy. Absolutely filthy. from Finding Nemo
Fine. Who do you want to ask, the speck? from Finding Nemo
First day of school! from Finding Nemo
First, we check to see that the coast is clear. from Finding Nemo
First, you were all, like, ''Whoa!''... from Finding Nemo
Fish are friends, not food. from Finding Nemo
Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. from Finding Nemo
Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat. from Finding Nemo
Fish in my hair! from Finding Nemo
Fishy! from Finding Nemo
Fishy! Aah! from Finding Nemo
Fishy! Wake up! from Finding Nemo
Fishy? from Finding Nemo
Flo? Has anybody seen Flo? from Finding Nemo
Follow me. from Finding Nemo
For a clownfish, he's not that funny. from Finding Nemo
Funny. it's spelled just like ''escape.'' from Finding Nemo
G'day. Grr! from Finding Nemo
Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma from Finding Nemo
Get back here! from Finding Nemo
Get him out of there! from Finding Nemo
Get him outta there! from Finding Nemo
Get it! Get the mask! Get the mask! Get it! from Finding Nemo
Get ready! Your exit's coming up, man! from Finding Nemo
Gill, don't make him go back in there. from Finding Nemo
Gill, please. Not another escape plan. from Finding Nemo
Gill, this isn't a good idea. from Finding Nemo
Gill! from Finding Nemo
Gill! from Finding Nemo
Gill! Don't let me go belly up! from Finding Nemo
Gill? from Finding Nemo
Gill? from Finding Nemo
GlLL: He's gonna get flushed down the toilet. from Finding Nemo
Go easy on him. He's lost his son Fabio. from Finding Nemo
Go easy on him. He's lost his son Fabio. from Finding Nemo
Go get 'em! from Finding Nemo
Go on. Jump on him! from Finding Nemo
Golly, that's amazing. from Finding Nemo
Good bye, farewell, my friend from Finding Nemo
Good bye! See ya later, dudes! from Finding Nemo
Good feeling's gone. from Finding Nemo
Good squirming. Ha ha ha! from Finding Nemo
Good thing I pulled the right one, eh, Prime Minister? from Finding Nemo
Good thing I was here. lf I hadn't shown up from Finding Nemo
Got mine. from Finding Nemo
Gotcha! Hey! Hey! Come back here! from Finding Nemo
Gotcha! Keep down! from Finding Nemo
Gotta go faster if you want to win! from Finding Nemo
Gotta go faster if you want to win! from Finding Nemo
Great! Then how'd you morsels... from Finding Nemo
Ha ha ha ha! from Finding Nemo
Ha ha ha ha! Mind your distance, though. from Finding Nemo
Ha ha ha! We're alive! from Finding Nemo
Ha ha! from Finding Nemo
Ha ha! Most excellent! from Finding Nemo
Ha ha! Right there. And here and here. from Finding Nemo
Ha ha! Righteous! Righteous! from Finding Nemo
Ha ha! That took guts, kid. from Finding Nemo
Ha ho wahee ha ho ho h from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha ho ho ho from Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ho ha from Finding Nemo
Ha. Hello. from Finding Nemo
Haah! from Finding Nemo
Hahoo wahoo yahoo ho from Finding Nemo
Happy we wilI be beyond the sea from Finding Nemo
Happy we'lI be beyond the sea from Finding Nemo
Has anybody seen a boat? from Finding Nemo
Have you seen an orange fish swim by? from Finding Nemo
Have you seen my dad? from Finding Nemo
He doesn't walk up, he swims up. from Finding Nemo
He either said we should go to the back of the throat... from Finding Nemo
He gets to battle an entire jellyfish forest! from Finding Nemo
He hasn't been decontaminated. Jacques! from Finding Nemo
He isn't a good swimmer, and it's a little too soon... from Finding Nemo
He likes bubbles. from Finding Nemo
He said it was called a butt. from Finding Nemo
He says it's time to let go. from Finding Nemo
He says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old. from Finding Nemo
He says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old. from Finding Nemo
He scares away the sharks by blowing 'em up! from Finding Nemo
He seems to favor that one lately. from Finding Nemo
He swims out to the ocean, and they bump into... from Finding Nemo
He ties this demon to a rock, and what's his reward? from Finding Nemo
He touched the butt. from Finding Nemo
He was taken by these divers. from Finding Nemo
He went to the fishing grounds! Aah! from Finding Nemo
He'lI be fine. Try again! from Finding Nemo
He's fine. He can do this. from Finding Nemo
He's had four cups of coffee. it's gotta be soon. from Finding Nemo
He's in one place, and then the sea cucumber... from Finding Nemo
He's not coming back. You offended him. from Finding Nemo
He's not looking for me. from Finding Nemo
He's orange with a gimpy fin on one side. from Finding Nemo
He's really a nice guy. from Finding Nemo
He's scared of the ocean. from Finding Nemo
He's swimming to the filter! from Finding Nemo
He's swimming, giving it alI he's got... from Finding Nemo
He's traveled hundreds of miles, battling sharks and jellyfish from Finding Nemo
He's trying to speak to me, I know it! from Finding Nemo
He's usinga Hedstrom file. from Finding Nemo
Heh heh heh! Beauty, isn't he? from Finding Nemo
Hello, Barbara. Sorry I'm late. from Finding Nemo
Hello, Bruce. from Finding Nemo
Hello, Nemo. Who's this? from Finding Nemo
Hello! from Finding Nemo
Hello! Don't be rude. Say hi. from Finding Nemo
Hello? Whoa. Wait. Can you telI me from Finding Nemo
Hello. from Finding Nemo
Hello. My name is Bruce. from Finding Nemo
Help me! from Finding Nemo
Help! Get us out! Aah! from Finding Nemo
Help! He e elp! from Finding Nemo
Help! Help! from Finding Nemo
Here comes the pebble. from Finding Nemo
Here this thing has a lifetime guarantee... from Finding Nemo
Here's Brucey! from Finding Nemo
Hey, clown boy, let the lady guess. from Finding Nemo
Hey, clown boy, let the lady guess. from Finding Nemo
Hey, come back. Come on back here. from Finding Nemo
Hey, Dad, did you see that? from Finding Nemo
Hey, guys, wait up! from Finding Nemo
Hey, hey. You like impressions? from Finding Nemo
Hey, little fella. from Finding Nemo
Hey, little guy. from Finding Nemo
Hey, look out! from Finding Nemo
Hey, look, everybody. from Finding Nemo
Hey, look, turtles! from Finding Nemo
Hey, Marty, calm down. from Finding Nemo
Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills... from Finding Nemo
Hey, Nigel. Would you look at that? from Finding Nemo
Hey, Sharkbait. from Finding Nemo
Hey, wait a minute. from Finding Nemo
Hey, wait up, partner! Hold on! from Finding Nemo
Hey, we can look together. from Finding Nemo
Hey, what you doing? from Finding Nemo
Hey! Hold it! I'm trying to talk to you! from Finding Nemo
Hey! How come it didn't sting you? from Finding Nemo
Hey! No, no, no, no! from Finding Nemo
Hey... from Finding Nemo
Hey... from Finding Nemo
Hi. Do you know how to get... from Finding Nemo
Hitched a ride on the porcelain express. from Finding Nemo
Hmm. I wonder where we're supposed to go. from Finding Nemo
Ho ho! Brilliant! from Finding Nemo
Hold on, here we go! from Finding Nemo
Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store. from Finding Nemo
Hoo! from Finding Nemo
Hop in your mouth? How does that make me live? from Finding Nemo
Hop inside my mouth if you want to live. from Finding Nemo
Hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portaI terminus. from Finding Nemo
How about we play a game? from Finding Nemo
How about you, mate? What's your problem? from Finding Nemo
How are we gonna do that unless we give it a shot? from Finding Nemo
How do I taste, Moby? Do I taste good? from Finding Nemo
How do you know something bad isn't gonna happen? from Finding Nemo
How do you know? from Finding Nemo
How old are you? from Finding Nemo
Huh? from Finding Nemo
Huh? Oh, little blue. from Finding Nemo
Huh. Darn kids. from Finding Nemo
Huh. I wonder where my class has gone? from Finding Nemo
Huh. That's a funny thing to promise. from Finding Nemo
Humans think they own everything. from Finding Nemo
I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. from Finding Nemo
I am a scientist, sir. ls there any problem? from Finding Nemo
I am ashamed. from Finding Nemo
I am miles from home with a fish that can't remember her name! from Finding Nemo
I bet that's frustrating. from Finding Nemo
I can assure you, he's quite safe with me. from Finding Nemo
I can do this. Just be careful. from Finding Nemo
I can feeI it. from Finding Nemo
I can read? That's right. I can read! from Finding Nemo
I can swim fine, Dad, OK? from Finding Nemo
I can't go with that girl. from Finding Nemo
I can't hear you, Peach. from Finding Nemo
I can't read human. from Finding Nemo
I can't see, Flo. from Finding Nemo
I can't. I have a bad fin. from Finding Nemo
I did? Oh, no. from Finding Nemo
I died. I'm dead. from Finding Nemo
I don't know where I am. I don't know what's going on. from Finding Nemo
I don't know. from Finding Nemo
I don't know. What do you guys think? from Finding Nemo
I don't think l've ever eaten a fish. from Finding Nemo
I don't think so! from Finding Nemo
I don't think that's a little fella. from Finding Nemo
I don't want that to go away. from Finding Nemo
I don't want to forget. from Finding Nemo
I don't want to go to school five more minutes. from Finding Nemo
I don't want to hurt your feelings. from Finding Nemo
I don't want to play the gender card right now. from Finding Nemo
I don't! from Finding Nemo
I find if he's having trouble swimming... from Finding Nemo
I found that guy struggling for life... from Finding Nemo
I get fishy, fishy from Finding Nemo
I got it! from Finding Nemo
I got it! I got it! from Finding Nemo
I got something to telI you! from Finding Nemo
I gotta find my son Nemo! from Finding Nemo
I had a tough time with my oldest out at the drop off. from Finding Nemo
I had to clean the tank myself, take alI the fish out... from Finding Nemo
I hate you. from Finding Nemo
I hate you. from Finding Nemo
I have definitely seen this floating speck before. from Finding Nemo
I have one, two, three That's alI I have? from Finding Nemo
I have to find my son. from Finding Nemo
I have to get back to my dad. from Finding Nemo
I have to telI him how old sea turtles are! from Finding Nemo
I heard he took on three. from Finding Nemo
I just can't afford any more delays... from Finding Nemo
I know from Finding Nemo
I know it is because when I look at you... from Finding Nemo
I know that dude! it's the Jellyman! from Finding Nemo
I know where your son Huh? from Finding Nemo
I know you can. from Finding Nemo
I let him take a break, 10, 15 minutes. from Finding Nemo
I look at you and l...I'm home. from Finding Nemo
I love jokes. from Finding Nemo
I love parties. That sounds like fun. from Finding Nemo
I love to swim from Finding Nemo
I love you, too, son. from Finding Nemo
I must first change myself. from Finding Nemo
I need to get that mask. from Finding Nemo
I never knew my father! from Finding Nemo
I never would've even made it here. from Finding Nemo
I promise, I wilI never let anything happen to you... from Finding Nemo
I really, really, really think we should swim through. from Finding Nemo
I remember it. I do. it's there. from Finding Nemo
I remember things better with you. from Finding Nemo
I remembered it again! from Finding Nemo
I said get back here now! from Finding Nemo
I shalI calI him Squishy, and he shalI be mine. from Finding Nemo
I think he says we've stopped. from Finding Nemo
I think I lost somebody, but I can't remember. from Finding Nemo
I think it's best if I carry on from here by... from Finding Nemo
I think so. We're ready to roll. from Finding Nemo
I usually forget things, but I remembered it! from Finding Nemo
I want to touch it. from Finding Nemo
I was aiming for the toilet. from Finding Nemo
I was so ready to get out... from Finding Nemo
I was willing to put you in harm's way to get there. from Finding Nemo
I won't touch it. I just want to look. from Finding Nemo
I would feeI better if you'd play on the sponge beds. from Finding Nemo
I'll go deflate him. from Finding Nemo
I'm a fish with a nose like a sword. from Finding Nemo
I'm coming, Nemo! from Finding Nemo
I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead. from Finding Nemo
I'm feeling...happy... from Finding Nemo
I'm glad. I got that off my chest. from Finding Nemo
I'm going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. from Finding Nemo
I'm going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. from Finding Nemo
I'm going to see a man about a wallaby. from Finding Nemo
I'm gonna be your best friend from Finding Nemo
I'm gonna get you. from Finding Nemo
I'm gonna get you. from Finding Nemo
I'm gonna swim with you from Finding Nemo
I'm H 2 O intolerant. from Finding Nemo
I'm Nemo. from Finding Nemo
I'm not saying you're not looking. from Finding Nemo
I'm not saying you're not looking. from Finding Nemo
I'm so sorry. from Finding Nemo
I'm so sorry. from Finding Nemo
I'm sorry I couldn't get you back to your father, kid. from Finding Nemo
I'm sorry I couldn't stop the from Finding Nemo
I'm sorry, but if you could just... from Finding Nemo
I'm sorry, Dory, but I do. from Finding Nemo
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt things. from Finding Nemo
I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get home. from Finding Nemo
I'm thinking of something dark and mysterious. from Finding Nemo
I'm thinking... from Finding Nemo
I'm trying to swim here. Ocean isn't big enough for you? from Finding Nemo
If I hadn't been so tough on him. from Finding Nemo
If it wasn't for you... from Finding Nemo
In the harbor waiting for you right now. from Finding Nemo
In the harbor waiting for you right now. from Finding Nemo
In this entire ocean is going to help me. from Finding Nemo
Intervention! from Finding Nemo
Into the bushes, across the street... from Finding Nemo
It could ingest us and spit out our bones! from Finding Nemo
It's not going to be pretty. from Finding Nemo
Jacques, I said no cleaning. from Finding Nemo
Jellyman, offspring. from Finding Nemo
Just a little further. from Finding Nemo
Just calm down, Nemo. You won't go belly up. from Finding Nemo
Just keep on swimmin'. You got that. from Finding Nemo
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming from Finding Nemo
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming from Finding Nemo
Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming from Finding Nemo
Just keep swimming! from Finding Nemo
Just keep swimming! Keep swimming! from Finding Nemo
Just like in rehearsals, gentlemen. from Finding Nemo
Just so you know, he's got a little fin. from Finding Nemo
Just start with your name. from Finding Nemo
Just the girls this time. from Finding Nemo
Just think about what you need to do. from Finding Nemo
Just think, in a couple of days... from Finding Nemo
Just waxed it. from Finding Nemo
Keep on him. from Finding Nemo
Keep swimming! from Finding Nemo
Keep swimming! Keep swimming! from Finding Nemo
L'lI go sailin' from Finding Nemo
L'lI remember. Hey, hey! from Finding Nemo
L'lI telI you again. I don't get tired of it from Finding Nemo
L'lI telI you that's where I'm going. from Finding Nemo
L'lI telI you what we're gonna do from Finding Nemo
L've gotta clean the fish tank before Darla gets here. from Finding Nemo
Let us alI say the pledge. from Finding Nemo
Let us see what Squirt does flying solo. from Finding Nemo
Let's be thankfuI this time it was just a little one. from Finding Nemo
Let's do it. from Finding Nemo
Let's get to the bottom! Keep swimming! from Finding Nemo
Let's name the species that live in the sea from Finding Nemo
Let's name the zones of the open sea from Finding Nemo
Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones from Finding Nemo
Let's play the ''Let's Not Die'' card. from Finding Nemo
Let's see. OK, no one there. from Finding Nemo
Lf I am to change this image... from Finding Nemo
Lf this is some kind of practicaI joke, it's not funny. from Finding Nemo
Lf you ask where I'm going... from Finding Nemo
Lf you put one fin on that boat... from Finding Nemo
Light, please! from Finding Nemo
Little Davey Reynolds... from Finding Nemo
Lnside it, you'lI see a rotating fan. from Finding Nemo
Look at that. Would you look at that? from Finding Nemo
Look out! Sharks eat fish! Aah! from Finding Nemo
Look, pal, we're talking to the lady, not you. from Finding Nemo
Look! Already it's half empty! from Finding Nemo
Look! Scum angel! from Finding Nemo
Look! Something shiny! from Finding Nemo
Look! Sy d ney Sydney! from Finding Nemo
Lots of legs! Live in the ocean. from Finding Nemo
Love you, Dad. from Finding Nemo
Ls he doing OK? from Finding Nemo
Ls he doing OK? from Finding Nemo
Lt did. it's just that from Finding Nemo
Lt doesn't look bad. You'lI be fine. from Finding Nemo
Lt doesn't sound orca. from Finding Nemo
Lt has a teardrop cross section. Clearly a Hedstrom. from Finding Nemo
Lt makes its food from Finding Nemo
Lt passed by not too long ago. lt went this way. from Finding Nemo
Lt runs in my family. At least, I think it does. from Finding Nemo
Lt sounds like nothing l've ever heard. from Finding Nemo
Lt went this way. Follow me. from Finding Nemo
Lt went this way. Follow me. from Finding Nemo
Lt's a complicated emotion. from Finding Nemo
Lt's a fish we don't know. lf we ask it directions... from Finding Nemo
Lt's actually shorter than alI my other tentacles... from Finding Nemo
Lt's alI right, son. it's gonna be OK. from Finding Nemo
Lt's alI right. I understand. from Finding Nemo
Lt's because I like you I don't want to be with you. from Finding Nemo
Lt's far from Finding Nemo
Lt's foolproof. Who's with me? from Finding Nemo
Lt's gone. l've lost the mask. from Finding Nemo
Lt's in...that direction. from Finding Nemo
Lt's just as well. He might be hungry. from Finding Nemo
Lt's morning, everyone! Today's the day! from Finding Nemo
Lt's my dad! He took on a shark! from Finding Nemo
Lt's OK. Daddy's here. from Finding Nemo
Lt's OK. I know who you're talking about. from Finding Nemo
Lt's OK. I'm looking for someone, too. from Finding Nemo
Lt's orange and small from Finding Nemo
Lt's our little secret. from Finding Nemo
Lt's over, Dory. We were too late. from Finding Nemo
Lt's P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. from Finding Nemo
Lt's so pretty. from Finding Nemo
Lt's the ocean, silly. We're not the only two in here. from Finding Nemo
Lt's time for school, time for school. from Finding Nemo
Lt's wicked dark down there. from Finding Nemo
Lt's working! from Finding Nemo
Lt's you! Aah! You're Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Maintenance free, salt water purifier... from Finding Nemo
Marlin! The little clownfish from the reef. from Finding Nemo
MARLlN: I'm sure he is, but you have a large class... from Finding Nemo
Maybe he only speaks whale. from Finding Nemo
Maybe while I'm at school, l'lI see a shark. from Finding Nemo
Me? I don't have a problem. from Finding Nemo
Me. And the next one, just a guess, me. from Finding Nemo
Meanwhile, my son is out there. from Finding Nemo
Mesopelagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic from Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! from Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! from Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! from Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! from Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! from Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! from Finding Nemo
Mine? from Finding Nemo
Mine? from Finding Nemo
Mine. from Finding Nemo
Mine. from Finding Nemo
Mm hmm. from Finding Nemo
Mm hmm. You did good. from Finding Nemo
Mmm... from Finding Nemo
Mooo! Weee neeed... from Finding Nemo
Move, Dory, move! from Finding Nemo
Move, Dory, move! from Finding Nemo
Mr. Bossy. Uh, ''P.'' from Finding Nemo
Mr. Fish, did you die? from Finding Nemo
Mr. Ray! from Finding Nemo
Must've left your present in the car, sweetie. from Finding Nemo
My bubbles. from Finding Nemo
My first escape landed on dentaI tools. from Finding Nemo
My heart from Finding Nemo
My lover stands on golden sands from Finding Nemo
My name is Marlin.I'm a clownfish. from Finding Nemo
My nerves can't take much more of this. from Finding Nemo
My son was taken away from me. from Finding Nemo
My son! Help me, please. from Finding Nemo
Name's Bruce. from Finding Nemo
Nemo would have loved this. from Finding Nemo
Nemo, alI new explorers must answer a science question. from Finding Nemo
Nemo, newcomer of orange and white... from Finding Nemo
Nemo, no! Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Nemo! I'm coming, Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Nemo! Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Nemo! Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Nemo! Nemo! from Finding Nemo
Nemo! Nemo! No! from Finding Nemo
Nemo! No! from Finding Nemo
Nemo? from Finding Nemo
Nemo? from Finding Nemo
Nemo? He's that fish! from Finding Nemo
Nemo. from Finding Nemo
Nemo. from Finding Nemo
Nemo. from Finding Nemo
Nemo. I'm Nemo. from Finding Nemo
Nemo. We'lI name one Nemo... from Finding Nemo
Never stopped me. from Finding Nemo
Next stop knowledge! from Finding Nemo
Nice and steady. from Finding Nemo
Nice wave! from Finding Nemo
Nicely done! from Finding Nemo
NlGEL: Hey, psst! from Finding Nemo
No eating here tonight, whoo! from Finding Nemo
No more from Finding Nemo
No more sailin' from Finding Nemo
No more sailin' from Finding Nemo
No more sailin' from Finding Nemo
No more sailin' from Finding Nemo
No more sailin' from Finding Nemo
No more sailin' from Finding Nemo
No more whale! You can't speak whale! from Finding Nemo
No more, no more from Finding Nemo
No offense, kid, but you're not the best swimmer. from Finding Nemo
No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. from Finding Nemo
No pressure. No problem. There's a lot of pressure. from Finding Nemo
No problem. from Finding Nemo
No worries! Thank you, dude Crush! from Finding Nemo
No, and I don't plan to. from Finding Nemo
No, Bruce, focus. from Finding Nemo
No, but the boat has to be here somewhere. from Finding Nemo
No, Coral, don't. They'lI be fine. from Finding Nemo
No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean from Finding Nemo
No, I am not gonna lose you again! from Finding Nemo